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wake up rwords
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there's some of melon music awards left
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only ive/gidle/aespa left i think
they are winning so many awards gigi didn't even get to sit back down before she had to get up on stage again..
aespa awards
>Basedeon: there's a lot of articles about us disbanding etc. However, not only me but all of us, will renew the contracts together.
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I would like an official apology from that anon
fine you killed two groups instead of three
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she probably demanded becoming the Cube CEO to renew

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you lost bitch. aespa won.
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awake but at what cost
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>Yves' 7th debut anniversary letter translation
where was lsf at the mma
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reminds me i have to reinvest into lsf/zuzu now that newjeans and fromis are gonna be gone..
lmao lsf are next
just saying
you're a melon
you're bored and jobless
need clogs take on the mma's don't care about my own
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feels so good
hope you guys made easy cash on that >>71202783
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shut up
e tft
o against the storm
d opus magnum
katseye are projected to be in the hunt for week 49’s power rankings following 3 kpops becoming playoff ineligible
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these fights are great too
katseye pisses me the fuck off
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chaewon probably bullied actual nerds in high school
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i just came up with the funniest idea
nerd doesnt even mean anything anymore
I went to a new record store in town today and got some cool used albums for pretty cheap. It's not as big as the store my town used to have but I love flipping through stacks of records so much.

I heard them on the radio for the first time today and didn't like their song
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too precious https://x.com/anyujinss2/status/1862784422388625615
any creative christmas decoration ideas for a tiny apartment?
a flat Christmas tree on the back of a door. then you can make ornaments to stick to it
where's yaptranny
back off
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thats really cute
planting the flag on kpure's 50 yard line tonight
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happy birthday for yesterday
luda and baseball, could it get any more comfy

happy weeeklydays
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modhaus raising prices
rip to our friends wallets
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i'm such a light sleeper at this point that even my one cats tiny meow from across the room is enough to wake me
WOW morning
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at least some nice news, bet they got pretty much any terms they wanted considering the state of cube aside them
dc christmas(?) cb too and nam dong hyun finally
now if a fromissemble mix unit could debut

>moneyline odds just flipped to basedeon renewing with cube
how did you actually

>so many new albums to listen to, all the good stuff released at once
list pls, also how do you like the teutdol, i haven't listened yet aside the song you posted

>>woudl it be weird to rewatch idol school
watching it in light of lee haein's stories from behind the scenes might be weird

which ones did you get
Print a ton of christmas kpop pics and stick them all over, maybe not if you're having guests tho
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xinyu nose feature
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what about gingerbread nativity/house/stars and stuff, maybe a small apateu would smell nice with them too
and some gingerbread kpops
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what the frick happened over these last few days? 3 groups just finissimo... stay strong friends
(sorry for bringing it up)
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anyway goodnight
nightnight sweet dreams
did we get any black friday consooming done
I really wanted to buy a PC for MH but didn't because I can't really afford it.. so now I'll probably end up buying one in february for more money instead, lol.
i should've probably looked for a new pc too before my current one dies, it was made ages ago from my brother's 2ndhand parts that were already old at the time, it's a miracle it's held together this long
the price you had to pay for a classy comeback
Suicidal Tendencies - s/t
Electric Wizard - Wizard Bloody Wizard
Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou - May Our Chambers Be Full
The Body and Thou - You, Whom I Have Always Hated
Thou - Baton Rouge, You Have Much to Answer For
I wanted to get an air fryer but there weren't any worth getting on sale
GFRIEND (여자친구) 'Season of Memories'
Pre-Release 25.01.06 (MON) 12PM (KST)
Album Release 25.01.13 (MON) 6PM (KST)

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let's go, the me gustas tu clip got me hyped up
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Inki stage reeny looking so pretty! I'm also smitten with the dance unnies, a few of them are so good looking!
I think I love someone how can I know for sure
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You should kiss them
is new world any good?
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