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Previous thread: >>11153641

>Dimension X-Mas Vacation TMNT 4-pack (Wal-Mart exclusive) in stock and shipping now
>NYCC exclusive Kevin Eastman as Garbage Man revealed
>Archie figures on shelves (mostly Target): Bellybomb, Mondo Gecko, Stump Wrestling Leatherhead, TMNT 4-pack, Cryin' Houn'
>Mirage figures on shelves: IDW Foot Elite Assassin, Triceraton gladiator, Karai in Shredder armor, Rat King
>Last Ronin figures on shelves: Last Ronin Accessory Pack
>Fred Wolf Toon TMNT on shelves: Ultimate Slash, Vacation Bebop and Rocksteady
>Donnie's Lab sewer diorama shipping out
>TMNTxUniversal Monsters black and white 4-pack up for pre-order & in store at Target

>Tales of the TMNT basic & Mix & Match waves 1 & 2 out
>Pizza Thrower and Toilet Taxi repro being found at Target
>Retro carded rereleases in store: Rat King, Mutagen Man, Casey Jones, Slash,
>Retro movie Foot Ninja, movie Super Shredder
>Single pack Mirage TMNT (from Stranger Things 2-packs) being found at Wal-Mart

>Turtles of Grayskull wave 4 and 5 hitting
>Turtles of Grayskull deluxe Leatherhead (Wal-Mart exclusive) on shelves.

>Ultimates wave 7 shipping out, in stock at e-tailers

>Rage Toys Not Bebop up for order on 5Ktoys
>JoyToy 1/18th TMNT & Rocksteady & Bebop up for pre-order
>JoyToy Foot Soldiers and Shredder revealed
>Mondo vinyl TMNT still up for pre-order. Turtles are everywhere, Mondo Gecko & Ray Filet are Mondo site exclusives.
>Transformers x TMNT Party Wallop (Turtle Van) in stores

>Useful Links:
TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - http://www.tmnttoys.com/
Necastore - https://thenecastore.com/
Super7's Website - https://super7.com/

JoyToy revealed their newest TMNT figures: Foot Soldiers and Shredder!
More images here: https://www.toyark.com/2024/09/25/tmnt-shredder-and-foot-soldier-figures-from-joy-toy-545629
What are those circles supposed to be?
That plunger's seen some shit.
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Pics of the newest Turtles of Grayskull wave
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What makes this Ninja Turtles, aside from the shells? Who even is this, Baxter?
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Kevin Eastman as a Garbage Man from the 90s TMNT movie is an NYCC exclusive. He went up for order today but will be up again on the 26th and 27th 12EST on the Necastore.
It's Clamp Champ, c'mon. He has a snapping turtle head weapon.
NECA is really reaching now.
Nothing about that is reaching. It's a figure of one of the creators of TMNT, who had a cameo in the movie. Who they work very closely with. It's a no brainer.
ah yeah, separate handles to plug in.. that makes sense. still, those tabs would be the size of a skin flake
once again, the foot muncher weapon is way way too small. it's supposed to be able to be slung over the shoulder, guys!
fucking awesome weapons though. great to see those.. feels like a 2K3-ified version of the original tmnt stuff. Which I guess we also got in Turtles Forever. that's even the 2K3 foot logo.
nice use of transparent bits
the crossover aspect seems to be a bit leaned toward the grayskull side dunnit.
so what is he supposed to do with these.. grab one end and ask a friend to grab the other, so you can both run at somebody and zap them?
I think it is reaching and I think reaching is great. obscure stuff is fun.
Yooooo, the underside of the manhole cover with the Eastman figure is...well, awesome. What a great move by NECA.
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Mondo NYCC exclusive sofubi Turtles. Will be online for non-attendees as well.
doesn't it say like east warehouse on laird island or something
>Perfect shredder
>4 inches tall
Goddamn it
That's the top. They did something really special on the flip side. Something that actually got talked about in one of these threads recently.
I can live with the scale my issue is the turtles look so fucking bad, all the villains look great but I don’t want to get the bros to fight them…
He'd scale perfectly next to a 5inch line of white guys
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Phew, beat the bots.
gone in a minute.
sold out, thanks PayPal
hope they cancel all the bot orders so I can get one on fri
>$53 for a garbageman
I get why people would want this but it's just not an attractive figure. I'd rather have like the Jack Kirby. That was a cameo done well.
Mind telling us what it is…?
Be cool to get it signed by him though.
He has that schlubby 80s charm to him.

I unironcally setup a Shopify account just to minimize the time it takes to confirm the order. Fucking nightmare world.
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It feels weird getting an Eastman without a Laird. I get that he didn't film a cameo but if they were going to do this at all it probably should've been something like pic related. I'd rather have that as a set than a lone Eastman from a cameo that was almost entirely cut.
Who's the guy that people view as a sellout or not as nicely?
I used my Shopify account too but I was unable to click the pay now button. it was not clickable :(
They could still make a figure down the line, but it'd probably be outside of the movie line. Just a realistic turtle-adjacent property Peter Laird.
It’s also because Eastman is basically on the payroll with Viacom and way to contact. laird is retired and rarely does interviews and is getting up in years.
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Do the messed up colors on this Ace Duck look better in person?
Would Laird go for that? Took long enough to get a Tatsu.
They’re not messed up and yes, it’s a fantastic figure in hand.
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Not what was promised I mean though.
Things change between renders and the final product. That’s why there’s always those disclaimers. They never promised it’d be that color. The more muted brown, while a stylistic choice, works perfectly.
nta but I think it makes it look cheaper imo. No orange bill and weird greenish tinge to the gun and belt thing.
The bill is orange though and there’s no green hinge to the bandolier. That picture they posted had bad lighting. It doesn’t look cheap at all to me and it poses really well in hand.
That preview pic makes it look even more washed out. The vintage one had more discernible colors even.
I don't think so. He basically retired with a huge payout from Nickelodeon, Eastman has been more involved because his ventures in the 90s didn't pan out and he lost a ton of money. He might do it for a lark, but there's nothing to really pressure him into it.
Which one was the creative one and which one was the marketer?
I mean they were both creative. Eastman was the more extroverted one though.
They avoided saying who did what on collaborations for a long time because they wanted to avoid labels, both wrote and drew and attempted businesses.
but Eastman's also said Laird's the "real genius"
Eastman is the sellout whoring himself out to Neca and anyone else willing to pay him. Laird is the true heart of TMNT.
ohhhh was it the commemorative thing outside the turtles' birthplace?
that shipping is a real kick in the nuts.
i mean if not for casey it'd be the most attractive guy neca's ever done, but that's not saying much
god i just realized I could kitbash this guy and casey and totally get a figure of my dad.
But I mean with these kinds of duos you usually have one that's better at the marketing side, right?
here's how it works
laird is the real talent, eastman is just there too
but he's the first to admit that. he's humble about being a no-talent hack. he did Heavy Metal 2000 because he had a hot stripper wife. and yeah it sucked, but he tried, and she did fine.
and laird's not perfect either, he gets a little too vindictive about parts of TMNT he didn't have control of.
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yeah, movie Casey was kinda cute wasn’t he? looking at pics, I never realized how off the hair color is on the NECA figure, it’s a dark brown, more black when in the film it’s a lighter brown.
Harder to paint that realistically.
>and laird's not perfect either, he gets a little too vindictive about parts of TMNT he didn't have control of.
One thing few people know-Fred Wolf films tried to sue Eastman and Laird claiming they invented April and the idea of the turtles living in the sewer, among other things(both are entirely false). They wanted half of all royalties. It was settled out of court with a contract who's stipulations have never been stated publicly, but Eastman and Laird have alluded to it.
This could be why they glazed over a lot of 80's toon stuff for a while beyond what Playmates put out as toys first. Viacom being Viacom, can swing their financial dick around with Fred Wolf(which has effectively only existed to license the 80's toon for decades) and not be threatened by them
>he gets a little too vindictive about parts of TMNT he didn't have control of.
Is that why the 2k3 crossover with the 80s Turtles shit all over them?
You're mistaking movie lighting for actual hair color. The figure is correct.
You're such a deluded piece of shit. Get cancer and die alone.
>those veins
I see Necanon is here.
it basically looks like the picture you have there. which is significantly lighter than the initial renders.
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indeed, so they have a reason to be mad at fred wolf. but it's silly to let that sour you on the goofy fun of the old turtles
that said, i A) do not think turtles forever is this huge travesty people accuse it of, and B) don't think it's even in the '87 universe. it's clearly the toy-commercial universe.
>but it's silly to let that sour you on the goofy fun of the old turtles
Well, I mean that it wasn't necessarily just being sour, it could be that whatever settlement would've prevented them from using(or made them hesitant about using) elements from the old show at the time.
Use characters original to the show and not the comics(like say, Bebop and Rocksteady, though one could argue they were toyline first) and there could be the risk that FW saw that as violating the settlement. Especially considering the lawsuit was claiming them created things they didn't, it was probably safer just to avoid toon stuff like Krang/Vernon/Irma/etc.
A lot of Laird's last few years with the turtles was spent making sure Mirage held the rights to everything TMNT related, with the 80's show being the big exception.
oh no i'm not surprised at all about 80s show elements not being in 2k3.. i'm happy for that, they would not fit.
2k3 still had the color coded masks and basic personalities. Think they still used the slang and catchphrases also.
2k3 was tryhard garbage anyway. WHAT THE SHELL?
The one thing that bugged me about 2k3 was the Shredder/Krang thing. Surely they could have benefited from having that be more like the 80s way.
Wasn't that in the Mirage comics?
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Walmart is getting a second aisle setup for Tales of the TMNT. This, plus the avalanche of the first aisle displayer for the mix and match figures makes me wonder wtf is going on with Playmates. There's meeting demand and then there's dumping product on a store.

Because this stuff isn't selling fast enough to warrant this.
It’s actually selling pretty well at my store, so I’ll have to check this out next time I go and pick some of it up. I’ve seen tons of parents and kids by this display and the kids are just begging for the toys. So there really is demand.
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aha, that's continuity.. he used the mousers to rob banks, and two of them got hit by dye packs

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