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>this gen
PFFFFstill makin little guys.
Nice Western MOC
I’d rather be here and queer than suffer one of the dozen generals speculating on leaks.
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Can we talk about lego one piece?
You’re one piece of shit.
Why are you an asshole?
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We need a DJ, get this party started.
I need more teenfig legs.
>Ts Ts Ts Ts
>everything is awesome
>oh my god that’s my jam
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Abominations are my jam
Absolute unit kitty.
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I keep telling myself I'm going to get more Belville stuff but I never get around to it.
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What is his purpose?
So how do you like the taste of cock? being that you are a huge faggot
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That's DJ Scratch n' Sniff, he has no nose so life is suffering. How does he smell? Terrible. He is supposed to be at the Wednesday Addams Club in the old Heartlake Hotel. Don't tell me he's calling in. Maybe DJ Bangbang, DJ Goldistump, or DJ Like A. Fighterjet could cover him? Friends do that.
Western mocs are peak comfy
Cool spider
Shit thread
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I miss my snowy little western town
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Though the journey there is treacherous,
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I made these guys. I don't think I will top it. LOVE them so much.
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Galidod did nothing wrong
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Furno's jet titan
Why not
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Decent articulation?

Making a few renovations on the club. Friends kettenkrad? Sure.
More than decent
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Also handstand with BEAUTIFUL SPREAD
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And last of all
Kill beasts. Behead beasts. Roundhouse kick a beast eggs into the concrete. Slam dunk a beast crawler into the trashcan. Crucify filthy beasts. Defecate in a beast's food. Launch beasts into the sun. Toss beasts into active volcanos. Judo throw beasts into a woodchipper. Twist beasts' heads off. Report beasts to the hero factory. Karate chop beasts in half. Curb stomp pregnant beast queens. Trap beasts in hero pods. Crush beasts in the trash compactor. Dissect beasts. Exterminate beasts in the gas chamber. Stomp beasts' skulls with mech boots. Cremate beasts in the jet machine. Lobotomize beasts. Mandatory abortions for beasts. Vaporize beasts with a laser minigun. Kick old beasts down the stairs. Feed beasts to skopio's. Slice beasts with a hero sword.
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Outstanding! Upside-downstanding? Raw Lewd Mecha Articulation: Simply exquisite
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Life can be brutal in Heartlake City.
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Why has literally no one ever made a moc of this?
That's just the tantive V but with a different cockpit and grey tho
Yeah thank god they changed the front,
it looks like ass with the falcon cockpit
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It was supposed to be the original Millennium Falcon. When they decided to go in a different design direction for it, they later repurposed this Falcon design into the Tantive V by changing the front and scaling up the size by a lot.
Well now that it's in D*sney slop only a retarded mousecuck would touch it.
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My first ever moc. I have about 10 Lego sets (all Star Wars) so I did what I could with limited pieces. My TIE bomber and micro Millenium Falcon became parts sets, as I gave up on buying starfighters in favor of the midi starships line.
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I also adjusted someone else's Acclamator alt build, which turns it into a Victory-I Star Destroyer. I made mine "Rebel captured", and I have rebel stickers coming in the mail. It's chunky, but I managed to get the shape of the superstructure across at least. For reference, here's what I started with:
Just some more lil guys
Those jet engines actually work pretty well as a fortified wall. Looks even better when the old gray is distinguished from the new.
Love it
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my first moc, thought i'd contribute
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Now that's a beauty!
I just shrunk the size of the Victory-I tower to scale better and thought I'd share.
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Thanks, started out as an endor moc but simply didn't have the amount brown pieces for the trees, didn't want to buy a bunch of the endor diorama sets either
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Pic related, I usually make use of lots smaller individual modular terrain pieces rather than all on plates alone. Makes it easy to reconfigure & reuse them for other pics and doesn't lock them into one scene/diorama. Just an idea that might help.
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Well hung and looks like it's carrying superior provisions. This really rolls my wagon, if you get what I'm saying.

Mighty mixel mecha?

Nice firsts, now seconds!

popped the gold nitrooOOoo-
An affront to the laws of nature, but I respect your artistic flair
Send it to Brickset. They've got to be getting bored and low on ideas by now.
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I'll most likely use this method for my next one, thanks
How will the town keep from going under when the mines inevitably dry up?
Any good castle/space hybrid mocs?
Mtron and lion knights? Like mtron shares their magnet tech, which the lion knights incorporate into their castles
Blackjack and hookers.
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You fool
He's coming
Japs have the best ads!
I look like this and make this expression whenever I talk to a stranger about LEGO
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Club is open!

Yes Yes
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Join us... Bring your FRIENDS! Everyone will be there.
Is this before...
And this after?
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>cheeky croc
mein neger
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Maybe? What is time? Party time at the club!
No, I mean everyone, like EveRyOnE.
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Cheeky Klocki Kroki Knows some shit...
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Clone base update
Looking good!
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I made a little flight control tower for my space diorama.
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Also added an ice cave for my Ice Planet display.
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Here's an update! Bought a 2nd Mando gate for this alt build from Rebrickable.
CUTE, I love the old chunky aesthetic.
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forgot pic

Yo, DJ! Dial it up! For me, the cringy autism, of course. Play with your toys like no-one is watching.
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How did I miss this? Loving the jaw mechanism.
That is looking way better now, thanks!

This is the good ending. No friends massacre today. Only love and music.
Got all my horror movie bootlegos in. Gonna make a moc but struggling for time and ideas. Maybe like put them all slaughtering a friends village or something? I’m open to suggestions.
>Loving the jaw mechanism
Probably the best Little Guy I've cobbled together from the box so far. I can't wait to get home and use that claw in a legit build. Being so limited has been great for my creativity but damned if I don't have a sketch book full of ideas ready to go once I'm back with the full collection.
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Did you check for lead paint?
>le lead meme
Should be more concerned with Chinese atoms
Minifigs are a lot better & easier than minidolls for battle damage & carnage, mostly due to minidolls lack of articulation and fewer parts. It does make it a lot more challenging to work with them.
>Being so limited has been great for my creativity...
YES! I've been doing this "artificially" for a while by keeping the bulk of the parts put away, forcing me to find alternative solutions for builds. That, along with keeping a box of some of the stranger parts to fiddle with randomly near by has lead to some very interesting builds. Limitations are also why I find minidolls so fun... that and watching faggots spurge out over someone having fun with "girly plastic".
Not yet but that’s not a horrible idea.
Amazing. I might do something like that. I saw a pic of them all playing poker that would be cool too but I’d prefer some carnage. Maybe a little vignette for each series? I don’t know.
How many toys actually have lead? Is it something to worry about?
I'd be more concerned with your toothbrush, cooking utensils, appliances... most things have been made in china for the last 20 years, even LEGO! SHOCKING!
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You forgot about dangerous chinese chemicals like dihydrogen monoxide vapors trapped inside the toy packaging! Way worse than just chinese atoms alone!
Flea machine?
Nahhhh screw that. Mantis mech
(Mostly a wip)
Fukkin sick. Those swords do have a mantis claw vibe to them with the two halves. The colors look awesome too
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Kevin Loch, the person who owns Brickshelf.com passed away, and the website is going offline by March 1st. Picture is related.
soi soi soi soi

I really like and miss Western stuff. Both in Lego, and in general. Wish we got more video games set in the west
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Does this globe look good here on the table behind the guy, or should I change it out?
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I wonder what other weird shit I can add to this. Its actually using a Life on Mars sand purple piece to attach the dome.
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I haven't posted in a while, so here's a couple of Blacktron2 things I made recently.
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Stormer's blizzard mech
I kinda run out of bug white panels so the arms are very rough and unfinished
And i'm not that sure about the white horns on the sides of the cockpit
Love how round and smooth the ship is
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The last thing you want to hear in Heartlake City
>"You forgot to close the gate."
I think the horns fit and looks great overall.
Those two wheeled ones look like something from 99-2000 "space racers".
now make them combine
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>Shop smart, shop S-Mart!

Now with new locations in Racoon City, Old Silent Hill, and HeartLake City, Friends!
Heartlake city seems like a worse place than the deadly island of voya nui
>shop smart shop s mart
>my kickto
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Additional armor/detail plus spear as a reference to jaw beast vs stormer
Yay or nay?
was legos big in japan back in the day (20 century)?
Thanks, I was going for a really round design.

I never realized that, but I kinda see it now.

Damn, that'd probably be badass. I might do a combiner with Blacktron2, Ice Planet, Mtron, Space Police, and Classic Space...

Speaking of Mtron, here's some Mtron shit I made.
> I might do a combiner with Blacktron2, Ice Planet, Mtron, Space Police, and Classic Space...

i might bust

actually, would you be open to ice planet, rock raiders, and aquazone? those left the biggest childhood impression on me
Aquazone, maybe. I never got into rock raiders. I keep hearing good things though. And my local 2nd hand lego shop has a bunch of Rock Raiders sets.
Horrible parenting.
Embrace castle.
Glad to have you back baddad.
>Glad to have you back baddad
But anon, I never left ;)
>you’re here forever
It’s not just a meme.
What was your best set your girls got this Christmas? I’ve been swallowing the bootlego pill hard and they’ve got some cheap hello kitty blind bag minifigs for $2.99 you should snag for your youngest.
Glad you’re still doing your thing.
Not a moc exactly but I’d argue the Mario legos lend themselves to modding and are a decent parts for the price sets.
Got the little one the new peaches castle for Xmas and finally got it together.
Also, toad parts and monsters lend themselves to mocstrosities.
I love seeing mocs that look like classic Lego but integrate parts that came later really well so it still looks classic. (and minifigs parts too)
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Kawamori used Lego to plan Macross Valkyrie designs and Kojima used them to plan Metal Gear Solid levels and there was a Lego Digimon.
>What was your best set your girls got this Christmas?
Unfortunately, they're pretty lame and only wanted electronics and clothes. Apple watches, Robux, and outfits was all they wanted. I have a cousin in law who works for an Australian toy manufacturer, and she says they're predicting a lot of downsizing on the toy front because kids just don't want toys anymore. They're actually focusing on AI. How about your kid (you have a son, right?). How was christmas on your end. Also, I couldn't ever get into bootlego. My autism wouldn't let me mix real pieces with bootleg pieces....

>love seeing mocs that look like classic Lego but integrate parts that came later
Thanks for noticing that! I try to integrate old pieces into my MOCs whenever possible
Nah daughter dad here too, best this year was probably the Harry Potter advent calendar honestly.
We’re hitting the squishmallow phase so we’ve been slowing down a bit on legos.
Got two advent calendars (HP and Disney) and did those through Jan. then the new spider, the Harry potter potions class, the new peach castle, baby Mario and Luigi karts, the maleficent dragon, and that 20-1 bunchu.
Okay that doesn’t sound like slowing down but trust me it is.
Also cmfs in the stocking.
Damn, that's a solid Lego haul. You've got a very lucky kid. While my kids are obsessed with electronics and clothes, they do still like squishmallows for whatever reason. In addition to their Robux and apple watches and stuff, i got them each a new squishmallow. Honestly, i kind of wonder if its a girl thing as to why they're not into lego (and never really have been). My daughters are 9 and 11, but my 15 year old nephew still builds lego sets every now and then. None of my nieces like Lego (or toys, in general).
It’s definitely a girl and a “kids these days thing.”
She’s got a tablet but we pretend the only thing that works is PBSkids.
That’s not going to last much longer and I’m afraid we’ll see the same.
My parents were shitty so I spoil my kid. Classic overcompensation. Don’t care. Keep being awesome and keep trying to play toys. If I remember right you have a sweet gaming setup hopefully you guys enjoy your time playing together.
I’m going to go read and head to bed.
Your spaceships look fucking awesome dude btw.
Those trans neon cockpits you do are tight.
Ah, yea you're daughter is young. She'll be neck deep in electronics before you know it. My wife and I did thr same thing with keeping it educational at first, but by the time they were 4 and 6 (during the pandemic), we kinda loosened the reigns a bit.

>My parents were shitty so I spoil my kid. Classic overcompensation. Don’t care.
Same, bro. My wife and I spoil the hell out of our kids. They also have WAY more freedom to question things (within reason) because our parents were dictators. Keep doing what you're doing , anon. You've always struck me as a good parent. But don't try to force the Lego (or any toy) on your kids. I tried with Ninja Turtles, Transformers, and Lego. They just didn't like the toys and it was kind of a waste of money.

>If I remember right you have a sweet gaming setup hopefully you guys enjoy your time playing together.
Meh, it's an okay setup. I finally got a PS5 and put up my retro shit. My kids could care less either way. They're all about Minecraft and robot. But we'll play Among Us as a family every once in a while.

Good night anon. And remember, castle is for fags!
>castle is for fags
The best fags! Take the castlefag pill… for the sake of your children.
>sincerely though girls do love castle… all my castles have been taken over by princesses now.
It makes me smile more than it should.
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New lego figs dropping into "heartlake city":
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>figs dropping
dead ;)
>slaps your girlfriends ass
>the fuck you gonna do Luigi
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>The Fucka you say abouta my Brudda! Hey, the fuck is WeeGee fucked off to? Yous knows hes fagollia, capisce?
W-what happened to toa vakama...?
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Times have been tough lately. You could say his whole life went down the skibidi /toy/let.
Doesn't it always work out in the end?
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Orc Queen
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Troll shark
Hiker Mike's uncle Magic Mike.
>"my eyes are down here"
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I'm making a heavy laser module for the new Renegade that can be swapped in place of the communications relay module, but still waiting for some pieces from Bricklink. I think I might swap the parts where the barrel connects to the front of the module for one of the large truncated cones usually used as rocket exhausts.
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She looks handy.
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Mecha are better with Friends.
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Good riddance
Bricklink order arrived.
Time to make more HF mech revamps
How many days was it in the end anon?
I’m glad I got my chink bootlego while I could.
Two orders… 11 and 7 days from purchase to porch…
I don’t think that’s going to happen ever again.
Still haven’t done a lead check but I doubt packages from china will be arriving quickly for a long time.
This general needs to stop existing, you guys should return to /lg/, the war is over
Which one of the 7 threads that haven’t reached image limits is the right thread?
Nah lady we’re good.
You guys can’t go two days without bickering and bitching like touristy children.
We like a calmer atmosphere where people actually play with toys.
Then we are coming here
Feel free to post your mocs sister.
Keep the YouTube, leaks, investing, “best theme?!?” trash over in your “new thread when?” garbage pile.
>currently on /lg/
Why would we go back to this?
Like 2
In-country postal service
Noice! It takes USPS a week to get things in state for me sometimes. Been waiting on package from 2 hours away for a week.
I would have just fucking gone and picked it up had I known.
May have to rebuild the chicken walker mechas legs with articulation.
This is why Hello Kitty wears rain gear into battle.

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