Looks like the USPS is temporarily not accepting packages from China. I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't last long, given how quickly Canada and Mexico caved and how apparently China is already in panic mode over this, so there's no need for USAnons to freak out. Also this is JUST the USPS, other couriers are apparently unaffected.
>>11324202You mean how quickly trump caved? All canada and mexico did was do what they said they were gonna do months ago
I just got something delivered from Hiya, that's great I missed the delay. I hope fucking orange man gets his shit together so our precious plastic doesn't get more expensive.
>>11324202i bought something from aliexpress but it's from dhl so i dont give a shieeeet
>>11324202At this rate, if it was coming by USPS you weren't getting it anyway. Fuckers need to just start shipping by FedEx and UPS... and DHL needs to get back into proper US shipping, they used to be good, now they just hand shit over to USPS and it adds a good week to shipping times.
>>11324202>all my fucking packages are gone
>>11324202Are you fucking kidding me right now
>>11324224This.Usps has been especially trash these past few months.
>>11324237>>11324224no it hasn't this is fucking cope
>>11324202First chinese new year delays, now this? Ugh
>>11324239I literally had two packages sitting in a distribution center twenty minutes away from me, and it took three weeks for the first of them to show up. Another two weeks for the other one. USPS can fuck off.
>>11324212Sure, whatever gets your copium flowing friend
>>11324241Fedex regularly delivers my shit to other people's houses or doesn't deliver it at all. I've missed out on exclusives because fedex faggots decided some random shithead deserved a present. Private shipping corpos can rot in hell.
>>11324202Welp, i just missed out on getting those Pokemon Blokees
im so tired of this shit already
>>11324239Go kill yourself you shitposting retard.
>>11324241UPS cant find my house half the time. It gets sent back and forth from the office and the drivers. When I finally get packages from them, "address does not exist" is written and crossed off multiple times, and theres a crudely drawn map of the roads and my location on one of the sides.And then sometimes my stuff is "lost in the facility" and doesnt get found until I start a claim.I dread it when I look at my tracking and it says "UPS". Id pay extra for them to use literally anything else
>>11324249>regional weather delayso are you illiterate or?????????
>>11324243That's what anon said dingus, this was already planned even before trump was in office. Who's coping now dumbass.
>>11324202I only order China packages from Show.Z. Since the message says "China and Hong Kong posts", which should mean direct mailing through the postal system. From the USPS point of view, the packages ShowZ sends are sent by a shipping company.If they are delivered last mile by USPS, they should qualify as mailing it locally. Kinda like UPS delivers to the post office. I'll be fine.
>>11324253I had two weeks of sunshine and clear streets with that showing on my shipment before they finally decided to bring it to me.
>>11324266Same. Which is why I posted that status. I live 30 mins away too from the center. Also dont reply to that shitposter.
>>11324263I don't think this will last long anyway. It is far too fucking insane and disruptive to so many businesses. One side or the other will cave quickly.
>>11324272I hope you're right. I need my third party figures.
>>11324263What Zilla is this?
>>11324279Resin printed. The files are free online. Artic's Zilla
>>11324241Mine kept coming to my local distribution center in my town, then they would sent it out to anywhere like Texas, Illinois, Louisiana etc. Only to be sent back to my state each time. After about two months of that shit they logged it as delivered and never responded to any email again.
>>11324272Or maybe quit sending American money to a fucking communist nation you fucking traitor asshole.
>>11324316Why is communism bad? Because an alcoholic senator in the 50's tried to make his legacy persecuting it only to die of being a fucking drunk degenerate before the decade finished?
The United states is seriously the biggest country of nigger faggots like conservatives need to be wiped out. Shit was fine until they fucked with my chink goods.
>>11324239They lost two packages in the past couple months after losing maybe one ever in the past couple years. That isn't even including the bad delays and me fighting to get another one delivered.
This is why the only good outcome of an election is when different parties control the branches so they get deadlocked and cant do retarded shit like this
Was just getting ready to put in an order. So what happens if you do? Do they just use another service besides USPS or will they cancel/ask for more money for shipping?
>>11324316yeah bro lets send the whole world into another recession to own the chink commies
>>11324338Or let’s bring the factories back here
but bro the factories are coming back bro bro just pay the extra money for US made toys haha and they're made by Jamal in jail because that's the only way they can be under $50 also they smell like prison jenkem and grease America first dude
>>11324343will not happenit will be cheaper for businesses to pay the tariffs and pass the increased cost onto consumers than to pay americans to make this shitenjoy your new prices, they are here to stay even when democrats undo all of this 4 years from now
>>11324343But I'd rather Chinese women make my toys. The kind of people who would work those jobs here for the kind of money that would make them affordable are not people I trust with quality control.
>>11324346Its funny that the idea is that the high prices are going to be mitigated by no income tax, when it just means we're speedrunning inflation that will never, ever go down once income tax inevitably returns because no one was stupid enough to remove it for decades on either party.
>>11324343This is HOW you bring the factories back. you make the foreign imports non-viable and impossible. People still want the goods, so demand remains and manufacturing has to be set up domestically
>>11324336You buy American
>>11324361You gonna go work in the factories for crumbs anon?
>>11324361and we pay much more.
>>11324365Increased wages means you have more to spend. If you ever once worked anywhere but retail hell for minimum wage you would understand this.
>>11324361This is the most angry old man boomer cope bullshit ever. The only people bitching and screaming about >Buy American!are the angry old out of work, out of touch boomers who only ever think of American factories as a point of conversation at best and the whole>goddamn foreignersoutcry of the 1960s and before. No one after can give a flying fuck what dirt peasants made the goods, so long as they are affordable and plentiful. And the whole wanting to fuck up the entire system is not even for jobs, or workers, or people, or even nationalistic pride, it's just so that non-working 70 somethings can feel good about their good ol days. The kind of people who never buy this shit or work anywhere in the first place, they are the definition of outside the entire equation. Our national policy is being dictated and run on the whims of angry old Grandpa who legitimately wants their senile rantings to be real. When nobody living in the real world could give a fuck. It's not 1978 and no amount of executive orders is going to force it to be 1978 again.
>>11324366Who’s gonna work the factories retard? Not the humble fucking illegals we just deported. Not the average minimum wage worker. No one wants those conditions
>>11324366Sorry triggered troon, America is back. Kamala lostYou might as well 41% about now and make America even better.
>I just made a $100 order of midfake beyblades less than a week ago
>>11324372Department of education being axed this week means no FASFA, no government backed student loans and zero higher education for anyone who does not come from money. I think people looking to pay rent are going to have to work in the new patriotic factories because they now have no other options. They better take a few more things from China and start setting up some suicide nets near the rooftops while they are at it.
>US chads are getting hit with customs tax shipping DHL from JapanI don't feel so good bros...
>>11324202Amazon is going to be hurting from this. They pretend it's not true but a LOT of their orders also come straight from China in a hidden shadow Aliexpress.
>>11324374Let it R.I.P
>>11324378How much are these orders to have customs charges this high? I’m going to just start cancelling a bunch of shit now I guess.
>>11324382I just checked the tracking and its being sent via "cainio" so maybe they won't caught in the net. Most of the stuff I order gets sent like that to a warehouse in New York then they repackage it and send it to me via USPS
>>11324366>Increased wages means you have more to spend.Pendulum swings back and forth.When income tax returns(if they ever actually go away) the increased prices will stay. we're basically increasing the speed of inflation. Prices will not go down after going up.
>>11324374They're gone anon.
>>11324389>Oh No! My Transformers will be slightly more expensive!! We might starve!
https://dclcorp.com/blog/shipping/section-321-suspended-what-it-means-for-e-commerce-and-global-trade/>On February 1, 2025, President Trump signed an executive action that included a clause to suspend the Section 321 customs de minimis entry process, which previously allowed shipments under $800 to enter the US duty-free. This means all ecommerce and cross-border retail shipments—previously benefiting from this exemption—will now be subject to tariffs. These changes will have major ripple effects, the first of which is the impact on global ecommerce brands who will need to quickly change their international fulfillment strategies."Vote for the orange man," they said. "He'll save us."
>>11324386Most categories of toys have no specific tariff in place in the US so it should be only the new additional 10% tariff.
>>11324386No idea. I've never used DHL so I'm just waiting to see if other shipping methods like ECMS, EMS, and Air get hit with the same thing.
>>11324212Trump did not revoke the tariffs and Trump's highest ranking Jewish advisor, Stephen Miller, said he will make sure Canada and Mexico will not scam Americans
>>11324212If Mexico decides to fuck around, Trump will tax Mexican remittances 100%. Have you forgotten about Trump's External Revenue Service?
>>11324397Yes, this is a problem to me. Only I matter. Making one of the few joys I have in life more difficult is a crime to me. Things that make my life worse shouldn't exist. Only things comfortable to me.
I mean its just fucking gay keep the politics away from the toys, we just want to buy shit
>>11324316You do realize that both states rely on each other regardless of their ideology.From goods to services to services to goods.
>>11324378>>11324304Fantastic. So orange fuck face stopped packages coming from USPS and now people are all reporting sudden big DHL charges for imports from China. So long import figures. Just saw someone on Twitter say their total order was about $50 and they got hit with a $30 something import fee
>>11324316But the last time I checked your country is still sending billions to Israel so they can get free healthcare.
>>11324202america has been throwing a decades long tantrum at the fact that american workers are losing purchasing power while chinese workers are gaining purchasing power
Guess now's a good time to get out of this hobby if everything is going to sky rocket. Time to collect rocks or something.
Fuuuuck, now I wish amiami had COO on the product pages, hope the stuff I ordered is made in Japan (probably not) or that they messed up the customs form... How the heck do you pay duties at USPS again?
>>11324338>the world is so shitty that 1 out of 624 countries will send the rest of the world into dire straights by imposing a tax or single parcel carrier suspending shipping from a single country....
>>11324202Love that this fat fuck has utterly fucked my life in two weeks.
>>11324499europoors are always saying that America should be more like them
>"vote" retard in because MUH GROCERIES>groceries get even more expensive>everything is going to be more expensive>King Elon and Trump telling us we'll have to accept some pain>American's can't even afford hobbies now due to tariff's and other shit like banning cheaper itemsWorld's biggest "fell for it again" award.
>>11324504Brown pedo
>>11324324>Why is communism bad?Well, Russia, China, and North Korea aren't exactly bastions of human rights or freedoms. And most other Communist countries like the ones in South America, you have Weimar Germany-esque situations where a wheelbarrow full of your fiat money is only worth kindling, or you just stop going to work because the bus fair to get to your job costs more than you even make in a day.
>>11324370Spotted the (((shareholder))). Sorry, you have to go back (to work).
>>11324372Maybe (((shareholders))) can try working for a change instead of just lazily collecting rent.
>>11324499My man, we havent been able to afford shit since 2019.
>>11324505>expecting shit to become immediately betterYou know how people always say that new generation is worse than the generation before it?Always funny how this kept being proven wrong for millennia, but now i fear it's actually true, except it doesn't affect only the youngest. People have collectively become stupider.In all my 4 decades of witnessing history and reading about history, I've never seen such reactive, short sighted idiots as now.
>>11324212Keep coping and seething, troon
>>11324553and those shareholders made the factory as to what it is today
>>11324552have you even actually work unless you get paid to post here
>>11324548This isnt the 70s gramps.Name three (3) nations that has the word communism and or communist in its constitution or any current dominant that label itself by those words.
>>11324377>how to be china without the chinadamn
Dang even my girl is getting affected by this
>>11324202>>11324378>>11324401>>11324505>>11324633Europeans right nowhttps://youtu.be/2q35PgSXhKg?si=8Ym7KljpQtMkXnJc
>>11324505He's been President for literally two weeks. He can't just use the Dragon Balls to wish back to life half the chicken population that the Biden admin killed off due to "bird flu". You people are too stupid for this world.
>>11324401>gut the usps >expect them to handle duty fees for every package despite this holy shit you have no idea how slow shipping is about to get for international deliveries
>>11324329cry moar bitch
>>11324324Because it's fake and gay.
>>11324505They'll always always cope that it was actually part of some plan The American right has become such a massive cult. They don't give a shit that all their financial information is currently being stolen by Elon's team of interns because they know the libtards are also going down with them.
>>11324580AI is gonna make it even worse.
>>11324505>vote retard There was no way to not vote for the retard. Why bitch about it in this way?
>>11324370>it's just old people!Your whole post is somehow one of the most retarded posts in this thread and that's saying sonrthing. No way you're older than like 24.
>anytime I talked about us European anons having higher prices, Americans kept on shitting on us and laughing>anytime someone mentioned Europe in the past on this board, retards kept on saying Trump will bring the best of conditions to the US marketOh how the tables have turned. You motherfuckers deserve every single thing that's happening at the moment because you kept on hyping up your shitty-ass politicians (both right and left btw) instead of using your goddamn brains for once. Have fun establishing factories offering minimum wage while still having to increase prices because nobody wants to work under shitty working conditions doing the worst jobs imaginable
>>11324782Absolutely wild how racist leftists have become when you take away their slave labor.
>>11324788The fuck you mean I have to pay even more for my Iphone?! Wtf I love wage slavery now!
De minimis is gone. Imports from Japan as you know it are over, you'll be paying bbts prices from hlj and amiami now.
Shit, there goes picking up pieces of parted-out action figure kit.>>11324794EMS and DHL shipping already had you in BBTS pricing anyway.
Oh look. It was nothing the whole time. You guys are fags lmao.
>>11324797Then why was anyone bothering with the trouble of importing and bragging at how much cheaper it was than bbts? Were they coping or are you?
>>11324804OP here; I had a feeling this would work out like that and highly doubted Americanons had anything to worry about. As Chuddy's First Law states, nothing ever happens.Frankly, speaking as a bongistani, if your biggest worries are imported toys being a bit more expensive you're doing good.
amerifats deserve this kek
>>11324806SHF shills are retarded and can't do simple math. More news at 11
>>11324804>cost goes up>it’s nothing
>>11324815Only an issue for the poors
>>11324794>you'll be paying bbts prices from hlj and amiami nowIt's been a long time since either were cheaper than BBTS after shipping was factored in.
>>11324806Because they're stupid contrarians.
>>11324316>China>CommunistYou guys are fucking hilarious sometimesDo you think North Korea is a Republic, too?
>>11324806Best case they live in countries outside of the US which makes BBTS charges much higher than EMS and DHL shipping (usually). Worse case they don't buy any of these toys and just see smaller number vs bigger number but never try to buy the products to see smaller number comes out to about the same or bigger after shipping.The sad truth is much like /v/ there are a lot of tards and what not here that just want to shit up about toys they will never buy or own.
>>11324776Dead Cats.
>>11324860Why are you acting so dumb? What value do you get being in a place of things you'll never own or be a part of? Might as well drink bleach and expect other people will get sick from your actions.
>>11324873See this is what I'm talking about, is someone seeing (You) that important?
>>11324378I got some stuff at HLJ I was gonna ship either Small Pack (ECMS Express) or Quick Pack (Yamato International). Do they have extra charges too?
I mean these tariffs are supposed to replace income tax, right? Seems like a win since we’ll have more money to buy toys.
>>11324902It’s gonna be something, that’s for sure.
>>11324902Anon, you're reaching critical levels of ignorance here. Do some research and you will learn that tariffs can't replace the income tax unless the government does literally nothing but have an 19th century tier army and deliver the mail
>>11324580Dismantling the CDC, Department of Education, EPA, FDA, etc will definitely prove to be great moves in the long run
>>11324814>>11324833>>11324856Retards, I was genuinely paying less by importing straight from Japan.
>>11324970You MUST be trolling. The whole world is LAUGHING at America for all of this mess.
>>11324580People are getting worse and worse with their knee jerk reactions so I have to agree. The amount of liberals on this site shows how reddit we've become.
>>11324806It was legitimately cheaper for years before shipping prices increased, and can still be cheaper if you find an item that's no longer at retail in US shops. But largely it's momentum and weebs who 1)need it ASAP and will throw a fit if they get it a few weeks later, to the point where they say they never wanted it at all if it's not IMMEDIATELY in their hands 2)Will never want to order from a western site off principle 3) order so much they can break even by doing group ordersI looked into shipping a single item a few weeks ago(I still import but mainly older items and do group shipping at HLJ) and found it'd be only like $5 cheaper than retail, with the caveat that you're locked into the preorder at most places except HLJ. I pointed this out and people told me they just get the cheaper shipping option, despite people calling you a poorfag a few years ago for not getting EMS or DHL.
>>11324975And to be defending BBTS of all stores that jack import prices up AND charge you shipping and tax.
>>11324976The world is buttmad because Daddy America closed his wallet until they get their shit together. Of course they're unhappy about this, they were the charity cases.
>>11324806>Then why was anyone bothering with the trouble of importing and bragging at how much cheaper it was than bbtsI buy Transformers from China because they are almost literally half the price. For what I collect at least.And I would assume USA retailers would see the 10 percent tariff and then try to squeeze the situation worse and charge a 20 percent increase because they're cunts. That is of course assuming that the tariff actually persists and that Mr. President doesn't repeal it like he did with the other two countries. USA Transformer retailers already fucked up the prices of specific brands they sell due to covid and they never went back down despite Chinese retailers actually selling the same product for cheaper (after a certain period). The Burgerstans have been trying to fuck me for the last five years and I'm not going to let them have their way.
>>11324239USPS has always been garbage. Not long ago a package reached a local one in my area, they took over a month to deliver it because they "couldnt find it". Turns out someone just left it on a table that many actually walk by and everyone just ignored it sitting there that entire time for some reason???? Honestly one of the dumbest things I've dealt with while waiting on a package
Really looking forward to these Crybaby American threads as they become a permanent staple of /toy/
>>11324245FUCK. Me too. i just ordered them a few days ago on aliexpress....
>>11325000I've never had a problem with USPS.Fedex, UPS, and Amazon have fucked me over many times.I'm saying this is all anecdotal of some sort.
>>11324912that unfortunately seems to be the goal except without delivering the mail and having a bigger military
>>11325003I'll never forgive usps after they fired a super based delivery dude that I always had a nice small chat with when he delivered my packages. I wish I accepted hanging with his daughter when he tried hooking me up with her. She was actually so cute. One of my biggest regrets.
>>11325009He was trying to deliver his package inside your mailbox anon
>>11324976Those organizations do nothing but launder money
Burgers BTFO. I can't wait for all of you to come crying to me to undervalue your orders after years of none of you extending the same courtesy because it's a FeDeRaL cRiMe :^( Moving forward I might even indicate China as country of origin on every shipment out of spite.>>11324580It is in fact a very normal human reaction to be upset about protectionist policies that affect your quality of life, and which historically have not made things better in the long run>>11324794>De minimis is gone.Has it actually? I can only find speculation but huge if true and I'm surprised it's lasted this long given how ubiquitous online shopping has become. Literally zero economic benefit>>11324386>this high>$48.03 maxlmao that's barely a handling fee in some European countries>>11324361>>11324345This was essentially the intended outcome of Brexit but (spoiler alert) there are some slight logistical and financial hurdles associated with establishing all those new manufacturing facilities, building up supply chains from nothing, and finding enough skilled workers to make all your shit in what is primarily a service economy with a few engineers and finance bros mixed in>b b but 'Murica will be different1930
Come gather 'round peopleWherever you roamAnd admit that the watersAround you have grownAnd accept it that soonYou'll be drenched to the boneIf your time to you is worth savin'Then you better start swimmin'Or you'll sink like a stoneFor the times they are a-changin'
>>11324897We don't know for sure yet since DHL's the only one a lot of complaints are popping up about so far, even from places like Australia. But I'd hold off importing for a bit if you can to see if other shipping methods are being hit with import tax because of the De Minimis suspension.
>>11324377>They better take a few more things from China and start setting up some suicide nets near the rooftops while they are at it.Okay you and both know goddamn well that's not the American way. If someone takes a good look at their life and realizes they are fucked and they will be trapped in their shit dead end factory job forever, they will go get a gun and shoot up the place for a while then kill themselves.And I can pretty much see that happening if we have some kind of government sponsored program that basically kills all chances at upward mobility and forces everyone to have to go wage slave in a factory or starve. Those places will not need to install suicide nets, they will have to install hundreds of those amazon Fulfillment break booths, but make them bulletproof and lockable from the inside.
>>11324446And starting next month Americans will be the boots on the ground taking suicide bombers and bullets for their Israeli masters so they don't have to bother any longer!
>>11325021>>11324377Leftards are such mentally ill hysterics lmfao
>>11324377As it should be
>>11324505So you wanted America to keep the senile dementia ridden foreign controlled puppet that we know for a fact never even won the previous election? That's somehow a better choice in your mind? Or are you being paid to come here and make these claims?
>>11325026This just sounds like the options presented are both bad and that there is no freedom if this is what is given.
>>11324377GOODWhy the fuck am I working an actual job, in an actual career field, and being taxed to fucking death while surrpoting myself so that Big Daddy government can then hand MY taxmoney over to some pampered little faggot to go get a free ride in a massively expensive state university to get a Queer Studies degree that has ZERO job placement, gives ZERO career options, and ends up being a monumentally insane waste of time, effort, and MY money the whole time? Fuck them, fuck the universities, and fuck you for feeling sad about.
>>11325034No the options was a drooling pants shitting puppet of Sorros, his equally compromised non-American Indian DEI hire for pictures and PR, and an actual American Citizen that actualyl gives a fuck about this nation and its continued prosperity. The night and day difference in the candidates was so fucking ridiculous it seems like something that could only happen in a cartoon.
>>11325036FASFA is a medium interest loan that must be paid back and cannot be cancelled through bankruptcy. The US government actually makes money off the recipient of those.
>>11325036More and more companies are starting to no longer see worth in Bachelors degrees and are just completely eliminating the requirement for higher positions. The company I've worked for for almost 20 years (I started at 19 while still in college, yes I'm old) just eliminated the requirement this past month for positions up to director.
>>11325037Can you tell me what the current president has done so far then? All I know is that he tariff'd China and how USPS, a government entity, decided to almost buckle under the weight.
>>11325017I would think all small imports into the us would be hit in some way because that is what de minimis protected
>>11325038Yes yes Schlomo, we should all willingly give our money to the government because they get to make more money off the entire venture. Somehow that helps us all when they continue taking a high percentage of my own paycheck each week, that's is helpful and beneficial to us all somehow.
>>11325039Yeah..that means they now want a Masters or higher for entry level positions. Not the opposite.
>>11325039Most companies see a bachelors as the modern equivalent to a high school diploma. It's now the standard requirement to gain anything above minimum wage retail or food service. If any changes are being made then it is to increase the requirements to a higher standard, not a lower one.
>>11325024Same could be said for right wing tards who think the second coming of Jesus is upon us kek.
>>11325036There are far more egregious things taxpayer money is being spent on than education. A lot of that money just goes to regular schools too, and stuff like FAFSA is just approval of loans, so it isn't money just handed out and expected to not be repaid.Frankly, it is more nonsensical to send billions upon billions of dollars out of the country to other countries, while at the same time accepting refugees and immigrants from those countries all while giving those people all kinds of money and free shit when they come in.
>>11325050I don't know where your getting your info from, but it is quite the opposite I assure you. This has nothing directly to do with modern politics, it's just companies seeing there isn't a significant enough difference in someone with a 4-8 year degree versus someone else without the degree but with work experience.
>>11325050No, my company literally doesn't require any form of degree to reach director position now. Even Masters Degrees aren't seeing the same ROI as they used to. It just happened this past month, my friend in another department got an instant promotion to the higher level position his lack of degree was preventing him from getting for years.>>11325051Like I said, my company completely eliminated the degree requirement. Previously they capped you pretty severely if you didn't get your degree like a good goyim.
>>11324213>not my heckin temu trash
>>11325053Loans that Biden spent 4 years paying off with even more taxmoney. The whole fucking thing was a scam for Democrats to buy votes.
>>11325053Whelp, better strap in because after we send boots to Gaza, the refugees are coming here. You better get used to never ever going to any large shopping area, arena, event, or theme park because those are going to become the most dangerous places to be near in the immediate future.
>>11325013>ausfag is cooming
This barely even lasted a day. USPS already resumed accepting packages from China. Check any news site.
>>11325072Bro...>>11324804 Main concern right now is the import taxes from literally everywhere.
>>11325072we all knew they'd resume, the question will be if there;s additional payments coming
>>11325013>This was essentially the intended outcome of Brexit but (spoiler alert) there are some slight logistical and financial hurdles associated with establishing all those new manufacturing facilities, building up supply chains from nothing, and finding enough skilled workers to make all your shit in what is primarily a service economy with a few engineers and finance bros mixed inOn this note I will say it definitely didn't help that when Brexit was voted for, the PM had a tantrum and resigned and was replaced by someone who didn't want Brexit to happen, deliberately dragged things out as long as possible and made an absolute mess of things, then was replaced by controlled opposition who made things worse, was then replaced with someone who barely had the opportunity to speak before she was forced from power and replaced with MORE controlled opposition before HE was replaced with Comrade Starmer. The people were never given what they actually asked for. Had the whole thing not been sabotaged from within (the UK establishment) and without (the EU) we absolutely could have departed amicably and been much better off. But of course the people are never allowed to have what they ask for so they deliberately messed it up and then went "See? Brexit was a bad idea! Shame on you for wanting some degree of sovreignty and national independence!".It's also worth noting that until relatively recently (historically speaking) Britain was a manufacturing powerhouse, notably producing some of the best steel in the world. Theoretically we could be again, but that would require quite a lot of Minecrafting....And yet, from what I've seen, things would STILL be worse if we were in the EU.
The deal was you get to rape as much as you want but in return we get treats, now you're saying no treats and even harder rape?This isn't the social contract my grandpa died in Vietnam to defend.
>>11325036This is middle age entitlement, the fuck you got mine attitude is exactly how we got here.
>>11324644Day one means day one faggot.
This is basically the same thing as ebay 600 dollar reporting thing. The little guy got fucked by de minimis exemption being removed while big business got off the hook for the 25% tariffs. This is what always happens.
>>11325102The house always wins baby.
>>11325064Ask them how well that worked out
>>11325102Buying and selling on the internet has been fucking gutted over the years.Remember, there was a time when you never paid taxes on anything from Amazon and eBay.Hocking used shit on eBay now requires you to claim your practically garage sale-tier "profits" as income.Consistent price gouging across the board on all shipping companies, while they seem to be getting slower and slower in return.Now tariff wars to gouge incoming and outgoing shit even more.
>>11325108They're just squeezing the last drops of money they can get before sites like ebay will be worthless for anything but big ticket rare items that will be able to justify the cost of shipping, taxes and fees. They've now pretty much cut off Aliexpress as an option to save money. I expect next surveillance of Collector Facebook groups that organize in person sales to clamp down on that option.
>>11325119>I expect next surveillance of Collector Facebook groups that organize in person sales to clamp down on that option.Not practical.
>>11325039Yeah, they probably got rid of the Bachelor’s Degree requirement on the entry level jobs and instead wrote in “5+ years of experience”
>>11325108>Remember, there was a time when you never paid taxes on anything from Amazon and eBay.That was over a decade ago right? I remember ordering from amazon in 09 and iwas amazed at notax.
>>11325131I think Amazon's stipulation was that if there wasn't a warehouse in your state, you weren't taxed, but now Amazon is literally everywhere for convenience, so yeah, that is long gone.Ebay was a bit more recent, though. I feel like its only been within the last 4 or 5 years, if that.
>>11324985>The amount of liberals on this site shows how reddit we've become.Move to X
>>11325126It will be done by meta themselves under penalty of fines by the future Comissar of Revenue Generation.
>>11325094No, handing gibs to every uneducated, illegal, toothless mongrel that has 10 or more kids to be anchor babies at the total expense of the middle class until there was nothing left to give and the middle class eroded to nothingness is how we got here.
>>11325142Nobody likes being on Twitter/X anymore.
>hey lets punish the chines buy blocking their incoming packages to the US>an hour later>whoops, that was a bad idea, cancel that, nothing to see here>kekThanks Elon.
>>11325094Sorry no, we got here because of a series of socialists weaseling into elected offices and their trying the hardest to force communism into the US system. When the US became the strongest nation on the planet through a capitalist economic system and consistently fighting back communists at every turn. America is a strong nation based on a population that supports themselves and in turn creates a powerful nation built on self sufficiency until it is a well oiled machine of modern progress.America is Not a communist nation. The Government should Never hand out money to those who doe not work and will not support themselves.People are Not entitled to the wealth of those who built themselves up and support themselvesThe lazy and entitled contribute nothing and deserve nothing. only what they make for themselvesSealing from those who produce and giving it to those who do nothing at all only eradicated the class that produces. More wonder why are they working for nothing, why should they work at all, not when big daddy government will just hand out free money. Then all of a sudden no one is working, no one is producing, and the entire system has nothing to support it any longer. This is how we got here, the entitled generation that expects free government gibs because they are breathing.
>>11325159I expect it to be cut and reopened a few dozen more times in the next year. Either way shipping is going to be a problematic nightmare in the coming future.
>>11325131I think it depends on what state you're in. Some jumped on the "tax online sales" train early and some took time to become greedy little bitches.
>>11325169Okay boomer, its old man yelling at cloud rants over the internet like this, same shit the rest of the old people who run the country are doing yet all those people and those bitching about free handouts came from money or inherited it.When the older generation finally dies off including gen x the better the world will be
>>11325158Gee, I wonder why
>>11325169The cold war really just plain fucked up an entire generation of people...
>>11325169Sir, this is a toy board.
>>11325130They eliminated it up to Director positions.
>>11325169>. More wonder why are they working for nothing, why should they work at all, not when big daddy government will just hand out free money.because government assistance fucking sucks dude, anyone who's actually been around it knows how bad it is and wouldn't want to rely on it even if working can suck.Yeah you can see some people use gibs for new expensive shoes or a Playstation and not work, and that sounds fucked up and might be annoying after a long work day and if I'm not in a spot where I can freely afford such things now, but I wouldn't trade my ability to accumulate money and improve my situationMost of this board's hobby could not exist solely off government assistance.
>>11324828And those poors still pay their taxes. Your point?
>>11325198Your ideology is a bullshit fantasy. Get a life, loser.
>>11325169Just pointing out, to an outsider you sound hysterical because America has never even been close to communism.I feel like you listen to a lot of angry people telling you that simply having an open heart is some sort of socialist scam or something. So the alternative is...being slaves to tech bros? Sorry I honestly do not follow."Free money" sounds so funny to me because the people getting the most free money are the people at the top. Odd how Elon didn't find anything on the money that he gets sent from the government. Weird hmmmmm.The entitled generation are the people hoarding the wealth and wanting more from workers while giving nothing in return to deserve it. Not the people wanting to give free healthcare or give you public transportation. It's actually insane how we are always doing the complete inverse of that by funneling all of our money to the front row of the President's inauguration in plain daylight, but asking for small things to help the (dying) middle and lower class is full on communism.
>>11325399America just needs to give more money to Israel Sam Hyde is right.
But how does this affect Palestine though?
How often can we look forward to these retarded threads getting made?
>>11325053murica is a superpowerthe idea of debt is just a myth as long as you possess power
>>11325036knowledge should always be free no matter the circumstance
>>11325399If you really cared about how taxpayer money is being used you should be happy about USAID being shutdown.If you really cared about the middle and lower classes (workers), you should be happy they're curbing the mass illegal migration.
>>11325158>Nobody likes being on Twitter/X anymore.
>>11324247Too bad, Ameritards voted for four more years of it, minimum.Welcome to Earth Season 2025, Trump is the main character again.
>>11325195i live in Jew York so we did it early on.>>11325136>Ebay was a bit more recent, though. I feel like its only been within the last 4 or 5 years, if that.It started before that in my state like what that anon mentioned. It sucks bad since it is nearly 9%.
>>11324981you're proving my point, sub-goldfish.20 years ago, pointing out COMMON SENSE wouldn't have gotten me accused of being a George Bush supporter, muchless of even agreeing with anything he said.I was posting on neogaf and 4chan back then and none of them are anywhere close to being as radicalized as people are today. ... of course, back then, 4chan wasn't even considered radical anything. Just a bunch of unruly edgelords.In fact, aside from a few mostly jokey worthy nazi and harmless commie forums, NO ONE was radicalized compared to how nearly all of social media is today.This extreme radicalization only took fucking 10 years to happen. Maybe 15 years ago you'd see some stupidity, but holy fuck, everything has been maxxed out to the extreme, mostly from the left.So combine this extreme radicalization with people giving knee jerk reactions and not willing to read more than a sentence worth of text, you end up with people literally thinking and acting like angry retards.
>>11325460Damn anon, you're kicking a lot of ass in a radical badass kinda way
All this yapping over a whole lot of nothing
>>11325037>and an actual American Citizen that actualyl gives a fuck about this nation and its continued prosperity.look I get voting for him of perceiving him as making the country stronger(doubt, but you're free to believe), but why is there such a need to jerk the guy off like a facebook boomer post with a heavily artifacted jpg? Can't he just be a preferred option and not the TRVE savior of America?
>>11325496>working closely together to implement and efficient collection mechanism for the new China tariffsThis was the important part anon, and it's not nothing. No one expected shipments to permanently gone, we were worried about the money and price increase.
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