I have no friends to go travelling with but I'm too scared to go alone cus I'm a 22y.o virgin loser
>>2711651It's the other way around.You're a 22y.o virgin loser cus you're too scared to go alone
>>2711651that's the point. you're throwing yourself into what is basically the great unknown for you. that's the time you embrace the challenge and build character. That's the point of adventure. The more you do it, the better you get at it and the less nervous you will be.
>>2711668based. zoomers are such fearful anxious little creatures.>>2711680Why in the world would you look forward to the point when travel becomes an unexciting routine? Travel in 2024 is more comfortable, predictable and stress-free than it has ever been before, with Google Maps and online booking and translator apps and flight tracking. It's understandable to find solo travel boring, absolutely ridiculous to find it daunting.
>>2711651Get a dog.
>>2711680Like freight riding.
>>2711651I visited Japan for the first time in 2003 when I was 22. I saw Morning Musume live in concert. I saw Akiba before it was completely shit. I got a chubby Japanese gf for a week while I was there. I had a great time. It changed my life. I’m sorry that Japan is absolutely shit now. But you can maybe go to Thailand and let a ladyboy fuck you
>>2711651when I did my year or so travel, I specifcialy did not want to go with anyone I knew, I wanted the complete freedom to go when I wanted where I wanted as I wanted.
traveling is the best way to break out of your shell if you're a neet virgin
>>2711758lmao, Japan now is exactly the same as it was in 2003. the only thing that has changed is that you are now a fat, balding, bitter faggot unable to enjoy things in the same way
>>2711758>I saw Akiba before it was completely shit.>2003The basketball court was removed in 2001 though, newfaggot
>>2711651I have no friends to go travelling with and I'm not too scared to go alone.But I don't have the money.>t. 22 y.o virgin loser
>>2712213If you really want to travel, you're gonna make it happen instead of sitting around with your thumb up your ass complaining to anons on a Tibetan basket-weaving forum. My first travels were day trips on a bicycle as a teenager with no money, and since then I've steadily increased my travel range. I've met Ecuadorians in South American hostels who funded their travels by smuggling goods across national borders in huge backpacks. They were very good-natured guys, even gave me a ball of opium wax. However, I didn't take them up on their recommendation of a smuggler village on the edge of the Amazon jungle as a great place to visit, kek.
>>2712240I live in bumfuck nowhere, midwest USA. A day trip on a bicycle would get me to some corn fields and not much else.I need to move to get a better job but I've been applying ever since I graduated and haven't found shit yet. Even then I'll not have enough money to travel for a few years at least. And that's ignoring my student loans, where almost all of my money from my part time wagie goes.pain
I don't have anyone but I go anyway I try and make hopeless sperges come with me because I know for me travelling and getting out of my sperg comfort zone was the best thing I ever did But I've had one nigga who really put me off and was unbearable the whole time. I'm only inviting cute girls now because somehow when they are inevitably insufferable the whole time it's not as bad
>>2711651this is me. Going to Europe in a week. Shitting my pants rn. It really is going to be sink or swim for me
>>2711651If you're a virgin loser then you should be used to doing things on your own.
>>2711651This right here explains it best >>2711680 .>I'm too scared to go alone cus I'm a 22y.o virgin loserpick somewhere that interests you. My best advice is to have a decent amount of confidence and be prepared, not easy but having planned ahead your stops and such will greatly give you more assurance that you aren't a scardy cat.
>>2711651fear is good , if if it makes you scared it will make you grow. live or die. nut up or shut up. your choice
>>2712321Where'd you find people to go with you?
>>2711712Nigger tier behavior
>>2711651Literally the best time in your life to lose it while travelling you retard. I wish I would've done that instead of dating a girl for multiple years.
>>2715497Where in Europe, anon? In the north or west you can get by without too much of a plan; just ride the trains around to places that interest you as you find them. Very easy to do there.
>>2711712Too dangerous now and not tolerated post 9/11. You will be arrested and the book thrown at you. Even if not caught, trains can stop in the middle of nowhere and you will be stranded.
>>2711651Unless you're going to some shady 3rd world shithole, you'll be fine.
>>2715690True. I was scared of putting my cock in pussy once but i was a man so i fucked the bitch. Now i grew up! With warts in my penis!
>>2711651> I'm too scared to go alone cus I'm a 22y.o virgin loser>none of that matters...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOO8z34vsN8
>>2716591I land in London in 2 days. Plan to train around northern france, lowlands, northern germany, maybe denmark. Then head south through austria, to italy. Pretty much planning to head south as it gets colder. I know it shouldnt be too bad but im a bit of a sperg
>>2717269>Richard died from covid 2 weeks later.
>>2711651It's over.
>>2717944Prostitution is legal in Germany, just saying in case you want to drop being a virgin loser.
>>271165132 y.o. wizard here, travelled for the first time alone earlier this year.
The thing is that travelling in 2024 is so incredibly accessible that you can easily remain a virgin loser even if you spend the next 6 months doing nothing but travelling dozens of different countries.You no longer have to know how to talk to people to travel, you don't need to learn any language, you don't need to ask anyone any directions, hell in most places you can literally go sleep in a new accommodation without directly interacting with a single human being. All you need is a smartphone and money that's it, even a complete retard can go to the other side of the planet now since apps do most of the work for you.
>>2719226Very true 10 years ago there was no google maps or uber or fucking google translate either. So easy these days to just go explore the world it's crazy not to. Get out of your house you weirdo. Stop playing your fucking video games OP and go
>>2719029And ?
22 y/o is the perfect age to travel alone. It's much better than being 32 and travelling alone.Do it OP. Travelling is about seeing the world, experiencing other cultures, meeting new people, trying new things, not about spending time with friends.
>>2719248Still alone, still a wizard.But I was never scared of traveling alone in the first place. Spend my days abroad walking all over the city, sightseeing and taking pictures.
>>271165126 year old kissless hugless virgin here. Never traveled or even had the urge to travel but i think now is the time.I got a bit of money and alot of freetime. Im setting my expectations low and refuse to plan too much.Worst case i smoke weed all day and maybe take a dip in the ocean, Best case i get some pussy. Probably gonna go to Malta.