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Rocket Man Edition.
(Previous: >>11215311)
Thread question:
>What would be your dream vehicle for the line?
Damn, that's a tough one, since 30/40k has a lot of good ones. Maybe a Rhino for starters since it's the most iconic? If that happens we'll see how it goes from there.
>What would be your dream vehicle for the line?
Realistically speaking, a A leman russ would be cool, but unrealistically I want a warlord titan.
>warlord titan
Titans wouldn't have to be that big, about primarch figure size would be good.
Realistically a Leman Russ tank with a Cadian crew would be nice, but I would love it if the crew was instead from the Armageddon Steel Legion.
Would love a Predator or Land Raider
Predator seems likely one day with how space marine heavy the line is, i would love a leman russ but we dont even have normal cadian troops yet.
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I was this close to buying Ahriman, but I stayed my hand. They better give us 40K TS and Ahriman soon.
Finally got this bad man, what an impressive figure, especially for the money I paid($150cad). Joytoy is on another level.
just preordered my first figure, Lieutenant Titus
what am i in for?
Dream vehicle? An Exorcist. I just wish they'd make everything from the old Witch Hunters Codex...
The face doesn’t look as similar to the in-game model as it should. even if that were the case, I’d still prefer how it looked in the trailer
meant to >>11241989
Thank you OP for making the new thread :3

I'd probably like an impulsor over the iconic rhino, because an open back is MUCH easier to play with than a box (assuming only the doors and stuff opened, and not an opening/removable top gimmick. I also like floating vehicles over treads, because you can VWOOOOSH!! more reasonably).
What do you even buy if you think that's impressive? It's not even a large figure, considering it's only big when compared to 1:18 lines and not 1:12 or 1:10 lines, which is what most of what /toy/ buys.
Yeah, I'm guessing the Cadians sold poorly, since we never got regular troops, same with the Kriegsmen
As for the predator yeah its likely, too bad its gonna come in ultramarine colors, but I guess I could just repaint it
>1:12 or 1:10 lines, which is what most of what /toy/ buys.

Fuck Off already, no one cares about your man baby scale.
NTA but you can't deny he's impressive to look at. The sheer amount of sculpted and painted detail is definitely something to behold, and the design itself is cool as hell. Plus, even at 1/18 scale he's a big boy.
Too bad it's not in an actual scale such as 1/12 which holds actual detailed sculpts.
I generally prefer 1/12 but a 1/12 Horus would be fucking colossal.
>painted detail
Wow, it's so impressive that $150 figure has a paint job that blends in with the wooden table it's standing on, instead of looking like a glorious demi-god who could be using an entire world's resources just for his suit.

... not even in bizzaro world would it be considered "impressive."

It's >ridiculous< that a $150 figure has a shitty paint job.

As for sculpted detail, it's actually pretty plain for an armored figure. Granted, WH40k has cartoony designs, but you're overblowing the detail that actually exists on the figure.
>even at 1/18 scale he's a big boy
He's about as big as Mattel's Lightyear robots. It's seriously not that big and i have bigger 1:18 mechs than that.
Never mind, Subby invaded the thread again, even though his secondary ass has been told he's not welcome over and over again.
Do not reply to him. He owns no models and knows nothing about 40K. Just ignore him.
Dude shut the fuck up, 1/18 is a dead scale. Only retarded man babies collect a piece of shit scale just because you gotta COLLECT THEM ALL for that FOMO swag life, retard.
Stop raping kids, Athena.
It's subby, he's always here.
>1/18 is a dead scale
how can it be dead when they still make them you retard? Don't tell me you only buy shit because its popular.
>How can it be dead you can easily head on over to your local target and find them a plenty

Wrong, 1/12 reigns supreme with marvel legends and gi Joe classifieds, stuff people actually want.
So you do just buy shit because its popular? You're a sad faggot.
Is Warhammer ever popular? I barely ever see fans actually talk about wanting to buy the action figures when it's all about the lore and army building.
It's always been popular, it's just only now finally getting into the action figure market (and blowing up with the success of space marine 2). That's like saying Starbucks isn't popular because there is no action figure line.

Audible sigh, we went a whole thread without his retarded ass... Yeah, everyone remember, no (you)s, he does actually care about that shit. Only engage with people that actually buy toys, or actually has Warhammer stuff. Subby has been proven to do neither, so any engagement is a complete waste.

>It's not big, if you compare it to bigger scales
Man, we already got one retard spewing shit in here, we Don't needs a second! (Unless it's subby samefagging, which he does do as well).
>Only engage with people that actually buy toys
So there are only like 3 people ITT that I can even interact with?
>It's retarded to compare it to other scales
>pay $150
>barely bigger than $25 figures
How is this retarded?

Even if they were 10", it's still not big either, ESPECIALLY for their price.
CAN? No, you CAN do what you can do.
SHOULD you only interact with anons who actually own/buy toys? Yes
Example; I'm ignoring above, because that's subby, caught samefagging.
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You can interact with me.
I've proven time and time again that I own Joytoy figures (along with countless other lines), hence shitting on them for their various problems.

>ib4 i stole this image or it's AI
prove it. Oh wait, you can't, because you need to COPE that someone who owns the same toys isn't satisified with their inferior quality.

Fact is, i've been taking photos in the same settings/furniture/figures, uniquely for the topic/thread, for well over a decade, just to establish my own photos... but mostly because my benches are perfect for photographing shit, so of course they're going to show up in many of my photos.

>ib4 you haven't taken a new photo of new toys because Joytoy totally fixed them, so your complaints arent valid anymore... despite people in these threads still posting about their newest broken figures with brown mustard paint jobs

this is my third post in this thread. my second post was >>11243172 I've made no attempts to "hide" myself
If you think >>11243182 or >>11243278 is me, you're proving how deluded you are to deflect valid criticism.

pic i took was to show how out of scale the WH40k figures are
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Ignore subfaggot. He keeps complaining about the same fucking thing over and over again. I agree with you with Joytoy, they're killing it and with the Primarchs especially. There isn't any day that goes by where I just look and pick up my own Horus and be amazed that it's a toy that actually exists, a mass produced figure that I didn't have to get 3D printed or customized or anything. The fact that the entire line is also 1:18 scale is pretty brilliant because it makes the primarchs chunky enough to be pleasant to pose and interact with, but not so large that they require a huge shelf to display altogether.
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>>11243387 here, I also think at 150 CAD Joytoy offers the best in terms of detail. The only way you can get more detailed is to go with something like Metal Build Gundam, and those cost a whole lot more and not even bigger than the primarchs.

Pic related.
>complaining about the same thing over and over
Because Joytoy keeps fucking up, over and over, figure after figure, year after year.

>b-b-but they finally fixed the scale!
Hence me praising them for that, but what about the brittle plastics and shitty paint jobs?
... but at the same time, they fucked up the scaling on the normal humans. Or rather, they fucked with the proportions. Their first humans were all realistically humans. Their next humans were all given cartoony proportions.
Big heads. Popeye arms. Giant feet. Why? They fix one problem and create a new one, because they're ineptly run.

>Joytoy is brilliant not only for using a common scale but because they made 7" figures that'll fit on your shelves
lol, holy overexaggerated marketing speak

Come on, tell me what other lines you buy, if you're that impressed by some of the most mundane "features" ever.
Reminder that Subjectanon is a massive secondary who panic-bought a bunch of books to try and beat the allegations. He has failed to post a single model in any of these threads and is only here to troll and derail the topic, because he legitimately cannot stand positive discussion of a toyline he doesn't like. Also the only reason he doesn't like JoyToy is because they're showing up McFarlane.
McFarlane is affordable at the very least, which is probably why subanon likes them so much (and continues to sourgrape about Joytoy). Well, there's no shame in that I think. He can just keep stealing people's collection shots from Reddit.
>Compared to 1:12
Lol Horus is bigger than the vast majority of my 1:12 stuff and way more detailed to boot(and that includes Japanese imports). The only area he lags behind in is articulation and that's due to them not compromising the sculpt. It's as good as it can be considering the design.

I can't but notice you didn't include a pic of something you'd consider impressive either.
I agree, 1/18 is a great scale for Primarchs to be played with as actual toys instead of barely posable statues, and this is coming from a 1/6fag.

I just very recently got into this line. Picked up a Lion El'Jonson as a Christmas gift for my dad (Dark Angels have always been his favourite legion/chapter), plus another for myself, and I've got Sanguinius on PO. Looking to pick up Leman Russ soon as well.
Heard the QC was meh to middling for their rank and file figures, but generally solid for their higher end stuff. Really looking forward to getting some of these guys in hand.
Nah, your giving him too much credit; he STOLE the pic of those books, as I remember when he first posted them, he promised to post more after he got laughed at for having so little, but of course he never followed up with more, because "moving goal posts" (even though HE started the "no true scottsman". Hes trying to gaslight the reasonable expectation of a timestamp in order to validate his "proof", when we can see that he's lying.
But your overall point still holds; starve the troll of (you)s! Notice how he's clinging to the one anon to try and get some! Pathetic, but that's how mental illness works, I guess.

Arguably, no. Price hike puts them at $30 a pop, meanwhile you can get basic intercessors for like $20-25 everywhere, and they have WAAAY more than what McFarlane offers. Whatever joytoy offers for higher, IS worth the asking price.
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Didn't you read his posts though? He says only 1/12 scale figures can have the necessary detail to be impressive. And sure, McFarlane WH40K is 1/12 scale (arguably 1/10) but their soft and mushy sculpts, along with mediocre articulation, can be impressive. If you're dumb as fuck that is.
I don't read everything he types, because it's mostly schizo delusions that don't particularly pertain to the "conversation", or are the same tired and disproven BS he ALWAYS types.
Reminder that 1/18 scale is for faggots with no taste that must army build their precious stupid space marines for that epic display.
I'll be honest, even though I hate the Primaris vehicles I see your point there. But then I feel the Primaris stuff actually works better as action figures than as miniatures. I'd still love a Rhino though; assuming the top hatch opened it'd still be quite playable.
I won't lie I kinda wanna have a stab at scratchbuilding a 1/18 Rhino from styrene sheet, with some resin printed bits for the detail parts and the runnning gear/tracks (I have some super-tough resin before you ask).
I just have one chaos marine and one blood angel bolter. All the new ones seem to be wolves. Don't care for them. What legion would go with BA? Also seems like I'll have to get horus if I want baddies. Talking about preorders and what not.
Sorry meant thousand suns
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Anyone know if CTC often restocks their custom helmets?

I have Russ and Dorn coming in the mail and the helmet options I like for them are currently OOS.
?? Just the guns, or did you mean to say that you have one CSM figure with a bolter, and one BA figure with a bolter? And that the new figures are just wolves?
You can ignore all of the wolves and buy the BA figures that are available, both in primaris 40k, as well as Horus Heresy Marines (just no beakies/standard units yet, only specialty ones like grenade and big ass jet pack ones). Between the two eras, there's PLENTY to choose from.
As for chaos, they had 5 black legion Marines, plus 5 BL havoks, as well as terminators. You could also get the Horus Heresy SoH Marines as "bad guys".
Not sure but you can probably email them about it.

There's also toyverse(dot)top if you want an alternative source. Just a warning that they take two months to ship out because their helmets are made to order. They're legit though.
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>way more detailed to boot
Makes me think you own no other toyline, because there's literally hundreds of toys out there that have better detailed armor. Even Figmas have better detail and they're known for their soft sculpts

There's next to zero wear on the armor and everything is just so cartoony compared to something like pic. There's also next to zero weathering, but i won't fault them on this if you want to say that he never goes out on the battlefield. Other figures in the line, however, suffer from the same lack of weathering though. So it's just Joytoy cheaping out on what's supposed to be grimdark gritty figures.

As for size, there's 20 years of BAFs that are bigger. Plus whatever oversized figures Hasbro, McFarlane, Mattel, Storm Collectibles, Toy Biz, Ori Toys, 3A, NECA, DC Direct, 4 Horsemen, Jazwares, Creative Beasts, Hiya, Mezco, Play Arts, and countless others have been releasing in large boxed singles. Granted, Mattel and Jazwares kinda suck, but if they put a bit more of a budget, they'd end up great. Shit like that Mantis mech from Jazware's Halo line could have been amazing, which already has great engineering.

post proof that i stole any of the images that i've said are mine.
Don't even bother replying, he's clearly retarded, comparing the size of a smaller scale to a larger scale.
He wants (you)s, don't give him any more. Starve the attention seeking secondary!
>Subjectanon mad because JoyToy don't make their figures look like ToyBiz/McFarlane abominations covered in gunky washes and chalky drybrushing until it looks like a bad custom
Checks out.
>20 year old mcfart statue
Lol, why not post his recent trash.
Hey friendo, how much of a pain is it to attach that mask? Is it soft-plastic? Thinking of buying it, but I'm kinda worried it might scratch/scuff his face-paint.
It's not that hard to attach the mask, you just push it into his face and friction keeps it on. However depending on where you get it, the inside might be painted black. you may want to cover the inside with tape or put a bit of foam in between it and Horus' face so the latter doesn't get scuffed.

Honestly though once you put the mask on you'll never want to take it off.
Oh yeah it's also not soft plastic, it's stiff plastic with no give. I don't think it's brittle, it feels pretty tough.
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>he's clearly retarded, comparing the size of a smaller scale to a larger scale.
The guy was saying the figure was impressive for the price he paid, so it's actually a comparison of its size for its price.

Takes a little bit of 8th grade level education to figure that shit out, so good job at showing how retarded you are.

But i guess making a retarded defense is the only way you can defend that figure, since you don't own any other toyline to notice what a poor value you're getting with that sculpt, paint, and size.
You can't even answer what you own if you think that's impressive, because you likely own nothing else... or do you own something else that is better and just don't want to admit Joytoy's product is inferior?

>complaining about washes and weathering when the topic is ultra gritty series
sure is nonfan who probably bitched that space marines are too big, because you needed to defend Joytoy for fucking up scale by making the early figures 1/21 instead of 1/18

again, tons of figures out there that are actually better detailed, instead of simplistic armor. Companies didn't stop making detailed figures 20 years ago like you need to pretend to to defend Joytoy.
Even Blizzard's Warhammer rip off figures show better detail.
Reminder that Subjectanon has not posted a single model, because he does not own any, as he is a secondary. Ignore everything he says, he knows nothing about 40K.
still waiting for Mortarion

as well as Fulgrim and Horus Heresy era Emperor's Children
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My 11:11 order came. Love the look on the SW.
The Iron hands termie looks like a HR token hire to fill their flesh bag quota. He doesn’t have 1 bionic part on him.
Head is too small
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>The Iron hands termie looks like a HR token hire to fill their flesh bag quota
A fact that didn't go past IH fans (all 2 of them), when they saw that original GW model reveal back in 2023. They even threw some photoshop kitbashes to cope.
But the fact remains, that nuGW just can't help but be bland and lazy wherever possible.
To be fair, it makes more sense for the base model to be very basic, very bland, so that it's like a blank canvas for players to add onto, to personalize themselves (also to sell the subfaction upgrade sprues).

That's not even his image. His retarded ass "prove it's fake lel" is a way to try to gloss over the obvious fact that theres no timestamp, which clearly shows its NOT his (as is the photogenic lighting, as opposed to a pic of his shelf).

Look at how he's squirming without any (you)s lol
Keep at it, brothers! The daemon will wither and flee!
The gold paint really does look like shit on such pricey figures. If this was a western retailer you'd rip it to shreds
nobody expects much from chinks I guess
Just checked, and it looks like that one's back in stock now.
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Seriously though why does Book of Magnus have SW logo??
I can't pull the trigger on the new BA termies because of the same thing, they're literally just red Ultramarines.
First rule of /toy/, it's OK if an asian does it.
Nobody knows. Considering it's both legion's logos placed on each other, it's probably just symbolizes their eternal feud.
Subby is so desperate for (you)s, he's responding to himself while trying to pretend to be two different anons lmao!

The daemon eats itself!
>Subby samefagging
Wait until he warns anons how bad (evil brand) is and then he responds as an anon that was interested in the line but is now grateful for being warned of the perils of buying (evil brand that Subby hamfisted) and will be avoiding from now on.
Yes, he has done this before.
Wow, you're right. I was previously interested in purchasing [IN STOCK] JOYTOY Warhammer30K 1/18 2PCS Action Figures Sons of Horus Warmaster Horus&Ezekyle Abaddon Anime Model Free Shipping, but then you pointed out in your astute post that the gold paint is in fact more similar to mustard in its hue. I will therefore, as a direct result of your post, be avoiding this product. Thank you for saving me from spending my hard-earned money on mustard paint.
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I want to get some third party helmets and shoulders to modify some Salamanders, but I'm colorblind so I would like to check, would warpstone glow be the best color to match the figure?
That sword looks pretty sick. Does Salamanders wield fiery power axes too? Do they have a special name, I've seen people calling them molten weapons but couldn't find anything else except painting tutorials
Joytoy stuff has matched the official paint schemes very closely, so if warpstone glow is the official salamanders green, then yes, it should work just fine (i miss how the old website had lists of the exact colors used in the images).
Shadowsun is getting a rerelease, hoping against hope this means there'll be more tau boys soon.
do you think she will be cheaper this time?
Here's to hoping for some orange Tau

Screw that I want the original tau sept that’s sand tan and white. If they had started with that scheme they definitely would have sold gangbusters
We are talking about the same color you colorblind retard it's a deep brownish orange
Does anybody know why is it that the cataphractii are diecast,at least partially if I see it right, while other terminator armor patterns are fully plastic?
I was gonna make a joke about Cataphractii being slower and heavier than other Terminator armour, but I'm honestly not sure. Weight centralization maybe?
>The gold paint really does look like shit on such pricey figures. If this was a western retailer you'd rip it to shreds
>gold paint
Don't repeat third worlder ignorance.
It's not gold, it's a brown metallic like copper or bronze.

And as stated in the thread that exemplifies the bottom of the barrel fanboys, brands that get defended the worst usually cost way more than other brands and these fanboys need to pretend their toys are better than they really are to justify the prices.
So it doesn't need to be eastern, they just need to be overpriced, because some poorfag used his entire autismbux from the government on a single toy and he's highly sensitive about it.

Poor proportions, bad likenesses, soft sculpts, poo brown metallics, badly scaled, ugly engineering, brittle plastics... if you have a problem with any of these and the brand is overpriced: you are shitposting, a samefag, and worse than Hitler.

Pic of how posters from this general get ignored when they post about their toys breaking (which only proves my point about the bad molding and brittle plastics), because no one wants to admit how common Joytoy's figures are in randomly breaking
In other threads, the worst fanboys have said they even regret posting these images or how to fix them, because they can't believe their images get used to warn people about the shitty quality and feel bad they might lose a sale for their favorite brand.
Reminder: Not one (you) to the secondary. He knows nothing about 40K and does not own a single model.
Ah fuck me. He’s posting my pics again
The loser is replying to himself AGAIN! What a schizo!
Dudes so starved for social interaction lmao, and then he replies to himself, replying to himself, AGAIN!! And he did it after you reminded people of no (you)s, because hes mad that people aren't feeding him!

The daemon will desperately try to trick you, so hold fast, brothers!
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>schizo anon now posts on 40k too
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Still a WIP, but about 90% finished with this IW repaint.
That's fucking awesome, nice work anon.
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Hoping I get Iron Warriors with mech cyber stuff!!
Good job!!
I was about to rag on you for your potato camera, but that makes sense. Kino. Lad in the back looks cute as fuck, what mini(s) is he?
It's a old pic (apologies)
The guy in the back is a Chaos Squat.

Hoping JoyToy does these guys but I can't say if a lot of people would want them.
Very glad to see Shadowsun being reissued. I almost bought her for $100+ when she was really hard to find but I ended up not doing it. I hope that they keep doing reissues of good older figures that are hard to find now; Celestine would be a good candidate.
I’m tempted to pre-order her, I saw her for $48 on Aliex
Sorry, but you're one of the few people in these threads who seems to actively buy the line and know how fragile your toys are.

... or are they not actually fragile, and you're just a hamhands like the delusional fanboys need to claim because of how common it is for Joytoy's figures to break?

>I saw him dancing with satan in the woods at midnight last night and pledging loyalty to hitler to give himself samefagging powers.
oooh, i feel the power coursing through me! It's so powerful!
I'm retroactively becoming >>11246702 ! I only need to sacrifice a few more babies to Satan before i can truly samefag as >>11246702
Once i become >>11246702 , then this thread will only have 3 other people who actually collect this line!

BTW, i forgot what your desk looked like. Are you using a leather mat on your desk or is your desk just plastic with that grain texture? Still couldn't find my black leather mat, so I just reversed a normal mousepad. Or this black costco shelf accurate enough?
Please tell me you still have him somewhere, he's almost as old as me.
How you guys fighting against DUST? Buying new dustproof glass shelves is out of question. I'm currently just dusting them with a soft make-up brush, but not gonna lie, it's annoying and it breaks figures poses. I'd rather have a more passive solution. Are those fancy Dyson/chinamen air purifiers do the trick? Are there any downsides, besides them being on 100% of the time?
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Shadowsun arrives.

Slut needs to cover up that foreheadussy
Anyone tried putting articulation into a GW Imp Knight? I want one, but I also want it to move like an action figure.
Fuck, I wish GW would let one of those Japanese companies that make model kits release something like that. A Kotobukiya or Takara style line of knights, titans, and other big units would be so fucking cool.
Might have to get her, she looks fantastic and I missed out on her the first time around. Can't remember, did the original release have that weathering?
It's going to sound weird, but every time I go to wash my hands after eating, I take a figure from my shelf and wash it and my hands in the sink. All of my figures have stayed clean for months.
meant to >>11247992
They already have a little bit by design. The shoulders, elbows, and bicep can both be left articulated with a swivel with careful gluing, or with magnets, as can the waist, and the neck (2 points of articulation). The legs would require a full remodel, as they are essentially monopose (but you can choose which leg is forward vs back) and I suspect you would have trouble getting a joint to hold the weight up, as they are very top-heavy and their feet aren't very large. I used a sort-of-articulated leg kit to put my knight in a more interesting pose, but that required me to glue it as I went and was a huge pain in the ass. Oh I guess the pintle gun can also be left to pivot. A gundam-style kit would be really cool though.

Pic related, the knight in question
She's great but I thought Tau sold very badly? Odd to re-issue her like this.
Imperial Knights fucking WHEN?
Taus sold bad the suits where sold out in hours tho.
Shidd, that lance is so cool looking!
Just dust your shit.
Hell, i dusted off that dreadnought right before but obviously missed a part, because the dust didn't show until it was under strong lighting.
Air purifiers don't do shit. That dreadnought is in my office where i have an air purifier, which is next to a room with two air purifiers. Don't waste your money on an air purifier, unless you have allergies

Bandai already made stuff, but they obviously didn't sell that well. GW will license their shit out to anyone, so the only thing stopping Kotobukiya or Takara are apparent low sales.

Joytoy is the only company doing an abundance of WH40k toys, because to run a company in China is 1/20th the cost than it is in Japan or the US. Warehousing is way cheaper. Offices are way cheaper. Shipping is way cheaper and subsidized. Loans are way easier and cheap. Housing is way cheaper. Wages are wage cheaper.
So their profit margins are a million times bigger than it is for western companies, because they're charging Play Art prices for their figures. Nevermind their profit margins increase even more, since they use the lowest quality plastics out of any current toy company.

Anyway, i don't think their WH40k toys are selling any better than Bandai, at least in the west, considering how a ton of retailers put that shit on clearance after stock sat around for what seemed like years. It's why it surprises me when people lament how the Tau figures are so hard to get and "rare", because they sat around forever and were constantly on sale. Even my Dreadnought went on sale, for way more than most collector toys do.

Many stores (in the west at least) actually stopped carrying a lot of wH40k figures from Joytoy. And despite less retailer support, they're still producing a lot. So now it seems that Joytoy themselves are selling their toys through Amazon.
I think most people forgot about this, but Joytoy's figures were originally sold on the Games Workshop website. So even GW dropped them
Reminder to ignore the model-less secondary.
Stop saying secondary.
Thanks! It was from a 3rd party upgrade kit, plus I added the front shield from one of the stock guns. He was based on a knight character I made up for my crusade army in tabletop simulator

Here he is about to get his ass beat by Magnus because I deployed on the line like a retard and didn't get first turn.
I'll stop saying secondary when there cease to be secondaries in this thread to name and shame.
>model-less secondary
Where are you seeing WHFB "fans?"
"Stop saying secondary" is probably one of his alt personas he takes to samefag.

I swear, one of these days, subby the schizo secondary will make his own thread, and populate it entirely himself.

Mental illness is rock bottom.
Why won't they make pointing hands anymore?
I salute his bravery.
Saying secondary doesn't make you cool, dumbass, and no one else on /toy/ says it except you. You're as annoying and homosexual as that guy you have a hate erection for. Stop saying secondary, you homosexual faggot.
Enough with that already, the "secondary" you keep refering to is this handsome big dick gigachad, while you are just some pathetic chink manlet paid in expired coupons by the CIA.
I'm a secondary but I have more Joytoy figures than you
Subby, the secondary schizo, is in full force this thread...
You're deluded. What's wrong with you?
Is subjectanon in the room with us right now?
Just got this. He's my third JoyToy but the first I've had time to open and inspect. Very impressed. Great articulation and was surprised all the claws can move.
Yeah the Horus Heresy lightning claws were done nearly perfect, the only thing that could have been better is one more point of articulation, but what's there is still good, and I enjoyed mine as well.
Head too small, gold paint too mustard
Don't be gay
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Dang, someone should tell the official GW artists that to stop drawing mustard armor!

Seriously though, subtard just doesn't understand that not every metal accent color is meant to look like fucking wedding-band gold, LMAO.
Head do be small though, even on your picture it's bigger.
Just buy the Mcfart then.
I need to know where to buy this mysterious metallic mustard. I've been using regular old brown mustard my entire life, but I need my sandwiches to have that slight metallic sheen that a Space Marine has.
I've opted for grey poupon instead. The specks in it add a certain je ne sais quoi
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>haven't posted in thread since Friday
>nonstop subjectanon sightings and bitching
Just checking to see if >>11244973 >>11246702 has given me any tips in how i can try and pass off as him. And nope.

I almost wish i had saved more than just the figures that kept breaking on him, but that's just creepy.
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She does. They all look pretty roughed up, it's great.
Your pic is a fan made kitbash edit btw.
...And? The colours are the same.
I want all the dreads
Head is still too small
There's more anatomy issues than just the head...
I really wish we had gotten a Tartaros squad for the Thousand Sons
It sucks pretty bad, just ignore it.
This+ I wish we got TSons in that deep ruby color instead of the toytruck red. There's a rumour that the main guy at JT is a filthy yiffer so that would explain why they skimped on the TS release.
>just recently started learning how to play warhammer with some friends
>picked adepta sororitas as my faction
>was only aware of the mcfarlane warhammer figures which seem pretty meh
>learn about joytoy
>sisters of battle figures are pretty expensive now. at least the ones im eyeing

its not fair...do these ever get reprinted? not too familiar with this company
Their heads are all too small anyways
the sisters of battle are prone to breaking, so you're better off not wasting money on them.
If Joytoy makes new figures, maybe they'll use good plastic this time, but considering they've been using shit plastics for almos ta decade now... probably not.

Personally, i wouldn't chance buying anything that doesn't have thick proportions. More mass to the plastic = less chance of breaking.
Which ones were u looking at? I'm seeing the red girls on showzstore and gundamit still. AliExpress should have them all, still, as well.
Usually only popular figures get reruns.

Don't listen to schizos that don't even owns toys, btw.
He's still citing his own posts as proof that they have shitty plastics kek, I know for a fact that's him because I made the other two posts
Ignore the schizo, the joytoy Sororitas figures are just fine. I'd say just wait for a reissue, there hasn't yet been a release from Joytoy that has been limited or made to order besides some helmets in the past. They're always getting reissued all the time, especially the Primarchs.
30k custodes just dropped
>Imperial Knight info on the 9th
Fucking finally
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Now it's time for some terminators.
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That's all for the recent releases. See you next time.
>No helmet on the jetpack stodes
Ah fuck
>Death Korps of Krieg Veteran Squad Guardsman Demolitions Specialist
>Astra Militarum: Death Korps of Krieg - Veteran Squad Guardsman
either re-release or new Krieg figures in may 2025
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Probably a reissue, since ToyVerse Store on Ali has the Kriegsmen on PreOrder currently, although it lists October 2025 as a release date.
What future 40k models would you guys want?
abaddon the despoiler and grimaldus.
for hh, I just want constantin valdor, and jago.

Mk7 tactical marines. Hopefully joytoy can make them as they are being squatted (Because all firstborn are slowly being squatted)

We got some vanguard; I wish we had got some original sternguard before they changed them over to the shitty looking primaris version.

My ultimate grail would be devastators.
Ugh, enough of factions we already have. Give us the Emperor's Children already!
Grimaldus, Fulgrim, Mortarion, and Ciaphas Cain
Besides maybe eliminators and or the Phobos captain (ideally with soft goods cloaks), I think there isn't much I'd want from space Marines anymore (well, maybe an impulsor?). I love primaris' design, but yeah, go classic firstborn tactical squad already!

Eldar, though, for fucking sure!! Even though my favorite xenos are Tyranids, I'd be willing to wait to let poor elder get a fucking turn! Don't make the same mistake that works did, and just give us the basic infantry units, "guardian defenders" or whatever they call the two variants! Add in a wraith guard (melee or ranged), and a warlock or autarch!

For Tyranids, I want a tyrant guard (prefer crab claws).
For Drukhari, gimme a karbanola warrior.
For necrons, a skorpehk destroyer (two blades guy).
For Tau, drones!
For orks, I like beast snaggas over Boyz.
For chaos, the specialized space Marines (plague, rubric, etc. we got berserkers).
Those are Forgeworld Aquilon Terminators. Amazing. If there wasn't enough evidence before, we can safely say, absolutely nothing from Forgeworld is off the table.
just the ones we don't have yet
drukari, eldar, non Commando orkz, preferably Freebooterz, Assassins, etc.

but I want Orkz the most then Assassins
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I never understood the point of putting lightning claws onto a power-fist like this. You make the fist redundant because there's zero way you could punch somebody without also stabbing them first.

I guess it's a double-whammy, but the claws alone should be enough to kill. Shrike had the right idea by having two normal hands to go with the claws, so that he can hold more weapons/grenades or whatever.
Power fists do more than punch. They can grab and crush.

A proper big tech priest. A Dominus preferably. The datasmith is cool but we need a proper cog-axe-wielding, monstrous, hulking science lab on spider legs. I recognize that the legs would mostly be a solid piece, and I accept that.
Excuse me JoyToy, where is the female representation?
updated necrons, ideally scaling properly with the skitarii
the old ones look pretty silly being the same height as them
It's Joever.
I don't have first gen 'stodes, are they really so smol or the new guys are just fuckhuge?
Holy shit, just pick a scale you commie chinkoid doubleniggers!
the new custodian terminator is the same size as abaddon, jt once again fucked up the tape measurement.
fuckhuge, but to be honest, that how Custodes were supposed to be from the get-go.
If JT actually goes forward and keeps making the rest of Talons of the Emperor line-up from the Heresy and 40k with new scale, we can forgo old smollstodes and just have a new line-up that can cover most basics.
Wardens can be ""substitute"" for old Sentinels. Aquilons replace Allarus. And there is Sagittarum and bunch of character/hero solo models.
Hell, there is even an opportunity for Custodes 2.0.
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forgot to add, first gen Custodes are pretty squatty as well, blame lies on both JT and GW. It just's how they are on a tabletop.
I mean they're supposed to mog astartes so it makes sense.
Nice, I always hated how much like giant midgets the og Custodes figures looked.
maybe one day we'll get true allarus boys
I'm ok with Aquillions being huge, but flyboy has mcfart legs.
>keeper of secrets
>Sisters of Silence
>Lucius (EC in general)
>Thypus (DG in general)
>Servatar (NL in general) (Chain Glaive in general, I would also take Carcharodons)
>Assassins (all of them but body changer (sexo maxxed), big skull lady and berserker boy in particular)
>I don't know if they even exist as a model or just text in a book but Mechanicus assassin lady would be dope
>Terminator with double chainfists (don't care if it's Nassir Amit as Blood Angel or Flesh Tearer or straight up a no name Carcharodon)
>Howling Banshees
>Daemonettes (but they are to much of pussys to ever do them right)

If I had to pick only 3 I would pick the assassins.
They are re-issues.
>big skull lady
sorry but the official culexus model is a man im pretty sure
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'stodes are appropriately larger than their marine "equivalents"
I've been loving every terminator figure joytoy has put out (even the first run/old sculpts), but I have mixed feelings about these custodian terminators. They don't really excite me, I think it's the black shins... I love my allarus terminator so much, I customized a cloth skirt, which improved the hip articulation, and I played with it so much, I wore out the mustarded-brown-not-plated-literal-gold! But these guys? I might pass on them.....
Looks like they're slathered in mustard and their heads are fucking tiny
Lol they are gonna be Guilliman sized. That Terminator already comes up to Gman's shoulder.

The scale creep is crazy.
Finally the chinks upgraded.
Something just feels really weird and wrong about seeing Custodes armed with normal ass power fists and storm bolters
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More custodes reveals this month as well

Supposedly Telemon dreads and Valdor included.
>Supposedly Telemon dreads and Valdor included.
>december is the month of custodes
>ON TOP of knight news and a likely Angron drop
>right when I'm trying to save to upgrade my computer
Wait until you see these guys. As usual, these """normal ass""" weapons are all unique variants exclusive to golden boys, and which are by default better (of course they are) than whatever space marines using.
Angron is definitely not getting a preorder anytime soon, the leak is just a proto with no articulation yet. Maybe later next year.
Mk VII marines, Kasrkins, Eldar, and we need more Orks
Is that it for HH Blood Angels then? Specialists and absolutely no regular troops?
Every other HH faction has gotten tactical squads so there is no reason to think that Blood Angels wouldn't also get them

qrd on these guys?
Is there a reason why all the Thousand Sons models have a one star review on Amazon?
On what? The models on Custodes in general? The models are straightforward, flying custodes and the best Terminators of the Horus Heresy(and therfore then entire setting).
Probably subby, lmao
>normal ass power fists and storm bolters
Normal? Lol
Better than Plebstartes Stormbolters
Better than Plebstartes Power-fists

Everything the gold-boys get is the top-tier version of what other sub-factions use.
>They differ from the standard Power Fists and claws utilised by the Adeptus Astartes in both the near-irreplaceable artefact power coils which energise their disruption field generators and the nigh-indestructible materials their casings and blades are fashioned from, forged as they are in furnaces recovered from the ancient Tempest Galleries near Terra's molten core
So it's just a normal power fist with a bunch of bullshit flowery words added to describe the quality of its construction. It still just looks weird to see the emperor's golden boys armed with such a crude weapon.
It's also made from Auramite which is >>> Ceramite, same as Stode armor. A Bolter or Hotshot Lasgun can punch through Ceramite, not so with Auramite.
I wonder how they look alongside Allarus terminators. They are stated as 14cm while the Aquilon terminators are 13.7cm, but the Aquilon look like they have much thicker limbs and are generally bulkier so I imagine they will look weird alongside each other even if their heights match.
I hope it won't all be 30k.
We desperately need more small armybuilder type figures for the 1 billion space marines in the line to kill in large numbers
>Kabalite Warriors
>Necron Warriors
>Chaos Cultists
>More Tau
>Shoota/Slugga boyz
Speaking of which, the new Tyranids just shipped for me yesterday, way earlier than I was expecting
I know nothing about the Donutsteelstodes, but can their 30k models also be used in 40k? All that I have heard about them in 30k is that they are nearly identical to 40k.
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It probably will be, the 40k custodes model lineup is pretty limited in comparison to 30k. What's left to do besides Trajann Valoris and Wardens? There's that one book Character I guess.

I'd love Shadowkeepers, but the old custodes releases are now out-of-scale with all the new stuff...

They will tower over Allarus unfortunatly. Allarus are shorter than the new UM and BA Termies.
For example
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In terms of 40K, I'd take a Salamanders Infernus Marine or two, but I'm pretty much set, unless the JT Madlads end up doing vehicles or a Brutalis Dreadnought, or Arhiman. But 30K, I am frothing at the mouth for Vulkan, Firedrake Terminators, Pyroclasts, Perturabo, Tyrant Siege Terminators, and an IW Contemptor. Yes, I am aware that my 2 favorite astartes factions are diametrically opposed, ideologically, and I don't care.
Releasing 2.0 Custodes rn will be bullshit but I honestly wouldn't mind it that much if it means we get jetbikes, too.
>Tyrant Siege Terminators
I didn't know I needed that but I fucking need it

My bad, I meant the custodes in general.
handcrafted warriors of the Emperor, given the absolute best gear the imperium can make for anyone that isn't a primarch
notably NOT space marines but better, but more human++ in-lore due to an entirely different method of creation
never really trusted the space marines before the heresy and only barely tolerate them afterwards
some books claim them to be barely human automata with even less personality than modern astartes, but I think thats gay and others claim they were "meant to be more" and "were His artisans and confidants"
I like to think they're the absolute pinnacle of human potential, what humanity might have been able to become if the Emperor's plan succeeded
no psykers, and they're often paired with the Sisters of Silence, an all female order of blanks that are for the most part don't have any biological enhancements but train hard enough to keep up with the custodes
recently there was a tism about GW claiming that not only are female custodes canon, but that they "always existed" despite never being mentioned for 30+ years, but it seems to have blown over for the most part
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Iron Within, brother.
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Custodes are the ultimate "generic"(non-named character) elite-troops of the Imperium, basically the best "transhumans" that aren't also a Primarch. Baseline humans >> Augmented Humans(like Skitarrii) >>>> Space Marines >>>> Custodes >>>>>>> Primarchs. Not sure where Assassins fit in on this scale, but they can tear through Marines, and I think it's highly possible that an Eversor could take an average Custodian.

They don't get alot of screentime in the setting because there is "only" 10,000 of them as opposed to the hundreds of thousands of Space Marines and all the variety of SM chapters. They were also originally made and intended to be the Emperor's personal guard, so they largely don't leave Terra, but that has changed somewhat in recent times. Now they've been fleshed out as an actual 40k faction(still way less model variety than Marines) they are getting expanded lore and more inclusion in the boardgame and setting. They don't have any Psykers as far as I know, so in that one way they can be inferior to Space marines, though there is an entire female sub-faction known as the sisters of Silence who are anti-pskyer warrior nulls(they are like walking EMPS to psykers) who are intended to work with them. They have way less named characters and stories dedicated to them than the poster-boy Space Marines as well.
I'd like to think I'd be a custode.

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>who are intended to work with them
Their team up has a cool name too, Talons of the Emperor. This is their ultimate form, both side bring out the best out of each other, and together they can face almost anything.
Their dynamic is really cute and underrated.
Why does that artwork look like AI garbage??
>Sword scabbard and waist cloth blend together
>Fingers seem a bit wonky
>Glaives proportions are all over the place
>Helmet has big bug eyes
>Armor and weapon designs don't look like and one particular pattern
Spear butt looks all funky, like a repeating pattern, but uneven
>Background is distinctly lacking in SKULLS
>Background is bright colors
>Aquillas are all off

Also, something that always bugged me about custodes is the "they're equipped with the best gear". So why is it still bolters? I thought I read somewhere that space Marines were originally equipped with volkite guns as standard issue, but as the crusade really started to get going, it was too expensive/difficult to mass produce and maintain, so emps HAD to find a cheaper/easier alternative, hence the bolter was conceived. But the fact remains that both volkite AND plasma weapons exist, so why do custodes get stuck with bolt weapons?
And shouldn't their tanks get replaced (or at least they get access to) repulsor tanks that primaris use? (Unless their usual floating tanks, I forget what they're called, already are better than repulsors) I understand that redemptor dreads aren't strictly speaking upgrades, so it makes sense that those don't get used for custodes, and the tanks are maybes, but plasma and volkite?
bad artists existed before AI anon, I don't know what else to tell you
as to their gear, they DO have other weapons than bolters, even if their bolters are still top of that particular line. There can be a world of difference between the bolter pistol a commisar uses, the rifle a standard marine uses, a masterwork chapter relic only used on special occassions by the highest ranked marines, and the bolters in a guardian spear.
This is just speculation on my part, but I would not be surprised at all if there were some spacial compression fuckery in the mags of guardian spears so they hold a lot more ammo than they should. That seems like something Emps would like to hold onto from the DAoT in his back pocket, and would put any custodes bolters leagues above anything else
They do have some special toys of their own though. This guy >>11253271 in particular has an Adrathic destructor, which is basically human-made gauss weaponry, full on disintegration rays, which even before the great crusade was too rare and expensive to even think about it being standard issue
As for tanks and other gear in general, it can still be better than the rank and file even if hover tech is finally trickling down. A lot of the things that make good weapons and gear in 40k isn't just a step up on some tech tree, but the precision craftsmanship that goes into it all.
Vulkan may have been able to put a lot of wacky things into his hammer, but at the end of the day it was still a hammer, a VERY well made one, but a hammer nonetheless. Custodes gear is basically that writ large across the entire faction
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It's also not just that the Imperium forgets how to make things, but the vast majority of forge worlds need to make all sorts of things in nightmarishly huge quantities and at similar speed to fuel the war effort, neither of which is good for individual quality
The custodes is basically the one faction that says "No, do it RIGHT" and puts quality above both speed and quantity, in addition to the benefits of being based out of the imperial palace for facilities and knowledge
All that to say they have the knowledge, resources, facilities, and time to get the absolute best out of their gear, whereas just about no one else has all of that going for them in the galaxy
Post your work nigger
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Eh, I was expecting such an answer about wargear, and I'm still disappointed. Also, the art doesn't seem just bad, and all of those little details I pointed out seem like the tell tale sign of AI. Pic in >>11255988 is generally a tiny bit off (pauldrons a bit small, and proportions are normal humans. Helmet is a bit short, spear blade a bit small), but these seem like human errors. Artist began with a normal human base, which is where he went wrong. Gotta broaden those shoulders to a bit of a cartoonish standard, as well as bulk up the limbs s'more, mistakes that I'm trying to overcome myself when drawing space Marines. Pic related.
Here's an old quick drawing I did of my homebrew chapter. It's not perfect, but it's indisputably NOT AI.
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I'm really sick and goddamn tired of the scale creep. I'm basically out. I just need to buy all the rest of the Primarchs I want and then I'm out. It's disgusting what they're doing.

I'll be honest with all of you, this has become too much of a hassle. Scale creep, reissues/2.0s, the sheer barrage of them, it's too goddamn much. I'll get my Primarchs, fill out a nice Rubric army when it's time, get a Commissar, Inquisitor or two, hope for some Eldar by that point, and then I'm basically don- I have a problem, don't I? I can't leave. Dear God I can't. I'm stuck here. Fuck me.
>Scale creep
I know intellectually what you guys mean by this, that the figures keep getting bigger as time goes on and how older figures look notably smaller and out of place, but you guys always seem to pick the strangest figures to bitch about it with
Like, I was one of the people who bitched about abbadon being so big, but since he's apparently supposed to basically be a mini-horus that towered over other marines, him being big makes sense
Custodes in dreadnought armor makes sense to be taller than custodes in normal armor, even if the jump pack boys are a bit too long in the leg for my taste, and I do wish my old allarus boys weren't so comparatively small now
I will say that Ahriman really shouldn't be as tall as a terminator he released alongside, that's definitely fucky
Personally I want to think of it as the older figures being too short and they're adjusting to a new scale so it'll all even put over time, but there's no way to know if that's true until it happens and we can look back on it

I want DeathWatch marines with turtle-neck armor bros.
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Where does this come from?
Warhammer+ animation. It's GW's subscription service.
Didn't knew that shit still existed. So they are basically paywalling fanfilms now?
Yeah kinda. They hired the guy who did the Astartes fanfilm, deleted the orginal from Youtube and he hasn't put out anything since.
Edging/shading on the pouches could be a bit cleaner, but that pauldron more than makes up for it.
custom based on McFarlane Dark Angel
Knight is finally up for PO, but only one of them.
They're only making 1000 of them, price is probably 1999RMB, so I'm going to guess $600-650.
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>barely bigger than $25 figures
You can't be serious with this.
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>mfw $600 Imperial Knight is not even bigger than £70 Imaginext DC Super Friends Bat-Tech BatBot
Get your act together, joytoy.
How do I preorder?
Man I thought that if I would get one it would be the one with the reaper autocannon but it will be this guy.

But why is it called lightning claws? Shouldn't it be talons? I always thought lightning claws where the stiff ones on top of the gauntlet and talons were the movable ones attached to the fingers.
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Supposedly $700 and shipping in june
>$700 for a pinheaded figure made of shitty plastic with mustard gold paint
Which Primarch do you want to see next?
Jaghataim I wouldn't buy him but it would mean we get more white scars
Definitely getting one, this should be encouraged. Should be able to get it under £500. Plus resale value will be excellent due to scarcity.
>Plus resale value will be excellent due to scarcity.
Not sure I share that feeling. I don't think there's that big a market for a giant 40k mech that's not just an actual forgeworld model.
I'm hyped about this and plan on getting one as well, but I want the red one. I wonder if it's just this one for now and the red one later, or both of them at the same time?
Just one thousand in the entire world?
I want a Carnifex. A CARNIFEX.
You will get your Imperium of Man figures and you will like it.
Subby, we know you can't even afford to buy a Primarch figure, you passing was a given.
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Norn Emissary for me Plz
Looks like bbts gets my preorder.
Should I preorder the custodes? Don't want to not be able to get them later. 500 bucks though is a lot with the other orders I have coming in April
He's not, it's subby and his retarded "logic".

Lmao, yeah sums up how stupid subby is.

Maybe in one version they were called talons, but it got muddied with multiple different writers missing a memo or something. If someone asked, "who's the guy with the skull face?" There would be like 24 distinctly different, but equally correct, answers.

Are you new to Warhammer? First of all, this fully painted, articulated knight is CHEAPER than most forge world stuff. Second of all, Warhammer players literally buy the same shit repeatedly, but in slightly different versions, all the time. Thirdly, this has general 1:18 scale appeal, being a literal giant mech, AND limited quantities!? That 1,000 limit is really small, and I'd be surprised it doesn't get scalped into oblivion, due to that fact alone! Jabbas sail barge is what, 2.5k now? Retail was $400 ish? Not quite 1k copies, but still pretty limited. Razorcrest was $250 retail, now goes for $600.
Knights are gonna be hot, in my opinion.
Wait for an Ali-sale with coupons. There's another coming up soon anyway. JT stuff stays in stock months past release date anyways.
Mostly they buy the same shit repeatedly because they can actually field it in games, and they buy it unpainted and unassembled so that they can have the fun of doing it themselves. I don't really need to state the obvious that star wars fandom is a totally different beast to warhammer. Star wars is much bigger and the toys basically are the fandom so spending hundreds on a sail barge is "participating in the fandom" or whatever you want to call it, for warhammer, I feel like this thing is far enough out of the core fandom, the minis, that most fans would rather just spend the $600 on more armies or paints or whatever. "general 1:18 scale appeal" lmao, I think you overestimate how many sad toy-lovers actually have that much money to spend on one thing.
Okay, but how much re-use can they get out of the parts? Can I hold my breath waiting for more? I want a Canis Rex so bad, bros.
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Wonder if the Red Knight they showed off will also go up for order. Maybe if this one does well.

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