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Egg Laying Edition

Pokemon OCs and Fakemons (actual fakemons please like fusions and clovermons) are welcome too

>How do I request?
•Start your post with "requesting" or "/r/".
•Provide descriptions, links and image references in a single post.
•Don't spam or bump your requests.
•Check the booru to see if your request was done.
•Request edits in the thread for edits and colorings:

>What if I want to start drawing?
•Check these resources for beginners: https://pastebin.com/4CpXsY7a
•More resources if you need more help:
•You can also ask for help in the Drawing Improvement/Progress thread: >>>/trash/drawing
•Remember that you can always git more gud.
•When ask for requests, post a sample of your work and mention what you prefer to draw.

>What else should I know?
•AI deliveries are NOT allowed
•Do NOT respond to the spam. Just report ignore it and move on.
•Feel free to post anything that gets done in the booru for others to find later.
•New thread should be made after reaching the bump limit.
•When making a new thread, refrain from adding unnecessary rules to the OP. That's dumb.

Our booru: http://trashdump.booru.org/
*Feel free to post anything that gets done in the booru for others to find later.
*Taggers needed too!

Previous Thread(s): https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69095289
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Anchor for deliveries
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Requesting a petty, but heated, "Mine's BIGGER!!" / "Well, mine's looonger~!" argument between these two foxes, revolving around which of them has the better tongue. :P

Fully optional, but bonus points if there's additional back-and-forth dialogue beyond "mine's [insert measurement type]" between them, each of them raising some valid points. "Yeah? Well at least mine's good for [...], while yours can't even [...]!" / "Well, have YOU ever tried [...]? Oh wait, you can't!" and so on, said by either fox. Just fill in the blanks with something silly and relevant.
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Requesting this Ninetales as a female (wearing the clothes in the ref) having vaginal sex with a male Zebstrika or a male Umbreon.
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Requesting a male Alolan Marowak and Sima having sex in this pose below.
Requesting a female Kirlia teasing a Hitmontop
>you're pretty limber...but let's just see who can outdance the other
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Requesting a female Goodra getting fucked by a feral male Alolan Nintetales or Galarian Rapidash.
Requesting the last panel with a human and a Ralts
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requesting penny in a form fitting eevee fursuit with a fake canine vagina attachment to the suit so she can live out her fetish of being an eevee bitch in heat being bred by her team or wild eeveelutions
bonus for showing an ass to ass canine style knotting and penny finding out she was actually successfully bred
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Requesting Yoko Littener giving an anthro litten dude a titjob with cumshot similar to pic related, also make the cock big enough to where she's giving him a blowjob too please
Requesting a futanari Madafrost, give her a huge normal penis or a horse one any is fine
She is a fakemon
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Requesting bottom heavy shortstack Meloetta and Dazzi having a naked, oiled up twerk-off. The former's got rhythm while the latter brings on da thunder, baby.

I hunger for Poke-donk and Pal-buns. No sugarcoating whatsoever. Inject that shit right in my VEINS!!
Requesting an image with a (preferably female) human encountering this particular Salazzle. Ideally one explaining why, instead of spawning in a cave with a Salandit harem like normal specimens, it spawns by its lonesome on the exterior grassy cliffs near the player's home (it's definitely not trying to fuck any of the humans living nearby).
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/r/ A female Sneasler cosplaying as Hsien-Ko from Darkstalkers, legwear is optional.
Requesting this, but with the Leafeon in place of the Glaceon taking it from an Umbreon, Flareon or some other canine Pokemon.
Requesting frustrated and horny Pika Libre being forced to bear an inmon mark of shame after losing to a studly Incineroar that prevents her from masturbating

(Lore TL;DR: The chastity spell hexed her nether region so an invisible force pushes her hands, foreign objects, and other people’s junk away whenever attempting to make any physical contact with her pussy, preventing any form of relief that isn’t from the champion’s cock himself, and he knows every way to make his prize break her stubborn reluctance, moan, and squirm. She’s his property and he’s enjoying every second of her desperation)
Requesting Ippan Josei from Boku No Hero Academia having sex with a male Serperior, cum is appreciated.
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Requesting purple boi giving a rough thighjob to a submissive male pokemon
Requesting a Nidorina like this wearing a bandana al a Mystery Dungeon, peeing in her poisoned partner's mouth. The partner can be any gender, any species that makes sense (pokemon from the EoS personality test for example). If you can have the Nidorina's pussy visible also, that would be a bonus, but not necessary.

The story is that the Nidorina has convinced her partner, who just stepped on a poison trap, that the bodily fluids of poison-type pokemon act like an antidote to poison. Whether this is true or not doesn't matter.
I was almost hoping the delivery I received was gonna be the header
Oh well
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I missed the delivery, but thank you anon for making this,
I really love the animation.
Requesting a tinkaton getting fucked with this exact kind of internal view
Requesting the Garde getting himself that good tree pussy.
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sketch request for a simple comic
classic sporty blaziken being confused as to why she has a navel
funny bird-like bend down to look
Requesting Carmine showing off her flat ass.
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Requesting this, but Pokemon related.
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Requesting Bertha getting fucked in the ass by any one of her team
NGL, I'm shamelessly fapping to this
Requesting Rika's bikini bottom removed and for her to be sitting on the toilet.
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requesting an audino at a pokemon center working like this during maintenance day
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requesting a vaporeon laying eggs like an actual fish does, looking pleasured from pushing out the stream of eggs
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Requesting a busty Kirlia getting titfucked while she's sleeping.
All Pokemon are from eggs. The bird joke is kind of irrelevant, especially in the context of being anthropomorphic
Autistic examination of porn is fun
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Requesting a Cloyster using Clamp on someone's penis, clamping her shell shut on it so that it can't pull out and gets forced to cum inside.
Egg laying is so based
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requesting penny from pokemon on her knees from behind looking very nervous/upset about showing off her butt, reference for hair and body in catbox

Requesting the guy fucking the Nidoqueen while he continues sniffing her cleavage.
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Requesting this with a female Nickit and her trainer, please
requesting NSFW fanart of this fluffy Tsareena and Lurantis please
Requesting these two having sex.
Someone needs to say it so they understand why no artist wants to waste time on such an absurd request.
Requesting something like this but with Leafeon or Shaymin drinking Suicune's sap straight from the source, you can change her expression to a less embarrased one of you want to.
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You're right, especially since Pokemon eggs don't seem to work anything like eggs in our world. But if you're worrying that much, the delivery in OP is equally silly because Nidorina/queen can't produce eggs (supposedly it's based on guinea pigs whose pelvises fuse so they can't get babies out once they're too old?), so at some point you have to let it slide.
>Applying logic to furry art
Nibba who cares
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if you want to be pedantic technically no pokemon are from eggs and are instead birthed then put into egg-like containers afterwards to grow
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Requesting this Noivern lying on her back and presenting her pussy like picrel while in the same outfit.
Requesting this Nidoqueen to also get to enjoy motherly love.
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Requesting my Lugia boy in a warm onsen/hot spring, body half submerged and resting all comfy, unaware that everyone can see his semi-erect tapered cock through the water
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Every request ever made in the history of these threads are silly in that they don’t adhere to canon or schizo real-world biology headcanon, which makes it stick out more when a comic would point out an isolated case that isn’t even present in the original design.
It’s personified with a human body, humans are mammals, thus it’d make sense not to have a bellybutton.

A better question would be why a bird would have massive fucking tits when they can’t physically breastfeed. There’s an old shitpost of an anthro crocodile mom with breasts covered in bitemarks to point out the logic error (that I can’t find atm) that was actually funny, but I can’t find it anymore. Have this instead
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requesting hyper futa latias, weavile, umbreon or braixen maid with huge/large breasts (like in the ref) squirting milk into a cup or sweeping the floor while showing her balls and pussy.
You can come up with a pose of your choice if you want to.
Bonus if animated.
Id rather people argue about fake animal biology all day than
>hey, why are the requests so stale?
Literally anything other than what I just described. Preferably more original requests, but that’s asking too much
Requesting audino or mew getting her plump and dripping pussy jackhammered by a fat knotted poke of your choice.
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Requesting a buff Arceus and Giratina sitting on their trainer's dick and face respectively while arguing about who their trainer should spend more time with
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Hope someone gives you a better cake
Dam broad shoulders.
This girl LIFTS
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Requesting Hunter J as a big breast Absol or Salamence. Her trench coat can have a boob window.
Forgot this bitch existed. What happened to her?
Killed by the lake trio
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This looks like she is actually absorbing him like most Japanese yokai (they eat each other)
Most effort so far.
Good work
>Build a Helicarrier
>Don't bother making it water proof or capable of floating

She had it coming
Not OR, but NGL, the perspective's kinda hot
Based, danke anon
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Requesting a thicc hypnotized Lopunny wearing this slutty Team Rocket bikini with her large areolas peeking out. Please draw her with glowing red eyes so it looks like she is being mind controlled.
Do pokémon private parts get called things like Pokétitties, Pokébutt, and Poképussy, like Batman’s gadgets?
only by the nerdiedt trainers. real pokephiles want to draw attention away from their monster's gentials.
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Male Snorlax/Lopunny putting female Espeon/Furret in a mating press
Ah shit I forgot to say requesting. Rookie mistake.
Requesting a bisexual sandwich with Luxray, Pyroar and Boltmane.
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Why do i have to make a post first before i can reply to it with an image?
So basically it wouldn’t be too far fetched to think of a Pokémaniac Trainer type going “Hehehehe… my Lucario’s Pokédick is perfect!” in his smug costumed insane glory
it would be weird if he didnt
Why would it be weird?
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>but I can’t find it anymore
Perhaps a drawfriend would be kind enough to draw an example of Pokemon breastfeeding by species that should not be breastfeeding.
to dress as a pokemon and make pokemon your whole identity and then to NOT add poke- as a prefix to your pokemon's genitals
OR here, it looks to me as if Misdreavus was stealing Phantump's "life" force and I find this hot in a very devious and irony-free way. Great job dude
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Requesting a trainer breeding their 6 foot tall Banette.
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Requesting a pair of Pokemon with the “cone-shaped heads and Sonic the Hedgehog sidemouths” (Ampharos, Latias, Snivy, Quilava, etc) look, smooching

Also is there a name for that style of head? I always see it on anthro airplanes, even able to move the mouth to either side of the face as a texture in 3D models.
I want to compile a list of every dildo-faced sidemouth Pokemon. They’re objectively the hottest
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Requesting picrel with any feral male eeveelution, preferably humanoid cock (uncur or not) but not picky on size/length, excessive cum is a nice bonus
I have the FR/LG and HG/SS Pokemaniac style in mind
I think that's more of a Digimon thing. (Or Neopets)
Damn I forgot that, Digimon for once is cooler than Pokemon
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Requesting Casey from the Pokemon anime driving a Dodge Magnum (driving off + casey driving in front)

It'd be nice to draw her with and without her hat on too (don't have to)
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Requesting the Bara Incineroar, the hot floatzel and mienshao babe in a threesom, in the same position as pictured above the refs.
Lol, good catch

I know it has delivered already, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity.
not OR, but her hands are epic as fuck.
Would let rub shoulders out of ten
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Requesting the Ledian from the "Timegate Traveler" Pokéstar Studios movie capturing and dominating the male BW2 protagonist
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/r/ Cinderace Cartman making the same retarded face
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May I offer you whale dick in these trying times?
Requesting Nidorino fucking a Nidoqueen whilst also mooching-off her milkers
Hella kino work anon, thank you very much
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Isn't she cuuute? Cutie pie
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These are very trying times indeed, so YES! God damn and it's an adorable animation too with a very unique pairing! I actually do quite enjoy Kyogre and it's awesome to see him get screentime even if he's out of frame, his most important asset is visible and one can only imagine the sheer womb flooding she will recieve when he cums. Audino's expression and body jiggling from his forceful hydro pumpings are precious and their body collision wonderfully done. This is magnificent and really made my day! Thank you kindly dear drawfriend, this is animated bliss~
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requesting double-sided braixen earfucking, not bloody preferably.
does anyone know who drew the hoopa meowscarada pic from last thread? https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69095289/#69301925
His name is actually Dondozo
Kemono Eminem
What are you blabbing about?
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Requesting a male Manaphy with a slit getting an erection. If it's a comic or animated, begin with Manaphy's penis completely inside its slit before getting aroused and with his penis slowly sliding out of the slit before ending it off with Manaphy with a completely erect penis.
she is now
Seriously, who is this AI generated lookin ass bum?
No answers? Bullshit
Her name is Casey.
Requesting the girl on the left replaced with Penny, the girl in the middle replaced with Nemona, and the girl on the right replaced with Arven.
I see /vp/ is leaking
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Requesting a Gardevoir getting fucked by an Abra.
Took you a fuckin decade, but thanks
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LarAnthrod did a sketch for me after pitching the idea to him. I decided to go with Darkrai instead.
Just looks she’s in fancy armor.

At least the brit didn’t give her fat nigra lips like he’s been doing lately
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Requesting Pennytaur being fucked by Florian, with the genitals on the back pelvis and not the front pelvis
Bump and also
Requesting my Tinkaton Roswitha smacking some dragon-type across the face with her dick with the message, "It's super effective!!" popping up like the games
(Roswitha Refs)
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Requesting a group photo like this featuring a female Ralts, male Kirlia and female Gardevoir in that order
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Requesting the bara Tyrantrum and Sultry/Slutty Blaziken in the sensual position examples below.
Fuck, now I want to see Lillie and Lusamine co-domming Gladion but I don’t even know where I’d ask for that
Casey debuted in 2000.
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Alternatively have this pal get spitroasted by the aforementioned PKMN while the "Plap-plap-plap!" and an unfunny meme caption or speech bubble saying "Get cancelled! Get cancelled" also accompanies the scene.
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Requesting Tsuyu Asui from "My Hero Academia" getting fucked by a Greninja.
Requesting a cunt-busting pic with a Zangoose taking Poison Tail straight to the vag.
your image isnt working, could you catbox.moe it? also, i get this is a fuckass fetish, but are the masks of meowsca printed on, or are they separate objects
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/r/ anatomically correct Meowscarada bowling pins dropping the smug act when they start being used as a cocksleeve. The virgin ones are still smug looking at the one getting railed and filled with cum over a couple used ones either with a post-nut face and/or the swirly KO eyes
Just Meowscara’d head and neck as the only on-model part.
The main art sucks but it’s the closest thing online
What makes a bowling pin anatomically correct? What the fuck is this request
It has a pussy
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could I get a version where the egg is fully outside and her pussy is left gaping please?
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Requesting Dawn and Cynthia getting fucked by a Garchomp.
But does it have an ass and tits?
Does a bowling pin give birth?
That actually sounds awesome.

They’re sentient sex toys with curves. I just used the bowling pin pic because it’s the closest I could find and the old “bowling porn animation” meme was funny
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Nice Satan trips, I had fun doing this one! hope you like
OR here. Thanks a ton for accepting my request. I also like your art too, there's just something about it that I can't quite describe... (Probably because I just woke up this morning and I'm tired as hell)

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