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I want to emigrate from this PoS county. Preferable outside of the west. I got UK citizenship but Europe just seems more of the same garbage as Canada. What are good options to emigrate to? I'm currently considering Malaysia, Turkey, Thailand, Morocco, and Oman. I would emigrate to China if possible but they don't allow non-Chinese to emigrate there long term. I have intermediate understanding of Mandarin (can read, listen but not speak).
Why do you want to leave?
pajeets, passive aggressive whites, fat white women, shit weather etc
ah sweet, is this the daily chud incel thread?
>What this guy said
>+ never being able to afford a home or make a living wage, economic collapse and an authoritarian government
I think incel chuds would love to live in a country like Canada.
Not OP but I have spent too many long ass fucking winters here. I'm also trying to find a way out but if not I will genuinely just fucking kill myself I hate it so much here.
This country is a cold shithole with an economy entirely comprised of trading houses for near worthless fiat and Tim Hortons franchises.
Mexico The privilege 'Gringo' is real, it is cheap, good weather and cheerful people. I recommend a town like Malinalco or Valle de Bravo. They are safe and you will live peacefully.
Mexico is overpriced and dangerous. You could live in Buenos Aires for half the price, in a massive city, that is noticeably safer than Mexico.
Im looking at portugal spain taiwan malaysia or thailand. I dont want to have to keep doing visa runs.
smelly poojeets make your time horton coffee. white males have become incels
Saying all that doesn't make it true, anon. A lot has changed in Argentina lately. The cheapest hotel bookable in Buenos Aires now costs over $20/night. The blue dollar rate and the official rate are almost equal; you aren't getting 3x the official rate by walking into a cueva with a Benjamin in hand like you did a year ago.

Also, BA is famous for being ridden with scams and theft. In Mexico, a foreign tourist on foot in a city center will almost never be targeted by petty criminals. Mexican criminals prefer to commit violent crimes as ordered by their boss, they see snatch theft and street hustles as contemptible behavior.
NTA but:
>Mexican criminals prefer to commit violent crimes as ordered by their boss, they see snatch theft and street hustles as contemptible behavior.
Ah yes, much better to get murdered than having your phone snatched.

Buenos Aires is perfectly safe, you can walk through most areas alone at night and nothing happens. (Source: Me, I'm a white neet and I like going on night walks). Nobody cares about scams (they are not rampant, the only known scammers are certain taxi drivers, just use a registered cab company, and be aware of what you should be charged, or just use Uber/Didi/etc).

What that anon said is fundamentally correct, if you want to live in a large metropolis that is also safe, BA is a good choice. I would not say cost of living is half of Mexico City though, that was a 2023 exceptional situation because of the currency crisis and it's no longer the case as things have started to normalize.
>don't like jeets
Definitely do not go to Thailand, Malaysia, or Oman
>don't like aggressive wypipo
Don't go to Turkey, Morocco, or Thailand
Jeets are everywhere in Arabic countries my dude
Oman doesn't have nearly as many pajeets as Canada, not even close, they also don't give pajeets citizenship or PR even I don't think, Canada gives pajeets residency and voting rights after a few years and they're going to elect a pajeet PM, several cities are already electing pajeet mayors

You've never been to Mexico
>Oman doesn't have nearly as many pajeets as Canada, not even close
Not in absolute numbers, but that's only because Oman has a small population in general:
>Because of the combination of a relatively small local Omani population and a fast-growing oil-driven economy, Oman has attracted many migrants. At the 2014 census the total immigrant population was 1,789,000 or 43.7% of the population. Most migrants are males from India (465,660 for both sexes), Bangladesh (107,125) or Pakistan (84,658).
i've been to TJ
TJ is a whole another beast, anon. Absolutely not a good sample of Mexico in general.
The cartels are intertwined with local businesses in Mexico. They will never target tourists or obvious foreigns for crime on purpose because that means less cashflow going into their money laundering schemes. We want YOU spending and having a good time. For that same reason, cartels do keep petty crime on check. Pickpocketing is a very rare occurrence even in big cities.

Just don't be an asshole with randoms and you will be fine. Nobody likes assholes in here. Especially asshole boomer gringos with god complex.
>t. mexican in the know
shit like this is why we are going to invade your shithole and fix the shit you refuse to fix with your socialist nation
You gotta fix your shithole first. Good luck with Trump.
Pick Malaysia. Your Mandarin can be useful in and near Singapore, Malaysian language itself is quite simple, nearly the same as Indonesian so now you can communicate with so many people. You can also do business. It's not overrun by digital homads and bromads. I would check out visa and living options now. Be aware they have rainy seasons and in summer are quite hot.

Absolutely do not go to Morocco.
Fly to Mexico and walk north.
I was in the same boat as you but did go to the UK, and things are a bit better here than Ontario and Quebec. I'm in the south but if you were somewhere like Manchester it'd be even better QoL, from what everyone tells me.
I'm a dual Canada-EU citizen and also thinking about leaving, I made 100k this year and also the one before by working 70 hours per week and I'm ready to cash out. What are the best places in Europe to buy cheap property?

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