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The new previews with the unwanted fucking dead Primes hijacking the line next year, makes me realize that I won't be buying anything but Galaxy Version Transformers next year.

Between the G2 crap, the god-awful Rocklords garbage, and bullshit Animated and RiD 2014 crap and the dead Primes, is Hasbro trying to tank the line?
I think Hasbro just doesn't know what the fuck they want to do anymore.

The rock themed bots were crap and the G2 stuff was horribly hit or miss (if you want to do G2 stuff, be fucking consistent and produce stuff fans want not random shitters).

I also find it insane that we are getting deep cuts like the Primes but the Decepticon Jr Headmasters remain locked behind Target only multi-packs while we still haven't gotten the Autobot Headmaster Jr trio yet remade.

And hell, I'm still waiting for that Perceptor/Ratbat box set that has yet to show it's head.
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I wish more mainline TFs were as stylized and expressive as T-Spark Rodimus. Despite all the flashy metal and paint, the transformation is pretty simple:
Trashmaster, Animated Bumblebee, RB Chase and Magneous were cool though.
Bitch, you just wrote "garbage" 4 times in a row.
This star convoy thats being previewed looks exciting, and expensive.
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>the god-awful Rocklords garbage
The rocklords were cool though, cope and seethe about it bitch.
>I also find it insane that we are getting deep cuts like the Primes
are they really deep cuts at this point when most of them have gotten fiction of some sorts. i mean Amalgamous still has really nothing but they were in One just this past year.
They were factually pegwarmers.
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the raped
>The Fallen/Megatronus
Feels frustratingly bland, even without comparing it to the Maketoys figure from ages ago. Looks more like a pretool for something else.

>Star Convoy
Okay-looking bot mode, the other modes feel like a regression to TR-era Leader figures, which is not a good thing.

>Armada Red Alert
Actually looks really nice, looking forward to it.

>Animated Wasp
Just Animated-BumbleBee with a new head, not promising.

>G2 Grimlock
Nice to have another chance to get Grimlock because the G1 figure was impossible to find, but not a fan of the G2 colors.

>Solus Prime
Not a bad looking figure, but really doesn't feel like it knows what aesthetic it wants to belong to. Definitely not G1, not Prime, not WFC, not Bayformers, just nondescript robot.

>Prima Prime
Same problems as Solus, but even more bland looking due to colors

Bot mode looks decent, altmode looks great, surprisingly good integration of the Superion-Frame piece into the alt mode, but the Superion Skeleton doesn't look great. Looks even worse with Slingshot on the left arm.

Looks awful in both modes. Unquestionably has better articulation than the CW release, but looks much worse.

>Air Raid
No pictures to go off of, but going off Slingshot, not holding out much hope. Probably just a retool of Slingshot.

>Blue Booster/Sonic
Cool looking car mode, bland looking robot mode.

Awesome Tornado mode, junky looking robot mode.
I'm curious where? Here at in the North East of the US the pegwarmers of United have been Animted Bee, Chormia, Hotshot and Strongarm. The rock people are rarely seen and even online they are somewhat uncommon, hell the green helicopter is marking up in some places. This is the first time I have seen the izers don't being deep clearance by their first Christmas like all the others were. Makes me a little annyoed because I was hopping to get them for $5 like I did the foslizers, weaponizers, etc or previous years.
I want a double targetmaster Landfill, I don't care at all about the primes. Fuck the primes, what am I gonna do with a collection of demigod nobodies?
Give me my dump truck with gun pals, dammit.
Can we please finish using the previous thread before starting a new one? It's not at image limit yet, and it's only on Page 4, which means we've still got, like, a week before we actually need a new thread. This is just senseless clutter that's going to - once again - divide discussion.
How true is this?
>The franchise is as much of a product of Japan as it is of America
>The toys were Japanese, but the lore is entirely a product of Marvel and Sunbow
Not exactly contradictory are they?
The foundational lore was western made without influence from Japan.

Both introduce things that the other use here and there give or take some adjustments, like zealot Star Saber in IDW.
Perspective End seems to think the essence of Transformers is the lore, the toys are just physical representation of the lore
>2025 is going to be a shitty as fuck year

Pfft, maybe for YOU.
I dunno what the original context for this shit is but Japan was an integral part of establishing the Transformers as a franchise. The original toys are from Japan and the original first couple seasons of the show were co-produced by Toei. I don't think it's necessarily disingenuous to say that it's an American franchise, but I don't think people should downplay the importance of Japan's involvement.
So what are the odds we get Sky Garry and Grandus now?
We still don't have Jetfire and Overload
2025 has 5 AOTP figures I want, and depending on how the wild king figures are, those I want too. So when it comes to transformers, Im happy. Now I just need them to give me more news on Shield D Prime... WHERE IS IT, TT???

I'd prefer them over the RoC duo.
Posted last thread but the G1 dub really wanted to make the new characters part way into season 2 stand out, didn't they? So much WOWIE ZOWIE.

Does the JP version have less of this? I dont hate it, just curious because I plan to watch it eventually
I have so many problems with the lore that I work with my own headcanon based off the toy bios and the G1 movie. Transformers lore is so bad I shudder to think of the intelligence of other fans that actually enjoy it.

>Transformers lore is so bad

What parts? Beast Wars was great.
It's always a shitty time when they reach for the 13 primes slop bucket.
Have we forgotten what a miserable time the Power of the Primes year was?

>Have we forgotten what a miserable time the Power of the Primes year was?

No, I quite enjoyed it.

And I've been dreaming of getting the 13 in real toy form for years, so this is great. Throw in a (probably) better Bruticus and that awesome Star Convoy and I'm sound as a pound.
I enjoy Beast Wars because it's based on the G1 cartoon.
I should have clarified that the comics are the issue and whenever they add something to the lore it keeps getting worse and worse. First was Primus, then Empurata, then the gay couples but in Latin, then the fucking human baby coming out of the crust of Cybertron, the thirteen primes as Olympian gods, etc., etc.
Comics lore is so bad that I haven't bothered picking up the 2024 comic despite how good everyone says it is. I'd bet money they'll go back to the idiocy that's Primus at some point, and they'll definitely go to the thirteen primes because they are selling toys of them in 2025.
Whats wrong with Primus? It fit perfectly well. In Marvel, I mean.

And considering the glacial pace of the 2024 comic (good as it is) they'd never be able to work the 13 in in time.
Robots don't need a god to work. Cartoon Vector Sigma was more than enough for a central divine figure in their lore.

>And considering the glacial pace of the 2024 comic (good as it is) they'd never be able to work the 13 in in time.
Who knows. I have no trust in Transformers comics.
STFU zoomer
So you preferred Unicron being the pet project of an alien chimp?
It's a pity IDW lost the Transformers licence, imagine IDW Sonic's crying lesbian furries meeting IDW Transformers homo robots. The comic would write itself, btw what's with Sonic crossing over with a lot of things recently.
Why should it not be the pet project of an alien chimp?

>btw what's with Sonic crossing over with a lot of things recently.

Glass half empty answer: Sega finally acknowledging he's all they have and milking it to the best of their ability.
Glass half full answer: Sega is awesome again.
He's too overpowered for that. Its like if Galactus was made by a human scientist.
>New thread on page 9 or 10, or at image limit
He's a retard because by its very nature its the other way around. Also Americans only created some of the lore, mainly only the stuff that was published in Burgerland. Beyond the foundational stuff Marvel had nothing to do with the anime and TV Magazine which was what made Transformers blow up in Japan.
hey person who makes me extremely angry
post the previous thread. everyone wants you to
>New thread on page 9 or 10, or at image limit

you guys understanding how this is a troll yet? no? okay.
By its nature its only half an American franchise, Takara was always the other IP holder.
Isn't he just a guy from the last universe?
Pretty much every thread is a troll one.

A guy who merged with the consciousness of the universe and became an integral element in the cycle of life and death, if we're being specific.
the japanese get it better because they can actually earnestly do badass heroic super robot shit without the autistic TVtropes nerd impulse to need to scientifically explain why the robots are getting stronger through the power of friendship or undermining everything with unfunny joss whedon quips every 5 seconds
what a miserable existence. over fixation on "lore" is one of the worst things I think has happened to western nerd spaces ever, all the lore in the world doesn't matter if the stories and characters suck ass.

>why the robots are getting stronger through the power of friendship
Ah yes, Transformers Cybertron.
Galactus is not a robot, he's a human-shaped cosmic horror that exists to cull the universe so there's no clutter. Unicron is just a gigantic metal compactor. It's fun that he has mystical powers, but I'm fine with that just being advanced technology and not actual supernatural powers.
IMO, Cybertronians as a species were too modular in G1 to sell a tie to more metaphysical elements but that's more fun. I like the smart but brutal Grimlock from the comics better than him being a retard with the Peaugh touch like in the cartoons, but I don't care for Grimlock being some not!Wrecker from a random squad that later becomes the Dinobots for, increasingly dumb, reasons.
I assume things like Empurata were added to explain why some robots would sometimes not look like Brave robots, but it's absolutely unnecessary when you have things like Sky Lynx running around and not having a super tragic story about him being turned into a monster shuttle bird and loving it and then licking other bots to turn them into monster shuttle birds.
It's more fun and less cumbersome to just say "Whirl was designed like that because he was made specifically to be part of a death squad and he's now a living effigy of everything evil within the Autobots" than saying he was tortured by some gay dystopia that didn't want him to make mechanical clocks just to not do anything with that information later.
In Transformers I always lean to what's less cumbersome, more logical, and easier to make scenarios for.
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Finally got around to picking up Bombshell. Just need a Megatron and the Constructicons and I'll finally be done with the G1 season 1 Decepticons.
>I assume things like Empurata were added to explain why some robots would sometimes not look like Brave robots
Just why some robots only have one eye, really.
Low to none.
The Japanese do things better not because they are Japanese but because they do everything in earnest. The guys undercutting scenes with stupid questions so it doesn't look silly reek of insecurity.

What's wrong with simply saying "Shockwave was built differently"?
100%. I called Mr. Hasbro and he said they're coming both next year and we're also getting a titan class Super Megatron
>The rocklords were cool though,
You're on the minority, these infernac things have poor rock fan modes and poor combining potential. vehicle modes are dumb
oh sorry you covered it already
good job mate
i mean yes.. because if you make a real one, he makes one too. so we just stopped.

I liked the hollow chests though. And Shard was just cool all around.
>Robots don't need a god to work.
No...but that doesn't mean they don't work with a god. It's just your personal preference and not some universal truth.
And there you go, my point is proven.
So why did the G1 cartoon stopped at season 3? I thought shit was successful
Some people are scared of the number 4.
So preorders for all this new stuff is next week? Or is that just for china?

Hasbro didn't wanna pay for it anymore. They even chopped two episodes off "season" 4 after it was announced to be a five parter.
hollow chests? you mean the cockpits?

No, in robot mode they have hollowed out chests. Nucleous is a good example. Its a design choice to show they have no Sparks.
>It's just your personal preference and not some universal truth.
Well, yeah, but I don't buy it. Some people will buy anything as long as they like the story, but I don't. For example, I like pretty much all of Naruto but I am not happy with the aliens and other goofy shit they added by the end of the story. That at least has one unified narrative to follow, but that doesn't mean I'm happy that Shibai exists unlike many Transformers fans asking for a Primus whenever the chance appears.

>And there you go, my point is proven
What do you mean? My view there is still that in the cartoon, as long as you had the means you could create whatever you wanted and it would work no matter how grandiose.
To Cybertron and its inhabitants, Unicron was a bringer of doomsday. To Primacron, it was a project that got out of hand but let's see how far we can go with it anyway.
>It's not at image limit yet
It is though?
>Brown color scheme from Covenant of Primus instead of the blue, gold and white/silver Onyx had in Transformers One and most of IDW
Why are they going out of their way to make the Thirteen look as bland as possible? Too close to Deathsaurus? It's not like they made a figure of him that touched shelves.
>I enjoy Beast Wars because it's based on the G1 cartoon.
It's a mishmash of the cartoon and comic and also makes up it's own stuff
No Prime No!
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Short answer: financial issues.
Long answer: Hasbro was dealing with a machine gun like failures during the late 80s with several film bombs and restructures , as well as serious decline in new toy purchase across all brands lead to them taking a lot of cost cutting measures. After Rebirth they went right into a "Season 5" which was getting some Jim Henson puppeteers crew together to make some Power Master Optiums Prime props for some live action scenes with a kid actor setting up the episodes with intros and outros with for 23 other episodes from the previous 4 seasons as well as a chopped up version of the film into 5 parts. It was somewhat successful in ratings and sales surprisingly which lead them to do the same idea with GI-Joe having irl Stg. Slaughter setting up several episodes and a chop up of the Joe film. This also is what lead them into doing the Generation two cartoon of just chopping up old episodes with cgi overlaying them, this second attempt at redressing the old episodes didn't land well however and was what lead to the brand getting shelved and overhauled into Beast Wars which the higher ups at Hasbro were much more excited for and poured a bigger budget into.

Brown fits an animal better.
There are lots of kinds of animals.
my guess is they are going to do a rainbow of colors with the 13, where you don't have two being majorly blue or purple.

Better than silver, I suppose. But yeah, they clearly want a wider range of colors for the toy versions.

Just like the Bay Dinobots.
Jap dub is honestly worse. They have a commentary for everything everyone is doing even if the characters out right tell you what they were going to do. It gets old very fast.
Well Prima and Vector Prime are both grey and Solus and Alpha Trion are both purple
So they're going great on that front so far
Basically, they haven't had to deal with Joss Whedon and his consequences. There's also just a general dismissive attitude toward mecha in American and British nerd spheres so most TF media feels the need to try and "elevate itself" above the genre by being as un-mecha as possible. Meanwhile Japan doesn't have any of that baggage

Which is funny, because Japan hates TF for not being more mecha-like.
Vector's white and got a good amount of brown/teal breaking up the white and I wouldn't be shocked if they make Alpha Trion a lot of pinks and reds.
Can't even blame em desu, they have so many better choices. Also imagine you grew up with Victory or UT, or just any other robot show, and you tune into the newest TF cartoon expecting cool robot fights and its mostly just characters sitting around and talking about stuff with not a single super mode or giant sword in sight. I'd hate it too

Well, not like that. Theres this stigma in Japan that sentient robots are only good for kiddie toy shows like Brave or Shinkalion. Lifeless pilotable mecha are for older people.
Stop feigning ignorance. The post you responded to was made two hours ago, when the thread was indeed not at image limit yet. Someone did an image dump as soon as they realized a certain cretin went and made a new thread already, but it could have lasted much longer if you idiots weren't so quick to blow your load.
That sounds so fucking gay
He looks more red than brown to me. I think its based on the prime master that came with Predaking.
It's just one idiot.

Thats Japan for ya.

Although I'm sure it doesn't help that the Japanese dubs for every TF show since the 90s has been a jokey, fourth wall breaking gag dub that refuses to take anything seriously.
I'm guessing they went with this color scheme to make it clear that this is the real deal and avoid any implication that he could be Shockwave in a corpse suit, considering that's who the blue Onyx Prime you saw in IDW actually was.
We heard you the first five times, sweetie. Go watch cartoons in the other room.
that's weird

wait no, i'm looking at shard. that's a cockpit.
Shard was actually the first Infernac designed. I wouldn't be surprised if the other ones improved on and embraced the concept more compared to her.
you gotta love people who have an incredibly lucky break after taking a risk, and think "good let's push it further"
Yeah I'd heard that too, but I honestly don't believe that's as big a barrier as some believe. I think if you just had one, REALLY GENUINELY good TF anime, it could get past that stigma and bring it back in the public consciousness again in that same way Gridman did. Problem's just that Takara doesn't seem super interested as of yet. Maybe some day...
Also I'll just add, being seen as kiddie isn't the absolute worst thing. As you said, Brave and Shinkalion are both seen in a similar way but they still rule and deliver quality mecha action. The whole goal is to sell toys, at the end of the day


Man I loved that Trigger short.
there is a logic to that
That has only been a thing in the past 10 years
I didn't make this thread, dumbass.
I feel like that's revenge for how we dub their serious shit
Animated had lots of fights. Even civilian rescue was written like fights with characters using their abilities to work.
Okay I'm checking..
the ones that turn into trucks could GENEROUSLY be said to have hollow chests, but they are visibly full of tires, so.. no
Its been like that since the early 2000s.
The tires fold in because the chests are empty. I think.
uh lemme check my watch... 2014....
>Korra's ending
ah, yep!
that's like saying cheetor's chest is empty and then he slides a cheetah head into it.
or are you saying there actually is space behind those tires, where you could store like, your weed or a couple jellybeans. because if so that is a little weird.
Kinda, the piloted mecha are more common because Mazinger Z popularized it, and it became the norm for kids shows and adult shows. I don't think there's really a stigma to that aspect, the real stigma comes from Transformers being seen as a mostly otaku thing nowadays, as are many old shows mainly aimed at kids nowadays.
Yeah, behind the tires. Where a Spark would be.
I'm still hoping that it was some sort of test pitch for how receptive people would be to a full Trigger TF Anime, in the same way their Gridman "boys invent great hero" short was.
True, and I really like Animated for that. I hear Rescue Bots has a similar vibe, so I'm a little curious to check that one out too. I'm mostly talking about all the clips I've seen get passed around twitter showing how FIRE Earthspark is, and how most of them are just characters talking about stuff. Combined with how boring the first episode was just made me think "Man I'd rather watch GaoGaiGar or anything else instead of this". There's one kinda cool and well choreographed fight, but that's about it from what I've seen.
That was pretty normal for kids mecha and toku at the time. Hell, Issei Masamune was the narrator for Space Sheriff Gavan.
there'll never be money for something like that ever again, unless something massive happens like a meteorite hits china and the world can heal
I think he looks more orange and they’re saving red for another prime
Japan has never really been big on TF
Its a western property
Even China likes TF way more than Japan
Japan just doesn’t really understand the property, which is why their dubs and stories are so weird with it
But Beast Box isn't a thing outside Japan so who cares
Go make a beast box thread then
Literally the first time I mentioned it. And if you read the comment chain, you'd see I was responding to another person who mentioned Onyx's IDW colors.
>Even Beast Box is just as good as any Transformer and doesn't need a lore to be good
True, but that's not saying they don't actually have lore tied to them.
One day I'd like to compile all of those bio cards that come with them - there's all kinds of fun snippets of lore hidden in them...
>Go make a beast box thread then
NTA, but Beast Box now shares the Modular Robot General, so there's already a thread up.
>Nice to have another chance to get Grimlock because the G1 figure was impossible to find
They're reissuing the regular 86 Grimlock this year as well
But can beast box sustain a thread by itself? Sharing a thread with a dozen other properties isn't very impressive
I don't think any of those lines could, thats why they get lumped together.
It used to have its own general for a while. It was slow, but it lasted - at least, until a certain individual who will not be named started knocking other generals off the board by spamming/tfg/ all over the place. We decided it was better to hitch a ride on a slightly more active general since then.
The different transformers continuities are all made by Hasbro/Takara. Are the toys in the modular general all made by the same company and all share the same general lore?
I prefer this color scheme to be desu. Brown, bronze, silver and gold is hardly bland, just monochrome. Prima is the real bland one here
Silver and gold are cool, they just didn't do anything interesting for Prima's paintjob
Eh, right now I think the Chinese make better toys
That's besides the point, we're talking about the property in general and the japanese make the toys for the west
They really wanna stick with his art in the Covenant, for some reason.
oh right, i keep forgetting he's a -winged- centaur. that gives you even more meat to work with for transformation
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Well, judging from the 13 primes picture
The Centaur is the alt mode

Thats kind of a shame, I was hoping he'd go full beast for an altmode.
I hope they do the same for Slag then, because I keep missing out on him.

The only one I found easily was Sludge.
It's a bit disappointing but it makes since when all his media has gone back and forth on him being bipedal or quadrupedal.
Do you mind Slag as bright red or green? They're doing that this year.
I'm more curious about what Quintus and Liege turn into
Liege looks like a Spawn character
I'm not a fan of G2 colors, not to mention he'd stick out hard against my G1 Sludge and potentially me getting a G1 Grimlock.
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It was the 90s.
wait what? that's stupid. also which one of these is him, or isn't him.
The one on the right of Nexus in the middle
You can see his legs draped over his shoulders
NTA, but I actually prefer it - I grew up with the G2 Dinobots, so in my mind this is the 'correct' color scheme for them - the uniform gold, silver and red of the G1 colors always looked so bland to me in comparison. Had I known they were going to start releasing modernized G2 versions, I'd have skipped the original releases entirely.
>Japan just doesn’t really understand the property, which is why their dubs and stories are so weird with it
Chalking cultural differences up to "just not understanding" their own IP is a negative IQ opinion
>so in my mind this is the 'correct' color scheme for them
Grimlock, Slag and Snarl had multiple colours and Sludge and Swoop didn't even release
So long as Takara owns the IP, it is quite literally a Japanese franchise as much as it is American.
>I grew up with the G2 Dinobots,
Did you like the AOE Dinobots too?

>and Sludge and Swoop didn't even release

They were planned. Swoop was lime green and Sludge was bright orange.
>Lifeless pilotable mecha are for older people.
They're both for children. Japan just has as much of a manchild problem as modern America where everybody just refuses to grow up and throw away their toys.
Nah. There are many lifeless vehicles piloted by adults in the world.
Its ChungusPedo, he roams around and does his gay ritual botposts whenever he evades
>There are many lifeless vehicles piloted by adults in the world
Gundam are for children regardless
Oh yeah because witch from mercury is soooo not pozzed lmao
The difference is that IDW shit is just comics that only comic book nerds read anyway while WfM is a mainline entry. I hope you enjoy the dykes and yurifags that will forever plague your board lol
Fucking newfags
/m/, I was there during the Witchen-ing… Like 20 fucking threads for that shit-show alone jesus
Is he going to turn into the Vioalator?
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Basically to help people understand better what it felt like using /m/ at the time, Here’s an accurate picture of the state of there with something people recognise (I am sorry for making this edit)
oh yeah i guess you can
god that really blows.
So who's the geezer wearing a wig?
He may also do a more beast like griffin mode but I doubt it
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You’ve seen his face on the board enough to learn via osmosis, I just wanna go back to talking about transformers and not having vietnam flashbacks to Bitch from Mercury flooded /m/
I'm surprised Siege Megatron wasn't done in this painjob too
>rent free
Wait is the last one Ginrai?
Star Convoy.

Oh, sorry, "Star Optimus Prime".
Looks like God Star Ginrai
Thirteen, one would assume
He's never had an actual design, so mashing up Ginrai and Star Convoy is as appropriate as anything
Its the spammer rat of the board, he isn’t human
I'm under the impression that it's just Power Master Prime mainline figure that will combine with Star Convoy
Wasn't there a timeline were Optimus was the thirteen who had lost his memory? I remember reading or watching that.
Rumors from far east China tell of a leader class not-Star Convoy
Its Star Convoy, guys. He's getting a Titan Class toy. He's the thirteenth.
In the original full telling of the 13 Orion Pax is the reincarnation of Thirteen after he willing dives into the well of Allsparks in hopes of being reborn among the newborn peasant race
It like if they requested someone a statue of Prime 100 years after he died, with prime having so many bodies/looks the artist fucked up and mixed his powermaster and star bodies.
Then Beast machines and Beast Hunter Primes do it again, dude loves to call mullingan to respawn.
Coming back from the dead is his superpower.
Actually...yes. The toys, anyway. Colorful dinosaurs are cool.
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Yeah, they're great as a team
those really were five good toys
i would prefer them a bit less colorful, but they're good.
>Got a relatively modern version of this guy in TR
>STILL no Hero Optimus to go with him
Literally the only other Optimus Prime I want at this point. I don't need another G1 Prime ever again at this point - just give me this and I'll be happy.
Seems weird to have both Star Convoy and a downgraded Star Convoy until you remember we always have like 4 or 5 different Optimus toys running just in the mainline (let alone all the shit you get from 3P) so I think the toyline can afford it.

The man moves the toys.
Yeah, that's why I said it's powermaster prime
Violate deez nuts. Haha gottem
closest you'll get
Superion doesn't look terrible here.
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More of a fan of the OX design than the toon one, same with most of the combiners actually
They're still cheaty but better than the sunbow models for sure. Still hate how they insist on having the leg bots facing backwards.. why the hell did they do that? It looks terrible to have the robot torsos front and center like that, and with superion it just means the jet nosecones get in the way of the knees
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It's the fuckin' dome of a head he's got
Dude, wtf are you talking about, the original toy is like that, the chests being the shins is way better than the jets facing forwards, which always look horrendous
Yeah it works better that way for Superion than it does for Menasor
I can go either way with Bruticus
I think animation wise they did it to cheat and make it more symmetrical looking. I mean they couldn't even keep track of seekers let alone combiner teams. Sometimes Bruticus IS on screen with the combaticons.
TCW got the CW set really close to that specific look.
Honestly that one's not too bad, I might buy a gold G2 one separately if it's not impossible to get.

On the other hand this one looks pretty shitty with horrendously undersized wings.
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>why the hell did they do that?
Animators did it so he was easier to draw, the prototype had the nosecones as kneeguards.
looks lame sorry
Makes sense from a budget perspective, just kinda lame that means he now has to look like That from now on. Makes the stupid frame combiners look even less like combiners, they gotta add these weird little cope leg doors to force you to buy the full team if you don't want giant holes in his shins
No, he definitely does.
>cope leg doors
Kek I'm calling them that from now on
I mean, I'd take it...if they actually did that mold in the Hero Prime paint scheme (even if the legs are technically reversed. I could live with that).
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It really shouldn't be that hard to make him look good with a frame
thoughts on my planned christmas haul
>86 galvatron
>legacy dirge
>legacy ramjet
>86 brawn
>legacy 5 pack jazz
>earthrise barricade w/ toyhax stickers

any duds you see here boys?
that looks beautiful
the barricade from the two pack looks better
my nigga it's literally that barricade in the picture
>unwanted fucking dead Primes
>bullshit Animated crap
Stfu triple faggot. Ive been waiting for more TFA and Dreamwave shit for a long time. Unless you want to go back to getting yet another fucking bumblebee or starscream toy and just cycle through the season 1 geewunn cast over and over again. I heard extreme autist like you love repetition after all.
I mean, it better be for how much it alll costs
ur right sorry, I've been sick for 3 weeks.
I wish prima had gold, but he's just gray with tiny blue highlights
Should've made him like, pearlescent white at least. Give more more blue highlights and make it more saturated. Hell, bring back allspark blue just for him, it would certainly fit.
Galvatron is a fun figure, I have the legacy one but SS 86 has the cool metallic paint
It's funny how he is supposed to be the first one and yet Vector Prime has the better ancient looking design. And I know Vector was designed first with an entirely different backstory but it's kind of funny how he looks older
Oops meant for >>11257719
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The toys did it that way first without any involvement from a show because that's how the the Scramble combiners are.
>but not--!
Try using the gimmick you bitch the new toys can't do, for once.
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So is Brawl designed backwards, or can you plug them in front or back facing?
Brawl is unique and makes a turret knee
Wait Red Alert includes a bonus hand now.
Flatline tooling.
>Try using the gimmick you bitch the new toys can't do, for once.
Funny thing is, I'm sure you can do it. The catch is that you swap the whole arm/lower leg including the frame. Just look at how Superion's arms connect to the torso, it looks the same as Menasor's. I can totally see Superior having the same connections on the knees too.
He looks so cool
It's almost there
So, why can't we have leg frames like those instead of whatever the fuck they did with Menasor and Superion?
He's got the clamp!
Because they've commited now
I too would've preferred a bot chest shin and then the frame to just be the thighs and hips
>that gold G1 Optimus going for 2 million yen
No, I mean, integrate the whole robot into the shins instead of having them just be decoration.
Yeah, that's what I mean
This guy's a faggot who thinks Japan has never gotten TF right, spends way too long going on rants and tirades in his video reviews about the most inconsequential garbage but making it out to be the worst thing Hasbro's ever done each time because ragebait sells, and despite taking so much of your time as-is, even then he speeds up his voice in his videos to make himself sound even more obnoxious and breathless.
So basically he's this board personified, but with worse taste.
They likely did what they did with Menasor because fast cars are pretty flat and would make for rather thin shins/calves without something additional to bulk them up. Hasbro is also cheap, and the way they did Menasor means the leg cars only need attachment points on one side (the bottom), whereas >>11257706 needs attachment points on two sides of each jet, one for the knee and one for the foot. And then Superion is using the same molds/engineering for the frame because, again, Hasbro is cheap.
>This guy's a faggot who thinks Japan has never gotten TF right
But he's absolutely right, have you even watched JG1 in Japanese?
The Brave series is more popular than Transformers for a reason
super god masterforce was pretty good wasn't it?
All the jap G1 series and you pick the one where Transformers are entirely sidelined for japanese teenagers and kids who turn into Transformers? Are you gay?
turning into transformers is cool, as long as you don't do it often
just like turning into digimon that one time. ONE time. it's fun.

shit i dunno i just heard ginrai's show was good.
The one with essentially power rangers in armour?
And Ginrai who almost made me hate my G1 toy of him
The back end of Victory is good, thanks entirely to Liokaiser
>Maverick is the collab with possibly the coolest design
>best name
>ugliest deco
>worst most see through plastic
>and now people are discovering some of his plastic is the real bad yellowing type
what did one bot do to piss off Primus this much
I'm conflicted on him because on one hand I typically agree with his reviews. Contrary to popular belief he does have positive things to say pretty frequently.

But in the other hand, he has a lot of absolutely fucktarded opinions. Like his vehement distaste for anything toy deco because "uhmn if I wanted the original toy, I'd get the original toy/reissue" even though the toys always had more detail and different colors that could be appealing. Just complete retardation.
I clicked one of his videos but clicked off as soon as I heard his voice. I don't even know if I agree with his opinions or not I just firmly believe vocal physiognomy is real
whether or not you can tell their true nature from their voice or appearance, you can certainly tell if they're someone you would hate.
I change my mind, I'm up for a new titan Overlord.
Brave is definitely better than JG1, but I don't think JG1 is really any worse than the corresponding American shows of its era. Transformers is just a low quality franchise in general as far as the actual shows go. We're just here for the cool designs and toys, and the lore is good enough that you can headcanon out the stupid shit while you sit on the carpet and slap them together.
i literally only like beast wars, animated, and prime. and that -really- interferes with my weeabooism. They just never quite pulled it off. Feels like they never tried. I would fucking love a transformers anime that feels like my 90s anime classics.
I completely disagree, but you do you
I watched Masterforce recently. It's decent, but I don't know how much of that was me coming off the heels of The Headmasters which was an absolute slog of shit.

It's like the rest of JG1 where a lot of it is cool in concept, but its not executed well at all. Same thought I had with Headmasters actually. If I just listed out the literal events of Headmasters to you it would sound like the coolest show ever, but then you actually watch it and you see that Blaster vs Soundwave is a hilarious still frame of them shooting lasers at each other and the epic Optimus and Rodimus Prime teamup lasts like 25 seconds before Optimus dies again.

Masterforce inherits a lot of those flaws in that there's a lot of stuff that sounds awesome but its executed really shittily. At least has a lot more likable characters, though that's negated a bit by the fact that it really becomes the Ginrai show for most of its run and you barely see anything from like half the cast.
Idk, Armada and Cybertron are kino to me
Both are pretty shit, Victory is the only decent one and only after Liokaiser gets introduced
The japanese dub and story?
I will go without Insecticons for another 3-4 years
Cause these are so fucking bad
JG1 was worth it just because it gave us those banger opening songs.
Every time I play with my headmasters I make sure to say HEAD ON really loudly.
Yeah, no ones gonna shit on the music for JG1 at all
Great shows
>Beast wars
Good Shows
Mid shows
>Beast machines
>RID 2001
Bad Shows
>Netflix WFC trilogy
In the pits
>RID 2015
>Machinima prime wars trilogy
they had lots of redeeming qualities, and i did watch them. but I retained none of it except Carlos.
hell i retained Car Robots better than UT. mainly because of the predacons and scourge.
you really think G1 is that good? not just.. good for its day?
like to you, G1 is transformers ocarina of time? Because to me it's transformers triforce of the gods. a classic, important steppingstone, but beast wars was Ocarina. a little janky and rough, but with lasting appeal.
G1 is great, the Voice acting does carry it though
G1 definitely shows it's age but it's still a charming and fun show. Im not even a 40yo geewunner either. I managed to catch reruns of the show when I was a kid.
I feel like OoT missed the appeal of what made Zelda good in the first place, masked by a transition to 3D graphics, and is a dull slog I never want to do again, so hey I think that describes Beast Wars after all
Personally I would put Beast Machines in the good show tier because the setting, music and feeling of post-apocalyptic dredd in that show is amazing even if it doesn't respect the previous characterizations from Beast Wars. Also many of the modern general lore elements that we know came from it or were further developed in BM.
They don't even transform
weren't you paying any attention at all, they are transformed
okay i am with you on that point, G1 has fucking amazing voice acting. incredible. Not one of them phoned it in.
it's just ugly though
well at least neither of us has to worry about each other's opinions.
To be absolutely pedantic, they are the ONLY transformers who transform. the rest... well... convert. They move parts around into a new form made of the same parts as before. like a mimic octopus.
Should've been called Transmorphers
They transform at cellular level
>it's just ugly though
Yeah and? It's a cool show
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Might get him at a deep discount. Annoyed that only half his sword is the blade.
ugly bothers some people a lot more than others. I've sat through all kinds of shows that lacked while still having good art
I'm reminded of a conversation Rob Paulsen had with his son about animation... He liked Pokémon more than the stuff his dad was in, and he's like "but they have like, one frame sitting there for a whole minute with just mouth flaps" and the kid's like "Yeah but WHAT a frame" and he had a point. You can polish different parts of a show and still be good.
yeahhh that is definitely scifi mall ninja crap. those side bars are doing absonothing.
I'm thinking whether or not I should risk waiting for them to go on discount myself, they're pushing the 13 as the big collect-em-all headliners of the line. Make the wrong call and you get to look for them on the aftermarket for stupid prices.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I will try to get him as soon as he comes out. Something tells me the Primes will sell out regardless of how good they are
You know, when the two were supposedly a loving couple, just turning your only one into an abusive jerk would almost always end in the girl either dead or turning celibate. Way of the world and all that.

Different topic, whoever designed the Legends Super Ginrai feet to orient vertically rather than flat on the ground is lazy. The MPG is a step on the right direction, which is why I beg Hasbro to make a better Super Ginrai.
Normally I would say a stack of boxes that turns into a box with wheels painted almost entirely in grey would be a massive shelfwarmer, but they slapped a lore-important name on him for a character that has had barely any representation before and that has shown to move tons of toys in the past.
Wait, shit! I almost forgot! As I suspect Onyx Prime could be a triple changer, I expect that mold to be a pretool for Cybertron Scourge. If Hasbro and TT are still up for making remakes of the Five Convoys of the Cyber Planet Keys, the original Beast Prime being the basis for a future Beast Prime would be perfect.
how often does that really happen anymore, aside from weird exclusives?
oh that'd be awesome. we need more triple changers with two robot modes instead of two altmodes.
>two robot modes
Isn't Sandstorm getting scalped for dumb prices right now?
NTA, but the centaur mode would count as a second robot mode - really, it's only his lower torso that would change. Considering it's not much of a transformation (and the centaur form is the one he used as his primary robot mode anyway), it would imply he probably has an actual, third form that would serve as an alt mode.
It's an alt mode, as in it's alternate to the Robot mode
We don't even know if it has another mode yet
He's not doing a Punch/Counterpunch thing here
The whole idea of a mid-change robot mode that improves his performance in battle while his biped mode is for formal meetings, I figured Onyx Prime could be a good base for a remake of Cybertron Scourge. Sometimes people advertise his Cyber Key gimmick as an additional form, but it's still just a gimmick. Otherwise, it would be an inverse of Onyx, technically giving him two alt modes through his Cyber Key by adding two dragon heads usually hidden behind his back.
how big is that Hot Rod? people keep saying micromaster but he looks roughly core class to me
From what I can estimate he might actually be a bit bigger than most core classes.

But regardless he's Japanese Micromaster size, which is actually not that small. They're like minibot sized in Japan. So when Rodimus shrunk himself down he just became a manlet instead of Antman-ing himself or whatever.
>willingly choosing to become a manlet
For what purpose?
Becoming a leader carrying the Matrix is too much for him to handle. If we mix in Kiss Players into this, this was the second time he gave up on the Matrix, with that god-forsaken series being his actual first time giving up on that thing.
the G1s tfs were at war for 4 million+ years because they were always starving for energy.
Rodimus became a manlet because he arrived on a planet of manlets and wanted to bring peace to Transformers by making sure everyone were equal manlets including himself. This is why Star Saber and the other Brainmasters also transferred their minds into manlet bodies that only wear bigger bodies when needed like fighting evil.

Truly the actions of a fair minded leader.
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Her chest looks badly bolt on. The head of the hammer is a bit small. The front of the vehicle looks fine, but messy at the back. However, the figure seems decent.
Don't judge the CG model, judge the final figure shown at Cybertron Con.
Wheres her matrix chamber? do only male primes flash their tits like >>11257921
Only Prima has the matrix
it's sad that this is actually pretty good by roboboob standards
Better garbage than the Sameformers we get every wave. Another Hound, Another Windblade, Another Ratchet etc
What's the guess on pricing for the primes? Might have to open a card to get them all.
Same price as their current size classes
>RID2001 that low
Barf. This better lead to the ACTUAL Animated Waspinator
I thought only 2 of the 13 primes could transform into alts.
Amalgamus and Nexus. I don't remember the covenant of primus ever stating that each one had an alt.
Not trying to single you out here, but sometimes I wonder about all the people acting like buying these toys is going to break the bank somehow. Buying all 4 Primes in wave 1 including the Titan at MRSP would cost like $300 total. Don't get me wrong, it's overpriced for some hunks of plastic but I have to wonder if any of you guys have ever made any big purchases of...anything, really.

I mean yeah if you're some autistic collector that needs to buy every fucking toy in the line (let alone whatever other toys you might be into) then you'll be spending a pretty ridiculous amount, but that sounds like more like an addiction you need to get help for. Plus the people who have enough space for all that shit are probably rich enough to not care about the cost of the toys themselves anyway.
Well now they're toys
Transformers transform, you know?
Of the ones we know
>3 deluxes (solus, micronus, alchemist)
>2 voyagers (vector, prima)
>2 leaders (megatronus, onyx)
So like, ~260 burgers for just half of them, plus another 150 if you're planning on getting star convoy
I don't believe we know the rest yet
why doesn't it say "animated universe" ?
My last big purchase was 28k in cash. I just don't want to get fucked in the aftermarket like I have getting back into transformers this late in the game.
it's almost like they shouldn't have made toys of the 13 unless they're adding new lore about them getting new forms
Completionism is something i got out of my head RIGHT away. There's always at least a few i don't want, even in the lines I absolutely love.
>it's almost like they shouldn't have made toys
Wasted fucking trips
j-jesus. that's almost more money than I've ever had in my life. and even that was thanks to trumpbucks
these days everything goes on clearance before you know it
>thought only 2 of the 13 primes could transform into alts.
Amalgamus jumping into the well of allsparks is what gave all the cybertronians T-cogs
>but muh LOOOOORE
who fucking CAAAAARES they're TOYS
Even when alignedslop was in its hayday hasbro didn't give a SHIT about consistency in the lore. Their big important thousand dollar lore book got thrown in some desk to rot before Prime was even finished
I still predict Prima will shelfwarm enough to go on clearance/Ross shelves in at least a few places. The guy is $35 for a grey block who turns into another grey block. Solus is unique enough of a design that I think she'll do decently well, and Megatronus is very eye catching with both his design and the flames. Optimus is Optimus.
No matter the size, he'll be gone fast, eh? And Solus will sell out fast because she's an extremely nicely designed Deluxe.
These guys will probably the only representation of the 13 primes, I guarantee people will buy them
I'm not complaining. Obviously transformers are going to transform.
>action masters, R. E. D., every statue bust, etc...
Yeah, nv.
>who cares they're toys
then why do the 13 primes in the first place? their sole appeal over regular characters is lore
but that lore doesn't have transforming. so the least you can do is write new lore
STFU man
Is there a issue with discussing inconsistencies, plot holes and/or retcons?
One of the arms on my SS86 Grimlock feels weaker then it used to. It also sounds different. It still holds a pose just fine but I can move it far easier then the other arm and it just feels "loose" if that makes sense, like I can jiggle it slightly before it clicks. Is it going to be okay or should i be worried?
Like, Core class size?
As much as I do have a theory that the Apex Armor is the other 13th Prime relic, would they really release PM Optimus/God Ginrai so close to the MPG release that's pretty damn soon?
Of course, they even did the same thing with ML Prime
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More like smaller Deluxe size I guess? Japanese Micromasters (at least in the cartoons) are roughly the size of Brawn or Gears, who both got Deluxes recently. But they could technically fit into Core too I guess. Pic sorta related, its the Micromasters from Transformers Victory. You can see they still tower over the human kids.

Of course, this is still G1 we're talking about. Scale shouldn't be taken that seriously.
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Posted wrong pic, but the earlier one was from the official reference chart, here's one that's easier to tell what's actually going on
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I know it's nonsensical but that is my favorite Prime of all time
If you're curious about Rescue Bots, I recommend the first season at least; it's the one that's got the biggest focus on the emergency rescue work, and I really loved how seriously it always took the situations, despite being ultimately a show for toddlers. Seasons 2-4 aren't bad at all, but they do focus more on Sunbow-style, mad science cartoon goofiness. Characters also tend to learn the same morals multiple times, but that's expected when this's still the longest single TF cartoon yet. Characterizations and interactions always stay strong imo, even if it might not have the dramatically impactful arcs as something like Animated's characters had.
Definitely a great show for little kids, and entertaining for adults if you're willing to put up with plenty of cheesiness. I don't regret watching it, for whatever that's worth!
I dislike the ER seeker mold, and am not rly into the "turning Barricade into just another Prowl/Smokescreen clone" thing when he had such a unique silhouette originally, but that should at least still be a decent toy. Hope you have fun, anon!
If they ever do touch Grandus & Sky Garry, do you think that, with how Takara's doing Brave stuff now (like a recent GGG), they could do Dagbase and Deathgarrygun?
I think they’ll do it to match and link up with star convoy
Who knows. While I get that those will be remolded for Toyrise of these guys, I feel like Grandus and Sky Garry could be either HasLab (because people would be content enough for a new Star Convoy) or Selects (if that's even a thing to this day). It may be difficult for the Dagwon stuff unless they will go through with it wholesale, up to and including the DagTectors (because we got Ryukendo for the line).
>with how Takara's doing Brave stuff now (like a recent GGG),
Wait, what?
It's not out yet
There's a bunch of new transforming Brave figures coming out next year
That's implied to be the case but it's also vague and contradictory enough that you can ignore it.
Source? I saw some pics in these threads but those were a completely new thing.
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Oh, that one is from Takara? Funny that they finally made a Genesic themselves.
>the first 13 Transformers weren't explicitly shown transforming onscreen? Obviously that means they couldn't transform at all!
You autistic retard
Yeah the one in first
Amalgamus prime gave the power to transform to all future cybertronians because it was his and only his gift among the 13.
Try to keep up.
And where does that mean the other Primes didn't
All it means is other cybertronians didn't and he was Prometheus
Oh ya, it’s very intentional. iirc it was designed by a very prominent gundam designer
>it's almost like they shouldn't have made toys of the 13 unless they're adding new lore about them getting new forms
They don't need new lore, the 13 sans Amalgamous having no alt modes was never a hard canon thing, it was implied in the Covenant by way of Amalgamous giving his cog to the well, but it contradicts other pieces of media.
Nexus' limbs were said to have alt modes that he could change at will, Onyx was said to have the first beast mode and all the other primes that lived to the present day (Alpha Trion, Vector, Maccadam, the Fallen) explicitly or presumably have alt modes too.
>He thinks if Elon buys Hasbro it just won't be G1 For Casuals Edition versions of Optimus, Bumblebee, Megatron, Soundwave, and Starscream over and over again with maybe ones that turn into his Punjabi cars and truck
you can get prima to look like the cybertruck with a minor retool probably
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DNA added shin covers and did some other tweaks to their Vector Prime kit.
>wanting TF to be like every other mecha show
Can it transform, though?
I know you have to at least pop off the shoulders, not sure if all the added leg stuff gets in the way or not too
I love those two but im the opposite where the UT or at least armada is more memorable than the other but cant deny the aesthetic for both goes pretty fucking hard and i miss it a lot
Upgrade kits are cool but a lot of times I see the price of most of the more elaborate ones that double the price of a figure (if not more) I question why I wouldn't just save up for an MP or something.
>I question why I wouldn't just save up for an MP or something.
Because there is no 3rd party or masterpiece Vector Prime.
3 extra pieces (shins and first production extra sword) for 40 bucks seems more acceptable now, you have to remove the wrist and feet to transform but idc, i have rid2001 whit his supermode being partsforming so this is whatever
That Superion is peak, I hope Bruticus and Defensor are done the same way.
Hey now that they're getting a big signal boost in relevance maybe some of those chinamen will get to work on that
look i dont know any of this lore, i don't even know where it comes from
but when anon said only 2 of the 13 could transform, he sounded very confident that that was explicit in the lore
and nobody corrected him. so I assumed that was right. Because that is how thinking works.
If it's not true, you should have not only said something, but read the room where it was obvious that we didn't know. before assuming we just insisted our guess is canon.
>when anon said only 2 of the 13 could transform, he sounded very confident that that was explicit in the lore
Retards say a lot of stupid things with absolute certainty. You sound like a retard too.
With a lot of partsforming.
and you sound like a mean person that your mom would probably be sad if she saw what you're posting
I want more comic book inspired Transformers. I was so fuckin happy this year, to get Xaaron, Flame, Straxus, Optimus Primes head and Deaths Head (yes, yes, he's ML, I know). All of them scratched an itch I hade for over two decades now.
Soundwave and Blasters seem like easy picks, even if those molds have been recently super milked
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>a issue with discussing inconsistencies
This monkey negates every transformer origin on the best looking g1 episode.

No primus, no quintessons, no 13 primes, it was just a monkey playing god like the Sillent Hill dog.
YES. Purple Soundwave with a mouth, and Blaster with visior or we riot.
Hey just follow the Japanese G1 continuity where they try the insanity of working it all into the same timeline. In that universe Primus created a Rainbow Colored Super Sentai Transformers team who each wielded a different colored Matrix one of which ended up in the hands of Primacron who built Unicron, who then lost it to the Quintessons who used it to create Cybertron. Something like that anyway, I can't keep it straight at all. I appreciate the attempt though.

I don't think the thirteen exist in Japanese G1 yet but it's only a matter of time before they come up with something, I'm sure.
I once gave JG1 a shot. My god, it's just super beings fighting other super being who just want to rule/destroy universe and shooting kamehamehas at each other with their Matrix canons or whatever. No wonder it's obscure stuff that no one care much about.
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I so want a new First Aid. I hated the way the Combiner Wars one came out.
the quintessons were part of this continuity too.
>on the best looking g1 episode
Because it was animated in glorious Japan.
>Because it was animated in glorious Japan.
...all of G1 was animated in Japan.
Ok, sometimes Korea too.
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>I don't think the thirteen exist in Japanese G1 yet
They do, their origin story just hasn't been explained yet.
Sakamoto needs an AotP tie-in manga to clear it up.
Yep, the Fallen also shows up as an the main antagonist in Train Wars
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>Bumblebee does poorly
>ROTB flops
>One flops even harder
How does it feel knowing the franchise is nothing without Michael Baysed in the director's chair?
But TLK flopped too.
Not as badly as the unBaysed movies.
Animated was super-popular in Japan IIRC.
It flopped harder than Bumblebee.
And you’re just ignoring the steady decline in revenue after dotm? The sequel to tlk would have flopped even harder, that much is obvious. These films have just been on a steady decline since the third movie. Also, do you genuinely like TLK? The bay movies used to be my all time favorite till AOE and TLK, I don’t believe you have to pretend to like those movies in order to be a bay fan
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I'm pretty sure he's trolling.
For real I thought the first film was actually a genuinely fun ride and holds up well. The second and third were dumb as hell but had the occasional good idea (mostly robot designs in the second and some cool plot concepts in the third). Age of Extinction I remember liking at the time but in hindsight, woof. TLK was borderline-unwatchable.
Bumblebee was great, probably one of my favourite TF media pieces. Didn't watch ROTB but it looked pretty shitty. One looks great but I haven't watched it (yet).
Side note, I've become completely smitten with Legacy Cybertron Starscream. I doubt they will because Hasbro seems to hate him but a Sunstorm from the mold would be godly.
Comic Edition needs to continue, it's been my favourite subline in years. Comic Blaster is my biggest want right now, he was my favourite character in Marvel G1 and Kingdom Blaster has been my favourite mold of the past several years.
im jealous, i have the wfc scream "new" but discounted and his head was broken so i suspect that they knew it was faulty. its generally a rickety feeling toy, anyone else had problem with it?
They don't need new lore about transforming. We've seen before with characters like the Quintesson judge that Hasbro is fine to make alt modes for characters who didn't have one. If you don't like it, just don't transform them, since each of them have pretty solid robot modes which don't look much like they transform.

I'd add that none of them so far seem to be based solely on their CoP designs, so they don't need to adhere to that lore. Prima is CoP mixed with G1, Megatronus is Dreamwave, Solus is PotP, and Onyx seems to be a vague mix of a few (including the bipedalism from IDW). In fact looking at the rest of the golden statues, very few seem to have CoP designs (although Nexus does which is unexpected).
DNA Designs is gonna have a field day fixing this.
but new lore would be FUN
i loved the Kingdom lore
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American version is the same, they just shove themselves around instead of shooting energy beams.
Megaempress would be a Commander by current standards.
Well, you got 3 out of 4 core class. Switch Airachnid with Slash, Slash isnpt that big while Airachnid was a tall bitch.
If hasbro wasn't as cheap they could use the partsforming torsos to give the fembot combiners actual female proportions.
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I'm looking forward to Alchemist rocking the old Marvel Maccadam stache.
Was Star Convoy going to be a Haslab at one point? The fact it comes with pretty much everything the original did really gives off that impression.
hmmm i'm too lazy to get the pictures out but
>TITAN: redesigned giant Torca
>COMMANDER: Magnaboss (do Tripredacus next time)
>LEADERS: transmetal 1 megatron and Rampage (do other big transmetals next time)
>VOYAGERS: redesigned transmetal cheetor, Polar Claw, TM2 Dinobot, Transmetal Cybershark
>DELUXES: redesigned TM2 blackarachnia, redesigned Bantor, Bonecrusher, Wolfang
>CORE (fuck core, make them like old basics size): Insecticon, Air Hammer, Transmetal Rattrap, and Claw Jaw
Yeah honestly the fact that it comes with so many doodads and something like Tidal Wave just looks like a fucking little bitchass with no Minicon and poor engineering tells me that Star Convoy was a pet project for someone. I would have never expected him to come with the tiny Hot Rod, let alone an articulated one.

As much as I love Cybertron Metroplex and Armada Tidal Wave, they seem lacking in comparison.
He looks like a cool toy but it's not like he's super complex or anything. He has a relatively simple aesthetic, has some tiny buddy accessories and spreads his legs to become a base. Is it really any more complicated than the citybots?
i can get studio series WFC ratchet for like 25 bucks new
is it good, because I keep hearing that studio series gamer edition figures are crap
He's one of the better ones.
>Megaempress' trailer converts into a heart shaped bed for love making
Hide your Megatrons.
I hope he comes with bartending stuff.
I'd go for:
>TITAN: New character with energon refinery / space bridge alt modes
>COMMANDER: G1 Scattershot
>LEADERS: Epistimus, HoS Megatron
>VOYAGERS: Marvel Megatron, Shattered Glass Shockwave, Go Prime, Armada Cyclonus
>DELUXE: Quark, Chairman, Kaon, Marvel Bumblebee, Shothole
>CORE/MICROMASTER PACKS: Lug, land military minicon team, Toaster, space minicon team
>doing all fembots for the other size classes
>don't do this for Core Class for some reason even though there's multiple fembots that would be perfect for Core Class
>especially when this would be the perfect place to finally do a proper Sari figure(heck you could even get a recolor/remold by doing Shattered Glass Sari as well)
>also why the fuck would you do another Wheelie figure when he got a perfectly serviceable one in Studio Series only a couple years ago in the exact same size class?
Honestly he's the perfect opportunity to provide some accessories for scenes that aren't just battle
The joke was sex.
Logos Prime should've made the roster.
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>a Sunstorm from the mold would be godly.
I fucking NEED him - the Legacy Cybertron mold would be ideal, but at this point I'm desperate enough to take him even if he ended up on the Siege or Earthrise molds.
Maybe, but they probably didn't know about that at Hasbro when they decided to fill out the group for the Binder.
those four cores are sexy transformers?
don't forget Logos Prime
I'm not the person who made it a few years back, but the motif seemed to be smaller men, since Wheelie is essentially a shota and Ironhide and Obsidian have a girlfriend/wife, but Ironhide's wasn't actually listed. Presumably Ratchet was just because he's a recolor of Ironhide. The background image having two larger women with a small boy also supports it.
>Had the cancelled G2 Grimlock on one of those
>Didn't get one when they actually made it
I'm a fake-ass nigga.
Does anyone know if Toysrus, Walmart, or Gamestop have the same product codes per size class? I was given a dupe of something and I'm not really sure what to do.
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I'm not asking for a lot
>This shitty mold again, expected but still eugh
>New head looks awful
>Can't even give him the blank rubsign insignia like he actually had in the show, still giving him a Decepticon one for some reason
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>Buy Vector Prime for $22 range on Amazon as he dips often
>DNA Kit $40
>115 Workshop set $15
>Toyhax Decals and Shin Covers $35

Almost $100 to get the "best" Vector Prime and none fix the color in the Nose of the Vehicle
Nobody can make that part either removeable for a solid color one or a decal that covers it entirely
Not hard at all
Toy Hax even has a decal that covers the sides to break up the solid color
At that point, you're beter off just getting the original figure second hand off ebay
Did they even make a Cybertronian vehicle mode Bumblebee?
Still hoping we get that Thurst colored Cybertron Starscream in Legacy or a Gen Selects
Or better new Shattered Glass
wow, this really helps a LOT.
i don't care about this character, but if i did..
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Just after I posted this, I saw the news for this guy. He's beautiful
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Still don think I'll ever get an epistemus though
ooh that color scheme works.. and he comes with a mini of himself as a gun? and a spare hand? transformers don't do that very often
this is bitchin.
Will the new Star Convoy be on Amazon/BBTS/similar sites??? I need him
Yes, he's a regular release. Apparently he'll be up on Tuesday.
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I want a goddamn Anode toy already
her alt-mode is bitchin' and her transformation is already based on an existing toy
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Titan should be a fembot's weight class.
How expensive is he going to be anyway?
didn't we just get Ratchet and Ironhide in Core class?
where's the bulge?
there's two of them right up on her chest
yeah but the tranny bot needs another between the legs
Yes. The image is a couple years old.
Poor Hot Rod has totally lost his role as robo Jesus.
Why was Core Class cancelled again?
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Didn't sell well enough, do you require any further computation
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Honestly both Anode and Lug have great alt modes. Glad to see we've got some hearts of steel guys upcoming, because I always want more antique vehicle modes.
Please compute whether we will get Computron in this new wave of combiners
optimus is robo jesus, hot rod is robo paul
that is a really good transformation
Core class probably would've sold better if they had some kind of cohesive vision for what it was supposed to be. They would just release the randomest shit. Tazmania Kid, Beast machines cheetor, fucking rock lords? Sad thing was that most of these were actually good figures IMO but there's no appeal to collecting them because a lot of them have nobody to go with.
tasmania kid goes with the other beast wars guys! i mean if you like the anime he's from, we have other toys from that. and if you're like me and you hate how he looks, you can paint him into a -proper- tasmanian devil
I sure hope so, so dumbasses sell their CW sets
Speaking of, where's Stampy? Mark is clearly obsessed with him so he should have a chance.

At least Longrack has a spiritual sequel in WILD KING
Yes - Origin Bumblebee. He was released twice.
I'm guessing someone made a Glyph custom from it, but without the big shoulder pads probably looks odd.
that thing with the really primitive looking transforming beast guys?
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>AOTP Superion is way better than the CW versi-
looks pretty good to me
fuck on a truck
This is the cost of scramble city comparability and cartoon accuracy in the same figure
>x being bad makes y good
It still is underdeveloped for that. Can only be a arm or leg instead of both.
Good. The best combiners have their components in dedicated spots, not scramble.
and yet this looks infinitely worse than the scramble city cw version lmaoooo
I mean the only requirement for legs to become arms is that they split in half. Couldn't be too hard for the designers
Scrambling was an overrated gimmick and the only time it was interesting with when Car Robots Baldigus did it.
Scramble City >>>>>>>>> any iteration of Devastator
This won't Scramble City
Because the huge ugly frame shit for the Combiner
So you're just slapping another Limb Bot to be hidden on the back
Meanwhile CW/UW could ACTUALLY full Scramble City
I wonder if FrameWars Bruticus will be able to scramble for the Baldigus repaint
It's Titans Return Mindwide's transformation. Lug's transformation is Titans Return Rewind's.
So go buy those versions if you love the same one mold four times.
That still means it failed to accomplish what was claimed about it.
But Baldigus was identical in terms of mold to Bruticus as a toy, so you just liked the show actually applying a reason for it while the G1 cartoon stuck with the same formation all the time.
This cannot be defended
>hidden on the back
Superion clearly has space for bots on the front of his shins. Also the fact that the bots don't make up the entire lower leg doesn't negate them being scramble city, since you can still mix and match.
They quite literally can't do that
And yes it does invalidate because you're not truly swapping limbs
You're pegging a bot on the back of the leg
Mind you a peg hole and connection I'm DAMN SURE they didn't fix cause it's the Menasor frame
And it WILL Stress ports
Works on my machine.
>you're not truly swapping limbs
Yeah but you're swapping members of the combiner. Also, he may be similar engineering, but Superion doesn't share connection ports with Menasor
Dude's really bawling his eyes out screaming into the thread that they're playing with their toys wrong. Sad.
I want to say maybe but only as an Activator or something
Can't compatibility between teams be better understood when the actual product is in hand?
guys i really fucking miss core class beast wars dinobot
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>Superion clearly has space for bots on the front of his shins.
Not enough, also not visible pegs needed for it.
They could've just as easily done the same thing but let it insert
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The fake cshins should be way thiner tho, the way they made them giives superion some thick ass legs.
I figured the peg and hole at the top are the connection method

Correct. If his shins sat flush like menasor's instead of being recessed, then his calves wouldn't be so huge
OH. i didn't even see the black parts. i was looking just at the white and going 'oh that's not bad'
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>I figured the peg and hole at the top are the connection method
Those are to connect with the other leg to form the "trailer", you can see the 4 pegs for the deluxes on the wings.
why is it so fat
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Theres this mode too, but then the nosecone looks oversized, like a pony with a horse head.
Reminds me of Starcom. That's cool.
kek they moved the wings forward to cover more of the underjunk
Do the legs use the same pegs as the arms you've circled? If so, that's cool for Ruination, but it would've been cool to give that extra functionality of putting them on the front or back.
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I was wrong, the pegs on the wings are for the arm bots, you can see the wing hanging on the forearm. Still the set won't be scramble compatible, look at the ports on the deluxes, they aren't even the same size or shape.
Predict how other Combiner team frames/trailers/battlestations will be integrated if they were made in the style of Legacy Menasor and AOTP Superion

Pirate ship akin to the Photon Sailer of Beast Wars II.
Something like the baggage that Fire Convoy has.
An extra attachment in the form of a hideous animal to give the impression of a creature with two snake heads for a tail.
yeah outside of certain guys that make sense to release at that size(such as Recordicons) there's not really a point to doing that sort of super small scale thing unless you're willing to properly commit to it as a full subline and/or line gimmick such as the G1 Micro Masters, Armada Mini-Cons, or the DOTM & Prime era Cyberverse stuff where there's enough product being released that it can either standalone as it's own thing and/or be a noticeable aspect of the overall line rather than how Core Class(and some of the other small scale stuff in the last couple years) has felt like a vestigial limb more than anything
fuuuuuuuuuuucccckkk i will mourn core class beast wars dinobot until the day i die
yfw he was a slash pretool.
Just the rear half of Onslaught's truck mode
Same as above, but for Hot Spot
Pretty much the same as Superion's. Attaches to the back of Scattershot's jet mode and turns his cannon mode into a defensive wall
Attaches to Hun-Gurrr's back and gives him two extra heads
Big shell for Snaptrap. Maybe a small raft
May as well chuck in a new Metroplex to join all the base modes
I'm high on copium that it's mistransformed.
Well I guess you could recreate the original by extending the cockpit behind his knee
I thought Superion is built different to where all limbs split in half for other positions.
No, same as Menasor with dedicated leg and arm bots, no scramble.
Shit... What's next, a new Super Ginrai who couldn't make a base mode? The MPG makes a pretty good base if the G1 one could do that, but I feel like they will put in the base mode to connect to Star Convoy.
>What's next
Ridiculously fat shins >>11258924
>cool little biplane transformer
oh nice, I'd love–
fucking IDW. I haven't even read it and it ruins cool shit for me
I'm hyped for Star Convoy, hes EXACTLY what I was hoping for and nothing like what I feared (a giant Powermaster Optimus who couldnt decide on what he was). Superion though I'm not sure about. I'll see how they do Bruticus. I do think Onslought's long ass truck mode may work well for a "detachable combiner parts",though I don't see why it'd be necessary. If I do grab Superion it'll be in his G2 colors. I mean why do people even want G1 Superion, dude didn't even have his own Rap song
What scale do you want your Powermaster Prime/Super Ginrai, though? I always think Commander Class is enough for that guy not just because Armada Prime, which kinda functions in a similar way complete with his own trailer base, is also a Commander. He could either be a Leader or Commander, but if he were a Commander Class, he might be locked to the Selects line.
NTA, but one thing being better than the other doesn't make either "good".
I absolutely do not give a shit about scale
You either have a huge hobby room or a small collection, either case I envy you, I have boxes over boxes full of robots and would preffer Star Convoy to be smaller.
Ignore the dumb gender shit, she's a girl biplane and weirdos stating otherwise are just gross sexual deviants.
I want another biplane transformer dammit, fuck Lug but rehabilitate Anode for future lines/comics.
Nobody cares. Did you cry this loud when Omega Supreme didn't walk by himself?
nta but yes, omega supreme should've got that gimmick, fuck you
Still might be coming in a 4 pack.
And I want that Slash retool
But what about Predaking?
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>she's a girl biplane and weirdos stating otherwise are just gross sexual deviants.
bad news anon
Yes, that certainly is a post written by gross sexual deviants alright. Anyway Anode is a girl biplane, I decide the canon.
can't tell if it's sarcasm or delusion
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I hate IDW Deathsaurus. Stupid Amerilards didn't realize he essentially has a bird hat (because he turns into a kaiju) and instead reinterpreted the other eyes as some sort of ugly tryhard four eyes abomimation ala Bayformers. Why don't Americans understand Transformers? I hate how they simply can't like something for its novelty and instead HAVE to layer some literalism self awareness on top of everything or else they're afraid of looking dumb.
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>I hate IDW
All you had to say, and you are right to do so.
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I don't really mind if the fiction writers want to write transformers as discovering gender because it makes sense with them being robots and all, but then they wouldn't identify as male to begin with because they would have no concept of gender. If you're going to write weird scifi shit at least write it properly.
If I remember right the IDW books wrote off the use of male pronouns as just how their language defaulted to other gendered languages.
This, pretty much. More fitting would be a """trans""" TF mocking a human tranny for their weak fleshy bodies and lack of modular easily-replaced sexual characteristics.
insane cope just to say "erm, I'm respecting HER gender identity"
>had her chassis rebuilt into a more feminine form
>is a complete flatty
Giant boobs confirmed for masculine transformer feature?
Always has been.
>normal until he gets brainwashed by subversive cultures

Tale as old as time, or the 19th century.
They should retool that new tails mold into Anode.
I said RotF Ransack before but I'd take an Anode too.
That's a Japanese artist
>fuck Lug
I think a backpack battlemaster would be cool. Especially since so many bots already have a port on their backs
seems like the chest propeller would make that pretty difficult
IDW: putting the "trans" in "Transformers" since 2005
I hate how hot these boobs are
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They sort of did that with the Action Master partners, a couple of them had backpack altmodes that were pretty cool and granted flight or combat. If Hasbro wanted an excuse to pump out some little core class guys with a new gimmick they could do backpack-formers. As long as the pegs are the right size yeah, they could interact with a lot of current transformers.
I'm surprised it's not a nonbiplane
badum tsh
jesus fucking christ
how did we go from 'this shit will get your house burned down' to 'if you object to this, you're fired' with NOTHING in between
Alex Milne is not Japanese
does his middle name start with A
He's canadian, but also milne isn't the one who designed idws "double eyes" deathsaurus that you were complainging about, he just drew it.
They actually hired a japanese artist to design it for his debut
Designed by Hayato Sakamoto, same guy behind the takara legends comic.
>Armada Red Alert is a descendant of Prima
I mean every transformer is a descendant of one of the primes so it makes sense. I assume it'll be a packaging/marketing gimmick where each figure in the line comes with a bio about which prime they're from, kinda like PotP's cards
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Also the Star Saber looks great. I'm glad they took this opportunity to give us the creation matrix rather than another matrix of leadership.
Red Alert should become a Prime
so they all just had a convorgy?
>Alertimus Prime
I just figured medical bots like Red were descendants of Alchemist or Quintus or something.
Prima is a bold choice.
Red Alert should become a fembot with huge titties and fat thunder thighs
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because it's about virtue signalling, not writing plausible fiction
dammit that hair is gorgeous
why does it ALWAYS come with a huge beaky nose, tiny piggy eyes, and thick buddy holly glasses
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because it's a guy
well that doesn't help, but plenty of REAL girls have all those same features in that combination, and it irks me
Bro thats a fuckin wig lmao
A shame I just don't care about Prima, just his sword so I can give it to 86 Hot Rod. Hopefully it goes on sale, same for the Fallen and Solus.
Aren't there 3rd party Star Sabers based on the Prime cartoon being sold out there? Why buy Prima just for that?
Oh and foe those who care, it seems like the Star Saber can split apart into the hilt and blade, maybe for some weapon combination in the future.
I doubt that they are "racially pure" or anything, especially looking at how many seem to double-dip like combiner beasts or how Elita-1 is a girl but has time-based powers just from G1. Just might be the one with the highest percentage of a certain prime.
Because you can put or remove Matrix to it. The last time 3P made a sword, the Matrix was built into it.
This whole idea is and always was retarded. Sex/gender isn't a state of mind; it ultimately boils down to what gonads you have. Transformers do not reproduce sexually and do not possess the physical components to qualify as being male or female, and thus, they are all sexless and genderless machines. The ONLY exception to this are the characters from the Beast Wars/Beast Machines continuity, who DO canonically have those bits because they assumed the forms of organic beings that do possess physical sexual characteristics.
>The last time 3P made a sword, the Matrix was built into it
looks much better tho, the matrix included with Prima is the same legacy mold so the only difference would be an incomplete meh looking sword if you remove the matrix.
it's still gorgeous.
i mean
the gonads AFFECT your state of mind. i was going to elaborate but on this board i'd get banned.
Rattrap's stories about waitresses he's gotten frisky with, along with all the crushes on the two female characters, make it clear to me that they do have female cybertrons. the altmodes are kind of irrelevant, as a ton of the males had female altmodes. and in airazor's case, quite possibly vice versa.
-Superion uses the exact same shoulder connection from Menasor, the one that had ratchets that were barely strong enough, would wiggle out of place and were mostly held together by a regular pin.
>Leg connection will likely still have the peg holes stress out like on Menasor.
>Superion also has that awful head.

Man, after Menasor I just can't buy this.
In the greater fiction it makes sense that over time Cybertronians would maybe learn gender from organic species, especially Autobots being allied with humans since that's by necessity a focal point of the franchise. So by extension it makes sense to me that by the time of Maximals/Predacons plenty of Transformers have adapted a lot of human customs themselves.

But if you were going to take it to its logical conclusion and try to write an expanded fiction, then Transformers should also have plenty of guys who travelled to other planets and learned from organic species that don't have our male/female split and of course people who don't care for the organic stuff at all (which was a thing in Animated).
Human writers cannot think of a society that doesn't have those.
>retarded robot gender arguments yet again
ha ha robot titties go brrrrrrrr
What sre the best ways to get bots for cheap? Is it advisable to wait for a new gen to push the previous into clearance? Maybe wait for post-holiday sales?
yeah that is logical.
i imagine they learned sex from animals actually. around the time that Pretender tech developed into organic forms for energon-cloaking, they studied the animals of various planets, and generally found a binary sexual system. occasionally some weird polyploidy like in plants, or that alternation-of-generations shit, but
clearance and pre-holiday sales are surely your best bet. prices crank high up in january.
If you just want to find random deals (and you enjoy the hunting part sometimes), you can go explore a local thrift shop once a month or something. Last time I went to a local Ross I saw piles of Legacy Metalhawks and Rise of Beasts Cheetors there. Also saw Strongarm, Animated Prowl and Nightshade. The biggest rare find I had recently around my area was Twincast+Rewind for $15.
Nice hips and booba? Cute voice? Smash, simple as.
If we go strictly by the Quintesson origin, then Transformers resembling having genders sort of makes sense. You have 'male' and 'female' looking bots for the laborer and domestic worker line that became the Autobots (possibly some of them even being made as sexbots?) while the military robot line that became the Decepticons seems to be primarily composed of 'male' robots.
ahh yeah
given that they live for millions of years, they might naturally have females but in very low numbers since they don't need to reproduce often to replenish their population
Wot if they have a Powerlinx peg in addition to all of that?
T30 nightbeat is so ugly
>being into a minicon lover
Then we're incompatible to powerlinx
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I need the tard-circles. What am I supposed to be looking at here?
I'm most interested in who will be a descendant of Star Convoy
Not Optimus Prime. He's actually more Prima than Thirteenth despite being a reincarnation.
Firefly on the promo art is a red needlenose, it randomly has a shin beside it, might've done with AI.
You type like a homosexual.
That would also explain the weird parts on the gun like how the hexagon is positioned strangely to put something in or the "vent" being fucked.
Still less gay than caring about nauseating aligned continuity lore
i mean, hasbro cared
everyone making all of the products didn't. they made good products instead
The vent looks more like messed up polygons. I doubt it's AI, but I do think it's a 3D render, which explains the random assets that they tacked on for a jet. What baffles me is why didn't they just pose him with the other shoulder forward so they can show off the model they'd already have had
>red alert
>he's blue
>he's silver
A friend who watched Armada this year calls him Blue Alert.
How appropriate, you transform into a cow.
>Is pale blue
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i do not hate this.. it looks like something out of the fifth element
Good question. A side attachment that turns Razorclaw into a Chimera maybe?
Maybe, but the overcrowded dirty commercialized part from New York that stood out the most isn't reflected.
yeah this looks like the clean vehicle straight from the dealership
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what's the greatest Optimus headsculpt, Primals included?
damn. immediate and definitive response. I like that one a lot too, despite not owning one. I feel like a lot of people (especially here) were shitting on that guy for being slavish to the cartoon.
I hate that mold for other reasons but can't deny it had killer headsculpts
I knew they'd mess something up for Star Convoy. The V fin seems bent in some of the Cybertron con pics, which could mean it's made out of that flexible pvc that keeps melting figures.>>11259729
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I know the worst..
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you can shut your god-forsaken, side of the river whore mouth right now
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So far it seems like none of the primes have strayed very much from their original concept art. Also very interesting that Prima's concept had an accurate head for the G1 bot, but the final figure only matches that one specific screenshot on tfwiki
>doxxing the side-of-the-river prostitute anon who has a bad headsculpt
Anon I know you're mad but this isn't the way
MP-44 looks too vertically stretched/squished to me
hey don't get me wrong, i LOVE this head.
it's the other one I'm not into. and that goes for all the mammalian transmetals. Well actually they let Rattrap keep his old chrome face didn't they
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they have to learn.
I can't argue in good faith, this head is so dumb but I love that monkey.
those are contradictory operations. WHICH IS IT?!
I love that it included the "round" head because I had season 1 episodes of G1 on tape I watched to the point of nearly wearing them out, so that design for Optimus is my definitive look for the guy.
Volvo OP
Galaxy Convoy
Classics OP
Fractured Friendship Pax
MP 10
Siege Prime
Cybertron Optimus
Legacy Armada Optimus
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you know what, no. I have re-sided myself against you. I love this head. I threw my boy under the bus too fast.
Being thrown under the bus certainly explains how that face got so ugly
I think another pass could have fixed it. I'm not wholly against the idea of reversed modes, it just... isn't quite Optimus, yknow? he doesn't have a nose. They should have given him just a sort of ape-inspired face, the same way cheetor's is catlike.
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I think I figured out his planned retool
let's fucking go
Volvo: this dude looks great and the head is like a rounded mp 44?
Galaxy Convoy: lips or ninja mask?
Classics: I've actually never seen one up close; someone post it
Fractured Friendship Pax
is this some Kiss Players shit? never heard of it
MP10: obviously one of the GOATS and in the running for top 5
Siege Prime: I'm glad you said it so I didn't have to, but that dude is a fucking king top to bottom
Cybertron Optimus: if you're gonna use a super robot I have to assume you mean the big guy
Legacy Armada Optimus: ^

there are a lot of people who have not been run over but are ugly as fuck, you eugenecist monster.
I guess but Cheetor's face wasn't catlike at all until the show model, he was basically Prowl as a figure
right yes, I am talking about the CG faces. the toys were much more generic and... I kinda like those too. Scorponok's battle mask was fucking awesome.
That would actually be pretty cool, except that Prima is way too big for him
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Battlemasks almost need their own thread, merging with Bionicle, but I am willing to discuss them at all times.
that one was so weird because both heads were awesome and... nearly the same.
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you have to defend this crazy opinion because it is not true
I mean the helmets are the same shape, the eyes are the same, it's almost as if he gets a mouthplate-head
and because they made them different colors, they can almost kinda sorta not really function as the other head's rear, without raising suspicion. iirc only the red head's eyes are painted, the other head is using the red plastic from the red head.
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The similarities end at the silhouette. one of them is a red H.R. Giger gas mask, and the other one is a roided out, teeth-grinding, wide-eyed psycho. I did have to check, but both sets of eyes are painted; that sounded true.
>Armada Red Alert is a descendent of Prima Prime, his energon bloodline is tied to the god.
How does that work? Cross-dimension Robot Sex?
Depending on your canon of choice, Prima and the other 13 exist in each universe and transformers reproduce through a kind of mitosis
Gremlin like reproduction.
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But most of them just spawn directly form Cybertron, IDW retconned it a bit with the sparks appearing first instead of whole ass dudes.
Why do people hate this figure so much again?
Looks worse than the one from 20 years ago
Are you asking sincerely and just genuinely don't know anything about this toy or the character, or are you bored and resorting to asking obvious questions for artificial engagement?
Beacuse it's extremely obvious why. It's a good Jhiaxus toy barely retooled into a lazy, shitty Vector Prime.
>Fractured Friendship Pax
>is this some Kiss Players shit? never heard of it
>Fractured Friendship Pax
>is this some Kiss Players shit? never heard of it
It's this years SDCC exclusive, IDW pre-war Orion Pax. I agree with >>11259780
it's good sculpt and matches the source material well.
its the fact the legs were the part that the budget ran out on him, thankfully some add on kits touch that up.
G2 Jhiaxus remold, and some parts that don't work stick out like a sore thumb. Particulars include the wire-filled shins and blocky forearms. Really hope there are 3rd party parts that give you parts that resemble the original 2004 toy, including smooth gauntlet parts with Mini-Con pegs for your Safeguard and Recon Mini-Con Team.
Havent got ny stuff shipped yet but won an auction not long ago for kissplayers optimus. Now I kinda want the nemesis recolor for a mistaken identity NTR joke having the girl with him instead
Fucking based.
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So now that we've established AOTP Superion is objectively a downgrade from CW in every single way, how do we convince hasbro to cancel the rest of the nuCombiner slop so other, better shit can be released instead?
How many times does this need to be stated
One being bad does not make the other good
Tell me, anyone try assembling a copy Nexus Prime with CW/UW equivalents and say it works. Hasbro will release a Titan Nexus Prime with certain hotfixes from the original molds in 2026 for you guys to bash on after. It will happen.
Vector Priime was a cool character that deserved way better than the most half-assed retool since Quake.
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If Red Alert is Prima Prime's kid then is Cannonball some kind of black bastard?
oh well, if fucking chris chan says it, it must be so!
1 PM EST today to preorder wave 1 on hasbro pulse in case anybody missed it.
PotP Leader Optimus, and Volvo Optimus.
I don't know what they're arguing about; there isn't enough context in the shitty screenshot you took.

Do you seriously think we're all so terminally addicted to twitter like you to the point that we should just know every stupid bit of drama going on? lmao, touch grass
Hasbro finally posted their AOTP Cybertron con promo video. Notably, we get a better look at Red Alert, and the video makes it seem like the weapon attachments store on his backpack, hidden by the trunk of the car.
Also, heavily implying all Dinobots are getting G2 redecos.
They giving these glorified bricks the G2 colors already yet they can’t give me a fucking Cryotek repaint?
>Star Convoy's Galaxy Bomber rifle has a removable bullet to mimic the Battlestars art.
That's pretty cool. Hopefully some third party does a clear effect for several bullets flying off.
How many WW3 fake outs will happen next year until we get our first look at Onyx’s beast mode?
Who the fuck gives a shit about cryotek?
god damn it kill yourself
NTA, but I care. He's cool.
>god damn it kill yourself
Bit aggressive, aren't we? Maybe you need a time-out from the internet for a while, bro. it's not that serious, and everyone has their own tastes in toys and characters.
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What the fuck is wrong with you? Kill yourself.
Preorders are up for Premium members - got my Grimlock, Megatronus, Solus, Prima and Red Alert. Good luck, anons.
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Got my two Star Convoy's in. Not feeling most of these guys at full price so I'll wait for the rest if they get discounts.
I got the Primes including Star Convoy preordered. Can probably just cancel if I find a better deal elsewhere in the next few months.
Deluxes being $25 still feels pretty bad especially when that's now the lowest price point with Core death.
That and I don't feel all that strong about the selection when most have something I dislike.

-Didn't like the Animated Bee mold and Wasp is in his "evil" deco.
-Fallen has the fire made of rubbery melting plastic instead of clear parts, and the chest looks weird.
-I've gotten enough 86 Grimlocks, so I'll only get this guy if he ends up on clearance.
-Red Alert is fine, but I won't pay 35 for voyagers.
-Don't care for Prima, but I might get him if he drops to 15.
-Solus is ok, but I'm not paying 25 for ok.
-Not getting the Aerialbots thanks to Superion inheriting that arm connection from Menasor and the awful cartoon head.
500 buckaroos!
Probably pointed out before, but the Micro Trailer included with Star Convoy, kept the connectors that were used in the Battlestarts to attach multiple trailers together side by side. While that might seem like nothing, the main reason that feature exists is for Sky Garry to carry up to a set of 3 in his ship mode. It wouldn't surprise me if the next Haslab is a Sky Garry/Grandus set
What did I fucking say like last year???? Sky Garry will be the Haslab. I told you all, now it is double ultra confirmed. You all laughed at me! "But gigatron" you said! Well who is laughing now????
Gigatron will be a commander
Got star convoy, grimlock, and red alert ordered. Skipping on anything else until TT gives info on wild king.
Multiversal singularities were hard retconned out nearly a decade ago. Like, they actively changed that shit.
I want to see these cowards try to make a Dark Nova/Star Giant toy with a Super Megatron inside or something to go with Star Convoy.
>Fallen and Star Convoy of all figures sold out already
>pick up Tidal Wave before he gets hard to find
>"well I'll just avoid the knee issue by not using the knees ever"
>open package
>thighs are stowed in vehicle mode
>have to use knees at least once to assemble him
They're still showing up for me personally. I imagine there might be people rearranging their orders any which way (because of pulse's dumb requirement for free shipping) and probably Hasbro themselves updating the stock as needed.

I won't be surprised if Star Convoy gets sold out quick though. It's Optimus bro. He always sells.
I was gonna say. I’d imagine since they’re both their own size class they won’t be too bad to get down the road, but not being able to get the fallen right now still kind of sucks
I'm sure they'll be available for preorder later, the Constructicons had the same thing happen
Either way, order placed for Red Alert, Solus, Prima, Super Sonic Racing, and all three Aerialbots.
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This stuff is pure nonsense.
It's the boss from Gundam victory
>didnt want prima at first
>the more I see him, the urge to buy him grows
What's wrong with his knees?
>star prime is actually pretty cheap
oh you're right, i'm thinking of someone else's eyes
but yeah it's as if he gets his 'mouthplate head' but also a different color
kek, literal spontaneous generation.
kek how has it taken me this long to see a wookiee jedi
So, red pill me on Star Convoy. Who, exactly, is he? Just Optimus Prime but supersized for some reason? A giant, Iptimus-shaped mecha piloted by Hot Rod? Or is he an unrelated member of the Thirteen who just happens to look like Optimus?
The wiki's, like, right there bro.
G1 Optimus Prime revived in the japanese continuity and became a giant robot
He's the super saiyan version of Optimus that appeared at the end of the original Japanese G1 run to beat their big bad guy (Dark Nova) who was behind every evil thing in the universe the whole time. Since then they've retconned like ten million things into Japanese G1 but even in the original fiction the guy had the power of all life in the universe inside him (the Zodiac) so he was pretty much God level power.
Optimus Prime would die once more during the events of The Headmasters tv show. While some stuff happened in-between, he was dead for many years. Shortly after the Zone events, the Autobots decide to use the Zodiac to bring him back, but his body is stolen by a supernatural force (Dark Nova, new Decepticon leader). Due to this, a new Autobot team is assembled to retrieve him, the Battlestars. They managed to retrive the body, and finally bring him back with the Zodiac. As an added bonus, the Zodiac in his body also gave him a larger, new form, becoming Star Convoy. They would fight Dark Nova's Galaman, and a revived Megatron, now called Super Megatron (Dark Nova rescues Galvatron from the ice prison he was sent to during the HM show) across the galaxy, culminating in a final battle where not only do they fight an even more powerful Megtron (Ultra Megatron), but also Dark Nova and his various forms (Megatron and Dark Nova also merge into Star Giant). The Battlestars prevail, deatroying Star Giant, but the creatures head survives relatively intact and Megatron was inside it...

Anyway, Optimus would eventually lose this form for unknown reasons. He either lost it after he returns the Zodiac to Dai Atlas, or had his body altered into Black Powermaster Convoy for the Nucleon quest. Anyway, it's the only form he can't seem access normally with his upgraded Matrix (the reconfigurstion Matrix allows him to swap to any body he's used previously, but not Star Convoy). It should be noted that the one time he had the Zodiac, he didn't become Star Convoy again and only got the form briefly when previous commanders used the then new Energon Matrix to power him up.
Who gives a shit about black Red Alert?
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They should follow Age of the Primes with Age of the Megs. You can have
>Megatronus (pre-Fallen repaint)
>Megatron (G1)
>Megatron (G2)
>Megatron (BW)
>Megastorm (G2 repaint)
>Megatron #16
>Megan Fox
They asplode

Also just pre-ordered the Aerialbots on Pulse, fuck it. I wanted Solus too but she was already sold out.
You are missing Energon Megatron, Cybertron Megatron, Animated Megatron, BM Megatron and Savage Noble
Got my preorders in at Gamestop
For any fellow leafs curious, the new titan price is $205
Price tag for toyeise Genesic Gaigaigar went. Much higher than expected, not sure I'll be getting it now.
>Much higher than expected
That sounds right for modern Brave
I know, I been getting the GSC Braves
I'm sure they'll restock in the coming months, and honestly Solus and Prima at least will probably be easy enough to find at retail.

Failing that you can order from BBTS or something instead I guess.

It's expensive but seems to be around the same price as the other Toyrise stuff last I checked. But yeah you're paying like $200-250 to what is about equivalent to a Commander class figure.
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New contender for best Optimus head right here.
Yeah, but the figure already looked like a glorified retail figure, so about 15,000 yen would be the highest I'd go for it. It's going for 25,000, which is insane for the size and build of that thing.
The amount of number stamps seem a little excessive.
New Micromaster Hot Rod is truly the king of the manlets.
Megatron Griffin.
He seems quite large compared to other Micromasters actually, either that or the photo guy has small hands
He is bigger, the hands give it away, this is a core class.
>star convoy in SEPTEMBER
Did you reorder anything today?
Amazon has it for May, so it might show up sooner.
i find i'm terrible at hand-scaling these days, i look at something in a video and it doesn't matter how huge the guy's hand is compared to the toy, the toy looks HUGE because he's using a macro lens
I never considered buying a Titan Class until now
Feels like that head crest should be yellow/gold to match the star on his chest. But that might just be that the Japanese stuff reminds me more of Gundams and Gundams often have a yellow fin.
yeahh i'm with you, that is a very gundamy feature and it oughtta be yella
Thankfully God invented both paint and brushes, so you can make anything any colour you want
If we assume Star Convoy's height goes up to his antenna, then Hot Rod's size (measuring up to his shoulders) is about 4 1/2 inch.
Knees go boom
Wait, shit did it so fast I fucked up. It's actually 3 3/4 inches.
For reference, Core Rattrap is about the same size going by the it's online listing.
If you bend his knees 3 times, and then have him stand, it creates mustard gas.
I thought it was G Gundam. Angel Halo is basically a Memento Mori prototype, tubular space elevator and all. Also, doubt it. Nobody might bother buying a planetformer unless it's Unicron or Primus. And I want a Primus with a Gigantion Key (it's useless on Metroplex because his key slot is outright removed) just to make a complete Omega Lock.
On a different note, I kept noticing how one of the Thirteen always tends to be front and center in various stories of the Transformers, except Amalgamous Prime, who is arguably the representative of One for the transformation cogs. The most recent is Quintus Prime and the Emberstone, so does anyone think Cyberworld could feature Amalgamous?
top reminds me of the odd rose thing or w/e. Not sure about the dude on the right
Sounds possible in general, but I don't think it is an intentional thing. Like The Fallen and Alpha Trion are extremely important in multiple stories and some of the other's best
showing still has them playing second fiddle.
No one is saying CW is good. Just that AOTP is even worse.
Yes, everything except the Sloperion guys
oh god
Pretty much. Head alone is bad enough, Menasor shoulders makes it worse.
Star Optimus, Megatronus, the aerial bots.
More like Hasuiperion, based Hasui making the best Superion ever.
it's not all comics-exclusive?

I just got Star, Megatronus, Prima, and the Sonic duo.
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I prefer GoBots over Transformers
Catchy theme song

I liked Von Joy. He was funny.
So I wanted Thundertron, but realized that Walmart has a box set of him with two other guys and it was at such a deep discount it actually ended up being cheaper than buying Thundertron alone. So go check that out and see if its at that big a sale for you if you were ever curious about it I guess. Anyway I got this guy as a bonus.

Been screwing with him and he's a fun little figure, though I'm sure my feelings are influenced by the fact that I basically got him for free. Don't really care for the armorizer aspect myself because the extra bits just don't really look like they fit on anybody you can plug them onto (except maybe other Infernac guys). Kinda weird they went with making Rock Lord guys randomly in 2024, but at least I can technically throw him onto my Headmasters shelf since they're based off the rock guys that appeared in that one episode.
Yeah multiversal singularities were retconned out, but now each universe has their own primes. It's not like there's only one Prima and he's locked out of the Armada universe
I always headcanon'd this guy was the 13th member. The first Titan. Then he went into stasis and became the Ark, staying asleep for so long no one remembered.

But Star Convoy, fine. Whatever. I'll make it work.
man i love those proportions.
Ah yes, Arkimus Prime
Ferak is also on sale for $15 if you were interested in getting him at all.

I call him Autonomous Maximus.
Well I did say only Amalgamous Prime never had been a focus in a story when everyone else is front and center in any media, including comics where Onyx Prime (or as I like to call Onyx Shockwave for the black armored one), Megatronus, and even Liege Maximo for even a single cell of the comics were given a bit of focus, and the Thirteenth is Japanese G1 Optimus for all intents and purposes, including how he gave Ginrai four pairs of Godmaster Braces despite his spark being stuck inside Vector Sigma, probably aware that the next threat is the dark half of his Artifact. As the Energon Universe comic isn't crossing that bridge yet, Cyberworld is the only other option for Amalgamous Prime to shine.
Calcitron is cool, his blues are really nice in person. I bought that Thundertron set just for him really, so I could have all the rocklords. I was probably going to sell my Thundertron and Nightstrike on ebay but I don't know if I'll get much for them now that they're on discount.
i just meant like
i have only ever heard these mentioned as this lore thing but never appearing in any media that i'm aware of
i could genuinely see that as a battle cry
love the ark, wish my used one had the effect pieces
I'm contemplating on Sideburn. Any plans for Prowl and X-Brawn? May never get Omega Prime, but having the three brothers is fine.
Did I miss the chance to get the deluxe Optimus forever, I've been busy
Most primes have had their time to shine in various shows or comics:
>Alchemist in Cyberverse
>Micronus in RID15
>Megatronus in the Dreamwave comics
>Solus in Power of the Primes
>Vector in Cybertron
>Quintus in Earthspark
>Nexus in the Funpub comics
>Alpha Trion in G1
>Onyx in the IDW comics
>Liege Maximo briefly in the Marvel comics
>Prima in Aligned (I guess)
>Amalgamous not so much
>The 13th All the time, if you subscribe to it being Optimus
wow that is.. a complete list of everything i didn't watch/read.
>alpha trion
oh he counts? okay.
Prima's never really been front and center in anything.
Trion has been part of the 13 for a looong time.
but not when he first appeared, of course.
He hasn't exactly stopped appearing after that either.
they need to start putting more of these guys into the Generations line.
Command Center Titan when?
This has the worst clearances of any figure I've ever had the mispleasure to transform. Fuck this thing.
Is Hasbro's own shop the best place to get the new toys in terms of price?
Waiting really isn't a factor for me outside of Star Convoy going on sale at some point.
thx bae bee
Strangely the Sonic/Tails pack is $10 cheaper at Hasbro vs Target. However, you only get free shipping as an option if you pay for the $50 a year membership.
He sucks? Thats a shame.
Idk he looks cool
ah, but not in anything i watched, see.
they seem to have been carefully evading me since their creation in.. again i have to assume the comics?
pretty badass lookin though. might be one o those 'put it on the shelf, don't transform it' situations.
Bigbadtoystore is usually a decent fallback if you want to buy stuff at MSRP. Typically you're not going to see some decent discounts on figures until like at least a few months after they actually come out, and that's only if they shelfwarmed in the first place.

Hasbro Pulse has free shipping as long as you order over like $85 or something like that. At least where I am that's the case. Premium just makes it so that you get free shipping no matter what.
Most of him is fine for me but I can never get his fucking head to flip around like it's supposed to
So I might be wrong, but I think some months back we got confirmation that Soundwave and Shockwave would eventually get remolds for SS86, does anyone know where that was said?
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Do Filch, Ferak, and Calcitron have any faction emblems on them?
Yeah, Star Seeker emblems.

Sorry, Star RAIDERS.
Having just posted that I now see the pirate insignia on Filch's leg.
On Filch's leg, on Ferak's arm, Calcitron I don't think so but none of the other rocks do
>I can't transformer!
I kinda wanted to get Cannonball for a while, but now that we have a much better Red Alert mold coming out the skids remold even more substandard than it already did and I wish they just held off on him for a little longer
shouldn't that be a leader class guy under his knee
that's.. kinda the point. a hold you use for huge guys.
Cannonball was the Cybertron Red Alert mold, not the Armada one.
the Skids mold doesn't work well for the Cybertron design either. I'd rather he be made from an actual dedicated Red Alert mold, even if it's technically the wrong one. Also, no stupid plank ruining the silhouette of the head on the AoP mold, which is a huge plus
originally, there was a plan that there were a small handful of "ancient" transformers that all others came from.
Alpha Trion wasn't in the comics originally, his role was largely replaced by xaaron, who was old, but like, Kup.
The Last Autobot was this ancient transformer, predating the factions, and so both sides had lore, but then when Optimus awoke him, it became obvious which side he was on.
Liege Maximo and The fallen were introduced by Furman (same guy that made up the last autobot) as other ancient precursers. They were all quite large (the fallen dwarfed Grimlock) and very powerful.
*then* the idea of the 13 original primes were spawned, after the creation of Vector Prime who, originally, was just the Unicron Trilogy's alpha trion essentially. Old robot. They intended to have the 13 actually showcase in the UT, but that didn't pan out. So, Aaron Archer is responsible for putting the existing ancient transformers in.
But left The Last Autobot out, most likely because Vector Prime's face was ALSO based on the autobot symbol, and it might get confusing to kids.
So instead, we got alpha trion, vector prime, liege maximo, the fallen, prima (having been name dropped as the first in both g1 and g2), and 7 new ones, and then Optimus somehow being the 13th (I think the original idea was that the 13th would "arise" like hotrod did in the 86 movie)

Vector Prime had a golden mode though, AND he's the prime of time, so I fancy the idea that Vector Prime is the last autobot, from a future where all is lost, and he travels back to the beginning and adopts the new look and name, to help the autobots in their time of need.
>The Last Autobot was this ancient transformer, predating the factions, and so both sides had lore, but then when Optimus awoke him, it became obvious which side he was on.
I liked how in RG1 Soundwave just nuked him from orbit lol

Also give me Primon
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>DOTM design fucking sucks
>ROTF gets the single worst possible alt mode to ever exist, even the original toy mogs it, and the stand cucks him from having any accessories to make up for it
>even the BB design is basically an action master with that absolute joke of an alt mode.
i will be forever mad about how dirty they did him in bayverse, he's probably the one who got it the worst.
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the United G1 Universe Optimus is so fucking charming.
I caved
Though I did have to add another figure so I'd get free shipping.
what was the other?
how are his hands holding up, i'm tempted to pick him up but the reviews point out how fragile they feel.
I ended up getting this as well
>then Optimus somehow being the 13th (I think the original idea was that the 13th would "arise" like hotrod did in the 86 movie)
The idea that Optimus was the secret 13th prime seems to have been a relatively late addition, since his profile from the binder states Optimus is a descendant of Prima.
Can you guys even find him
Animated Bumblebee.
He really wasn't on my wish list, but I do like adding guys from different universes to my Chug shelf. I was waiting until a time like this came up if there was something I needed to add to avoid shipping.
I was tempted, but I already have Thuudertron and the other two molds. I was really only interested in the bat
I said why not when it was like 40+ off
>puts on a boat
>now "Burning" Megatron
Wouldn't Soaking Megatron make more sense
found him at my local Walmart that isnt even a super center

hands seem fine, but the gun and axe are a very tight fit
They'll almost certainly do the other two brothers. Ultra Magnus is designed to fit three deluxes. It's a shame Side Burn sucks though.
I like the Skids mold as Crankcase
Sounds very Japanese.
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We're getting Star Convoy, with implications for plans for Sky Garry & Grandus, and we got Super & Ultra Megatron ages ago.

Wonder if this could mean if we'll get Dark Nova merged with Megatron, or even a revisit of SuperUltra Megatron.
Does this thing even transform?
He's very clearly Jhiaxus in cosplay. It looks like he'll be fixable with third party kits but I shouldn't need to spend double the price of the figure to fix Hasbro's laziness.
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Huh. What a coincidence - I just got my hands on the black version of the original triple-changer RotF toy, and while I agree both the Studio Series version and DotM toy were utter shit, I'm actually quite liking this one. Just wish he had some actual hands/wrists and ditched the Ravage missile gimmick.
you don't like his satellite mode?? i think it's badass. straight out of starfox. (keep in mind what you have pictured here is not the altmode, it's his ... gerwalk)
see i think that looks so cool. all his recolors did.
I like the idea of him becoming a satellite - makes sense as an alt mode for him, though it does look a little strange.
yeah but in a completely bullshit way that I still want to see someone make work
they made bayformers work. they made animated work. shit we've seen some mainframe models translated into real figures.
I also dig the spaceship mode. Technically, the front piece is supposed to point forward, but sweeping it back gives him a stealth-bomber look and hides his satellite mode head.
He's definitely a fun toy, if anything.
the main weird part to me is that mode still has a head, but a different head.
super agree, that works.
>the main weird part to me is that mode still has a head, but a different head.
Yeah, it's weird, but at least it does a better job of hiding the other head in each mode than what I was expecting - in robot mode, the satellite head is covered by his back solar panel things, in satellite mode, his robot head tucks down and has a little flap that hides it, and in spaceship mode, while the robot head stays tucked in and the satellite one stays hanging out, rotating the 'nosecone' like I did in that last pic hides it well enough.
His biggest sin is that nothing locks into place anywhere.
The wings actually do lock in spaceship mode - there's little slots on the shoulderpad things that they plug into; likewise, his robot legs lock in place pretty securely. It's just his robot arms/shoulders that are awkward, since they just kinda tuck away and don't click into anything. I think this guy could be pretty simple to modernize, if Hasbro gave a damn.
Is that a dramatic capture Prowl custom?
Looks like the one that anon posted a few threads back - he filled the holes in him and Ironhide with putty, though they're both still screaming in eternal agony.
Optimus as a descendant of Prima makes a lot more sense considering Prima was their leader and also the first matrix bearer

I never really put together the connection between hot rod's "arise" moment and "the arisen". Kinda ties into Hot Rod being in the image of Primus, except instead yea make him a reincarnation of the 13th

Honestly I don't really like the thirteen as a concept. I choose to headcanon them as the sequence of prior matrix bearers rather than all existing at once. The matrix chose them because they had the potential to be good for Cybertron at the time, even if they weren't all good guys
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his original toy and the repaints actually look amazing, it having a third mode is admittedly a good way to salvage his nothing "satellite mode"
at least it gives him a pretty snazzy head, i do worry a bit for the clear plastic holding those wings though
that's a really good look actually, you're making me want to pick one up myself.
Don't hate the mode but i hate how SS did it, it's lazy on the level of a cyberverse scout class, it doesn't even do anything the OG toy did to approach the mode better.
I want to love it but there's so many little nitpicks I have with it. Wish they had made him a bit taller and the fact they kept him basically the same width as the G1 toy makes him look really off to me every time I see him. Also don't like the larger eyes they went with.

I still like the guy and he's a great desk toy, but he was so close to being perfect IMO.
I've never seen things at walmart, but I haven't been in a few years
Not even listed on .com, no prices on .ca
did they not do a studio series?
oh so that one WAS studio series. i thought it looked a little weird.
>(I think the original idea was that the 13th would "arise" like hotrod did in the 86 movie)
see >>11257627
>i hate how SS did it
The bizarre thing is that, for a line that was all about screen accuracy, the SS ended up looking even less like he did in the movie than the previous toy. Compare >>11260866 and >>11260915 to his render in pic related and see which looks closer. SS doesn't even have the right head, and like you said, the 'transformation' is probably one of the laziest Hasbro has ever cooked up. What the hell were they thinking?
Try Studio Series Pedro next
yeah SS fucked up. which, if you think about it, negates everything good about SS. the entire point is supposed to be ALL of them. if you can't do a flawless job at that, maybe don't do a line that's so obviously completion-focused.
I've been defaulting to Gamestop since a membership gets you discounts on everything and you can just pick it up in store when your stuff arrives, so free shipping
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the SS toy is so boring and forgettable i'm not surprised you forgot it even happened, and even then the OG release still had more color.
It's actually insane how much they fucked it up, they had 0 excuse for not making the satellite mode as close as possible when the only thing the studio series is supposed to do is be screen accurate, meanwhile the OG one has to juggle a gimmick, a third mode and being clearly meant for "kids" and it still manages to be better in literally everything.
i swear the only reason people don't bitch about it as much is that it's so boring it slipped past without fanfare.
Not sure if this was pointed out, but Star Convoy also retains the Micro Trailer deployment gimmick while it's stored inside his legs (most people seem to only notice the air lock on those flaps). While no longer spring loaded, you can open the flap on his legs and open the micro trailer.
>he entire point is supposed to be ALL of them. if you can't do a flawless job at that, maybe don't do a line that's so obviously completion-focused.
SS was fucked from the start anon, remember that horrible excuse for a BB bumblebee or ratchet
Honestly, the only thing I can say is worse about the new one is the chest not having the inside painted gray and lacking the monitors. There's also Hot Rod no longer being able to interact with the chest section properly because he's huge now (Hot Rod appears to be core size, for some reason, I like it but it's weird).
This makes me wish they remade the TF1 autobots
i do not, but now i will be less upset now and more upset retroactively.
>Honestly I don't really like the thirteen as a concept. I choose to headcanon them as the sequence of prior matrix bearers rather than all existing at once. The matrix chose them because they had the potential to be good for Cybertron at the time, even if they weren't all good guys
so, there's basically 2 ways to look at the primes
the original concept, which was a sort of royalty that was chosen via the matrix instead of bloodlines. The only issue with this is for it to make sense, either optimus becomes a prime in modern times, all the previous primes are very short lived, or the transformers race is REEEEEEAAAAAAAAALLY old, and at that point, it seems bizaar that they were confined to cybertron for so long.

TFone did it best, IMO. the 13 were created as a council to lead the new cybertronian species. Instead of being betrayed by in-fighting, they're betrayed by a non-prime and taken out by offworlders.
2nd best, believe it or not, was one of IDWs story ideas, which was that the 13 primes were all leaders of different tribes of cybertronians, each with a different titan, and city-state to rule, and it was only after war broke out and the primes were killed or fled that the various tf types mixed.

the original concept for the 13 was the 12 zodiac signs for the constellations, and the sun. They make it pretty clear with the wheel symbology and the personality descriptions of the primes being more like horoscope traits.

Personally, I think they overthought it all. I think the idea that there were originally 13 transformers is fine, and the idea that 1 of them started a lineage of leaders via the matrix is good too, but I think the other 12 should be seen as the prototypes of various types, before the factory that is Cybertron itself started cranking out variations of them to populate.
>Just got pic related from walmart for $15 and fucking love him
My first G1 figure and it honestly makes me want to see what other G1 reissues I can get for that cheap. Yeah he's not the best for articulation but jeez does he look and feel awesome. Transformation is so simple yet convincing. I really love him. Plus the box art is so fucking cool I'm saving it.
if you can pick up the reissue G1 soundwave, it's no wonder his toy lasted post movie with how good it is.
She was annoying waste of space that added fuck all to the conic.
>reissue G1 soundwave
I was thinking I would actually he seems so cool. I can't find him for anywhere cheap at all though but want to keep an eye out. I was thinking the reissue of Blaster looks just as awesome though and G1 Perceptor looks amazing too and way better then his newer figures it looks like. Of course I want to try and find the other insecticons for kind of cheap too if I can.
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most of the smaller bots are pretty easy pickings if you don't wanna spend much, even bumblebee is pretty easy to still find.
G1 Soundwave is such a well designed toy that the second biggest reason people say he should be a Missing Link toy isn't just popularity, but because the toy only needs hips and knees that go in the right direction to be fully articulated.
the more inaccurate 07-2011 Movie trilogy stuff, imo, aged well in a weird way because they look more like their own thing than entirely movie inaccurate.
>Hot Rod no longer being able to interact with the chest section properly
How so?
The original had hin stand up properly against the chest monitors, the new one is so big that they changed this to Hot Rod sitting down on the fold out chest section as a sort of command chair.
Also, while there is detail inside the chest and the fold out sides of the truck, I can only make out internals, nothing that looks like a monitor or anything.
I don't have the largest G1 collection myself but I can say that with very limited exceptions they all have their charm
It's no wonder we're still talking about them 40 years later
I like the thirteen generally, but I think Optimus being one of them is fucking lame.
Transforming him is such a pain, I don’t even bother. He looks good, but he’s also from before we had ankle tilts.
I’m so fucking mixed about soundwave’s old and new satellite figure. The new one is such a departure from the original it’s almost an entirely new character. The old one had better coloring and was more striking in both modes, but the new one is a lot more fun to pose and versatile. It’s such a toss up for me, man.
I love it so damn much, one of the best decisions they’ve made lately. He’s just a cute lil guy, I even convinced my one friend not into transformers to get one.
I like how colorful some of them got, even if they are inferior in other respects to their modern counterparts. Sideways is a good example. His old toy was kind of loose, but had a lot of fun use of purple, red, and gray. The new one is a good figure with a solid silhouette (although his ankle joints aren’t great), but it’s another entirely silver robot in the movie lineup.
>or the transformers race is REEEEEEAAAAAAAAALLY old,
It's this. Remember that the Ark and Nemesis crashed onto Earth when the dinosaurs were still around, and while everyone on board was stuck in Stasis Lock until 1986, the war was still raging on Cybertron the whole time. Also remember that Optimus and Megatron are not considered all that old by Cybertronian standards, and there are characters far, far older than them in the franchise; these guys are extremely long-lived and have been at it for longer than we're capable of counting.
>Remember that the Ark and Nemesis crashed onto Earth when the dinosaurs were still around
Only fossils were scanned for the dinos anon, it was the age of mammals and really ugly cavemen
You're thinking Beast Wars dude. Not the same.
Both are correct, in the cartoon they crash 4 million years ago (age of the Australopithecus), in the Marvel comics they arrive when there's still dinosaurs.
Sorry, I was hungry and confused, you're right it was the time of dinos
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Now that Star Convoy is shown to have ER connectors, when do you guys think Ramp prices will peak?
it doesn't help that Nemesis and Darksyde both feel like the same "that's not really a name, just a thing you say to scare someone" situation, I always mix them up. and Ark and Axalon also sound close enough that I cross wires.
I got most of them, but I'd like hasbro to try emulate the original designs, their minibot repaints lack the gobot charm.

Legacy Crasher is just awful, but thats mostly the base mold being shitty.
>Hotrod is now sitting
>Seat has hole with clear blue effect part in the middle
Is Star OP a glorified toilet bowl?
>Leg panels only use two clips
I hope there's something else, if those hard plastic clips break, nothing will hold the leg together.
To be fair Darksyde IS exactly that, because Cheetor was warped to the Predacon base and Terrorsaur said "welcome to the dark side" with a malicious grin and the usenet fans of the day went "WOAH THEIR SHIP IS NAMED THE DARKSYDE WRITE THAT DOWN".

So Transformers fans are more retarded than Terrorsaur.
I wish I'd gotten those little ramp dudes. Everyone said they were awful but they look cute.
I'm more upset I missed the Fire Station guy. I wanted him but pushed him lower on the list and then he stopped existing. G2 Sideswipe to a lesser extent had the same thing happen to me.
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The clear blue plastic balljoints on this one will snap if you raise his legs 90 deg forward, just beware of that.

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