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Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70900674/
Missed some threads?: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/subject/%2Fvore%2F%20general/
Pastebin: https://rentry.org/vorechangts

QotT: Do you like trait theft? Thoughts about it?
General art request anchor!
>QotT: trait theft
Pred getting prey's strength, knowledge and skills?
Yes, please.
Requesting trait theft vore, please.
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Never been something i've gone for, but desu, in the context of the thread title it's kinda doing a number on me rn. All the moreso if the "theft" in question is something lewd.
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Not OR but finally some good fucking food.
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Thank you. It's been a long time since I did anything here. My arm is still bad but I'm open to doing some requests. Pokemon,Digimon, and other somewhat cartoony non-human monsters only, as always.
Not quite trait theft but for some reason I find the idea of a pred that can transform into digested prey to trick new prey is hot to me. As fucked up as it sounds on paper.

Like a pred eating someone's girlfriend, turning into them and then eating the boyfriend too with their new disguise.

Especially if it's like a curious creature that doesn't quite know how to human good. I dunno, I guess maybe in my mind it cushions the impact of the dark aspect if the creature is a little silly and the person they're gonna eat is just stupid and somehow doesn't figure out that this is obviously not who they think it is. Kinda gives a sort've cartoon aspect to it.
I am once again requesting a cute anthro mouse girl sorceress, witch whatever magic user with hair covering her eyes like pic related.
First panel is her digesting a non-descript prey looking kind of horny and exasperated.
Maybe have an almost empty HP bar near the belly meant to be the prey's health with a big healthbar implied to be hers seemingly refilling. (Optional)

Then the second panel is her post digestion with much larger boobs and ass being barely able to contain them. (Whether she's trying to hold them back physically or her clothes are simply close to ripping or maybe even both that's up to you.) with two big bold messages saying something like
And also the mouse girl looking more giddy but still steamy this time around. Maybe just have a big shit eating grin on her face with a blush or something.
...vornymon? You're back!?
I loved that GatomonUBPatamon pic.
Oh, and hopefullly you'll have full recovery.
>"open for requests"
Are you still up for some UB?
If not, I'd like to have (slightly) weight gained Renamon holding/wearing Flamedramon's gear, please. (Tail/feet sticking out optional)
can anyone make the belly a little larger/bulgier? Like theres actually the woman inside and not...a large boulder

If anyone knows the artist that would also be just swell
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Something with this one? Always found it disappointing they never ate someone on screen. To my knowledge at least.
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Or this one, maybe caught part of an episode with them on TV once then never again.
Sure. Most of the stuff so far seems like something I could see happening in a cartoon (no offense by that, of course).
could i get kudamon (either version) with a squirmy bulge sliding down their long gut?

Might be tapping into the object Vore hate buuuuuut…
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Thank you. That one was fun to figure out how to draw.
I can try more UB but if it doesn't work out I'll take the other suggestion on.
Working on this.
None taken, I consider that a complement.
>Leo always gets eaten, but he's fine the next "episode".
>Some episodes take place in the Savannah. In those he's hunting the lioness like Francis X. Bushlad from Taz-Mania and pissing her off until she snaps. Picrel happens and the boy slips, sending them tumbling, lioness emerges from dust cloud with full stomach.
>Maybe she doesn't resort to vore at first, often thrashing him up/scratching him to pieces but he doesn't get the hint.
>Accidental Vore might even be a recurring gag.
Shit, now I want to brainstorm some kinda "ruleset" ala Chuck Jones' rules for Roadrunner/Coyote
Yeah not really my thing. I was thinking less a sentient hoodie or whatever that is and moreso a changeling or some kind of mimic? I think is the term? I'm shit with words.

Sadly your pic is closer to what I was talking about than anything I have though since this isn't really a concept you see too often sadly.
Not OR but that was fast.
>I can try more UB
Good luck. I was thinking something along the lines of:
>"bird mon tries to give cunnilingus to cat mon and goes too deep"
but I'll take what I can.
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thanks man, looks great
Since we're on a critter kick, this ferret (Koppa, Shiren the Wanderer, arguably a weasel) with a nice, throaty bulge would be grand.
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Aaaaand some actual vore, so the thread doesn't become all character refs lol
Ignore the haters, this is hot
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need majin tummy NOW
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Strong agree
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Doc Croc and Yoyo, both with vore guts, squishing their bellies together
Oh, Cardi; my beloved
straight up would've bought sparking zero's stupid 100 dollar "play 3 days early" version if they didn't pussy out of giving us this. i don't know why they're so scared to let buu eat chocolate in fuckin 2024
I remember that cartoon. One episode had snake vore in it and cat ate wizard who had turned himself to a mouse.
Puss in the boots episode.
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Personally, even if I like Buu, the only thing that would have sold me on the game was best boy Giran.
>can swallow you down the hood, up the bottom, or suck you through the sleeve
So many options and they all turn me on
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And she can plump herself up to fuck if she wants
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Trait theft is amazing. I like TF, so I like thinking about how all the new features feel on the pred’s body. Anyone with trait theft images please share your favorites.

My favorite might be unwilling trait theft, where the pred’s a little weirded out by their new body/urges.

It might make for a good vore horror story, a prey gets jumped by a pred but somehow swallows them, only for them to slowly morph into the hungry pred over the next few days. Getting hungrier and scarier, and they have to hide it from their friends until they slip and give in.
Ayo? A were-pred?

Also, that's pretty hot. Might be a weird tangent, but what if a pred just really hates a certain species (human disliking anthro) and they eat them to kill em off, but they keep gaining traits from that species. Just an angry pred eating some fox or wolf anthro, then getting horrified while inspecting their gains that they grew a whole ass tail too
I really want to bring this character back to go on another eating spree, but I need a different location than just the typical "strip/dance club".

What's a good sexy location with lots of people?

A sexy location that's not a strip/dance club? I'm pretty sure the only other sexy locations are private areas, which is the point of a strip/dance club; to be THE public sexy location.

If you're thinking of location suggestions then, why not an open area like a park? Or a crowded area like a mall?
A beach? Or a cruise ship?
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Oh I love that idea. “You are what you eat” and so on. I like when characters get shy about that stuff, so I’m imagining a pred discovering their tail for the first time. They kind of like it, but deny it. Then their tail starts to wag, and they deny it more while it wags faster.

Maybe they start relating to anthros or the anthros are friendlier with them, or they start googling things like “Ate fox grew tail normal?” Tiny changes in their life, like older clothes fitting weird now.
Who know all you needed to stop being racist against anthros is to belly murder enough of them to become one.

...god the writer in me is actually kinda interested in that narrative wtf. Them coming to terms with their hate and regrets, and the awful things they did and genuinely loving how much fluffier and cuter they've become
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High-end restaurant
Tourist traps
Me when I eat all the pizza.
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swaying it around like this looks like it would feel so good but thinking about it it'd probably just make me puke
Yeah I mean that's kinda just all vore though.
Expectation: unf big belly must feel so good
Reality: I have eaten 1% more than my stomach capacity and now I am in agony

I'd imagine if they are that stretchy to be able to fit things easily like that though that it'd feel pretty good for them though, just different anatomy.
I would fucking die if someone were to build a realistic vore belly.
well, that would make it pretty realistic
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Like fr i want that shit.
Obviously a specialized brothel for vore fetishists.
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Can't post that without it's sequel
This is the second time this week I've seen this series mentioned on /trash/
You trying to make me lose NNN?
Okay, I'm gonna preface this with the fact that I'm not into anal vore just in case. But despite that I love a good butt and a frequent scenario I enjoy is the idea of a pred, digesting someone, getting a fat ass and then sitting on someone's face.
Though preds just pinning people in general is hot to me. Whether it be with the belly, just their own strength, their post vore gains, ect. Can't get enough of it. We need more plump post vore butts.
Burger kurger's new game has a fair bit of vore in it
It's a point and click game
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hard agree on the pinning people part
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Picking up from those Anons in the last thread, Adventure Time characters really are excellent for vore. I have no idea why such simple designs do so much for me. Maybe it's because they distill it down to it's purest form- here's a girl archetype, and they have someone in their stomach. No extra details to distract from it. I like actual stick figures for similar reasons.
Plus some of their abilities convincingly enable it in-world. Bubblegum has loose slimegirl rules, and can add candy people's mass to her own. Marceline is a shapeshifting demon-vampire who could easily eat someone. Bronwyn, well, she has no actual reason or abilities, but I still want to see her with people crammed inside her.
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Also posting another old edit I saw that I love
Pokémon don't really do it for me, but I would be a liar if I said that dialogue isn't exactly the kind of shit I like in conjunction with pred pinning.

Teasing and taunting in general is pretty hot coming from a pred. Especially if it's in response to flustered prey. I love that kind of shit so much.
Marceline can also soul vore people too, it's literally one of her abilities because she's half demon or whatever.
Though we never really get to see her use it since she's not a bad guy usually, but in that one Fionna and Cake episode we get to see an evil alternate version of her and I can't like the little gulp noise she makes after sucking someone's soul was kind of hot.

Tbh, Star Marceline in general was hot. I'm normally not a fan of overtly cruel characters even in porn but I can't help but love evil women. Man.

Early Marceline was pretty great too, desu I thought she was cuter when she was more of a trickster but whatever.
ooh i’m such a big fat anon
big fatty fatty anon, fat from eating so many other anons
ooh i can’t help myself, when i see other anons i just go “nom nom nom” until they’re all gone
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I remember liking Marcy somewhat inconsistently as a pred, but then The Star came along, and made me love her for it. Toss in some brattiness like that and she's perfect material for it
>We need more plump post vore butts
Here, here! Interesting that you have such an appreciation for asses but don't gel with anal vore though.
Like, as someone who's WAAAAYYY into butt stuff, combining that kinkage with vore drives me wild.
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>pussymon deep in birdmon pussy
Nice. Thank you.
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NTA, but that's hella nice. Lovin' those big birb proportions.
>*lights your fat tissue on fire*
Be grillin tonight
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projector vore
>Interesting that you have such an appreciation for asses but don't gel with anal vore though.
I don't know, it just doesn't click with me. My brain is unable to associate it with kinky feelings it just doesn't do it for me. Same with pretty much any other form of vore besides oral, or just vore not involving the mouth or belly in general. I'll probably get called boring for saying that
I don't mind shortcuts though like a magic pred teleporting someone into their belly depending on how it's executed. But beyond that my preferences are swallowed through the throat and into the belly.
>I'll probably get called boring for saying that
Naaaaaw, you do you, my man. Even if this kink is all about the suspense of disbelief 90% of the time, oral vore definitely makes the most "sense", if that's where you're coming from.
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bet something as tame as this turns you on you fucking freaks
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>oral vore definitely makes the most "sense", if that's where you're coming from.
I don't know. Oral is just the only one that gives monke brain good feelings.
Can't articulate why.
I'd pick zinogre or rathalos before him, but I wouldn't argue with being gulped by a tigrex
>Vore in video games
um, yeah? Duh.
monhun needs more pin attacks
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I just want you to know your taste is based.
Resort hot tub at night?
How many superpowers would you have to wish for to get same-size vore abilities from a genie? Like, infinitely stretchy body, immunity to all cannibalism-related diseases, super digestion etc
Couldn't you just say something along the lines of "I wish for my ideal kind porn logic to apply to reality"?
At the very least some more Frontier-style "bad ends" for hunters (never gonna happen tho)
>woke up to the sound of muffled screams as my roommate was downing another dude he lured into our apartment
being roomies with a pred is so annoying
Wish to live in a toon world
okay, but at least he's not always eating your leftovers since he's always full of people... right?
At least they're not eating you is probably the better positive, or well a negative depending on how you look at it.
I don't see how you could be annoyed by having a pred to go rub the belly of every once and a while.
>order a pizza to share with your pred roommate
>doorbell rings while you're in the can
>come out to find your roomie finishing off the pizza with the delivery boy halfway down his cock and his sweaty naked ass on the shared furniture AGAIN
Motherfucker's lucky I need his half of the rent.
if i had to wake up to muffled screaming every other day i definitely would start getting tired of it, and if i accidentally snapped at him over it i'd probably be next on the menu, right? sounds stressful...
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love big bois
i need some giant guy to destroy me with their gut
seconding because mutual gut squishing is so fucking underrated
Fuuuuuck that's nice. Big bois big fave!
>"with their gut"
>posts cv pic
so what is the truth
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Big boys with a taste for cute boys is smexy as hell desu
Summery swimming pool.
Seconded (both)
i love it when preds have a type of prey they particularly like
Did you know that if you stand in front of your computer at 3 a.m. and say "Exxy" three times, they'll crawl out of your monitor and-
>only says "exxy" one time
>gets eat-
Knowing that their stomachs exclusively churn and HAVE churned very *particular* prey just does things to me, man
big fat pred who particularly likes eating lil thin lads because the fact that nobody can tell he ate someone under all that pudge turns him on even more
human pred exclusively going after amphibian and reptile anthros because they go down smoother than their fur-bearing friends
Both scenarios are sexy, but with my biases...
>big fat pred who particularly likes eating lil thin lads because the fact that nobody can tell he ate someone under all that pudge turns him on even more
Yeah, that's the stuff. No one'll ever know where they went...~
I just gained and lost 150lbs in the span of eight hours.
look at the fancy toon boy bragging about his fancy cartoon metabolism
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yes and yes
I don’t have any clever ruses or puns, I’m just going to eat you.
Orcas have great maws, love the pit-like shape the opening to their throat has.
I thought I was the only one to think scalies particularly look like they'd feel great going down a throat
Don't call yourself a vorarephile unless you'd feed yourself to a larger-than-human-size pitcher plant.
Lame. I should be bigger than the plant, and it should get me anyways.
Neat internal!

What’s his shirt supposed to say?
I hope you get vored by a regular sized spider.
Looks like Pandemonium
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/v/ attempt failed again?
Unironically thought it said Pan Demon Cum
For real; the idea of disappearing forever down that pink, fleshy abyss is sexy as hell. Super imposing yet totally inviting
I think this >>71005864 anon is on the money. I couldn't make out the "Pan" part for the life of me, kept reading it as Yoandemonium lol
Nah im just horny.
>No intestines
Gutlet plant
Thank you.
Genie vore?
god I wish I was a Zuu just to be able to eat up those cute Burmecians...
I need to get a replacement cord for my drawing tablet so I can learn to draw Zuu vore. It's extremely underrated.
A pansexual demon’s cum?

Or a demon who cums in pans? Like in some old, weird German fairy tale about washing dishes before going to bed or something?
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Speaking of FF9 I'm surprised none of the more autistic vorefags got a boner for Atomos
got eaten by a fucking ant, bro
i'm so pathetic, bro
fucking bug shit, bro
Its not really appealing. Its just a giant open mouth. Theres no excessive wetness, bulges in the throat, etc. Its like opening a door in an airplane and getting sucked out.
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TOTALLY underrated! I remember getting that "funny feeling" from seeing it swallow my party members when I was younger, before I knew what vore was and all. Some more proper vore-art of it would be rad!
Pansexual demon cum, European fairytales are too out there
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I feel like his FFV appearance works better for that, with how he gradually draws in KO'd members into his maw.
I would cum hands free just being in its big squishy jiggly wet and soft belly squeezing me.
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I love this sequence because it's like you're in this new world a learning the ropes, and your only friend is this weak little ladybug. They're shy and they want to be kind and show you how to get by and defend yourself from predator, but you're astonishing bad at it. You keep failing over and over again, and this bug starts to realize just how weak and defenseless you are. They're never seen anything like it before, usually everything just wants to eat them.
And then they realize that this might be it. With how meek and feeble you are, this might be their only shot at being on the other end of it. It's clear to them that they could get you down, experiencing a note of hunger they only now realize they've had all along, just like everyone else, but never dared to dream they'd get the opportunity to feed it.
They tell themselves it's for your own good. It's better to be stuffed down a friendly face, and not one of those bigger, scarier preds. They're doing you a favor, really. But once you're all the way in, they feel a wholeness unlike ever before. Part of it disgusts them, realizing that everyone who's tried to eat them felt the same way, and that there's a rightness to consuming those below you. But they can't dwell on it with such a heavy stomach, and so they push that feeling aside and give their food a pat, an attempt to comfort you, and comfort themself.
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That mawshot is sexy even if im not into bug preds. And its a cute shy pred too.
Yeah, evil Marceline is great pred material.
Though my personal favorite was early Marceline back when she was more of a funny trickster and you weren't really sure if she was just fucking around or not since she never really took anything too seriously.
I guess I just have a kind of soft spot for characters like that who like to play the "Bad guy" or tease and mess with people but aren't wholly mean spirited. I know that kind of goes against how vore usually works but it's just how I am. I love goober preds.

Evil Marcy still pretty hot regardless, her outfits were pretty cool too. Definitely a more interesting wardrobe than OG Marceline imo. I could see why artists would prefer drawing OG Marcy though since I'm sure those dresses are probably hell to draw.
I'm sure it'd appreciate that bit extra with its meal... I know I would P:
It would be orgasmic riding down that throat. All the wet hotness taking you in at once surrounding you. It would make me cum in mere seconds.
That throbbing erection forming an outline on the outside as it slowly travels down its throat and into its stomach... alongside the rest of you~

Would be quite the sight!
You could see it throbb as my cock cums traveling down it's throat. I would be drained of every last drop of semen before I would be digested. Each stroke would just keep spewing more and more cum until I'm drained.
>like opening a door in an airplane and getting sucked out
Reverse it and you have an airplane pred
That sounds like something Gooseworx would love.
Fuck, imagine being kept partially swallowed, feeling that warm tightness from your waist down. Your moans getting louder and more panicked as your body surrenders, and just as you climax you're pulled all the way inside, one final moan abruptly cut off.
Speaking of cock vore nothing would be hotter than becoming a tattoo on a preds balls. Becoming a part of their cock and feeling every sensation their cock feels would be the most heavenly experience possible.
Would a drill vore prey by WHIRRRRRing it?
It would turn the prey into a pred since their hole would suck prey in.
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>the prey becoming pred after gooseworx drills their head
>multi prey scenario where the majority are shouting for help but there's one in there just gooning their brains out to being digested
"Quick! Make them cum to dilute the acid!"
Uzumaki, except the unexplained threat that somehow happens every few years that no Japanese agencies or officials look into regarding a whole town disappearing yet then somehow also regaining citizens and sustainable infrastructure in a short-ish amount of time to the point where the next “looming threat of the same nature” is in modern times, so, not even that long, I’m being for real, no joke (was it supposed to be an alternate universe afterwards and the threat collects cities from that same place in different universes? I don’t know, because they didn’t say anything, and thing with all his stories, no offense, he either goes “ooh, spooky right?” Or just, like, never actually makes an ending and then years later says he meant to leave it as a cliffhanger, like, bro, just say you got bored and didn’t wanna finish), and there’s some weird “Under Kingdom” that only pops up in the last few minutes that doesn’t actually explain “why” or for what purpose and there’s not anyone even there in that “Under Kingdom” who’s alive-alive, and there’s no exploration of said place other than the briefest of overhead shots that make it look like a swirly and fleshy version of Undead Burg in Dark Souls or whatever, so, just like a medieval castle-town kind of thing, fit a point of reference, but somehow one of the main characters talks as if they’re still around and even after the events and is waiting for them to happen again and no one gets away so it’s kind of pointless anyways and is the same “ooh, but what if this happened suddenly, ooh”. So, imagine that, but it’s about butts, and it’s called “UzuBrapi” instead.

Butts would make more sense than suddenly what if swirls, actually.
Can you imagine how orgasmic it would be to have a likelike suck on you? That intense feeling of your entire body being sucked on inside of a monster thats practically made out of slime?
>she has the goon face
>muffled yelling / crying
>light chewing / semi-hard vore
>dangling legs in mouth or ass
>smaller preds
>preds continuing to eat “normal food” after swallowing prey
>struggling prey leading to multiple swallow attempts
Just crawl into the intestines lol
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I would just so I can more directly watch their bowels absorb my body
I’m into all that expect the hard vore stuff. What sorts of stuff did you mean with “semi-hard vore”? Like nibbling and stuff? Or hard enough bites to leave marks or light blood (but not remove or crush limbs)? Or what all did you mean? Any example pics, so I know what all you’re picturing in your mind?
For me, it's bokoblins
Is there such a thing as "soft chewing vore"
Like where prey gets chewed up but it's not gory like actual hard vore, and it's more like they get cartoonily squished up like gum before being swallowed?
I don't know if there's a tag for it, but I've seen some images/animations of it. It's cute, IMO. Good toon classic.
honestly need more art and stories of bokoblins/moblins eating unsuspecting zelda characters

moblins specifically are just such a perfect size pred imo
What are your thoughts on permanent entrapment (perma-endo/whatever other stuff you want to call it) with anal vore?
I mean I don't really like anal vore so I'm not gonna like permanent entrapment for it either
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I like it a lot. Not enough stuff really goes into the purpose and reason for a pred to do it, though.
Using this post to test something.
>mp4 support actually works
Well, I'll be damned.
It is the way /endo/ anons punish those who cross them.
They lower them into the colon dungeon forever and ever.
I feel like MP4’s used to work a few years ago as well, since I sent some a few times, then stopped working suddenly at one point. Lemme test something too.

Okay, well, apparently they have to be judged beforehand, which I figured, but, you know, figured I’d try. So, I guess here’s some random vore image of whatever I click on first in my files as a substitute then.
Sounds hot! Literally, it would probably be hot in there. And figuratively, as in metaphorically, hot, because it produces some form of sexual arousal in me, horny, if you will, as in it’s bonerific (or bonerrific).

Goon/gooning, as one might say in modern Internet slang vernacular.
permanent entrapment niggas will go "aaah so hot" until they see a massive turd inch their way closer to them
Still feels like too much autism needed to jerk off to this
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Wish there was more of it
Does anyone here hang out in any vore Discord servers? And yeah I know I'll probably get shit for asking that but whatever it's just what everyone uses and I like talking to people.
Just feels like every place I do find is run by insane Twitter people or something (which is probably part of why I read this thread).
Start on a big server that's "mainstream" like the Eka's Portal discord, find a small contingent of friends, make a group chat/smaller server.

>And yeah I know I'll probably get shit for asking that but whatever it's just what everyone uses and I like talking to people.
>Just feels like every place I do find is run by insane Twitter people or something (which is probably part of why I read this thread).
Your second concern is the cause of your first.
Pretty sure I'm banned from the Eka's Discord, so that kinda goes to show the situation I am in. Everyone is just retarded these days.
>but not me i can do no wrong
Essentially yes. It's always for stupid reasons be it hinting that you're not the proper political alignment or mentioning that you like AI art or whatever other thing people are going to get triggered over these days.
I don't even know what I was banned from the Eka's one for as it was so many years ago at this point, but it was no doubt something dumb.
The people in charge of most Discord servers are just there to abuse power to create a perfect little circlejerk and are rarely actually capable of handling such a role.

Anyways that's why I ask, because generally I'd assume other people who use 4chan have this issue, after all you probably wouldn't be posting here if you were fine with more restrictive places out there, so that's why I ask.
>thinking eka would ban over rational reasons
Is this nigger guy serious?
What exactly is Gooseworx into?
And drills, specifically drills to the brain
Seems his favorite Puppet Combo game is Power Drill Massacre
Now she gets all that comes with it.
itty bitty living space
Were you saying "kys kys kys" despite the rules saying not to do that? Or was it a social gaffe?
Why are you asking me?
Whoops, wrong post
>lamp vore
Yes I know that a real thing already
Any new stuff from fidchell?
get better taste
Let’s say, hypothetically, you started shrinking at a rate of 1% per minute, and let’s say you’re 5’10 to begin with (though knowing how preyish a lot of you are, you’re probably even shorter, alas). In five minutes, you’d be between 5’6 and 5’7, but the fun part is that your body proportions would remain constant, so you’d have much narrower shoulders than a typical 5’6er. In ten minutes, you’d become just over 5’3, and with how narrow your shoulders would be at that point, you’re basically dinner for any real-world anaconda or python. It would take just a bit over 15 minutes for you to be under 5’. In a half hour, you’d shrink to just under 4’4. In an anthro world, there’d be an increasingly widening array of hungry bois who could gobble up your diminutive frame as each minute passes. An hour in, you’re barely over 3’2. At your full size, you’d only had to worry about extremely peckish dragon anthros feeling bold or desperate, but now, at just over three feet, even the typically herbivorous denizens are getting ideas, and the non-typically herbivorous know that you’d go down like a helpless, wiggly worm. After two hours of shrinking, if no one had picked you off yet, you’d be just under 21 inches, or about 1’9. Now about the size of a horse cock, the friskiest anthros would desire to put you inside themselves, though not through the mouth. The shrinking would stop at three hours, and by then you’d be down to just under 11.5 inches. You’re not even a foot tall anymore. Hell, some especially adept real-world humans could tummy you at this point (there doesn’t exist a fate more shameful)—that’s how defenseless you are. What would you do then? Your best bet would be to hope that some merciful passerby would take pity on your condition and keep you as a pet. Even then, how entertaining would you even be as a pet? After about a month of boredom, don’t be surprised when your new owner gives up and eats you.
> until they see a massive turd inch their way closer to them
You underestimate my power.
Yo, these look phenomenal! Thanks much, Flats!
Are you actually looking for a vore server with no politics, or are you looking for one that would accept YOUR politics and be on YOUR side of the circle jerk for when you randomly decide to post political “memes” and such?

Since, with the way you worded things, I have a feeling you enjoy the color of spaghetti staining the inside of a Tupperware dish, am I in the ballpark there? If so, there’s Artca9’s server, he’s super weird into neo-political stuff and literally talks about it on a daily basis and he’s always doing it in every channel, even the ones just for fetishes. He also keeps on talking about “keeping his bloodline pure” and “keeping it in the family” and “my ancestors [insert something weirdly obsessive political thing in a channel meant for farts and poop]”.

Here’s the link, if you’re into that kind of Facebook-tier stuff:

He’ll accept you with open arms, there’s even a channel exclusively for right-ring stuff (where he constantly posts Nazi stuff and racial stuff, I’m not joking, and yet he always wonders why his servers seem to always get shut down, that, and on his last two servers he actually had IRL bestiality stuff), just, you know, don’t post any pictures of your IRL pets, if you have any, in the “cute animal pics” channel, or anywhere else there, or else he’ll make creepy comments about them.
Amazing color edits!
If you were referring to me (the other anon) then no, I am not "rude" in that sense. I wish I could remember why but I know it was over something dumb.
Trying to think what I would've been talking about in like 2021-2022 or whenever it was, I'm gonna wager some people were shitting on crypto and I probably tried to defend it. Not the first time I've been banned from a server for thinking crypto is not totally evil.
Of course the solution is to not respond when people start talking about stuff like that, but I don't want to be in a place where they do allow such off-topic discussion (rather than disallowing it in general) only for the moderation to take one side of an issue.

People are just insane, that's why I want a less-insane place to be to discuss my degenerate fetish. Maybe I'll just try to make my own place or something.

Well like I said above, I am fine with a place allowing politics as long as the moderation isn't taking sides in it (impossible challenge). I'd also be fine with a place without politics of course because I am more interested in talking about vore by being in such a place.

Also no I'm not really that type of ultra conservative person. I'm likely closer to sort of libertarian and that's just a position that gets btfo by everyone. I end up being looked down on by the right because I am decently progressive and obviously all for things like making art of degenerate fetishes and thinking gay people shouldn't be executed, but also by the left for caring about true freedom of speech/being opposed to their censorship, or as I mentioned supporting stuff like crypto. It is what it is.
So the answer is no?
So, you want a vore server that talks about computer cloud money in a good day or won’t clown on it?

Well, artca constantly talks about how he falls for those late night “Buy gold, but only from me, in a form of this decorative coin that has no actual monetary value but we’ll make you think you can actually use it at a store if the economy completely crashes instead of actual useful things, like really, in a post-apocalyptic world, I doubt many people will actually care for gold, they’ll want stuff they can use on a daily basis, but whatever, buy more gold” type of stuff, so, I’m sure he’ll like a crypto bro too.
you ever get that urge to fuck a character and swallow them after
Only in the endo fulltour way
You’d be amazed how convenient the timing of 1-2 day gut trips are
Well like I said, I am fine with them talking about it if they let me defend it (without being banned). I'd also accept not being able to talk about it, as long as other people cannot either.

Dunno maybe I'll check out that place but they do sound a bit unhinged and while they might not ban someone like me it is a bit annoying to hear people just being crazy like that.
Oddly enough that's not the first time I've seen that either, there's an artist server I am in where the artist just sometimes starts just ranting about conspiracy stuff. I kinda just ignore it though since I am just there to look at their art, but it'd probably be better if they didn't do that.
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At least they're posting vore images while talking about gay discord drama.
For legal reasons, I need all of you to change your first name to Snake and your last name to Food.
Middle name Ismy.
>I'd also accept not being able to talk about it, as long as other people cannot either.
But wait, supposed somewhat-right-leaning-yet-centrist-yet-left-leaning-in-word-only-who-abandons-it-in-IRL-practice-cryptobro-LibertariAnon, then that would be censorship, which you’re against, wouldn’t it? Therefore, you would hate a hypothetical discord server like that, right?
Every horrible punishment for those who cross me I think of ends up backfiring...
Does anyone have or know of any more stuff like this?
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Well yeah but it's an "understandable" form of censorship. For instance joining a vore server implies topics outside of vore will probably be censored, but that is fine because it's what the server is for and it's not really a controversial choice. If I wanted a server to discuss politics I'm sure there's places for that out there too.
Looks like cownugget's art. Some if not most can be found in e621 and fa.
Does anyone else find the concept of unknowing prey peering into the preds mouth making it easy for them super hot? Seeing suppertime from lsoh was an extremely hot scenario ruined by the prey being an ugly bastard. I'm surprised this concept isn't used more in vore.
Sophie sophie go away
Vore up kids another day
FBI says it's not okay
Sophie sophie go away
White Nationalist Sophie be like "14 year olds get 88"
>Shyguy9 and artca9 did the fusion dance
They became Shartgay99
Seal them into the colon dungeon, it's the only way!
Can I get some context?
He saw the nursery rhyme brain rot
Why do vore gifs get downvoted more on e621 while vore webms get upvoted? What's with that phenomenon and has anyone else noticed?
Pretty sure a lot of vore animations are getting downvoting because a bunch of retarded artists are uploading animation "previews" that cut to a patreon ad halfway in.
I meant like the concept in the pic, with the “endless descent” type of vore, as CowNugget calls it, where the prey sort of “slides down” forever. I know CowNugget did it a few times, mainly with anal vore and unbirth, but I think most of his stuff is locked behind a paywall and a discord server, so even if you do pay, there’s no way to get the stuff in a more organized fashion.

And SpottedSqueak did it once or maybe twice, which was nice to see.
Here’s another example with unbirth/vaginal vore with the endless descent stuff, this time with a micro.
Vore magic school settings are underused.
Wait… you’re just going to let me go INSIDE one of your soft organs?
The predators are the ones in danger here.
Because fat buu is having to fill the role of both pre and post evil expulsion and post has yet to eat anyone again.
Implied vore can be hella hot
Wish grindaviking would do more faun stuff
These are amazing! I wish that prey was me so much.
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More vore peril, too. Prey struggling, begging, crying not to get eaten but are overpowered.
Preds being weirded out by prey being way to into it is underrated.
It's pretty much the vore version of the
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This, but with non-monster preds. Non-monster preds + vore peril is something I definitely enjoy, especially if the pred is like, apathetic to their prey and just in it for the calories. They were hungry, and the prey was right there. Why wouldn't they eat them?
>wanting to get off to vore without getting to the vore part
"Get a load of this guy" prey are underused.
>Pred trying to just pretend their prey is whimpering in fear and not actually moaning because they're about to cum
Is there any sort of archive or collection of their stuff? Or do they only post on Twitter
>prey who brought a laptop and is now forcing pred to listen to Nostalgia Critic from inside his gut
as an endofag I would wish for the sweet release of digestion death
>Pred and Prey each have a Nintendo DS and are playing Mario Kart via the wireless multiplayer while Prey is in stomach
>also the year is 2009
I believe that vore is between a snake and a human.
Why are vorefags so reactionary like this?
Marrying my snakewife knowing full well how it's going to end!
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That actually made me laugh out loud (LOL, as they say), kek

But also, what if, you stuck around as sentient fat/another voice in the pred’s head, and then you have to suffer as THEY WILLINGLY watch Nostalgia Critic? Literally the definition of hell.
>you get vored by the evil doppleganger version of your nostalgia reviewersona
They mainly post on twitter but switched to bluesky recently

As for an archive, good luck, they've made thousands of drawings over the years
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A certain thread has been talking about this guy a lot and I wanna see him with a bully full of a certain angel hare's fat badger friend
>An internal alt is not required but appreciated
>Plays Sonic ‘06
>Shadowy, evil, fucked-up doppelgänger version of myself shows up
>They eat me
>They then highjack the review
>Press my face up against the stomach walls of my doppelgänger so the viewer can see the outlines of my face as I talk, albeit muffled some, but my clip-on mic picks up how I sound inside, drawback is that it also picks up on the internal stomach sounds

“Uh-oh, now this is gonna be a real PAIN to GET THROUGH, am I right? And I’m only just talking about Sonic the Hedgehog 2006!
> *Snorting laugh*
“Lucky for me, my evil, shadowy, fucked-up doppelgänger will be playing the game for the gameplay footage this time, so who’s had the last laugh this time?
>*Snorting laugh that seems eveb more forced this time, since I’ve recorded it at least 10 different times and just finally got the a good take where the gurgles don’t drown out my voice or some stomach slime oozes into my mouth*
“Anyways, onto the review!”

>Smash cuts to the same intro theme and graphics I’ve been using since 2010 that sounds “vaguely retro” with a bit of rock there and a piano at the end to show that I have class or something
Ho shit, stanning for my obscure vidja boi yielded fruit! Nicely drawn and perfectly throaty at that!

Thank ya, man! I'll... *definitely* be using this as a reference when fantasizing about being shrunk down to size and getting gulped by the cute fella.
Glad you like it, anon. It was good practice.
i think i'd fucking kill for one, ONE (1) conversational partner that shares my fucking tastes
everyone that i talk to approaches on the basis of "yeah i'm totally into humans" and then spends 90% of conversations trying to steer me towards furshit
i don't want to talk about furshit
you have 99,999,999 other fucking furries you can talk to about furshit
if you don't want to talk about humans why did you come to the humans guy
please i'm so fucking tired
i don't want to talk about mediocre bottom of the barrel furry slop anymore please god make it fucking stop at least don't get my fucking hopes up for conversation about a man whose dick his a dick and not a fucking barbed pink thing with a knot
somebody just fucking kill me already dude holy fucking shit
i'm a furfag and i hate the knot/animaldick shit too
dunno if this helps at all
please dont get it twisted i do not hate furries it's fine
i just dont understand why so many of them want to talk to me when i make my interests extremely clear and that there is virtually zero overlap between them and me

You seriously can't find one? I feel like there's tons between Aryion's and f-list.
literally every single time we have like two conversations about hot human characters and then it's immediately "cool. so anyways look at this tiger isn't he hot (shows me a picture of a tiger anthro that looks exactly the same as every tiger anthro ever made)"
Can I show you a picture of a hot tiger?
yeah i'm too much of a pushover to say i'm not interested so go ahead

See there's your problem. Believe me, I'm still getting better about that. You gotta learn to put your foot down. When you told someone "no" you gotta mean it.
FIRST, you say NO!
it's not like i dislike them as people and when we're talking about non-vore stuff but if i hear "what're you into lately" and what i say immediately gets tossed for "look at this wolf dude" one more time i'm gonna delete discord twitter fa eka's bsky and pretend i never uploaded anything or talked to anyone
>and when we're talking about non-vore stuff
it's fine, but*
tired and tilted
sorry for shitting up the thread with my screeching

don't worry about it. Get rest, there's always another day. Cuz there's 100% disillusioned people that are usually like this but just don't advertise it.

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