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Todai-ji on a rainy day edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR has adjusted the prices for the pass, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.
With the increased price of the JR Pass, local train passes might be good deals now.

New prices starting May 2024
>7 day Pass: ¥50,000
>14 day Pass: ¥80,000
>21 day Pass: ¥100,000

ーInfo on Prostitution ー
Check out the links below and try not to derail the thread with repetitive questions about this or janny will get mad. You can also check out old threads under 4plebs.org. Any question you might have, like "Do I need to speak japanese to see a prostitute?" or "Can I really have penetrative sex in a soapland?" have been answered hundreds of times, learn to use the fucking archive OR READ THE GUIDES LISTED HERE. STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT IT IN THE THREAD.


previous: >>2710721
Tokyo Bon Odori Information:
Tokyo Autumn Festivals and Autumn Events:
I have given up on everything
What’s the agenda for today boys? Just finished work
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Everytime I look in a different website, they always give me a different weather forecast. Is the weather in Japan really that unpredictable? I need to know the weather, reeeee
Anyone here ever been to Onomichi? I am thinking about staying there for a couple of nights for the small(ish) town experience in the middle of my trip. Just chilling and maybe doing a little biking.
It's just the saar larping
He sucks his own dick all the time. Nothing new
Kansai Event Information: https://www.walkerplus.com/event_list/today/ar0700/
>ーInfo on Prostitution ー
Why is this still in the OP?
I want this board to be about travel, not a calling card for gooners.
it's supposed to be a way to justify the "no coomers allowed" rule. if you ask about sexo you get pointed to the OP and told to fuck off.

but sex is a part of traveling I don't know why it's against the rules.
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You are what's wrong with 4chan.
>but sex is a part of traveling I don't know why it's against the rules.
Go look at any general for any country in Southeast Asia. They're all infested with would-be sexpests, most of whom haven't been abroad and don't do anything but troll each other and blabber about "the white man" and "monkey women."

In short, even if some coomers are probably capable of giving good advice, they tend to ruin every thread they enter.
if you just want a list of shrines to visit, just go on reddit. why even be here
>been hoping to get a jouzo desu for a while
>get told "very good japanese!"
>in english
I'm not even jouzo yet :(
Devils advocate: 4chan is a shit website for getting real advice about prostitution, particularly in a country as weird about it as Japan (laws, customs, anti-foreigner rules despite it being so common place).
The forum in the pasta is a much better guide for anyone serious about it. It's actually doing would be coomers a favour by redirecting them from anonymous comments from unverified posters who likely have no idea what they're talking about.
>if you just want a list of shrines to visit, just go on reddit. why even be here
I've been using 4chan since 2008 and /trv/ since 2012 or thereabouts. I came here to ask questions about my first trip, and got excellent advice on Turkey, Iraqi Kurdistan, India, and a handful of other places. If I'm not wrong, an anon even gave me a very accurate rundown on ATMs in Erbil.

(for clarity's sake, there were fewer than a half-dozen ATMs in the entire city at that point)

IMO, this was actually one of the better-informed travel boards on the internet before ~2016-2018. It's gotten worse and worse since then. Most posters in most threads are LARPing idiots.
I'd say the trouble started around 2014-15 and had become insufferable by 2018.
>The closest next time i could travel to japan is in october next year.
How do i cope with this info?
Ask this guy apparently. >>2715108
How the fuck do i fill a day before a 10pm flight from haneda? I've got the luggage shit sorted, i'll store it at my hotel for most of the day and pick it up in the afternoon.

Finishing my trip in Tokyo and doing borderless the day before. Should i just hit up random shopping streets or do some targeted stuff?

Also has any anon flown out of Terminal 2 for International? I wanted to do a bit of last minute fooding and shopping at HND 3 but unlikely to happen at this point. Don't want to get there to early for some shitty domestic/international space with nothing to do for three hours.
Any anon into beamania i want to pick up a special aimo card or even a banapassport while i'm there in Oct.
Sunset: zzzzzz
Sunset, Japan: O:
Tale as old as time really.
if you want to get off, why even travel to japan
just put your dick in your hands or get a prostitute in your home country, no expensive plane ticket required
sexpats should honestly just kill themselves
The bon odori was fun today, thanks for that
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My two weeks are up and I come back to Melbourne.

Immediately greeted by stinky pajeet. Cleaning crew are ESL turd worlders, hag looking women and some old aussie cunt whose wondering why his life is so shit. Rude disgusting chinks everywhere

Shops staff all filled with ugly fat bitches, wrinkles, shit tatooes and those horrored fucking voices.

Jesus christ I really did just take the SS tier service and cute sexy women everywhere for granted.

House feels like an absolute fucking mansion. Also why did landing here fuck my ears to badly but everywhere else was fine?

On top of that. Random vertigo dizzy spells. Miss Japan, holy shit.

Also, is the 2030 visa going to fuck us Chad's with criminal records? If I've already visited multiple times, they should let me get a visa right?

Don't want to learn the language to just be able to not fucking use it
Do I follow the girl in Ueno who offered a 3k massage and gave me a hug at 2am? Will I get mugged? Same for the maid cafe girls that want you to follow them
Can't you just buy a banapass if you play WMMT?
fuck! i'm going there late october. i hope it won't be too late.
Of course!
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Came back from japan a few days ago. An interesting trip even as a solo wizard traveller. Japan is not the place I thought it was but I completed the holy pilgrimage to mecca, I mean Japan, that every (old school) nerd has to take once in their lifetime.

/trv/ was pretty helpful surprisingly, didn't think post-2014 still had some life left in it.

Don't know if I'll go back.
What did you do and for how long? why was it not the place you thought? why would you maybe not want to go back? tell us anon.
sorry man people don't end their sentences with desuwa~ that's just something they do in anime
Same thing happened to /fit/
Used to be a great place for exercise advise before 2013ish
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my advice for Japan travelling is: find a local to go with you. it will make your journey SO much better. doesn't matter if it's a man or woman. you learn so many things from them.
This is more important than in other countries because if you come from a western background like me, there's so many things that are done differently here
How cheap can I visit Japan for and actually enjoy myself? I got about ~$2000 to spend and I'm looking to spend about a week In Japan. I know the duration/money isn't ideal but it'll be my last chance to travel for the next few years. I know my money can go much further in other countries but the weeb in me wants to see Japan.
Will $2000 even buy a flight?
honestly that's pretty good. i went recently with around $1500 and if you're not buying souvenirs for family like i did, then you'll have a lot of cash left over. i ate out daily and bought a bunch of stuff, even spent around $100 in several arcades. after all that, had i not bought souvenirs for people, i'd still have at least $250-300 left over
oh wait, is that $2000 just in spending money, or do you still need to buy tickets and a hotel too? because i spent around $1700 for a roundtrip and hotel
$2000 altogether, with the flight cost exempted. How expensive is a decent hotel per night? I don't plan on staying at my hotel much as I want to explore so I wouldn't mind something mid.
that's more then enough for just a week if your plane ticket is already sorted
I'll be there in a week and I got a hotel in ueno for like 50-60 bucks a night
i stayed at an apa hotel, which honestly was pretty comfortable. i paid around $550 for a 6 night stay, but it really depends on where you plan on staying at.
Can you guys advice on the flights? The cheapest are the Chinese ones but I've heard bad thing about going through a Chinese airport during stops.
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Well I've got exactly that kind of ticket, we'll know in about two weeks. Ones with a layover in Istanbul/Dubai were at very least twice as expensive.
I wonder if upgrading to business at the gate will be worth it for Air China or it's gonna suck either way.
there's so many options to know Japanese people on the internet before you come. Language apps, online chat apps, dating apps... you name it
Don't give up if you get rejected/ghosted at first.
Those Emirates/Turkish Airlines were my second consideration, but like you said they are 30-50% more expensive and sometimes a few hours longer.
One of my stopovers in China on my way to Japan was totally fine but the other was a nightmare and I almost got blacklisted from China altogether. it was entirely my fault, however.
I had a ticket back home that went Osaka -> Shanghai -> Guangzhou -> Hangzhou -> home.
I decided to skip the Guangzhou flight and take a train from Shanghai to Hangzhou (40 minutes by train) and they demanded I pay 700 something euros which I refused. They threatened to kick me out and blacklist me to which I didn't seem bothered the tiniest bit. They ended up letting me go on the original flight but gave me the worst seat possible lol
Mine is in Beijing, PEK airport, 2 hours 15 minutes. Guess it's gonna be tight but I don't want to waste time in a Chinese airport, and doing the "visa-free transit for a day or so" thing wasn't on my list.
2 hours is not enough man. I don't know about Beijing but the Hangzhou airport was a long walk from terminal 3 to 4 too
Just leave your shit in your hotel or at a locker at Shimbashi station. Enjoy the day around Shimbashi/Ginza/Chiyoda and go back to Shimbashi by 5ish.
i've always wondered how those lockers work. you just leave your shit in there, and no one else is able to get in? are you given a key so no one else is able to open it? and how long are you able to keep stuff in there?
I'm going to assume you have an IC card. You out your shit in the locker. Pay with your IC card and you unlock it by tapping your IC card again. I don't know if you're allowed to leave them overnight (I've never checked) but you can use it for the whole day.

Theres some coin lockers that give you keys but most of the ones at large/new stations use IC cards.
ahh, gotcha. i never tried using one since i wasn't exactly sure how they worked. next time i'll have to though
Got a few hundred bucks to spend on pointy things, any knife recommendations in Tokyo? Tower knives seems like the normie choice, but I like I can test stuff there
If it matters I want a yanagiba and a santoku
The ones at the large stations have a touch screen that explains the process and you can change to English. But that's the jist. Your IC card is your key.
Twenty time folded katana.
I already own a thousand folded one
>the rotated pics inceltard is an aussie with a criminal record
You can't make this up.
ah, alright. i've always just passed by them in the stations; i've just really seen the ones outside, like in akihabara
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>What did you do and for how long?
Little over a week, just did the usual tourist things in Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto, visit shrines, observation towers, food places etc

>why was it not the place you thought?
I don't know how old you are, but for a millennial (wizard) Japan was this futuristic techno wonderland but when you get there it's kinda dated. I think some anon described Japan is like living in 2008 in 1989. Don't get me wrong, everything that used to be futuristic to me in the 90s and 00s still works great and is a testament to their tech quality but it's no longer like looking into the future.

Japanese TV is crap, none of that crazy shit they used to show on clip shows on UK TV or on 4chan. Almost every tv show seems to follow the same few formats and the way the ad breaks are placed are insane.

Also a lot of "weird Japan" things make sense once you're here. It kinda shattered my view that Japan was a western nation with asian characteristics. It's not, it's an asian nation with *some* western characteristics.

I mean good Lord, Japan seems to have a visible sex industry on par with other SEA countries. It kinda unnerved me, in certain places there were hostesses every few metres.

>why would you maybe not want to go back?
I'd have to go back with a plan and specific places to visit.

You know, someone on SA 20 years ago said something along the lines of "Japan is a dark machine/meat grinder with a kawaii skin covering it"
Being there I understand the sentiment now.

I got more to say but for another post.

Question though, do otaku/outcasts have a better or worse time in japanese society than in western society? Cos I can easily see them being intensely bitter but I can also easily see them being lost/placated by the arcades, manga/anime, model building, easy access to niche porn, etc.
Did you visit an onsen?
Me at a hot spring? lol no. I didn't need to embarrass myself in another country.
I love this little bakery in Osaka, but I think my European breakfast habits of having salty and sweet baked shit, a coffee and a glass of OJ (do they really have to put fucking ice in the juice?) is driving them off the ledge. Like they see me waltz in and know that this fatass is here again
You don't have to get drunk on sake, wrap a tie around your forehead and put chopstick in your nose Anon ...
It was almost a year ago that I went on a 3-week trip to Japan and I'm still reminiscing about it. I really loved parts of Nagasaki and Chubu. Tokyo was overwhelming and I didn't plan that leg of the trip well at all, but really enjoyed Wonder Parlour Cafe.
Will tourism to Japan decrease at any point in the next five-ten years? If I ever get a chance to go again, I'd prefer to go when there are less tourists. We didn't even visit Kyoto or Osaka because I had read that Kyoto was overrun with tourists. I wonder if the tensions rising between China and Japan (after that Japanese kid was stabbed in China) will lower tourists from China.
you went to japan without an itinerary? just winged it for a week and a half?
I think if you go again you should make a plan before you go but also find stuff you're more interested in because I guarantee you'll have a better time
Kek my hotel has one of those auto orange juicers, probably costs them 3000 JPY a day
>hasnt taken the shikoku pill
ngmi anon...ngmi....
I dunno man 1 kilo of oranges ranges from 600JPY to 1600JPY, it might be more
Probably, I was just guessing wholesale prices
>Godzilla head is inaccessible
>Universal Studios is all the way over in Osaka
>One Piece ship is all the way in Nagasaki

Fuck. Any cool landmark I can visit just in Tokyo? I have very limited time and money now.
I don't understand what you meant by personality then.
that gundam infront of that mall in odaiba that trandforms every 6 hours or something
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Truth is always stranger than fiction
For me it's going for a late breakfast around 11:45am only to be told they no longer serve breakfast but willing to open an exception for me as long as I paid an extra 200 yen
No idea thats why i'm asking, i'm not in to Wangan either, might try that anyway.
Not a bad idea actually thanks, i was pretty much avoiding Ginza didn't look like it would appeal to me.

Might do that instead.
>Getting a tattoo in Japan, yay or nay?
huge nay my dude
Go to Narita in the morning, leave your luggage in a coin locker, and go for a walk in the city.
Naritasan Shinshoji Temple is a famous temple in Narita City. On its approach road there are famous eel restaurants and Japanese confectionery stores.
Sawara, a 30-minute train ride from Narita Station, has a townscape that dates back to the Edo period, and you can take a mini-boat tour of the city.
where can a (fat) guy get a Dairy Queen style ice cream here in Japan?
>She looked cute but she had a muzzle on so hard to say
Damn, I think I'm starting to see why you got fired in your first week.
Unlike yesterday, today in Tokyo, you won't sweat if you're in the shade. It was a little cool in the morning too.
The humidity will decrease from now on, so even if the temperature exceeds 30°C, you won't be drenched in sweat.
4chan is unironically one of the only places you can get good information about Japan. Everywhere else is either completely doompilled or filled with so much toxic positivity it makes you retch. I can give you a realistic perspective for almost anything you could possibly want to know.
Too scared of dating apps and not sure why japanese cuties would want to talk to me across the globe
Ginza is not for everyone (obviously) but it's still a nice area.
Shinbashi has lots of great restaurants too.
>you went to japan without an itinerary? just winged it for a week and a half?
Half an itinerary.

>I guarantee you'll have a better time
I didn't have a bad time, in fact I had a great time, and like I said if I go back it would be with more definite plan but it's just not what I thought it was. I think I should have went 15-20 years ago.
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Ah, but what about SunRISE, Japan?
Advice for travelers coming to Japan and booking the Shinkansen.
I often see travelers who come in groups of several people and book seats vertically, but you should not do this.
This is because the trains are often full and you will have strangers sitting next to you.
It is recommended to reserve seats side by side, as they can be rotated so that they are facing each other.
How do I get ride a souped up JDM?
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I saw these medals at every tower I visited, kinda wish I bought them but I did get magnets from every tower i went to instead.
Sounds great i'm flying out of HND not NRT.
>It is recommended to reserve seats side by side, as they can be rotated so that they are facing each other.

Aren't they the fancy green car ones?
Agreed unless you were already planning on getting a tatt it's kinda pointless, you have to look after it you can't get in baths or expose it to any dirty environments

It's a huge hassle to look after if you aren't use to post care routines. Not to mention its a couple of hours sitting in a chair.
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Including the Umeda skybuilding? I didn't find one in there.
Yep. They were hard to find. That one you see in pic was from the gift shop at the top and it was 1 of 2, both were shitty quality like you see and they were all laying down in a space under models of the tower or something like that, they weren't magnetized to anything
Damn, can't believe I missed out on the Umeda medal.
I'm heading to Japan soon, and was curious as to whether there's anyway to track down or get a schedule as to what popup stores or collabs are currently ongoing while I'm there.
I recall going around this time last year and there was a KyoAni x Kyoto Station popup store that I picked up some merch from, and was linked this one by a friend that'll be active while I'm there this time.
But it got me thinking about how many more there might be ongoing and whether there's any way to make sure I don't miss any that might interest me.
Is there anyone here who has experience hiking in Japan and recommendations based on that experience? I'm in Kyoto until the 28th, and then after that I have no plans for a week. I'm currently looking for relatively inexpensive hotels / ryokan within walking or public transit distance of trailheads. I was thinking of traveling to towns / cities around Lake Biya northwest of Kyoto, but I don't know whether it's worth it because it seems like an expensive area.

I'm not much of a tourist or a weeaboo, so I have little interest in visiting popular tourist attractions. My idea of a good time is just walking around at 2AM while it's cool and quiet, running along rivers / trails, or finding a cafe where I can chill and read. I have some experience speaking Japanese, but not enough to be conversational beyond broad pleasantries, so I find talking to people very stressful and prefer this sort of thing.
>Japanese girl looked at me

Go to Kobe. Thank me later.
>invite her to my place
>seemed so happy talking with the biggest smile on her face
>"I'm lez"
>"You couldn't tell from looking at me?"
Bros, help calibrate my gaydar for East Asian girls. This is the 2nd time I got blind sided by the lez reveal.
>Go to Kobe
Is it nice there even though the leaves won't start turning there until late October? I know nothing about Kobe, so I'll look into it.

I found a hostel in the Lake Biwa area that's affordable, highly-rated, available, and next to a lot of interesting places in Hikone, so I'm going to go there for a few days first regardless.
I mean if you are just trying to see the leaves change colors by a lake, sure. But Kobe offers everything you asked for in your original post.
Alright then, I will in fact thank you later. Or I'll thank you now, I guess.

The only other thing I have plans to do is spend 2 days in Tokyo doing a pilgrimage from sumo stable to sumo stable, because I missed the September basho by a day and that's the next best thing I can do. And maybe go to the Hokusai print museum since it's in the area of the Kokugikan.
Traveling to Tokyo from Kyoto will take a better part of half your day. You can get to Kobe from Kyoto in far less time. You will be one of few westerners you see there. The ones you do run into are more likely there for similar reasons. It has one of the best China Towns in Japan, it's hugged between the bay and mountainsides, with plenty of trails to shrines or even take the cable car. It's a great city and inexpensive and has fantastic restaurants and cafes, you just have to go even for a day trip since you're in Kyoto
I'll definitely plan to spend some time there, as much as I can fill.
Okay you better do it. Don't be a faggot. You won't ragret it.
Can't help you, I actually find it's far easier to tell if a japanese girl is les or even bi than in my country. And even though there's butches, most of those girls are far more feminine, even the tomboy ones.
Damn, im grateful that I just get too fucked up to ever have to run into the awkwardness of getting a Japanese girl to your room just for them to deny you. Making out with them in the club and feeling each other up is enough for me
As a Bulgarian who has only traveled within Europe as my youth but within the last 2 years have visited Japan, USA, Taiwan, South Korea... Fuck communism
I thought that too, but then i realised
>Damn, I'm in another country over 5000km away from my home country
>Nobody will remember this when im gone
>Nobody knows me
Still not enough willpower to stop me from only visiting a private onsen lmao.
Someone will have a core memory of you being in a spring, but like you said, you'll never see them again
I have this core memory of a hambeast sitting next to me on the train. It's a 3 seater bench, so I can manage. But when when she goes to get off, you can literally hear her sticky skin peeling off from the plastic seat. And then the stench hit. I had to move train cars.
If I have real problems with too high temperatures (above 25-28C), what's the best time to visit Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto or Toyama? Also, what's the recommended regions/cities to visit if I'm mainly interested in historical heritage and nature as well and photographing?
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Whats some cool day trip spots that I can get to from Tokyo. Not looking for Hakone or that popular Fuji scenic town.
Looks like I'm staying in the same terminal for both arrival and departure. That should make it more than doable.
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Enoshima island. Was the best highlight of my trip. I even went to hakone and enoshima still beat that.
Head to Ofuna station and catch a suspended monorail to get there, thats also really fun.
>us Niggers with criminal records?
Should have been white.
>is the 2030 visa going to fuck us Degenerates with criminal records
I don't have one but I'm still intrigued what is this about?
Japan is planning to introduce US-style ESTA around 2030.
Kamakura, Enoshima, Nikko etc.
>Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto
Winter probably. They average between 15 to 25 in December if I recall correctly, so Jan/feb should be ok too
1: Kyoto suburbs, easy
Mount Hiei: (35.0701, 135.8417)
A mountain with an old Buddhist temple in the north of Kyoto. There is a railway and a cable car that goes up to the summit.
Mount Kurama: (35.1238, 135.7715)
A low mountain in the north of Kyoto. There is a temple on the mountainside, and the trails are well maintained.
Iwashimizu Hachiman Shrine: (34.8800, 135.6997)
A shrine on a hill on the southern outskirts of Kyoto.

2: Nara: easy
Mount Wakakusa: (34.6908, 135.8540)
A mountain full of deer, east of Todaiji Temple. An entrance fee of 150 yen is required.

3: Relatively challenging
Kura Touge: (34.66574, 135.6713)
A historic pass on the border between Osaka and Nara. A railway line runs to the foot of the mountain on both sides of the pass.

4: Shiga
Mii-dera (35.0131, 135.8528)
An ancient temple. It is not well known compared to the temples in Kyoto City, but its size and historical importance are outstanding.
Hiyoshi Shrine (35.0716, 135.8623)
An ancient shrine. It is not well known compared to the shrines in Kyoto City, but its size and historical importance are outstanding.
Gokasho: (35.1544, 136.1787)
A row of traditional merchant buildings. It is not well known, so you can relax.
Samegai-juku (35.3274,136.3485)
A traditional post townscape remains. It is not well known, but you can't expect to find a cafe here.
Harie: (35.3594,136.0448)
A village with clear waterways. It is completely unknown. You can't expect to find a cafe here.
Shirahige Shrine (35.2742,136.0112)
Known for its torii gate in the lake. Not well-connected.
Kunitomo: (35.4096,136.2820)
Once a place that produced matchlock guns. It is now an ordinary village, but there is a small museum here.
Chikubujima: (35.4222,136.1441)
A small island in Lake Biwa. It has a historic temple and shrine. Cruise ships depart from Nagahama.
as far as i know it's just gonna be a visa waiver program like the US esta. i think EU is getting one soon too.
they will tell you it's for security reasons but really it's just a way to grift a few extra shekels from visitors.
Elaborate, how would they know if someone from a visa free country had a record?
Obviously if you need to apply for one like a 3rd worlder then sure, they'd find out but almost half of the EU would be unaffected
Damn, thank you, this is very helpful. I kneel.
Could be some kind of record sharing agreement by that time.
> Obviously if you need to apply for one like a 3rd worlder then sure
I had to and even then they didn't ask for a proof of clean record. Haven't seen anyone being declined due to having a record, but not that anyone would brag about that kind of stuff.
Man, I so badly wish I were rich enough to buy, tune up, and drive around an R34 in Japan before importing it back home.
You're probably good looking and white.
Doesn't work if you're ugly and not white.
Kyoto is located in a basin, so summers can be hellishly hot, while December through February can be cold, with minimum temperatures sometimes falling below freezing.
Can you give any examples of sites and apps which have worked well for you?
Why I was inspired to ask was I saw someone at Enoshima and it looks great. Didnt know they had that suspended monorail there too. Will be sure to visit
Looks fascinating, but a real long ass travel day.
Cheers anon, great locations there
A very inexpensive hotel in Nishinari, Osaka

oh god I'm moving to Tokyo tomorrow I have nothing prepared wish me luck anons
hopefully I can go visit like half a dozen share houses in my desired city this week and find a good one
>wish me luck
>4 fives
uh oh
Lmfao I stayed in that exact same hotel
Up to 25 in December? Wow, that's actually shocking. I keep forgetting that they are officially sub-tropical but I honestly thought that only south-west islands are so hot. Thanks.
will be in Tokyo Oct 13th-28th, would anyone like to meet?
is it true japan is really cheap right now because of the usd - yen exchange rate? are hotels, airbnbs, entrance fees etc also cheaper? i always wanted to go there but i'm pretty broke
It's not as good as it was a few months ago, no
it's not 160 like it was earlier in the year but 140ish is still pretty decent
Anybody have some insight on lodging options in Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto? Do they have affordable (<$50) motels or is it hostels, capsules, and hotels?
Gay. 1 GBP is 190 yen.
I’m arriving in Tokyo on the 13th and heading to Kagoshima on the 15th
I may be up for a few drinks on the 13th
I’m a foreigner living in Japan in my mid 30s and decided to sign up for a marriage agency. I have the introductory meeting with the agency later this week. What am I in for?
Maybe, I'll be there Oct 23-27.
Anyone here familiar with Shizuoka prefecture in general? Any recommendations? Especially the western portion. I know the eastern Izu peninsula is a bunch of onsen towns or something but I'm going to be staying in Fujieda soon for a couple weeks and wondering what unique things I can check out
If have all of those things but am balding am I screwed?
Not at all. The only other thing that might be stumbling block is being meek. I can't tell you to just be confident because it's not something that can be taught you learn it though trial and error. Just be direct with your intentions in essence.
I just want a wife and kids and to live in the countryside in Switzerland.

I'll be around on the 16th onwards interested in catching up.
Whiteness has no baring on anything like at all unless the girl's sheltered and/or looking for a quick way out. If you're a handsome white guy sure but that's everywhere you can be air dropped to africa and you'll get laid same with other races when it comes to being handsome. You won't get anything with that mentality if you get girls back home you'll likely get girls in jp it's no different when it comes to what they're looking for confident & secure ideally speaks the language. just don't be a dweeb and this not to say don't reveal your power level in fucking anime figurine collecting.
Never rode the Shinkansen before. Most videos I've seen always pick one way ticket. How does the round trip ticket work? Does it print two tickets? i'm planning to go to shizuoka tomorrow but i need to be back in Tokyo the same day
You are completely mistaken in your memory; it is very cold in Kyoto in December, with highs around 10 degrees Celsius and lows as low as 0 degrees Celsius.
[Nishinari, Osaka] I stayed at a super cheap inn for 1,500 yen a night for a week | A woman's solo trip around Japan
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I'm emigrating to Japan. I am not visiting. I am not hiring a prostitute. I am not a weeb. I have no misconceptions about what it's like there. Yes, I realize living in Japan is a whole other beast from visiting. I do not care. I am willing to learn the language. I took three years of Japanese in college. Basically, I am prefacing my question with all of these assertions because I want to weed out the shitposters.
>You will become isolated and lonely and alienated in weeks
I am already there. My life has become a zero sum game. If I emigrate and I make zero friends while being a shut-in all day...then nothing will have changed. But at least I will be closer to practicing my greatest passion--martial arts. Anyway, my question
Where is the best prefecture/city to consider moving to? Anywhere latitude that's too far North of Tokyo is disqualified. I am so fucking sick of the cold and the snow. I want to mitigate that shit as much as possible. Hokkaido can suck my ass.

Any other advice you guys can give would be greatly appreciated.
Buy two tickets. If you reserve them you can pick them up at the machine at the same time.
>very cold
Lmao even
Osaka if you don't want to feel isolated.
Also, just be sociable regardless of where you end up. You'll be fine.
i need to buy two one way tickets?
I think being a foreigner is actually a disadvantage for the most part, doesn't really matter what color. You'll only get gaijin hunters unless you're really exceptional.
Yes. There's no "return", it's a train, not an international flight.
>Yes. There's no "return", it's a train, not an international flight.
Yeah, no. I travel around for work a lot here, and when I take the Shinkansen and have to come back to Tokyo the same day, I usually buy a return ticket, reserve my train home, and pay for both at once.
does the machine spit out two tickets if you choose round-trip?
That's what I would like to know. Please post updates
my plane is leaving soon
moving to japan to see my gf
30-something neet
never would have happened if I didn't waste the last 20 years of my life sitting around developing better taste than everyone else on this website and researching niche japanese media
Why does my good fortune read like a bad fortune
For a country that specialises in ghosting people rather frequently, you'd think they'd be better at being on the receiving end of it. Like if I see the warning signs (ignored greetings/messages, unenthusiastic interactions), I will not stick around.
ignoring the last few months the US to Yen exchange hasn't been this favourable since 1998 so yeah it's a good time to go. Also it's only gonna get more touristy in the next few years imo so the earlier you visit it the better
I have nothing to do in Tokyo anymore...
look harder
likely if you act the exact same way (sitting at home not talking to anybody) then yeah you wont get women in japan either
conversly if you talked to women around you now you could probably get them in the uk as well
>was thinking about going to Wakayama
>Koyasan seems like the only reason to go there
>bonus points, it can be hiked into rather than taking the bus or a cable car
>surely this mountain temple complex in the middle of nowhere will have reasonable accommodations
>temple stays are all absurdly expensive
>guest houses / hostels are much more reasonable, but all booked full
Well, so much for that
Real G's live in sendai
Anyone know what's going on with amiami today? They had a big special line and at the front the employee had a sheet of paper in Japanese that also had a sticker in English that said no photos (probably to keep the dekinais like myself in the dark)
They were being handed numbers after so clearly it was some sort of event I just don't know for what.
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>be me, at a department store a couple weeks ago
>when leaving see a cute japanese girl with like an arm sling walk towards the door outside
>speed up, wanna hold the door open
>just speeds up, opens the door quickly and does like a half bow, just looking down
to this day I'm like GOD
>>temple stays are all absurdly expensive
The one I did let us join in on the morning prayer and then they let us take photos of the room, the holy statue and all that good stuff.
I'd recommend staying at any of them but I can't for the life of me remember the name of the one I stayed at. Joki-in maybe, but I'm not sure anymore, it's been years
Anyway you're not just paying for a stay in a room, but a half service experience + you're supporting a temple on top of that
So she got the door for you or..?
nah she just
walked in
Should i go twice in a year for 2 weeks each?
It would be a solo trip in may 2025, and then a group trip in october 2025.
Or would i run out of things to see by the 3rd trip?
Err, 3rd trip meaning the october one. I've already done a solo trip before.
I'm also wondering what direction to go, I guess i could try start in osaka and head south.
Whereas for a group, starting in tokyo and heading to osaka is better.
>would i run out
Ban all Australians from Japan.
I really enjoyed cycling around the suburbs in tokyo, to the local mall, shops and back.
How is it in the main bit of tokyo, ie akihabara, shinjuku etc?
And are there daily/weekly bike rental places?
You may want to look in to the bike share services (docomo, hello cycling etc), probably pretty affordable.
1: Kunozan Toshogu Shrine (34.9647,138.4675)
This is the prototype of Nikko Toshogu Shrine. Tokugawa Ieyasu was originally buried on Mount Kuno.
2: Satta Pass (35.0715,138.5413)
This is a singularity in Japan's transportation. It has been known as a transportation chokepoint since ancient times, with highways and railways converging on a narrow corridor. The beautiful scenery is particularly noteworthy.
3: Kakegawa Castle (34.7751,138.0140)
This is a castle reconstructed from wood based on documents from the feudal era.
4: Hamamatsu City Museum of Musical Instruments (34.7065,137.7386)
This is a Hamamatsu City museum about musical instruments.
5: Communication Plaza (34.7229, 137.8767)
This is Yamaha's motorcycle museum.
6: Suzuki History Museum (34.6907, 137.6894)
This is Suzuki's automobile museum. Reservations are required before visiting.
7: Air Park (34.7472, 137.7119)
This is a public relations facility for the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, and fighter planes are on display. If you have a special interest in the F-104 fighter plane, this is the place to go.
8: "Sawayaka" (34.85959, 138.27367)
"Sawayaka" is an extremely popular chain of hamburger steak restaurants. These restaurants are found almost exclusively in Shizuoka.
>normies love japan now
what happened
i hate seeing them in japan
>I am so fucking sick of the cold and the snow.
Go to Okinawa, shotokan karate is from there anyway.
how I feel about people like you discovering this website
is that but 100x worse
What's Japanese general opinion on sciencists, especially from STEM fields? I'm simply curious, I'm well aware that to get related job here I would need N5 certificate and generally be very fluent but I wonder if having degree is something to be proud of here. In my country, I often don't mention having PhD in (applied) physics, most people think it's "waste of time" because "it doesn't make money" and claims that "anyone can get it" (not true in slightest). Makes me feel unwanted and useless.

Sorry if I should ask /int/ instead.
it got very affordable to visit. normoids caught on.
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Is there anyway to track collabs or popup stores or what have you?
I'll be heading over next month, and someone pointed out there's going to be a Monogatari x Sanrio collab while I'm visiting.
Got me thinking about all the other collabs, popup stores, and such FOMO things that I might be missing while there and I'd love to be able to track down anything I'd be interested in.
No, it's our new Bali. I visit yearly now, it's so cheap.
janny's a tranny and if you post here you're a cuck
Generally viewed very positively in my experience, when I tell people I have an MEng in chemical engineering I get a lot of 頭がいい's and 賢い's.
Research (postdoc really) is pretty good in Japan, yes you'd need more than N5 ideally but a degree is like the bare minimum you'd need to stay long-term in Japan. Congrats on the PhD anon, I'm starting mine in January and hope to eventually do my postdoc in Japan through MEXT. I have N2 so that's one thing covered.
Money-wise, if you did ever do a postdoc on MEXT then the stipend is pretty good from what I've heard, at least relative to expenses in Japan.
If nothing else, if you did pursue STEM/academia in Japan then it makes you stand out a lot more than the typical ALT --> IT pipeline that a lot of folks end up going down. IT guys are probably on the same level as Americans who move to Japan with the army and then get cushy contracting gigs, but I'm sick of IT jobs flooding the market, especially after spending 2 years doing it and fucking hating the experience.
Interesting anon, I'm in the same dilemma. I went to Tokyo/Kyoto for two weeks in April and want to go to Osaka for 2 weeks in November. As long as it doesn't break the bank, you should definitely do it if you can.
poorcunt detected
>was too much of a pussy to use my Japanese much on my first trip
>second trip started the same, was in sperg mode the first two days
>'fuck it, gonna stop being a bitch'
>immediately get a 'nihongo jouzu' and 'nihongo perapera' in the same night
After that I was riding the high and would immediately answer people in Japanese, I want to go back to Japan to feed my ego again
How are you planning to emigrate? Do you have a job lined up for you?

I'm honestly in a similar position and mindset as you but I'm worried about how to get a job because I probably know less Japanese than you.
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i guess everyone around me must all be poor as fuck because nobody says its cheap rather that its too expensive.
>can get a decent full meal for like 1000¥ (aka $7/6.25€/£5.20)
>can get a nice hotel room for two people in the middle of Tokyo for 15000¥ per night (aka $105/94€/£78)
>Tokyo's metro costs 180¥ per ride (aka $1.25/1.12€/£0.94)
how is this expensive for anyone coming from a first world country?
You can do it way cheaper too if you book flights when they're like 50% off, if you stay in a dorm (preferable for young/sociable people only though) and don't go crazy with expensive meals every night.
yeah my examples, especially the hotel, were for a nice comfortable type of vacationing that the average tourist may want, and to get a comparable experience in say western Europe you'd have to spend a lot more
I suppose you're right, I'm just very cheap and skeptical
>talking with a friendly guy in a bar, in broken japanese
>asks me if I have a girlfriend
>he hits me with the "you can find a girlfriend here very easily"
What is it with this psy-op? I swear it's so common, and I dont know why. Funny guy, though, and very friendly. We were talking about the concept of wingmen (and trying to figure out whether there was a Japanese equivalent), and he said that Japanese people need to be drunk to flirt, lmao. Although drinking here makes me begin to understand.
>Also it's only gonna get more touristy in the next few years imo so the earlier you visit it the better
>I won’t be able to visit for 2 more years due to parents preventing me from going and still being in college
>you can find a girlfriend here very easily
OK, that's it. How do I move to Japan?
>cheap meal
>cheap room
>cheap metro
High quality things are super expensive in Japan
It is indeed very simple. Especially if you meet some girl at a bar. Japs, despite the incels screeching online, are always very interested in foreigners. If you don't look like a goblin or an ogre, people will want to talk with you.
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I had similar interactions as well. I suspect in Asia, 6 ft is considered tall $100k is alot of money and 7 inches isn't laughably small.
You are where you belong.
Seems I remembered wrong, Tokyo averages 8-15 on land and up to 20 at sea.
This is ofcourse scewed by the fact that Japans posessions in the Pacific are part of Tokyo so they probably contribute to the high sea average
>host went to bed drunk and forgot to put out the recyclables
>went for a night run
>noticed a lot of bags of recyclables on the street
>tiptoed past him to put out the petto botoru and kan
I hope I didn't troll it and misunderstand the day they're supposed to go out :3c

Thanks, anon! I'll check at least a couple of these out.
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im not denying it, i work minimum wage in the states and have been able to pay while just working a seasonal job twice. just surrounded by broke ass niggas i guess. But even my boomer parents think its a little expenisve (and too cold in january)
I've been on the shinkansen from tokyo to osaka and back.
Is there any point to me taking it again when a plane is cheaper?
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anyone ever hit up the genji monogatari museum?
i did go to kyoto, but couldn't make it
wish I had more time to learn more about that story
Depending on where you're staying the Shinkansen will be likely be faster in door to door time since the airports are so far away. I'll take the shinkansen over flying any day. Sipping a beer while the the countryside flys by at 285kmph never gets old.
Nikko and Kamakura/Enoshima have been mentioned and I second those, also if you like hiking, Mt Tsukuba or Chichibu-Tama-Kai national park.
I skipped going inside Todaiji because it was 600 yen. Is it worth?
Not really.
You could take a look at these sites
Just go to the observation platform behind it.
At sunset, that place was golden, literally. The sun made everything a pretty yellow.
This. Fuck I wish USDJPY would go back to 120.
no fuck you I'm moving there and going back to 120 would make me have to work more to make up the difference
>if you book flights when they're like 50% off
When is that?
In Japan, the humidity is high in summer, so the temperature is higher than the actual temperature.
Conversely, it is dry in winter, so the temperature is lower than the actual temperature.
In this respect, it is exactly the opposite of Europe.
No time to die, bros, we might make it after all. Go languagemaxx.
>High quality things are super expensive in Japan
For example, what kind of things?
>never would have happened if I didn't waste the last 20 years of my life sitting around developing better taste than everyone else on this website and researching niche japanese media
you're moving there with a japanese gf waiting?
>Can you give any examples of sites and apps which have worked well for you?
also curious
hellotalk is full of chinese people and super guarded japs
I'll keep you 3 in the loop. I leave in a few weeks
One morning you hit a schoolgirl running with a piece of bread in her mouth with your bicycle, which may lead to a new romance!
Did any of you fags go to Japan and not spend all your time in Kanto and Kansai?
I'm not really keen to watch tourists and youtubers being loud and annoying and was thinking a quick 90 minute shinkansen ride to Nagoya the city that tourism forgot and then a leisurely train ride through rural Gifu to look for non non biyori japan
Then a car ride up to Shirakawa to see Rika and possibly get murdered if anime is real.
Anyway tell me about Gifu and Aichi I guess
I recently spent 4 nights in Nagoya. It was amazing. I am the anon that got stuck in the elevator there my first night.
For reference, I spent 3 nights in Osaka and 3 nights in Tokyo before doing my Nagoya "relaxing" trip.
Different anon here planning a ski trip to Hakuba in feb, do you have any recommendations around the Nagoya valley? Besides skiing we were thinking of spending 1 extra day to see Nozawa onsen and the monkeys but if there's more to do and a good vibe I'd happily stay longer
Can't answer that, I'm an urbanfag and really enjoy exploring the cityscapes, towns etc more than anything else.
I did go to Inuyama to visit the castle though which is one of the 12 original castles and that town was super chill, walked around the neighborhoods and parks there. But Aichi prefecture is great for outdoor stuff. I just didn't do any of it.
Has anyone had a moment with bioluminescent plankton/beach?
Basic research says Takeno in May can have them, but i don't see any user submitted pictures telling this, only tourist guides and press news.
I really like walking around in parks and gardens and hiking areas any places like that you could recommend in Nagoya or Aichi I'd be happy tp spend a few days in the urban sprawl before proceeding up into Gifu if there were some nice strolls I could take.
Was thinking maybe also check out a game of soccer or baseball to get a slice of Nagoya lifu
I'm the other anon I'm making enquiries about buying an akiya in north Gifu to use as a base of ops and there are a shitload of mountains and ski resorts thereabouts I'll report back after winter if all goes well
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I only spent time in the urban sprawl of Nagoya and surrounding towns. It was my favorite city. Perfect balance of busy yet normalcy. It's full of Japanese just living their lives with a sprinkle of touristy stuff (which honestly felt like meant for Japanese people outside of Nagoya than anyone else)
sounds nice I'll probably spend a day there on the way up into Gifu, then after I've explored the Etsumi-Nan line and Gujo come back down to Nagoya and go urban for a few days before checking out the Takayama line for more Gifu and then land in Toyama for a day or two
It is 7 km from Shinjuku to Akihabara and 3 km from Shinjuku to Shibuya, so you can quickly get around while enjoying the city scenery on a shared bike!
What about traffic, people and intersections?
Riding a bike in a suburb is easy because its quiet and you cant really mess up, but are there road rules bikers need to follow in the city?
And i assume if the bike share company has multiple spots, you can return it to any one of them, not the same one you got it from,
I mixed up Nagoya and Nagano nevermind me friends
Onomichi is great. In my opinion, the best time to visit is during Summer. It truly has amazing summer vibes.
I don't know if it's worth staying more than one night though. Maybe 2 at max. You would have most things on the first day, and pretty much everything on the second.
Highly recommend though.
Now anon, if you travel in November it's significantly cheaper. At least where I live.
As your Japanese gets better, you will learn to dislike the condescending jouzu comments.
The only jouzu comment that felt good to me was when a store owner asked me if I was half japanese, and then when I said no she shat her pants. But even then, speaking Japanese shouldn't be amazing. Many people do.
As a rule, bicycles are not allowed on sidewalks unless there is a sign that says bicycles are allowed, and must be ridden on the road.
If you want to ride a bicycle in the city of Tokyo, it is better to ride on the back streets instead of the main streets.
There are fewer cars and you may unexpectedly find interesting spots.
sounds good anon, are you in the discord? I'll have my wife with me though.
Nigger detected you'd like all that gaudy shit wouldn't you little faggot.
Based. "Hafu desu ka?" or any variation on that is the highest form of compliment. Or being asked where you live in Japan.
Got a couple of "do you live in Japan" during my previous trips, and when I told them I was a tourist got confused looks and "then why do speak japanese".
That was before I upped my study though. I hope to meet plenty of people and have good conversations this november.
Ah shit anon, you're going in November too? Based
Now that I have my N2 certificate I'm gonna see if I can network with guys in bars and try to find some kind of work
I don't think that's applicable to witeys like me.
I still haven't passed the test since there's only two days per year to pass it in my country and it's far away from my home. I'm maybe N3, can follow movies, dramas and now news (except when it's about politics) without almost any problem. Still have trouble talking since I'm looking for words in japanese instead of thinking directly in japanese, but I'm getting better.
I had a funny bit where I was walking around asakusa trying to find like a handmade windchime as omiyage, just asking random store owners where to go
I got more 日本に長いですかs than jouzus in my 2 weeks there
it's actually easy, you CAN learn japanese anons
Question are the Japanese racists? i am brown from a Third World Country i want to buy Japanese games someday so i want to know a Blackpill answer
The Japanese racially discriminate equally against foreigners regardless of skin color.
Very progressive.
Ironically, hating everyone equally is less racist.
How do I learn bro? And is it easy to pick up girls if you do know?
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Do the people in Shikoku speak much english/is it set up for gaijin? Is the transport decent? I've heard busses there only run like 3 times a day.
Tokyo is so easy, everything is in dual english so I'm wondering if i find something to do on Shikoku, will i just get stumped by unseen consequences and unresearched drawbacks?
Onomichi is great, especially if you're going to ride the Shimanami Kaido.
So, I learnt that I'm jobless next friday, until at least december. But since my workplace is run by pieces of shit, I might actually be jobless for a while. Guess I'll try job search in Japan. I hate my country and industry so much.
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Give me every single suggestion in Tokyo. Everything you have
uhh, just hundreds of hours of streams innit
also iunno about about picking up chicks, but anything works better if you're talking to people during afterhours when everyone's drunk, salarymen+women don't give a shit
just talk to people
Gifu is nice. Don't miss Inuyama Castle (one of the 12 original preserved keeps), and Gifu Castle is worth considering a visit to as well since it was Nobunaga's pet project. Once you go to Shirakawa, also consider going to Suganuma over the border in Toyama as well, because Shirakawa is a little over-touristed while Suganuma is more authentic to the original.
The train ride from Nagoya to Toyama is incredibly picturesque – get a nice bento, kick back, and enjoy for all it's worth.
Matsumoto Castle is one of the 12 original preserved keeps, and the only one on a flatland-style castle. In general Matsumoto's just a very nice town to explore. Make sure to get some oyaki while you're there, they're a regional nagano specialty. Likewise, there's a style of chicken called "sanzoku-yaki" which I think is delicious. I can recommend a nice soba restaurant in Nagano itself, too.
Ueda, a little south of Nagano, was the stronghold of the famous Sanada Clan for a long while. The treasures of that clan, after the feudal era ended, were stored in a museum in the suburb of Nagano called Matsushiro, which is also host to the Imperial underground complex of tunnels which the Emperor was supposed to escape to during WWII in case of an Allied invasion of the Japanese mainland.
>and in Toyama for a day or two
What days? I live there
Does this actually work?
Nah it's easy even as someone from SEA. Just don't be a spreg
I feel you anon, I hate industry too. Why didn't you stay in academia? You could have, and could actually still, get a postdoc funded through MEXT. Honestly man I'll be real just apply to dispatch ALT stuff, they'll accept you ASAP, and literally just start over on a teaching visa. Probably work on your MEXT application (if you want to do that) while you're slaving away being a human tape recorded. I hope things work out for you, sincerely.
Only if you're an annoying loser. Are you an annoying loser? If not, you'll just be treated like all the other gaijin curiosities.
I actually am a hafu but probably the most unfortunate combination you could have. Anyone care to guess?
When will the zoomer menace leave Japan?
NTA but if you just want any job getting some minimum wage one in a convenience store is easy enough.

Also I hope you have some reason other than hoping a change of scenery will make you feel good, at least that other dude wants martial arts.
I mean being real 120 is probably the actual target and assuming they manage their economy right there's no reason it couldn't hit that within like 2 years
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i met a half pakistani dude in a club in Shibuya. I was a little disgusted but he was nice and we had a decent conversation about religion. He is Muslim and i had to ask why he would go to a club if he cant drink. I was probably too drunk to remember now what he said but it was something about how he just goes with his friends to meet girls. Idk why that was so crazy of a concept to me because i do know people who dont drink but still go out. Also more pictures i took with camera tat mommy bought for me but half of them are >8 mb
I mean if it's just broke people then the $1000 round trip for an American can scare people off
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kek nice picture anon
mines from early 2023 cool to see the building being built up
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>don't look like a goblin
>don't look like an ogre
>feel like a goblin and / or ogre inside
It's rough out here for a no-confidence gaijin
Input language learning?

Yes but you actually have to try.
You can't be just watching anime with subs or you'll be like a weeb who maybe knows お兄さん and similar words.

Unironically watch the equivalent of blues clues for Japanese kids would be the easiest place to start. Otherwise watch an anime you understand either from have watched it before or from osmosis and try to see how much you can understand without subs. Eventually you will get somewhere. Reading and Writing need more commitment though.

But don't let anyone ever tell you to learn to physically write. Nigga outside of filling out forms (and they don't care how sloppy your shit is) you'll be using a PC or phone. It will write for you
anyone been to Sadogashima? I've heard it's better with a car, but is it walkable/bikeable enough where you can get enough out of a 2-3 day trip?
>highest form of compliment
its not though, that would be they dont even ask you about it until they notice the way you respond and small signs is different from natives and then they ask where you from
which one of them
yes, watching streams en masse has been pretty good in my experience, i mean your scope on conversational jp is pretty limited with like, regular anime or news broadcasts or whatever
the sheer number of stream variety is way more now compared to like 2017 where there would be 1-2 streamers on twitch that you don't really care about
it's actually easy
It's time to marathon Sazae-san
I practice writing, I enjoy it and it helps with Kanji memorization.
Thanks anons, I will give this a go. How much time did you put in to become proficient?
>mfw I even got a "hana taking"
>Japs, despite the incels screeching online, are always very interested in foreigners.
That's also much more the case if you speak even shitty baby japanese.
Okay then I have a couple of questions about Tokyo:

>Is there anything or anywhere you absolutely wouldn't recommend or would steer clear of? I can find enough to see and do for multiple days but nobody ever warns you away from things other than the zoo's being bad and the Shinjuku scams.

>Is it true you will more likely to be randomly approached or talked to if you're hanging around bars, etc in Tokyo than other places. I'm fine with responding and holding a conversation, but I hate approaching people first myself.
In response to this is Mt. Takao any good for a short hiking day trip? I really want to see some big forests and mossy stones and old shrines, that kind of vibe.
yes, Mt Mitake and Mt Oyama are also good.
Bros....Japanese girls are getting fatter...
Do you like the way Japgirls kiss compared to western girls? When they devour your fucking face.
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opinions on himeji castle? I wanted to make a stop at himeji in the morning while travelling from osaka to hiroshima
I checked their site however and they predict that particular day to be very crowded (it's a sunday)
Is visiting the castle necessary? I'm thinking of just visiting kokoen and walking around the castle, visiting different castle viewing spots
I've been to matsumoto castle before and wasn't that impressed by the interior, how do they compare?
Any other recommendations in himeji?
This looks right up my alley I'll try and decide which one is the best for me.
I wouldn't be able to tell you about the second part because I went with a car. I will say that even with a car, I only barely got done all the stuff I wanted to do during the three-day weekend I spent there.Just get an Intl. Drivers' Permit and you're good.
Rather than visiting Himeji for the castle itself, you should visit for the grounds – it's famous for having the most complete castle complex, including main keep, of all the castles in Japan. That means going around and into the outbuildings, et cetera.
I don't know why you weren't impressed by Matsumoto Castle, I felt like that one has a lot of SOVL with its cramped interior and pillar arrangement. Himeji is a lot more spacious inside, which could be up your alley if we value different things in castles.
What kind of fat? Thick (the good kind) or hamplanet fat?
nice recommends
I am planning to ride the train up into Goju all the way from the start in mino-ota and getting off at unuma station on the way from Gifu city to minakomo and hoofing it across the kiso river to see a castle and then check out the hiking trails is the sort of thing that would make me stay a couple of days in Inuyama
I see they have a zoo and monkey park there too neato! I'll put Gifu castle on the to-do list as well.
Was sort of joking about Shirakawa because I'll just be training around at first but if i end up getting an Akiya up north gifu way I'll get a car and suss all the mountain villages.
My big plan is to ride the train up into Goju and back first and then swing back down to mino-ata station and do the Takaya line like a Minokamu-da
I'm not really sure how long these things take anon I've filled out some forms with the vacant house bank for the place I was going to use as my base and gotten the seller information but then I will also have to take holidays if it all falls in place so it will possibly be either in november or feb
The grounds are gorgeous, and sunset on the castle is especially beautiful. You don't have to do the keep per se, but going up the keep does let you back out inside some of the higher walls, and the views are nice from the top. I went in the afternoon about an hour before closing time, and it wasn't very crowded.
When you are interested in castles, is it the buildings that are the focus of your interest? Or the military?
If you are the former, Himeji Castle is worth seeing, as it is the only castle with as many feudal era buildings remaining.
Other castles I would recommend are Matsuyama Castle (33.8452,132.7660), which also has a complete set of buildings remaining, but it looks unimpressive.
Near Matsuyama Castle is Oshu Castle (33.5094,132.5412), which has a wooden castle tower rebuilt from old plans.
In Kyoto, visit Nijo Castle (35.0138,135.7476), whose palace, the residential part of the castle, has been preserved exactly as it was in the feudal era.
If you are only interested in buildings, temple and shrine architecture may have more to offer. Nara has many large temples off the tourist route. Toshodaiji Temple (34.6753,135.7848), Yakushiji Temple (34.6685,135.7842) and Horyuji Temple (34.6145,135.7342) are worth seeing.

If you are interested in military value, the moat and stone walls of Osaka Castle are worth a second look.
Kumamoto Castle (32.8058,130.7049) has a fake concrete castle tower, but one of the turrets, Uto Turret, is the real thing, said to have been moved from another castle. Many of the turrets have also been restored in wood based on old blueprints.
Inside the concrete is a small museum, displaying artifacts from the 1877 civil war, the Seinan War. Kumamoto Castle was actually used in the modern war, the Seinan War.
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This is the average Japanese JK
>I don't know why you weren't impressed by Matsumoto Castle
I guess I expected more from it? Maybe I'm just spoiled by european castles/palaces. Shuffling along a stream of people at a snail's pace on a freezing wooden floor certainly didn't help the experience. Neat castle though

>I went in the afternoon about an hour before closing time, and it wasn't very crowded.
Yeah unfortunately I've driven myself into a corner with my itinerary, my only option is a sunday morning where they predict heavy crowds. I'd be arriving from osaka, visiting himeji along the way and then visit hiroshima in the afternoon. I was also thinking of maybe taking the hello kitty shinkansen from himeji to hiroshima around ~12 because it'd be funny, but the whole schedule is beginning to look a little tight

Thanks for the very detailed reply anon. I like both buildings and military architecture, I'm mostly interested in himeji because it looks great and is along my route towards hiroshima. I'm going to take a look at your other recommendations for sure
It's over bros.... Having a nice lunch today then headed to airport hotel for early flight.
How do I cope? I probably won't be back for a few years
Three recommended hotels in the Nishinari Airin area with the best cost performance
I got a hotel around here one time and 30% of the people walking outside were australians.
Do I forfeit my money twice and go 2 times next year?
I'm not really saving for a new house, car, computer or anything here.
anybody here who's been to Japan (preferably rural) a few years ago and now, after Yen fell so much?
I want to ask how much cheaper it actually is right now
We're they poisonous
>Do I forfeit my money twice and go 2 times next year?
>I'm not really saving for a new house, car, computer or anything here.
who are you trying to convince other than yourself? just go.
Would bringing a date back to a hotel room like this hurt my chances of seeing her a second time?
>visit Japan
>walk 20,000 steps a day
>eat great food
>have a few beers at an izakaya
>or grab a few strong brews for the hotel
>do the same thing

>leave Japan
>go on a full on bender, drinking 20 beers a day for a week
>order the sloppiest of pizza (711 pizza cuz Japan)
anyone else?
it's kind of crazy how popular and mainstream NGE is in Japan despite it being a complete pile of steaming shit only propped up by social media and dogshit like that.
I'm trying to convince myself, my willpower and my wallet here.
For the 2nd trip, id actually be convincing 3 other friends to go too. That one is more on their money than their desire to go.
do the first trip for yourself. worry about everything else after. it's stupid to plan 2 different trips at one time, just do the first trip for yourself and worry about anything else later.
Did you actually grow up in the 90s when Eva was a thing or are you just spouting bullshit based on your perception of NGE's place in anime history from your own headcannon?
yeah I am in my late 30s. I am not saying NGE isnt worth a watch or to be celebrated. what I am talking about is all the remakes and dogshit propping it up in current year in the WEST and JP like it was the greatest anime of the 90s when it wasnt.
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I can't believe it's easier for me to post pics here rather than getting them off my own device through the PC
Well lads I'll be image dumping it seems
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Going in spring. I want to see it all..
Is airbnb a good option in japan? I want to experience life in a household. Is there a way to rent a traditional countryside or mountain house for a few days? Money not really an issue. Any recs with ways to connect with expats or japanese currentlly living there? I’d love to get recs from someone on the ground and with my same interests.
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Except it was absolutely huge in the 90s and notable enough for even my local PBS station in the Bay Area to pick up back in the late 90s/early 2000s along with anime like Lain.
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Anon why can't you just cable your phone to your PC?
How many more pics do you have to go?
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I tried. My PC isnt recognizing my phone where I can just grab all the files.
But this is a fun option for me. Hope some of you fags can enjoy some of the pics I took
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Only sidewalks with these signs or road markings are open to bicycles.
Helmets are recommended, but there are no penalties.
>0 replies
Ok noted, nobody goes here, good to know.
What if its just the tentacle handed man and the girl, with no bike?
Though looking on streetview in populated places like akihabara, there are people riding bikes on the sidewalks, seems like everywhere is open.
I was in tohoku a couple of days to visit the art islands. english was very lacking so a bit little Japanese is good, the people were very friendly. im pretty sure most of shikoku is almost abandoned but the forests are suposed to be pretty
I'm going to do everything touristy and get it out of my system first time (I'm still going to enjoy looking at Tokyo Tower regardless of tourists) and if I like it and have the chance to return I'll more than likely go somewhere completely rural and go hiking and see real life outside the cities.
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2 weeks to go till take off and the dollar is going up.
Why don't you cross the Shimanami Kaido from Honshu to Shikoku by bicycle and make Shikoku Ohenro Pilgrimage?
I mean, to get good probably 2-3 years
just watch a lot of content on like a daily basis
not like there's an upper limit or anything
I'm in Tokyo.
I have a few days to find a place to live.
Guess I'll start emailing share houses in the city.
Also, just ate at my first restaurant here. Local curry place. Delicious. Was like $10 so I didn't think it was much cheaper than home but then realized it came with a side and drink and there was no tax or tip so eating out here really might be as good as they say.
ayo i know it's a chain but pig gorilla katsu in kyoto goes fucking disgustingly hard
Try searching for "古民家 宿泊"

Personally, I recommend staying at a hot spring inn deep in the mountains. There are plenty of hot spring inns that use traditional old buildings if you look around. You don't have to cook meals, and you don't have to clean.
For example, Sekizenkan (36.6863,138.7738) was a very quaint inn.
However, because the building is old and at a high altitude, it was very cold at night.
Pretty sure that's a bad idea as 4chan messes with the image quality. Assuming you have android phone just throw everything onto google drive, or if you have backups on then they're already stored on google photos.
Himeji may possibly be more up your alley then. The complex is certainly larger than Matsumoto, and depending on when you go, you may feel a little less rushed. It's a bigger castle so people can spread out more.
Shinjuku is scary

>Shinjuku is scary
If women in cosplay handing out flyers is scary, then sure. Just look like you know what you're doing and any potential scammers will pass you by.
Anyone had any experience of picking up girls without knowing any Japanese? Or is this wishful thinking
Just sex is possible. A relationship? lol lmao
>Is there anything or anywhere you absolutely wouldn't recommend or would steer clear of? I can find enough to see and do for multiple days but nobody ever warns you away from things other than the zoo's being bad and the Shinjuku scams.

Tokyo Tower isn't worth it unless you really want to say you did it. The other skylines are good. Don't try to do sunset at Shibuya sky on weekends, too many people.

>Is it true you will more likely to be randomly approached or talked to if you're hanging around bars, etc in Tokyo than other places. I'm fine with responding and holding a conversation, but I hate approaching people first myself.

As a double answer you have to be good at sensing the vibe in Golden Gai if you do wanna go. If you really want to meet locals or meet less normie travelers avoid GG. It's more expensive, overcrowded depending on season, and the locals go to the Japanese only bars unless they're already with foreign friends.

That said bars near GG but not on the actual area have a decent chance of you finding people who might randomly approach you. If you want to have people approach you then avoid the bar areas in quite neighborhoods unless you see it's got a rowdy vibe.
You can get away with a capsule hotel ,or a manga cage for a few days if you're desperate
Those who make Ohenro Plgrimage should keep this in mind.
What time were you out getting these photos? Seems super cozy
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I was visiting a friend in Japan, but he'll be unable to host me for the last 10 days of my time here. I booked a bed in a well-reviewed hostel in a quiet area for the next few days and I'll be able to book a hotel or ryokan for the remainder because I've barely spent any money, but it occurred to me that I could try to do a homestay.

I'm going to use nagomivisit.com, which was recommended here, or homestay.com - but do is it a dumb idea to try and organize a homestay with so little time left? I'm a relatively normal dude who's done a homestay before with a family with children, so that helps. I wish I had realized I could do this earlier.
Where’s the best place in Tokyo for the car scene?
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idk why it took me so long to figure it out, but it doesnt matter if you are N1 and are only mildly attractive, the nigga with no jap knowledge or even the desire to learn who is slightly more attractive, will get the girl no problem...
This 'just sex' thing. How likely is that to actually happen?
Despite what people say on this board I can't imagine there's many locals willing to just approach a foreigner and start coming on to them even if they do have a grasp of the language.

Not the original guy asking the question but while we're on the topic are there many quiet bars in Tokyo that welcome foreigners?
I like to visit wine/whisky bars with a relaxed vibe and don't really want to deal with the rowdiness of GG like you mention. Just a couple of relatively expensive drinks where you don't feel pressured to move onto the next place.

Also for skyline views I hear the metro government building is worth going to at night since it's free, but I have no idea if they started charging or not.
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still free as of last month, there's also two towers, i went to the south one. When i went, at the street level in front, under the elevated walkways or some shit, there was probably 200 people in a winding line. then they all started slowly moving forward, looked straight out of a dystopian movie. There wasnt really anything that all these people had in common visually, old, young, men, women, mostly men. I went to the end of the line and it was a volunteer group giving out free meals and providing mental health screenings. At the same time, thats nice and uplifiting but also sad that its something that needs to be done and all these people looked normal. Like not ratty homeless people, elderly people with walkers, young guys who seemed well groomed, probably holding all his possessions in a small duffel bag.

Anyways, here's the view >>2715892
they have your typical japanese observation stuff, overpriced matcha ice cream (no chocolate though), souvenirs, bathroom with no ac, but also a public grand piano. Big line for that one. God i miss her so much, i cant wait 3 more months, she probably doesnt even like me anyway...
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>mfw desperately straining to understand whether the guy my friend and I are having drinks with is actually just openly talking about being a lolicon
... based?
So, i am travelling to Japan this next Novemeber for 8 days, arriving the 3th and departing the 30th.
What do you think of this itirenary?

3th-11th - Tokyo, maybe some day trips to Kamakura for example
11th-12th - Hakone, maybe more
12th-16th - Kyoto (plus daytrips)
16th-21th - Osaka (plus daytrips)
22th-23th - Hiroshima
23th-26th - Fukuoka
27th-30th - Tokyo and departure
Where can I go to get rooftop shots like this easily, without breaking any laws.
Tokyo Tower, Tokyo skytree and the Tokyo main JR station offer viewing platforms, just as the Shinsekai tower in Osaka does. You could also google "city + public viewing floor"
>8 days, arriving the 3th and departing the 30th.
Take a look at thist time bender here
>What do you think of this itirenary?
>3th-11th - Tokyo, maybe some day trips to Kamakura for example
Sounds reasonable
>11th-12th - Hakone, maybe more
Sounds a little less reasonable, depending on what you want to do on Hakone. Do you plan to stay at a Ryokan or just take the first train upt the mountain and see the lake?
>12th-16th - Kyoto (plus daytrips)
>16th-21th - Osaka (plus daytrips)
Honestly I'd combine Osaka and Kyoto, use Osaka as a base of operations and day trip to Kyoto. Of course that's just me and you do you
>22th-23th - Hiroshima
>23th-26th - Fukuoka
>27th-30th - Tokyo and departure
Sounds reasonable
What are some cool things in Fukuoka? I'm making a road map of my trip and I'm planning on taking a train to Kumamoto and back to Tokyo so I'm looking for towns to go on my way there and back
I dont know how much time you would need to enjoy hakone. Maybe two nights is too little. Maybe i can add one more night in an onsen. Mixing Kyoto and Osaka was also an option i saw here. How much is the train trip between the tweo? 30-40 minutes?

No idea. But people have recomended me the city. Have to admit that i enjoy the simple action of travelling more than sightseeing.
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man you know what I miss
vending machines at every corner with like 100yen drinks
get yourself some hydration
Any recommendations for a good outdoor onsen accessible as a day trip from Tokyo?
I'm visiting in February and a day trip into a snowy mountain onsen is high up on my list. If I could incorporate it into a hiking trip that would be cool too.
>Maybe two nights is too little
I read 11th-12th as 1 night, but if you meant 2 then sure you have more than enough time to see the onsen town and the mountain
I meant one night, but if you say two nights are more than enough, the better!
It's not likely. You can try apps, but if you don't have decent game and Japanese skills then don't bother.
It isn't exactly Tokyo, but Daikoku PA in Yokohama is the most reliable area for carspotting. I'm going there Saturday night in a rental car and can take someone there from Marunouchi Square if they want.
I'm gonna stealth camp and no one can stop me.
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Would anyone quit their job just to have more time to travel? I work in the UK and I'm the only one who knows how to do my specific job. So my boss only lets me have two weeks at a time off, mostly so the business isn't too affected by my absence.

I booked two weeks in November to travel to Japan for the third time but looking at my itinerary, it seems rushed yet again. I just want to quit so I can spend a week in each place and not have to feel rushed. But quitting a well paid job just so I can spend 3 months in Japan sounds.. Idk a bit scary.

Pic - In April this year I rented a bicycle from Kamakura and cycled all the way to Enoshima Island. It was enjoyable
with shinkansen most of the country becomes a day trip
bro, if you can do a job so niche that you can't be replaced, you will get a new job in no time.
It boils down to the question of whether you want to put your boss in this situation, cause it's somewhat dickish move (well, but then i can say the same about keeping somebody hostage for the sake of workplace)
Myself, i'm just working much as i can with a perspective of buying a rental property and traveling forever after, living off the passive income. sorta similar
I know this.. woman? looks quite strange - I'm pretty sure she's SEA-American - but seems to be a car ricing nut and recently posted a series of tweets saying she thinks Daikoku has become a tourist trap. If you dig through her posts you can probably find better information in where to go.
fuck I leave in a couple days but this hurricane is fucking the east coast right now
swear to god if my flight gets delayed or cancelled
I notice Japanese girls do rimjobs even when not told to.
She's technically not wrong, but I don't really care if it's a tourist trap because I am a tourist myself who is only there to take pictures of cars. What she doesn't understand is that in order to go to underground car meets or to see actual street drifting/racing, you need local connections which are only possible if you are A. a local or B. a journalist/big YouTuber. I guarantee that they will eventually put in timed parking, more speedbumps, more law enforcement, or some other deterrent in the future, so enjoy it while it lasts because it eventually will cease to exist in its current form similar to how Tatsumi PA and Akihabara UDX are no longer the same compared to as recently as 5 years ago. There are other areas that produce decent carspotting leads, but nothing is as reliable and accessible as Daikoku IMHO.

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