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Meetup edition.

>Anon meetup soon at McDonald's
>based artists dropping new content
>messy alt autism

Previous: >>69079358
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Can I get uhhhhhh
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Good fillies love their pamps.
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It really feels that good, huh?
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Soft poofy and crinkly
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Any anons bringing diapers to the con?
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I considered it but I just dont have the balls to bring them through airport security.
And no, I'm not degenerate enough to wear at the con, but I wouldnt be opposed to a padded room party.
Always wanted to try having an accident infront of someone. Maybe even get encouraged to go in my pants and then be called a good babb and get changed by them...
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Technically, you don't have to bring a diaper yourself, it's enough to have an Anon bring a pack for everypony.
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Maybe, but I'm certainly not doing a whole ass "room party" (a fetish room party only sounds like it could easily go wrong and someone will make things awkward for everyone), and especially not bringing them anywhere near the con space. Don't be that guy if you are bringing any.

Unless you are only bringing carry-ons, a checked bag/suitcase isn't going to be screened in front of anyone, much less opened and inspected. Also, airport security wouldn't care about finding "incontinence products" in someones luggage - it isn't illegal and it only gets weird if you make it weird for them.
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Nobody is going to be "that guy". They're just pretending on the internet. No-one does that IRL.
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How do you convince TSA your MLP pullups are for medical use?
I wish Scootaloo would teabag my face with her big, soft pamp
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During your interview, pretend to have an accident and shit yourself. Then ask the officer to clean you up.
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bruhhh what is this connection error shit
Poor Applejack
more like lucky applejack
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I do find it funny how much of this kind of stuff involves AJ
What's lucky about getting converted into waste and pushed out as an enormous load into a huge diaper?
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Yeah, of course not in con space.

I could but I only have mediums
>What's lucky about getting converted into waste and pushed out as an enormous load into a huge diaper?
Stop, I can only get so hard
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Would be the funniest shit ever.
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I promise to poke and prod at your squishy mass for 30 minutes until all the warmth is gone and then your stinky self is going in the pail
depends on who's doing the pushing
Is 4chan dying for anyone else?
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“Bad gateway” error? That’s what I’ve gotten a couple times today, but I just refresh a once or twice and it goes away. Otherwise, posting has been slower overall, but I assumed it was my internet shitting the bed.
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Looks like it's fixed for now
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aw yiss, almost that time of year to play Spoopy again
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Why does my autism make me find messy pullups hotter than messy diapers?
pullups are supposed to be for bigger fillies and theyre not supposed to be pooped in. a poopy pullup is a sign of a bad accident
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Convenient, I bet Rarity has one on too
cute foal
Me on the right
Every time i come to /trash/ its always
>anthro ponies
>daiper ponys
>non horny pony thread
Can there be a good active clop thread for once? Just a regular clop thread? There was a good one not too long ago i was in, cant remember any in the past few weeks.
Nothing stopping you from making a clop thread anon. But hey, you can at least enjoy the diapered ponies while here
start a foalcon thread and I'll contribute
diaper ponies are infinitely superior to all of those though
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There is no other fetish community as nice and solid as the diaper pony Chads.
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>non horny pony thread
Still don't understand these, you have all of /mlp/ for these threads, why make one on /trash/?
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Because they post banned content (discord namecalling, social media drama, general non-pony)
There’s always the “official pony thread” here if you want a circlejerk of namefags.
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Don't forget RP faggotry. I mean, the ABDLs also have their crinklefags, but this shit is so cringe. If there's no fetishistic purpose, what's the point?
I am
Might bring a spare diaper or three for the diaper-curious if they are interested.
I doubt anyone here has the charisma to take a random anon up on an offer to be diapered or changed, but if someone makes that interest known at the meetup I'd probably accomodate them at some point.
need more like this
I did that to two people last year at mare fare
I am left uncertain in all regards on it
being a wholesome caretakerfag is something I enjoy when it's a presence that is welcomed.
To me its more a case of, okay I did that
Like it was only being reminded by that anon that I even bothered to think of it again
Even more so since I had to explain to them what a wheeping wound is and why they do in fact need to stop the chastity cage and get to an ER
Especially as they lack the genetic lineage to manually eject sperm from the middle of their dick like its the opening for a reed instrument
I really want to try that, though I have to say Im into the wholesome cutesy stuff and not interested in anything sexual
Would be hot to see someone wear mlp diapers and panties
I won't lie to you, I love sexo and lewd diaperplay, but I am however more than happy to stick to wholesome and pure diapering and/or cuddles
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So true!
Same here honestly, for the sake of others I'll keep myself reserved and wholesome
Some more pixels for you https://derpibooru.org/images/3448669
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That is awesome. God I love diapered Luna.
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Out of curiosity, how many of y'all are trans?
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Not me. Just as regular a guy as you’ll find here. Out of curiosity, how many boogeymen do you have?
Zero. I don't hate trans people in the slightest, and it makes me sad that you'd assume that. Really speaks to the state of this website nowadays
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Yeah, this place sucks, but I don’t have anywhere else to go. I didn’t mean to come off as such an asshole, I’m just tired of hearing of trans people everywhere I go. Not that I have anything against them, but so many things being attributed to them all the time when no one was even talking about them is very frustrating, because it tends to lead the discussion for at least a bit. Kinda like now kek
I guess that, but maybe also the sign of a naughty filly? Either out of laziness or horniness?
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I would absolutely be interested, though I can’t make it to the McDonald’s meetup.
Same anon here, are you going to the movie screening? Ngl it’s kind of a long show, would be nice to have something to help me make it to the end. I’ll make sure you’re adequately compensated with money/food/alcohol/additional services.
Again same anon, thank you very much in advance btw. I’m not spec. Are you spec?
it is a pretty high ask of someone to trust an "stranger" congoer to do that, to be in a vulnerable state such as that, so likely only will someone do it if they are truly brave, or tipsy. I will say it is quite an exciting, though very embarrassing, thing to be changed by someone else though.

caretakers are relatively rare, even moreso rare are ones that dont make things awkward. Considering most like wearing diapers and little side of things, you would be lucky to find one, especially a female one.
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I did it last year, i can do it to people this year
Bring your own or deal with the mislabeled pack of "xl" blue attends I have
Really, how dedicated do you have to be to relabel adult diapers and dump them at 2nd hand stores
what is it about "caretaking" you enjoy moreso than being one cared for?
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I have no thoughts
I did it simply to do it and because friends were wanting to have it done
Is it because friends I did
I do lots of things for friends as is
I can list lots of stuff, but I do things as they exist to be done
The golden path must be followed, for tfrom it runs warmth
I can understand that. I personally never ask people to do anything like caretaking for me since I dont have the desire to do that kind of stuff for most others. I wouldn't ask someone to do something for me I couldn't do for them in return.
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I iwsh I could find people to indulge my fetishes, but alas, life lives
that being? The nice thing about diaperstuff is that if you find the right people, it can just be a casual fun shared interest with adjacent lewd aspects rather than a full-on sex thing.
not planning on it currently
Yeah, it takes a bit of confidence to let someone do it. I can only speak to my past experience, I've yet to hear of someone regretting having me do that for them. Usually the folk that'll take me up on that are the ones that already know they like being diapered, folks that meet me at a bab party.
nta but the other posts in this reply were replies to me. For me, I take great happiness providing an avenue that people feel is safe for them to explore this thing that they like. While I also enjoy being padded sometimes, I get much more enjoyment out of being there for the babs in need. It costs me nothing unless I'm supplying the diapers, except for a moment of my time. It can really -make- some cute bab's con for them, especially if they've never had that done for them before. It fills me with a sense of pride knowing I can give that to others.
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Well to start obscene diaper village, and then vore
I am unfortunately ver focussed on my fetish interests and have little care outside of them
I got that autism, but its linked right to my dick and means I can see europeans au natturel and not clutch my pearls
I've experienced being changed into one, and its conflictingly very nice and thoroughly embarrassing, but never changed out of a used one. While I do want to have that experience eventually, I don't feel I could ask that of someone else - since I don't think I could bring myself to reciprocate the action. I wouldn't expect a friend, let alone a "stranger" at a con, to deal with my own waste - just seems rude and gross to ask of someone.

This is even ignoring that there are those that would take changing time and try to make it sexual and awkward.
You are entitled to your own feelings, of course. Fact is while we're rare, the caretaker-leaning folks -do- exist and for many of us, we just like to see the diaperfags with a smile on their face, and knowing we're the reason for it. Not everyone needs or wants reciprocation.

If you're straightforward about not wanting it to be a sexual thing, whoever you're with shouldn't be trying to force that on you.
>for many of us, we just like to see the diaperfags with a smile on their face, and knowing we're the reason for it
bless you, anon.

>Not everyone needs or wants reciprocation
perhaps, i know this, but I always feel the obligation to give and/or do good to match the good done for me. I want the other person to feel just as happy.

Dunno if I will poke my head in at the con if anything actually happens, or unknowingly bump into you, but you sound like a good person.
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Is this a tamers reference?!
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I wear on occasion but never had anyone else change me, but always wanted to try. I think I'd really like to give it a try with you if you're open to it. Is there anyway to get in touch with you outside of here?
session or something I could do unless you have a preference for else
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Is that a messaging app? I had discord or telegram in mind, but can get whatever
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How do you prevent getting a boner during a diaper change?
cringe or based, call it
You don't.

Alternatively, you achieve release before your change.
it is but drop your telegram and I'll hit you up there then

during, even
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hit me up at pamppone@yahoo.com please, I dont want my telegram in the archives
Ill throw in my email as well for this if you want another anon
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Come join the diaper pony thread discord!
We have

Padded mares
Zero tolerance policy for furfags!
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big padding
Anyone got post vore diaper or diaper transformations?
I've got a few
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Alright I'm about to head for the airport. See you soon guys.
Recommend me some good fics?
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Have a good flight anon
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amazing pic
Time to share something from an occasional lurker who doesn't have a big interest in diapers, but this came to mind and it is sort of relevant.
>Having a pony dream
>My OC and an acquaintance's OCs appear
>I like vore, acquaintance likes diapers, both of us are mares
>I am also tiny compared to her
>And naturally what happens next is she swallows that tiny pony whole
>Plop into her stomach, and at some point squeezed into her intestines as it is clean, full tour
>Remembered she had her diaper on, and coming out the "natural way" has one destination
>Eventually she feels that familiar urge, and the tiny pony gets pooped out into her diaper
>Business is not done though
>She proceeds to rub herself off, with that tiny pony squished between her soft, padded diaper, and her bits and that ponut that the little pony was just squeezed out of
>anon meetup at McDonald’s

This is a joke right? You degenerates aren’t actually meeting up irl right?
>meeting up with like-minded people irl
I know, right!? How scandalous!
of course we are. cope and seethe.
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Right, regarding the McBabb meetup, most chose they prefer 7:30pm, we can meet up in the lobby. Depending on if we get any anons with car, we drive over there or get a cab.

So to recap:
McDonalds meetup on sunday is a go, meet in the lobby at 7:30pm
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Would rather be reusable/washable
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Con going babbyfag here, how the fuck do you even try to do a meet up like this without your friends knowing what you’re into? They already talk shit about us.
Nobody cares if you dont sperg out about it. The loud troll thats farming (you)s in the mare fair thread probably wont even attend the con in the first place.
they talk shit about anything they don't do, remember where you are
don't talk crinkle around non-diaperfags and you won't be looped in with the 'obnoxious diaperfag' crowd. Literally no one gives a fuck what you like if you aren't forcing them to be exposed to it
also captcha CRGVR wow
Literally just don't talk about it or do diaper stuff anywhere in public/con space. "Don't ask don't tell" applies here. Nobody actually gives a shit if diaperfags just keep to themselves.
Just don't tell them?

If I understand what you mean correctly, I get it in that my family (with whom I am very close) and sometimes friends often ask what I'm doing and why just as a matter of general interest in my life, and are accustomed to readily given, truthful answers. Also, no matter what, SOMEONE always wants to hang out, or is totally down to participate in whatever bogus excuses I come up with. The end result is going out for diaper stuff is extremely difficult, both to conceal and to lie about. The end result is I just don't do it much, but if that's your position, the best trick I can offer is that you have to accept you'll have to fly part of it by the seat of your pants. I spend a lot of time planning and covering my bases, but at some point you have to handle the problems as they come rather than try to anticipate every single one of them. In most cases it won't be as hard as you think, especially if, unlike me, you are an experienced liar.
Good advice bros. Wouldn’t mind meeting up with some like minded people but just kinda rather not get outed by my friends if they caught wind of this after already talking a bunch of shit about it.
The chad move is to go to the con in a anonfilly fursuit with a huge diaper
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>traveling someplace right when a tropical storm hits
I'm literally ditching my friend group Sunday to hit up McBabbs. I'm just gonna tell them I'm meeting up with some friends privately. Unless some assholes literally follow us to McDonalds to kick up some stink, then there really isn't anything to stress over.
how do you know whos a diaperfag at the con? i never done it before and probably cant make it to the mcdonalds but part of me wants to see what its like
They either tell you, or they are too obnoxious of a diaperfag and everyone around them already knows.
Wear one of these on your pants
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primitive, but not a bad idea
Just to give y'all a heads up, there are a couple of people in the marefair thread talking about getting pictures of everyone. Remember to cover up, anons, and beat the shit out of anyone who whips out a camera.
golly, it'd be a shame if someone took pictures of a bunch of anons at the convention together.
are they expecting everyone to be maximum-diapered? lole
I don't think attacking people at a public venue is going to work too well, and people are going to be taking pictures at every con, that's just how these things go
Oh hi
Im going to be one of those people
Yes I am a glowy, yes I dont give a shit, ha, about being there
The real point is to establish this is who you are and chat with your employer first
Hell my boss thought comic con in california was commie con and just went with, well you told me youre a commie so Ill just adjust accordingly, but have fun
He took 2 trips to realize it was comic con and not big red scare moment
A tropical storm? Is that what Dashie calls it when she sticks a breezie in her diaper and lets completely loose on it?
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niggers i'm here
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This is what I want to do.
i eep
seconding the safety pin idea
just join the meetup on sunday after the con retards
Any diaperfags at Marefair come to Corp's story book time with diapers. Bring plushies.
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Same. If I was Twilight, I’d be huffing my friends’ messy diapers all day.
That’s hot
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I mean... I would.
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Bunch of diaper anons at mare fair. only today was 100% stacked with activities, so no time to connect. Where did the diaperfilly sticker on floor 3 go?
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Aww she's so happy.

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