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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

>New thread on page 9 or 10, or at image limit.

Previous thread: >>11162504
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This is a bot who fucks
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The new wheels really give it some extra beef to an already beefy alt mode. Gonna print some new feet for him now, since printing new shoulders for Pointblank are gonna have to wait until I get some Cyan PLA in.
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Soundwave's here. Excluding the Shattered Glass version of him, this is actually my first Soundwave in general - up until now, I was using Siege Soundblaster as a stand-in. I'm still short a few cassettes, but he's got enough little friends for now. I did notice that both Ravage and Soundwave himself literally had flecks of plastic fall off of them, plus all of the cassettes including the three he came with have trouble fitting into him, so I guess the mold is already deteriorating. Weird.
Pardon my ignorance, I don't keep up with these things. What Soundwave is that?
I only have the legacy G2 yellow Grimlock I actually like the colors on it should I get multiple of that same mould?
Comic grimlock for the accsesories
Cassettes have trouble fitting since the initial Siege release
The Legacy United rerelease of him, which came bundled with Buzzsaw, Ravage, and the SS version of Rumble (including his accessories).
Huh, I had no idea. Neither SG Laserbeak nor SG Ravage had a problem plugging into SG Soundwave, and he's just the same mold with a new head. Plus Soundblaster was able to hold two cassettes at once with no issue - it feels weird that this guy is having problems.
In the picture? Nope. It's Soundwave, my camera is just shit with color adjustments. He's deep navy blue in-hand, not black.
Be fucking nice if Hasbro ever bothers to complete the trio
instead, next year's slot are filled with 13 Prime redesigns that nobody even likes.
damn that rocket launcher looks like it sends missiles right through you and into the guy behind you
It's interesting how several late G1 Decepticon teams have already been done but Autobots have barely gotten started, or in the case of Sureshot, got fucking cancelled.
autobots are already outnumbering decepticons 3 to 1
Tons of people want 13 figures
>Tons of people want 13 figures
Maybe the Fallen. The rest? Eh...
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God, this Optimus and his trailer are so much fun with the addition of a few smaller bots to interact with. I really like the idea of the trailer turning into an attack base
I know there are people who were interested in the 13, but the new designs for them Hasbro whipped up aren't impressing anyone.
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why did Hasbro stop making mini figures?
we're talking about specific teams. Almost all the Decepticon "Masters" are wrapped up, the Autobots have a long way to go.
You mean 12, what with the 13th prime either being Optimus or nobody at all.
They flopped.
Poor sales.
but they were tons of fun
hard to make good transformations?
i mean they did make the beast alliance guys.. they were just stupidly expensive for their size and had pisspoor distribution. and their packaging made regular plastic-free packaging look like a prison by comparison.
Fun isn't a determining factor in their decision making.
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This is a fucking mistake.
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you'll get your 13 generic assholes and like it.
You guys know they're not necessarily gonna be based on these right? We already know the Fallen isn't
Is Nexus just an edit of Sentinel's model? He doesn't even look like a combiner.
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I'm excited to see how this JXSDF Kiryu Optimus Prime looks with his robot mode shoulders open, his chest open and the inside of his Trailer
Weird that they're redoing Star Convoy after Takara made one not long ago. It wasn't Titan huge, but it did scale to their Super Megatron.
A Titan Star Convoy just feels kind of redundant now.
the only one i like is onyx but i'm told she used to be a centaur, not a birb?
It would be 6 years ago and Japan-only assuming it is actually what it sounds like.
>Titan Star Convoy
Unless it's a 3-pack with the other two I have no fucking idea how they're going to make him a titan without making him unnecessarily massive
What do you mean? That’s obviously Shockwave in disguise
How stupid. Star Convoy is Commander size at absolute most. What a waste.
The extra cost is the electronic motor.
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>Titans about to become $200 Commanders
They're really determined to kill this franchise huh
>Onyx Prime makes it out pretty much unscathed
I won't be able to resell this guy, will I?
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Welcome to commander+
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Yeah he was never that big, the toy or in fiction. Maybe they want to do some weird Japanese titans and they're testing the waters with Weird Japanese Optimus Prime.
Optimus better come with fucking Grandus at least. And also with Sky Garry at most.
If he did come with them the listings would at least mention them. If any bots name isn't listed alongside then they're not going to show up. Just like how Armada Wheeljack never came with his Minicon and the same can be said for Armada Red Alert next year, which I would like to mention would definitely be a new mold and not reusing the Cannonball mold as a result.
Welcome to Hasbro, enjoy your stay
t. WotC enjoyer
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>could have had Titan TFA Omega, Primus, Grandus, Cybertron Gigantion guys, etc
>Hasbro: NO! It MUST be another Optimus Prime!
Can they possibly get any more creatively bankrupt?
Grandus is support for an Optimus Prime so he needs to come first.
Ok, now hear me out
So I’m guessing Superion’s limbs are going to form that sort of ramp mode Silverbolt’s G1 toy had?
>Titan TFA Omega,
He is absolutely coming in the next 2 or 3 years.
>Cybertron Gigantion guys
Metroplex flopped.
He's just a show colors retro reissue.
Are you ignorant about how much these titan class figures just end up shelf warming? i still see the fucking ark on discount
thats because the ark was a shit figure
Star Convoy also had a base mode with a small Hot Rod to live in it, so they might be going off that.
Anything to not make good retail RiD updates huh.
Only the bad ones shelfwarm. Omega Supreme was even reissued and still sold out.
then what about cybertron metroplex and the nemesis? this is without mentioning fucking black zarak
Design flaws, strange anatomy, and being a Japan-only show recolor of a released toy respectively.
Missing Link Megatron when?
nemesis was the most embarrassing titan they've ever made.
Ass alt mode, ass bot mode, niche repaint.
damn I wish Scorponok shelfwarmed
Scorpions are cold blooded you see
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Yeah but his base mode looks like this.
Black Zarak is legitimately the best Titan but everyone already bought Scorponok.
G2 Dinobots would have to be Cores surely. Would they do a Gen Selects pack of 5 leaders?
The Chinese would buy it
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You still can, theres a lot people without room for titans.
>2025 MPM
>Clunker Bee
>Would they do a Gen Selects pack of 5 leaders?
They made a fuckhuge boxset of SS ROTF Devastator.
you know who could be a titan?
One: Onyx is and always was a dude.
Two: The real Onyx is a centaur. All bipedal depictions of him are a time-displaced Shockwave, post killing him and wearing his corpse like a fleshsuit for centuries. The one in that image is bipedal, so...
Idw was truly a blight
Isn't Star Convoy massive in fiction?
>All bipedal depictions of him are a time-displaced Shockwave
You mean the one time?
Maybe the Hasbro people don't know that Hotrod micronized.
They made shit-ass micromasters instead of the chad mincons
True, the only good pair of micromasters were the two jets and that's just cause they directly ripped off the star saber minicons.
they were very overpriced for what they were so they didn't sell. From leakers we now know that they consider small toys in general too much of a risk, which is why we're not even getting pack-in minicons
I'll believe it when I see it.

The reason I say this is because the 13 itself is a loopy concept. It takes existing characters (Alpha Trion, Vector Prime, The Fallen) and adds them to this bizarre lineup that keeps changing with each iteration.

Meaning if you are going to do The 13, whose version do you use? The Fallen that everyone wants is the Dreamwave Version, Onyx will be the IDW version? What about Alpha Trion? Sunbow version again? Or do we tie them to one new aesthetic?
>Tra Gen Prime Commander Titan Star Optimus
Commander Titan?

>this bizarre lineup that keeps changing with each iteration.
The aesthetics sure, but the line up is usually consistent
TF1 just swaps out Thirteen for Zeta
But the aesthetics are the important part when it comes to how they're going to make the toys look.
Not to mention Hasbro is great for blueballing us on complete teams. Hope you're not expecting the whole 13 anytime soon.
At least you can be sure there'll be 13 Optimus Primes within the same time frame
We've got 7 in the leaks, 8 with Vector Prime already available. Swapping in basically whichever Optimus you want brings it to 9

>Star Convoy
>Target Bullseye Sideswipe and Wheeljack
PLEASE be G2 Sideswipe (and Exhaus(?))
Yes. The Onyx as Onyx in other media were on four legs.
wait til Hasbro cancels the last 4 because the others didn't sell well enough
SS Dev = Devastation
we just got those a few years ago
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>still no Commander Class Lugnut

>PLEASE be G2 Sideswipe (and Exhaus(?))
Nope. They're Target exclusive 'Bullseye' repaints, like pic related.
Bullseye is just the listing codename for Target exclusives since Buzzworthy ended, not any specific deco
who the fuck wants that? Target fanboys?

"Retro inspired'?
probably toy decos like the retro headmasters

>of a Seaspray we don't even have yet

Sure, why not.
Sorry Lugnut isn't G1111111 so he goes to the back of the bus
>of a Seaspray we don't even have yet
>Sure, why not.
wouldn't be the first time

whoa this looks amazing
I hate the 13 Primes as a concept but it was okay in TFOne because at least it's a new continuity with its own rules instead of them getting shoehorned in elsewhere

Its a good toy if you get a good copy. Aside from that damn star piece on his chest.
One was the first time I've ever given a shit about the 13 in any meaningful way
Poor Ratchet and Brawn can't catch a break
Who keeps sucking Chris Cocks for Walmart exclusives molds like Seaspray and Cosmos and to some extent those stupid g2 laser arcee bikes.
Dude I would actually buy him off you. Post it on /bst/
I wish there was a transfromer with rubber tires that actually rolled in altmode
Those are for the movie. They obviously won't make those for the new line.
The entire MOVIE is a mistake
I've got plenty
The biggest mistake is that it's set on cybertron so every design and alt mode is going to suck ass no matter what
What's a good Voyager/Leader-sized Autobot to act as a squad leader for a bunch of random Autobot cars? Too lazy to get a picture but so far it's this with each filling in a particular role
>Botcon Hoist (Marksman)
>Siege Crosshairs (Heavy weapons)
>Legacy Leadfoot (Scout)
>Legacy Minerva (Medic)
>Legacy Towline (Scientist)

If there was a CHUG Thunderclash he'd be perfect for this lot but I'm drawing a blank on who'd lead this group. Maybe Metalhawk, but then it's a plane leading a bunch of cars which doesn't make much sense.
Honestly Volvo Prime might fit best as an "alt" leader
Other than that, Legacy Bulkhead?
i mean they're not the creatives, they pick from what the creatives made
and they keep picking the same one. because they're autistic.
that's pretty damn silly but it's the best transformers base mode i've ever seen
kinda reminds me of Cat's Lair
You can hook Grandus' base mode to it and use Star Convoy's motor to power the elevator
I think Sky Carry fits in too
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So, now that Takara's releasing Lio with his proper face, what are the odds we'll get this guy to go with the spicy monke?
the takara one is a mixed bag because it's better in pretty much every way but the tooner lion head is almost as bad as the badly-sculpted lion head on the original. Why can't we just have a real fucking normal lion's head
that word will never be a thing.
Anyway, if they're insistent on not giving us a real lion head, I'll happily take the show-accurate one over the hideous, drooping thing we got from his first release.
>people have been using the word for literal years now
>"it will never be a thing"

it is already a thing you retard
and the hollow thighs.
so wait this is out already?
>one guy keeps using the word in a vain attempt to make it a meme
>"I-it's totally a thing, guys!"
sure looks like a girl to me
pics of the centaur one?
yeah but it was clearly a 'new g1' like all the bonuses of making it in the same universe, with none of the responsibilities.
firing on an ambulance is a war crime!
I love how your dark lio is just shrugging
shit even i would want it and i'm not a beast guy. it'd be cool after all these many optimus primes, including the movie ones I liked but didn't like the face or the flames, to finally get a cool optimus prime i like.
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If you're having trouble making sense of the image (dude's made of as much scrap metal as a Bayformer here), he's rearing up.
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Another one, a little less messy looking. And yes, he's a dude.
i could design some fucking cool cybertronian altmodes.
hell the bay movies had great ones. megatron's jet is awesome.
we got an almost-normal lion head
i want a stylized cool lion head. like I want it to look like anime, not whatever the fuck the anime was trying to look like.
i don't want it to look like out of beast wars either, most of their animals are a bit goofy.. but Tigatron was handsome so I guess I wouldn't mind something a bit like that.
ohh yeah i remember this got posted before and I was indeed confused due to the visual noise
well, still looks like a chick. but less so. pretty damn cool, not sure about the heels being so high, but it kinda reminds me of Motaro and his weird-ass "are we going to maybe have a guy in a movie so we should make the front legs look like human legs?" thing
>we got an almost-normal lion head
>i want a stylized cool lion head.
we got a fucking shit tier retarded head and now we're getting an also ugly head that looks like a horribly drawn derpy cartoon. Take off your weebshit blinders
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Are there any other pegasus centaur mechs?
>"This Optimus Prime, Megatron, Ironhide, etc. are horrible because they don't look enough like the original cartoon!"
>"This Lio Convoy looks horrible because the new head they gave him DOES look like the original cartoon!"
Double standards much, buddy?
>"This Optimus Prime, Megatron, Ironhide, etc. are horrible because they don't look enough like the original cartoon!"
Point to where I said this you goddamn mongoloid. Show me the fucking post. Show me where I asked for Sunbow tooner shit.
that is awesome
interesting the wings go on the human part, like the flying centaurs in Xanth. I would think generally you'd want them on the horse part.. maybe slightly forward of where they would usually be.
still not a thing.
Show me the post.
The part where you called it 'weebshit', implying you hold the Western animation with higher integrity. You don't have to like how derpy it looks - it's true to the source material, and you wouldn't raise the same argument if it were Sunbow crap.
pretty sure sunbow was anime
Legacy Vector Prime
'anime' literally just means 'cartoon'. G1 was technically anime by Japanese standards, even if the art style didn't look like what we think of when we hear the term.
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Not a pegasus but still a centaur
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That is... quite a mix.
I'd go with veloocitron Override if you can find her.
Or just wait a couple months, we're supposed to be getting a voyager red alert from armada, flatline (most likely black repaint) and rescue bots heatwave (most likely a light retool of animated optimus)
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War Within had some cool designs like Starscream and company. Just that when you have every as "space thingy", identifiable aspects are lost.
So this is the power of corpomaxxing... not bad...
reaching for some cheese
bitchin. though from a cursory lookup, it seems he's not so much a combining mecha as a regular-ass villain guy who magically combines with a mecha horse. so he's more magic. but still cool.
he is here to obliterate all other businesses while his opponents also work to obliterate all businesses and somehow think they're on the other side.
Centaur mechs are rare not not super duper hard to find
I specified pegasus centaurs because I can only think of the two
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man that really works
and this looks freaking great.
Winged horses are kind of rare. Even Pegasus was the only one in his region, born from Medusa's head.
THEY MADE LIEGE MAXIMO A FUCKING WHITE TWINK, man I thought the constant spam of the visor+mask without any variety for mouth+visor stuff was bad but this is another level
He's not a bad guy here, so his design is non-threatening.
Still why isn’t he GREEN, or even slightly bulkier, they Gentrified him
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They whitewashed our boy!
I have seen it numerous times in FB and discord groups
It's def a meme term now
Too thicc.

Very over the top, surprised more combiners don't do extra limbs what with the, y'know, extra limbs inherent in the premise.

This one is incredible.
So you can't show me the post. Dumb fuck.
>So you can't show me the post
The post where you called it 'weebshit'? It's right here >>11174246. Didn't think you were so brain-damaged that you'd lose track of your own posts and need someone to find them for you, but here we are.
Were you fucking kicked in the head? No, you making something up in your schizo brain does not count as me saying something I didn't.
Did you not call it weebshit in that post? Is this what Alzheimer's looks like? Might be time for your meds, gramps - you don't even know what you're ranting about anymore.
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Super Robot Wars L's final boss
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technically there's a tenma in sentai but he's just a robot leg with a head, hardly counts.
I love how saban called him a unicorn
that's just half a dude riding a weird keythong creature, on the butt area
been close to getting this guy a few times, with aims to modify him into a proper mech and a proper beast, separately. but the limbs are lacking so many joints...
>Titan Star Convoy.
Fucking hell, not only is he way too big, this will mean they'll upscale Grandus and Sky Garry.

After how they fucked up Tidal Wave, I don't even know if I should bother. Even worse, they might have both Grandus and Sky Garry as a haslab since they're so obscured.
The real tragedy is that those three are micromaster gimmick bases, in an age where Hasbro has just gone scorched earth on anything below $25
Delta Magnus aka Shattered Glass Ultra Magnus would be a good fit for leader for this bunch.
based powerlinxanon
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>Titan sized proto-Brave super robot Optimus Prime
Haters gonna hate, but I'm going to love this thing
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>meanwhile, in the best timeline
Y'know that does look like a thing I like
When I was a kid I confused as to why Optimus wasn't a fire truck in the movie lol
what fucking faggot decided that all the designs for tf:one need to have a giant hole in their chest
Sentinel Prime
where else would you insert cock
There's been a lot of blind box toys popping up lately and these would be great fodder for one of those
apparently what holds Lugnut back is them trying to figure out what scale TFA Megatron should be at.
In a hen house?
They've already done Optimus, that should tell them everything they need about scale
No, that's the other Retro line.
The "retro inspired" is one of the Walmart exclusive lines for next year.
You mean I'm going to miss the opportunity to pay $30 for minibots in slightly more saturated colours?
So what's the canon/lore/play pattern for the Dinoking? Never watched Victory but I bought the set since I never fucking saw the Dinobot versions of the figures at retail and figure that this would be an easy way to get them....
Wtf I just bought Newage g2 dinobots because I gave up on Hasbro making any. I really am excited for Star Convoy though that guy was a fucking massive brick but I loved his story and old g1 toy.
They basically are Dethsaurus's mentally retard (literally retarded, as far as canon goes that they are 100% retarded) henchmen squad who he uses as canon fodder/distractions while his real henchmen do his actual dirty-work for him.

In terms of play pattern, they hench for Dethsaurus or are a bunch of special needs kids who annoy the fuck out of Megatron and his crew.

Chungus wungus by bungus wungus faggot heckin TURD PARTY isn't heckin wholesome wholesome gaga gogon
comic relief squad mostly in their dino pretender shells
They kill a kid's parents and then they're mostly comic relief. So the Joker being a joke.
Kek, good ONE.
>13 Primes @ home
I’m thinking that “Titan Class Star Optimus Prime” IS Star convoy and Grandus.

It makes no sense to ship him by itself. It’s too obscure.
But put him as the “extension” of Optimus Prime, all in a Titan package and you’ve got Western fans ready to buy it.
I’m glad Zeta Prime is replacing the 13th Prime
Gundam Barbataurus and SD BB Knight Gundam.
I'm idiot.
The walmart thundertron pack was just listed as leader thundertron.
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>this team
The only correct answer is Nitro Convoy
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I stay killing it at the thrift store. Today’s find is a rare one, Universe Soundwave, aka Machine Wars Soundwave, aka Predator Stalker. A fascinating figure based on some quick research. An oddity for the fact he has zero lore attached to him and also he was packed with Cyberje SpaceCase. So, this figure basically bridges the gap between the Predators and the Cyberjets and also is an empty husk for a OC character. Neat!
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I think im gonna name him “Meltdown”.
Damn, nice find dude
Will Hasbro ever reissue the Ark? I'm not paying almost three-hundred dollars on Amazon for one.
Still surprised modern Hasbro never does anything with Pyro and Thunderclash. At least Clench is getting a smashup figure next year.
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That's a small Hotrod, not big Convoy
Those are all micromasters around him, including hot rod.
Take your meds or please at least kill yourself
Irrelevant. Micromasters are only slightly smaller than normal transformers. Star Convoy is monstrously huge compared to a standard transformer.
Weird. Did he come with Doubledealer's missile? Very cool
Oh ok so micromasters should all be deluxe-sized as well then
No. I armed him up with that missile and Core Shockwave’s radar dish which are both compatible with his ports and dead on as replacements for his original accessories
Putting aside the fact that they just did Star Convoy not too long ago, this is my biggest issue with the idea. All the micromasters have come and gone years ago. This should’ve been the Titan the year the Ark came out. Then, they could’ve finished the season 1 cast and made the Ark the grand finale.
What character could Star Convoy come bundled with to justify the price while being not oversized? I don't know the JP-G1 stuff post-Zone very well.
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The battlestars aren't that big bro.
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Half-agree. The 13th Prime needed to be replaced, yes, but it should've been Logos Prime.
Same with Tidal Wave but did it stopped them?
Even putting aside the game, Tidal Wave had a difference size every scene in the anime. There's always been an argument there, cmon, you can't still be malding about that.
I hope sea spray is decent, i wasnt impressed with walmart retro tf starscream or hot rod. I guess star convoy could be cool.
Probably not the best example, there. Dude is always big and sometimes XBOXHUEG.
True but his size later got more toy accurate. I think there is even a scale chart for that.

A perfect fit for SS GE then.
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Y'know I actually forgot I owned this mold, and putting her with the rest yeah it definitely works.
How simple are the Battlestars transformations? What're the chances of it being a Haslab GodFire Convoy situation, and it's 3 figures being sold together? I mean, they're already doing 2 figures together at Commander price for Devastator's torso, so, could it be the case here?
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I fall in and out of Transformers every now and then, but have any recent plane Transformers come out that have a good GERWALK mode? I love shit like this on my toys.
>That's a small Hotrod, not big Convoy
Yeah, Hotrod doesn't look anything like a mammoth.
commander jetfire
Nice, those are pretty solid substitutions. I wish we'd get an update for MW Soundwave, I loved that toy as a kid. Or hell any MW guys!
Not sure how I'm supposed to interpret this answer, but it seems simple enough to me? Like, Grandus looks like a big boy but I don't see anything toooo complex here? Judging by the pic he's mainly a big brick that can either open his hollow chest and be a playset, or lay down and form a landing pad on his back. Only question is if Star Convoy and Sky Garry are also simple enough to have all 3 bundled together for $200...
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>tfw Ark for $40
>chomping at the bit, don’t inspect the pics properly
>he’s missing the front panels and a kneecap
>no big deal in robot mode, panels are hidden, looks fine w both kneecaps off
>what do about ship mode
Pretty good solution if I do say so myself. Lemonade from lemons if you will
see >>11174079
Does he still have mainframe?
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Thankfully. Even has the discs. Worth the ($40) price of admission all by himself

That pic is a Generations Select toy that came out in 2019.
Why is a truck driving though space?
I recognize that plastic mountain and I salute you fellow MASK enjoyer
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yeah it's surprisingly good
dat detailed crotch shot
love it
Meh, I know his transformation relies on a huge parts forming piece, but I still want that Savage Noble.
He is cost prohibitive these days. There was a point in time where you literally could not give this era of figures away. 2011-2015 ish. I think I paid $1 for Savage Noble. Unfortunately my dog chewed him to pieces when he was a puppy. I would love to repair him as a project but I think I accidentally threw his broken bits away
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Me when i'm WRONG
the fuck you say
were thighs hollow back then?
why not just rerelease this toy? it looks perfect.

Its good, not perfect. That star on his chest is only connected by a tiny, flimsy piece of plastic, and some of the limbs and joints feel really loose, maybe from mold degradation.

As for why they're doing a new Titan one, got me. Unless it comes with Sky Garry and Grandus too it seems kinda silly.

Or they really wanna play up the original toy's base mode.
>Can I get some honest opinions about Transformers One? I made a vow to never watch it
do people like you ever realize how schizophrenic you sound when you post shit like this with no context
What's this from? The black OpOp?
I actually liked the savage noble figure. Still wish I had mine
>Star Convoy is 5 meters shorter than Godzilla but 1/10th his weight
One slap from Godzilla's tail and Star Convoy would crumple like a tin can.
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Micromasters were smaller, Starconvoy should be as big as God Ginrai.
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awful truck, but I really want that cassette even if it's just a ravage repaint to be a dog
>Or they really wanna play up the original toy's base mode.
That would make sense...if they hadn't killed off Micromasters years ago. What good is a playset if there are no figures to go in it?
That mold actually suits Bullseye better than it does Ravage - it always looked more canine than feline, which is probably why they chose it to begin with. Just be warned - that mold also completely lacks a tail of any kind for some reason.
Somewhat unrelated rant, but I have no idea why they feel they need to keep reinventing Ravage every few years - the Masterpiece mold was pretty much perfect in every single way, and every iteration of the cassette cats made after that has been a downgrade.
Well, theres rumors we're getting Mini Cons...
I've been getting into the star raiders/mad max-y bots lately. I got scraphook, Lockdown, Road Pig, and Garbagemaster so far. Waiting on Axelgrease and Crashbar.

Interestingly, and an unexpected boon, Road Pig seems perfectly sized to fit my 1/18th figures, and I have been building a biker gang, so that's really cool to find out.
Scored Universe 1.0 tankor and cheetor for 6 bucks. We need another wacky reuse random old molds repaint line.
>Tfw I still have an original Ravage from a yard sale when I was a little kid, missing his rocket things but otherwise pristine
Kitty cat chils in MP Soundy's chest with laserbeak
What roads is he ever gonna be able to go down
I'm just a sucker for the cassette animals but they seem a nightmare to get your hands on these days which is a shame. A shame it's the style of truck cab I hate, but otherwise I don't think I could get hands on it in europe besides paying out the ass on ebay
>What're the chances of it being a Haslab GodFire Convoy situation, and it's 3 figures being sold together?
Zero. We would know from the product name, it would either be all three characters or something like "Titan class Battlestar". It's just "Star Optimus Prime".
Just like Leader Thundertron!
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I love Cyclonus, say something nice about him
You are Skywarp
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He really was one of my fav molds in Kingdom
I just want one that doesn't yellow
>What good is a playset if there are no figures to go in it?

For deluxes? It would explain why he's massive
Does the targetmaster one not yellow? I kind of want to double dip.
anon it's obviously just a newcomer who doesn't hang out here often but figured "hm i saw a transformers movie, i should ask the transformers guys how it is."

Post more of these pictures please they look so fucking cool. Its like an 89s anime we never got.
ah yes, the exact opposite of what they actually posted
Still does on top of having loose shoulders and much worse plastic

We're getting a Macross 7 crossover somehow
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just fucking get ferak
scale is hard
very cool design
He's my fussy little bun-bun.
The heights I can trust but the stated weights for mecha and kaiju always feel arbitrary
or at least if it would all yellow, so you had an all-purple-and-gold guy. wouldn't be the same character, but would look neat.
oh I didn't read that properly
nor did i reread the rest of his post. nevermind i think I would indeed diagnose him with whacked-out poobrain.
I wonder if that could lead to a re-release or missing link jetfire
They will have toyline original designs duhhh
If they were going to make the TF One Primes then they would put them in Studio Series and we would had gotten Megatronus right away.
My Cyclonus has been in storage in another city for years and I have no idea if he's yellowed or not.
I'd be genuinely surprised if they didn't rerelease him with a more accurate face sculpt and slightly different colors in ss86
His Kingdom toy WAS SS86. They moved some of the toys between the two lines to make more room for other stuff (see also: G1 Kingdom Arcee).
I hope they rerelease him again in SS 86 and fix the yellowing
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Space roads
Studios Series Daytrader when?
I've only seen one case of discoloration on tfw, it's not even ever brought up in the multi-hundred page yellowing thread they have. Mine is also still completely fine, no sign of any discoloration after years.
It does, however, have horrendously loose tolerances
Out of all the designs from TF4 and TF5 that's the only one I can't imagine working as a figure
>Mine is also still completely fine, no sign of any discoloration after years.

I live in your walls and I am going to yellow your Cylonus
g1 had space bridges right?
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Truth. My headcanon is that Unicron cannot truly create, only warp, repurpose, or corrupt. He saw Skywarp, a cowardly prankster who was somehow in Megatron's good graces, and turned him inside out. Unicron could not put courage into Skywarp but he could crush that fear into a singularity focused entirely upon Galvatron. There's really no one else he could have been.

Oof, I'm so sorry, anon. I have been extraordinarily lucky with yellowing, I think my Cyclonus is showing a little but I might just be paranoid. In particular I don't remember his purple parts being so mismatched out of the box but I also don't think I was watching for it until Legacy when it got really bad. If he has changed color then he's the only one in my entire collection, and that includes Kingdom Tigatron.
so star convoy could drive on those i guess
Or that fancy underground bridge thing from RiD 2001 (which is G1 canon in Japan).
Yeah but he doesnt lol.

See: >>11174788

He's motherfucking Star Convoy he just flies through the motherucking stars. He has tank treads so I like imagine he lands on planets fucks shit up sets up a little camp for his micro buddies to kill everyone then flies off in space because fuck you he's a goddamn space truck what more do you need
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I am not a fussy little bun-bun! I am a fearless warrior of the Decepticon cause! Rabbits are weak, cowardly organics! Okay, I'm a little fussy, I haven't had an energon ration in a few cycles.

I'll put on my Unicron mask and pray to the Chaos Bringer for you and your Cyclonus

NGL I would be tempted to buy a Cyclonus that improved him in any way. Yeah I know that would make me a paying beta tester, I'm sorry for being part of the problem. But I would also be happy for more people to get my favorite humorless punching bag villain.
Excellent neck articulation. More bots need a neck
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>he lands on planets fucks shit up sets up a little camp for his micro buddies
That he do.
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If that fails, he'll connect to Grandus and release the city erraser.
>I've only seen one case of discoloration on tfw
It was also discolored out the box iirc, probably just a bad batch, there's no report of Selects Cyclonus yellowing with time.
There are however reports of very loose shoulder joints so watch out for that.
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I got my bird girl today. I was surprised I was able to order her from Walmart
you stole mine!!
naw i'm glad you got her.
Just noticed she's back on walmart's website but at a higher price. after canceling my order. that should be illegal. what happened to rain check laws.
She used to be cheaper?
i think.. my brain hurts.
they REFUNDED me the current value, so I guess that's fine. Like that time Amazon refused to send me a replacement, but they sent me a refund and the item went down in price and i got it for less.
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Headcanon: Cyclonus can produce sustained hurricane-speed blasts of air from these Mega Busters. Ugh, the camera and indoor light makes him looked so yellowed.

Really the whole design is pretty fantastic other than the weird knees.
Because you're not buying from walmart, you're buying from someone else. That's why their website is dogshit, it's basically another ebay at this point
I got the Armada Legacy Powerlinx Hot Shot. I don't really get why they made the transformation sequence less accurate. In the show and in the 2002 toy, the car's roof and windshield become parts of Hot Shot's arms, but in the redesign they hang awkwardly off the back of his shins and just kind of get in the way.

Aside from that, not too many complaints. I'm getting back into these after not owning any for 20 years because Armada was my favorite as a child. I really hope they release Jetfire or Overload next.

I missed the release of Megatron. Do you think they'll reissue him like they did for Optimus or should i just get Galavatron when he drops?
Should have found him at Ross for $50
I need idw samurai cyclonus, maybe for the comic edition would be awesome
Armada Megatron is somewhat of a shelfwarmer. You should still be able to find him in a Walmart/Target, and even occasionally on sale.
At least where I live, anyway.
They must have really overproduced the SF Chun-Li and Ken crossover or there is a massive bootleg. Selling for about what you'd expect the original molds to have been for online.
Megazarak when?
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Here's her price in my area. Is she more for you?

Thats the MSRP if you buy her in the store. In America, anyway.
That's Black Zarak
Do you mean this guy?
Same thing, different regional name.

Unless you guys mean the redeco of Armada Megatron.
yeah i swear it was lower before. maybe it was, but this is the price they gave me back, so.. i guess technically if i buy it at this price, i get it at the previous price.. whatever it was.
I've added it to my cart but i don't need anything else from walmart right now, so fuckit
I think this is the standard price for deluxes now.

Maybe when it was first on preorder, the price for all deluxes was lower. I know they bumped it up recently.

I always add any old shit just for free shipping. Batteries, socks, whatever.
Did they ever actually show her robot mode in the cartoon?
It varies. Depending on the store and line, its always 20 to 25. Like, My Walmart sells both Legacy and SS Deluxes for 25, but my Target sells SS for 20 and Legacy for 25. Its weird.
just sayin i think it was on sale
it'd be easy to look in the archive for it, i said something and thanked the guy.
Only from behind and from a distance.
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Some shit no one but me cares about
Might Gaine has three sets of wheels and they're all different widths
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That's normal on trains, the driving wheels (The big ones in the middle connected by the driving rods) are always larger than the leading/trailing wheels. Might Gaine's legs (The red/black parts) represent the tender
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>missing link jetfire
>a Valkeryie with modern articulation
>impressive in any way
Do you listen to yourself when you talk?
anon, they mean width between the wheels, not the goddamn wheel diameter
Speaking of trains, I'm looking forward to Galaxy Shuttle. The Astrotrain he's a recolor of was pretty damn good, so I'd love to have a properly-colored shuttle. My only issue was the tender in the back, when folded out to be a launchpad, didnt' want to stand up properly. Something about the legs not wanting to fold out all the way, never could figure it out.
So when can we get a proper Deluxe of this design instead of it being stuck in Authentics limbo
A long time from now. The current wave of Barricades were Prowl recolors.
>What are Barricade's most iconic features, we're designing an Evergreen "all purpose" look for him
>let's see, pointy head like the Decepticon symbol
>glowing red eyes and a mouth for yelling
>Window "wings" behind back
>almost completely black police car mode
>gold and purple support colors

>ok thanks I think I nailed it
You have to work backwards from Bayformers to reach evergreen. Movie Ironhide is a black pickup for example.
i mean i care about that shit
but this appears to be two sets of wheels that are the same. he sure looks more like a folded up robut than a train though
what? in what universe does "they're all different widths" mean the widths between the wheels?
besides, as you can see, the distances between the wheels are also uneven on that example train
Oh there will be hell to pay if the only G2 Dinobots we get are those rotten core class figures.
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Maybe I didn't explain myself well enough before
oh yeah yeah I get it. AXLE width. somehow i never picked up on that. or rather, axle length.
yeahhhh that's retarded. they need to be lined up or it's not a train
guy who posted >>11175730 here
i now get 'width between the wheels' sorry. I was fucking certain you meant the spacing between each set of wheels, from the front to the back.
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Gaine and the Might Wing add a fourth width
you know these aren't transformers, right
>Missing Link Optimus prime (both editions)
>Legacy United Optimus Prime
>SS86 Commander Optimus Prime
>40th retro Optimus Prime
how many fucking OG G1 optimus trucks are they expecting us to buy?
I'm going to buy at least two of those
I'm also an idiot, so same
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From behind, at a distance, out of focus (the camera pans past her to look at a bridge that she's about to steal a beam from), and for less than a second. That tiny glimpse was only included be wise the guys who made her model were upset that the robot mode they came up with wasn't going to be seen - she's in bird mode for the remaining 21 minutes and 53 seconds of the 21:54 episode, and acts more like an animal with a three-word vocabulary than an intelligent alien robot. Her appearance in a short story that takes place afterwards also has her in bird mode the whole time (and still thinking/acting more animal-like than sentient). She's a character who may as well not have a robot mode - she seems to believe she's an actual magpie, right down to her nesting behavior.
The other three Corvicons that showed up later were a different story, though.
I'm going to buy none of these
>was only included be wise the guys
>Legacy United Optimus Prime
Just that one for me.
made another attempt at buying Filch.. they'd better get her to me this time.
Good luck. I have no idea why she, specifically, seems to be so hard for people to get a hold of - she never even appeared on shelves in my area (I was lucky enough to get mine from Pulse before she sold out, otherwise I wouldn't have her either). She's a good birb, just needed a bigger mold (and a different tail), but considering she's an obscure character who's never had an actual toy appearance before (no that minifig doesn't count), this is the best we're ever going to get.
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Rathalos Prime is up on Amiami and HLJ, for those who were interested.
Also, I had no idea his Charge Blade actually morphs between its Sword and Shield mode to Axe mode - I assumed it was just in Axe form the whole time. Neat, I guess.
Meant to say
yeah I unscrewed the joint just a touch, applied force and a different angle, and now my Sludge stands
Shes on Aliexpress, for 30 bucks.
Impressive, you mistransformed all three.
>Same thing, different regional name
Even if they're the same guy Megazarak is Scorponok, not Black Zarak.
Black Zarak sucks.
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you suck

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