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building a mystery edition

previous: >>11164783
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Deadshot fucking when
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she cant be this stupid
fun toy
bending the knee that way will trigger me every time
yeah it's not great. the legs are easily my least favorite part of the figure.
How does Elvira fit into this?
The shitpost OP who rushes to make threads before the bump limit is also the retrospammer who's latest fixation is Elvira.

Man, almost tempted to grab him if I come across him, but then I remember how I always get disappointed when I get a McFigure.
Needs thread and pins.
Why do most McFarts not have thigh cuts?
aesthetics, but more often than not, I get one that looks pigeon-toed since the hips don't flare out enough to not have the knees almost facing inward. it's annoying. and yet Todd still has ugly elbows even with the supposed importance on aesthetics. just a very frustrating toy line for me at the moment.
They're made to look good in an A pose
Why not just do statues then?
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I wish we could get a different look for Vic besides the suit/trenchcoat.
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>toddler toys spam
I miss the last thread's discussions about Power Girl lore and anons getting hyped for Question. Super Powers is trash
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Damn, I forgot there was a Blue Beetle movie
That scarecrow looks cool
Todd used to be pretty good with the paint.
Chinese slaves sure are demanding higher wages, maybe American expansion of democratic values is a bad idea.
weird obsessive behavior
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>obsessive behavior
so is having todd's dick so far deep in your mouth on the daily, son
Better than the crap hasbroke makes
>posting about todd's dick
weird obsessive behavior
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Problem is, no one can tell if their Ross' would have the figures they want. So it's kind of like, these figures don't exist. They're all lost off in the real world rather than the world of convenience we like on the internet where we go to a store site and know exactly what they have
Because of people out here in the fan community complaining that they don't want statues; they want figures. So Todd had his people who know statues cut the statues up into pieces and make points of articulation for them. And that's what we buy. Now you know one of the cardinal secrets of Todd's House of Horrors. Welcome to the Question's territory. >>11170188
Cry more
I live in a rural county that only has one very understocked Walmart so I kinda wish I had a Ross or Ollie's around, but being at the mercy of online retail does stop me from impulse buying dumb shit just because it's $4.99 and I'm there.
Other than mafex and shf are there any good 1/12 Nolan batman figures? Inart teased one and then never teased it. Am I missing any?
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Fair enough but I find that some of the same figures end up everywhere; those Injustice Flash and those Scarecrows were at two other Ross the following day.
So did the rest of the world.
>I miss fapping to Power Girl
Here anon.
More than the Toddfather will ever do for you.
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>posts nothing
Thanks, anon.
I prefer nothing over what Todd would make.
>so is having todd's dick so far deep in your mouth on the daily, son
You would know. It's lodged deep in your brain, free of rent.
Dc Direct and Mattel combined cast ruination upon Mcfarlane Toys.
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I've got the comic Reverse Flash, but if there was a Ross near me I'd buy that Scarecrow and Blue Beetle just to fuse it with the weapons version I have.
AMC and Regal have both been showing it as part of 'hispanic heritage month' as a $5 feature. It was a good excuse to walk in and finally catch beatlejuice which I wouldn't wanted to have paid $2 for. AMC has also been showing all the batkeaton movies for $5 as part of batwank month.
Very similar spot, which i guess is how i found the question, but ive only found like 3 figures at ross over the 3 years ive lived out here. Im not travelling all the way out to the nearest ollies on a chance i might find something. Ive had better luck in the walmart clearance aisles.
Yeah I'm thinking based.
Delicious. Sydney Sweeney as power girl James Gunn hear me roar.
Batman vs Bane is a canary in the coal mine for laziness
Why would I want to leave the house and force myself to watch that movie
Power girl with a jacket would not be that bad.
Hi todd, please just make the best version of the character. Also please hide the top of the figure diaper with a belt
hmm no, think I'll just make something shitty
>fans just expect to be disappointed

Strange to live in times where doing the logical thing like making an iconic version of a character seems so remote a possibility that we’ve already accepted Todd will fuck it up.
Cyborg Superman killed a lot of the remaining goodwill customers had for the line.
>>fans just expect to be disappointed
I would actually argue that this is a better way to go about things because when something good actually does happen you're blown away.
Well i would be lying if i said that wasn't what i expected
Nonsense. Having to make fewer units of each figure and relying on gimmicks like platinums and gold labels to avoid pegwarming isn’t a sign that it’s a “better way to go.”
Occasionally meeting expectations isn’t something to strive for, especially when McFarlane used to be known for going above and beyond. Now you’re lucky if you get a figure where the back half is painted.
You are wrong and delusional.
Cyborg Superman looks better in new 52 than his boring old look. Some like superboy look worse though.
the inability to find stuff along with it being 7-inch scale makes it much easier to drop DCMV. I'm not gonna go crazy building a whole shelf of hard to get stuff that doesn't fit with my other stuff and pay scalper prices in the process. I have a classic enough Batman, I managed to hopefully secure a pre-order for Silver Age Joker, I think I'm good.
I don't just mean with McFart, I mean in general.
So that's when you stop collecting the line over lamenting how things used to be.
Just be super casual like me, instead of getting my heart broken by the spectre or ragman i just kinda get what i can if i really like it. Lots of stuff is available, sometimes its even a more classic look or an odd ball that youve only seen in like crisis on infinite earths or all star squadron or something. I might have ten mcfarlanes total but i like them despite being sad about the spectre.
Amazon Exclusive 3 pack started as $69.99, it warehouse-warmed so hard that Amazon dropped it as low as $35.70, then suddenly jacked it up to $99.99.

You can't explain that.

I get the feeling Amazon is scamming people to pay for the disaster of the Rings of Power one order at a time or something.
It's down the block from me son, no parking, no long traffic. Nearest Regal is 14 miles way, Cinemark is in the world's emptiest mall. I'm sure your Marcus in the middle of bumfuck nowhere USA is a beaut but I enjoy living a mile from the ocean.

The showed the Batkilmer one as well!

Getting some sun is important, kid. When you hit 40, all that sitting around and inhaling of cheetos dust will come back to haunt you!
what the best head to use for a bruce wayne kit bash, the Zur-En-Arrh:


or the rebirth?


or is there a tony stark or other head - where's he laughing and I can put one of my chinese KO beer bottles or martini glasses in his hand better?
Why are all of his products flagged as “frequently returned”?
Buyer's remorse
People keep getting sent the gray versions.
Or green ones in the case of Superman
Things usually show up broken or looking a lot worse than the promo pics
Only certain known Mcfarlanes widely show up broken. Never heard of any in that pack having a defect.
Then they must be returning it because it looks like shit in person
I see broken McFarts show up on EB, or damaged boxes; don't know why those idiots don't just post those as like new, loose (with a picture of the damaged box); it's cheaper to send them out with just the clamshell, and it saves the buyers on the postage fee. But they pop up all the time.

I wouldn't mind that Kate, I was actually looking at what exists and the hair on the DCD looks like shit.

Nah, it looks like melted plastic. But yeah, the old Mattel and DCD's look like shit, which is why I am still waiting on something.

That's captive hostage love right there, anon.

Got a bunch of both DCDs and Mattel and plenty of those were crap, especially the male faces. I hate almost every single Mattel Green Lantern I was every given or bought. And Mattel also had paint issues, except for the Signature and Matty Collector shit, where Nightwing, Superman, Batman and others end up with unintentional two (and even three-tone) colors on their uniforms.

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