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Last time on Busou Shinki & Friends, >>11198475

We have Rin at home!

Ren Firedragon and Himari Bahamut have arived! Did you pick up the latest Godz Order girls? Have you gotten any of them so far? Which one is your favorite? Would you pick up Overlord Gabriel?

If you have ever wanted a Gourai but were put off by a dislike or fear of model kits Kotobukiya has your back! Gourai P3, a fully modeled, painted and decaled figure is now up for pre-order! Now cough up that $75!

Read the guide:

Official Skintone & Compatibility guides:

Upcoming Releases & Restocks:
>Megami device:
• Asra Ninja (Reissue)[Oct]
• Asra Archer (Reissue)[Nov]
• BUSTER DOLL Gunner Midnight Fang [Nov]
• Edelweiss Jaeger Repainted Color [Sep] [Kotoshop exclusive]
• BUSTER DOLL Knight Darkness Claw [Dec]
• BUSTER DOLL Tank Midnight Fang [Jan]
• Asra Nine-Tails Matsuri [Jan]
• Asra Tamamo-no-Mae Utage [Feb]
• Nodaka Takahata (Shimon) [Mar]
• Amaterasu Eclipse Regalia [Apr]
• SOL Raptor Beast Mode [Apr]

>Frame Arms Girl:
• Hand Scale Prime Body (Reissue)[Dec]
• Magatsuki (Cat Armor Ver.) [Jan]
• Izumo [Feb]
• Stylet (Swimsuit Ver.) [Apr]
• Gourai P3 [Apr]

>Cross Frame Girl
• Gaofighgar [Dec]

>Fumikane ART WORKS
• Artinia [Jan]
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Op part 2-----

>30 Minutes Sister
• Kogane Tsukioka [Oct]
• Rishetta (Freesia Wear) [Nov]
• Option Parts Set 14 (Spotter Costume) Color B [Nov]
• Option Hair Style & Face Parts Set (Yuika Mitsumine / Kiriko Yukoku) [Nov]
• Option Hair Style & Face Parts Set (Mamimi Tanaka / Sakuya Shirase) [Dec]
• Option Parts Set 15 (Nightmare Costume) Color C [Dec]
• SIS-N00 Sourei (Color B)[Feb]
• 30MS Option Face Parts Expression Set 7 (Color A)[Mar]
• 30MS Option Face Parts Expression Set 8 (Color B)[Mar]
• 30MS Option Hair Style Parts Vol.11 (4 Types)[Mar]

>Dark Advent
• Rania Relax Ver. [Nov]

>Guilty Princess:
• GP-10 Dark Fairy Knight Grimlinde [Jan]

• Charged Particle Cannon General-Purpose Fighter: Cuckoo [Nov]
• Rikka Takarada (Grid Tector Ver.) [May]

• I-hydra [Feb]

• VF-31J Siegfried Kaname Buccaneer [Dec]
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Op part 3-----

In development (now in development!)

>30 Minutes Sisters
BUNBUN Fighter

>Megami Device
Eva Unit 1
Ebikawa designed pair
Amaterasu AUV
Tsukuyomi Regalia
Face parts m.s.g. for Bullet Knights/SOL
Garden Spikes
Block 2 Armor sets/new series
B1R Chassis Kit M&L
Ame-no-Uzume Regalia

>Frame Arms Girl
Katsuguchi, Wilber-Nine, Shingen, Rayfalx, Gourai II, Hresvelgr Rufus Qipao version, Big scale Gourai
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For those interested, PSO2NGS will be having a FAG crossover again in a day or two.
Youre not wrong.
I skipped the first lumintea or whatever until her dark variant came out.
What is she spotting?
so that's around 2-2.5x the price, since Gourai Kai Ver.2 is 5400 yen and original Gourai is 4800.
(what is the difference between normal Gourai and Kai anyways?)
yeah p3 is definitely not aimed at the willing-to-labor-for-hobby market, it's more of a way to sell a similar thing to the kind of buyfags who buy figures or scale figures and dont wanna learn2models
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the cute new 30MS body released 4 days ago
seems not worth it though, the 30ms imas series' dumb system of needing to buy a whole other kit to get a head to go with the body makes it cost as much as a MD in the end and you get a lot less for the price
Worked pretty well for 30MM so why shouldn't Bandai try it for cute girls market?
Are these CAST parts? Males get the Frame Arms versions of the 'bots, while females get the FA:G incarnations? Seems like a cool idea - damn shame my interest in PSO2 died a decade ago waiting for the game to get localized. Still a neat idea, though.
You get everything but a head in this kit
well the idea is you already own a normal sister and this body is clothing for her
at least thats what i thought it was for
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Normal Gourai was the first frame arms girl and has extremely dated joint structure and material. Gourai Kai fixed all her issues, added several extra joints, new adapters, and lots of armor options.

Gourai P3 is just a Gourai Kai without the extra armor options.
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Finished the cute jet girl.
Well, I need to do the waterslides but still.
My Mao showed up today - I had to put off on shipping her until I had enough in my Private Warehouse to justify the cost. Haven't opened her yet, but she looks like she'll be a fun build.
Is that SOL Strike Raptor? I was under the impression that her pinks were more salmon-colored rather than borderline neon. She's cute, though - which reminds me, I still haven't touched mine yet. My backlog keeps growing....
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Finally got my Galahad from Hobbysearch. I'm going to stick with Aliexpress for my Chinese kits from now on.
The washed out lighting is what's doing it.
I wonder why the Japanese stores had so much trouble getting her in? Ordering from China for Chinese kits makes sense regardless though, I guess.
Anyone have some handy tricks for aligning eye decals?
there was a helpful image guide posted awhile ago that says to cut two lines of tape and make a cross on the face to help with alignment
Fuck, so that's been the hold up. Still waiting for mine I PO'd off a local online store which claims they're an official retailer of GSC and Koto.
Other local online stores already have her in. Though they did price her quite a bit lower than others.
I feel like this is designed specifically for Laranel (though a Sigma Sisters Paradox 2 with a white coloration could be a thing, but with arm blades instead of leg blades and maybe a Color B parts, as SSP1 is Color A) just to give her default form weapons without using her more powerful rabbit legs.
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Are those nub marks and seam lines in promotional image?
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Muscuto's new PUNI MOFU option parts are up on booth.

One of the PUNIMOFU options is abs.
heck of an epic COOMer moment
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>I was under the impression that her pinks were more salmon-colored rather than borderline neon
Yeah, the flash on my phone is just way too strong.
By the way, the top pair of wings are the ones that belong on the knees. I just couldn't handle how they got in the way all the fucking time and slapped them there.
abs for susanowo when?
You missed them till he reruns them.
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I don't get

Price of action figure but with fragility of plastic model


If anything I think companies (I don't mean kotobukiya only) should try to recreate proper painted colors through plastic

They can already do gloss finish but Matt finish still a long way to go
>They can already do gloss finish but Matt finish still a long way to go
Not really, Koto does a pretty decent job on skin parts. I'm guessing they don't just do that all over because it'd cause trouble when it comes time for waterslides or paint. I'm sure it would also jack up mold and therefore kit price, but y'know.
>chest set comes with 4 parts
are puni mofu chest connectors different from buster dolls? I thought they mainly had different torso/waist proportions
Tell me you're never handled a Gourai Kai without directly saying it anon.

Anyway, the idea is that the p3 Gourai comes fully modeled, so fit tolerances would be taken care of already.
>p3 Gourai comes fully modeled
and painted by hard working old ladies
Probably more like "hard working preteens" if shes assembled in china.
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Yes, BUSTER Dolls and PUNIMOFU both use the Cos system, their chest plates don't work with other md's and any non-Cos system plate looks like dogshit on them since a cover is required for their shoulders.
looks like there's a bunch of other new items on his store no-
>kanna head
time to turn my asra into a dog cop
yes but the question is: does the punimofu chest plate fit on gunner-chan
Yes, just tried it and it fits perfectly. It does look a bit odd with the white shoulder parts, though. But when the re-color comes out it'll be an easy kitbash, right now you're going to be doing some painting.
oh, neat! thanks, anon
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bandai's gachapon can be devilish, so I'm eyeing these with suspicion
>those gundam ones that only come with the mech and all the accessories to complete it are all in a separate capsule
This is "sort of a sequel of Gashapon Quest".
Of course they will have characters and weapons in separate capsules.
Also selling recolored at Bandai online shop and the rest at selective store gasha machines.
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I want these to be a normal candy toy lines instead of them being PREMIUM prices
>completion gachapon
Didn't government passed a law that had strict regulations against that kind of practice?
You don't need everything to complete a figure.
It's like Koto selling base body kits and MSG supporting kits separately
In euro cuck nations yes because the government needs more money to import browns.
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>Gashapon Quest died for this
Wow, that fucking sucks
I like these ones - they give off some Phantasy Star female CAST vibes.
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Maybe not
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also the week after
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I want more robo musume kits. In fact I wish Acerby were their own sub-series.
Okay, I can accept this.
can we have a gacha character figure wearing a bikini finally???
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A game I've been obsessed about lately is having server issues, so I've finally "had some time" to have fun with my other hobby.

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