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>last Super Moon of 2024
>no Wifwolf Monthly thread
How could we let this happen?
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Previous thread: >>70822187

I keep forgetting these get made the day -before- the full moon, sorry.

Must be because I use *this* as my reminder. This is how she looked right above my house.
Is anyone else watching this?

I enjoyed it before even knowing there was going to be a wifwolf in it (not that they tried to hide it). Make of this what you will.
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There should be a term for this archetype.
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do you guys absolutely need to have the hmofa aspect or is it okay if the male is/gets turned too
I'm okay with it but hmofa is much more prefered here, even for characters that wouldn't be into it.
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11 seasons, 2 movies and not one moment with Scully as a werewolf

Heya Fellas, long time no see.

How are all of you doing? Good, I hope. It's been crazy back at base But I'm holding it down for the most part.

I came in today to check in because of my last story and wanted to address the valid criticisms. And yeah it was about what you all expected.


>Switching POVs
I mainly did that to try to flex my non-existent writing muscles, but it also doesn't help that I had a word limit so to make everything coherent it would've prob taken all 15k words just to make it seem proper and less back and forth.

My main takeaway here is that I really shouldn't keep bouncing around POVs and mainly do it after plot points.

The story was admittedly all over the place mainly due to the fact I didn't get a chance to reread it and edit it besides doing basic grammar checks (Which I've been told wasn't bad but I didn't do well on either.) And some plot points are pretty empty which is something I will address at the end of this thread.

This criticism is something I completely agree with, but the situation that caused it to fall flat was completely out of my hands I'll talk about how the story was originally supposed to go at the end but regarding the stakes, it was all gonna be at the end of the story, (aside from the sex) but my mother decided to go to jail and I had to go and bail her out so I just smashed out the last scenes and just submitted it.

>Sex Scene
Yeah, I'm just not good at writing that.


But now for what was supposed to happen, mainly at the end. Once Dom and the rest of the Firewalkers were supposed to get to the old factory where the werewolves were based they were gonna have a confrontation with them, which was supposed to end up with:

Tannerite and the wolf leader (the brown one) are fighting, Tan gets a claw to the gut, and All of the Firewalkers start shooting, Tan takes a couple of shots putting him down but not dead, the leader gets swiss cheesed, all hell breaks loose, background Firewalkers are fighting to varying degrees of success, Dom enters the building once Phenoix blows a hole in the wall nearly killing her in the process, they both fight a couple of wolves one killing an elite and injuring Dom, They both make it to the second floor (At this point zombies have started to swarm the area due to the noise), where Dom meets her(I gave her a name but I can't remember.), Phenoix kills both of those wolves off-screen, and in the final part, Dom watches (in detail) as Smoke Stack gets ripped limb from limb by a horde of zombies from the top-floor window...


So that's how it was supposed to go, does it feel cheap to have all of the stakes happen at the end of the story, for me kinda, but that's how I originally planned it to go, but how was it to y'all? I do plan on going back to this story someday and rewriting it to fix it but as of now I took it off of my account till further notice, I still have it but just not on AO3, If you had made it this far I think you for listening to me try to make excuses for myself, lol.

Also, congrats CMT for winning the competition hope you bought something nice with that 100$ God knows you probably needed it.

I bid you all farewell, have fun fellas.
comfy cuddly fur brushing
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These 15-min timers can be real killers.
Just a heads-up: this is rule63.
Even better
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How dangerous do you prefer your wifwolves?
Enough intelligence to reason with them
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>local werewolf keeps leaving dead deer at the cabin's front door
>no clue why, she's always gone before I look
>harvest what I can then bury what's left
>doing what I can but she keeps doing it
>the game warden is going to kill me if he finds out
How the hell do I make her stop?
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write a sign or letter, if you want this can include inviting her for dinner
Leave a flower arrangement made with wolfsbane at your door. It should be enough to make her understand her actions are unwanted but that you are not hostile. Leave a gift too, like some watermelon slices or a necklace (preferably the former, as something more personal will make her even more interested in you).
As much as I can handle. Which is not much, to be honest.
I can fix her (I don't think I can fix her).
should've used a silver blade
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So glad to see more of this, Scully makes for a fantastic werewolf
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Instructions unclear, left necklace, she crashed through my window and now I'm a father of two
saw this posted in the last thread, it's a more monstrous werewolf depiction than we often see, but the more I look at her and imagine the more I genuinely find her attractive.
Would try my best to ease her into her new form, ideally not just accepting but also appreciating it. With lots of close physical contact, looking into her eyes, and of course making love. She needs to know that it doesn't make her less attractive in the slightest, and that even if she looks so very different she's just as deserving of affection. Naturally I'd have to be gentle about it all, and especially in the beginning phase where she hates her form take care to never say anything that implies I prefer her like this, because she'd likely take it badly.
Would all that effort be morally wrong? Even if she at first hated it and I promised to get her back to normal? If there's no way of "curing" it and she's gonna be that way for at least part of every month then I don't think it could ever be a bad thing. Best to come to terms with it as positively as possible.
But what if it turns out it can be cured? would it be wrong to then make her love this form enough to reject the cure, just because the change inflicted onto her was appealing to me?
perhaps the ideal body shape
>those claws
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I can see the moon in her eyes... I think.
>the more I look at her and imagine the more I genuinely find her attractive
I think she is meant to be kinda cute. Pic related.
>would it be wrong to then make her love this form enough to reject the cure
Yes. Just enjoy it while it lasts.
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Not on my watch.
This anon fucks wolves.
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Wanda is honestly one of the best characters in the franchise
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I agree. Honestly, as someone myself who loves wifwolves and milfs, I wished we had more werewolves moms in general.
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Pictured: Darkstalkers if Capcom weren't cowards.
That's up to anyone to decide for themselves. Personally, I absolutely love it when the wifwolf in question turns her human mate into a werewolf as well. A tale wherein a wifwolf comes across a newly turned male werewolf in the wilderness and helps him comes to terms with his new form would also make for a good story, come to think about it.
Hands are tied at the moment.

What about you?
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oh well, slip ups happen. could've happened to any of us
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bit thin but still hot
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i feel like a chimp scrolling through this just flicking my crusty finger scrolling and going
>mmmmm titty wolf woman
>oo oo ah ooh leg
>nice big leg ooooo mmmm
Well, it IS Monkey Monday today.
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A small bit of slop to whet the appetite.
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It makes not having a cuddly wifwolf irl hurt all the more.
Is that a red wolf??
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I believe so.
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>that anatomy
I get that she is supposed to be some sort of fantasy race but...
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>hyper tits
To be fair even if it wasn't hyper tits it would still be a nothing burger
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To hip for the room? Maybe something more traditional then.
This got old pretty quickly.
Yeah, that's good.

t. frustrated artist
the fur looks super detailed,the glass even seems to have a bit of refraction to it... and there's a fire burning in the aquarium. ai in a nutshell
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Be honest, is this the best werewolf to have roaming your woods, or the worst?
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>rubs behind her ears
I believe that's the bubble volcano from Finding Nemo but it could also be fire.
My gut tells me -that- isn't just a werewolf. I would definitely not feel safe around it.
depends on where she got that blood from
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Why can't she be real?
I wanna cuddle with her
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>no big woof gf to hug
possible wendigo, I'd rather not
mate that's a hyena. not that a werehyena gf wouldn't be great, but it's not the subject of the thread
also I thought that was Vinny Vinesauce from the thumbnail
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Linguistic validation:
>also the loss of innocence at 14:42
Snuggling on bed with her...
But that's a filthy fucking yigger
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Recent piece by the same artist.
Is this relevant to your interests? I don't know. linking it anyway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4P1MZXETCvQ
>bumping so soon
What was the hurry?
A boy has the right to dream.
would you do your wifwolf while she was still transforming?

Also, I've fucking had it with all the random captcha fails followed by a "Verification not required".
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I wish there was a queen version of King Lycaon as the first werewolf.
>King Lycaon
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Nevermind, I found some info.
Really diggin' this aesthetic.
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Forgot Mal0 can count as a wolf.
Wish the she-wolf of Romulus and Remus had a cannon name. She'd make a great origin point for werewolves for a setting.
Enjoying the view.
Marking her territory.
if it's safe for me and her, why not?
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>have the bright idea of sacrificing one of your sons as an offering to Zeus in an attempt to get in his good graces
>get ''cursed'' by turning your entire bloodline into werewolves as a result
>be a random hunter accidentally walking in on Diane and her group bathing in a forest
>get cursed by being turned into a deer and getting left to be eaten alive by your own hunting dogs
Morality in Greek mythology is just fucking whack.
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>Lycanthorn R34
Now that's really fucking neat, it's a pretty fun 3D Classicvania Doom WAD to play through. It got its thunder stolen a bit by Simon's Destiny launching around the same time, but the Lycanthorn games still warrant a playthough if you like Classicvanias and obscure Doom WADs.
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Greek myths were just horny fanfics that got popular.

>"No no, 'I' don't want to turn into a bull and impregnate a woman to give birth to half beastial babies, it was Zeus that did it. You know, for god reasons. Now let's explore how buff and hung the offspring would look..."
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Wish Scumhead had made Lycanthorn 3 and not given up on it, but oh well. His newest game also has a wolf-like character in it, so hopefully Rain gets a cameo or playable mod in Mohrta at some point.
I always find it funny that Lycanthorn 2 officially has Rain r34 hidden within it. She apparently has pierced nipples.

I'd post it, but I unfortunately don't have a working computer right now.
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best number of breasts that isn't two?
do you ever feel like we've reached the bottom of the barrel?
I wanna know peoples tit preferences, that's what I feel. i wonder of anyone would prefer 0 (as in no human tits, just some number of nipples)
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I've mentioned before on that specific topic, the Ancient Greeks basically invented transformation stories with their grand Metamorphoses collection. I bet they must be real proud knowing that werecreatures are most likely even more popular in the minds of the human population than they were back in the day they made those tales. And of course, for blessing the world with werewolves.
Rain is a really finely designed wifwolf, wish more Castlevania-likes had werewolf characters in them. Lycanthorn 3 eventually got made as a Classicvania game outside of the Doom engine, which looks pretty neat, but I understand that it is a bummer that the original plan, Super Lycanthorn 3 the Doom WAD, got cancelled. What Scumhead made of it before abandoning it looked really neat, but it gotta be hard for a dev to run into the feeling of running out of mapping inspiration at one-third into the project. It's a pity that Super Lycanthorn 3 got shelved, but maybe he'll revisit the idea one day.
6 for me
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Why is there so much porn of this character?.
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>Village witch is shunned by a village couple.
>Enacts revenge by turning the husband's wife into a werewolf.
>Couple is actually happy about it.
>Village husbands now beseech the witch to bestow the "curse" upon their wives.
>Witch begrudgingly does so.
>Task failed successfully?
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Why didn't you post the whole comic?

Why narrate the parts that we can see?
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Oh dang, I thought that was it. As for the narration, I was bored.

And now I stumbled upon the other half of this comic.
It's better as just the first two panels.
Does anybody have that art of the guy and the wifwolf fucking in the car and getting interrupted by some guy shining the flashlight in the car?
This one?
Because she's a major gateway furry character. Her original lore doesn't need to be interpreted very far to make her into an obsessive waifu that just happens to look a little scary. It's very much in the same vein as monsters or slasher villains in movies can also get fanbases, but in her case she also doesn't have a body count or any direct evidence of ill-intent so there's no moral dilemma.
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personally I'm not into her, the whole skull head really isn't my thing
>Her original lore doesn't need to be interpreted very far to make her into an obsessive waifu that just happens to look a little scary.
This is all you needed to say. Guys just like the idea of a girl who is all over you.
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>Didn't realize it was that time of month
>Someone already spammed a few of my videos
pls be careful spamming vids in threads they aren't 100% matched with, this is largely a real art and drawfag outpost
That's more like it, I made that for this thread. I had a couple strictly werewolf clips to post, got more cooking in the next month
im a bit confused (and retarded)
when is the next ai furry video thread?
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>this is largely a real art and drawfag outpost
We don't have any regular artfags. I didn't spam the images but I'll post what I want.
>my videos
like that makes you special. we'll all be making them in a few years.
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I've been loving all of the vids, but in my heart if the proportions don't immediately activate the snu-snu neuron they'll always be lower on list of favorites. Yeah, I know hyper isn't for everyone and if you're one of those people your opinion is the correct one, it looks cartoonish and weird but it's just something I can't help but love.
>we'll all be making them in a few years
That's my point, same etiquette applies as when image gen first blew up. Keep it strictly relevant, don't crowd out real OC, subject generals are for curated content, dumps are for media type specific generals.
Please and thank you.
Any requests? I'm actively cooking again for the next AI video general
>we'll all be making them in a few years
It's funny to me that you believe that.
If you could get a big busty wolf like >>71000757 licking her paw/forearm area that'd be amazing, don't dedicate to much to it though if it ends up being a pain in the ass to gen.

Simpler/more generic suggestion would be to have one trying to hide behind a tree like a cryptid/shy girl.
cat taur in a bathroom combing her mane, from behind point of wiev.
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Hey, would any of you be down to talk rn? I have nothing going on.
Sorry- I usually don't have time for these threads, so I can't respond to >>70861266 & >>70861274 properly until I go through the archives and get enough context. Can't talk for the rest of the thread, though.
>Can't talk for the rest of the thread
Can't *speak* for them, I meant.

I'm kinda tired right now.
the image that the article has was based of an oc called breynz the werewolf zombie
mal0 was ALWAYS furry
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...in the night?
>It's only been 2 minutes since you left for a quick grocery run and she hasn't stopped crying and mournfully howling while waiting for you to return
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babe i told you the walkie talkie doesn't get a signal in the back corner of the store where they keep the bread so the connection could cut out for like 10 seconds
If I wasn't lazy I'd post images.

Had an idea for a World of Darkness inspired setting where werewolves have bloodlines like Vampires. Mostly for thematic inversion reasons where they're simultaneously extremely different but uncannily alike.

Most mainstream are the Fenrisians who are religiously torn apart between xenophiles-in-denile in the New World and esoteric Christians in the Old.
Ottoman wolves of Asena have a rivalry with Fenrisians, also rule alongside a religious caste of werecats because in my worldbuilding Muhammad had a catgirl wife.
Inuit werewolves have been mostly subsumed by the northern Fenrisians.
Xolotl currently has overlap with Fenrisians who are mostly alternate-werecalupohs while a minority of purebloods are just werexoloitzcuintles.
Chinese werewolves descend from Tiangou and I've yet to think of what to do with them other than maybe Fenrisians being interested due to also being a hound that swallows the sun.

There are likely other bloodlines but it's debatable whether they've been subsumed or offshoots of Fenrisians, at least in Europe.

Also Jewish werehyena blacksmiths supplying weapons for the Ethiopian army.
Would this phenomenon affect all wifwolves, or just specific types?
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This can only end in sex.
Yep, she's asking.
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Those are some good ideas, working on it but it needs a lot more inpainting than I thought. New update they've got object motion lines and camera pan/zoom/etc options for the superior 1.5 model now, which is pretty neat. Still trying to figure out how to get the best use of it.
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