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A thread dedicated to Jada Toys and its figure lines. Jada’s model cars are for the diecast general.
-Street Fighter
-Mega Man
-Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
-Scooby Doo
-Food Mascots


Street Fighter Waves
Wave 1 - Ryu, Fei Long, Chun Li
Wave 2 - Ken Masters, M. Bison, Dhalsim
Wave 3 - Guile, Cammy, Dee Jay
Wave 4 - Blanka (Deluxe), Sagat (Deluxe), Vega

Street Fighter Exclusives -
Evil Ryu (SDCC)
Alt Player 2 Gray Ryu (Paulmartstore)
Red Chun Li (Target Exclusive)
Alt Player 2 Pink Chun Li (SDCC Exclusive)
Violent Ken (SDCC Exclusive)
Alt Player 2 White Gi Ken
Alt Player 2 M. Bison (BBTS Exclusive)

Street Fighter UNKNOWNS
Alt Player 2 Fei Long
T. Hawk
E. Honda

Mega Man Figures
Wave 1 - Mega Man, Ice Man, Fire Man
Wave 2 - Hyper Bomb Mega Man, Elec Man, Cut Man
Wave 3 - Bubble Man, Wood Man, and unhelmeted Mega Man
Wave 4 - Gemini Laser Mega Man, Snake Man, Proto Man

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

Scooby Doo
The Creeper
The Mummy

Food Mascots
Franken Berry
Count Chocula
Boo Berry
Chester Cheetah
Flamin’ Hot Chester Cheetah
Tony the Tiger
Fruity Pebbles - Fred Flintstone
Cocoa Pebbles - Barney Rubble
Is Jada doing okay? Been a little slow on reveals lately.
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Still waiting on wave 2 of Mega man on BBTS.
They are now since Cammy dropped
Got mine on ebay. Should be arriving early next week
Didn't realize the factory fucked up Deejay's chest color. What a shame.
Who even gives a shit about crapa if you have SHF
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Honestly Jada seems to capture the classic feel perfectly, whereas SHF seemed to go for a more realistic route… but look very weird.
It takes then like a year and a half to get the figures out after they reveal them. This always was a super small company and will always operate like one.
Yeah we know already. Look at how fuggly that SHF Guile is. The anon above just gobbles it down.
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Bandai just doesnt pick the right people for many of these figures. You get their top of their game people (likely the Toku team) who can do this excellent Ford likeness then you get the retards who sculpted scrotum face Guile and can't even fucking get a 2D anime face to look right.
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Not a fan of the sonic boom but the figures are all awesome.
>Not a fan of the sonic boom
What's wrong with it?
It looks cheap compared to the other effects
I just want Becky and her big fists already
Is megaman wave 2 actually out anywhere? Or is bbts just shit
>Indy with an LA Welrod.
That's rad. Once I get a set of gloved firearm hands for SHF Indy I'll have to try that.
The fuck is Dee Jay doing? Limbo the sonic boom?
In Germany, it's already out
>Cammy ships
>mega man doesn’t
I don’t understand
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Cammy came in so here's some shots.
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Beats the effect that comes with the SHF Guile which looks like it was ripped straight from the tamashii wind effect. I think Jada's design is pretty representative of the SF2 sonic boom.
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When does she come out? I really want her
For a domestic figure it's not a bad butt and her articulation isn't really hindered by it either.
I’m going to nail polish remover that skin on her ass off and hope for the best
Show us how it looks. If it just looks flat out better then I may do it too. Would the plastic have been too thin if they just cut her leotard off where the paint is?
It would gap a lot if they cut it at that line which is why the SHF and this didn’t
Once she gets here I’ll do it for science
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i've seen mods on the shf do this and it looks pretty good
can't mod that dogshit face away it seems. God shf is so trash
Better than the jada face 2bh
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This person sculpted in the bodysuit and repainted the face
Honestly looks worse
Not sure why he'd not show how the back side looks after removing the skin tone paint. It could look fine from the front but weird in the back.
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These were shown off at Comic Con Japan, honestly this might be the best wave so far.
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Looks like no alternate head for Sagat? The concept art for their packaging showed a gritting teeth sculpt, but maybe it got cut.
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The concept art I’m referring to, guess it really wasn’t final.
Don't worry, blindanon, I'll help you out. You see the thing on the right just before the other box is about to start? What do you see?
lmao come on man
the alt head is covered up by blanka's box
Huh, I was tired when I saw these last night, but I’m not sure how I missed that. Well glad I was wrong.
>blanka’s chest color seems to be mismatched from the rest of the body
What’s the deal with this? It happened on the DeeJay too
It's a common thing that happens with all kinds of companies. The harder plastic used for torsos is usually difficult to color match for the softer/flexible kind used for limbs. Greens, yellows, and reds seem to be the most noticeable.
Honestly not sure about Dave and Lucy's faces at all.
But the bodies look great.
Both are rough. The bimbo blowup doll lips on the Jada are awkward and the kawaii anime face on the SHF is also shit.
I'm not gonna lie, Jada making Hasbro specifically the Marvel Legends team look like pussy ass bitches... I will admit, I do fuck with Classified though.
Getting desperate there bud? It's pretty pathetic at this point.
It's true tho
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Hope we get this P2 color.
Yeah I'm thinking based.
Hasblo’s Legends offerings are the absolute bottom of the barrel when it comes to toys. It’s actually embarrassing how one man can mog an entire multi billion company just like that.
It would be real sick if Jada got to make figures of the designs from the new popular Marvel Rivals game. I know Hasbro Marvel Legends wouldn't be able to do them justice. Especially with their insistence to use low effort, dated articulation, shit proportions, and the cheapest painting and details possible.
Imagine the wobble.
Should rename this guy FAGgat, am I right fellas?
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SHF chunners is better than jada
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i finally got one at a decent price and its awesome
Absolutely not
no lol
>Better headsculpt
>Better outfit
>Better articulation
How is she not?
>cost over 2x as much
>ugly garish colors
>generic anime uguu face that could be literally anyone
>bad proportions
Jada's is not perfect but I like it a hell of a lot more and it was cheap. The SHF is one of the worst looking of the modern Chun Li figures.
I prefer the Jada one too, it even mogs the Figuarts. The Jada has nicer hourglass proportions and the Figuarts suffers from the mushy faceplate syndrome Bandai always fucking has.

With Cammy the Figuarts compares much more favorably to its Jada counterparts having a nicer body (bigger tits) and the anime face is actually quite pretty. I'm still getting the Jada ver cause fuck those aftermarket prices on the Figuarts.
Jap cosplayer vs SEA cosplayer
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Both are better than NECA and Storm and that's all that matters.
What the fuck is that?
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>Both are better than NECA and Storm
Respect your elders, you brat!
Neca abortion
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This is the american way
I got her for $50 at a markdown and she's just hotter.
Jada chun doesn't even look like her SF2 art, she looks off. Jada cammy looks better, but as the second anon I'm responding to said SHF has a cute face and bigger tits
Pretty much. SHF Chun is cuter to me.
how does that work? do you melt the plastic with polish remover?
>generic anime uguu face that could be literally anyone
damn anon you really think this doesn't look like chun-li, the japanese designed character from the japanese game street fighter made by the japanese company capcom?
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Chungi IS Chinese and should be depicted as such. We've already had this discussion.
>she's just hotter
>a cute face and bigger tits
>cuter to me
I guess I just can't understand, as I am not a weird degenerate coomer. I want an actual good Chun-Li figure, I crank it to porn like a normal person.
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how many years til gief and quick man?
I'll never buy an shf. The more you shill it, the less I want them. They look like shit on top.
I'm the anon who liked figuarts Cammy's bigger tits, I get you anon. Most of my female figures are anime girls. Female figures from western companies and female figs with non anime faces in general just look off. Jada is stylized enough where I'd actually consider to buy. It also never fails to bother me that Bandai uses cheap plastic for faceplates that washes out the anime faces printed onto them. Its not like the nice matte and pigmented faces Figma and hell literally every other anime figure company does.
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I think it's purely a paint issue, as sculpt is there. I made a quick edit with just putting the paint where it should be according to the sculpt. In my opinion, if it weren't for the botched paintwork, this would be the best Chun-Li face as it's stylized just right for the Street Fighter. You may argue that the hair should have more volume, but it may be just the issue of this exact photo angle.

SHF face looks like a generic anime girl.
JADA is just unattractive, and I don't recall Chun-Li being a butter face.
So I’ve seen a lot of people turning on Jada now for the more cartoonish aesthetic for the street fighter line, namely Anthony. Personally I’ve always liked the more cartoonish look since I feel like it fits the classic game theme. How do others feel about this though?
It's virtually perfect for me. It's something I didn't know I wanted until we got it. A middleground between Storm's roid rage and SHF's generic anime.
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omg guise watch out it's anime uguu face that only coomers like oh noooo!
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what are you even trying to say schizo
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literally compare how her sf2 art looks with the jada face, it's not even close
the "generic" anime face you faggots shit on is closer to how she looks in-game
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The SHF is just as off as the Jada
I think Chun is cursed.
I think the shf sucks most. Worse than storm
It is but it's closer to the general aesthetic, Jada looks like a GI Joe
If Jada worked on their head sculpts, they'd have a really good line.
I think the storm sucks most. Worse than neca
>he really thinks this looks good...
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That's my main issue. If their Chun had a face either similar to SHF or at the very least like the Pop Up Parade I'd be all over them.
At least their Cammy looks fine.
Kind of a cute face without being kawaii uguu.
Figma needs to save sf figures too
>Pop Up Parade

How is this related to toys?
shf spammers getting sweaty palms when they see GSC mogging
Anthonys mentioned soft sculpting but other than that I got nothing against Jadas style.
GSC won.... That nose is what no one else got right.
Kek the Jada really does look like Jackie Chan. Canon btw.
I mean if you like statues then I suppose they won ... but then if you count statues there are tons of ones that nailed the face.
We all know that every Pop Up Parade is just a would be Figma trapped in prize statue purgatory.
>it would it could it should have been a figma!
But it isn't. It's a statue, so it doesn't count.
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Cant wait for cut man to arrive, love this line!

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