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General for discussion of Human Domestication Guide & associated fiction.

>What is HDG?
HDG is a collective kink writing project about the Affini (an advanced precursor civilization from outer space) that make pets of every other species in the universe. They have finally turned their many eyes on future grimderp humanity. Using various classes of Xenodrugs, they aim to make Florets (docile, drug addled pets) of us all!

>Where can I read it?
Read the original story here https://readonlymind.com/@GlitchyRobo/HumanDomesticationGuide/
or check other stories on ROM https://readonlymind.com/search/?q=%23Human_Domestication_Guide
or Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Human%20Domestication%20Guide%20-%20GlitchyRobo/works
or the wiki: https://humandomestication.guide/

Last thread: >>69434944
Would you rather: affini who looks scary but is actually a marshmallow or affini who looks like a cuddly teddy bear but actually has a sadism streak?
You're on /trash/ now, bud. We got no archive. Link previous threads on desu instead.
Latter, thank you. thank you.
Scary marshmallow. Scary things can still be cute in their own way, and having a sadistic affini would just mean I'd be crying all the time.
BRB building a saw design to work on Affini.

Affini would get exhausted attempting pin down terran cyborgs, too big / heavy to just be picked up, too fast to be grabbed by vines, doesn't require air, etc so it can exist in any environment and would require different methods of subjugation.
definitely the softie
I scare easily
unplug your extension cord
shiggy diggy.
sorry, I mean I flinch easily
Need a scary-looking affini (who is actually quite sweet) to tease me by jumpscaring me around the hab
need a really scary looking mommy so all the other florets at my daycare think im cool
You're so real for this. Need a floret bestie with a scary looking Mommy so she can gently coax me out from hiding behind my friend when I go over to her house for a playdate
I would like one cuddly teddy bear who is actually a marshmallow please, I'm scared really easily
yessss big intimidating plant monster who immediately drops the act once she realizes the person i brought to the hab with me is safe
>Affini would get exhausted attempting pin down terran cyborgs,
Photosynthesis go!
>too big / heavy to just be picked up,
Petal, we've domesticated stronger species than your a thousand times. Did you really believe those adorably "cyberpunk" "upgrades" would pose an issue?
>too fast to be grabbed by vines,
Did you know that humans used to hunt creatures faster than themselves before they began to torment one another with urbanization? Your little ancestors would run after the prey animal until it became too tired to continue due to overheating. I imagine a mechanical system, at your technology level, capable of producing enough power to allow you to outspeed us while being light enough for you to carry would overheat very quickly
>doesn't require air,
Yet your internal organs do. If we add respiration to the requirements of your little enhancement, they wouldn't last long at all, especially not in space
>etc so it can exist in any environment and would require different methods of subjugation.
Xenodrugs in the vents and shut the doors
Full body mechanization removes the need for eternal organs, air could be converted from chemical processes. The only issue is radiating out heat while in space. I think the best move would just start detaching weapons, turning systems off aside from life (brain) support and hope the Affini assume I'm just a piece of worn down industrial equipment.
affini who's really bad at diplomacy so to recruit her first human she takes a terrifying form to scare the shit out of them, exhaust them, and then once they're caught they nurture and comfort them into submission
I'm gonna cuddle your mom
she might even make us sisters
I talked with Master about my use of this website. It's been a thing for years, using it on and off, trying to quit, then going back to it and not really understanding why I get so hooked on it. Sometimes people's posts are helpful, but sometimes it ends up being a negative influence. Depending on the board, just the way language is used can in itself change the way I think when I internalize it, and it has harmed my mental health before at times. Master thinks it isn't worth it for that reason, and thinks it would be better if I quit, but I didn't know how to.
As we talked about it, we realized I use this website mostly to brag. I need validation even more than I realized, but we realized there are other ways he can give me that more effectively. We tried it, and it was like the feeling I get when I get a (You), but times 100, so it's fair to say it worked.
Starting tomorrow, Master will try asking me "Did you visit 4chan today?" and if I say no, he'll give me headpats and call me a good girl. Knowing how well positive reinforcement works on me, and that the underlying need I had is relieved now, I'll be unlikely to come back.

I found this general to be one of the nicest places on this website. I wish you all happy lives; if possible, even that all your hopes come true, in whatever shape that might take when in a realistic form.
Before I go, I just wanted to say goodbye. Happy floretposting and plommyposting! <3
Wow, sad to see a regular go, but it's for the best. This place is a hole. Enjoy your life.
goodbye familiaranon! you will be missed but it is probably for the best that you are getting off of 4chan. i'm proud of you :)
"Shhhh... shhh... Calm down, petal. I know you're scared. I know Mommy can be a little scary sometimes, but she has you safely in her vines now and there is nothing to worry about, ok? Once you stop trembling we can take you home and get you all cleaned up. That scrape you got on your knee earlier needs tending to. I know it hurts, baby. I know... Just take it as a lesson to never try running away from Mommy again, ok? The world is so, so scary sometimes, that's why silly little things like you need to let their Mommy protect them."
Cuddly teddy bear with a sadism streak to own me
I would really want to be friends with a scary looking marshmallow one tho
Bye bye familiar anon you'll be missed
watched a horror movie right before bed and i shouldnt have i hate this why am i such a wimp
god I wanna go to the affini spa
primarily an affini spa for human florets, but now that I'm thinking about it also go see what the deal is at a spa for affini
here have some more terror
Remember petal, there is nothing that could harm you while I am here to protect you, and no way you could ever leave the safety of my protection. Please get some sleep, it's very important for your health, and your health is important to me.
thank you
had a nightmare i was shipped off to a trans camp to be transitioned
never giving in, my youth is over
One of the most romantic stories in the setting.
Please explain the “trans camp” for us. As the concept is making me laugh.
Ve haff vays uv makeeng yuu pass.
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>Ve haff vays uv makeeng yuu pass.
I would fight for humanity and I would become a giant combat cyborg the but if left alone for long enough I think there would definitely be a part of me that would just use my strength to grab and hold an affini, it would probably think I was just a defective construction bot and there wouldn't be the embarrassing story of a terran cybernetics unit getting lonely.

still total weed death btw
it was like a place where repressors went, and the beds were magic, so if you slept in them you grew tits and became more feminine and less repressed in your mind, and i was out in the city girlmoding wearing a dress

i woke up because the stress, subconscious is screaming, im gonna win.
Don't worry. I am a licensed shitposter. I got advice for when anything sticks in your brain.
Just jerk off twice. If you ain't over it by then. That means the thought is sticking around and you better make other plans.
i’ve been doing since i was a kid
no fapping is bad for me, i fapped too much a few weeks ago and it must have dropped my t levels and i got intense dysphoric episode
Well. If the fabled double masturbation technique fails. You gotta make other plans. Either find ways to keep that testosterone up. Or do what the dreams are telling you. No point in dodging around it.
yeah i mean if you're having dreams you might as well just let it happen at this point. the longer you go without the more you'll regret not doing it sooner
you don't need to though
i constantly dream about being a woman and i'm repping just fine
thats only because i browse here, its latent thinking

im autistic and easily fixated and brainwahsed, ill get bored and move on loke i always do, been doing this for years.
I mean sure. But I'm an autist and I've been reading these threads. Certainly hasn't affected my dreams or thinking at all.
Course at the end of the day. You're beholden to no one but yourself. So do what you want.
Though you did feel the need to tell this thread. Even though you're aware what the main demographic is.
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need the Compact to save me from capitalism already
T-levels ain't gonna protect you from dysphoria.
>always tested at around 900 ng/dl
Also I'm pretty sure fhe idea that masterbating drops your t enough to impact much is debunked.
Unless you have some kind of disorder, your body is very good at maintaining homeostasis.
Has the right of it. If the feelings are sticking around, it's not a problem that's going away. You can't rep forever.
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Aw, and I just met you... But, I completely understand. I've had that conversation in my head many times over the years, yet I keep coming back here. I've just stopped going to all the most negative places, I guess.

Selfishly, I hope to see you again some time, but regardless I wish you happy life, too. Take care of yourself, FamiliarAnon.
I was off this site for 8ish years - other than a couple of the horny boards. It was actually /tttt/ that drew me back to the discussion side.
I never completely left, but the boards I visit have changed over time. Back when Moot wished he was the little girl I spent a lot of time on /b/, but as that quote (Descartes?) goes, any community that gets its laughs pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded with actual idiots who think they're in good company. The teenaged edgelords that thought it was funny to post swastikas and say the N word eventually gave way to actual nazis and racists. /b/ was never good, but it used to be better. I haven't been back there in years.

Nowadays I basically only ever go to /lgbt/, /wsg/ and /f/ (never say die). But really, in the past few weeks, I've only been coming to this general. I really like you guys.
>But really, in the past few weeks, I've only been coming to this general. I really like you guys.
me too :) i can't believe all it took to kick my terminal /lgbt/ addiction was just finding a place to talk about plommy smut. who knew it was that easy?
I'm as surprised as you are. :)
I keep asking myself how in the fuck one of the weirdest kinks I've ever been into became the most supportive environments I've ever been part of. I still have no idea, but I guess it doesn't matter. I like it.
Affini who enjoys refusing to acknowledge their vastly superior tech and instead convinces you that they're actually magic
Why, because it is magic, petal! How do you think you've come to be so dependent on my touch? So pained whenever we're apart? I've had you under charm and geas spells since you arrived! You belong to me now, but it's alright little flower - I'm a kind and gentle witch.
My experience is that smaller communities tend to self moderate and form more supportive environments. Add in that one of the central premises of hdg has become "something bigger taking care of you" and you've got a small group of people who either want to be cared for or want to care for others (or both)
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>hyperrationalist floret who grumbles and whines as their witch-mistress "brews up a potion" or "casts a magic spell" but cannot possibly understand the science behind how casually they seem to shatter the laws of physics and biology alike
Since Leafledger seems to be napping...

Questions for affini:
1. How do you handle feeding time with your floret? Do you carefully control their diet and schedule, or give them latitude to choose their own meals & mealtimes?
2. Do they get excited for their meals? Any particularly cute behaviors to share?
3. Does your floret get lots of treats? Do they have any favorites?
Questions for florets:
1. Do you like to share your mealtimes with your affini?
2. Do you have any rituals you observe when it's time to eat? Did you choose them yourself, or did your affini coax you into them?
3. What's your favorite thing to eat? How often do you get to have it?
Questions for independents:
1. Are there any foods or drinks you miss from outside the Compact?
2. Do you prefer dining at home, or do you like going out?
3. A very charming affini has asked you out for dinner - how do you respond?

Questions for ferals:
1. How's the cook on your ship? Is the cuisine better or worse than you expected?
2. What's your favorite alcoholic beverage? Do you get to have it regularly?
3. You return to your bunk to find a freshly-made affini-looking meal waiting for you. You have no idea how it got there, but it smells good. Do you eat it?
Questions for ferals:
1. Why are you afraid of being loved?
2. Will you let me help you? Do you have any associates with you who are also in need of rescue?
3. Where are you hiding? Would you like to come in from the cold?
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Hmm. There's something strange about this post. But I can't place it.
Well. They did say the questions were for ferals. I'm nothing if not honest. Let me send you my coordinates and the names of all my very best friends.
>for ferals
1. Cook? Ha, you mean the synthcube synthesizer? Real food is for the Officer's Mess.
2. Rum mixed down with lemonade or tea. Haven't drank in years, tho
3. Define affini-looking, first of all. Honestly I'd assume anything remotely food looking being given to a lowly PO would be some kind of prank or trap.

Oh hey, a second set of que - heeeeeeeeeeeey waitaminute.
so is this a "lovingly naive affini wanders headfirst into an obvious ambush" scenario or a "hardened, cautious, scary-looking affini staking out & sneaking in, only to find a gaggle of whimpering, shivering terrans in need of soft handling, a hearty meal and a warm shower." kind of thing
>for ferals
1. The food on my ship is not very good. Us Terrans aren't nearly as good at cooking as the Affini are. The Affini culture has lasted infinity times longer than our silly attempts, with influences from all of the other people they've libera I mean conquered.
2. I drink the alcohols all the time! It will probably drive me to an early death since it's not nearly as healthy as the superio I mean cursed Affini xenodrugs.
3. Of course I do! If Mistress left me a meal out it means she probably wants me to eat it. WAIT a second I meant to say maybe I eat it because I'm starving under the inferior human economic system, and I'm hungry all the time!
Is picrel what it's like catching ferals?

Smells like plantfuckers.
well i was on hrt before and quit.

im lonely and have no one to share my secrets with
Small community + fringe interest + common background + people inclined to be mean probably aren't interested in a setting about being given a tight hug and told there's nothing wrong with you
You said what I wanted to say first >:::(
>Home Alone meets Terminator in which an affini invader is oblivious to the harm they should be suffering as they explore the facility and trigger its numerous traps
I mean, to each their own. But I'm of the opinion that repping is never the answer. I will not budge on that stance.

Free Terran - I
Affini - 0
1. Do you like to share your mealtimes with your affini?
yes! in a perfect world my affini would be able to eat normal food so that i can cook for her, that's like one thing that i think i would still want to do after the affini save me and it's no fun just cooking for myself
2. Do you have any rituals you observe when it's time to eat? Did you choose them yourself, or did your affini coax you into them?
hand feeding, of course. i can't really think of any other mealtime rituals. i guess i would like it if we could just sit and talk while we eat. i really hate eating alone and it might be nice to have some quiet time together every day
3. What's your favorite thing to eat? How often do you get to have it?
berries that my affini feeds me as treats for whenever i'm extra good :)
I'll be honest. I didn't think this far ahead. Lets go with...
>Naïve Affini is captured by a small group of humans who attempt to interrogate her for information
>She is however, completely useless (and really could leave whenever). Every member in the group has a turn trying to extract info. And every member fails. Frustration grows and Tension rises.
>The whole time, she is constantly offering food, shelter and comfort. It's starting to get to everyone.
>Three days in. They've made no progress and they're getting sick of it. A meeting is called, to determine what to do with her.
>One member doesn't show, they wait, and wait and wait. Before finally getting frustrated and searching for them.
>Sitting in the affini's lap, wrapped in her vines, hands running through hair, sweet nothings whispered. Is where the human is found.
>All military order breaks down. They can't kill the Affini. They can't set her loose. She knows where they are. They can't leave. They'll be followed.
>Soon. The Affini and the new floret proselytize to the rest of the group. And finally, with a comrade already on board. The dam breaks and the groups begs for forgiveness, apologizing for holding her hostage. She leaves with the entire group in tow.
>Later she is applauded for her expert psychological warfare. A compliment which puzzles her. She just offered something better until they saw reason.
>forgot to greentext the questions
it is if you are me.
>uploaded my story to ao3 so now i have to compete with all the other far better written stories for views
1. I need to be in control to ensure a healthy diet. We all know florets would simply eat anything that tasted good regardless or nutritional value and would never think to supplement themselves
2. Sometimes a floret gets too excited and tries to feed themself, which of course is unacceptable
3. Only when they're very good, and I think we all know what that means
congrats, anon! Publishing something in a more-permanent fashion than a pastebin link can be a nerve-wracking experience!
Try not to focus so much on how much other stuff was already out there before you posted, you've added your thing to the environment regardless!

now go on and link it! I don't have an ao3 account to leave you a heart or a comment but I'd like to take a look!
>now go on and link it!
haven't added anything since i lasted posted it anywhere so it's gonna be a boring read, but since you asked
i think this thread affects me because ive never known the touch of a woman, much less the touch of a strong dominant woman who would make me feel safe and loved and protected. I’m so cold and strong irl. and alone, i feel so empty, unloved and unworthy.
I was there
3 years ago I was right there with you
I was the pillar of everyone else's life
The immovable light house you could find in the storm
The bastion of wisdom and experience you could rely on to help find the best path forward
I was not just strong and competent - I was (and am) legitimately one of the single best operators in the world regarding my particular specialty.
And yet I was cold and empty.

I don't know what your path looks like, but things can get better. Take care of yourself first. Listen to your heart and figure out what you need - then go get it. Pay attention to the people around you, and include those whom you would legitimately want to share your victories with. You'll get there one day.
Missing my attach is a crime worthy of spacing
>or instant domestication?
im autistic and afraid of women. but im jacked, so theres that.
Have you been around long enough to see one of my spiels about how fucked up I am from threads past? Don't want to retread ground. I'm a pretty fucked up cookie and I'm getting there. If I can pull myself out of the hole, anyone can.
new blurb for the day, in which a puppy gets to play. Thinly veiled excuse to write something about a big fuckin pet.

Seems like yesterday was "everyone gets a trip" day?
great story anon, and a welcome one at that, since basically every floret in the extended universe wants to be a 3" lilliputian
>Seems like yesterday was "everyone gets a trip" day?
oh and yeah, seems to be so
but that doesn't mean that you should trip up immediately, this is 4chan after all
hey what the hell, don't call me out like that just because I wanna be a pocket pal pet.

But like, yeah. Obviously affini like to be all tall and loomy when they're doing their domestication thing, but once they've asserted complete control, why not let their pets grow massively huge if they wanna? It's not like all that size actually gives them any sort of real, practical power over techno-goddess plants.

I'm tempted because someone said something about making it easier for others to establish parasocial relationships, which is always fun. And there's the practical aspect of archive-diving my own stuff at some point in the future
but you're right - thanks for the grounding reminder lol.
>disorganized attachment style has entered the chat
(when will it be my turn)

We'll miss you familiar anon, but I'm very happy that you're doing what's best for your mental health!

>spa for affini
>run by several florets
>"welcome to the spa miss [name]!!!!! right this way!!!!"
>get handed a single gummy bear from a shy-looking floret who rushes to hide behind her friends immediately after giving it to you
>lay down on the affini-sized massage table
>florets pull over step stools and climb up
>florets crawling all over your back, one is gently rubbing your leaves, another is singing you a lullaby, another massaging sweet-smelling oil into your vines, one of them (gummy bear giver) might actually be gently chewing on a vine but you can't really tell
>the lullaby makes them sleepy
>gradually they all pass out snuggled into you
>spa treatment complete

ty for questions honeydew!!!! I'll answer in a bit
(had to separate my response into two posts b/c it was getting marked as spam?)

I skimmed through it an really like it so far!!! Can't wait to see Josephine snuggled up on her new mommy's lap

I think a lot of us here feel the same way, anon. Selfishly, it's nice to have more men interested in this setting because it's very strongly female-dominated currently and I enjoy the variety of different viewpoints.

the level at which i want to see p-sama flourish in her life as someone who is loved and cared for by those around her is unbridled

i'm afab and i'm also autistic and afraid of women, so I relate. I wish I was jacked lmao. there are tons of women itt though, so I wonder if there's anything we could do to help you feel less intimidated? any questions we could answer for you?

>yesterday was everyone gets a trip day
correct. slowly but surely i hope to see all the regular posters tripped

yes!!!! trip!!!!!! gimme my parasocial relationship juice!!!
>>spa for affini
Reminds me of the dragon in Shadowrun who likes going to clubs and having all the patrons dance and rub on her after she switches to her true, room-filling form.
tripfriends are okay but i'm not gonna BE a tripfriend. at least not right now.

anyway how big do you want your spinefriend to be before your affini puts it in you?
>ty for questions honeydew!!!!
My pleasure. :)
I was stuck in an hour-long meeting for which I only needed to pay attention or speak for maybe three minutes. My mind was a-wanderin', and I was thinking about when I was feeding the doggo last night. He was so excited to be getting his supper that he was bouncing, and I got to wondering how feeding time might go for affini & florets, hence the food theme. Also I was hungry. >_<
wellllll someone with a name telling me to do something OBVIOUSLY carries more weight than some poor anon so I guess I'll strongly consider taking the c̶o̶l̶l̶a̶r̶ tripcode
since [spoiler]I named you[/spoiler] would you care to try returning the favor, or at least giving me a bit of inspiration?
I'm afraid of having a trip, sometimes I even try to change my writing style a little bit so people don't realize my messages are from the same person. I think I'm worried that no one will care about me and that would devastate me a little bit. I am, at my core, a vain attention whore

I like the way these questions are formatted in the present tense to better facilitate LARPing (#immersive). I'll answer as though I have my ideal plommy. but CRINGE WARNING b/c i'm part of the cgl plague

>for florets
>1. Do you like to share your mealtimes with your affini?
Mommy doesn't really like to eat. She just uses her vines to absorb nutrient-enriched water sometimes. I guess I do share mealtimes with her though since she insists on feeding me. I'm not sure if I enjoy it or not. At first I hated it, and I still find myself instinctively trying to feed myself a lot of the time, but I think being fed is starting to grow on me a bit. Either that or she's psyopped me somehow. I'm going to keep trying to convince her to let me feed myself though, especially in public, because being fed is honestly embarrassing.
>2. Do you have any rituals you observe when it's time to eat? Did you choose them yourself, or did your affini coax you into them?
I think I answered this in my previous response lol. Mommy doesn't ever allow me to feed myself, so our ritual would be me sitting on her lap while she feeds me. She coaxed (more like forced) me into it. I certainly never would have chosen this myself.
>3. What's your favorite thing to eat? How often do you get to have it?
Probably my favorite thing about the compiler is the fact that it can alter cellular makeup of any food to make it more nutritious. I'm a picky eater (bordering on ARFID), so back before the Compact I was often anemic and protein deficient. My current favorite safe food is black bean burgers, and I get to eat them every day. Mommy is pretty good about giving me food that she knows I'll like.

A-Ah. It occurs to me that it's been a long time since I've had someone wish for my success in a way that didn't explicitly or implicitly further their own goals.
This gives me some really complex feelings. Wao. I need to sit down somewhere qquiet.
Thank you, kind internet stranger.

I mean, cool thing is you can drop the trip if you ever feel like it's not appropriate. In a slow moving thread like this, you'd be hard to miss unless you're posting overnight.

That pic is calling me out
How about Chrysanthemum?

>I am, at my core, a vain attention whore
And you suppose we're not? Sweet, silly petal.
Could you tell me a little bit about AFRID? I've struggled terribly with certain food types my whole life. It's one of my secret shames as an adult.
Oooh you gave me an amazing name! Thanks so much again! I'd love to suggest a few for you (nicknames are my love language). Could you tell me a bit more about yourself, ideally in terms of the HDG universe?
I can definitely tell you what it's like for me, but I'm not sure if my experience with it is typical. It's definitely at least partially related to my autism sensory issues.

Basically, I have a very strong aversion to certain foods, almost a phobia. Even thinking about eating them (cantaloupe is the worst. oh my gosh. can't do it) makes me sick to my stomach. I have a few safe foods that I rotate between without much variety. Sometimes I'll be eating something that would ordinarily be fine, but then I will suddenly get the very strong feeling that it is somehow "rotten" or "contaminated" and won't be able to eat it anymore. Even if I'm extremely hungry, I won't eat unsafe foods and would rather skip a meal than eat them. My safe foods tend to be things that are predictable and consistent, so a lot of processed food. Things with variety are very difficult. For example, fruit. You can eat one blueberry and it's firm and tart, but then another one and it's soft and sweet. I hate that. I need to know exactly what the food will be before I put it in my mouth.
never apologize for being based. honestly i think 'mistress' kind of ends up being more of a cringy title than 'mommy'
I relate so much. If feminists had empathy they would have come up with a better name for this than toxic masculinity, one that didn't blame the people subjected to it. Anon, you deserve a hug. I know it's easy to say through a keyboard, but it's true. I know it's hard and it's not something you chose. Even though it doesn't matter, I sympathize and I don't think less of you for having vulnerabilities
>swapping tripcodes to my main trip, same name. I'm not an imposter

This echoes my experience in some ways. I'm not autistic (may be undiagnosed but that's neither here nor there). Ever since I was small I've struggled heavily with many fruits and vegetables. There's something about the crunchiness and intermittent gooeyness and stringiness that triggers a visceral reaction. Sometimes I'll throw up. The reaction and the intense mental fuckery that attends it means I'll almost starve myself than eat foods that I can't handle. In fact, I have strong memories of going over a week without food when I was little because my militant mother refused to let me eat anything else until I packed away a vegetable of some kind.

I mostly eat grains and meats then use supplements to bridge the gap. It frustrates my partner to no end and when we fight that's one of the buttons he'll lean on (that is, that I don't act like an adult with my eating habits serving as proof).

Have you found any way of successfully coping and expanding your palette? I've managed to add apples recently by just stubbornly eating one every day until it clicked - but I don't think I could do the same for something like broccoli.
I want to eat normal food. ;-; Plus weight management is a bitch when your T has gone to 0 - my workout regimen doesn't keep up the same way it used to.
Concept: A planet... but it's a floret. The affini is the size of that thousand square mile mushroom network and IS the implant.
gods yeah, sign me up for shifts at the finnispa
I'll be the BEST little worker!
lazy giants deserve to occupy the room and make it everyone else's problem
oh gosh! When I posted that feeding-care blurb the other day I didn't know I was comforting questionsanon. persistent identities are kinda magic???
And black bean burgs are good! I'd try and grill you up one nice and pleasant if you ever stopped by my hab!!

oohh noooo I didn't want a personality exam!! self-reflection buuuurns! agh!!

Alright, so, if you've see mischievous or comforting catgirl posting around (like this https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69364133/#69412099) that's probably me. I also affinipost occasionally but I kinda feel less comfortable (and not nearly as regal as some of my superiors!) about it
>Class-G addict
I'd be needing a lovely affini to constantly mold me into whatever whim they're feeling for the week!
huge! hyperbusty! thick shortstack! slim beanpole! kitty (a fav!), puppy, horsie, NEVER full human pls!
Whatever's trendy, or kinda-sorta mirroring my friends when I get hooked on how cute they are!
>Sleepy Bitch Disorder victim
a powerful draw to the setting for me is "never having to work." aside from the obvious capitalist hellscape thing, I'm tired all the time because it's just not practical to sleep twelve hours at a time, nor are several-hour naps every day when the lack of sleep catches up with me. Having a caretaker to either administer class Zs or simply being free to catnap (:3) as needed would be magic.
>Wellness enthusiast
I wanna help! I'm no xenoveterinarian but I've got an interest in helping people find a fitness regimen that works for them, nudge habits in better directions, and generally take care of themselves a little better than they might otherwise! My habspace is gonna have a sauna for anyone who wants a bit of help relaxing, and maybe some weights?

That's the character limit, hope it's enough to spark you!
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i'd be down to tripfag but i'm so fucking boring and uninteresting nobody would notice me anyway
see, you think that, but when you're no longer anon you can't help but stand out! Especially if you keep posting on a longer timeline there's no avoiding it!
that's not true, anon
I'm of the strong opinion that nobody is boring.
Same, nobody recognizes my posts as belonging to the same person, so it's just attention seeking drama. Plus people will judge...
1. not incredibly, no - my tastes are simple for i am a simple man
2. at home, going out may be a nice experience but the risk of accidental xenodrug dosage is always present, also i'm an introvert so people make me antsy
3. i decline carefully - i don't think i could ever trust an affini due to the whole "mind control drugs at a literal fingertip" thing - being floreted is the worst nightmare possible for me
I mean, I'm not gonna push anybody into tripping. It's not necessary to communicate here - at best it helps with fluidity and prevents impersonation. But if you (or anyone else) wants to trip, just do it. We're all internet strangers here with no real way of positively identifying one another aside from the little hash if you choose to have it. Who gives a fuck if someone "judges"?

I've definitely pieced together several regular Anons, especially since more regs are starting to trip, so I could probably place you if I really went back over the threads. I won't, because a) I don't have that kind of time in my life but more importantly b) I don't want to make you uncomfortable if being identified is something you don't want.
>Sweet, silly petal.
another day without Honeydew being my Mistress is another day with my true potential unfulfilled
please describe the anon posters i want to see if i've been identified
Baaaaaah I'm at work right now, tabbing back is more time than I can spare. ;-;
Leeeaaaf you're good at these things right???
In my unprofessional opinion it sounds like you are probably dealing with sensory sensitivities of some sort. I'm pretty good with vegetables, terrible with fruit, and pretty bad with meat. Grains are obvi an easy one (I <3 carbs).

Honestly, I've had much more success working within my limitations rather than trying to change them. I eat fruit leather (the kind that is 100% fruit with no additives) because it has a consistent texture, but that's honestly the only way I get any fruit into my diet. I don't have any veggie hacks since I don't have any issues eating those, but I know that there are veggies in a lot of the processed vegetarian food I eat (like black bean burger patties), so maybe you could check out the meat substitutions aisle in the grocery store and see if anything there strikes your fancy? Because they're heavily processed, the texture is much more consistent and predictable.

Enriched grain products are great, especially if you keep track of what you're short on. I eat frosted mini wheats every day because they put a bunch of vitamins in them and the whole wheat is pretty good for fiber.

If you like fruit juice, you could maybe try one of those fruit/vegetable juice blends. I've had a few of them and they aren't bad.

As far as your partner making fun of you for your eating habits, that really sucks. I think it's stupid to call eating a certain way "childish." Just because he doesn't have the same sensitivities as you doesn't mean he's more "mature" than you.

Aaaaaah you wrote the nice ARFIDpost for me! Thank you so so much for that!!! And yessss love me some black bean burger. I don't even put them in buns, just straight up munch them like they're hamster pellets or something.


Some ideas:
>Sleepy Kitty
>Nurse Lovey
>Naptime Neko
>Serenity Snuggler
*affini voice* Now now petals, what's all this foolishness? I won't stand for you calling your cute little selves "boring." Sweeties like you are the most interesting thing in the world to me, and I'm sure others feel the same! Just because you're shy doesn't mean you shouldn't introduce yourselves. Now, put on your brave face. Oh how precious. Why don't you prance on over there and tell your new friends what you'd like to be called?
>Leeeaaaf you're good at these things right???

Anon, if you link me to two or three of your posts, I'll see if I can make some guesses about your personality!
but Leaf, that would defeat the purpose of finding out if someone has picked me out as a regular poster
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Random thought - are there any stories where an Affini is a pet to *another Affini*. Perhaps even while having her own pets? The idea of an Affini who herself needs nourishment whilst also recognizing that she is capable of caring for her own pets seems like an interesting story premise.

Dangit now I'm gonna need to put my money where my mouth is. I at least have two posts minimum to pull linguistic trends from. I don't like doing data analytics off-duty but... GEH.
At least need to get through my work day first.
Aaaah I see. There are a few distinct posters (currently unnamed) that I believe I have picked up on:
-a floret with a masochistic streak
-an abdl floret
-a cis guy who stumbled in here and stayed (he's pretty quiet but i think he still posts sometimes)
-another plommyposter who isn't honeydew
-someone who is EXTREMELY similar to me in terms of their likes/dislikes/personality, to the point where it's kind of funny
women trigger my flight or fight response.
i was mocked for being ugly as a teen by a beautiful girl in a public humilation, which made me into a insecure meathead.
Same same same. All I really have going for me is being into men and maybe contract kink, and I hardly post enough for it to matter anyway. I'll just keep lurking like I always do.
gosh contract kink. please tell me more about that, because i have a similar thing and i don't think i've ever heard anybody else say "i have a contract kink"
I'll keep some of these in mind. I've been able to put away some of the stuff my partner cooks when it's ground up enough/processed enough to not effect texture - so it's not some kind of allergy (which is what I tell his mom so she stays off my care).
Me and him have been kind of at odds since I transitioned and having more arguments. He's gone ace and generally low contact which has been leaving me pretty touch starved. I've caught some pretty intense feelings over a friend lately which I think is a sign. But we've been together for over a decade now so it's hard to think things might be going sideways. The whole situation is kinda fucked honestly - trying to pull it together because I don't think I'd survive without him.

Dang you're more observant than me. I didn't pick up on the quiet cis dude.
There's at least 3 of the nonas posting in the last 1.5ish hours. Though possibly 2 if one is self-replying as a form of obfuscation since we're actively trying to ID them now.
I had the same thought recently, googled the phrase "affini domestication guide" and found that someone had indeed had the same idea:

I got distracted and never got more than a couple of chapters in, but iirc the main affini used to be the pet of an older, wiser affini who's also on the ship

How dare???
I HATE it here sometimes!!! <3<3<3
how could I pawsibly take any of these!!?! :3

at running the risk of exposing myself as your copycat, can you tell me a bit more about that last one. You pointed at me a bit yesterday but I don't wanna assume.
>an abdl floret
>a cis guy
hello i am in fact both of those
my writing style varies a bit depending on how i'm feeling so it's entirely fair you picked me up as two people lmao
Are you a data analyst? I work in big data too, but I don't usually do the analysis myself.
I might be safe? One or two of these are pretty vague
>a cis guy who stumbled in here and stayed
Two, actually. At the very least. I’m here. The one who is here because I find you all fascinating. Call me the voyeur or the observer or something. If you need a name. (Not gonna trip though. As that is gay and I do a lot of phoneposting besides) I shitpost to keep the thread bumped
The other cis guy. Haven’t picked up on him. Unsure if he is around. Said he was writing a story though. Interesting to see how that goes.
It would seem I haven’t been obviously identified yet. Good. It ruins the magic.
waitwaitwait I botched my first post
how embarrassing!! that's not my trip, hopefully this one is though?
>another friend falls to the trip
Godspeed, Snugglepaw
the contract scenes in these stories are really hot for me too. I don't know if I've heard it described as a contract link before, but there are lots of people who are into having sort of legalese, strict written rules in their BDSM relationships. I think having rules to follow, responsibilities to keep, makes people feel more free to express themselves ironically
>"an" abdl floret
Cute voyeur petal! Keep your secrets for now little one, but one day you'll be an exhibitionist floret for everyone to enjoy.
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For me I partly like the idea of drawing up something really comprehensive because I know my limits, my preferences and what I'm willing to try and would want my owner to know too. Then on the other hand the idea of drafting up something to keep myself in control and then having my owner take advantage of loopholes or get me to willingly waive clauses until I've completely given myself over to them is unreasonably hot
hehehehe I'm glad you found one you like!

Based on your writing style, there's a strong likelihood that you are the twin anon I'm thinking of. I'm referring to the person who in a previous thread told me they could recognize me because a lot of what I post is "unbearably relatable"

ooooh good to know! glad to have you here with us!

Oh ok so actually I was slightly more accurate than I thought. I didn't pick up on abdl floret being a cis guy, so I was referring to abdl floret as one distinct entity and the cis guy who stumbled in here as the one who is observing us like a zoo exhibit (which you appear to be). There is now also the swolebro with social anxiety (unless you're him?)

We can cross out cis guy and abdl floret. You type like a bottom (affectionate) so I don't think you're the other plommyposter. Are you the masochist with the petplay kink? That's my best guess.
Information Security Analyst is the closest civilian analog. One could call me an... extremely aggressive version of that, so to speak. But at its core, deriving patterns out of noise is my bread and butter.
On a personal level like big data and program on the side when I'm not too burnt. I think I want to get into SecDevOps or Software Development when I'm done, and if I could do it somewhere that lets me work with huge data sets that would be... very nice, I think.
>of course the dream is to be a game dev one day, but I know that's a pipe dream and keep myself grounded

Side note my background is part of why I can write in the threads while doing work. I multitask pretty easy and read/type about as fast as most people talk, so it's pretty easy to tab over when I'm waiting on something.
>take advantage of loopholes
fuck yes this is my shit
It's a good story, but that author tends to get distracted and go off into random smut territory when she's done with the plot. It's also THE affinification story, more than being about a pet who has pets. Also one of the first stories I read in the setting and it ruined my perspective of things
I am not swolebro. That is a separate entity.
And less like a zoo exhibit. More ant farm.
In the sense that I am interested in seeing how a full system/colony works. Plus I can tap the metaphorical glass and throw you in some food whenever I want.
do you think i’d not have developed trans thoughts if i had developed properly as a man? do you think failing to have piv sex by a certain age made me doomed to eternal mental boyhood, i had thoughts of wanting to be a girl as a child but i believe in nurture not nature.

if i had a more toxic household and exposed to violence and encouraged to participate in it, i could have been the alpha male in mind i train my body to exemplify.

i hate having the body of zyzz and the soul of a weakling. I was meant for so much more than this.
Actually, thinking back on it with the perspective of a few other stories being about discord members, I'd be surprised if the author wasn't complaining about her domme not being dominant enough or something
most certainly not
very interesting! I like to think that I have a talent for pattern recognition and analysis in data, but the company I work for apparently finds me more useful as a software engineer working in data. I can post during the day because my job is mind numbingly boring. I think I read way faster than speech but I definitely can't type that fast on my phone, where I do most of my posting.
It's a dynamic I'd really like to explore someday

All my careful work undermined and loving it

Added the picture but forgot to mention I'm also more into the pet play aspect than cgl... Not that it's unique, but it feels like it leans the other way here
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how would u feel if ur owner got you a connivent BUT she was a mussel (marine bivalve mollusk)
collars and spiral-eyes are very good things to lean towards, but what do I know? I'm just a silly therian

okay cool, while I think we have some shared kinks in common I don't think I'm exactly the person you're thinking of! That's enough to satisfy my meta/off-topic/identity curiosity though!
>i wasn't mentioned even though i post way too much
hell yeah
Yo I was literally told I was a soldier as a child and raised to be a fighter. I attained almost every example of masculine achievement by my mid 20s. I still transitioned at 28.
Don't wish for a toxic/violent upbringing. It didn't make me strong. It made me broken.
Wish for a kinder upbringing that could have enabled you to authentically be yourself, rather than having a conflicted identity.

Yea big data is usually gonna be automated ultimately. One of the things I butt heads with my superiors on is wanting to automate shit that we have human eyes scanning over. They worry about the automation causing mistakes, but a tired stressed out operator is more likely to flub something than a computer.
Hell part of my big meltdown that led to me moving from my old community to a slower speed adjacent community pretty much involved me giving a contractor my superiors favored a "why you suck" speech over this kind of stuff.
New environment is mind numbingly slow after being so high strung for years - but one of the first things my new boss asked me to do was to help automate stuff that they just don't have enough operators for. A good sign, I think.
honestly i'm not sure if it's like the opposite but its *different* from what i like. "oh yes, just sign here. you can read the contract very carefully if you like" and on the surface everything looks above board, but as soon as you sign you realize the exact extent of the power you've granted.
A Beast at Bay and The Place Where We Can Stop Running both have that.
yeah. i've already seen the projects where people are feeding big data into LLMs and asking natural language questions. It requires really strong metadata, and obviously the data has to be as clean as possible too, so there will always be need for people with our skills.
i have two people inside me, a strong man that makes money and success

and a weak tranner that cant do anything
she needs to let go.
I'm really sorry to hear about your experience with bullying, anon. That sucks, and no one deserves to go through it. I was bullied heavily in my teenage years, but fortunately I've found that in adulthood people are less likely to get hung up on superficial things. Do women make you anxious because you're afraid they will make fun of you or something?

I'm really sorry to hear about your issues with your partner. I think it's pretty rare for relationships to be the same after someone transitions. They either get way stronger or slowly fall apart. If you're on the "slowly fall apart" arc (and only you can know if you are or if you aren't), it's probably best to hop off the bus sooner rather than later. But that's purely just my uninformed personal opinion.

Ah I see. In that case, I would certainly invite you to chuck a few discussion questions our way if you ever feel like it. It would be fun to answer some coming from an outsider's perspective.

I strongly believe that the age at which you lose (or don't lose) your virginity has nothing at all to do with whether or not you are trans. I agree that nurture plays a large role in early childhood development, but so does nature. As an example, my mom made a concerted effort to raise both my brother and I the same way. She would buy him "girl" toys like dolls and would buy me "boy" toys like action figures. Even from a very early age, he never really wanted to play with the girl toys. I would play dressup with him and he would only wear "boy" clothes, despite the fact that we had plenty of princess costumes for him to choose from if he had wanted to and despite the fact that my mom was very intentional about not allowing him to feel any sort of shame for doing "girly" things. I think he's a good example of what it means to be a cis man. If you find yourself wishing you were born a girl or wishing you could press a button that would turn you into a girl, i'd take it seriously.
gimme a hiiiiint pleeeeeeaseeeeeee

i'd rather her be a cephalopod but I'll accept a mollusk

yes, i am afraid of them subconsciously due to that event

i did as a kid and never expressed it once. it fucked me up. the fucking longing, dreaming of when i was an adult just so i could buy and wear my own dress, then becoming an adult and being horrified by the reality of that. still never done it.
i'm an esl and like to avatarfag with an anime that can best be described as "scene lucky star"
She's stronger than you think if she's still there.
I'm a dualized system. One suppressed the other for a long time. Tried to bind them in chains and drown them in sand. It didn't work. It just nearly killed me. It nearly killed both of me.
I can keep doing this. I'm a very fucked up cookie.

I think it's still salvageable but there needs to be some serious big person talks about what we're looking for in this relationship.
I don't think we'd make it apart. I lean on him a lot to keep me afloat when things are very heavy and stressful. And he, uh, is not well adjusted for living on his own at all.
He's floated the idea of opening the relationship up (he's always been poly since way back when we started dating) "for my sake", but I'm not a fan of his terms for that. Pretty much that we would both have to be interested in a third party - which seems unreasonable and doesn't account for the agency of said third person. Plus I don't really trust myself to handle that kind of setup.

Oh by Leafy is on the hunt.
i had a breakdown and i bounce right back.
theres no female personalty, only the wishing there was one due to childhood weirdness. i was a male gremlin child.
i am malebrained
i am immune to all the things mentioned in this pic related.
i trans in the wild and you will think im just another chad, i know how to mask mt scent
You've never worn a dress before? Why not? It hurts no one, and maybe you'd like it.

That makes a lot of sense to me. I'm in a monogamous relationship (poly likewise *really* is not for me) with an ace woman, so I understand the complexities that can bring. For a long time I just avoided discussing my sexuality with her at all, but ever since I've opened up to her about it things have gotten a lot better.

>leafy is on the hunt
Can you tell I've had an energy drink?

Are you a mildly self-hating independentent?
Sounds like coping to me.
I can't make you see the light. It's not my job nor with in my power. But I can call you out on your shit when you pop up.
Let's be real the fact that pic is saved on your drive is already enough evidence for immediate Class-Gs.

We've talked about it a bit. Things got better when hormones killed my libido for a bit but then it came back with a vengeance and I've pretty much been crawling out of my skin. He's said he can put out if I ask, but that just feels kinda gross. I want to feel wanted, yaknow - not like I'm pressuring someone who would otherwise be indifferent. Bleh.
I need to get laid bad. Raking my own nails down my sides is enough to light every nerve in my body on fire lately. I've been so lost in fantasies of my friend that it is sometimes hard to get stuff done. Fuuuuuhck I'm messed up.
>Can you tell I've had an energy drink?
Haha maybe. I have, too - plus my doc just added 10mg quick release Adderall to my afternoons today which is... whoo... yea I'm chatty as fuck.
Lol my wife has done the same thing. She's let me know repeatedly that she's more than happy to do whatever it takes to help me get off, but having someone who wasn't as into it as I am would just ruin things for me. I'm working on settling into a "self care" type of routine for myself, which I think is helping. A big difference between our circumstances, however, is that my wife is very cuddly, so I don't feel touch starved. It's just sexual contact that she doesn't like.

never in my entire life have i encountered a repper who was happy and fulfilled. just saying
but leafy, if they were happy and fulfilled while being a "good repper" you wouldn't even know!
>Are you a mildly self-hating independentent?
"mildly" is putting it mildly but yeah lol, that's me
>I like the way these questions are formatted in the present tense to better facilitate LARPing (#immersive).
Thank you, but that was only half intentional. I just have an erudite way of speaking/writing that's not easy to turn off. Maybe that's how I can get away with plommy posting despite being such a floret.
Also, that isn't even close to the cringiest thing this general has seen, but it's adorable how flustered you get about it.

Really? It's the other way around for me. But, no shade either way.


Watching you go is such a treat, Leaf.
>all of the cute trips are in relationships
it's over for me
But really, would you want to date someone you met on 4chan...?
I choose to believe that I would know due to my penchant for convincing people to open up to me (by badgering them, as seen itt)

haha! gotcha!

I like your writing style! It almost reminds me of a fantasy novel. I do think it's funny how I'll hornypost about my oral fixation and size kink without even batting an eye but self-inserting in HDG makes me want to turn inside out like a sea slug

lmao are you looking for a floret or an affini? i don't think 4chan is the best place to find a partner in any case
>oral fixation and size kink
distraught about the fact that affini are plants that don't have proper mouths and as such are incapable of tongueplay with their shrunken pets

I choose to not disclose either my biogender nor my relationship status and as such leave myself open for anon playdate/connivant fantasy :3
>I like your writing style! It almost reminds me of a fantasy novel.
I suppose I better get to writing, then. :)
Yea my partner is hella autistic and ace, so touch is... tenuous. He's got an upper limit on how much he can be touched before he's "touched out" and after that it just gets awkward. Sometimes even a simple kiss is a challenge. It's a challenge - and hard not to think it's something to do with me. But I trust him enough to know it's not.
But yea, like, it takes the spontaneity out of it and just feels like a chore. The one time I *did* ask was such a... ugh, experience, that I dare not ask again. Almost makes me bleary eyed to think about.
i am feeling quite happy atm, on no fap atm
>dysphoria just evaporated again as my personality split
weirdly enough I'm not into tongueplay? i like things in my mouth, but i'm indifferent about other people's mouths

you really should! you can't tell by how i post because i yeet all grammar and syntax into the sun as soon as i get off work, but i actually write for a living and used to teach writing to college students, so i'd like to think i know a bit about it. you definitely have a compelling personal style

I'm probably a lot like your partner when it comes to touch. I *hate* when anyone touches me other than my wife, and it took me years to warm up to her touching me. Kissing is definitely difficult because there's a lot going on there sensory wise that can quickly get overwhelming.
I feel for you, P-sama. My wife is loving, but she has her hang-ups and issues, just as I do. She struggles with emotional subjects, and since I want very badly not to make her uncomfortable, any time there's something emotional I want to talk about I either have to talk to a friend about it, or just keep it to myself.
As for the feeling that it's because of me... yeah, I feel that in my soul. Last week I was having a bad day, and so was she. I was convinced that she was upset with me, upset because of me, and even though it was all in my head, it was devastating. I was curled up in the hallway having a panic attack feeling like I would either throw up or pass out. Apparently if I don't get regular affirmations of love, I get intrusive thoughts that I'm unlovable, and it's not easy to dismiss them.

>you definitely have a compelling personal style
This made me smile. I don't write professionally, but sometimes do as a hobby. I'm just a self-taught ADHD nerd, so I hope my work measures up.
>I'm referring to the person who in a previous thread told me they could recognize me because a lot of what I post is "unbearably relatable"
omg waow that was me! we had talked in like 3 different threads before that and i kept thinking "omg this person gets me" and then you said something that made me recognize you and i thought it was funny. unrelated but if you remember talking with me about being scared to get my first girl clothes i actually bought something that you recommended so thanks for that :)
>got your first girl clothes
EEEEEEEEE I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!! What did you get? (if you're comfortable sharing)
You people are fucking weird..

Stay away from /pol/ and kill yourselves.
NTA but I've met people worth dating here. Keep in mind most of us are loser incels(female(male))
How about you cut the grooming out, you little bitch
i mean there are probably worse places to find a girlthing to keep in a cage in your cellar
uhhh oooh, looks like we got a loose Free Terran in the courtyard
do you want to talk about it, Anon?
the nearest domestication clinic isn't far, would you like me to walk with you?
>nobody guessed my identity despite my posting in almost every thread
>nobody even tried to find out who i was
>nobody replied to my post
the trips were not a mistake they just revealed that this general is a few people talking to one another with the rest of us as background noise
wait i'm sorry anon i must not have seen your message because i definitely would have replied to it if i had (there's nothing i love more than trying to psychoanalyze people based off of limited info). can you give me any hints or link me to a couple of your posts?
you must enjoy grooming people into killing themselves by the age of 35, you sick fuck
I'm not sure what you're going through right now, but whatever it is I hope you can find peace.
Well he's got a terminal case of /pol/tard, for one.
damn too bad there's no plommies to solve hurricanes, huh?
you're going to get domesticated if you keep saying words like that, anon
i bought one of the dresses that you sent! i'm still too scared to try it on but it felt like progress which was nice :)

>girlthing to keep in a cage in your cellar

in all fairness i just post a lot in these threads so i've had a lot of conversations with everyone, but you are right there aren't actually that many people here. fear not though, anon, i assure you that i too am just as much background noise as you are. 90% of my posts do not get replies because they SUCK and are BORING. does that stop me? NO! i promise you that this will not change regardless of my trip, i will continue to be autistic in these threads just like the rest of you
haha yeahhh which side of the basement stairs are you on?
also congrats on buying the dress! you'll have the confidence to try it on one day, but baby steps! you'll get there when you're ready.
nta just an anon boymoder here i but i bought one of those skater dresses u recommended and i wont lie its kind of had a domino effect on my desire to keep up the whole boymoder act after so long. keep breaking ferals questions anon u are a hero
you are being groomed, SHITSKIN.

go to /pol/ and make yourself normal again.
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What did we say about that kind of negative self-talk, little flowers? You're not boring!
its a taboo thing for me, i really want to buy a dress, put on some high heels and makeup and look cute
are u ok
he came from /pol/ of course he's not ok
Clearly you are not, groomer.
>unironically referencing /pol/

That's weird, nona. Go touch grass
>or the hot side of a shotgun
>I'm scared to put on a dress REEEEEEEEEEEEE

stick to :3 emojis and avoid the dress, skibidi.
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dear affini comapct,

i am writing to you because i would like an affini and you are where the afinfi are. if i could have one affini, please, that would be very good. i can offer up to $78 dollars in return, which is all i have right now, but if that's not enouhg i can find more.
my specifiactions for her are:
- nice to me
- tall (optuonal)
please hurry as fast as you can.

yourst truly,
>its kind of had a domino effect on my desire to keep up the whole boymoder act after so long
me too even though i'm too scared to actually try it on. like... it's right there. it was so easy, you know? it's kind of how i felt after starting hrt but unfortunately i still don't have the guts to actually take the plunge. how long have you been boymoding if you don't mind me asking?

anon please... tell me if this works...
this thread is mine now FUCK OFF
You got it twisted, killer
I'm unironically directing you to rope yourself.
Nobody wants shit to do with your washed up ass psyop board.
>actively groom others into being FEMBOYS
>calls /pol/, the only board worth anything here, a Psy op

do you need help finding more victims, faggot? is it because /pol/ wouldn't fall for this faggot shit?
I think this guy would really like Independence is Easy :v)
i started at 17 and im 20 now though i did make a halfhearted attempt at detransing for a few months when i was 19. its kinda scary cause i put off trying to girlmode for so long because i was scared that i would like it and now... i am not sure what to do. u should try on your dress though i mean i tried on mine so its only fair, right?
I'm really happy that you bought it! It's totally ok to take your time until you feel comfortable putting it on. I wish I could be there to support you in person, but know that we're all rooting for you from afar.

Oh my gosh I can't believe not one but TWO people bought a dress I suggested! That makes me so happy!! I really hope you love how it looks on you and feel a bit more comfortable exploring your own personal style now.

I get that it can be intimidating for sure. But at the end of the day, it truly is just clothing. One of the reasons why I'm so encouraging towards others to explore clothing styles they're interested in is because exploring fashion plays a huge role in me figuring out who I am. Sometimes wearing a dress is just wearing a dress, and it doesn't have to mean anything deep and personal about your gender. If wearing girl clothes does make you realize that you want to be a girl, great. If not, then at least you've learned something about yourself.
Awww, do you feel like you're being tricked, sweetheart? Is all this talk making you feel weird and tingly inside? Oh, but you won't fall for it, will you? No-no-no, I bet you won't. Clever boy.
the idea that suggesting a dress to potentially try on is all it takes to make a 100% completely cis man forcefem himself is hilarious
While I haven't bought one, I did look at those links of yours and a lot of them looked cute. One day, I hope. I still have a lot of working on myself to do before I go trying on dresses. Until then I guess there's always cosplay.
it sounds like you are the one who suggested the dress in the first place, creep.
I've been snickering too. At first I thought "not this shit again," but this round of shitposting has been entertaining if nothing else.
>right wingers legitimately believe masculinity is this frail
Makes you wonder why they shit the bed any time you insinuate they're not the big manly men they think they are.
>they never have shit to say when I'm off base in uniform, tho
oooh nyooo~ even the mention of the event is enough to erode my fragile terran masculinity
aaagh save me handsome plant daddy, make a man out of meeee
who said I'm right wing, nigger? Are leftist shills not allowed to be against grooming?
it just worked see u suckas!!!
I mean, traditionally no, they're all for it
Who said I was talking about you, snowflake? That I'm even wasting words on you is already more grace than you deserve
schluuuuuurp schlup schlup schlup schluuuuuuurp SCHLUUUUUURP SCHLUCK SHLUCK SHLUP shLURRRRRP
Cosplay is great too! I hope that one day soon you'll have enough confidence to try on some of the clothing styles you like most, but I completely understand not being ready for that yet.

Are you into that kind of thing? Want me to psyop you next?

>they never have shit to say when I'm off base in uniform, tho
I've never been in a fight and I look like it. I am one of the least intimidating looking people you'll ever see. But I don't tolerate bullies. I've had people try to start up some sort of conspiratorial right wing transphobic train of conversation around me, and they back of *instantaneously* if you give them the slightest pushback. The energy they bring to their anonymous message board safespace is a lot different than what they bring irl.

*groomer voice* now now little one, let's get you wearing something a bit more ~appropriate~
>which side of the basement stairs are you on
neither side because this world is unjust and cruel and it hates me and everything is unfair and it all SUCKS! need to be in a cage NOW!

you're right... i'll go do it, anon! just for you :) i'll report back later with my findings.
>i was scared that i would like it and now... i am not sure what to do
well... how was it?

thank you very much leaf... you've genuinely been really helpful and i appreciate it a lot <3 i promise that one day i'm going to make it!

The floret looks so scrungly here
they're going through a lot right now, alright?
aw, poor thing.
well, being squished into plant titties is probably helping.
oh another community full of anons who want to be the pet?
good luck coping with the consequences of what you're all about to do to your psyches but at least you're comfortable with being a human while you do it
t. /ptfg/ petfag
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my psyche is already irretrievably warped
well okay I'm glad you made it past step 1
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i've already taken the pet pill, anon. i just need an owner :C
hahaha yeah
in a past life I wrote about pony tf with an emphasis on the collar
>but at least you're comfortable with being a human
... about that
yeah grab a seat pal, we've been waiting ever since 2012
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plommy gives me class Ds and I just start meowing
>but at least you're comfortable with being a human while you do it
>you're right... i'll go do it, anon! just for you :)
very good.. i bet u'll look rlly pretty
>well... how was it?
its just like, after spending so long convincing myself that im this uncanny unpassible irreversibly masculine freak that wearing something like that and looking like kinda normal sort of freaks me out. and maybe makes me very anxious that ppl could already tell something is up with me. i dunno suddenly wanting to care about things is very foreign and scary yknow?
well I suppose that makes sense though I skim through here and can't help but feel like it is a pale imitation of our autism
its like the brain damage we all unlocked for ourselves years ago but boiled up to its component parts so you can all just pick and choose which bits suit you the most which feels like it delegitimizes the whole thing
not to mention a truly unforgivable lack of hooves, for shame
>i dunno suddenly wanting to care about things is very foreign and scary yknow?
i understand anon, i really do. it's so hard to suddenly feel things again and it's easy to slip back into ignoring it, it sucks doesn't it? for me, being in these threads instead of /tttt/ has been helping a lot. i didn't realize how much that place was wearing down on me. the main reason i boymode in the first place is because i can't imagine ever passing and therefore i can't imagine ever being happy, or something like that, but getting away from that crab bucket has helped me step away from that mindset for the first time in a long time and finally have a little bit of hope to actually start making changes with my transition again. i really hope the best for you anon, from one boymoder to another. i hope that we both make it one day :)

the idea of a place with more concentrated autism than the hdg community scares me. i think the difference between you and us is that we are an offshoot of /lgbt/ rather than an offshoot of /mlp/. we got exiled here but i think 99% of us found this thread there instead of /trash/. i think the picking and choosing aspect is because these stories are 50/50 between pet fantasy and successful transition fantasy, so it's a mix of people that want more of one or the other. what's it like over in your niche petplay discussions?
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do you ever think some of these affini are a little overzealous about the whole 'domestication' thing
>who said I'm right wing, nigger?
I feel like this gives the game up
I know a couple affini who aren't.
>we are an offshoot of /lgbt/
that explains a lot, honestly all the irl trans talk seems really gauche to me
even though there are trans themes in pony transformation it always feels very shallow when it's just transgender wish fulfillment that also incidentally has other fantasies
as for us? we're a niche within a niche on /mlp/ and few as we are I doubt we all see things the same way among ourselves
being the pony and being the pet are of equal importance at least, and I'd go as far as to say most of us would take that deal even if we didn't get to choose what junk we had (though mare is the assumed default)
I think I'd let them cook for the both of us, make them a cute little service pet
That's because you bought into the anti white narrative

Niggers are dangerous treacherous beasts who will take your life over a Snickers bar. Best remember to stay away from the shitskins, weakling.
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How cute, enjoy your first dress little aura
You KNOW a couple of Affini? I need coords. For, uh, research and reporting purposes. Of course.

I have a similar experience. These types always talk big game But when someone bigger than them gets in their face about their bullshit IRL they back down real quick. It pisses me off to no end - these kinds of cowards only know how to kick down. I'll at least back up my talk - I've gotten put on the ground before for it, too.

Honestly I think the trans talk comes from the fact that absent our usual community, the population of regulars slimmed out real quick - I reckon there's about 10 people here who have posted consistently that are still around - a solid chunk of which are trips. And really there's only so much conversation to be had about the topic at hand before other topics are needed to fill enough space to keep the threads from getting bumped off.
Personally tho I think it's kind of charming and it's part of what draws me to hang around. There's some actually pretty decent commentary and insight into peoples' troubles that crops up here.
(It also probably doesn't help that I'm one of the more active regulars and yet don't talk about the topic at hand too much cuz I'm a narcissistic prick that likes to psychoanalyze people)
The autistic psyche is one that craves being in a cage
Sorry, I meant i know OF them. Jesus if I knew them personally do you think they'd allow me on this site? Well, actually they might. They're cool as fuck.
>from one boymoder to another. i hope that we both make it one day :)
Me three. Boymode for me has mostly been a mix of "path of least resistance" and wanting to protect myself, emotionally and physically. While I haven't had any really negative encounters so far, other than the odd boomer staring me down, the idea of a confrontation with a stranger over what I am is extremely unappealing to me.

I've heard that the overwhelming majority of authors in this fandom are trans women, so it's kind of part & parcel. Sorry if that part of it makes you uncomfortable.
addendum: I honestly think most of you /lgbt/ posters have an unhealthier relationship with your gender identities than most /ptfg/ petfag schizos have despite arguably having a much more achievable desired outcome
you're constantly purity testing your own behaviour to see if you're authentic
just go be yourselves and accept that you are both beholden to your hormones, your environment and the circumstances of your upbringing and develop and grow with time and that everyone is fundamentally different further to that
/ptfg/ petfags don't even think about this they just take it for granted and lament that their physical forms don't keep up with their mental state
I haven't read the fic that spawned it yet (Abcession, I think?) but apparently there's a running joke that the plants hate or fear horses
so lack of hooves may be by design, at least until florchan's contrarianism surfaces
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What would you say is the BEST fic overall?
Not the one that's the 'best introduction to the setting' just one you think is The Fic?
Pretty sure the horse joke is just that almost nobody knows what a horse actually is because they went extinct, so you’ll see people claim they have fins or claws or whatever.
I've given up boymoding. Started getting ma'am'd in public and it was just getting more awkward. I guess B cups and shoulder length ringlets count for enough to make it impossible for me to pass as "cis male" at this point.

I mean, ya, if we had healthy relationships with our own gender identities we wouldn't be on/from /tttt/. That's not a place you go to have or develop good self perception of your gender. That's why I'm kinda glad to have a generally positive little bubble.
it doesn't make me uncomfortable at all it just seems passé
there's one pony transformation comic series that is just transparently the author's trans wish fulfilling by way of MLP and its just kind of groan worthy
meanwhile there's plenty of ptfg stories tnat feature characters transitioning between genders that are so subtle and satisfying with it that you might not even tell and feel emotionally moved when you finally realize it occurred
>plants hate or fear horses
as they rightly should
hdg's strongest space plant domme vs ptfg's most fragile fluffy pet pony
Honestly some of the better written hdg fics make the character's transition subtle or generally an afterthought. Hell, in the original story iirc the MC being trans was kind of off offhandedly mentioned as part of commentary by one of the other characters late in the story and maybe alluded to up until that point.
>fluffy pony
oh god
god no
don't bring that evil here, lmao
ah, that's less fun
that seems clear enough
oh, respectable, I'll take your word on that
I don't think I can name a single egg-cracking fic that's actually good. Only good fics featuring trans MCs are fics where the MC isn't an egg, just a repper or otherwise unable to transition and its just, moved through quickly. The story can go into detail about it but its just fucking lame when its some weird egg retard who needs to be forcefemmed.
I get what you mean, even beyond HDG I feel like the oblivious egg trope is almost always annoying.
Phone poster Honey here. You sound cuter than me. I'm still at the point where getting ma'am'd makes my day, and I don't yet need a bra. But getting pegged as a girl in public more often now, so there's hope. I'm patient, it'll happen some day.
I should clarify that I don't dislike trans MCs, I just hate the egg trope so much its unreal.
>we have super HRT that's literally videogame character crater shit
>but i cant transition because.... i just CANT okay?!?!?
holy fuck off.
but anon, where will my hurt/comfort come from?
>the idea of a confrontation with a stranger over what I am is extremely unappealing to me.
i get that, the thing for me is that i already kind of have those confrontations anyway. like irl i look enough like a twink with long hair that i get called a faggot more times than i would like, so it's not that i'm flying under people's radars. i guess it's just nice to be able to have some sort of wall there. like i can walk away from that interaction thinking to myself "buddy you don't know the half of it" but if i were to get called a tranny or something in public i know it would hurt a lot more. i just don't think i'm ready to lose that wall just yet

is it boring if i say grocery run? like it has it all, i just feel like it's the best story all around. it's hard to choose though, through the looking glass is also one of my favorites

>I mean, ya, if we had healthy relationships with our own gender identities we wouldn't be on/from /tttt/
well put, p-sama. also that's great that you get ma'am'd in public! good for you desu
i don't know why all trans authors insist on having this like magical egg crack moment scene in literally everything. maybe im in the minority but it was absolutely nothing like that for me, and it always feels so corny and cheesy and forced it always takes me completely out of it
Honestly because it's unrealistic. I've never met an "egg" who wasn't at least on some level aware of their own transness. Hell, I *knew* I was trans for 17 years as an "egg" I had still admitted to wanting to be a woman at several points in my life. I'd be any one of them, including my younger self, being presented with some kind of magical switch to change genders would slam that button so fast it wouldn't even be funny.
The "Oh I can't transition for X reason" stuff is just repper self insert.

Aha, "cute" isn't the term I'd use. I'm definitely not some BDD passoid playing at being a hon - I just think either most people pay even less attention than we realize or that somehow Texans are prone to being polite when they realize "dude with clear boobs is probably trans".
At best I prob evoke "middle aged Mom" energy.

Catches me off guard every time. Happened today while I was out, too - actually didn't notice I was being addressed at all
>I'd *bet any one of them,
Whoo typos~
>i just can't okay?!?!
yeah it's annoying when they don't have a reason for it but like when its explained as decades of internalized transphobia/hobophobia and body dysmorphia, it's... different. its neat watching a character slowly come around to the idea and then having the lightbulb moment of "holy shit she's trans? and she's trans? and HE's trans? i can actually transition?!"
no yeah, the magic egg crack moment of a cis dude being like "wait actually" sucks. watching a character struggle with their transness until they finally accept that they CAN transition and they WILL be loved is actually decent sometimes
The character not transitioning for ANY reason that isn't Oblivious Egg shit, its fine.
I remember a non-hdg story about a character not taking the magic girl button because their dad (whom they loved) died and he was the only person who remembered their father and if he transitioned that would be effectively killing the last person on earth who remembered him.
The answer being "wait thats dumb, i remember my pa just fine after magic girl button"
I think this makes the third time I’ve said it in this gen and around the ~5th time I’ve recommended it on this site, but Negotiations on shaky vines is still my fave.
plommy scolding me for some minor infraction and agreeing with her and telling her i'm an awful pet and she doesn't deserve to have to take care of me and i should be beaten to death!
>"wait thats dumb, i remember my pa just fine after magic girl button"
florets can be silly sometimes.
You're gonna turn me into a plommyposter with this kind of stuff, nona
p-sama you haven't even floretposted yet and you're already threatening to plommy
Any interest in some openly horny discussion questions on this fine thursday evening?
does it meander a lot or does it get to the point? a lot of those 60 chapter hdg fics it feels liko u full novel by chapter 30 and they still haven't gotten to the good shit
I'm conflicted, okay. I've spent most of my life taking care of other people and wishing I could be taken care of. One is practically instinct and the other is an earnest wish.
Let's be real I'll never break out of feralposting. Someone has to represent the *proud Free Terran forces*
>*poor abused Terrans
what, no chaste and pure questions for this bashful and innocent thread?
(yeah hit it)
Imagine you've had some thoroughly domesticated floret for like a year and she starts talking like this out of nowhere. Did something happen or was she just never properly domesticated to begin with?
If by “the point,” you mean the kinky stuff then no, it doesn’t take long to get to that even though the romance part is more of a slow burn. And since we were discussing it earlier, the MC starts transitioning pretty early on and knew beforehand.
Discussion question time! (chaste and pure edition)

>for affini:
1. You've had a long day and need to release some sexual frustration. What is your floret in for tonight?
2. You just captured a feral and have decided to make them yours. What's first on the agenda?
3. Do you ever play with your floret in public? Do you like when other people watch?

>for florets:
1. You're feeling really pent up and need a release. How do you ask your affini for help?
2. How did your affini first break you? Did you even need to be broken?
3. Does your affini ever play with you in public? Do you like when other people watch?

>for independents:
1. The Compact has access to countless worlds and sentient species, so the porn variety on the overnet is truly something to behold. What's your go-to category?
2. You're on a work trip and are sharing a hab with another sophant. The walls are pretty thin, but you're too worked up to sleep. Do you risk your roommate hearing you? Do you ask them for help?
3. Let's talk plant tech sex toys. What would you compile?

>for ferals/free terrans:
1. You thought you had a quiet moment to yourself in the bunks, but a fellow soldier just walked in right as you were about to "arrive." What happens next?
2. Credits are credits, and rent is due. You've sold just about everything you own already. Do you take a job in the mines (knowing how horrible the conditions there are), or do you sell something else?
3. Sex toys: worth it, or a waste of credits?
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>affini appear, humanity is enslaved
>"Don't care"
>uhm petal would you like to ea-
>"Whatever man"
>B-but anon you-
>"I don't give a shit"
I am. Undomesticateable.
"Petal. I will *not* tolerate that kind of talk, do you understand me?" Her voice booms loud enough that the glass of water sitting on the counter ripples slightly.

"B-but... I was just agreeing with you... you're right, I should have-" Your eyes watch your fingers as they play with the hem of your dress, she interrupts before you can finish.

"You 'should have' not had to do anything. As your owner it is my responsibility to prevent any and all harm that might come upon you, even from yourself, and I have clearly been grossly negligent in that regard. From this point forward I will not be making that mistake any longer." She scoops you up in her vines and sits you in her lap looking up at her face.

"I'm sorry, Mommy.... I didn't mean to be stupid agai-" You are once again cut off, this time by the feeling of an injector slipping into your thigh.

As the xenodrug flows through you, the sound of her biorhythm gets ever louder. Her eyes glow a deep, stormy red. You try to look away but she grabs you by the chin and faces you back towards her face, back to those eyes.

"Repeat after me. 'I am a lovely, adorable, sweet floret.'"

"B-but..." You can barely get the words out as the sights and sounds of your Affini drown out your every thought.

"Say it. 'I am a lovely, adorable, sweet floret.'"

"I am... lovely... adorable..." You whisper out.


"I am... a lovely, sweet floret..." Your words get just a little bit louder.


"I am a lovely, adorable, sweet floret..."


"I am a lovely, adorable, sweet floret!"

"Again." You are made to repeat the words until you can't remember why you made her mad in the first place. Afterwards, you and your Mommy fall asleep together. She promises you that you two can have even more training when you wake up tomorrow.
"I adore a challenge! Come cuddle against my core, little one! I shan't take no for an answer. And don't bother crying for help, you're nothing but a silly little floret in denial, after all. No affini would take you seriously. :::::)"
>>for florets:
>1. You're feeling really pent up and need a release. How do you ask your affini for help?
Whine cutely and rub myself on her leg.
>2. How did your affini first break you? Did you even need to be broken?
Kinda? More that I broke her.
>3. Does your affini ever play with you in public? Do you like when other people watch?
Public public? No. Private public, sometimes. It's really hot getting all riled up and played with in front of people that I feel safe around.
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wwawhagawhgwaawa thank you mommy...
>Ignore the affini and walk away, I'm independent and not a threat to myself or others so she cannot do anything to me without my consent

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