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hello is possible to work and travel abroad while being a civil servant? I'm in usa and while I'm thankful to be employed and have a stable career. I don't make much money at my age 30 (110k) and don't get laid (0). in fact working for the government makes me look terrible in the eyes of women and my neighbors. they see me as a brokie. Civil servants have more prestige in other countries correct?
humblebrag thread
just take the foreign service exam. there are plenty of jobs available at embassies in shithole countries
>terrible with money (110k)
The best part is that 110k isn’t even a lot of money. So your reverse chimp antics where you claimed you don’t know anything about money as a smug diversion to humblebrag flopped because of the paltry sum.

The prognosis? You’re gonna keep being a fucking loser chained to your civilfaggot job. You’re gonna scramble and screech and keep not having sex and feeling trapped.

That’s what happens to govt workers with 5 inch peckers that try to whip out that they have a big girthy stack of 110k. Sorry, come back with 250k LOL

Fucking gavott
>he thinks he's flexing with 250k
get a load of this poorfag kek
I wish I could work for the government and make that much. What department do you work under?
>The best part is that 110k isn’t even a lot of money.

disagree. Look at average earnings of Americans

"a lot" is a vague term. but we can say OP is making considerably more than the average person.
I am 30 years old and have never made more than 20k gross in a single year
I’m really sorry to say this but unless you have at least a million dollars you can’t even begin to think about not working, and that’s only if you live in some 3rd world shithole.

I’m surprised more people don’t commit suicide in the US. I don’t know why I haven’t yet. Being in this country is bad enough but being forced to go somewhere for 8 hours a day and do things you don’t want to do so you don’t end up homeless is humiliating
oh yes the thought has crossed my mind on several occasions. But I was advised to take a break, relax, and unironically have sex.
post office
my friend there is nothing to brag about here.
idk any languages so I'm fucked
but you have sex tho right? my job is an instant turn off
>post office
What's the most number of weeks you've worked in a year so far?
You pampered niggers have no idea how little money it really takes to live a comfortable and liberated life.
>You pampered niggers have no idea how little money it really takes to live a comfortable and liberated life.
Alright, how little and how to get it?
>Civil servants have more prestige in other countries correct?
Varies by country, but there are parts of the world (especially in the Middle East) where few locals want to work in the private sector at all—go government or stay home, basically. Apart from some entrepreneurs or people with private family businesses, most private-sector paid work is done by guest workers of various species. But of course, it’s not common (or maybe even possible?) for foreigners to work in the UAE civil service.

Even in more normal countries, a lot of civil service jobs are dominated by if not explicitly restricted to local citizens.

Às for prestige, I think it varies a lot—in many countries, government jobs are regarded as desirable because they’re seen as stable; it could be a job for life from which it’s almost impossible to get fired, with a pension at the end. In countries with a lot of corruption, it could be simultaneously regarded as sleazy and a good earner. In countries requiring various civil service entry exams, it can be respected as an achievement to get in (and also maybe stable or sleazy/lucrative).

But I don’t know how relevant any of that would be to you IRL. You can certainly travel, and tell people you work for the government, and some might respond positively. But if you want to live abroad, you probably have to be able to work remotely. Your skills aren’t likely to be transferable to a similar role for a new government, even if you are eligible to work for one (I have no idea, but it seems doubtful).
Daily average expenditures for Thailand are about to fall below 20 USD after six weeks
Ok that's more than I spend to live in my country lmfao retard. Why would I go to a third world shithole to spend more???
>$600 a month
as a DN turd world afficionado, I like how much farther my money goes. you could survive on 2k a month in Canada, or you could live extremely comfy with the same amount in Thailand or Vietnam. I can't even imagine what it would be like to live in a shithole like India with 2k a month. You could probably live in the nicest hotel in Mumbai and buy a slave

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