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Didn't see anyone talking about this

They're making Zentradis and their mechs in 1/72 scale, which means the Zentradi pilots are 4.5" and the cockpits for the mechs are compatible with 1:18 figures.
~$33 for the pilots
~$90-130 for the mechs and spaceship
Pretty damn good deal, considering how expensive smaller figures from Japan companies cost more than that..

Who's backing it? Only 8 days left , because i barely found out about it yesterday.

Company making then are Kitz Concept, who have released a few figures some anons have raved about, like that Monster Hunter wyvern thing. For some reason, there's zero discussion about their Robotech/Macross shit that they have released
Apparently they released a Battlepod already and it looks amazing.

The Glaug will be decked out the same way with a shit load of lighted detail inside the cockpit. Didn't really pay attention, but the concept art shows LEDs for the cannons?

They're also making a Battlepod scout thingie, with the radar hat and sensors everywhere.
Here's the Glaug prototype next the battlepods.
Apparently they fucked up the scale on the prototype since it's over 2 years old and they're going to fix that in production, so it'll be bigger than the battlepods.

There's quite a few things available on the Kickstarter, including the current battlepod but weathered up and heavy armored Zentraedis that you can army build.

Prices seem pretty good on the KS, about $20-50 less than most online stores. So it's a good incentive to back the Kickstarter if you want to save some cash and fund new Zentradi mechs that'll work with 1:18 lines.
Example of their Heavy Infantry figures.

They sell this jerk, Breetai and a couple of other guys i don't recognize. So there's at least 5 different figures you can pick up for variety.
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>For some reason, there's zero discussion about their Robotech/Macross shit that they have released
A lot of people reject talking about anything with the Harmony Gold Robotech license out of principle.The exception being the Threezero stuff because they're actually very good and even diehard Robotech haters acknowledge they are.
Kitzconcept's last Robotech releases were also of middling QC, in an already crowded market so I'm not too surprised this isn't getting too much talk. Macrossworld might have some discussion, but a lot of the collectors their are older and might already have the Yamato Zentradi releases.
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After checking out some reviews, it seems like Kitz Concept stuff is pretty quality.

Paint detail also beyond pretty much every other toy brand too. Engineernig is also beyond all other companies, with extending joints.
And the price is fair, especially for its size. Plus all the lights on battlepod: thrusters, cannons, cockpit, and eye.

So it seems like they're on the right track if the Kickstarter stuff gets kickstarted. Hopefully a vendor orders shit too, which is likely, since it seems like these figures are already in production. Release dates for the mechs are in May 2025. 5 months isn't long at all. So this KS may be just a preorder attention getter?
I would go in on it if it looked like it had any chance of funding, but its doomed. Unfortunately yeah like the other anon said merely involving robotech/harmony gold puts a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths, and with a property as niche as this the divided fanbase is crippling.
What are the best Macross plamo brands plamax or hasegawa?
>I would go in on it if it looked like it had any chance of funding, but its doomed
With an attitude like this, of course it's doomed.

People forget that Kickstarters are super top and bottom heavy. Almost all the support comes at very beginning and the very end, so a lot of Kickstarters more than double their support on the last two or three days.
So potentially, there's already enough people and $$$ saved up to fund the KS two times over, but because of bandwagoneer mentality, like you're demonstrating, they won't put their pledge in unless everyone else already did.
I mean, I'm guilty of waiting until the last minute too, but not with KSes that are slow. i know i need to put in my full pledge right away, just to pump the numbers up so that others will join in. There's no harm in making your pledge now, because they won't take your money until later or not at all if it doesn't meet its goal.

It's a damn shame if this doesn't go through, since it looks so much better than everything before it and how rare it is to get anything but the jets.

Here's how the pilots compare with 1:18 figures
>The old HG is technically 28mm scale
Huh, neat.
Wasn't talking about it because I never knew it existed.
However, this couldn't have come at a better time. I just got back from a trip to Japan where I looked high and low for a Glaug model kit or figure, but didn't have any luck. This will fit the bill nicely.
Thanks for the share OP. Already sent it to one of my friends who will likely back it and I'm going to try to loop another one into it too. Hopefully it makes the goal.
I really don't understand how bad toy companies are at marketing their stuff.

It's like they only rely on youtubers who only get a thousand viewers.
It's so incredibly insular that you already need to be following them to know the Kickstarter started.

If you collects 1:18, this is seriously exciting. Yeah, it's technically 1/72, but their figures work in 1:18 and so will the mech.

Where's the 1:18 general?
>Where's the 1:18 general?
Thanks to /toy/ being a slow board it keeps getting autosaged as there are barely any 1/18 lines with sufficient interest or releases to keep a general afloat, aside from JoyToy's 40K line which is covered by the 40K general. 1/18 is kind of a dead scale these days, which is a shame but kinda makes sense given for most collectors 1/12 does most things better.
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Did Jazwares ever make this? I'd buy it.

The autosage has been a mistake.
It makes the board feel more like it was in the 00s, when Generals weren't a thing and there were a dozen Transformer threads being created everyday.
I didn't like when Generals were used for every little topic though, because that actually hid away some interesting toys that you wouldn't know. Like some brand new toyline about viking robots, but instead of getting its own thread, they got put ijnto the modoular robots thread that is 99% about diaclones.
So discovery and dicussion of toylines became way more limited when Generals was used for everything.

And now the board feels even more limited in discussion x2

pic of the 1:18 compatible pilot you can army build at KitzConcepts Kickstarter. The engineering is better than what most 1:18 lines get. It also comes with a mini figure too, to show what a normal human looks like in the scale he's actually at.
>Company making then are Kitz Concept

I was interested until i read that. After their disastrous jetfire/valkyrie & its absolutely dogshit QC I wouldn't trust them again.

also WTF are they calling it 1/72 for? a 1/72 scale human is about 20mm tall. This is obviously 1/18 scale.
Technically those are Zentraedi, who are giants in-universe and thus come out at about the size of a 1/18 human at 1/72.
Did you forget the aliens are huge in the anime?
These are not supposed to be human sized.
I went to look for the screencap of a valkyrie using it's gunpod to light a cigarette for a zentraedi soldier and now I want to rewatch macross
The campaign jumped up ~$30k from when I last checked it. Are we actually making it bros?
(Also, did anyone tell Battletech fans about this?)
I’m guessing BBTS jumped on board maybe, they seem to back a lot of kickstarters to resell on their store later. I’m not sure it will be enough.
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oooh shit, I just noticed that it's close to happening.
Only 3 more days to go, so it's all but insured to be backed!

I'm pretty sure the Kickstarter was just to raise awareness, given the fact that the toys are about 6 months away from being SHIPPED, when it takes at least 12 months to produce anything (14 months if you include prototypes).
So this kickstarter is just a cheap way for us to preorder stuff directly from the company.
Roughly ~$15k to go with 61 hours left. Seems like it's probably going to make it after all.
>I'm pretty sure the Kickstarter was just to raise awareness.
I wouldn't be surprised, but you'd think they'd show off a better version of the Glaug figure if it was that close to being produced.
i expect the glaug will not actually come that soon, look how long the regult took
i went in for a britai and a glaug though, still skeptical this will actually fund but the glaug is a cool design
Not actual toy company has, but this guy just made a custom
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Seems like they quietly readjusted the stretch goals. Now the Tomahawk will be unlocked if it hits the campaign's goal. Picrel
The Defender will unlock at $155k
Phalanx at $180k
Spartan at $206k
And so on.

And yet they didn't think to update the Kickstarter or anything. I'm not sure KitzConcept understands how this crowdfunding thing works.
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>The exception being the Threezero stuff because they're actually very good and even diehard Robotech haters acknowledge they are.
ThreeZero ROBO DOU figures are awesome in general, especially for the money. In addition to their Veritech, I also have their VOTOMS Rabidly Dog and Patlabor Alphonse, both are amazing.
Seemed unrealistic to get all 4 of them for one tier but yeah kind of stupid to change this last minute but nothing this company does seems to make much sense.
Whelp, looks like we made it lads and we're hitting some of the stretch goals at the 11th hour too.
Pretty surprised this actually funded. I ended up backing it despite expecting it to fail, I'm glad it did well enough to get some of the destroids at least too, though I'll be waiting for those to hit retail, I didn't want to hand over $500 for stuff that very well may never materialize.
>No Minmay doll with the corpse
For shame.
guess I missed this.

Any chance to get the mechs later at retail?
Im glad this got funded, Robotech is cool. still cant believe so many weebs harbor a hate boner for the series after all these years.
Maybe if harmony gold weren’t huge pieces of shit that actively sabotaged macross for over 3 decades and still do more weebs would be willing to admit Robotech was alright
Reminder that Harmony Gold were such colossal pieces of shit regarding Macross that the actual Macross creators told Western fans to pirate the series instead of giving money to HG.

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