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Because one day we're gonna look back and realize how good we had it


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Last thread: >>11169101
there's no way they won't continue the dnd license with how successful this cmf series was
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>HEY! It's me, Goku!
Hi Goku!
none of the rumors and leaks point towards more dnd
>did not use the app at store
but why? do you hate yourself?
dang there was a lot of work that went into that montage photo

I mean, it looks great, but that's a lot of work!

I feel like, if you did all that work, it often goes "unrecognized" so it was important to point out that yes, somebody did some great photography.

(also, the internet can make things sound insincere; you should also be aware that those are genuine remarks, and not sarcastic)
Why is there 6 lego generals up?
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it's cool that the Tiefling's baby dragon is red so you can use it as the spawn of the big dragon from the set
to annoy you
both even have the same articulation!
it's not our fault your figurines are not as popular as the master race toy
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why are you lying
stop reposting this terrible pose
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but didnt you just say it has zero articulation?
I want this, my cmfs need a home. Can we expect a good discount on black friday?
It’s not even like the store employees are against it, I was talking to one yesterday and she was saying how they actually helped people using the scanner to find the ones they wanted and told people to get the scanner app.
Never forget the Lion Knight's Castle went from $400 to $300 last black friday
when is the second 2x on everything VIP event of the year?
the what?
Kind of wish the red skull piece that came with the Szass minifigure didn’t have the normal black printing for the mouth and eyes. Can’t really use it as a head itself without the minifigure neck blotting the face out.
It is a pretty useful piece for Mexican cartel mocs. I use the red skull for flayed bodies. Works great. This might be one of the most unintentional disturbing pieces lego has ever released.
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The virgin hunter. The chad beastmaster

Scalpers are gonna have a field day with this one
This series is so good
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Will this be the biggest castle ever?
Do you prefer reviews where someone on a greenscreen looks at official public pictures from the lego site and bases their impressions of that...

...or do you prefer it when someone actually builds the sets and goes over all its features?
dont care, I don't like harry sloppa
I don’t know but I love the Harry Potter sets. Brother got one for the kid last Christmas and it’s been a hoot. Not something I would have delved into otherwise but happy we did. Playing with dumbledors office right now. They’re fun, modular, playable, cool play features, unexpectedly wholesome.
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>Will this be the biggest castle ever?
there is no way lego will ever sell a castle as big as this hogwarts combined.
Not only will the price be more than 1500 but the box will weigh a shit ton of KGs.

So...yeah. This Hogwarts will be topped only if lego will make another "series of big $200 sets" that you combine.
Which i highly doubt because HP is of the oldest Lego's popular series and HP is like disney/Nintendo at this point - only this what allowed lego to do something like that.
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Name more cozy/wholesome/pure set, I dare you
Imagine if lego did a combining Minas Tirith set or Hyrule Castle

But now, will lego do something with Zelda/DnD or LotR? Will they give us smaller sets? The demand is there.
Oh shit i need to buy those honey pots separated for my sigfig house
Yeah i think i really like this Lego's technic to sell something big that is separated by smaller sets and addons that look like game DLCs (like Owlery DLC or Hagrid's Hut DLC).

but i assume it has to be something ultra giga popular.
oh wait lego already did that before - those Mario sets that make you construct levels
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I am thinking about parting out the Ninjago City Docks set #70657. Other than the minfigs and the sticker sheet(s), do any anons know if this contains any high priced rare pieces?
there's some rumors the zelda theme will have modular dungeons with door opening mechanisms and whatnot
That sounds epic
Since when is there a minifigure of Xi Jin Ping?
it's such a missed opportunity that bricklink doesnt have a "show part list of a set in order of most to least expensive" so everyone could quickly gauge stuff like that
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a lone individual camping in the woods. that is not very cozy
le epic joke fellow gentlesir
Op is a spamfag. Try reporting. It won't do anything, but you can do it.
Rat's face is cut off. 2/10 picture.
It's going to be a bitch trying to get that guy.
I still laugh at poo sitcks.
lego back at it with the shit fetish
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It looks like Brickset has some kind of "Rare Part" filter but I am not sure how to read this and it does not appear to be accurate.
RIDGED TILE 2X2/25 my beloved.
Perfect set to use this really creepy realistic alien figure they did to terrorize the lone individual camping in the middle of the woods at night.
How did you edit this?
hopefully bait/satire
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In Lego City, a Freaky yandere girl is going to stalk and kill another student! HEY!
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Nah bro we're Japanese! Let's go watch a schoolgirl bang an octopus!
>only non-fleshie is "freaky"
there's non felshies inside the school if you look
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WKTT, Because the battle for America, begins here! We know the Truth!
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I should sell him soon before Lego decides to make some botanical garbage with dozens of these and it loses all its value
What set is that from?
2003 jabba's palace though I believe it was also on some bellville crap. very rare regardless
I got a bunch of these from pick a brick back in '09
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I'm a straight guy but for some reason this nancy boy gets me bricked up
wtf is wrong with your thumb?
Check out the alt head
for some reason that makes it worse
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crazy that they did a line of D&D without Drizzt. If the wolf pack beastmaster gets a wolf mold they could have done a panther too(assuming the current big cat mold is too big for cmf)

Or hell if they really wanted help with sales could have put him as an npc on the big set. We get a githyanki and aarakocra but no drow? really?
>I'm a straight guy but for some reason this nancy boy gets me bricked up
wait till you see his alternate MALE face
its literally in the pic
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I figure it’s cause all of the “good” ones, with the blue square, are meant to be PCs while all the red square ones are named evil NPCs so he didn’t fit being a good guy npc.
Yeah I showed it to a best buy guy and he was like "haha that's neat"
I think as long as you buy shit nobody gives a fucking damn. Which is good because the best buy near me has a huge backlog on the space guys.
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>*gently touches it*
>*brown bricks shatter*
why didn't the dragon and bird get alt female heads?
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Post your favorite lego piece NOW
literally just switch a blue square for a red square?
literally just remove one of the red square characters instead? nobody cares about tasha the witch queen

they are gender neutral you bigot. do you think birds and dragons need mascara and lipstick to be female?
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Hose, Rigid 3mm D. 30L / 24.0cm
I thought it was because they were saving him for a big set from a D&D theme

but the rumors say no D&D theme on the horizon? so IDK

maybe there was book-author-money that would have needed extra [whatever]?
The guy saying no DND theme is just the guy who hates dragon ball and is saying that leak is fake since it included dragon ball
because you degenerate furries already got sonic and animal crossing sets for jerk off figures
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mmmm chocolate
Nah I’m the guy that hates dragon ball. How’s that Fortnite coming along? Any day now? This got a full skin before >>11172125
I don’t hate dragon ball as much as I hate people who like dragon ball.
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Justice for small sets. This sparks more joy than the eldorado fortress ever could
2 minifigs 1 Plate, round 1 x 1 with Horizontal Swirl / Twist
spoiled much? that isn't a small set, more like above medium and a price tag of 40+. 2-25 priced sets are considered small.
I feel like with all the white in the house they could have easily built a better skull and bigger sails for the "ship". Cute set
>a price tag of 40+
Anon it was $30.

Are you really gonna throw a fit over $5?
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there is a bunch of offers on sonic stuff in europe. Not super big but good enough. that shadow set for 17 euro is neat
What is the appeal of sonic? As far as Im concerned it's on the same autistic spectrum as that other franchise that shall not be named about colorful female pigmy horses
It's so weird that the only Sonic thing with open references to roboticization in like two decades is some fucking lego sets.

Well, like thirty years ago it had some good games and cartoons. Most of the kids who like it these days never played or watched those, though so it's a true mystery why they like it. Some speculate it's the My Little Pony factor of colorful animals with simple personalities and powers.
How long will it last? I am getting my pay check at the end of the month.
>How long will it last? I am getting my pay check at the end of the month.
i have no idea it's one of those weird sudden sales.

My amazon actually says that big %%% day is October 8-9.
I liked Sonic as a kid(I had the sonic jam game compilation on the Saturn) but it means very little to me as an adult outside of nostalgia, the games weren't even particularly good.
Moreover that's shadow the hedgehog aka not from the classic era but the americanized 3d sonic literal unsalvageable garbage era.

I wanna give you the benefit of the doubt but I can't help but think you're just a furry with 'tism.
Nice, I am getting the city of lanterns so hopefully I will have enough money left over to pick up some sonic
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Yeah i also put money on the side for October 8-9.
oh wait i see it's for Amazon prime subscribers only. Our family has prime subscription. And it's usually giving nice discounts.
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I’m keeping mine, instead I wanna get some more weird shit, anyways do you think we will ever get a clear clear frog or clear one with a bit of printing like those glass frogs? Still surprised theres no blue frogs for poison dart frogs and that the red ones haven’t returned yet
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>Lego releases a new set
>it's identical in every way to a normal kids' set
>but it says 18+ on the box and its a BLACK BOX too so you know it's a Grown Up set for Grown Ups
Why is it like this?
To justify charging an extra $100
It do be like that. I broke three putting 70404 together.
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very fun
18+ because of deadly BATTERIES that kids can't swallow

that giant warning label on the box makes me sad, to know some child was hurt by swallowing a battery and now we need COFFEE HOT labels on Lego boxes
Better that the AFOLslop adopt play features and become actual toys than the other way around
Blisteringly hot take; brick sails are vastly superior to cloth sails
oh n-

Preach brother!
I'm sick of all this pandering to AFOL s.0.yboys
I'm a grown ass man who has no problem admitting he plays with children's toys.
Nothing wholesome and poor about Winnie the Pooh, it's licenseslop of a billion dollar property
Awesome compact ship but that island is a mess bro, just the gwp and the creator c-model stacked on eachother, looks bad
the +18 label and black box is just an excuse for Lego to overprice toys meant for kids.
Fuck off, mousecuck.
Shitload of new leaks. I'm too lazy to post them
They are not overpriced, the Christmas set as been consistently $100 for years and considering inflation and the increased part count, this year's actually has better value than the previous ones
I did that to show all the parts. The skull lives on the castle. This is the current layout for spooky shark island but I’m planning on doing something to make the shark’s mouth more of the cavern opening and then a ladder to a small pirate lookout tower.
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>only relevant ones are the F1 collection and two Speed Champions speculated to be a Bugatti and a Lancer Evolution
still waiting for the CITY leaks.
Something more along these lines but I don’t want to rip my guy off too bad. He’s a great dude and I enjoy all the stuff he does even the doofy stuff. It’s endearing and my wife and I enjoy his laugh.
Here’s a better one of the ship. Built the skull island and used the skull for our castle. Still had half the set or more.
Is a great set but it should be called like 1 and 2 halves set because both of the alternate builds use like half the parts.
I will lose all faith in lego if they really don't continue D&D
I like this more than the official one
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I'm not complaining but how is this so cheap? The builds are nice and nostalgia is big.
You have to raise the deck a level to fit a minifigure in the original and that’s a pain in the ass. This way we get the best of both an island for buried treasure and ship with a couple little rafts. Plus the price is right.

There was a bloodbath!
I'm buyin it but I'll wait for black friday in hopes of a good deal. It better be worth the wait
it ain't
>I will lose all faith in lego
oh no!
I meant the wait, not the set

Because I want it NOW. Cope and seethe
the D&D cmf is the first and probably only cmf complete set I'll ever buy. Every fig is a massive winner.
>good printing on torso and arms
>cool new axe piece
Pretty sure that axe is upside down. Did you not have a father?
this joke is only funny if it's on a website where you normally can't say it, you dumb nigger
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gleeby deeby
the castle looks like a facade, is the interior space just 6 studs deep?
Formula 1?
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More Transformers!
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>No driver minifigs
What the fuck are they thinking?
that actually sounds interesting. i love microscale
Probably a disaster
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Heard the F1 cmf is separate from cmf brand, sort of like those Maario and Vidiyo cmfs.

So most likely it won't take the cmf slot. If we are lucky.

We do know one cmf will be simpsons so we shall see if we have another separate cmf.
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>we already get summer leaks
What's Kramer's excuse?
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Kylo Ren bros...
>sequels exclusive ship

who cares?

>another helmet

who keeps buying these? every time i see them i feel bad over all the wasted shelfspace. it should have just been Vaders helmet and thats it
Guys...DnD cmf ia the best thing ever...so much soul...
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I can’t find the one weird pin so this shall do
>blocks your path
Massive shining gem
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S+++ tier set

bring back unlicensed themes
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Sets when?
I just love using them and all those other 2000s curved pieces in mid-sized mech builds.
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post some of your favorite small sets
what's the upper limit for it to be considered a small set?
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Maximum is $20
Exactly like that one.
I thought this was some claw with a ball joint for a second

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