Previously: >>11313623-Marvel Legends Maximum Series Spider-Man Announced (Amazon/Fan Channel Exclusive, pre-order info in Feb)-Mafex Erik Killmonger Black Panther solicited-SHF Across the Spider Verse Spider-Man Noir/Spider-Ham solicited-Marvel Legends Retro Carded X-Factor Jean Grey Announced (Target Exclusive)-Marvel Legends MCU Electro solicited(Amazon Exclusive/Fan Channel Exclusive)-Marvel Legends Mini Comic Wave Announced (All Major Retailers, pre-order Feb6)-Mafex No Way Home Final Swing Spider-Man solicited-Marvel Legends Spider-Man Retro Carded wave solicited-Marvel Legends Nemesis BaF Wave solicited-Marvel Legends Nick Hammond Spider-Man announced (Walmart Exclusive)>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist:>Archived Threads:>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year:
>>11321125Generally I mostly avoid Marvel comics other than Thor and Magik (when she rarely gets stuff) and focus on DC and Image. X-Men might be dystopian and horrific enough to read but it's a chore to try to get into due to the huge history.
When I saw this when browsing through Amazon I actually thought it was a Vulture figure. MCU really is circling the drain.
>>11321146The movie is apparently pretty terrible to boot. Shame, I remember when the MCU used to be fun. Pretty wild that Civil War was 9 years ago.
>>11321125>Do You EvenYes.Just not marble comic books.
>>11321125TqThe old stuff still holds up, i think the 90s stuff is kinda charming when its all XTREME like forceworks.
>>11321189>The old stuff still holds upI consider the old stuff almost mandatory reading at this point. Claremont X-Men, Busiek Avengers, Stan Lee Spider-Man, Frank Miller Daredevil. That stuff is the stuff that anyone who likes Marvel should have read at least once. Every single one. No exceptions really. Now as for past the classic stuff, it really just depends on what era you grew up in. I grew up in the 90s so while I do have nostalgia for it, I do recognize most of it is pretty rough with the XTREME nonsense, even if it can be charming at times. I really got back into comics in high school in the 2000s so stuff like New Avengers, Astonishing X-Men and stuff like that really is my jam too. I stuck around for the 2010s stuff and it wasn't all bad, but it progressively got worse, and I just don't even bother with anything written post 2020. It's bad.
>>11321189>>11321195Why would anyone need out dated boomer crap when anime is newer, relevant and more than dudes in masks? Jujutsu Kaisen and Chainsaw Man are way better than anything Americans ever wrote.
>>11321199Bait used to be believable.
>>11321125I love Marvel Comics. I temd to stay the fuck away from any character with capeshit coming to cinemas. Characters in the periphery tend to have higher quality books.
>>11321215Not him but that used to be true in the 90s and 00s, but now that shit like Jujutsu Kaisen and Chainsaw Man are dominating the anime consciousness, its pretty much braindead just like the west. Then again you always did have braindead shit in anime like DBZ as well.
>>11321125Used to read, now I don't have that much free time so just listen the comicstorian
>>11321215Diamond Distribution went broke because no one buys comics.
>they/them doesn't read Marvel
>>11321146>MCUHeh, I get it. Because no one here actually reads comics anymore.
>>11321346Yeah this should not surprise you by now. The last Marvel comics most of us read were from the 00s
I just found out that the old toybiz ML Spider-Man 2099 is like $250 on card, but then I find people selling just the pack-in comic alone for that much while the figure without is like $30, what's up with that??
>>11321125Picked up Chameleon and Electrochick from Target, BBTS got Kaine and Agent Venom in. Good times.
>>11321346But your pic shows how different he looks from Vulture in the comics, with the brown wings, exposed skin, etc. MCU new Falcon looks a lot like some movie Vulture design. I think the green in the wings are the worst part, it makes him looks all green.
>>11321642>paying full price Weird behavior
>>11321125Still working my way through the main 616 reading order. Been at it a few years now and will be in the 80's soon! have read thousands of chapters at this point. Avengers, Defenders and Spiderman have become my favourites over time.
>>11321734Hastards will buy anything. Bring back bucky cap buck and they’ll buy that too.
>>11321734Not everyone needs to resort to dumpster diving at Ollie's anon. I wouldn't expect you to understand though.
>>11321734Weird behavior is supporting a line you like? Weird response.
>>11321143>Magik (when she rarely gets stuff)She's been main X-Men cast for about a decade now. Just got her own ongoing too. She hasn't rarely gotten stuff in forever.
>>11321761The fact that Ollie's is an issue for Hasbro is a bad sign about the company. Just like Ross' is a bad sign for Todd. Gotta produce quality product that sells at the prices you charge for it, not less.>>11321774Liking the line after all we've been through is also weird behavior. I can't even understand liking GI Joe Classified with all the exclusive crap they pulled that were near impossible to get although the average figure is better.
>>11321774Anons around here tend to get really insecure about people liking something they don't. It is pretty weird.
>>11321794Yeah but as I said I don't real main X-Men books, I only read books specifically that say Magik on them
>>11321796>Liking the line after all we've been throughOh please, tell everyone where Hasbro touched you babycakes.
>>11321796>Liking the line after all we've been through is also weird behavior. Lmao, stop acting like such a victim. Imagine being this overdramatic about action figures no one is forcing you to buy. This is actual weird behavior lol.
>>113218051. They put desirable characters in double, triple or quintuple packs at prices I am not willing to pay, so I don't buy those characters.2. They partner with shit companies like Target to make exclusives that sell out preorders in 2 minutes.3. They are not skilled at designing their figures and do things right one time--like make a figure that can do splits, then do it wrong 3 other times, as if they do not know how to design figures.4. Their plastic-free packaging stunt.5. They overprice deluxes that clearly are not worth what they are priced at by accessory count or figure quality. See Electro, which I don't even want, as an example.6. They change the articulation scheme but only to make it worse rather than better, i.e. the new waist crunch, instead of just going for 2 double ball pegs.7. Probably more I forgot.
>>11321814Then just buy the stuff you think is worth it and move on. Acting like a toy company personally attacked you is weird behavior.
>>11321832It's why I don't see how people like the line due to said practices. I said nothing about Hasbro personally attacking me. You're taking the problems strangely.
>>11321843>I don't like it so no one else should eitherWhatever you say autismo. Imma do my own thang and enjoy my toys.
>>11321633Assuming you're right, I know those comics can go for a good amount because the original is far more expensive and they were good facsimiles.
>>11321814Wow, look at this nothing bitching.
Reminder: The Hasbro shill troll and the neca display poster are the same guy, he's been doing this for years.
>>11321885What the hell are you babbling about?
>>11321885Sure bro, please tell us your next conspiracy theory about posters on a toy board. While you do I'll instead play with this toy.
>>11321900Also forgot he's one of the ESLs, as evidenced here.
>>11321923Not seeing any ESL there
>>11321933>While you do I'll instead play with this toy.guessing he means the poor syntax
>>11321943Not technically incorrect since English is a fucked up language.
>>11321948ok esl
>>11321953Ironically I'm an "English as an only language" person.
>>11321963of course, i believe it. still pretending to be white?
>>11321943Other than missing a comma there I don't see the problem
>>11321125Damn, ROM is huge
>>11321885>Gets told off and can't argue anything back>Muh NECA anon!Reminder, you've been seething about a random user on this board for years. You're so stupid whenever you get stuck in a corner you cry about him. Post your toys or fuck off, little boy.
>>11321885>I don't like Legends so you shouldn't either!>No thanks, imma just enjoy my toys>NECA DISPLAY ANON IS RUONING THE THREAD AGAIN!This is autism at it's purist form.
>>11321885Enjoy what you have. One day, so as far as you wish from today, Neca anon, Schizo anon and Angry anon will be dead. Dead and gone. These threads will be nothing but AI bots talking to themselves and ignoring you.And you know what I can't fucking wait.
>>11322306>RUONING>purist not beating the esl allegations lol
>>11322411>an obvious typo means you're an ESLYou're trying too hard little boy.
>>11322423first one's an obvious typo, second one is you being an esl
>>11322425I don't even think he realized lol
>>11322425>>11322429You're so fixated on ESLs I'm starting to think it's just projection at this point. Anyway, why don't you talk about toys instead of your boogermen? Do you even have anything on pre-order?
>>11322431lmao cucked post
All this stemmed from some retard getting mad at another anon for buying Marvel toys. You guys suck.
Did you all see the Tobey Spider-Man MAFEX got delayed
>>11322441Yeah, maybe this month. I'm waiting for 2099 to come out I think in March, but I have a feeling that too is going to get delayed.
>>11322444What ancient ML from before 2016 do you still cherish, anons?
>ESL trying this hard to distract from getting owned
>>11322463Here's your (You), go away now.
Why are you guys always so angry?
>>11322541First day on 4chan?
>>11322541/toy/ has been like this a while now. You'd think something like toys would bring joy, but nope...
>>11322584When someone is an adult everything turns to anger, fear and sorrow
>>11322541Marvel Legends shills and haters are the purest form of schizophrenia and autism reflected over decades of living a sad and unfulfilling life.Other threads are pretty cool, desu.
>>11322541It's this guy >>11321885. He's been shitposting and crying about his grudge with random users for years now. He's insufferable.
>>11321346I wish I didn't.>>11322607Hallows Eve is such petty vandalism to DeMatteis work I still can hardly believe it, being one of the 300 people in the world to care about Janine and having read Dark Web. Erica Schultz is awful, too.Anyway, Marvel ended on Civil War. Arguably Ultimate as Civil War is a transplanted event.
>>11321885best to just assume everyone here is one person and roll from that
>>11322633It really isn't just Marvel though, DC is arguably even worse. It's a shame what the big two have become, but yeah, Marvel ended with Secret Wars in 2015.
>>11321146who even is this guy?I'm assuming he's the new falcon now that falcon is captain america, but like..are they just dropping some literal who into the mcu and we're supposed to know who it is? why does he get a toy at the movie launch?
>>11322694He's from the comics, but he's basically some literal who that appeared in a story or two before Sam became Cap and then this dude got upgraded to Falcon. See >>11321346.
>>11322696oh well thats part of the problem.i..also don't remember seeing him in the trailers or on any of the posters either?So far they've been squarely focused on red hulk vs cap and we know absolutely nothing about any other characters involved.
Fuck the Avengers game for making it impossible to get figures from this game. That's all I wanted to say, continue your shitposting.
>>11322698He was in the Disney+ show that is required reading in order to see how Sam becomes Cap in the first place.
Literally never I guess.
>>11322717wait...fucking really?I don't remember him being in the show at all.damn
>>11321871The hascock that irresistible to you, hastard? Those are all valid points the anon posted you disregarding all of them just proves you enjoy it in the ass.
>>11322713To be fair, we don't really get any toys from video games save for Insomniac's stuff. I mean, we won't be getting Midnight Sun stuff anytime soon either.
>>11322713Sorry anon, we're probably gonna get Marvel Rivals stuff instead.
Out of curiosity, how often do you guys buy Marvel Legends? Do you collect by franchise (comic/movie/tv/games), by team, or by character and their related cast?
>>11322834Hey, we got one...which was a repaint of an Avengers game Iron Man lol
>>11322851A bit of by team, a bit of my favorite characters and their related characters. I don't usually delve outside the comics lately, unless I really liked the movie or game the character came from, or if said character could be slotted into a comic display.
>>11322851It varies. Sometimes I go months without buying any toys period. Sometimes I'll get a ton of toys in a month or two. Past few weeks, I've been getting a bunch of discounted Legends, nothing above full price, like I kinda wanted to get a Morbius to go with my Spidey villains and looking on eBay I ended up getting the recent 2 pack from Walmart with six arm Spidey for $23. But then, I also got the most recent retro carded Spidey wave too for full price. That being said, the only Legend I have coming after that is Dark Avengers Warbird, at least until we find out when the new mini comic wave goes up.
>>11322854Oh yeah. Google also tells me they're almost always Ironmen, Captain Americas, and Spider-Men. God forbid, they made a couple few for the mobile game.
Got Chameleon today. Nice to finally round off my Spidey villains now that I got him, Vulture, and an Electro I found at a second hand store. I'll post a full shot with all of them when I have some time to dig them all out.
>>11322875At least he actually has a fucking costume now. I'm still weirded out by the fact that he and Kraven are brothers, like there's hardly any theme tying them together. But the whole self-hatred thanks to family abuse turned to covering his face thing is a pretty decent backstory.
>>11322875Waiting for Kaine to come. The irony is I haven't bought a single Ben Reilly figure yet because I couldn't decide on Mafex and ML.
>>11322931Kaine is the last one I'm waiting on. BBTS got my Spider Boy in but not Kaine. The rest of the wave I was able to get at Target minus female Electro since I'm skipping her. Amazon is supposed to get some in a couple of weeks so maybe I'll grab it from there.
>>11321900You know, I still only have the old toybiz ML Deadpool, and he's kind of showing his age.What's the current best Deadpool?(And Punisher for that matter)
>>11323161>PunisherDefinitely the latest one from the War Journal 2-pack. It's still in stock in a few places.
>>11323169Any with a more classic look?Although with me leaning so hard on vintage toys in the past years over modern, maybe I should just buy the old toybiz oneAs in the OLD old toybiz one
>>11323170You have a few options. The best classic one is probably the Walgreens exclusive (pic related), but it's several years old at this point. Didn't even have trigger fingers. Honestly, if you're patient, and you don't end up going for the old Toybiz, I'd say wait. This Punisher >>11323169 was made with a brand new sculpt/body made specifically for Punisher. There's no way they don't use it to make one with the white gloves and boots.
>>11323161Ah the lucky one. I still find Toybiz around selling for over a hundred next to Toybiz Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man.
>>11323176This wave is out already? Where at?
>>11323170>>11323173There was the retrocard release of that one as well with the belt pouch turned white for that vintage look. Accessories on the retro card were kinda ass though unless you can give him some spare guns.I only ever got the Walgreens release but if I had my way, I'd pick up the retro card and War Journal 2-pack and spread the accessories around. Otherwise, you can wait for them to repaint 2-pack version.
>>11323207I guess just to throw it all in, there was also the Legendary Riders Punisher which had great accessories and a motorcycle. This with the non-bandana Walgreens headsculpt is my prefered Punisher (for now).
>>11323210Was gonna share that but anon might have preferred the white gloves OG variants. I would have bought that because a motorcycle-sawed off combo is always a plus. Looking at you, Ghost Rider.
>>11322884>I'm still weirded out by the fact that he and Kraven are brothers, like there's hardly any theme tying them together.The very first Kraven story involved Chameleon being an old friend who wanted his help fighting Spider-Man. Their being half-brothers was a retcon in the 90s, by the same writer who came up with most of their backstory.
>>11322696IIRC he was from one of the early Falcon Cap stories in the comics, a mad scientist was using illegal immigrants as test subjects for his experiments, one of them ended up with powers and became this new Falcon.
>>11323161There's a lot of good Deadpools depending on your prefered look or era. For his then-modern look, there was the Juggernaut wave release and although it uses the Bucky Cap mold, it does use it well.
>>11323227Then for a classic Deadpool, there was a regular release but it came with no guns, but the retro card rectifies this while turning the black portions of his suit into metallic blue. The retro card release is my personal favorite since it reminds me of a lot of how he looked in Joe Kelly's run.
>>11323228Right DP is so sad compared to the other two posted.
>>11323228Finally, there's the exclusive Bob and Wade 2-pack which combines his modern and classic aesthetic with the most up-to-date engineering and a load of accesories including alternate hands. Though do note that most of the melee weapons in this set are TMNT-inspired with color-coded paint apps, hence why his katana wraps are in a bright blue.
>>11323236*left DP.
>>11323238Which reminds me, between DP, Daredevil, and now Punisher, it sucks that some of the best updated versions of these characters are stuck in multi-packs or exclusives.
>>11323170There'll be a new release this year in a 2-pack with Fury. Most likely SEGA-inspired.
So, I've been collecting a Hulk shelf for some weeks now after getting rid of a lot of stuff. Hulk and Wolverine are my favorite Marvel characters, but right now I'm trying to get the most I can related to Hulk.I'm thinking Sasquatch and Juggernaut are a few ML releases I'm currently missing, and I'm waiting for them to make an updated Absorbing Man. I'm also waiting for Skaar to arrive around these days.Should I wait for the leaked Maximum Hulk, get a bootleg or track a previous green Hulk? I'm not getting suited Joe Fixit, they're kind of ugly figures, and I'm open to customizing. Right now I've been thinking about getting a Tom Holland so he can be my Rick Jones, but what are your thoughts? Should I get some other character I'm missing or do you have any ideas for a custom?Also, I'm getting the General "pack" from Operation: Monster Force. That's quite a Thunderbolt Ross figure if I've ever seen one.
Daily reminder:>fully funded>haters BTFO>poorfags BTFO>Anthonycumstains in tearsHaschads always win
>>11323286Planet Hulk and Joe Fixit?
>>11323286Also, I'm not sure if I should get a Red Hulk. Current offerings are kind of lame. ML Comic Rulk doesn't look like Red Hulk, MCU Rulk looks like shit and Select Rulk is waaay out of my preferred scale.
>>11323291Those two are great options, I'm waiting for an updated Planet Hulk/Green Scar, but Joe is a bit of a sad case since I don't like the suited mold they use for him.
>>11323286Come to think of it, they haven't made a Betty Ross have they? Not even her bird form.
>>11323286wait, when did they make Gargoyle?
>>11322862im surprised game designs are never used. I always believed as long as any company had 3D models at the ready, toy development would be easier
>>11322875Why do you always pose them squatting like this lmao
>>11323473>Slightly bending the knee is a squatJust admit you're fat.
>>11323481you know like one pose lol
>>11323497You could post your own toys to show us a better pose. But I won't hold my breath.
>>11323507>Stealing images from plebbitLol, I didn't think so.
>>11323497>>11323473How's this?
>>11323314They made a Red She-Hulk, but that was a billion years ago. >>11323387That's a custom I made, I sculpted the head over a resin cast and then used a Marvel Universe as the base body.
>>11323564Here's the little guy
>>11323473Why do you always not post toys?
>>11323507>El Nino sin amorHello Human Resources?
>>11323574Based Gremlin Enjoyer. I perfer TAS Gargoyle. The amount of verbose verbal abuse that Leader gave the little guy was unreal.
>>11323644Ah, so I meet a fellow connoisseur. Great custom! And yeah, their dynamic was so fun lol
>>11322843On the brightside, Rivals Star Lord looks way better than Eidos Star Lord who's like a punk rock scifi version of the MCU look.
>>11323673I miss when Star Lord was a cool military style looking dude. New DnA Guardian figures when?
>>11322713I need more sexy Rocket figures
FANTASTIC FOOOOOUUUURRR do you think of the trailer? Do you want figures of them in their new movie costumes?
>>11323704I think it looks good. The style is really comfy.
>>11323704If only Mr fantastic wasn’t a spic and every scene with civilians wasn’t densely packed with every race except whites
>>11323288I have it and it’s honestly a waste of space. I can’t even unload it for $300
>>11323296Marvel select red hulk
>>11323288Wasn't actually fully funded, you guys missed out on the Skrull head.
>>11323704Ben looks amazing finally
>>11323769Harrison Ford looking a bit weird today
>>11323775sounds like a faggot though
>>11323745If only you weren't here
>>11323779This If they weren’t going to do the gruff voice they should’ve let the Jew playing him do it’s Brooklyn voice from the bear
>>11323782It’s going to tank because people are tired of seeing nonwhites everywhere they look.
When does Ben have the softest faggot voice possible? Should be a Yancy Street Jew with 35 years of cigar gravel in there.
>>11323779Yeah what is going on with his voice? They need to make it way more monsterous.
>>11323769Damn, that's hot
>>11323779Let me guess, they intend to pair him with Korg.
>>11323704>not using the actual Marvel logo from that time periodoofYou can already tell the people who made this movie don't care about the comic and know to make it better for modern audiences.Reminds me of the Eternals, with how everyone is so soft spoken.If they're trying to do futuristic stylings of the 50s/60s, and this trailer failing pretty badly to show that. It's like they never even watched a Goofy or Tex Avery cartoon ever, muchless ever looked at a Popular Mechanics issue of the time.For comic like Fantastic Four, they really need to play that shit up, and instead, it just looks like a period drama film but with superheroes and a rocketship.
>>11323210Yeah, I do prefer the OG look, but that's the Marvel MAX look right there and I loved that run.
>>11323704For something trying to be so "silly" and "retro", it sure does look generic. CGI on Thing looks unfinished, should've been a physical suit, they have the budget and the tech to make that happen. Pedro Pascal is obscenely overplayed at this point, I don't buy him as the world's smartest man. The actor for Johnny just looks weird, Sue does as well but not as bad. And to top it off we're getting a female Silver Surfer for no reason. I have to imagine that this and Superman will eat each other's box office when you have people completely disinterested in F4 and absolutely done with DC's bullshit over the last 10 years.
>>11323936Look at all this nothing bitching
>>11323936I think FF and Superman are going to bomb and I hope they do
If you're going to buy CT Toys Wolverine, buy airsoft oil too. All of the joints were tight.
>>11324356If I recall mine just needed a bit in the legs, but otherwise he's smooth.
>>11324380Unlucky I guess.
>>11324356The thought of needing to lubricate your buff short king got me chuckling
>>11321885>three confirmed hits.breddy gud.
>>11321885It's actually worse, because they are both Schizo anon.
>>11321885Why does this guy upset so many of you?
>>11324601Is it because he likes toys and doesn't hate Hasbro?
>>11322851Only buy characters and designs I like, or if the figure is really well made, don't really care that about source material or team building
>>11324333Hope you guys aren't looking to get any more ct toys stuff soon
>>11324736I wasn't. But this won't last long. China will cave much like Mexico and Canada already have. No need to doompost. >>11324641Going off the exchange, I'd say so. People get unreasonable when someone likes something they don't.
>>11324765But Canada only gave us what we were already going to get from them announced last year
>>11324781Is that why Canadian currency is becoming more worthless than Yen over the course of like four days?
>>11324781What the fuck are you even talking about? Have you ever picked up a book?They import and export TONS of stuff. I understand people here are uneducated but goddamn, it still amazes me how many people here talk out of their asses
>>11324765That actually is a package from Japan. China caving will do nothing to put back the de minimis exemption which is why there were no duties on small imports from individuals in the past >>11324774
>>11324784The posters on this board couldn't collectively pass a 5th grade math test. They're outright retarded.
>>11324791That's because they are, mentally. They need to be protected from the ravenous wolves of geopolitics
>>11324781>>11324784China imports well over 15% of their good from America. America only imports about 5% it's no where as bad is Canada and Mexico where both countries imports over a quarter (25%) of their good from Burgerland but they only Export to burger land 1% which is why both caved and are more or less groveling now, however it's naive to think that China wouldn't feel the impact of their economy getting shaken up with this trade war shit but don't expect it to be as entertaining as Leaf land and Taco country where even a week of this shit could break their economy and send them into a decade long rescission.
>>11321735I only recently started actually reading marvel comics, can i get the downlow on the Defenders' appeal? I don't know jack about them, just that their name is the most generic I've ever heard, unfortunately.
>>11324791It's like 80% of the people around here are the worst of the worst but to be fair, that is to be expected from a lot of people who spend most of their free time obsessing about toys, movies, comics etc.>>11324824It always depends on what you consider as useful. Every year during Black Friday, I buy some products off Aliexpress and they tend to be useful in the given situations. However, if I require actual quality, I'm ready to pay more for products produced in Europe. It all has it's pros and cons>>11324830Trump should rather focus on consumer staples like food and drinks because even back in the day, quality was really poor. Don't even want to imagine what it's like now>>11324841True that. Although relative numbers don't mean that much when the percentage you're referring to amounts to more than 500 billion dollars. No matter the relative numbers, the actual total loss is what counts
>>11324870>Although relative numbers don't mean that much when the percentage you're referring to amounts to more than 500 billion dollarsThank you for reminding and noting it needs more clarification. Those percentages are GDP based so that's what direct impact it's going to have on their economy and why leafs crashed in just a day as seen here >>11324786 and spiked right back up when it was removed. Burgerland has those two by the balls, say what you will about Russia and China but they were at least smart enough to not become as depend as most these other counties. Only one I give a pass to is Japan because they got fucking nuked into submission but even they are only around 10%. Really that leads to another other question: I can see how Mexico became dependent on the US due to the cartels but why Canada? I get they need resources too but why get that dependent on a country that loves owning and controlling other countries?
>>11324854>I only recently started actually reading marvel comicsBig if true. Almost anything up to the mid nineties is at the very least decent. Y2k onward you have to become super selective to find any good stuff. 2010 and beyond it's almost complete garbage across the board, waste of time. I check in from time to time through /co/'s win o threads, it's dire. >DefendersGeneric but entertaining. Back then comics were character driven, not event driven. I prefer Secret Defenders personally because it was weirder.
>>11324824Hardly any MLs on the pegs anymore at target and Walmart where I live. They are mostly Ollie's exclusives
Think they’ll do sculpted clothing for Ben?
>>11324962I'm getting sick of him too to be completely honest. He was fine before he let his opinions become so known. I don't get why these retards just can't keep their opinions to themselves.
>>11324968Don't pay for comics unless you're buying physical ones. Subscribing to these comic services is fake and gay when if you just want to read online or to download stuff locally.
Dan mora daredevil when?
>>11325055Dan Mora is the best artist in the industry right now and I don't care what anyone else says.
>>11325062You take the head and I’ll work the shaft
>>11325122Not sure why you're getting so upset at that advice.
>>11325137Calm your tits bro, how am I supposed to know if you know how to read comics for free online, especially when you specifically mentioned a Marvel service or something like that?
>>11324968>mid-90s is when so many of us bailed at the time.It's crazy. I blame editors suddenly powertrippin'.Before that when a writer was trusted with a character he had a lot more authority over what was allowed and what was not.I recently watched an interview with Mackie reminiscenting his Ghost Rider fame, how every other writer suddenly wanted to use his version in their own title. He thought it most weird for GR to appear in Fantastic Four. Simonson got it mostly right tho because he also understood the characters he was writing.An era long gone.
>>11325160I mean, just look what happened to Claremont on X-Men. And then we got crap for years until Morrison took over and steered the ship right again.
>>11323693I also feel this. At least Rivals gets the full helmet when he's popping his ult.
>>11325055All those buckles & straps are pointless.
>>11322834>I mean, we won't be getting Midnight Sun stuff anytime soon either.Good.
Why is the X-Men 97 Rogue so difficult to find?Did they make only like 100 of them because they feared she wouldn't sell?You know, cuz she cucks Gambit in the show with an old geriatric fart?
>>11325254They’re hot and that’s the point faggot
>>11325233>until Morrison took over and steered the ship right again.Only for Marvel to completely shit the bed right after he left. The gall of these people. It's like getting your car tuned for top dollar just so you can wrap it around the next tree even faster.
>>11325307Everyone in this thread is gay.
>>11322713Only the classic alt costumes from this game are figure worthy. All would be an Insta-buy. Only chads will know exactly which ones I’m talking about.
>>11325279Does anyone here even own a '97 Rogue?
>>11325365Yeah she’s in a bin with my other legends
>>11325365I do, she's on my X-Men shelf.
You guys remember when 97 toys were shelf warming before the show aired? I got the whole set clearance. I wish I would’ve bought everything in the store to sell to retards.
Damn guess it's just my shithole country that never got the 97 stuff.I wanted that Rogue since it's the closest to the MvC Rogue.
>>11325374Only one that never really hit discount was Wolverine. But yeah everyone else hit heavy discount. I got Gambit for like $15. Just proves that if the media is good, people will buy the toys.
>>11325418Weird thing to get your dick bent out of shape over.
>>11324971>Constant interviews and the Media Publicity Machine makes these retards think people actually give a shit what they say.everyone complaining about what they have to say shows that they do in fact give a shit. get a grip
>>11325444are you retarded? i said everyone who complains cares, not everyone cares. the fact that they're in this thread dwelling on it does in fact prove that they are eternally online hysterical retards who care and dwell on it. learn to fucking read.
>>11325466>You think 4chinners are significant enough in number to give celebrities swelled heads.never once said that you fucking moron.
>>11324971>>11325122>>11325137>>11325418>>11325466Fuck off diosoth
>>11325485Are you okay dude?
>>11324881>>11324968Thanks for the quick recc. I started out aroind 2020 with characters that I knew hadn't been adapted at all yet, namely Moon Knight and Spider-Man 2099, and really enjoyed them (in particular anything by Moench or Lemire for the former, and only read the og run for the latter). Didn't start reading more heavily til I went thru all of Marvel Transformers (US+UK) couple years ago, and also started Hama's ARAH, which surprisee me in how charming it was. Currently reading Fantastic Four, really loving the Kirby/Lee run rn.I hadn't really started the big popular heroes til recently bc the page count intimidated me. But, for X-Men I read the 60s run, First Class, and started the first few Uncanny comics (REALLY liked First Class btw), and for Spider-Man I've read all of Venom's solo 90s comics and around the first 1/4th of og Ultimate, and am slowly reading the 80s/90s Spidey stories starting with Michelinie/Larsen.Honestly, Marvel's comics are hella expensive physically so I typically pirate first time around, esp if I'm unfamiliar with the writer/artist at first, but if I like it I do buy a hardcover collection; hate reading on screens. Already got a couple Moon Knight/F4/Spidey omnis on my shelf behind me that I either already read, or read a chunk of online and decided "yeah I can already tell I'll enjoy this."
>>11325548Ideally, we'd have full-color e-ink screens by now. We're making progress desu, but yeah, it's gonna take a few several years still to perfect it...
(>>11325537 oh yeah, forgot to mention I also read all of Death's Head I, he rules hard. Also a handful of the Marvel UK-published Doctor Who comics, those were pretty fun. Thinking of trying out ROM or Micronauts soon.)>>11325563Glad you're enjoying it lol. Dunno, reading too long on my computer+phone gets my eyes tired something fierce after a couple hours, and I don't have the brightness on too hard really.
>>11325563>reading from a light screen instead of a physical comic/magazine disgusting
>>11324957“Don't ask questions just consume product and then get excited for next products”- Jay
>>11324736Aliexpress uses DHL not USPS but if the trade war really kicks off could stop me from getting my AY 2.0 Spiderman CT and that would suck.
>>11325621USPS is back delivering from China but you're gonna have to pay the tariff on it even through DHL.
>>11324947HaHa it almost looks like he's got a rock pen in his mouth! Bravo
>>11324957So you choose to be an unhappy asshole. Kay.
>>11325598"Don't ask questions just consume penis and then get excited for next penis"-You
>>11325909>"Don't ask questions just consume penis and then get excited for next penis"Ah yes, the Mousecuck mantra.
>>11325919I'm not even involved in this discussion, I don't even know what you're arguing about, I just said it to upset you
>>11325919If he's the cuck, then you're the one getting fucked.
>>11325923>I'm not even involved in this discussionI'll be honest, neither was I, I was scrolling the front page and saw the opportunity to dunk on mouseketeers, aka the biggest consoomer faggots on the planet. You can return to worshiping Spider-Pete or whatever it is you willing cuckolds do.
>>11325984I don't believe you.
>>11325279She was easily available for quite a while when she was released. You can't complain when you're a year late to get one of the most sought after female Marvel figures>>11325365Bought her because I started collecting just when the Juggernaut wave Rogue was sold out and waited too long to get the first Retro pack Rogue. I actually like the way she looks in comparison to the previous versions
>>11325233>Morrison took over and steered the ship right again.I'll be glad when the historical revisionism surrounding Morrison's run finally ends.He had newer ideas than what immediately preceded his run, but it wouldn't have been nearly as well-received without the added boost from the movie.
>>11321199the fact that one issue of a manga out sold the entire American comic industry in America, tells you all you need toknow
>>11323170he looks so happy
>>11323288are there actually any ant man fans
>>11324578No one actually answered this. Why does this particular anon rustle so so many of your jimmies?
>>11321195I tried getting in on the avengers leading up to secret wars a few years back. It wasnt awful but it didnt grab me like the avengers did during other runs. So i guess i stop at the end of dark reign, i want to read secret invasion again to see how it holds up.
>>11326075Bruh, they don't own toys.
>>11326119Then why do they even come here?
>>11326133They are sour others have toys. Look at the haslab hate. They would have never bought it in retail unless it was discounted so they could spend their moms wageslave buks.
>>11326138So you have at least one you can be "right" about?
Mini comic wave goes up for pre-order today. What are you all getting?
>>11326154Rom. Banshee if he makes it to clearance.
>>11326154Is Hasbro going to bump up the prices for the new wave in light of the recent tariffs?
>>11326154ROM. Akihiro if he goes to clearance. Probably Ultimate Iron Man just for the nostalgia.
>>11326154Nothing and I'll wait for the enventual sales. I don't see any of these b-tier characters insta selling out.
>>11326307True that
>>11326307True that. Playing the long game for Daken, still can't believe they used that awful body buck for him.
>>11326154Anyone know if these are coming to brick and mortar?
>>11326318All major retailers according to the fan stream a few weeks ago. Kinda surprised they aren't solicited yet, they are supposed to go up today.
>>11326154Personally, I'm getting the whole wave. I feel like clearance chicken is becoming harder and harder since it seems like Hasbro is cutting their production runs a bit. I mean, have we even seen any newer figures hit Ollie's or Ross? Only thing I see is the same old shit that has been there for ages. Eternals, What if, the occasional Avengers anniversary set, but those have since dried up for the most part. Might just be my area, and I don't frequent those places too often, but last time I was at Olliies they had nothing new.
>>11323387Theirs a gargoyle fig in the old toybiz mecha hulk release
So, I ordered CT Ben Reily and I'm waiting for it to ship out from Funly Toy Store, or whatever their name is now. It's expected to release at the end of the month so it'll probably ship soon after that. Am I fucked now that customs ex minimus for Chinese goods has been eliminated?
Is the comic line able to be preordered from anywhere? I see it on Hasbro Pulse but not Amazon
>>11326382Right as I send that, they go live
>>11326359If you do get hit with fees your total will be just slightly above the cost of a marvel legends figure. You’ll live.
>>11326384>>11326382Yeah, BBTS had them up first but then the other normal sites followed suit. I'd imagine they'll show up at brick and mortar first like they usually do.
>>11326388If the hit is $30ish like everyone is claiming then it'll be $50, twice the cost of a normal Legend. Not sure where you buy Legends, but the newly solicited wave is only $25 a pop.
>>11326154Ultimate iron man. I dig the bulkier personal mech design. Any sleek iron man design is gay and retarded.
>>11326393Legends are going to $40 so my point still stands
>>11326397So you're retarded and are just saying things to say them. Got it. Here's your (You) you attention starved goblin.
>>11326409I just had sex with a biology woman of consenting age in Kentucky. Can you say the same?
>>11326413Why’d you specify Kentucky? Are you from Kentucky or did you just willingly have sex with someone from Kentucky?
>>11326413Oddly specific, yet off topic reply. Not really helping your case schizo.
>>11326426The Hasbroken shcizos have really been losing it lately.
>>11326323You can play clearance chicken without waiting til Ollies or Ross, which you wouldn't often do with comic figures except for absolute D listers. Plenty of figures stay in stock for a long time and get some discounts without having to go to Ollie's
>>11326428Get fucked
>>11326436Oh I know, I was just using Ollie's and Ross as an example. Other than online exclusives, what comic waves have been hitting heavy discount lately? I mean yeah, I got the Destiny/Rogue pack for cheap, but that's an Amazon exclusive and they always get discounted. I haven't really seen anything from 2024 hit discount more than a few bucks, which sucks, I wanted to get a second Model 20 Iron Man for custom purposes but it never hit lower than like $21. It just seems like either the most recent waves are more highly desired, or they're lowering their production runs. Probably a bit of both tbqh.>>11326438lmaoing @ your autism
>>11323288No wonder you hastards were so excited for giantbaby. He’s a schizophrenic like yourself! Relatable!
>>11326445Which artist drew this? I have a feeling it was some legend of comics, but that guy on the left and his ridiculously overlong head and the rest having no eyes really calls into question what these older artists were doing and if their art truly was great.Also look at the blocky claw grip hands of the man with glasses. Very unnatural. There's so many problems. Please tell me its not Jack Kirby.
>>11326413>a biology womanlmao, figures.>>11326419Because he's a Hasbroken third worlder who can't help but seethe that he has to pay $40 for Marvel Legends lol.
Guys, let's be real here. Have you seen how most MLs hang around and don't sell out at $25? There's no way they can raise them to $40 or there'd be like 200 buyers tops per figure that isn't an A lister.
>>11326463Herb Trimpe, Godzilla series
>>11326359Don't worry. Tarrifs LOWER prices as they've been saying over and over and over again. If anything the CT figure will become 15 or less. Pay attention, ok? Wish you people would educate yourselves.
>>11323704Are they gonna make Johnny a closeted homosexual?
>>11326545Guess he can mean something else when he says “Flame On!”
>>11326527This is a good one. I think I'm going to roll with this meme.
>>11323936they both are going to lose to the new jurassic movie
>>11326463>the rest having no eyesYoure very lucky Trump's in office.
>>11326907nice jeans
MCU Galactus BAF?
>>11326907Jeez, what a shitshow for so little gain. The leggings look terrible, like beat up old socks. The unitard looks so plasticky already, I don't know why they even bothered to make it in pleather that will rot in 2 years. Unbelievably stupid material choice, sometimes I think they force these bad decisions just because they need to validate their price over an all-plastic Marvel Legends.