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Previously: >>11252507

-Marvel Legends Spider-Man Retro Carded wave announced (Regular Release pre-order 12/12)

-Marvel Legends Nemesis BaF Wave announced (to be solicited at a later date)

-Marvel Legends Nick Hammond Spider-Man announced (Walmart Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carded Professor X announced (Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Lizard (No Way Home) announced (Amazon Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Fan Stream on 12/6 @ 11am EST

-Mezco One:12 Deadpool and Wolverine Wolverine solicited

-Amazing Yamaguchi Gwenom Solicited

-SHF Across the Spider Verse Spider-Man Noir and Spider-Ham announced

-SHF Across The Spider Verse Peter B. Parker and Mayday solicited

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
Electro is a g-girl now?
Best wave in a while
Easily. I'm getting the whole thing, even Femlectro has grown on me a bit.
Same but I do wish Spiderman Unlimited used the RYV body.
Is the Nick Hammond's Spider-Man including an unmasked head?
Spider-Boy looks cool. Closest thing Ill get to Mangaverse Spidey...maybe it'll lead to that...
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I'm now remembering the anon who told me a few months ago that it was never going to fucking happen. Guess my Spiderman 2000 collection is getting complete after all.
Lmao they literally teased it months ago. Whenever said that is fucking retarded.
Girl Electro first showed up a decade ago.
Spectacular when?
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any updates on your displays? I saved your pictures because they were totally baller
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best release of the year.
That's not my pic but I'm also saving it because it looks really awesome, has almost all of the characters from the 2000 game there.
Not until we get the ugly goblin design
we really need a monster ock senpai
No, but ti would be nice...
Fuckin finally, we've got a Kaine figure.
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Too bad the figure doesn’t look like that though
It's certainly up there for me. Shocked at how nice it turned out.
Wish he had an unmasked head, the Lost Years was one of the first comics I read.
This, I've been waiting for this for years and never thought there was a nuff demand for it, then they teased it but I didn't get my hopes up and now it looks horrible.
They one time they need to celshade
The power of bald!
I'm inclined to agree and I haven't even opened mine yet
Amazing Friends Spidey still undefeated. But best Symbiote? Think it's the retro one of the carnage 2 pack one.
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I'm just glad we're thrown a bone after all these decades. I'll just pop in unmasked Kaine's Scarlet Spider head in the meantime and pretend he just went to a barber.
that's a baller use of Lady Loki there, might have to steal that
Lmao those bozos at Toy Planet Store sent me the same tracking number they sent me the first time. Plug it into a universal tracking website and it shows shipment cancelled. Refund issued. I'll eagerly await the CT shills coming here to defend their chink masters.
crazy, mine just arrived in my country from toy planet. must be because i'm pure of heart and not an impatient baby who can't wait a little bit for his cheap bootleg toy.
How hard is supaidaman's figuarts to get? Does it go for millions of dollars by now? I wish I got it when it came out.
He's 16% off on Amazon.
>Lady Loki

....I feel like I'm missing something, Where is Lady Loki in that pic?
The hellfire Wolverine was cool. Wish they'd do more like it.
lol lmao even
Upper torso for Mary Jane, seems like he removed the scales to make her shirt.
>Lying on the internet to please your chink masters
this really seems like a you problem with how often you have shipping issues.
>with how often you have shipping issues.
What? This is literally the first time I've ever had issues.
Sure thing, bud
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This feels very low effort on Mezco's part.
Whatever. Why are there so many shcizos in these threads?
>This feels very low effort on Mezco's part.
Kind of par for the course. They only 'try' when they're doing their own designs, otherwise there's ill fitting clothes, mediocre sculpts, etc.
I could pass on kaine and unlimited but for me spider boy has caught my attention as far as figures i originally wasnt interested in. Im hoping i can get one of those tv spider man figures but since its a wal mart exclusive im doubtful ill find one.
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If Unlimited came in early I would have probably been enticed to start a Neversoft collection. Game was my whole childhood when I couldn't afford buying more video games.
Why are there so many schizos on this ~board~, you mean?
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You're missing a few and even this pic doesn't have Spider Armor Mk.1 which is the last suit. This is also my goal an the only reason I collect Marvel figures.
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I just realized they reused this Peter face from the Captain Universe figure for Kaine Parker
Ah, wasn't sure what the original MJ looked like so didn't notice the mod. Thanks for pointing it out.

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