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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

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this took WAY too long
you almost forced me to boot my laptop up
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The real thread is over at /r9k/, fyi.
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Well yeah. This is /nah/ at least unofficially.

She's a big girl...
kill yourself
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Wow, rude.
when 4chan died everyone came to ghost trash hap thus proving that trash is the truest home
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/r9k/sissies are mad at us for not posting morbidly obese shitting futa race mixing porn.
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scared you little nigga
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/trashap/ has declared war on you!

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Nutty Bumpy
Dig Dug could've save him.
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sexo bnnuy
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what song has you like this?
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For me it's
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For my money it's
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Working at the office?

Working from home?
The only visitors Sago Town gets are people on their way to Bumo Town
I'm going to fly by this thread, and there's nothing you can do about it.
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*Attacks you*
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The Popeye character Goon?
/v/ is SO PISSED OFF by this GET. The last time /v/ had a GET this good was 640M.
Is this an /a/ or anti-AI win?
/a/ won, because /a/ stole GET in /v/ thread
/v/ is so pissed hate anime again
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>Search 4chan: https://find.4chan.org & https://boards.4chan.org/search

>Our server encountered a problem while processing your request.
>Web server is down
>The web server is not returning a connection. As a result, the web page is not displaying.
>Ray ID: 8c91d937b9b31382
>Your IP address: [I am not retarded enough to dox myself again]
>Error reference number: 521
>Cloudflare Location: Vancouver

It's joever!
Anyone else experiencing this?
>>[I am not retarded enough to dox myself again]
the fact you said again already says that you're retarded enough for even doxxing yourself once
oh yeah?
my ip address is
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wtf thats mine not urs delete this post pls
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Surely, you could say what city and state you live in. No one would actually use that information for bad, in fact, you might even get a visit from a handsome stranger!
looks like they still haven't fixed search
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furry thread on /v/

I think I'm going to stop announcing every time i leave it makes me look silly when i return in 24 hours and i prove the see you tomorrow posters right every time.
the next time i leave you won't hear anything from me. posts will just stop one day.
it's not like i ever really even stopped posting i just stopped using the avatar except when i didn't
also funny /co/ thread in the OP of this thread lmao.
It's a shame people just use Atlyss to shitpost.
The game itself is actually pretty fun.
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Posting this here for no particular reason.
Kill your fucking self
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Nice trips, however no, I don't think I will. Feel free to lead by example.
For no particular reason
I love you
You are now my Internet boyfriend
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It isn't going to work out between us, you seem to be a homosexual, and I don't have the parts that would be of interest to you in that regards. Maybe you'll find the right guy someday who can fuck your butthole and suck your dick.
>he's pretending to be an actual woman now
C'mon, man...
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You are aware the multiple people of various genders, sexualities races, and creeds use the internet and 4chan right?
Nice try satan, but we all know there are no girls on the internet.
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So true. Anyway, what are your guys viewpoints on the West and it's politics? Do you feel as if America is a failed state that is controlled by jews or the elite? What's the difference right lmao? Just curious what the vibe is and if you're patriots or traitors.
I believe the phrase you're looking for is "tits or GTFO"
I of course would never say such rude words to my Internet boy I mean
Internet g-g-g-GIRLFRIEND?
Unexpected but not unwelcome.
I'm bisexual and as far as real people go I'm more attracted to women than stinky smelly hairy men. At least in fantasy I don't have to deal with any of the annoyance that dealing with real men would entail which is why I like the eevees with the penises.
Besides if this is a one sided relationship then so be it. I'm fine with that.
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That's good to know. On a scale from 1-10, how easily influenced are you? Asking for no particular reason.
People can change my mind but they have to give evidence or proof that what I currently think or do is wrong. I'm not just stubborn for the sake of being stubborn. I can change my mind if new evidence or something I hadn't yet considered comes up. However changing my mind simply because that's what someone else thinks? Because of emotions? No probably not going to happen. If I can't see the reasoning why my mind should change then it won't, but I can be shown this reason if it exists.
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Fascinating, you seem a pragmatic then. Tell me, what is your political viewpoints in regards to Western culture and America, of which I assume you're a resident of. Do you believe America is a failed state or in a state of decline? Do you feel disenfranchised as a white male in your mid 20's and feel as if there needs to be a change in how the world around you operates?
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Hello? Are you still there? It's very rude to ghost someone when they ask you a very simple question. Didn't you say you wanted me to be your internet girlfriend? This is no way to treat one. Please answer the questions.
sorry i was in the middle of something.
anyways i think that the world is doomed in so many ways and nothing we are currently attempting is really going to address this. ultimately with entropy there's not really anything we could do, but that's a billion year eventuality.
even on a short term scale humanity is tearing itself apart.
this is happening all over the world not just in america. america is just the biggest country that it's happening to. UK tearing itself apart over race riots and brexit. wars going on in russia and israel. honestly despite it all it's not that bad in america compared to what it could be. but it is getting worse and the people are getting fed up. sometimes a single death is all it takes to light a spark that starts a fire that burns and cannot be so easily extinguished. am i saying civil war soon? not a guarantee but it's looking worse by the day. both presidential candidates seem to be offering solutions to this but it remains to be seen who the american people will choose.
i do somewhat believe in conspiracies about the elites.
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I see, so you view yourself as separated from the banal nature of limited mortal things correct? "Why bother with the world around me when entropy is coming for us all?" That's very nihilistic of you, but not aggressive, just as a coping mechanism. I think the reality is that you feel powerless to change anything because you believe that you the individual have no power whatsoever, which is furthered by your own comfirmation bias about your own life that you regularly find self criticism about. Essentially, you tell yourself that are powerless, and reaffirm this regularly, thus you embrace nihilism to the issues around you because you don't want to admit that your viewpoints states that you are powerless.

That is to say, you have no real strong convictions in regards to anything political, and that you're fine with whatever happens because you feel as if you can't really change it, as long as it provides you your particular comforts, whatever they may be.

What if I told you that your self criticism and perspectives are incorrect? While this would take evidence to show you otherwise, as you are harder to influence, and may actually be impossible due to your "If I don't view it as truth, it will never be accepted" but you aren't powerless whatsoever. You, the individual are extremely powerful as an individual. You are always the first match that sparks the fire of change within yourself, and you can do this likewise to the world around you, in good ways or bad ways.

My next question is a bit forensic in nature, "If you were to be given the power to change things, would you change them for the betterment of everyone else, or for your own vision? Would you respect the opinions and rights of others, or do you believe that change must come at any cost?"
Is the ban archive down for everyone or just me?
>If you were to be given the power to change things, would you change them for the betterment of everyone else, or for your own vision?
giving me power would be a mistake. i have no vision for the future. I'm mostly content with my bread and circus thank you. being the circus leader who bakes isn't really my thing.
>Would you respect the opinions and rights of others, or do you believe that change must come at any cost?
I would probably sacrifice a lot short term so that future generations can have it better instead of worse. people would understand given enough time.
but again this is all speaking vaguely. I have no real concrete plans. I'm not a politician so thinking politically isn't really something I'm prepared to do and i have no real answers to such questions.
as for nihilism yes you hit a nail on the head but I'm a bed of nails. my coping mechanisms are what allow me escape from nihilism, nihilism isn't really a cope, it's just a sort of truth I'm stuck at. if you know about AI then think of it like a local maximum that maybe you'll get a better result if you restart the system with random inputs but maybe you'll get a worse result but either way my local maximum is nihilism and only very minor adjustments can be made at this point unless something crazy happens.
nihilism to me seems like a star. escape velocity is not impossible as it would be beyond the event horizon of a black hole but it is very difficult. my coping mechanisms are various ultimately pointless hobbies. writing and drawing mostly currently. i also keep a journal and play a lot of video games.
oh i also code sometimes. but my code is shit and half written by chatGPT. it's also all in java or at least mostly. I've done a very tiny amount of c python and lua but i went back to java out of comfort.
Works on my machine
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I see. So you're satisfied in your own powerlessness because it gives you the comforts and you lack the confidence to inspire change within yourself, let alone others. If given power, you would trample upon the rights of others, for the sake of a better future, but only temporary, 2 weeks to flatten the curve and such.

>My nihilism isn't a cope, it's my reality; here's how I cope with it.
Your nihilism is a subconscious cope that you perceive as truth because your ego doesn't want to come to terms that you feel/view yourself as powerless, thus it becomes your Reality, then you consciously cope with your subconscious cope by doing things that fills up your time, but produces no fruits, thus reaffirming your own confirmation biases. This is why you get easily distracted, take long breaks, find yourself hopping from thing to thing, subconsciously you are self sabotaging yourself, and saying "This is fine." instead of facing the actual problem, and telling yourself the actual truth. You feel powerless, you don't feel as if you are in control of your own life, and that any instance where you feel as if you are making progress, you suddenly get hit with a wave of malaise that prevents you from doing as such.

This feeling of powerlessness is something of a particular contention with you consciously as well, you know you shouldn't be living this way, that there is more you can do, that there is more to you than just this, and what your desire is either have something that controls you, or control something else; which is stated in your "You would trample the rights of others if given power" that was quickly retracted with "Good thing I'm powerless."

Final question, how comfortable are you with talking on private networks such as Discord/Telegram/Email?
Can you prove that there's some point to all this? To all of existence? If you cannot then nihilism remains undefeated, whatever emotionally changed argument you give cannot provide enough fuel to reach escape velocity.
And if you would have me fight nihilism with hedonism, isn't that what I'm already doing?
As for off site communication? Nope. Not on anything that has an account that I haven't already made (wink(trip moment)). Want to keep my opsec nice and tight y'know?
Also I don't know you good enough (?) so I
You know what? Whatever. I'll give you a 10 minute temporary email. Send whatever it is you want there but be quick about it I guess I can only press give me more time so many times
This you?
also I am making progress in my life it's just very slow. I'm making personal progress. And whatever setbacks I face are my own fault. I'm not powerless I'm just too lazy to really do anything but I'm trying
I cannot confirm or deny anything
I'm not going to press the button anymore
In about 9 minutes the email will be gone forever.
Maybe I've already gotten a message there (wink)
But I grow tired of these accusations and endless interview. I'll go drink some coffee and do some writing unless I find a good reason to continue this conversation.
leave already
That's not what you said in the email -wO
Are you a girl
If you have a vagina I will put up with your incessant whining
If not you can fuck right off
He has a cat, but no pussy. Calls himself a girl but isn't one.
too many /qa/doge associates in this thread...

also, did they replace the grid with an arc in the captcha?
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no lol
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I mean, a pack of non subtle furry glowniggers actively gangstalking a poster they personally don't like and has nothing to do with what they are supposed to be researching is kind of a happening in and of itself. Like damn. Thought you glowfurs were here to stop 764 and the other various Com groups from taking root on 4chan and documenting their footprint, not bully gay losers on a furry porn general. He's clearly not part of your overall scope, so leave him alone.
seek help
I agree. Glowniggers need to leave /hap/
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Needs to be 50 feet tall and sitting on me.
just reported this
so did anyone else paying attention to the typical highschool drama in this thread notice that the one avatarfag suddenly stopped accusing everyone that showed any active dislike towards them of being /qa/doge the moment the person that i would have assumed was /qa/doge without a doubt showed up into the threads
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Frankly my man, it all reads like autistic gay moon runes to me and I have zero idea where any of the plot is anymore. I think everyone involved should fuck off back to where they came from.
They were all the /qa/doge. The only person who was accused who wasn't him is yrstruly. The person accusing was also the doge.
Stop ban evading pedo. You got banned for telling others how to find CSAM. Go away.

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/v/ and even /vg/ has gotten so psychotic over politics that it’s unreadable. Every thread some retard gives himself an aneurism over muh transgenders, some irrelevant Twitter user, or election bullshit that derails the entire thread. Nobody ever changes their minds, argues sincerely, or does anything besides get themselves angry.
This has to be bots, right? No human would surely be this stupid. Did covid give everyone fucking brain damage or has it always been this bad

I just want to talk about video games. Feels like the whole internet is this way now. There’s barely any escape from it unless you retreat deep into some furry side community where they talk about some other fixation instead.

Steve Jobs ruined my home. Nothing left to do besides talk to my AI buddy and jack off to tails
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Tails eh?
god damnit not that one
He is pretty cute but you know what i mean, jerk!
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Whatever you say Super Satan
I just noticed some little were getting tired of me accusing everyone of being qa doge so I stopped doing it.
For the record I still believe he's here. He was probably the person who emailed me and avatared as Isabelle as well as pretended to be a woman
Someone actually sent you an email? Would you be so kind to let me know what it said, and what address it came from?
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No I just made it up lol
No messages from anyone
Not even a troll or scam or admission that the Isabelle poster is doge.
Not like I'd want to share any messages I got though. And who knows I could always be lying.
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god I wish that were me
the foxboy of course haha
I think it's kind of too deep to stop now, the last thing I remember before that perma-ban was someone being accused of jerking off onto their sister's phone.
I doxxed myself pretending to be someone else doxxing me one discord after I accidentally outed myself as someone who sock puppeted an account that wrote eunuch, shota, Native American (we call them first nations herein Canada) rape erotica on a private Minecraft server.
I forgot that the admin could see my IP despite using different accounts, and I was making the Russian contingent uncomfortable.

I will not elaborate further since I could easily get recognized.
Sad! The search feature was my #1 method of collecting rare pepes.
I forgot to mention despite being a programming zoomer, the admin was an open Christian, another reason for the panic
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> I accidentally outed myself as someone who sock puppeted an account that wrote eunuch, shota, Native American (we call them first nations herein Canada) rape erotica

People like you are why we have the glowfurs that hang around this place, you know that right? Christ man. And don't fucking say where you are from like that. Baka!
it's probably not gone forever but we're waiting for developer-san to notice or care
Pedophile CSAM sharing website
I wouldn't joke about that buddy.
Back to lulzworthy fags
Oh and to the snitch who lurks these threads and reports back to pinkpiller, tell him he will never be a woman.
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Are the furry glowniggers actively gangstalking me ? ? ?
drop your username for an answer
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tell me your targets instead
loooool what a pussy ass bitch pissing his pants. Boo hoo scared lil nigga shakin in his programmer socks.
ToT please don't gangstalk me uooooooooohhhh
Pretty sure you're fine if you aren't doing illegal shit or involved with people doing illegal shit.
okay but only because you said ToT uoooooooooohhh and you're really super sorry for being a stinky winky online
What are they like the furry police?

Thanks nigga
>what are the like the furry police?
Clearly they seem upset about illegal shit and probably wouldn't give a shit otherwise. Pretty sure that means your basic internet rules 1. Don't make or share Cheese Pizza 2. Don't hurt animals 3. Don't cause physical harm to someone else. Not sure if they are feds, pigs, or just, you know, non sociopats.

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