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Previous Thread >>11221637

>New/Latest Pre-orders

The Vintage Collection:
-IG-12 (Deluxe)
-C1-10P (Imperial Disguise) - FanCh
-Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Legend)
-Yord Fandar (The Acolyte)
-Lt. Callahan (Ahsoka) - FanCh
-Aurra Sing (TPM refresh) - FanCh
-Doctor Evazan (ANH refresh) - FanCh
-Snowtrooper (ESB) - FanCh
-Jod Na Nawood
-Howler & Sabine Wren (Peridea)
-Streets of Mos Eisley playset (w/ Jawa) - FanCh
-Luke Skywalker (ANH)
-Anakin Skywalker (Ahsoka)
-Phase I Clone Trooper Lieutenant
-Dedra Meero
-Jedi Master Indara
-Luke Skywalker’s X-Wing - FanCh
-Figrin D’an & The Modal Nodes - FanCh
-K-2SO (Andor)

The Black Series:
-Dagan Gera & BX Droid (Hybrid) - Amazon
-Clone Commando (Urban Fighter) & B1 Battle Droid (Training) - Amazon
-Savage Opress - FanCh
-Luminara Unduli - FanCh
-Shaak Ti - FanCh
-Sebulba - FanCh
-Commander Cody (ROTS) - Walmart
-Wim (Skeleton Crew)*
-Fern (Skeleton Crew)*
-Neel (Skeleton Crew)*
-KB (Skeleton Crew)*
-Jod Na Nawood (Skeleton Crew)*
-Brutus (Skeleton Crew)*
-STAP & Battle Droid - Pulse Con Exclusive
-Prince Xizor - FanCh
-Clone Commander Bacara - FanCh
-BX Commando Droid - FanCh
-Luke Skywalker (ANH)
-Princess Leia (ANH)
-Dagan Gera (Jedi Survivor)
-Darth Nihilus - FanCh
-Clone Commander Obi-Wan Kenobi - FanCh
-Asajj Ventress - FanCh
-Darth Malak - FanCh
-Imperial Armored Commando
-Ahsoka Tano (Peredia)
-Bazil (The Acolyte)
-Vernestra Rwoh (The Acolyte)

Imports/Other lines:
-SHF Ben Kenobi
-SHF Anakin Skywalker (Ahsoka)
-SHF Yoda (ROTS)
-SHF Han Solo (ANH)
-SHF Chewbacca (ANH)

*No preorder available - expected in stores Fall 2024
>Upcoming/Pipeline Reveals

The Black Series:
-Kelnacca (The Acolyte)
-Moff Gideon (Dark Trooper Phase IV)
-Praetorian Guard (The Mandalorian)
-Anakin Skywalker (Ahsoka)
-Phase I Captain Rex (Ahsoka)
-Dash Rendar

The Vintage Collection:
-Mandalorian Super Commando (Maul Armor)
-Baylan Skoll
-Shin Hati
-Momaw Nadon
-Han Solo (ANH)
-Chewbacca (ANH)
-Ben Kenobi (ANH)

Reminder this is a thread about toys. Don't fall for bait or feed the trolls.
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Lots of deals for Amazon's Black Friday sale
Nothing good though.
It's the same shit that's been at the same "sale" price periodically all year now. I picked up that wicket and Bib Fortuna for this exact price like in January.
I don't keep up with TBS so someone else would need to check their sales for what's actually new, but for TVC I think the only new 'big' sales are
>grand inquisitor and morgan elsbeth down to $5
>mando N1 down to $80
>501st clone 4-pack 20% off
>rebel pilot 4-pack 15% off
Everything else I've seen so far seems to either be the same price it was before, or like 3 dollars lower at most.
Star Wars is a stagnant husk
Love that doghorse. Look at his little articulated feet.
>they didn't even paint it
Got the new Imperial Base Mando for TVC for that sweet hip upgrade. It's crazy how many paint apps are missing on him compared to the one that came with the N-1. It's mostly little details on his belt. Like none of the cartridges are painted, or the buttons on pouches, and the small silver plate on the back was also left blank. They basically only did the belt buckle and then the remote bombs and even those are just silver with no red. Then there's no paint on top of the shoulder strap where the rifle used to be attached. His right boot doesn't have any paint on the small piece of armor by his knee and the cartridge strap is unpainted besides the silver cylinders. And the biggest offender was not painting the handle on his blaster either.

Like I said, it's all small details really that you really won't notice too much, but I hate that the line is gutting so many of these lately. That IG-12 figure looks like a Retro release compared to the original IG-11 figure and yet it's double the price. At some point they need to just classify these things as model kits with how unfinished they practically are.
I got the TVC Grand Inquisitor for $5. Not bad. It's a good figure, just not a version of the character I care much about. For $5 though, why not?
I bought him too just to make a custom Rebels version since I got sent an extra head sculpt when I got one to replace on the Kenobi version. And since the Rebels design doesn't have a cape, I'm going to use that to upgrade my Gideon at the same time.
My pee-pee got excited for the Bad Batch Set for $30. I couldn't find it at Ross for $16 so this was good enough for me.
Nothing else looked good but I got the Optimus Prime for $20 to get the free shipping.
I'm happy with this until the next Prime Sale.

I wonder if Walmart or Target will have anything worthwhile?
Sure they will...with all the nothing they have. Or it'll be some pegwarming Galaxy whatever.
How come nobody is talking about mgs gasgano, dud bolt or the fang fighter and pirate fighter? I thought it was a dead line with just repaints of ties and x wings left to release since the u-wing! The hell happened to the mgs threads?
>Create 99% perfect clone mold
>Helmet actually looks well scaled for the first time
>Legs scaled correctly and articulation is so good they can do action poses without a stand
>Release two shitty 4-packs with them that are useless for armybuilding since one contains a named character and the other is a mix of three different units for no reason
>Release the unpainted clone on an Andor cardback
>Ignore the mold for a year before randomly making an Ahsoka cardback lieutenant
Are they fucking stupid? Why are they not milking the hell out of this mold by making a dozen different AOTC and ROTS carded figures and armybuilder 4-packs of every popular battalion? The mold is already made and they can just rerelease it a hundred times with the same few paint patterns in different colors. WHY DOES HASBRO HATE MONEY???
>Are they fucking stupid?
How long have you been here? Yes. Of course they are. The people running Star Wars are complete buffoons. They hurt and hinder the line in so many ways it's astonishing it still shambles on.
Why make a good product, when you can release 10 mediocre products that get 'improved' versions every few years?
This is the correct mindset.
doggo looks great, around what size will it be?
Standing up straight it will probably be somewhere around 4 inches
Are people just accepting them cutting paint apps now? How did it get to this?
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I miss the included stands
I liked the stands that came with revenge of the sith figures they were like little set pieces, that’s what that luminara figure came with
They didn't really assemble into anything though. A missed opportunity
Anyone reckon this apparently vintage bib fortuna cloak/coat would fit on current tvc figures? wanted some soft goods for my stormtroopers
I wouldn't say anyone is really accepting it. There's always several comments about it on Mr. Stevie's IG posts and it's a focal point on a lot of reviews. Especially for supposed Deluxe sets like Cobb Vanth where they say paint is there reason to be in that SKU. Not sure what else there is to do about it. If everyone stops buying the figures out of protest for it then they'll just kill the lines altogether. Production costs are a lot more of expensive now overseas, so if it comes between having more paint or better articulation, personally I would rather have the articulation. Paint is an easy thing to fix yourself.
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MAFEX Stormtrooper 2.0
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Now I want a MAFEX ANH Vader.
It's getting really hard to get excited for stuff like this.
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Reminder never to buy Hasbro's "deluxe" offerings.
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Going by Toy Story rules, what do you think all the Greefys talk about?
This is depressing. Star Wars sucks...
Why would I not just get TBS stormtrooper? It’s not like either of them have much paint, so they’re fairly identical. Plus, I can army build 3-4 stormtroopers for the cost of one of these. I’m plenty of Mafex are better then TBS, but I’m not seeing the value here.
That's Star Wars in general.
The TBS Stormtrooper is based on Rogue One design, marketed as the Mando version since it reuses those costumes there are minor changes.

TBS doesn't have a true OT Stormtrooper since atleast the original 1.0 crappy one from orange line.
>Miggs Mayfeld
>Bad Batch Echo
>Baze Malbus
>Bhodi Rook
>Galen Erso
>Fifth Brother
>Ewok dress Leia

Literally begging for some of these in TVC and here they are just rotting away because Hasbro would rather produce 100k units that won't ever sell instead of just investing into tooling for the people that actually want to buy them.
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Hey now let's be fair, the first 4-pack's helmets also looked pretty awful, and the 'lieutenant' from Ahsoka isn't really a lieutenant, those markings are a phase I 501st. I think hasbro will probably (hopefully) not take too long to make a shock trooper, but I dunno about anything past that, which makes me pretty glad to have aliexpress putting out a new unit of clones every 2ish months. On that subject,
>make a brand-new BARC helmet, but not the extra shoulder armor piece
>put a red shoulder on the BARC trooper, which didn't have it in its only appearance without the extra shoulder armor (EAFrontII assault class)
>don't put a red shoulder on the 91st phase II trooper, even though its only appearance did have it (about one minute of one clone wars episode)
It's an easy fix to just helmet-swap their 91st BARC and 91st phase II, but it's still a weird thing to mix up when you're already making this deep a cut into possible clone trooper figures. That aside, once 'fixed' I like these guys a lot, the armor markings for the 91st are obviously relatively simple but the BARC helmets look super nice, enough to forget they're removable instead of swappable. 91st recon would not have made the top spots in a list of clone units I wanted figures for, but my opinion of them after getting them has grown a lot.
>figures getting clearanced to shit and still shelfwarming
>Meanwhile in Aus we barely get half these figures and the ones that do shelfwarm stay at full price for years.
Fuck paying over 4x the price tho
The most ugly X-Wing in history goes to this piece of shit version.
Finally got my hallway set in. It's pretty cool. Luckily it didn't have any crooked sticker applications like I've been seeing people complain about. Never got the Tantive IV so I didn't really know what to expect here but now I'm definitely going to buy a few more after seeing how it is in person.
>wanting Disney shit in TVC
Guess what anon, Disney shit fails in TVC too. Look at $5 Grand Inquisitor, Morgan Elsbeth, Reva, Obi-Wan, Fennec Shand, Death Watch troopers, etc.

I would say Poe's X-wing is ugliest. But yeah these need more paint. Or is this supposed to be that retro unpainted one?
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Leaked parts for TBS ROTS Anakin and Obi-Wan. I flipped my Archive Anakin for a decent amount several months ago in anticipation of this. I was hoping to get rid of Obi-Wan and Cody too so I can replace them with the upcoming versions but they are dirt cheap on the secondary market no one wants them :\

Everyone's photos of this look really cool. I really want a couple, I was going to wait for a sale but not sure if I can wait
what a trainwreck
I don't collect ships, what's wrong with it?
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>Idiot zoomers diss a homage to the original 77' X-Wing toy.
>Or is this supposed to be that retro unpainted one?
Yup. It's the repaint based on the original toy. Neat concept for those who care about that kind of thing,
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>sheeeit I'm neva leavin dis place

Well that's recognizable in shape.
I'm sure an Ai would know what it was.

All I want is non ugly background figures and mooks.
I mean if it happens sure. But I mean I'm thankful that with a headswap I get nameless tech #2.
Probably gonna grab the cheap Jizz player and set him up to pan-handle.
They could leave them in the middle of the store in a pile with "please take these" written on paper on top...and they still wouldn't go away.
>Chase pays homage to the original Kenner X-Wing toy
>desperately want it but can't get it because we don't get shit in Aus
>people who can just buy it off the shelf shit on it
Pearls before swine.
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>phase 2
>still missing brow line
Missed opportunity to make a phase 1 212th as they already did the walgreens exclusive phase 2. Or at least include an extra helmet.
I saw there were also leaks for Luke's Imperial disguise from SOTE and all new Han Solo and Chewbacca
>Obi-Wan and Cody
Could you get some custom heads and make them into a generic Jedi and Clone trooper?
Man they really aren't even trying with this line anymore.
The new Yoda/Gree Two pack is pretty good. Speaking of which, I'm selling my Gree since I only wanted Yoda if anyone is interested. Didn't take him out of the box at all.
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We used to have it so good
All I remember from late 2000s Star Wars is Six Tits shelfwarming everywhere.
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gonna have to go back further than that lol
Did the Scanning Crew really sit around like that? I feel like I never saw that many. Not compared to Leesub anyway. But the again I was so focused on building out my clone army at that time that maybe I just didn't really notice.
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What will happen to TVC when Elon buys Hasbro?
Yeah this isn't very good desu. Saesee Tiin and Plo are repacks with those retarded swivel elbows and Plo has some weird knees too. The dancer was probably a disappointing pegwarmer at the time though is pretty expensive now. I like to reminisce about the old days too but sometimes I think they weren't always good. I'm pretty sure some of those comic packs had 5 POA figures.

He'd probably cancel everything licensed by Disney if Disney doesn't drop them first
Hopefully he puts it out of it's misery.
Elon is old enough that if he cared about star wars figures it would only be 3.75. I could see him being autistic about scale and demand black series was cancelled.
I am all here for this new era of cope from TVC fags. Elon cares about what is profitable (why he fired all the women at twitter) so there's no chance that he keeps TVC around when he definitely buys Hasbro.
Can someone here please explain to me since im new to collecting TVC and BS why TVC is all but doomshit about it?
I like both and I tend to want to collect "me and my son" versions. I hope none of them die out but I don't get why there's doom n gloom about TVC? isnt that a staple? old school star wars potf and what not? vehicules etc
oldfags are the only ones that buy TVC for the most part and they're slowly dying off or getting out of collecting as time passes. Meanwhile 6 inch has become the de facto standard across many collector lines and as a consequence, has a much larger following these days. Those still collecting TVC can sense the inevitable doom of their line and as such, do nothing but bitch and moan about it.
TVC has to be profitable in some way otherwise Hasbro wouldn't still be producing it either. And the whole thing about him buying Hasbro started because WOTC put out a D&D history book that talked shit about the creators and their use of language and views on women in the original rulebooks. So if anything that shows that Musk values heritage as well as profitability.
Because TVC has been cancelled in the past and we're seeing the exact same signs hitting the line as they were before. Reduced paint apps, repacks galore, raising prices, etc. All that coupled with the general state of the brand and its relevancy right now is making it hard to be very optimistic about it.
>So if anything that shows that Musk values heritage as well as profitability
that's speculation at best, I personally doubt that he gives much of a shit at all about the heritage of dnd. I've written papers on the history of dnd modules and even I don't care that much. He's a businessman at the end of the day and if any line is getting cut, it would be the less profitable TVC line.
TVC would be more profitable if they put actual effort into it and stopped wasting so much time and material on the BLACKEDseries
How are there still people out there who think Musk knows what he's doing
He wouldn't cut TVC. He'd cut Star Wars entirely. By Hasbro's own reports, they lose a ton of money from these branded toys. Black Series may sell more than TVC but it still isn't making them any money. The licensing fee alone is killing them. In fact Musk shouldn't buy Hasbro at all, he should buy Disney instead and gut Lucasfilm the same way he did with Twitter.
How big is the dog creature?
It's hard to say but Sabine is about 3.5" tall so the Howler would probably stand at 4" or a little more than that.
Why are you guys such whiny faggots? I am a TVC collector but I hate the community so much because they can't go 5 minutes without crying about black series meanwhile black series collectors do not think about us at all.

>TVC has to be profitable in some way otherwise Hasbro wouldn't still be producing it
Maybe they are scared some insane Star Wars fan, which there are no shortage of, will shoot up their HQ if they cancel it.

But yeah I'm sure it's profitable but margins are probably low which was a discussion a little while ago.

>Reduced paint apps, repacks galore, raising prices, etc. All that coupled with the general state of the brand and its relevancy right now
I just cannot see how this shit has more than a few years left. TVC, Lucasfilm, Hasbro at least one of these has a high chance of not being around in 10 years. Anyone that is optimistic is very naive and oblivious to the state of things. Personally, I think I'll be okay if they can at least redo ESB and ROTS mains before calling it quits. It has to end some day and I don't care about new media and will not mind not having to spend anymore money on this.

It's not about effort. They literally cannot make good shit because there is no budget. The steel molds cost the same for both scales. But black series is able to sell for more. That's why they will always get the bigger budget. Mr. Stevie has straight up said #balancethescales is not possible.
Black Series ruined Star Wars
It seems like they only keep TVC around because we've funded a bunch of HasLabs at this point. That and I assume they have to produce X number of products per year for new media by Disney's orders and so it's easier to create figures across different scales than to spend waves and waves on it for one single line on a year like Marvel Legends has to.

And speaking of Disney, I agree that I think we're in the final years of this hobby. We know Hasbro has '25 and '26 planned out already. Within the last handful of years it seems like they renewed their license with Disney every 2 years. The last update was in 2022, so we could assume they had to renew it again this year which would put them out to '26. Maybe 2027 just to put a nice capstone on it for the 50th. And that could be
why the focus is changing more to themed releases like this Return to Tatooine campaign. Unless something really changes when the movies start coming out again, I just don't see how Hasbro can keep going with Star Wars period at this point. Even Marvel doesn't seem to be the golden goose for them anymore which I think is the reason why they've kept Star Wars around since I believe it was reported years ago that Marvel and Star Wars were basically a package deal for the master license. And the way Chris Cox is firing people left and right and trying to turn Hasbro into a video game company now, who fucking knows if they'll even be around in the next few years.
It would be pretty sad if the 50th anniversary was the last year for TVC or all Hasbro Star Wars. I would hope they go at least another year or two, maybe to 2030 otherwise it would be too depressing and not much of a "celebration".
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Oh noooo, a whole pile of hologram crap at Ross? Who would've guessed?
Hey don't worry, they can just make it Walmart exclusive again! What could go wrong?
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>black series regular figure
>black series hologram
>black series helmet
>2 TVC figures
>1 Hot Toy
>epic heroes 3 pack

Why is there so much garbage for Axe Woves? Who the fuck actually cares about this character?
Is the actor someone famous? I have no idea.
Well according to the folks at Yahoo, he apparently has some serious fan cred. Not sure where these fans are at but they apparently exist in spades to warrant all the merch for him.
Dude he has like, AXES and WOLVES in his name, like dude is cool

For real I don't know either. His actor looks like a retired soccer player.
He's an an accessory piece to Bo Katan. Not sure why you'd need a hologram of him though.
Who the fuck are you talking to and what the fuck does it have to do with toys?
Elon joked about buying Hasbro and this of course set off the psychos around here because anyone associated with Trump causes them to have a meltdown.
They know mandalorians used to sell like hotcakes. He's pretty much the only other new male live action mandalorian they have after the Mando. They don't understand that they've fucked up mandalorions so much that no one wants them anymore.
Anyone preordered from Best Buy recently? I got a gift card (which I'm assuming can be used for preorders). Could I expect them to ship around when other retailers do or do they take a long time to get product or something?
>used to
Ain't that the truth. Now they're shitting up every toy aisle in the country and frankly are somehow more boring than the clones, clones, clones we've been getting.
Yet Pre Vizsla was impossible to find in a store. I bet they wouldn’t have trouble selling Gar Saxon either. They just make stupid choices.
He looked interesting. The rest of these Mandos, including "The" Mando are real boring.
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Darth Talon isn't out of question. SWGOH redesigned her with more clothes. Hasbro could easily adopt this as a figure.
Pre Vizsla is also a well developed character who did interesting things, unlike Axe Woves. The toy didn’t look just like all the other blue Mandos even though he had some blue. Hasbro also puts out too many Mandos with just a pistol and no rifle or other larger weapon, which is cheap as fuck.
>They don't understand that they've fucked up mandalorions so much that no one wants them anymore.
That has less to do with the fiction than oversaturation. Both TBS and TVC have been swamped with Mandos for the last few years. They've exhausted it. How many figures and repacks has Din Djarin alone had in the mere 5 years he's existed?
I wouldn't buy this.
>Darth Talon isn't out of question
Yes she is.
if they're gonna go this far with a redesign why not just make it a brand new character
I don't pay for censored shit.
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It's all or nothing Redditor-san.
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Really did not expect what I thought were this year's two best releases to hit 35% off within the year they came out, but here we are somehow, if you haven't gotten them already I can't imagine they'll ever be any cheaper. The night trooper pack is amazing in multiples if you're willing to jump through the hoops of part-swapping the stormtroopers and pawning off the extra Enochs, and the phase II pack is amazing without any extra effort, it obviously would've been preferable to get separate 4packs for the blanks, 501sts, and 332nds, but at $36 I don't think the mix of figures is enough of a dealbreaker to pass on this if you like clone troopers, these are the best they've ever made and hell knows how long it'll take to get these released individually and/or in more focused future 4-packs. Can't speak for the pilot 4-pack as I was waiting for a sale to consider it, but I assume it'll feel worth $36 to put some alien rebels in my E-Wings.

Also, semi-related, how good is the removable-helmet new-body phase I TVC clone, to those of you that bought it already? I never got it because I'm holding out for a nonremovable helmet version, but it's $11 right now which is tempting me to reconsider.
Those are some of the worst releases for this line in a long time. They need to go lower before they'e even worth spitting at.
Everything's going on sale lately, the whole industry is kinda imploding
They'll be at Ross and Ollie's by the end of this month.
The Phase I's are good. The helmet is still a little disproportionate but it isn't as bad as the Phase II can look. I only bought four originally but with the sale I am tempted to get a few more but the price is pretty good. I was hoping they'd do a helmet fix before releasing any more so I'll be curious if the upcoming 501st addresses that.

I haven't pulled the trigger on anything from the Pulse sale yet but so far I have a couple of Din Djarins in my cart so I can swap out the lower legs to give to the brown armor version that came with the Blurrg and the original release. And then one set of Night Troopers so I can mix and match and have another squad of those. Then I think I'll be set for those guys until they put out a single carded version with some different deco and Death Trooper versions.
>Really did not expect what I thought were this year's two best releases to hit 35% off
I'm pretty sure Pulse has put every 4 pack on sale. I thought about getting the Night Troopers but they were pretty lame in the show. Maybe if they make an Ezra in disguise single card I'll get it just because it's a novel design. I got a clone pack from Amazon but they are very boring and mostly got it for the 501st and to use the other 3 for customs. The pilots would've been better if the helmets were OG Alliance and not Disney's dystopian New Republic ones.

>how good is the removable-helmet new-body phase I TVC clone
I'm glad that they are pure white instead of off white like the Andor phase 2 and that they have the gray soles instead of black. But the helmets are really shitty. They are too wide, the mouth lines are bad, they are also too short/shallow so in most positions you can see the lower half of the face hanging out. But if you need phase 1s, for $11 you might as well. I don't know if they will make a new one using the Ahsoka 501st phase 1 sculpt any time soon. I hope not desu because it would be kind of a wasted slot.
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I really like the new phase one's. Helmets are a little oversized as others have said, but I don't think they look too bad. Not really a fan of the soft plastic they went with for the blasters, but that seems to be a line wide issue currently.
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A 4th Night Trooper variant as a single release would be awesome but it's not something I'm willing to hold my breath for, the zombie'd Death Troopers don't even feel like a guarantee right now. Still really recommend part-swapping the ones from the 4-pack though, I went for 20 when they released and this felt like about the point where you'd run out of 'unique enough' variants if you tried to go much further. I really need to do a proper photo of these guys eventually, but for now the best I got is this one from after I finished swapping them and was letting them dry off from the hot water needed to safely remove most of the parts.

Plenty of cool looking troopers didn't do very much onscreen, these guys at least have a chance to do something in the mando movie and/or ahsoka season 2, unlike the many other recent cool-looking trooper designs that got completely eradicated by the end of the season they debuted in. Can't relate at all to the other 3 clones in the clone 4-pack being boring, admittedly I'd not have chosen to get as many 332nds as 501st if they were single releases but I genuinely like the beginning-of-the-empire blank phase IIs a lot. Agree on the pilot helmet mix being weird though, feels a bit like putting two imperial stormtroopers and two first order stormtroopers in a 4-pack, part of why I couldn't bring myself to pay full price for it.

Appreciate the photo of what the helmets look like in-hand (and the opinions of all 3 of you) I'm gonna give it another day or two of thought, I basically don't have any phase Is aside from the old TCW animated figures, which I still really like but they might as well be different characters with how much the helmet changed between AotC and TCW.
Then what's the fucking point?
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>redesigned her with more clothes.
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Idk, ask the schizos in the US of A who are in charge of censoring sexy girls in media while pushing fags sodomizing each other and trannies showing their genitals to kids in media at the same time.
>no S1 Clone Wars Ahsoka
>no Talon
>no Oola
>no slave Leia ever again
>Twin Suns never ever but that's probably because lolKOTOR2
I am surprised (((they))) even let us have Aaylas recently. Although the black series one is a downgrade compared to vintage.
It's problematic to be attracted to conventionally attractive women.
Remember Captain Phaaaaasmaaaa?
The micro galaxy ghost is with a discount on walmart at just $30
I somehow got an error in the first Night Trooper park. The Stormie doesn't have a the black line above his head. That pushed me overt the edge to buy a second pack.
Thanks for that tip Anon!
How'd that get cheaper than the AT-ATs ever were? Shit. This line always ends up on clearance, too. There's a bunch at ROSS still.
Has anyone already seen the first ep? I cant find torrents.
>Yarna d'al' Gargan cameo
inb4 she spikes on ebay
Has Hasbro acknowledged the ghost Haslab? Shit is months late at this point
I fucked her
I watched them both. I liked it. Reminded me of a Christopher Columbus or Robert Zemeckis movie. Much more charm to it than The Acolyte. I really want figures of the various pirates.
You're pathetic.
multi-pack are more likely to go on sales in general
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Rise, my friend.
Shit she already goes for over $45. I am hoping this will inspire a reissue of her because I need her for my Throne Room but don't want to pay that much.
What's to acknowledge? It started shipping last week.
It's a shame Vader can't kneel properly, it looks as if Palpatine is checking shoes to find his princess
Star Wars is pathetic. It ended in '83, after all.
>Look at my new boots. I got them on sale.
>Yeah, yeah that's nice. Rise, Lord Vader.
85, it ended with POTF1 and Droids.
Another acceptable answer is 96, the special editions is when everything was ruined.
>look at this dood
Just bought a Super Battle Droid but I cant attach the blaster effect with out the two little cannons in the wrist almost braking. Suggestions?
they have conehead wookies now?
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Can we...can we just not?
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>is a $35 deluxe figure because.... because
fucking lol
I mean it’s a new mold that’s not gonna be used with anything else, lots of paint hits and a larger character. I don’t like it, but it makes sense.
Half the molds in this line are only used once or twice, shit excuse
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Short haired Shin Hottie please hasbro.
All of the limbs are being reused for the new Chewbacca that's been leaked
yes and that chewie will also be $35
New Chewie? Which film are they saying it’s from?
For me, it's 2005.
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Why does he looks stoned? Also the black dots around the eyes and the conical head are much more subtle in the show.
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Figures of these monstrosities when?
>male pattern baldness on a Wookie
Damn, the Rakata truly were a blight upon the galaxy.
I would agree to that. However the toys were real good until 2007 TAC, so going up to there would still keep it pre-TCW and TFU.
ANH presumably to go with the new Han that's coming and the Luke and Leia that just released.
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Kek, yeah, I did my best, but it still looks like he's getting ready to propose to Sheev. Might readjust him later so they're strolling through the hangar.


This gave me a good chuckle. Thanks, anon.
I'm tired of ANH Chewies. I want the hair sculpt for a good ROTJ Chewie. I'm tired of this line taking 5 years to release anything good ever.
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that smile in the second pic is him reliving this scene
Not my Star Wars
Anyone else kinda want to quit collecting but struggling? There's some figures I "want" but I've been dragging my feet on getting them. Sometimes I add something to my cart and then think what am I doing why am I wasting my money on this shit? I think I have reached a point with Star Wars, thanks to Disney, that whenever I think about it I am filled with disgust and I feel retarded for still engaging with such a retarded franchise. I think FOMO is the only thing making me still buy figures because I know if I don't get them now, they'll get more expensive later.
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I definitely share the feeling of wanting to be out of collecting. The figures are getting making improvements in some areas, and getting worse in others, and the prices are becoming increasingly harder to justify. It's bad when I impulse buy something, enjoy it for a couple days and then it just sits in a pile or goes into a tub.
That being said I still enjoy toys, and I definitely enjoy the franchise, so one thing I've been doing is buying older figures, either secondhand or even mint on card, which given I'm a big fan of the POTF2 and Prequel era figures is much cheaper because most people don't really want a Gasgano or super buff farmboy Luke. So maybe just refocus the specific series you want, like "I only want Black series figures based on A New Hope" or "I'm going to collect the full original Kenner series" that way you are limited as to what you actually want, and even have something of an end goal. That's what I'm trying to do.
The only thing I really gaf about is Dash Rendar and more Kotor/swtor. The brand's essentially dead now that they've fucked up the whole Mando timeline. Close to purging my collection of most of that shit.
Nah. I'm here for OT and PT related figures. I could not care less what Disney does at this point. If Hasbro all of a sudden stopped making stuff from George Lucas era, then I would have a reason to be mad and quit. Or at least just focus on getting past releases to fill some holes in my collection.
I wouldn't even be mad.
I do this very same thing.
I only collect star wars toys up to 2002.
That way, I have an out/end to the madness. I only go for new shit if it's really really good
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>I have transcended the needs of female flesh Luke
But yeah, same. The price thing is the worst part, look the figures are getting better like you said but one reason I collect these lines is the cheap price, if they are going too high I may just turn to imports.
>It's bad when I impulse buy something, enjoy it for a couple days and then it just sits in a pile or goes into a tub.
Yeah this always happens. I anticipate a figure and then when I finally get it, I don't care. I think this happens with most material things though. I don't really even have space to display them properly anymore so that's kind of worse. I started an IG for photography to at least do something more with them but haven't been super motivated with that lately.

>So maybe just refocus the specific series you want
>I'm here for OT and PT related figures
Yeah I do OT and PT only too. Last couple years I bought a lot of older figures but I think I'm done with those unless I find a good deal. I think I will just ride out these (presumably) last few years of TVC and get the few OT/PT figs they do here and there then I might stop.

>Close to purging my collection of most of that shit
I think about this sometimes. I am honestly embarrassed to call myself a Star Wars fan now but sometimes I still feel nostalgic for the old days so I think I would regret getting rid of my figures whenever I'm feeling nostalgic about it
The only thing that's going to stop me from collecting is more price hikes and decreasing quality for TVC. It's annoying that Deluxe offerings have become an excuse to charge more for paint but then they still neglect applications on a lot of things. However, paint I can fix no problem. If they start cutting articulation or fucking up sculpts while continuing to charge more, then that's a bigger problem that would drive me to stop. Whether Disney media is good or bad isn't a large factor in my enjoyment of this hobby. I simply don't buy stuff from it if I don't like it; such as sequel stuff or The Acolyte. Unless it has some sort of utility for me such as for customs. Like I didn't really like OWK either but I sure as hell bought a ton of those figures because they were good figures in general that were great for fodder and best of all, super cheap. And it's not like I was buying every figure back in the day either. Star Wars is a big universe and I'm not one of those collectors that has to recreate everything we see on screen. I like to throw a bunch of figures together and make my own scenes. Besides, it's not like Disney will ever be able to take away our memories of growing up with George Lucas era Star Wars. Every time they fuck up, it just makes his legacy even better.
15$ now on walmart
Aliexpress listing updated again, more ARF variants and a couple Phase I variants, no new legion though.
Thanks Anon. I finally pulled the trigger because of you.
Neat, just scored two BS Droidekas and the new Cassian for $15 shipped on a Christmas deal.
Don't forget to utelise your carrots anon or to upgrade to EB world platnium to save ten dollars on pre orders!
I feel like their phase 1 helmet looks better than Hasbro's, at least the visor printing. How is there not an official ARF trooper in either scale yet? It's literally just one new helmet mold to make it.

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