Overwhelming Popularity Edition.>FEBRUARYVegeta - Older Style Battle Clothes [Web Exclusive]Frieza - First Form (Reissue)>MARCHSon Goku - The Lowest Born SaiyanMedical Machine [Web Exclusive]>APRILSon Goku - DaimaSuper Saiyan God Son Goku (Reissue)>MAYVegeta - Daima>JUNEMajin Buu - Good (Reissue)>JULYV Jump 40th anniversary Son Goku + ShenronZarbon - True Power [Web Exclusive]Super Saiyan Son Goku (Mini) - Daima [Web Exclusive]>AUGUSTKing Gomah [Web Exclusive]>SEPTEMBERCooler - Final Form (40th Anniversary Reissue Edition) [Web Exclusive]>OCTOBERSuper Saiyan 3 Vegeta (Mini) - Daima [Web Exclusive]>NOVEMBERLegendary Super Saiyan Broly (40th Anniversary Reissue Edition) [Web Exclusive]>PROTOTYPESPanzy - DaimaGlorio - DaimaSupreme Kai (Mini) - DaimaVegeta - The Proud Saiyan PrinceMaster Roshi - DBSTamashii Nations Dragon Ball Series>https://tamashii.jp/item_character/dragonball_series/Tamashii Nations Surveys>https://tamashii.jp/survey/Previous Thread >>11310766
>>11320683Anon every single person that has these figures creams their pants over it.Sometimes things do live up to the hype
This Broly, that Broly, reissued Broly. Real question is when are we getting Bio Broly?
>>11320701>Anon every single person that has these figures creams their pants over it.Who cares about what shills like?A figure without ab crunch sucks dick.
>>11320773keep seething kid
>>11320701>facesThe faces are fine, why do these retard reviewers always complain about faces?
>>11320847I don't know why he nitpicked that of all things but it's his personal taste. I think the faces look good but as comments mentioned there are already tons of bd broly heads coming out so whatever
>>11320848yeah especially if bandai broly face looks like a drawing by some kindergarden kid who just started watching dragon ball
I'm late. Where can I still get this Kong Studio's "Beast Deities Norse God" B011L ver.?Preferably from a legit hobby site, not sites like Aliexpress shit, etc.
>>11320761Exactly. Especially the nekkid one.
Is there a 1/12 naked body big enough to do pic?
>>11320921You're retarded and you missed the preorders by almost a full year.
>>11320921Aliexpress is all thats left for you. It's save but 3x the price and there aren't many left since reviews keep droping and praising it
>>11320921Well, Ali Express is not so bad... I paid $190 for it and it arrived just fine...
>>11320921What the fuck is that tiny censored piece?
>>11320847I Dont know honestly watching beasthan faces and they look like shit, the standards of faces is really wild in the line
Once I modded it to get the ab crunch and realized that it was accurate scale base on the official height it went from an 8/10 to 10/10. The hair sculpt doesn't even bother me.Now to decide what to do with the official one that's just collecting dust at the moment.
>>11320939I don't know, but this version also comes with the hand hold vegetas head (which I didn't know when I ordered it) so that promo image isn't correct anyway.
Did anybody here preorder a figure from tonsen directly before?
Looks like they are coming.
>>11320968based if true. Another W for china and another L for bandai
>>11320968Can do they some Saibaman too?Hate I missed those early ones.
How is demonical fit SSJ4 Goku? Did anyone get it?
>>11321097Yeah I have that and the official bandai SSJ4 Goku, has better neck articulation, feet dont immediately trip over, bit taller because they made the shins smaller, overall I like it over the official and its definitely worth 40$ I got for it.
>>11321129Whoops meant taller shins, also comes with SSJ GT Goku head sculpt aswell
Are we done with Daima figure reveals? Or do we think there will be something else
>>11321136Everyone is so confident that Daima is only 20 episodes. I am convinced it’s only the first arc and will keep going for several years.
>>11321136Still expecting the majins and 3rd Eye Gomah at least.
>>11321145that would be based. I love daima
>df martial artist is 140 bucks right nowHonestly DF is fucking retarded. They could just make only this figure and rack up insane funds for future projects.
>>11321164instead they make this lol
>>11320841stating truth =/= seething
>>11321164it did get reissued so it's possible they do it again. Maybe.
>>11320698you forgot the new reissues in the OP. if you’re gonna make a new thread early do it right.
>>11321164>140 bucksJesus. Glad I bought 3 copies when it was 40.
>>11321164DF is the most retarded chink 3p there is>announce a bunch of shit, never release it>playing catch to Kong and Tonsen by announcing inferior versions of their products by the time they released their whole ass figures>never release figures like future gohan who in theory should be easy to make for you since you did martialist forever and woulf make you massive profit >when you do release something is mostly 2.0 slopLook at their Broly, they got dabbed on by both Kong and Bandai
>>11321136 I don't think gomahs monster form is going to present much challenge.Guessing kuu and duu will fuse, since it's established one is the brains and the other the brawn. That might lead to goku and vegeta doing the fusion dance and giving us a kid gogeta in the final episode.I think degasu and arinsu will get sidelined. Story can easily ve wrapped up in 4 episodes.>>11321145Toriyamas story is 20 episodes. Whether they have new writers who will make a direct sequel and whether it will be called daima is anyone's guess.There will deilfinetly be another dragon ball anime in the future of some kind, we just don't know who will create it and if it'll be based on anything that came before.
>>11321186Dude the plot sucks so fucking hard why did they even go forward with this shit. It's 16 episodes deep already and it felt more like a stretched single episode. It's soooo rushed and shit. It didn't even feel like an adventure through the demon world at all. It's clear this was supposed to have been dragon quest but dragon ball but it had NOTHING of it's charm at all. Every episode is just yapping and then sudden jumps to try to wrap shit up. Horrible horrible pacing. I'd have unironically prefered 60 episodes with the same plot but them taking time to actually make it feel like an adventure. Absolutely soulless.
>>11321136If the fusion character is serious and not just a gag like fat Gotenks in super hero it could get a figure. Besides that I feel like they'd do 1 villain that you can pose all the Daima minis fighting so maybe the buff Gomah.
>>11321166honestly if those parts will fit tonsen trunks and his face doesn't look like shit I might get it
>>11321194Agreed. Having watched the Sand Land sequel toriyama wrote prior I could already guess the tone of the series daimi was gonna be. Like you say, it's very dragon quest-esque, but theirs no depth to the characters or locations. It's like a world full of NPCs. I really will be glad when it's over. I would much prefer the Moro arc of super be animated, or even more heroes (as long as it's not that awful cgi!)
Unironically, the Universal Conflict Arc has been the most entertained I've been by dragon ball since Z.
>>11321289worst goku
>>11321289>>11321293Agreed. That's a terrible bootleg.
>>11321136oh the announcements just got started my friend there are like 5 more figure to go
>awesome origin >enables Vegeta to finally surpass Goku >enslaves both their families>fucking kills Goku >super cool looking >power move ‘Revenge Death Ball’ The fact that there is no SHF of Baby and Pan has 2 figures is proof that Bandai unironically hates their fans
>>11321343I understood getting kid goku, trunks and pan before baby, but android 17 threw me.i'm guessing baby vegeta will be next followed but omega shenron and gogeta and we're done.9 figure for GT is enough. About the same as OG.
>>11321372android 17 is the first big GT villain, right? and came around the time goku learned ss4?so I guess they might be going in sequence, making baby vegeta nextand then ss4 gogeta and omega shenron after that
Why did they make GT figures if they're going in order by saga?
>>11321401No, Super 17 was after Baby, SS4 is tied to the baby stuff. Super 17 was this really weird mini arc (I think like three episodes?) that always felt like a scrapped movie or something to me. It completely ignores the plot twist that Dr. Myuu was just being gaslit by Baby into thinking he was it's creator, meaning he probably wouldn't have any sort of the expertise needed to make a being more advanced than Baby.
>>11321343At least the Stars is way above average (particularly the hair and face sculpt, much less gummy than other Stars).
>>11321441>No, Super 17 was after Baby, SS4 is tied to the baby stuff.wtfsorry, it's been so long since i saw gt that i was convinced that it was super 17 -> baby -> omegabut you're right, he went oozaru during his fight with baby and then got it under control
So why is super hero so hated? It was pretty good.
>>11321441Didn't he build a bunch of robots and shit before Baby anyway? Either way, he had help from Gero in hell, and they basically just built Hell Fighter 17 with the sole purpose of merging with the original 17. Myuu probably didn't do too much, except he added the shit to make 17 obey him instead of Gero. Didn't really matter, since 17 ended up just killing them both anyway, IIRC.
>>11321450because its the most dishonest movie and kinda of a huge downgrade from BROLY
>>11321457wdym? Because gohan beast? I said he trained secretly...gay but at least not big gay
>>11321458he said*Also big nibba piccolo was cool
>>113214503dslop, the return of cell but bigger and uglier and retarded, and thinly veiled ss2 teen gohan pandering
you know I'm looking at orange piccolo right now and these bonus gohan slop is such garbage and could have easily been 2 or 3 more faces or piccolo effects...
>>11321468>and thinly veiled ss2 teen gohan panderingI really don't get how that one's a bad thing.
>>11321468at least they used 2nd form cell which is very underappreciated imo. Giganibba cell figure never ever. He's like twice as big as BD broly
>>11321469beasthan figure is dogshit too its the only figure i am trying to sell because its really disappointing
>>11321469I really wish he had a stretchy arm since he actually uses that shit in the movie.
>>11321466he's 113 bucks right now... It would have been laround...75? If I preordered from japan. Man if he had look down face I wouldn't even have 2nd thoughts about getting him. He's just very nice and bulky. How likely is a reissue?
>>11321474It's soulless.>>11321475Maybe if Cell Max wasn't a retard. He's basically Bio Broly 2.0.
>>11321495He was shouting a lot
>>11321490>How likely is a reissue?He was P-Bandai.
>>11321498Oh...I heared they canceled preorders or something. Guess shits still fucked.
>>11321097DF is a bit taller, the face plates suck a little more and the legs seem like they have less of a defined texture. You'll notice exactly all of this if you get it.
Man the bighead pan figure has none of the cuteness of the movie. It's the first time I actually looked at these properly...actually weird they didn't just make her anya sized
>>11321509When will you realize that 3rd Party Figures are a fucking service issue? Imagine, if you will, that you are waiting for Gogeta SS4 and they keep giving you Super Hero Pan with a Big Head.
janemba when
>>11321514>ackchually having an entire torso that is an immovable block is... le based???Nah. Figures without torso range are dogshit. Especially when they're large.
>>11321530just mod it sis. Took me like 5 minutes tops.
Just got Super Hero Piccolo in so decided to make something stupid for my own entertainment.
>>11321549Unrelated to Vegeta's bizarre adventure.
>>11321532>just mod your shit figure until it's actually serviceableShiggy diggy.
Squish face brigade.
I gave up on trying to get articulated figures and just got this statue figure
>>11321564It's literally what the nips are doing for their SHF now.
>>11321604>>11321611Yes, so that is also a shit figure.
>>11321604Not really though
The beast deities broly abcrunch still exists without moding. It's just minimal. It seems like a lot of figures do this, almost if the designers are worried about big gaps showing in the back, but honestly, if you're going to pose it facing forward it doesn't matter how open the back is.Once you remove the soft plastic spacer (which is pretty much all it is, you have a perfect figure. People are really reaching for reasons to shit on it, but it's undeniably an incredible figure for $85 by any standards, with or without the mod.
>>11321668honest to God if BD actually for real died this time then that would explain why the base price was that cheap, there is no fucking way the profit margin is big, the sculpt, paint, mate finish, materialsthe figure is premium thought and thoughtbandai would charge 180 dollars for it
>>11321668>figure comes in with a statue torso>i-if you modify it, it can be good!Any other figure gets shit on for having dogshit torso movement. Especially a big one.
Full Power Frieza from Aliexpress came in three fucking days, haven't had a delivery with that speed since the old days of DHL. Fuck I'm gonna miss it, the late tax wasn't even that bad for a P-bandai release.
>>11321186Might be cool to actually finish Super sometime. Not all that cool on leaving it on a massive cliffhanger.
>>11321737Like I side, the torso movement is there, you can bend forward a bit, twist and go side to side. If you heat it up you can even crunch it forward and push the soft plastic spacer up into the chest, but it become visible in the neck gap which was why I decided to remove it completely.It's honestly beautiful. You should really get one now before you regret it.
>>11321762Would be nice. It'll be interesting with toriyama gone, what creative direction it goes. Personally I'd like to see it go darker, with more threat, and stronger villains. Ever since MUI it feels like goku became invisible.
>>11321145It doesn't have much space to work with. It takes place a year after Buu and Battle of Gods is three years after.
>>11321668The "perfect figure" that can't look up. Not even a little bit. Not even with DLC heads. He looks great but what's the point of giant strongman that I can't properly hunch down or put into hulking gorilla grappling poses? His entrie torso assembly just feels like an afterthought. I'm really tired of revoltech being the only company to do buff bodies actual justice in terms of articulation
>>11321778I'll get it when they fix the torso.
>>11320841>The things that happen because Bandai still hasn't released Cheelai for all your Broly figures to fight over
>>11321815I really want her.
>>11321826So sad they reused the Wrath Broly legs for him.
>>11321786But Broly doesn't really get in hulking gorilla poses so that doesn't matter much to me. I get that the ability to do such poses is a plus but it doesn't ruin my enjoyment of the figure.
Brolyless bros you might have a second chance, but restringed thoThis is 100% being made by Kong btw, there is now way 5ktoys announces it the way they do igf that wasn't the case
>>11321872>second chance to deliberately not buy this thingNice.
>>11321872Call me when they make a Zamasu or something.
>>11321450lots of people didn't like how they used Goten and Trunks
They're real.
>>11321954Expensive little buggers
>>11321990$75 for 3 figurines isn't too bad in the era of $40-60 Daima figures seems fine.
>>11322003I had to get the acc set as well.
>>11321262Fucking based, third parties need to stop fucking around with shit bandai will probably do eventually and do more literally whos like Hearts and some of the weirder forms from Heroes
>>11322056omega gold ssj7 ultra eginstinct perfect metal cooler when?
His ab crunch power? Maximum
>>11321786But revoltechs look like dogshit with all the angular cuts, pointy knees and bowed legs. They can't even look straight standing.BD Broly feels like a Storm figure in hand and poses a lot like one. For muscly characters that is the gold standard imo.
>>11321872Fucking based. I hope they continue with their accurate 1/12 scaling instead of undersizing like bandai do. I need my 9 inch controlled broly.Wish BD would have done Toguro.
>>11321872Oh dude. I literally wished for that before going to sleep. All me.
>>11321954I hope these go up on aliexpress. I don't want to order from 5k toys with all this tarif shit being unclear.
>>11321954>there are 7 cell juniors>release as a 3 packfuck you. Now I need to by 3 sets to have the correct number. Also the extras set looks nice.
>>11322167I wouldn't worry. The previous KW Studio releases are still all over AE.
>>11322152BD Broly is a good figure but let's not pretend it is in proper scale when we are able to compare to the official animation charts. Not to say that it is a bad thing since I like Broly to be a biggun too sometimes.
>>11322196well compare it and see for yourself
>>11322200NTA, but it is slightly oversized, perfect height is in-between Super's Broly and BD's.
>>11322196The proportions on that animation chart are fucked, (the head is tiny), plus he's in the background, so looks like perspective played a part.I'd rather trust the official heights published by Shueisha.
>>11322202I dunno anon last thread he looked pretty accurate to me
>>11322203>9'10"I never know he was that big. I stand corrected. I guess the BD is accurate then since it's around 9 and a half to 10 inches.
>>11322203You didn't even check where those citations lead to, did you?
>>11322227Shit. So still accurate then. Why was it ever disputed in the first place?
>>11322176>hand parts for Gohan>but none for YamchaWonder what's the other 2 groping hands for.
>>11322245for the big effect piece. I guess.
>>11322242Because anyone with eyes can clearly see >>11322152 is different to >>11322227. You can easily draw lines on each like the top of Goku's head or his eyeline on one and see it doesn't match up on the other.
>>11322250Sorry. Looks correct to me.>eye line doesn't match up with an articulated figure whose head can point up/down and is using a stylised faceplate not designed for the body it's on.>yet shoulders match, crotches match, boottops match.that perspective comparison also doesn't prove anything. Goku is officially 175cm and LSS Broly is 300cm as officially published by Shueisha and depicted in the animation chart.300 / 12 = 25. BD is 250mm. The BD is 100% accurate to source.
>>11322257>Sorry. Looks correct to me.We don't generally take the word of the blind.
>>11322309And that's why nobody is listening to you.
>>11322314Were you trying to practice that in the mirror?Stop shilling this oversized statue.
>>11322315>being brolyless>being this retardedchecks out
>>11322318>loses argument>defaults back to his shill programmingSad. We don't want your oversized piece of shit here. Thanks.
>>11322320Not the same anon also it's TOTY and you are a seething brolyless bitch KEK
>>11322321>more shill brabbleImagine shilling a toy in 2022+3 without torso movement. Absolutely embarrassing. Should've told your masters to work on it a bit harder so you wouldn't have to look so silly trying to sell this garbage.
>>11322326holy shit you are seeeeething like a bitch
>>11322328>state facts>"ur seething!!!"Literal shilltalk. No wonder you don't mind that piece of dogshit statue with legs because you don't own it; you're just here trying to shill it.
>>11322314I'm the anon you were originally discussing with. Don't know why that other one is trying to impersonate but fags be fags I guess. I might post more later but desu I'd rather anons just have fun with their figures. If I manage to get myself a BD Broly then cool but otherwise I'll live fine if I don't.
>>11322331>State factsyou can't even prove him wrong you seething retard
>>11322333Nobody's impersonating anyone. Just calling a shill out for shilling a dogshit figure.>>11322334You can't even give your dogshit figure an ab crunch.
>>11322338>>11322119but we can give it an abcrunch you mentally ill faggot KEK
>>11322340Talking about you and your masters who made it.Not those who got scammed and had to cope with a build-your-own-figure.
>>11322341the one coping here is you LMAO you are mentally. Literally everyone is praising it. Keep seething and dialating kiddo xD
>It's TOTY!!!!Yeah, no, lmao.Not even ToTM.
>>11322344>seething this hard>posting plebbitor who tried to switch pegsyep toty confirmed and there is nothing your seething will change about it kekerooo
>>11322344Lol, actual piece of dogshit. No wonder they're shilling it so hard.Most astroturfed toy ever. At least the people enjoying Tonsen are organic.
>>11322333Yeah, don't worry. That wasn't my post either. Looks like the schizo has derailed the thread again and samefagging with himself.I still stand by the fact that the BD is accurate to a 9foot 10 inch broly though. I think what throws it off on the chart is how tucked brolys chin is into his chest, but if you look from feet to shoulders its basically a 100% match. Maybe if I'd left the original neck peg on it would be closer, but I wanted better head articulation.Either way, if they do a controlled broly he should be 200mm.
This is what being brolyless does to a nibba LMAO
I love how the buyer's remorse is setting in for those who got memed into buying this plastic brick and all the shills can do is double down on their campaign.Tonsen mogs.
Toty 2024 - Tonsen TrunksToty 2025 - BD Broly3rd party samefagging hater status: BUCK BROKEN
>>11322352>Toty 2025 - BD BrolyHow is it going to be ToTY when it has no ab crunch and it already got mogged in month 1 by Figma Raging Wolf and Amazing Yamaguchi Ryu Hayabusa?
Broly bros mindbroke the no abcrunch poster into throwing a meltyI wish there was a make a wish type of thing to gift the figure they shit about to autist like him and see how they change of opinion once they actually have it
>>11322346Find Jesus
>>11322344I actually went to read that post and the dude is just retarded Broly is so powerfull it plebfilters redditors...
>>11322517All this could have been prevented if he just had a bottle of silicon oil
>>11322522Gotta oil him up good.
>>11322525yeah that goes for every figure. I had to do it for king cold recently too
>>11322528Recoome's a stubborn one though with his shoulders.
>>11322517>>11322522>trying to replace a shit QC peg leads to the whole figure getting destroyed>our superior figures need to get lubed up firstcan't ching this chong up
>>11322535Worked on my figure just fine. Keep seething kid
>>11321743Nice! I just ordered shf pain from aliexpress for the equivalent of 12,000yen including shipping. Comes brand new with shipper and its already in my country after 2 days. Shits dope. I don't think I'll ever preorder again.
>>11322643Aliexpress is fucking great. I would order everything there if I could. They pay shipping AND dodge import tax. God I love chinks. I wish they would resell all figures there
>>11322658Until they start asking you to cancel because they don't actually have it or decide to scam you.Like every other site, good and bad experiences.
>>11322711How sophisticated.
>>11322711Honest to God the most fun i had with a figure in a long time
>>11322664Never had this happen before. Usually I'm the one scamming them.
>PO'd the goku and vegeta last night since they were still upHow're these 2 figures?I dont have a full gi goku and never bought a single vegeta before.
>>11322737Trash as any 2.0
>>11322721After some careful inspection, I’m almost 100% sure Fenrir is an upscaled and upgraded bootleg of the Figure-Rise model kit. Some of the proportions and joint cuts are almost identical, but there are major alterations, obviously. Mostly upgrades but there is even a few spots where the detail is worse on Fenrir particularly his belt area of his sash
>>11322737They're great figures, don't listen to that faggot. Also, what's that Dragon in the middle?>>11322740fuck off
>>11322742How is it worse? It looks better and doesn't break the sculpt or did you not realize that it's the same just cut up
>>11322749They are outdated money grabs shillfag. They will be replaced soon. It's trash
>>11322749>Dragon in the middleStardust Dragon from YGO
>>11322749>They're great figures, don't listen to that faggot.Yeah I usually dont since threads on this board has nonstop shitposters spamming in the last several months.It's stardust dragon from YGO. Alright as long as theyre decent i'll keep the PO since I like the blue forms.
>>11322742>careful inspectionOf the actual figures in hand side by side? Or just pictures on the internet, because honestly I don't see any re-use.The Chinese sculptors really do it all from the ground up. I mean look at tonsenarttoys trunks and compare with bftf and everything is new.
Imagine buying 2.0 slop in current year and falling for shills kekeroo
>>11322752>They are outdated money grabs"Bandai not making muh 3.0s, everything released prior is bad" don't forget to add the "looks like shit" comments. >shillfagBecause I don't call a figure trash. Cause it's not.>They will be replaced soon.How do you know that? How do you know Goku and Vegeta Blue are going to be replaced? Maybe they will, and who cares if they are? Maybe just because a new figure gets released doesn't mean an older figure is shit.>It's trash>This figure is now trash because I think a new version is going to replace itMindboggling
>>11322774I'm not reading your melty bootlicker
>>11322742i don't thinl they reused anything but i do think its possible they took some inspiration in generali remember a lot of people said their 3.0 Bejita looked a lot like the figure rise model kit
>They will be replaced soon.>recent namek vegeta and blue vegeta both using shitty old body>new base goku using shitty old body>rerelease of ultra instinct instead of a "replacement"...
So wow, Boobly arrived here quicker than I thought. Literally only took a few days to get delivered when every other Aliexpress thing I've bought took at least maybe two weeks.First impressions? I don't feel ripped off but man there are a few things they obviously cut some corners on to get this thing rushed out.I'll detail as I go. For one thing he definitely has that feel of an unofficial SHF. You know it if you've been collecting long enough to tell the difference. The hair is made of a softer material compared to the original figure which confuses me since it serves no purpose.>>11322742I own the Figure-Rise and even without owning the BD I can tell you they share absolutely nothing in common. >>11322759 is right in saying it's all done from the ground up for figures like that.>>11322737They're fine figures. Not going on anyone's top 10 SHF list but they get the job done.
>my breasts are growing, overflowing...
>>11322801Here he is compared to the original and a basic SHF Goku. The promo pics made him look like he'd be taller by a bit more My copy at least has trouble standing by himself unless you get him in a very specific way of making him stand. From what I can see they moulded new boot shins and pants but they didn't cut out enough room at the ankles to make him be able to properly balance.
>>11322801Damn it actually looks kino. Make some meme worth close shots and a gigachad side shot in black and white pls
>>11322812Original in front. Boobly in back. You can see the extra bit of room Broly has to move his ankle joint where Boobly is more restricted.
>>11322812>he's minimumHoly kek
>>11322816He has a double jointed neck which means he can extend out but he can't look up. You can make him tuck his chin in quite a lot so he can stare at his own boobs though.
>>11322822>>11322816Rundowns like this of a figure's engineering are useful, I find it funny that noone does these here but as soon as BOOBLY arrives we're cracking out the magnifying glass for analysis
Overall I'd say he's a unique piece that you would buy not to own as your definitive Broly but as a side piece to enjoy in your own way. He'll forever be Boobly to me for how he made me chuckle when I first saw him.>>11322813Haha. Well I can't promise anything worth quality but I'll see if I can do something.
>>11322801Link to buy?
>>11322801>They're fine figures. Not going on anyone's top 10 SHF list but they get the job done.Gotcha, i'll keep my PO than thanks to you and anon's input. Im a casual db fan so as long as it isnt early SHF days, im fine.
>>11322737My blue goku from the last release has dark marks on his legs and a partially exploded leg. Blue vegeta looks uglier than the movie version
>>11322737I think these are solid. Goku is a bit dated now with a slightly softer face, but that new vegeta is one of the best official head sculpts we've had for him. I hope they do a base and ss recast.
>>11323015Thanks, and thats good to know about the faces. I kept hearinf about the vegeta face being the best so far foran official release was one of the reasons why I PO'd.Looking forward to it now, and slightly less for goku.
So I actually decided to check if the faces between the original and Boobly are compatible. Surprisingly the original faces just about fit but not very well the other way around. Honestly this kinda elevates him up a bit for me.
>>1132281330 years and 15 PHDs later...>>11322850AAS Studio is the supposed name of the creators. Should be able to find a listing easily enough if you add Broly to the search term.
>>11320943The absolute mogging
>>11320943Broly vs some amateur American fanart from the 2000s
>>11322321Are there people here who legit just collect every toy/collect well reviewed ones instead of collecting the characters they like? Why would you buy Broly if you aren't a fan?>HE IS TOTYAnd I don't like the character so that is irrelevant
>>11323052A good figure is fun no matter how much you don't care about the characterAlso good rated figures usually are>greatly articulated>have a good aesthetic >are in demandSo in the worst case you have fun with a figure and sell it laterAlso there are times where you dont care about the character but the character completes a display and that in turn enhances the fun or experience fo the characters you do like, in that case said figure is pretty much a glorified accesory
>>11323156You're a weirdo.
Bootleg recent and upcoming releases>Bojack trunks Normal and Battle Damaged>Kid Buu>Broly Accurate Size with multiple head options>Gogeta>Janemba>Cell Jr. 3 pack>>Ultimate Gohan 3.0Bandai>Gt trunks>Pan>Daima daima and more daima>Zarbon>reissue of 1.0 Brolyinsane to look at the difference in character selection.
>>11323165Bandai will always use Figuarts to promote the newest DB media. I understand not liking Daima, but being outraged or shocked by them releasing figures for it is silly. Besides, it's gonna be done in a few weeks, will consume a few more general/PBandai slots and then be gone forever. (I don't hate it personally, but I can't see it going on for longer than the single season.)
>>11323036no use the good boobly faces
>>11322801This shit is actually worse than Bandai's original.
>>11323293>chud incablaple of appreciating true artclassic
Freezy pop is a terrible dinner guest. And for some reason, Elizabeth was there.
Anyone considering getting one of those $20 bootleg mecha friezas from aliexpress, the arms, legs and tails are compatible with the official body and hands. Saves you $50 if you want to display both.
>>11322711I need some reading glasses to turn mine into SCHOLARLY, what are those lmao? I need a good book and glasses, what are those that you have there?
>>11323492Is a bootleg mecha Frieza worthwhile as just a Trunks accessory?
Tapion WIP
>>11323589They look like the ones from ml retro beast.>>11323596It's ok. Paint isn't great and neck and torso articulation is fucked. Also there was some plastic flash on the torso. Don't know how well it can be articulated, but if you missed out on the official i think it's over $100 now so bootleg seems worth it.
I found some really shitty db figures at the store today. There was a 1/6 goku too without any arm articulation other than rotating shoulders lol. They are quite expensive too for what you get...why not just sell figufarts?
>>11323617Wasn't it over 100 at release?
>>11323716Those big 1/6 figures are for really young kids to play with. The ones you in your pic are for kids too but might also appeal to peole nostalgic for that type of figure with only arm rotation from the 2000s.
Thoughts on this type of baggy knee? Seems alright but the one on Goku doesn't look like it was implemented that well.
>>11323776garbage and ugly. There is no need to do anything other than regular 3.0/tonsen knees. If I see this shit it's instant no buy
>>11323716Well they do sell Figuarts at target/wal-mart/best buy now, at least the $35 dollar ones, but these figures are more for kids who are less likely to get $35-50+ Figuarts. Frankly with inflation $10 is about right>>11323754The SBC stuff dates back to the 90s. Vinyls with minimal articulation and soft sculpts are still popular with kids in Japan so maybe Bandai figures there’s still a market
>>11323776The knees don’t even bother me what gets me is how absolutely DYEL he looks
>>11323746Note sure. I paid 9,900 yen for mine before shipping. Looks like it's going for 13,000 yen now. Honestly wasn't worth getting 2 at that price, but bootleg is perfect for what i need.
>>11323746If he was, then the exchange rate was fire.
>>11323589The glasses are from the Marvel legends Retro BeastThe Book is from the Mezco Doctor DoomThere are probably better options online that getting those props in specific tho, i just happend to have them
>>11322202I feel the same way, but I actually got dabbed on a bit by an anon who posted this. Now, I did say he was perfect when you take his canon size into account (essentially 10 feet tall), but he really does still feel a bit ridiculous. As it stands, sans hair, most Z fighters stand below his belt line, which is crazy imho, when most depictions have them at around slightly above his belt line or even his stomach.Buuut most depictions make him taller than Super Broly in his LSS, so it would probably be the former.
>>11323932This is how I think it should be more or less.In short, no matter which way I've managed to slice it, the BD Broly is only like half an inch off.Sizes (Not including hair)>Goku ~ 5'7 - 5'9>Base Super Broly ~ 6'6 - 6'8>LSS Super Broly ~ 8'>Base Z Broly - 7'6>L:SS Z Broly - 9'
>>11324040Thanks. I just measured my BD broly, and to the top of his head (excluding the hair) he is 230mm, which is exactly 9". I think >>11323932 is a bit misleading as the photo is taken from below. See here compared to king cold (220mm).There is some mixed references about LSS Broly being 9' vs 9'10", but honestly, I think those extra 10 inches are his hair.Whilst I'll admit that on first impressions I thought he was oversized, I think Kong really did their homework and have scaled him exactly 1/12, regardless of what anyone might think.Once we get base broly in hand I think it will all make sense.
>>11324058Yeah, correct. BD Broly is 9-ish inches from the top of his faceplate. I'd give him 1/4 - 1/2 inch extra for the top of his skull hidden under his hair and the extended neck peg. Again, it's minor, but it's the difference between Goku's head being below his belt and somewhat above his belt.
>>11323492I bought two Cyborg Freezas for that purpose. Annoys me how they couldn't just add the limbs and tail and just charge ten bucks more.
>>11324110Agreed. I tend to double dip a lot when there are multiple iconic looks, sometimes even triple, but this just felt like a waste when literally all I wanted was the arms, legs and tail. Glad it got bootlegged.
>>11323776Daima Goku looks awful
>>11324126Looks like a kid Goku head stuck onto an adult body.
where can I keep up with all the bootleg news? i didn't know there was a bootleg mecha frieza until i saw it in here
If you're trying to measure BD Broly, you're missing the point of the figure. It mogged the S.H. Figuarts community and is one of the coolest figures to own.
me waiting on 5k for my 3 broly's + hair kit
>>11324058So he's about the correct height, it's Cold that is too small. I'm pretty sure he is close to 10 feet tall
>>11324145>where can I keep up with bootleg news USA just stopped accepting all packages from China until further notice.
>>11324320rip economy
>>11324320You mean I'm stuck with only Bandai for DB figs? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>11324326Every Bandai figure is about to get 30-40% more expensive too, and that's assuming things don't ramp up more. (and we have no reason to believe they won't)
>>11323614Looks like Zamasu with bigger ears.
>>11324334I'm just getting out of the hobby since it will be financially impossible soon. Sucks.
>line going to die after 30 percent mark up from tariffs>before we get G&KT>last figure will be Daima SSJ Goku Mini Alt Color
>>11324058Is there any pics of Trunks holding that Cold's sword? I wanna see how big it is.
>>11324442and vice versa while we're at it
>>11324320Only USPS so far because it's a government institution ups , FedEx ECT are not.
>>11324471import fees for Japanese packages are coming too.
>>11324320fucking what
>>11324474You get what you voted for.
>>11324479but my eggs...
>>11324482The eggs going up in price? Those eggs?
What is a fair price to sell one of my BD broly's for when I had to pay scalper prices myself?Not gonna ask for the $200 I paid, of course, but I also feel like I can't just ask for the $100 it initially "retailed' for
>>11324530Fuck it, just get your money back.
>>11324530What >>11324533 said. You should just sell what you paid. You aren't scalping if your selling at cost.
>>11324530Cost plus fees plus shipping.Youre not being a scalper, let people know how much you paid and you just wanna break even with recipient as proof.
>>11324145Either scouring aliexpress or youtube. Usually when I see $20 listings for SHF on ali, I search for KO reviews to see if they are worth it for parts/effects. The vast majority are trash so I usually only buy 3P.
>>11324206The scale and torso articulation were the only issues people could find with it. Now we've established the scale is perfect and the torso articulation can be fixed in 2 minutes there's nothing left preventing it from being toty.
I ordered the redbolt BD broly head pack a few weeks ago from 5k toys, and I can't find out when the estimated shipping date was since their page listing is down and my email confirmation doesn't sayDoes anybody remember? I don't mind waiting if it's gonna be a month or two, but I'm just curious
So now we've established that BD Broly is accurately scaled. What other BIG guys would you like to see.Ever since playing the Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans game back in the day, I've always dreamed of have a Hatchiyak figure. That would be so much fun!!
>>11324591Imperfect Cell with proper scaling/leg lengththe Pirate Robot from OG Dragon BallYakon
>>11324591Transformed Garlic JR
>>11324609god is there a website that does what 5k toys does without the whole fucking US bullshit?
>>11324611modelhobbystore.com and omnime carry third party dragonball stuff but dont get the kong/bd figures directly.
>>11324618whats myhobbystore? They are so barebones and don't have info on what they do and where they ship from. Do they ship from china? All I want is to doge those customs cost like aliexpress does
>>11324624They used to be a pretty good aliexpress store but moved over to hosting on their own website for whatever reason, i've ordered from them before without issues.
>>11323716Looks like the type of shit you'd see at a swap meet or 99 cent style store.
Am I totally fucked now if I want a tosen bojack trunks and still haven't gotten one now?
>>11324827pretty much proper fucked
>>11324827Bojack is always a cursed one for media/toys, shame since I liked his film
Anybody knows where to get the 2.0 to 3.0 peg from?
>>11324955The what now?
>>11324958neck peg
>>11324473When though? I have tried to find ANY information on tariffs for packages from Japan but cannot. As far as I can tell, shit from China is getting fucked, but imported goods from Japan are business as usual. The China thing still sucks because I am waiting on some heads for my BD Broly from Ali, but I haven't gotten any word from NinNin/AmiAmi or any of the other major sites that things are changing in the context of goods imported from Japan. Alternatively, how does P-Bandai come into play here? They are technically a Japanese company, but are selling goods made in China/Vietnam, though they do have (what I assume) is an American presence/store front. I've tried to do some googling for some answer, but can't find anything concrete.
>>11324998It doesn't matter where they're made really, just where they're last shipped(this is why a lot of people suspect Chinese companies will just ship from elsewhere- still increasing prices but working around tariffs). P-Bandai is shipping from Japan or the US so it should be ok so far. I see the regulation will affect imports under $800, but I was never hit with customs for JP orders I had over $800 so maybe it won't change things(though that one anon with a DHL fee worries me)
>>11324827You can still get the battle damaged one here.https://www.omnimestore.com/products/warped-vengeance-unbound-wrath-version-b-tonsen-arttoys?pr_prod_strat=e5_desc&pr_rec_id=6d44ac845&pr_rec_pid=9765664194882&pr_ref_pid=9765653381442&pr_seq=uniformOtherwise aliexpress still have them.Finally got my tkdiy head for vegeta. Definetly the best head out there.
>>11324998>I have tried to find ANY information on tariffs for packages from Japan but cannot. Because it's fear mongering.
>>11324471USPS just lifted the ban too, so you can still ship your bootlegs through them if needed.
>>11325040bruh that ace is such engineering gore wtf did they do to him lmao
>>11325014>though that one anon with a DHL fee worries meI've seen a few examples of this floating around, but not much context as to what they were purchasing, from where, or how much it cost. I think most of my stuff is either coming airmail or FedEx at this point, though I'ma be pissed if DHL starts doing blanket fees on ANYTHING imported because they are by far the fastest and most reliable option I have. Assuming tariffs do start coming into play, sounds like ordering direct from P-Bandai may be the cheaper route going forward though.
>>11324591I think most of the big guys we already have could be bigger. For some reason SH likes to make the short guys taller and the tall guys shorter
>>11325165I absolutely love it!
>>11325165his soft good stain heavily too. Actual trash start to finish. I thank god for not being a juan piss fag
>>11325227>his soft good stain heavily tooAs in the plastic stains the fabric? Or the fabric stains the plastic? Nta that posted that pic, but I have him and he isn't perfect though I think he is one of the better OP Figuarts. Granted, that is a low bar as Wano Zoro has to be in the running for worst Figuarts release in recent memory.
>>11325253>>11322223I hope they never use any of these ugly joints on db figures. I noticed it on their luffy already how he looks really shit but god damn ace takes the cake. For once I'm glad that the teams don't work between each other
man I regret buying first form frieza. His pot is cool (but stained) but his figure is old and ugly. By far the worst purchase I made so far. Overpriced
God there's a lot of miserable unhappy people in this thread today.Cheer up everyone. VEGETA IS OUT!!
>>11325287You're late.
>>11325282Looks.great mkre pics?
>>11325282shame about it being 2.0 slop otherwise he would be fantastic
What're some good figure stands that are out there? I got some Act.4 stands last year and they're already loose as hell and can barely support anything anymore, and the Act.5 ones I got just kind of always sucked.
>>11325327Tighten the screws.
>>11325346It's not the hinge-points, it's the place where the the arm pegs into the two hinge-points at the base. The base of the arms is just cracked where it pegs in.
>>11325282Oh shiiit! Too bad Mike is going to my mom's house because I was unsure where I would be living at the time of ordering him. Oh well, I'll get him from her shortly after he arrives.
>>11325381>The base of the arms is just cracked where it pegs in.Got that with some figma stands from when I just started. Peg was thicker than the hole. Still alright with their weights tho.
>>11325320>2.0 slopI still like the 2.0 vegeta body. I pre-orded the ss kong, but still think it is too chunky and barrelled. The 3.0 goku body though is definetly an improvement.>>11325327Honestly, just get a bag of 50 cheap ones off aliexpress for like 20 cents each. They are a little brittle and have arm bubbles, but usually if 2 break you can assemble the remains into 1 working one. I've still got loads left.
>>11325389This vegeta head is closest we're ever gonna get to proud prince isn't it.....
Extra Cui, Toyotarou UI Goku and Beast Gohan stock going up tomorrow? This true???
>>113253892.0 is trash. You are just wrong.>too chunkyNo such thing. I bet you think the dyel daima ones look good
>>11325431Theres more stuff I think King Cold as well, can anyone confirm?
>>11325433>>11325431since when bandai restocks premium?
hey if anyone makes a thread before me again then put this in the OP:>FEBRUARYVegeta - Older Style Battle Clothes [Web Exclusive]Frieza - First Form (Reissue)>MARCHSon Goku - The Lowest Born SaiyanMedical Machine [Web Exclusive]>APRILSon Goku - DaimaSuper Saiyan God Son Goku (Reissue)SSGSS Vegeta - Unwavering Saiyan Pride (Reissue)>MAYVegeta - Daima>JUNEMajin Buu - Good (Reissue)>JULYV Jump 40th anniversary Son Goku + ShenronZarbon - True Power [Web Exclusive]Super Saiyan Son Goku (Mini) - Daima [Web Exclusive]SSGSS Son Goku - DBS Broly (Reissue)>AUGUSTKing Gomah [Web Exclusive]>SEPTEMBER Cooler - Final Form (40th Anniversary Reissue Edition) [Web Exclusive]Super Saiyan Son Gohan - The Fighter Who Surpassed Goku (Reissue)Son Goku - Legendary Super Saiyan (Best Selection)>OCTOBERSuper Saiyan 3 Vegeta (Mini) - Daima [Web Exclusive]>NOVEMBERLegendary Super Saiyan Broly (40th Anniversary Reissue Edition) [Web Exclusive]>JANUARYLegendary Super Saiyan Broly (40th Anniversary Reissue Edition Second Run) [Web Exclusive]>PROTOTYPESPanzy - DaimaGlorio - DaimaSupreme Kai (Mini) - DaimaVegeta - The Proud Saiyan PrinceMaster Roshi - DBS
>>11325436>entire year of figure>not a single new big figurethis line is cooked
>>11325436Dead line
>>11325441Literally the most succesful toy line ever and still going strong, why are you mad?
>>11325431>>11325433yep. looks legit. plus best selection lss goku. just paid 7,000 yen for 3rd copy because I was fed up of waiting. Oh well.
>>11325468Sounds like you are the mad one
>>113254323.0 as a concept is good, but we still don't have am official Z vegeta 3.0 and the kong misses the mark.I am not the only one who thinks this. There are multiple threads of conversation with people pointing of the issues with the silhouette on the kong.
>>11325482Thats alright but doesn't change that 2.0 is igly, outdated trash and quite frankly never was good to begin with. No other toyline uses this ugly engineering. It's dogshit
>>11325491well the line has been pretty successful over the past decade using it, so I don't know if I can agree without anything there other than it is outdated.Still, we need something better then this.
>>11325499I'd take that over any 2.0 trash
>>11325504I take it you don't own any vegetas then?
>>11325508NTA, but the only Vegeta I own is fhe 1.0. Can't decide which to get.
>>11325482I assume the Kong is the right one?
Either the P-bandai website has shit the bed, or bandai have just decided to say to hell with their p-bandai policy and just re-sell everything.
>>11325515yeah. definitely.
>>11325517Are they cleaning their extra stock or something? Some of those prob won't stay up for very long with very limited quantities I'm guessing.
>>11325389>>11325499>>11325504>>113255082.0s are fucking garbage, and among the 2.0s the worst are by far the Bejitas, quite literally my first thoughts about this line when i started colecting was how garbage Bejita figures are and how frustating it was seeing there wasn't anything betterthey NEVER were goodplease look at this Bejita and tell me is a nice or good figure, look at that frame, those shitty arms, that plain look.I own like 5 bejitas btw, i was cursed with him being my favorite character
>>11325066I can't keep up with this faggots stupidity anymore.
>>11325676gonna be a lot of meme pics with that face
2.0 is based. 3.0 sucks
>>11325517>Super 17 and GT trunks among the restocks Fucking awesome I missed their pre-order windows before and didn't have money for them at the time. Those two and the first few Daima figures have been the only ones I've missed in recent years and the Daima figs I missed were regular releases anyway.
>>11325517>like 10 figures I want>can maybe afford oneOh no no no, you can't do this to me.
>>11325517gear 5 luffy being $85 is retarded
>>11325517Tempted to get the Toyotaro Goku. I saw there was also the 2024 Con exclusives.
>>11325745Do it if you dont have a mui goku.
>>11325676If they fixed the shoulders he wouldn't have looked so shit from a distance. Why the fuck couldn't they have at least did that? Why were people excited for this one?
>>11325517>>11325745>>11325749what's the difference between it and the other white hair UI figure?
>>11325581>Are they cleaning their extra stock or something? Lmao it just occurred to me that this is happening because of the Hasbro lawsuit. These aren’t reissues this is there their actual, literal scalper warehouse clear out. This is the stock that they were illegally holding onto waiting for them to go up in value. >It is ILLEGAL to sale goods as “limited edition” and then mark them SOLD OUT when you still have moreGet fucked Bandai these bastards have been doing this the entire existence of SHF and they got caught with MMPR Pink over a decade ago
>>11325907Yeah this shits fucking emberassing. I still like how he looks but what a bummer.
>>11325895Genuinely surprised that is illegal.
>>11325724I know right. It should be more. Absolute bargain at that price.
>>11325809For as long as I can remember, namek vegeta has been on people's wishlists. I think going back as far as frieza 1.0s release. It's a landmark occasion in the dragonball toy community.
>>11325916Torso mod >>11325918‘Artificial scarcity’
>>11325890Different head/hair sculpt compared to the original MUI. Also comes with a book detailing the entire history of the SHF Dragonball line.
>>11325907>>11325916that 2.0 diaper looks like he's crapping himself. God 2.0 is just so shitty and worst of all they use it on regular figufarts occasionally too...
Modded torso gang
>>11325943Post a toy
>>11325943The hips are really shittily made, for sure, but that's not a diaper, retard.
>>11325890Toyotaro styled head and expressions. You trade in the kamehameha effect for the windswept mui hair.
>>11325676Anon kun is a dirty liar, his arms socket is adjustable. It pops out for crossed arms. Also Gohan wip.
>>11325953>obsessed with putting figures in his ass >obsessed with baby diapersScat fetish childhood abuse victim confirmed
>>11325517Kinda want a Jiren for a scene I want to set up, but I really just hate that versions weird Player 2 coloring.
>>11325957Looks great here
2.0 diaperfags? Our response?
>>11325515The Kong is on the left. The SHF is on the right, they both have a 3rd party head kit on them by Tonsen.
>>11326022It's Dragon Ball.
>read dbaf (young jijii)>pretty neat concept of continuation after gt>he dicides to put beerus in for some god forsaken reasonliterally why. One of the dragons was born out of the wish to find out how to make a ssj god and they god ssj 5??? It was included retroactively but makes no sense at all. Or did I miss something.
>>11326129 >reading afThat's where you went wrong
>>11326130well I never bothered to check out all the fan shit before and I kinda got intersted in it since 3rd party made figures for it but looks like I picked up the wrong one but people say this one is better so dunno
>>11326129Because Beerus is based AF
>>11325478I'm pretty happy with this line and new stuff and improvements keep coming out, why would I be mad?You're mad because it's doing very well apparently?
>>11325993this line is so fucking dead lmao
>>11326144This is true.Beerus 3.0 when?
>>11325993I do prefer how 2.0 legs look on baggy pants. Just never looked right on Bejita. Weird they won't just give him the new hips.
>>11326297>I do prefer how 2.0 legs look on baggy pantshow?the kneecap looks way more out of place and the crotch rings are ugly
>>11326353But what about Puar!?
Bejita is truly cursed>OK model kit>shitty 2.0s that needs modding>Kong 3.0 that is expensive, needs modding, has slightly large arms and looks kinda like a barrel to some anons>3.0 ssj4 leg flaps no neck range Bejita3.0 Daimajita with 0 ass and kiddy face
>>11326353bro, projects been 'confirmed' for 2 years. Still not even a prototype.
boy am I glad I just disregard any 2.0 slop by default
max range lol
>>11326319They just look like the folds in the baggy pants characters wear. Looks great to me. It doesn't look right on characters meant to be wearing tight pants though. Like the new Gohan's hips look like weird hot dogs and he has a weird looking ass plate. The knees are a completely different issue though. They could just use the better knees with the older hips. Guess I'm in the minority with that opinion though.
>>11326469Piccolo's hips with Ultimate Gohan's knees and ankles. Specifically Piccolo's cause they way they did it on him is better than the Gokus.
2.0 Vegeta is so dogshit. Shit fucking sucks.
>>11325944Does anyone have that old tutorial on how to mod Dragon Stars Cell to have better articulation?It's my default shelf Cell atm since Bandai can't be fucked to do one in the proper size/proportions.
>>11326704Pretty sure I made that. Just rip him in half. It’s very stiff but it won’t break. Make sure to pull straight. Nice you get him apart the purple abdomen comes out. It’s a rubberized ring. It has two solid blocks of plastic inside. Cut those blocks out and reassemble
Making these cuts in the back of his legs increases his knee articulation. I was nervous to do any more than this because a lot of the time you don’t realize the sculpt is in the way and you’re you’re hitting diminishing returns for how much you chopped it up.
I'm the anon that lost Kewi's scouter. Should I just order a new one on P-Bandai since they have him up?
>>11326816Its all already gone man
>>11326821Everything was somehow all gone immediately at 8 as if they didn't actually have stock. Or had 1.
>>11325431Toyo UI was literally sold out on the second. No idea what the deal is.
holy shit all the stuff sold out in seconds.
>>11326827>secondsnano seconds since I refreshed exactly at the top of the hour and toyo UI Goku was sold out.
>Only things left are Trunks and JirenYes, because those alt colors were fucking HIDEOUS.
>>11326824>>11326826news of this hit the youtube crowd so it was inevitable. See them on ebay.
>>11326832It is literally impossible to have checked out so fast.
>>11326827They probably had really, really low amounts of each besides the most recent event exclusives. Like maybe the few units they had lying around incase they needed to send replacements.
>>11326835I think they most likely had 0 and the whole thing was a fuck up. I don't believe anyone got any.
Regret missing out on Beast Gohan again(I was out of the scene that year), but I did get two SDCC Goku/Gohan sets- one for myself and one for my kid nephew's bday. Yeah it's a 2.0 but I don't mind them as much as the general here and I've always liked the Kintoun and kid Gohan and the early Z imageryMy nephew's been wanting that set for a moths now so I'm excited to give it to him
They're restocking.
>>11326849like 500 bots maxed out their orders of 24 (unlimited btw nice bandai). its just carts slowly being cancelled. i did pick up a kiwi from the cancels though.
>>11326832I'm not gonna lie dude, i had that shit botted and it was never up.
>>11326816I got a Keywi at retail yesterday from a store in the UK, some places STILL have him, like the original release not ghe extra stock sale shit for lightning week or T Week or whatever the fuck Bandai are calling it.
limited stockpls understand
>>11325475what the fuck is this? The same figure, but comes with less shit? only seeing it on p-bandai, is it an exclusive? the $45 makes me think it's not going to be one of those target releases.
>>11327051Its a "Best Selection" figuarts release where they re-release the figure with less accessories but at a cheaper price.
>>11325475Will this version have the fixed chest color?
Somehow didn't expect Cooler to be out of stock so quickly, what a shame.
>>11327131He is still in stock. I literally just went and preordered him after reading this.
>>11327139I only checked Hobby Genki, I wasn't sure where else to look. Where did you find him?
>>11327142We are talking about the final form one? I just preordered from the bandai store.
>>11327145Sucks to be a leaf