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/scaly/ - Scaly General #1459

Post lewd reptiles and discuss scaly stuff, male or female is fine. Dragons, wyverns, dinosaurs, lizards, snakes, and reptile-folk such as kobolds and Argonians are welcome, on top of other things with scales like sharks as well. Anthros, ferals and human/scaly are allowed, but please, no monstergirls. As some may take a few creative liberties on their creations, do inquire if there's a particular edge case you're unsure about.


>Lurking or just reading the FAQ before posting is encouraged.
>Anatomy arguments never go anywhere, don't bother instigating one.
>Before asking for a source, consider looking into the tips under resources to help find what you're looking for.
>Please avoid reposting images from the last few threads to keep the latest more fresh.
>There is no Discord server, don't ask.


Scaly Smut - Many lewd lizard writings
Scalie Lit - Even more lizard writings
Misc Resources - Source finding and other fun stuff
FAQ - Common questions already answered

You are free to contribute to either, simply reply and post the information.
Did you miss something? You can find all previous threads here:


This thread's featured image is sucking the color out of that innocent hunter. Truly a vicious and cunning trap, wait for smooches, then strike!

Topic of the Thread: What secret spots of physical affection do scalies have that they DON'T want you to know about?
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Reminder that dragon cum is addictive candy in D&D
The butt. They don't want you to know about that.
This is kinda what has me worried about Deadlock amongst many other things. Like, 'Oh boy! A new Hero Shooter from Valve?' except when they practically started the trend years ago with TF2 and so many newer games have been hopping on that Lethal Company vibe. That's not even touching upon how many came out years ago and now their playerbase is basically nonexistent (rip Awesomenauts and Paladins you will be missed). Like they just previewed a new cobra/viper hero for Deadlock so I still kinda interested due to playing Pendles back in Battleborn, but that's about it.
I've had my fill of Mobas and the Hero Shooter genre years ago and their, oh so wonderful, toxicity. So unless they do something drastic I'm probably only going to watch streams.

I mean HttYD is actually good and kinda makes sense to make a live action remake, they kinda did one for the stage play but that was about it. And they have been writing new stories Rescue Riders premiered on Netflix back in 2019 amongst all the other things they've been doing with the series.
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I want to be a Tama!
Gay soapy frotting with Tamanon!
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No context given.
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japanese Tsunami
What shenanigans led to this gimmick of all the wof varient languages doing a revision on what the dragons look like?
You caught me, but I have since learned
>lazily using Google Docs to do the deed on my phone; that newer version of Notepad that remembers tabs when you close it when on PC
Ultimate lazy-ass writefag behavior. No, I will not get my shit together (unless you have a better alternative)

Also expect Rey Dau ssooooooooon??? Wakarimasen lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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nami's cute super booby bash...
There are two types of anons out there
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I mean...
That's basically my reaction at any given time to the 'Chomp, so...
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It's like watching a couple of overfilled water balloons bouncing along the ground...
if this sells well it will finally convince nippon publishers to not force h*manform
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angel noodle
>dont ask me how

This isn't a subject this thread is likely to enjoy but I feel like it'd be really easy for a dragon to be trans and pass as the opposite gender on account of them generally lacking almost any sexual dimorphism beyond that oh so important weenie that normally stays in hiding anyway. And since they're not sexually dimorphic at all there'd really be no reason to care about their actual biological sex at all unless you're going to pound town, not even then unless you're specifically trying to make some heirs.

I'm pretty sure that draconic society wouldn't actually have a concept of gender roles at all really. This is greg, this is greg's non-specifc life partner gary. Sure they both have dicks but who cares? They weren't trying for eggs anyway and it adds some texture in the slit.
dragons might just have a different sense of dimorphism, like scent
>Gal's made a hoard out of herself
Isn't there an itch.io game with exactly that concept.
>there is very little sexual dimorphism in dragon society outside of laying eggs and the instinctual gender roles that develop until they hatch
Instead, draconic gender roles actually boil down into more character-based ones:
-Submissive, shy, vulnerable
-Aggressive, domineering, fiesty
And like a thousand shades in-between, which is why my outwardly super spiky dragon wife finds pleasure in wearing her delicate lingerie in the bedroom while I take the lead, instead of her pouncing on me and dragging me to the bedroom (which is nice too)
Eeey Its Ruadh's art
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You're exploring the everglades when this Floridian slaps your ass and asks if you you're lost, what do you do?
Say "Not anymore!"
Spill ALL of my spaghetti, most likely. It's nice to fantasize about all the witty ways one could respond, but it would almost definitely go like:
>"Hey, cute guy, you lost or somethin'?"
>"Y-you too..."
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Me too
Audibly gulp, probably.
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>Valve jumping on hero shooters years after the genre is past its prime and the market is saturated with garbage
They did this before with Artifact when Hearthstone inspired a billion CCGs. Did they learn any lessons from the other CCGs that failed? Nope they tried to recreate /r/mtgfinance's wet dream (no banlist or rebalancing, fixed card supply).
They also arguably did this with Dota Underlords but that project was aimed to be just poaching Autochess (and that whole genre died because of how shallow it actually was).
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You don't state such a sentence and not link the game, anon.

Also, would.
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Exercise caution, those that enter without the knowledge.
Where did the dragons go?
they're all in basements now
Shilling a knight/dragoness story
Random tangent but it's a pain how hard this stuff is to find on ao3
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Because of their softer, presumed lesser-armoured nature, I like to think the underscales - that is the scales on the underside, bellyscales - are almost erogenously ticklish, and that being allowed to touch there is the greatest level of trust between man and derg. Just be sure to expect a couple flustered growls.

h-he's kind of hot.
>h-he's kind of hot.
Wait until you hear that Whirlpool is after some SeaWing cunny.
Hot, thank you anon. I hope they get married and have many children together (in between all the steamy interspecies sex)
I always salivate at the 'what if you became a dragon' questions in this general because the way a lot of you anons talk makes me think you would roll over INSTANTLY if I used an even slightly commanding tone, even if you had a 2 ton dragon body.
>most all of /scaly/ is a bunch of soft, nerd boys who would instantly melt if someone giving them affection got a little dominating
I can see it. They probably all have a scaly plush in sight of them while they read this post RIGHT NOW.
Bend over
>"Wait, can I get a glass of water, first?"
Dragocucks MOGGED by the noodlechad's superior Length
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>POV: You are Anemone on your first day of 'training', and Pearl just left the room after telling you to 'have fun'.
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Chudbolds won. Dragons must retreat again for another 1,000 years. I already bid farewell to my beloved one.
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Eyes of a killer... or perhaps a snooter?
>front facing velk: cutest elder dragon you've ever seen
>side facing velk: icy death incarnate
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Actual Dylan here, back at it again with the 3am runecrafting. I forgot to answer my AMA last time.
Ask /scaly/s most popular eceleb anything, but beware, my time is limited, being as great as I am.
why haven't you done Sins of the Father yet
Joke's on you, anon, I read your post at work.
I have but I'm doing the lazy bloods method since I'm only moderately autistic
i feel called out
bondage and basement posting gets to me in a bad way after so much time here
>no scaly plushies, therefore not (as much of) a soft nerd
dodged a bullet, but at what cost
doing... things... to dragons
being sandwiched between male and female dragons...
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Wish I was a little bit of a softy nerd still, but it's too late.
Been old dadbod bear for years. Pretty much boomer of dragon enjoyers. Learning about Wings of Fire couple of years ago made me feel like I'm crumbling to dust in real time.
It's alright tho, you guys sound cute in autistic sort of way. keep it up!
Obviously true! I can't ask how you knew, but I have a pillow sized green dino plush I cuddle to sleep every night.
[nospoilers] On nights where the urge is exponentially strong, I imagine a big dino spoon-hugging me as tightly as I am hugging him irl. [ontrash]
Would you a birb?
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Who wouldn't?
I'd be filling up that chicken sandwich
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You play ironman? If not, you're too normie for /scaly/ now and a shell of your former self.
My runescape question quota is filled. Ask something different, such as how I must be so jaw-droppingly intelligent to have come up with mastermind scheme after mastermind scheme.
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Apparently he would.
So you don't. You've fallen so far, what the fuck happened?
My autism level went down from facing serious misfortune over the past three or so years, including death of people close to me
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My genuine condolences faggot. At least you've changed for the better. I bet half of current /scaly/ weren't around for your prime so they won't grasp the difference.
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>I bet half of current /scaly/ weren't around for your prime so they won't grasp the difference.
Two thirds of /scaly/ is now newfags. "Wof fags fuck off" is not just a meme, they are the newer and more homosexual wave of anons.
If I did return, I'd probably use actual bots and AI, or some shit. So if I get some more energy you might get a season 2.
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Why is there a little lizard in my bathroom? How did you get IN here??
>that mouth over face kiss
nta but did you move to WoF because you got bored of AWSW?
does anyone have images of dragons just sitting normally? I need them for reasons.
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>He doesn't have a scalie plush at work

What OS do you run?
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I can confirm. I don't know who Dylan is. As far as I'm concerned, it's just a general title for trolls.
Being a newfag isn't something to proudly announce
its just burzum pretending again
You had a baby and didn't notice.
Thanks for reading. There's certainly some form of claim she's laid on him now.
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It isn't particularly shameful, either. And I think it's worth noting, since I've no idea the story behind the guy, beyond that when there's trolls people call out 'dylan'.

WoF is awesome, by the way
>And I think it's worth noting
It isn't because we already said most of you are newfags. You're just reinforcing what we already know.
What tags are you using? It's a shame there's not a good universal tag like hmofa (human male on anthro female) for feral body type dragons
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Collaboration, especially when from another perspective, certainly has utility for information. As you say, it reinforces what was said, moving from in this case mere complaining of the ancients, to something more tangible, as a reflection of reality.

Are you still doing that AMA? What's your favorite WoF pairing?
Personally I really like Winterjou, but Teril is way underrated. Blaze x Glacier is also a classic, but it's way too sad now that she's dead!
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You can always make one. Just gotta start adding "hmoff" (human male on feral female) instead.
I want to hug a velk outside a warm toasty log cabin in alaska
you are extremely autistic
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she'll be too cold in that climate, and you'll just stick to her leg or chest
Is there a lore reason for Velkhana having such a cute little cloaca?
It's usually a toss up between dragon + human, dragon & human interactions (a fair set of tags are aliased to this), human/dragon (also decent set of aliases)
Then I'll try tossing in tags that indicate the dragon's a feral, but people tend not to use these tags. I could try coining an empty hmoff tag like >>70978728 said, it'll just be an island until a lot of stories use it. I've got 3 of my own, but that's just 3.
Im aware dont worry
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>This thread's featured image is sucking the color out of that innocent hunter.
Don't finish coloring it.
You can't now, because then you'll be betraying the message of this thread's featured image.
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>Dragonriders of Pern
>barely any dragonriding
>just medieval human politics + evangelion
every time...
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I like how Pacelic's art has steadily moved from sfw to safe horny over the last year or two. Maybe we can one day get the treasure trove of NSFW he no doubt has locked away.
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That's a lot of mouths to feed.
The life of a hunter is never easy...
>super cute, comfy Seikret picture
>artist name: DILD0RG
Funny how that works sometimes.
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opinions on modern robot design ideas?
Any specific style you like for roboderg?
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sex with leg
Pic related was pretty top tier.
I should really print that at some point...
The Drachetype looked kinda neat, but never committed to getting it as a VR avatar.
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First one state of India, next, the world!
I'm guessing I need to pay more attention to file restrictions. How am I just learning they're allowed?
kek, man that is a pic
>What OS do you run?
Non mainstream linux distro with KDE
because it apparently happened within the last month or two and wasn't announced anywhere that I can see.

>900 second timer
I am not giving you my email to sell to spammers for a few pennies, gookmoot. there are ways to actually stop the spammers, but this isn't it.
I've never read Wings of Fire since it is a children's series so it would likely be boring as fuck. I did read "West of Eden" not long ago, which would be classed as scalie I guess. But I stopped halfway through the second book because it devolves into utter shit.
The book I am reading currently is The Brothers Karamazov.
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There's a lot of complaints you can level to it, but I wouldn't say "boring" would be among them.
Lot of shit happens. Usually too fast, if anything. And they aren't afraid to kill, either, which is irritably rare in 'kids' stories.
>it is a children's series so it would likely be boring as fuck.
Don't underestimate it based on that - despite the target demographic, it does actually deal with some more mature themes, plus there's lots of action (and, in the first arc especially, lots of on-screen murder in vivid detail. The w first book literally opens with the first character you meet getting horribly murdered and the egg he was trying to protect getting smashed to bits while the two bad guys laugh over what's essentially infanticide). If you ever read a series called 'Animorphs' back in the 90's, it's basically the same deal tonewise - it's supposedly written for kids, but there's quite a bit of realistic depiction involving the traumas of war. No, it's not a masterpiece (far from it, especially considering the author herself isn't really that good at sticking to ideas; she rewrote the series multiple times for multiple reasons, which creates some issues later), but it was an entertaining read all the same. Plus it's about dragons as characters - not glorified mounts or setpieces, they're the actual characters. It's worth at least peeking through the GNs - we dumped all of the current ones on /co/ and I saved the links to them so far, plus there's the adaptation for Book 8 that will be story-timed as soon as it releases late next month. I'd give the comic a look-over before dismissing the series entirely - who knows, you may end up enjoying it. Or not. The choice is yours; I can drop the archived links to the past comics right here if you want them.
>The Brothers Karamazov
This I read almost two decades ago. From what I remember of it, I hated it - found it incredibly dull and presumptuous, honestly. While certainly more age-appropriate than WoF, it's not exactly what I would call 'a fun read'.
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no need to get picky, that's how people look by 35
Savage Crucible is having a warehouse clearance sale on their site - they're rereleasing all of their old 6" Lemurian lizardman figures - including some of the rarer ones - and this new site-exclusive guy; they're also releasing their weapon/accessory expansion packs to go with them. Sale ends on December 20th.
What were you expecting? You saw how the 'humanoid dragon form' looked in DS - why wouldn't you expect her to look like an emaciated corpse?
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Stay pure, anon.
>what no sleep does to a mf
Luckily she has you to help fix that. And to get her to eat a STEAK.
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>If I like Brothers Karamazov will I enjoy Wings of Fire?
Bet people made whole ass essays on this topic.
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>it's not exactly what I would call 'a fun read'
because its not "genre" fiction, its a work of philosophy about the nature of free will that lays the groundwork for the theistic side of existentialism
>If I like Brothers Karamazov will I enjoy Wings of Fire?
if you were in any way looking for something more spiritual or meaningful, sutherland has very little to offer besides having the dragons expouse increasingly human-like platitudes of (current decade). characters like the allmother from golden treasure: the great green are simply better examples of how one might write a compassionate and empathetic dragon without self-flagellating about how human morality/ethics are superior.
>the theistic side of existentialism
Right, and therein lies my issue. You actually care about spiritualism. I find it all to be bullshit. Hence the 'dull and presumptuous'. I have no delusions about my existence - I create my path through life, and I exist to pursue my own goals and designs. It's not that deep - the only hard part about life is dealing with the people who get between me and what I want at any given time. I don't need a book to preach to me about how there's a 'greater plan' - the only one that matters is my own, and I can only pity those who are so weak-willed as to convince themselves that there's some other force that's in charge of their actions and destiny.
But you do you - I'm not here to discuss philosophy, existentialism, theism, or religion and spirituality in general.
theistic existentialism and atheistic existentialism has existed side by side, with even marxists like Jean-Paul Sartre acknowledging both sides in his writings, "existentialism is a humanism".
> I create my path through life, and I exist to pursue my own goals and designs. It's not that deep
which is what existentialism is about, free will and the personal responsibility that comes with it. if you think brothers karamazov is about a "greater plan" you're missing the entire point of dotovesky's work
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Love is stored in the sphere
In the works of Dostoyevsky, a predominant concept is the spiritual culture or rather the absurdity of prespiritual sexual identity.
We have to choose between semantic rationalism and postdialectic spiritualism.
If one examines spiritualism, one is faced with a choice: either reject the subtextual paradigm of narrative or conclude that context
comes from within, but only if Sutherland’s essay on fantasy realism is invalid.
On the other hand, if the rationalistic narrative holds, we are bound to examine post-dialectic materialism as well as pre-conceptualist semantics theory. Thus the bridge between fiction and sexual identity may be revealed. Well, maybe not so much as sexual identity, but at very least the legalized fiction of intimate connection with draconic-like character, thus legalizing the hyper real fiction of aforementioned sexual identity.
>in the works of Dostoyevsky, a predominant concept is the spiritual culture or rather the absurdity of prespiritual sexual identity.
yeah dotovesky talks alot about the nature of human beings being undefined by social, idealogical or any systems of knowledge, and that surpassing all limits on "the primordial freedom of the soul" is an inherent aspect of being human. so maybe dragon sex might still be on the table
>examine post-dialectic materialism as well as pre-conceptualist semantics theory
this is just sophistry, it shouldnt matter whether or not whether materialism or spiritualism is correct, dragon sex still reveals something about the psyche of (you) regardless of if you're a physical mass or whatever thoughtform.
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>Hunter, why are you staring at me like this?
>he thinks ijoe is still here
>me patting the like, four different flavors of Hot Pockets in there
>so many mods already
>I'm too retarded to import and set up shaders for the game model in Blender properly
I will now waifu your handler
Also is it weird for Seikret hybrids to ride on their feral cousins?

I think I heard something about the beta getting cracked to continue running offline, is that how mods are getting made already?
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>"Wow, I love your diamond scale patterns!"
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>"Thanks! Actually, they're eyes."
How freaked would you be?
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Yeah, pretty much the first week after beta ended it was semi playable.
You simulate MHWilds Server locally on your own PC to trick the game into thinking real servers are still working, then use REFramework mod that works as overlay to swap models the game loads to ones you want, if they configured properly.
Many assets like models got unpacked and extracted from game files and imported into Blender. Tech wizards figured this shit out real quick, it's nuts and then artists like IvoryLagiacrus got in the thick of it.
One day I'll be a cool 3D artist too...
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What that anon said
I followed a tutorial to have a local fake capcom server to trick the game into launching again
There was an anon on /amh/ that was doing the same and who posted how to do it, otherwise you can set it up from a github repo that contains that fake server code

>Also is it weird for Seikret hybrids to ride on their feral cousins?
Nah, seikrets are just kinky like that
Obviously each hunt ends with them in a torrid embrace while the player is stuck on the end screen
>seikrets are just kinky like that
You sure you aren't confusing them for a different funny mount lizard?
"I like the way you look~"
Then promptly tail-whipped into a mountain.
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Poor Zinogre.
if you were a dragon, would you go into the basement? Be honest.
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its so sad that ijoe died of ligma
I had a similar thought, if I were more skilled at modding, (and had more drive and motivation), I would have model swapped the Seikret to Koraidon. Or put a maid dress on it.
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If my friends were there, maybe...
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>Obviously each hunt ends with them in a torrid embrace while the player is stuck on the end screen
Nerg exudes so much raw, sexual energy. It should be illegal.
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I won't lie and pretend I wouldn't enjoy such a fate.
But I idolize dragons too much to accept such a thing.
I couldn't bear to bring such shame onto the dragons I love by simply walking into a basement.
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I have a T-rex holding a heart by my bed. Bought it on some valentines day sale. Love the little fellow.

You're not exactly wrong in your observations.
I've already got a massive body, and I'm still one firm growl away from turning into a puddle.
>apparently MP4 is a supported format now

was this recent?
popped out few days ago in /wsg/ and now on the whole site. pretty quick
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“Scaled Claws Against Human Flesh: a Painfully Sensual Guide to Further Deep Bonding in Dragon-Human Relationships” (Anderson, Forest-Scorcher, et al., 2024)
Yeah, but it's h264 so if you already were using vp9 webms they are still better I think.
I kind of want to sexually bully femboyish dragons (consensually). Like look at his cute blush and shivers, I want to trace my finger up his leaking cock cage while he whines and frantically clamps his butt around that plug, unable to get off without penile stimulation. Am I headed for the basement?
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Draw scalies NOW or just show your most recent stuff
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I drew this a bit ago I guess. Derg woke up by sudden kobold. They just sort of appear at times. Always makes the first interaction a little awkward.
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Have this lazy wyvern I drew like nine months ago
You’d love living with a dragon, but what about living inside a dragon?
200% SMUG
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That's pretty cute, what materials did you use? (pic rel was done with oil pastels to test them)
Cute too but
>nine months ago
You've got to draw more wyverns anon
Just Procreate on the iPad. I happen to like using 'colored pencil' esque brushes is all.
>Swordnose Dragon
>Swordnose Wyvern
Make up your mind.
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some very early wip
Are you a giant snake or are you just happy to see me?
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>sassy lost child
That's a fantastic position, being squeeze between a raptor's powerful thighs while eating her out.
Also full res.
Is Velkhana's snoot one of the best monster designs?
maybe for a few days or weeks, if i knew i could get back out whenever i wanted to
no way in hell would i do it otherwise, there's more to life than 24/7 bondage torture
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Alright, alright.
Since it's still Dinovember anyone has some dinosaur requests?
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This and the riding was top-tier, anon.
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vague and open ended, but: any dinosaur with it's child on top of their head. Them raptor children you drew in your comic were peak. Just don't know what to choose for the species.
"what is a dinosaur's favourite meal to cook?"
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love sphere dragons
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they are so full of love. also full of food so maybe they should consider a salad, I'm just saying. But they are very full of love, and love you for being such a good chef.
so uh, i hear sometimes that dragons sit on their eggs to keep them warm, heh… wonder what would happen if a dragon thought you were an egg… haha
Jesus fuck, don't get near that fluff or you'll be lost in it for seven days and nights.
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He would a birb
We tried the herbal claw analgesic mix recommended in that one, and my wife's claws fell out. No blood; just the layers let go all the way down to the newest, softest one. She wound up pleasuring herself with her bare fingertips for the rest of the night, and spent the rest of the next day relentlessly fondling my body. Oh yeah, and a lot of the scales on her hands went missing, too.
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he's so cool....
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Probably late but…
Theropod explorer of your choosing. Safari hat, binoculars, etc.
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Along these lines, reverse Jurassic Park, where the dino explorer is being stalked by a human with less-than-good intentions.

I've got an idea for that.

Are we talking herbivore or carnivore?

Not to late. I'll get to it.
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>also full of food so maybe they should consider a salad, I'm just saying
Hey, the dragons are still in shape, even if that shape is a circle.
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Will my tongue stick, if I try to lick?
That's crystal, not ice, so no.
anon! she's your daughter!
...So do you think Mr Snakes got two of em down there?
Bird lady is probably into that shit.

Shame they're more than likely going to be the villains, or at least have a moment where Snake gets his heart ripped out like happened in the first film.
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Went for a somewhat underrated species. Probably still the best known hadrosaurid but imo there's not enough art of them.
Would you prefer anthro or feral?
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Guess it'll be pinched instead
That's a technicality, I just want to properly appreciate her natural beauty
Plus, she is every commander's daughter anyway
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then look closely
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Never really got into the "she's our daughter" mindset. Maybe adopted daughter if you really want. But still, that's like saying Saphira is Eragon's daughter because he protected her egg and looked after her while she was still a hatchling.
In reality, we basically didn't do shit with Aurene except one dedicated bonding mission. Most of the time it was Caithe who kept her company while we were out adventuring and chasing gods. Also...

>polished glass like surface instead of scales
>have to wear sunglasses every time you look at her
We already had a good design that stayed consistent during her growth. Guess it's on topic that they made her just as overloaded with blinding effects as players make themselves look ingame.
if you get meaner and fill out a job application, maybe
>you will never have cute dino babies crawl on your head
I thought you were confident and aggressive? What happened?
spread your butthole and watch
>Are we talking herbivore or carnivore
i was thinking of carnivore, but herbivore sounds more fun
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He will rub you out of your aetherbux
>dragons the moment they are introduced to harnesses
Does this count as scalie?
>grabbers things
>hair looking spikes on the back
yep, this is a Man
What is a Man?
A miserable little pile of secrets
A Not-Dragon?
Aesthetically unpleasing?
A thing I don't want to have sex with?
it would be funny if he wrapped me up and squeezed me very hard
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what you see when you look at your noodle SO
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what everybody else sees
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Not sure if this is close to what you had in mind.

Thank you!
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unfortunately these are expensive, and out of my price point...
>a ramen of noodles
not quite, but still adorable! thanks
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I hate him
This has to be his fetish
that's kinda based desu, I wanna draw a bunch of insanely horny images that look cropped but in reality that's the entire image and then tease people with them online
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God i fuckin love the wimdy boy
Feral but artistic liberties taken when doing the face and arms.

*manly squeeing*
>jogging raptor and her bf
Good to see these two make a return.
Yes, fish ARE scalies; they have scales!
true, but gills scare me in a visceral way that is impossible to quantify or describe and so I don't like em
I am NOT falling for that again, Plesioth! I will not get hip checked again by you!
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Butterflies and moths are scalies. They are covered in scales.
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Alright, how the hell did they manage to get all of that on?
And who even makes such frilly outfits on the scale of these things? The cost has to be absurd!
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some say there exists a monsterphile armor crafter, who charges a little extra for specialty outfits on the side. Those with partners grind especially for frilly outfits for their other, more monsterous half. Others say there exists a monster, possibly a Neopteron, who weaves lingerie for rich monster clientele, to surprise the hunters that do dote on them so. Perhaps both are true, but I wouldn't know. Now if you excuse me, I have a Namielle GF who needs my attention.
>have a clevergirl gf who expresses her feelings for (You) by drawing cute pictures of dinos being all lovey-dovey
>the spiders are the ones weaving frilly fancy lingerie for monsters with human lovers
That is hilarious and now my /trash/ fleet headcanon, based wingmon Neopterons.
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the /scaly/ & /bzzt/ alliance needed to happen for a while now
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I wish I had some fitting images for them, I like the pairing combo.
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Next April fools we can merge /bzzt/ /scaly/ and /feather/ into /BZALYER/ it's final dread form.
Such a talented artist! What dexterity! What form!
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>And who even makes such frilly outfits on the scale of these things?
Between the Behemoth event in World and the Rathalos Hunt in FFXIV, combined with all of the canon interdimensional shenanigans in the latter game, we know there's a connection between the Monster Hunter world and Etheirys. If there's a stable means of travel between the two (similar to a Voidgate), then I know of at least one little dragonet with a knack for sewing clothes for other dragons who may have had a hand (or claw) in such things...after all, her whole thing is trying to bring together Man and Dragonkind, so helping a few Monsters who are trying to appeal to human Hunters would be right up her alley.
No! No! No!
Feesh are FOOD
They will be EATEN
You know I find it a bit odd that we think a scaly drawing us a picture would be something we would recognize.
I'm not saying we couldn't, but just pause for a second and think about it a bit.
We're talking about a creature that has a fundamentally different perspective of color and shape due to the way their eyes work.
It's kind of like how they say dogs are color blind or certain insects can see into the ultraviolet spectrum.
Not that it wouldn't be fucking fascinating to see your clevergirl express her desire for you to 'Boom boom acka-lacka lacka boom Boom boom' her through paintings.
That's not even getting into the differences in courtship.
'Pinkie! I have brought you meat! [It's a dead racoon] Let us feast and then *untranslatable raptor barking*'
Is she responsible for all those dragon-sized maid outfits that have been floating around lately too?
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>"If you hire me I'll tell you"
Shrewd beast...
Gotta do what it takes to get away from the traditional dragon lifestyle.
>Went for a somewhat underrated species
Growing up with a certain dinosaur show made Paras my favourite dinosaur.
It's a strange thing to focus on, but I think it's really interesting how they (or many hadrosaurus) can be both bi- and quadrupedal depending on the situation.
Theropods are cool as well, especially the bigger ones. These funny looking herbivores will always have a special place in my memory though.
Incredibly rude.
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what did google mean by this?
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the maids will continue until morale improves
tott: inspired by >>71018561
What would sharing meals with a scalie be like? Would having to share the same food with your beloved, day in, day out drive you mad, especially if their dietary preference is far from what humans would eat (raw meat, live animals, etc...)
i am the fastest
damn, so fast I didn't have time to do it. you do work fast, anon
easy if you make the original post...

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