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New features added last night, check the Rentry.


>what is Ragna/v/
It's a non-commercial Ragnarok Online server made for 4chan. There are no donations, vip systems or cash shops. This is the third iteration of the server.

>I never played Ragnarok Online, is this a good place to start?
We have always had high ratio of first-time players on previous Ragna/v/s, more experienced players will help you figure out your way. There are resets available, meaning no permanent mistakes.

>what's different this time?
The first Ragna/v/ was 99% vanilla with almost no changes, the second was more of the same but with global and individual achievements. This time around, we're trying some extensive customization, in order to improve weaker builds and classes, particularly extended jobs such as Ninja, Gunslinger and Soul Linker.

>why /trash/?
We in ragna/v/ have a thriving ERP community, with many people often sitting closely to each other to DM and whisper sweet nothings into each other's ears. There are people that even have a fetish for younger adventurer known as "Novice" and will ERP accordingly to someone young, if you're into that. We in ragna/v/ have even female high priests in Prontera's church to lend themselves, such as picture related, to cleanse our sins. I admit even I visited it myself from time to time.

>what should I do to ERP?
You should get in character much like your role in the game as, that way you'll fully feel immersed within the world of Ragna/v/. As an example, priests are often very submissive and supportive, and they even have a romp with the God of Death Anubis, which is why you'll often see people joking about them being knotted by him. As long you get into character on who you choose, everything will turn out fine, our helpful members can guide you through your first time.

I'll be open to any other questions for anyone to ask.
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In the meantime, have some porn.
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I want to tease and encourage people to jerk off while we're in a dungeon, making it hard for them to focus as I stroking their cock from underneath the table and whisper sweet nothings into their ear. Turning them into a gooner duo who comes back for more and more, until they're completely addicted.
You can do that in ragna/v/!
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Who are you for we can do this
the sprite animations are cool and all but RO has a lot of art(porn) and doujins you could be posting instead.
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I'll get to that once I run out
Just ask me ingame. My name is Hanyeo
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You could also help me out by posting it
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Was hoping for someone else, thanks.
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Is /trash/ just deader than /b/?
Yes. Trash is a really slow board, so no need to spam porn.
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That's really hot actually...
Basically this kinda stuff, yeah.
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is this actually you or just a schizo that constantly namedrops you?
Can we have a threescore? Sure you have a pet
just saying this here because I'm sure a lot of the erpers will flock here. just because I'm a priest and I hang out at prontera church doesn't mean I erp. please be a little more selective and slow with who you proposition in the future.
sakurako is our confessional priest (rper) not to be lewded
It's actually me, but a schitzo who name drops me would also say the same thing. It's a gamble you'll have to make.
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There's an easy way to solve this, post a new screenshot for me.
How bad is the learning curve for someone who hasn't played Ragnarok before? I'm kind of curious, but I know it's a very different beast from more modern MMOs.

it's easy to learn, and not that hard to master
if you have any questions just ask in global chat
it's honestly not bad at all, especially in a server like this where u have a community u can constantly ask stuff who will probably help you, that said there's still schizos but you will run into actually nice people very frequently imo
it's got a bit of a curve but theres plenty of resources and everyone is very helpful, don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions about anything
Learning curve is hard if you don't look up anything or ask questions, but if yo do it's pretty doable. It helps that r/v/ has cheap resets so there's no need to autistically plan out your build.
Can someone direct to some of the resources? Downloading now, but I do like to be prepared and have an idea of what I want to play.
https://irowiki.org/classic/Main_Page wiki for quests
https://ratemyserver.net/ database for mobs/items
https://rentry.org/m3cex class overview
anything else you can ask in game by typing #global onto the left box
to add to this
if you're new your best option is probably to play hunter as it is the easiest class (you only need to know how to use 2 skills) and can farm most thing by itself and is also always welcome in parties
If you're new your best option is to be a priest and become my healslut
I can teach you all about the game
Was actually thinking Swordsman -> Templar -> Paladin because I like ladies in armor, honestly.
swordies are a decent starter option too, bit more difficult and gear reliant but a nice starter option as well. Easy resets helps paladin a lot too as their skill tree is a fucking mess.
That's the problem, I'm phone posting.
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They do a good job maintaining the whole priest rp while giving advice, so props to them. Spoken to them when they're around, and overall, they're pretty chill. Booth just for fun, both for the community and themselves from what they told me. However have zero clue what other jobs they play on the server since aren't at the church 24/7.
Jealous. I started as a priest and nobody gave me any advice like that.
I don't erp but keeping up a priest rp like that sounds fun, I might start doing it myself
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I'll be waiting then!
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hi, do u wanna level together?
I'm creating a new character soon, we could duo
If you'd like. I won't be starting until later in the evening, though I have everything ?set up?
it's ok, I need to cook dinner and do some stuff now as well.
how's 2 hours from this post sound to you?
Might be okay? Will depend on when some people get back to me. Do you want to link up via Discord or something?
nah, just reply to this post in 2 hours or so, i'm checking the bread so i'll meet you in prontera (the main city)
(They were never heard from again . . .)
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you can trust me :)
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is this the legendary konata ANAL???
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Just another luckyfag
You can join us on our noob party if u want
Kek, I wasn't the only one who was thinking of them
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I miss this game... you guys are mentally ill btw
This is a shitpost thread, nothing like that happens aside one of the priests actually being lewd
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Here ya go.
Not that anon, but I recognize those from where I'm sitting right now.
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what the hell, I knew that there were (non-meme) erpers but this is a surprise
shame that ragna/v/ is full of obnoxious faggots (derogatory)
Us Priests and Acolytes must pay for dues and give you sex!
Anyone could have taken this pic...
Yes please...
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How hard would it be to have that implemented?
Good to see that there are still Priest whores that know their place and what etiquette to use when talking to a man
Yeah, playing with you and making it suspect is fun.
>healsluts and priest posting
I'ma pass on that shit, but I hope you have fun.
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Popping on.
I want screencaps of the sauciest chat logs
Nobody actually erps anon, its all just horny-posting in global chat
The stuff that I had to do took a while, I still need to make dinner
I'll get on in 30 mins max
I mean I do, but I wouldn't do it on a 4chan server.
I do with my frens :3
I hope you're putting your best lingerie on
Well now I'm too worried I might be wrong to approach...
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I did, but it wasn't on ragna/v/. Plus I didn't save most of the non-discord logs anyway.
Most pics are "sitting on the same tile" tier unless it was from a server with pornsprites.
meant for >>69495511
Cumming between Hanyeo's thighs...
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I would but I don't know anyone else who does it, and I'm not gonna be someone who constantly slut posts about it in global either
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Someday I might be bold enough to say hello.
once is probably enough
Even once just feels a bit much for me... I'll say the lewd thing here or there, but thats probably as far as I'll take it
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i'm ready
sorry it took that long, i'm at pront, next to the kafra
are you still coming bro?
It's kinda late here
>anon got pranked
it was an hour ago tbf
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*sniff* *sniff*
ive never played, should i start as priest? and how do i find someone to play with..
It's okay anon. You'll get them next time.

You can if you want to. You'd have to do the acolyte quest though, which can be a bit annoying for new players.
priest is pretty fun! I've been having a lot of fun with it myself. at higher levels it mostly boils down to keeping buffs up on people and healing them when they get low. you just need to keep in mind that it's quite difficult to kill anything alone that's not undead.
>and how do i find someone to play with..
if you DO end up playing priest, they're always in high demand on the server, so you won't really struggle to find a party except at lower levels.
I would play with you rn as a novice
But I don't want to get pranked again....
If anon doesn't show, I'll make a fresh character to play with you if you're a cute girl.
where do you think you are
if the CHARACTER is a cute girl you baka
no one unironically erps
I have, but never on 4chan servers.
no one on ragna/v/ does*
*(excluding a handful of friends that do it privately)

I thought about making a fresh character and adding anons onto a burner discord for a day or two but I'm feeling lazy.
I've been ERPing and milking anons pretty frequently. Most of them are just shy.
Advice? I want to drain cute, shy anons too
Exactly. There's erp in the background if you know where to look, but most people are probably doing it with their friends or outside of the server.
Sry anon
I'm not a ERP'er, I just wanted to help a newb
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Getting used to how they type. There is unfortunately no way to really know and you gotta take the leap if they're too shy to.
I vastly enjoy in-game more cause you can do stuff during parties easier and tease them about when they fuck up cause they're getting horny while playing. Though I've had success over discord text and voice chatting with them, hearing gasps and moans when they're trying to play the game with one hand is the best.
Where do we meet up?
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How they type? How so? I'm probably not the best at recognizing it, and would be hesitant to take the leap in case I'm making a wrong call...
The kind of people who don't shut down teasing immediately. Depends on how they respond to lewd jokes or if they type with a more passive tone overall versus an active tone.
I remember I used to erp all the time in RO like 20 years ago, some of the other players even ended up actually being girls. Good times.
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how many of you actually RP in this
then post discord logs
All that waiting and the complete lack of playability for the game killed it, sorry, anon. Hope you find someone else to play with.
sorry bro....
week days suck for me, couldn't get on in time
I'll try to keep an eye for that, but even then I'd be a bit scared of making a bad call and just looking weird... I wish it was easier
I can't believe you faggots
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how the fuck is this of all things surprising to you compared to all the other shit in ragna/v/, especially when bullies is on the server
/vg/ (and /vm/ by extension) mmos have been some of the most common places for this shit before /trash/ was even a thing
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me with hanyeo
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damn, ToS looks like THAT??? Maybe I should've played a bit more...
Rape priests
dont rape priests
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why don't you guys just go outside and find a nice girl to spend time and settle down with? do we really need an entire thread for this kind of thing?
I'll be waiting in Sphinx 4
The excuse I needed to stop playing my Priest alt ever
nononono wait we need more priests NOOOOO
but i'm into men?
relationship with someone i don't care about
>have to constantly deal with pleasing them
>won't have time for vidya
>won't let me fuck GAM
ERP with GAM
>Can drop them when I am done with them
>Crank out whenever I'm horny and can find one
>zero chance of kids or my life being manipulated by a crazy
pretty shrimple
Time to play my priest and see if anyone notices me.
I think you're cute too, Meru.
I'm in this picture. Multiple times!
>thread was mentioned in global
its over, they found out, evacuate the premises
i guarantee at least one anon will be too curious for their own good and fall down the erp pipeline by looking around places like /ftt/
I for one welcome more lewd anons to the server. I need more people to ERP with.
I own a physical copy of one of those old D L Action RO doujins.
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It's not...

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