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Previous Thread >>11221637

>New/Latest Pre-orders

The Vintage Collection:
-IG-12 (Deluxe)
-C1-10P (Imperial Disguise) - FanCh
-Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Legend)
-Yord Fandar (The Acolyte)
-Lt. Callahan (Ahsoka) - FanCh
-Aurra Sing (TPM refresh) - FanCh
-Doctor Evazan (ANH refresh) - FanCh
-Snowtrooper (ESB) - FanCh
-Jod Na Nawood
-Howler & Sabine Wren (Peridea)
-Streets of Mos Eisley playset (w/ Jawa) - FanCh
-Luke Skywalker (ANH)
-Anakin Skywalker (Ahsoka)
-Phase I Clone Trooper Lieutenant
-Dedra Meero
-Jedi Master Indara
-Luke Skywalker’s X-Wing - FanCh
-Figrin D’an & The Modal Nodes - FanCh
-K-2SO (Andor)

The Black Series:
-Dagan Gera & BX Droid (Hybrid) - Amazon
-Clone Commando (Urban Fighter) & B1 Battle Droid (Training) - Amazon
-Savage Opress - FanCh
-Luminara Unduli - FanCh
-Shaak Ti - FanCh
-Sebulba - FanCh
-Commander Cody (ROTS) - Walmart
-Wim (Skeleton Crew)*
-Fern (Skeleton Crew)*
-Neel (Skeleton Crew)*
-KB (Skeleton Crew)*
-Jod Na Nawood (Skeleton Crew)*
-Brutus (Skeleton Crew)*
-STAP & Battle Droid - Pulse Con Exclusive
-Prince Xizor - FanCh
-Clone Commander Bacara - FanCh
-BX Commando Droid - FanCh
-Luke Skywalker (ANH)
-Princess Leia (ANH)
-Dagan Gera (Jedi Survivor)
-Darth Nihilus - FanCh
-Clone Commander Obi-Wan Kenobi - FanCh
-Asajj Ventress - FanCh
-Darth Malak - FanCh
-Imperial Armored Commando
-Ahsoka Tano (Peredia)
-Bazil (The Acolyte)
-Vernestra Rwoh (The Acolyte)

Imports/Other lines:
-SHF Ben Kenobi
-SHF Anakin Skywalker (Ahsoka)
-SHF Yoda (ROTS)
-SHF Han Solo (ANH)
-SHF Chewbacca (ANH)

*No preorder available - expected in stores Fall 2024
>Upcoming/Pipeline Reveals

The Black Series:
-Kelnacca (The Acolyte)
-Moff Gideon (Dark Trooper Phase IV)
-Praetorian Guard (The Mandalorian)
-Anakin Skywalker (Ahsoka)
-Phase I Captain Rex (Ahsoka)
-Dash Rendar

The Vintage Collection:
-Mandalorian Super Commando (Maul Armor)
-Baylan Skoll
-Shin Hati
-Momaw Nadon
-Han Solo (ANH)
-Chewbacca (ANH)
-Ben Kenobi (ANH)

Reminder this is a thread about toys. Don't fall for bait or feed the trolls.
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Lots of deals for Amazon's Black Friday sale
Nothing good though.
It's the same shit that's been at the same "sale" price periodically all year now. I picked up that wicket and Bib Fortuna for this exact price like in January.
I don't keep up with TBS so someone else would need to check their sales for what's actually new, but for TVC I think the only new 'big' sales are
>grand inquisitor and morgan elsbeth down to $5
>mando N1 down to $80
>501st clone 4-pack 20% off
>rebel pilot 4-pack 15% off
Everything else I've seen so far seems to either be the same price it was before, or like 3 dollars lower at most.
Star Wars is a stagnant husk
Love that doghorse. Look at his little articulated feet.
>they didn't even paint it
Got the new Imperial Base Mando for TVC for that sweet hip upgrade. It's crazy how many paint apps are missing on him compared to the one that came with the N-1. It's mostly little details on his belt. Like none of the cartridges are painted, or the buttons on pouches, and the small silver plate on the back was also left blank. They basically only did the belt buckle and then the remote bombs and even those are just silver with no red. Then there's no paint on top of the shoulder strap where the rifle used to be attached. His right boot doesn't have any paint on the small piece of armor by his knee and the cartridge strap is unpainted besides the silver cylinders. And the biggest offender was not painting the handle on his blaster either.

Like I said, it's all small details really that you really won't notice too much, but I hate that the line is gutting so many of these lately. That IG-12 figure looks like a Retro release compared to the original IG-11 figure and yet it's double the price. At some point they need to just classify these things as model kits with how unfinished they practically are.
I got the TVC Grand Inquisitor for $5. Not bad. It's a good figure, just not a version of the character I care much about. For $5 though, why not?
I bought him too just to make a custom Rebels version since I got sent an extra head sculpt when I got one to replace on the Kenobi version. And since the Rebels design doesn't have a cape, I'm going to use that to upgrade my Gideon at the same time.
My pee-pee got excited for the Bad Batch Set for $30. I couldn't find it at Ross for $16 so this was good enough for me.
Nothing else looked good but I got the Optimus Prime for $20 to get the free shipping.
I'm happy with this until the next Prime Sale.

I wonder if Walmart or Target will have anything worthwhile?
Sure they will...with all the nothing they have. Or it'll be some pegwarming Galaxy whatever.
How come nobody is talking about mgs gasgano, dud bolt or the fang fighter and pirate fighter? I thought it was a dead line with just repaints of ties and x wings left to release since the u-wing! The hell happened to the mgs threads?
>Create 99% perfect clone mold
>Helmet actually looks well scaled for the first time
>Legs scaled correctly and articulation is so good they can do action poses without a stand
>Release two shitty 4-packs with them that are useless for armybuilding since one contains a named character and the other is a mix of three different units for no reason
>Release the unpainted clone on an Andor cardback
>Ignore the mold for a year before randomly making an Ahsoka cardback lieutenant
Are they fucking stupid? Why are they not milking the hell out of this mold by making a dozen different AOTC and ROTS carded figures and armybuilder 4-packs of every popular battalion? The mold is already made and they can just rerelease it a hundred times with the same few paint patterns in different colors. WHY DOES HASBRO HATE MONEY???
>Are they fucking stupid?
How long have you been here? Yes. Of course they are. The people running Star Wars are complete buffoons. They hurt and hinder the line in so many ways it's astonishing it still shambles on.
Why make a good product, when you can release 10 mediocre products that get 'improved' versions every few years?
This is the correct mindset.
doggo looks great, around what size will it be?
Standing up straight it will probably be somewhere around 4 inches
Are people just accepting them cutting paint apps now? How did it get to this?
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I miss the included stands
I liked the stands that came with revenge of the sith figures they were like little set pieces, that’s what that luminara figure came with
They didn't really assemble into anything though. A missed opportunity

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