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What is a Nendoroid, you may ask?

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

Guide/Product release info found here:

Stickness on your figures?

Nendoroid spreadsheet in Google Docs, compiling info regarding names, # of faces, accessories, etc of all the nendos made so far

Nendoroid guide to bootlegs to prevent people fall for shitty made figures (any correction or improvement that need to be made is welcome)
Also the buyfag wiki about bootlegs

Gallery of nendos with Sylvanian Families or re-ment furniture for scale comparison

>How it's made: GSC edition

Here is a shop that sells loose nendoroid parts for cheap and the inventory updates daily

Reminder: if you want GSC to make or rerelease something you need to tell them you want it.
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just got my sucy and lotte
now I'm just waiting for the diana rerun
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Is that a custom made diorama?
it's one of the nendoroid playsets
iirc it's called western life A set
oh okay, I was gonna say that looks really good. Works really well for OHSHC.
What the fuck is this.
Looks like Lize Hestia, anon.
you got nijisanji'd
Chaika Helesta...
Why are what are essentially Japanese Funkos so expensive?
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Why we can't get officially that thing and the nun? I love them
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>No Nendo Chaika


based pikmin fans. I hope they make another monster of some kind but throw in some purple and white pikmin and maybe even some bulbmin
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What are some nendo robots?
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Androids have more Human rights than robots they are not the same
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you're right, we need more non-humanoid robot nendoroids
Please give me a good Yuzusoft heroine nendo. And more World Trigger.
Actually I just found out Murasame nendo is coming eventually, nice
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Do Nier Automata nendoroids count? Your picture has characters with noticeable mechanical parts but Nier Automata androids do not have any mechanical parts. There is a robot included with 9S however.
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gorilla has arrived
Motoko and Astro
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NTR has arrived
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happy that the mika nendo came with a roll cake because the figma doesn't for whatever reason
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>The only two Nendos I own are both Feisty Latinas.
What do you make of that?
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I hope that we get a Nermal and that there's a papercraft you can pop out of the box to ship him to Abu Dhabi.
I fucking hate this comparison so much. You are actually retarded if you think funkos are in the same quality of a toy that has, posability, a stand, interchangeable faces and arms. Of course a 70 dollar fully articulated toy is gonna be better than something you see at Walmart for 10 dollars that only has a posable head. If you actually have brain cells realistically a more accurate comparison is the "Hello!" Toy line goodsmile also has. As it's the same price and posability.
The cake is about to fall on her dress!
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Another Fluffy Land nendo. Weird they're skipping a lot of the original cast and going straight to one of the newer characters introduced. Anyway this art doesn't show it well but she is a white wolf and sister of Caesar.
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the ochako one looks so cute, while these are the most fair comparison to funko i would still put them above because at least the eyes have a bit more soul

i wouldn't buy a lot of these because the same pose would probably make me regret it, and to be fair funkos have improved their posing a lot is just the faces that remain ugly
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Oh shit
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*punches tiger*
Should have done Vicious instead.
They are more like giant versions of LOL surpise dolls with thicker plastic, less clothing options, slightly more possibility, and licenses.
Kek don’t remind me
don't feed the troll...
The faces look a little too generic, especially Spike’s.
For any weird reason, Spike's face looks wide
Do you guys buy extra bodies to put on spare parts and have doubles of your faves?
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Lil dude got only a sword as an accessory.
You KNOW that us getting Spike and Vicious are what killed the S.H. Figuarts and the Loyal Subjects Action figure line for this show ?
nah, you're high
I was wondering when they were going to make these ever since they released the nendoroid pins 2 years ago.
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Been a while since i got a nendo. I forgot how big the boxes can be. Upper shot because i was genuinely surprised at the box size.
Yes, John Bandai told me.
Miss these girls, wish they'd get a new season
Is that from va11halla? Didn't know they made any more after Jill
I haven't followed Nendo announcements for a while so i wanted to ask you guys if there were any new Elden ring nendo announcements?
I really wish for Blaidd Nendoroid.
A cursory google search says Vagabond is up in preorder, but both Ranni and Alexander are entirely up to the second hand market, and those are your only options. Fortunately for you they're still relatively new, so you aren't paying out the ass for them yet
You paid the yacht.
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Not really a fan of this line for that reason, they just make me think too much of funko pops with slightly prettier colors+faces.
Sony's new mascot (not Toro) got one.
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Misato got delayed to January :(
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>not Toro
that glossy finish is awesome, though
At least Toro has a revoltech figure that’s about the same scale as nendos?
it's not so much about toro not having a nendoroid, it's just a bit sad how little sony seems to care about toro and friends nowadays
They did Vicious and Spike for SHF and the line tanked, cause everyone only wants Spike and Faye and GSC get that; so I'm happy.
Is Vampire Miku still available?
Would using baby wipes be fine for cleaning my nendos?
Have you tried a simple microfiber cloth first?
No. Il try that thanks.
I got a replacement part, a small hairpiece, for one of my nendoroids (arrived with a paint error).
I was not charged for this package, but am I missing/ignoring a charge by accident? Do they usually send a small fee? It was a 400 yen value printed on the box.
Question: do KH1 Sora and Riku nendos naturally have yellow-ish skin or is it the result of some sun exposure? I've got them both second hand and they are perfectly fine other than their skintone.

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