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What were the best toys you got in one of these vending machines? We can talk about eastern Gashapon machines, too.
there was soooo many of these that were so cool
but the ninjas will always have a special place in my heart
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>covered in hair and dirt after 30 seconds
For me it's the ayyys.
Also one time I got a super ball from a vending machine and attached a note to it that said "if you find this I will KILL YOU!!!!" and threw it down a steep hill. I don't know if anyone picked it up but I actually felt guilty about it afterwards.
Whenever I can I leave 75 cents in a machine half cranked so some kid can get a free toy.
Can't go wrong with super-bouncy-balls! Plus small space ships are nice, too.
that's really nice
>sup my ninjas?!
Does anyone else have a gashapon kiosk at their local mall?
i do
but i tried it once and it fucking ripped me off
never trying those chink machines ever again
There's one nearby. CAD bucks, a 500yen machines are $12. It's a bit nuts, just not worth it. I'd rather just order from ToySanta.

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