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Preorder starts on 10/2 for Ayane and Batman Beyond
Fudo Yusei (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
Batman Arkham Knight Ver. (DC)
Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
E・HERO NEOS (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX)
Revoltech Expansion Pack Vol.2
Dabi (My Hero Academia)
Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Shirai Kuroko (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Shokuhou Misaki (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Uraraka Ochako (My Hero Academia)
Midoriya Izuku (Reissue)
Joker Ver.1.5 (DC)
Junk Warrior (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
Mirko (My Hero Academia)
Attack Titan (Attack on Titan)
Tsukumo Yuma & Astral (Yu‑Gi‑Oh! Zexal)
Deadpool Ver.2.5 (Marvel)
Deadpool Ver.2.5 X-Force Ver.(Marvel)
Flash (Reissue)
Reverse-Flash (Reissue)
Tolmekian Armored Soldier - Kushana's Imperial Guard ver.(Reissue)
Tolmekian Armored Soldier - Vai Emperor's Imperial Guard ver.(Exclusive)
Chun-Li (Street Fighter)
Deathstroke Ver.1.5 (DC)
Horseclaw (Reissue)
Saitama (One-Punch Man)
Arkham Knight Ver.1.5 (DC)
Agent Venom (Reissue)
Juri (Street Fighter)
Ayane (Ninja Gaiden)
Genos (One-Punch Man)
Garou(One-Punch Man)
Ryu (Street Fighter)
Luke (Street Fighter)
Armored Titan (Attack on Titan)
Female Titan (Attack on Titan)
Tartaglia/Childe - Foul Legacy Ver. (Genshin Impact)
Toga Himiko (My Hero Academia)
Yami Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)
Number 39: Utopia (Yu‑Gi‑Oh! Zexal)
Mazinger Z (Dynamic Pro)
Great Mazinger (Dynamic Pro)
Hell Kaiser Ryo (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX)
Batman Beyond (DC)

Previous: >>11144499
Give it to me straight, is the MHA line most likely dead?
Not necessarily. We need to wait and see how the sudden influx of new IPs go. Bandai will make key characters AY already did so AY could just continue with the more minor characters a few more times. .
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A more Beyond like pose.
Are Terry's arm blades the most "important" accessory that's been made an exclusive?
why would it be??? wtf
>no nagant
>No mt lady
>No froppi
>No Iron Might
It can't end like this...
Considering it's pretty specific to the X7 suit and we don't see it in the cartoon I don't think it's that important. DP's half unmasked head or Saitama's "regular head" seems way higher in the bullshit meter.
When there are so many IPs to cycle through you don't see new releases constantly. Be patient.
I mean we haven’t heard of any new figures, this is kinda the first time the line is in standstill. All we’re waiting for now is to see Toga painted and preorder up. Plus with SHF now doing figures for it, they may feel less inclined. If we don’t see or hear anything when Toga is painted and up for order, maybe I’d start to worry then.
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It's also the first time AY had so many IPs at the same time, and who knows how far each one could go.
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Store Exclusive
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Store Exclusive for Ayane
I don't even care that much about DOA or Ninja Gaiden, but this figure looks so impressive I want to own it just to experience how good it likely is. Sculpt looks way better than I expected it would.
Of course, they have to make and announce figures of all the new lines they just got. Touya and the girls haven’t even come out yet and Shiggy just came out. The MHA line is still prevalent even if they haven’t announced shit. You’re legitimately insane if you think the line is dead already.
how many figures do we have lined up, lol?
Shiggy just released.
Dabi is slated to release next month. Uraraka the month after that. Miruko in February of 2025, and Toga hasn't even gone up for pre-order yet.
You're not at risk of going hungry anytime soon. Worry about that after Miruko releases and they still haven't shown anything new.
Not my ideal choice for Terry's suit but AY actually made it work. Definitely getting it now.
They're definitely not important and far from the most important, but they do lead to a whole slew of new display options that a face probably doesn't, so in that sense maybe? Another like that is Saitama's basic face, because without that you're stuck in mostly fight mode Saitama, or occasionally if he's trying to be serious, whereas if you have that face, even though he's buff as shit, you can pose him in non fighting poses where it'll make sense.
It's definitely one of those AYs where Yamaguchi took the comic design and made it more interesting, impressive, and fun. Kinda like Harley Quinn, not the most favored costume but the AY looks great. This Beyond went way beyond the comics though which is surprising. Not the kind of suit you can put in your backpack lol
would've gone all in on this dude if not for the silly mouth
I think this is the first AY in a long time that I think has looked dogshit.

Baan Beyond was such a sleek suit. All the texture and greebling kills the look
Like some anon in the previous thread said, if it bothers you that much it's an easy fix. Just a bit of sculpting putty and black paint. Complaining about the mouth on Batman Beyond would be like complaining about a cape on Batman, it's always been a part of his standard design.
I think the White Knight comic version would've been much better. It has some detailing that AY seems to love so no need to go all psycho redesigning, and yet looks close enough to the cartoon version. The red lines right on where the joints need to be might be tricky to pull off though.
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I think everyone would be pretty satisfied if this was the AY.
Good thing not everyone needs to be satisfied. I would have hated a basic bitch beyond figure with absolutely no details on the body like you all want. Based Yamaguchi chooses to make COOL shit only.
He made the basic bitch Iron-Spider figure though, which is one of the best figures he’s ever made. Probably not “based” enough for you.
How the hell is this Batman Beyond? Are Japs fucking retarded? Made the face look like some power Rangers shit.
I was wondering why it would cost more than Batman Beyond, but her sculpt seems detailed, but in a good way. I can’t explain it in any way other than that her outfit has more “textures” compared to Beyond. The painting also looks more meticulous.
It's a better design that the low effort basic American garbage. Such simplistic, boring designs just wouldn't sell over there. Revoltechs are for the Japanese market, not yanks, they design things for their own tastes.
It's the paint. If it's more complicated, that means more time spent, less efficiency, higher production cost. Also Ayane is probably more niche than a Batman? Even if it's some bizzaro Iron Man inspired one, which probably boosts sales.
Nope. That iron spider suit is crap.
>Based Yamaguchi chooses to make COOL shit only.
Sounds like Todd's philosophy, it's fitting that he was an inspiration for Yamaguchi. They just like and want to make things that they find cool, and that's great.
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Continuing that discussion about Doom designs, the latest Hot Toys very much nailed what I was imagining a live action Doom should look like. Has the medieval knight armor and the green tunic but with some more details. If MCU one looks close to this we could get a classic comic Doom for an Ay.
>still need to preorder arkham knight
>on the edge for batman beyond
Thats going to be like 39k yen.
I'm thinking probably Slade. Anyone have any opinions between Slade and Arkham? Obviously character wise Slade is much more important, plus with the godkiller swords he could even tussle with Supes and the others, but as figures, any opinions?
I have slade. He's an good figure and i love it but my copy has an issue where one of the side joints werent properly fitted. Only other issue i have is that his grpping hands arent great and the paint on the staff is easily scratched.
No clue on ak since i mentioned that i still gotta po hi..
>it's fitting that he was an inspiration for Yamaguchi
Did he say this?
>Only other issue i have is that his grpping hands arent great
Oh ya, I remember seeing a review where the accessories just float in the hands... I'd hope that this would have been updated, but the staff (short as it is) looks far too thin for the gripping hands that have the trigger fingers out. Do the swords at least fit in well?
If I recall, nope, his gun gripping hands were basically used for everything. Like it held it enough to pose and shit but not enough for me to go "yeah this is snug".
>"yeah this is snug".
I hate non snug accessories. If an accessory is in a figure's hand then I move it around, I don't want anything falling out. It's too bad they couldn't just include one extra set of gripping hands with a better grip on the accessories. I'll have to go back and watch a few more reviews before committing to the purchase. At least it looks like the hands work pretty well on the godkiller swords.
Deathstroke's issue is that all his weapons vary in diameter for where he holds them. You just have to adjust his hands with heat each time you swap weapons. It'd like thickest to thinnest, katanas, rifle, pistol, and staff. I forget how the knife was.
>interesting, impressive
It's literally just Iron Man with a Batman logo.
>he was an inspiration for Yamaguchi.
I don't think he ever mentioned something like that. His "inspiration" that I know of is a fellow Kaiyodo sculptor Hayami.

You might be mixing things up with Nightow, inventor of Revolver Joints who is a collector of American toys and has that manga panel talking about McFarlane. And the fact that because of McFarlane's advancement in PVC figures, it showed Kaiyodo new possibilities and started doing their own. And Yamaguchi was a big player in their success.

So in a chain of associations way, maybe?. But like I'm not sure if Yamaguchi is aware of McFarlane and Spawn, like he connects the toy maker to the comic character and such. His interests are usually domestic in nature. Who knows there might be an article where he talks about it.
No wonder it's tasteless and ugly. Lmao
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That is a pretty bad, honestly. If the grip holds after heat, then it wouldn't be so bad, I guess. Can you confirm that it won't revert to different sizes in your experience? For example if you tighten the grip around his sword, will it remain sufficiently tight until you might want to swap in a gun.
>AY Mattel stuff
I'd kill for a Revoltech Scare Glow
Wings should have been bright red, also could have cut back on some of the red details throughout the body and would have been perfect.
Still looks good though, predicted the more tacticool look as usual but I might have preferred something like this. NOW STOP FUCKING AROUND AND GIVE US DAREDEVIL.
you're telling me nightow, the creator of trigun, also invented revotech joints?
So what I mean is that if the grip hand expands by holding a thicker weapon like the swords, the hands will now be too widely open for the staff. So you heat the empty hand, squeeze tight and let it cool so you can hold a thinner weapon. Unlike a lot of AYs, his grip hands are not a connected loop so you can adjust to a wide range. Material is PVC, they're fairly malleable.
>Fudo Yusei (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
this needs to be updated for the 2 people that ordered it, yusei got pushed back to october
Yes, I know remember that Kaiyodo line, Gun Smoke was it? A shame some of them were never made.
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It's so over-designed. Why is it so hard to get a simple and hyper-posable Timm character. Maybe some frame lines would be awesome, but I didn't ask for a visible lip mouth nor hive-panel wings
Ok, if they're PVC it should hold, I think. Is the staff even able to be held at all? Seems a good deal thinner than everything else.
Ey I just purchased Revoltech Ultron!
What he needs is teeth
That was the appeal of that costume too, the fact it was so deceptively simple looking but was actual super complex with lots of hidden gadgets.
Yeah as long as the hands are not stretched out. The katanas are the problem really the others are pretty close in size. I just use other random katanas because I can't be bothered.
When does ayane go up, same time as Terry?
Does AY get to choose the designs or do the companies mandate what is used as reference?
I'd bet Yamaguchi just picks whatever he feels like, but who knows, could be they tell DC what they want and DC picks something then 'pending licensor approval'.
don't feed the troll...
>If they had to do an extra accessory it should’ve been the true dragon sword.
The eyes especially are busy visually and with the thick red lines going from up the already huge crying doll face shaped eyes... Ugh. They barely read as eyes.
What's difference between the true thing and the one he comes with? I tried searching and it just found the regular sword.
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Ew, what the fuck is that?
It looks like one of those PAK comic redesign figures that they used to do.
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really does
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True dragon sword have a purple gem embedded in the pommel, just like the figure
Oh ok, so op anon is confused. Also cool to see that detail, I actually never noticed it.
Batman if he Berserk
Shredder is Nickelodeon, not Mattel. MOTU AY would be funny, being able to get the buff barbarian types into poses that they themselves probably wouldn't be able to do. Closest thing we've ever gotten to import MOTU are those 2 Nendos, and I highly doubt it's popular enough in Japan to warrant much more.
Ayane is going to be my first ninja girl, she's going to be so good for my collection. Ayane with my dragon ball figures.... and the rest
this actually look really cool to me
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>Ayane with my dragon ball figures....
you better recreate picrel
I don't have any Goku, the closest I have is Turles, sorry... but I do have Moon Knight and Gambit and they do have staffs
first line
it's something
It's up to Kaiyodo, they are the ones taking risks, DC gets their cut either way. I think even if they sell more units you only pay up to a certain amount to the license holder, after that it's all to the manufacturer. As to who specially, what sort of limitations they might have could be different every time. I know Captain America was made with the specific order of no classic suit. I assume it was from the guy who actually decides what character to do. For references they might get something sent, could be Google. Could be someone's personal comics actually kek. Anything DC or Marvel approves it's good. DC approved this, clearly it doesn't really matter. As long as the girls can't cast off naked QB style, I'm sure that won't pass.
Marvel Hercules, DC Ares, there are workarounds to get something similar. Equally unlikely but hey Beyond happened in a way.
oh look another iron man
AY Inque when?
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forgot pic
and btw is he Mazinkaiser now?
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>inb4 they do this costume
Isn't this the New 52 Tim version?
Post Rebirth Terry. What are you even talking about?
New 52 had a Batman Beyond series from Futures End starring Tim Drake. How would you not know that?
It's the X7 prototype suit Terry got just before(?) the story about fighting Damian Wayne. Bruce sealed it away because the AI doesn't prioritize the wearers well-being over completing the mission.
What a bizarre choice to based the figure on.
The Japanese LOVE this very specific story arc tho.
It's why I think someone there just happened to have those comics on hand, or it was the first image that caught Yamaguchi's eyes googling for images. I'm sure the concept for this AY was Iron Man mix with Batman and maybe having all those red lines made it pop.
arkham batman hips are looking rough bros
This is parody, right?
It looks like any other male AY to me...
We got some real poselets in these exhibits
It’s not that I don’t believe you, but do you have any good places to look for interviews and articles related to the history of Yamaguchi and of Revoltech? I’m deeply interested in all this, a few threads ago some anons were talking about it.
For Yamaguchi some I read on Figure-Oh magazine years ago on the rare occasions I know about an article and I buy it online or in person if I just happen to be in Japan. There use to be scans of pages floating around but I haven't notice any lately. not that I'm looking. There are some articles online here and there but it's all about switching to digital sculpting. But no not some archive you can go look at. As for Kaiyodo's history and all, Miyawaki can't stop talking about it any opportunity he gets so it sticks eventually. He goes on TV sometimes too. But he has a Youtube channel, I use to watch their old stream show but they're all gone now.
I don't believe you.
I cant wait to get that AY batman beyond, have fun with him and watch as you niggas seethe about his superior articulation over other cartoon inspired terry figure and cope how yamaguchi shouldve pick a different costume kek
Too bad the head looks shit, like a McFart
>deceptively simple looking but was actual super complex
Thats what all you boomer mutt says everytime a toy company pick a modern/tactical costume for a superhero
The appeal of batman beyond was batman but spiderman
we need a predator figure that can pose like this
>Ayane is September 2025 release
>still no luke or ryu
>if only you knew how bad things really are.jpg
Seeing as how mcfart is doing good, this figure will sell like hot cakes
>still no luke
And that's a good thing
But it's true, my ESL fren.
Nah, thats just boomer cope
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I recently got AY Spider-Gwen and it’s probably one of my favorite AYs. It’s also one of the hottest figures I own. Ignoring her ginormous ass the small stretch detail around her chest is insane.
Do you guys think we're going to get another Venom one day? Something that looks more like his MvC self?
I feel like they've already done him twice, and I'd say probably not, but Agent Venom seemed to have been a sleeper hit that demanded a rerelease so soon after the original release, so who knows. I'd like to see it, but would I want to see it more than an entirely new character? I guess it depends which character.
Why isn't he pointing at himself? Shit Fighter has been for queers only for more than a decade.
At most we'll get a black suit spider-man with details on the suit. They can't improve on a hulk body venom and agent venom is top tier.
>They can't improve on a hulk body venom
They absolutely could do a much better job with it even if they wanted to make it in the same hulking proportions as the original one. Plus the MVC Venom is bulky but more proportional than the one released, so it would certainly end up different from the existing one.
They make a regular Venom in the same style as All Might or Endeavor AY then it's already a vast improvement. AY Venom might look impressive but it is very outdated.

Same reason why the second AY was Agent Venom or Batman Beyond is some sort of Iron Man hybrid, the idea here is simple bare-bones characters are boring and make poor toys. Black suit Spider-man especially. An All-Might like AY Venom still has a better chance with the size and a more AY Carnage level tendrils will have more sale appeal. But I think Agent Venom covers that enough it's unnecessary. Nobody cares about the characters with DC and Marvel, it's all under the capeshit umbrella, name value makes little difference among them. It's who looks badass and can sell toys. Black suit Spidey is just a tiny skinny Venom as a toy so might as well go for a impressive Venom, but I doubt we would go there now. It's naked Agent Venom so what's the point.
At this stage one of the female symbiotes has a higher chance honestly.
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looks like some gay gachashit
>Tartaglia/Childe - Foul Legacy Ver. (Genshin Impact)

Big surprise this is a Yamaguchi sculpt.
Some Genshin Impact character. I thought I may have wanted it just cause it was an armored knight type, but I'm not feeling it. Better to not just buy anything anyways.
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>the MHA line ended for this
>the MHA line
Ignore him. There's literally an unsolicited figure in that line, and there are 2 that haven't yet seen release. Anon is a spoiled brat who wants all the releases and isn't happy when his line is getting tons of REGULAR releases when not even DC gets that.
Why the fuck is it so thin?! The Agent Venom scupt would've been perfect for this.
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The sculptor was horny when designing her, and after seeing the pics from the last thread and videos/blogs, I'm really tempted to get one too. Not to mention the articulation expected from an AY toy too.
Hell, even some reviewers mention her prominent rear and chest areas.

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