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Previous thread: >>2733169

Discuss Thailand travel here.
Room: checked into
Sidegra: acquired
Tiger balm: sniffed

See you guys in Nana tonight
Bogpill me on tiger balm
What sleeping pills can you get over the counter in Thailand? I struggle with jetlag whenever I arrive but don't want benzos. Any other fun substances you can acquire otc there?
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Hey triplet, how are things going in CHAZ? Or did you make it to your ideal world that is Edmonds yet? I've been reading your "Should I move to Seattle?" thread from February, and find it inspiring to continue to try and minimize my monthly expenses by living more like a monk. How unbearable was the daily ramen palm oil and potato starch?

Also, when those two guys came to clear out your Airbnb, did they wait patiently while you packed up your belongings? After being evicted did you go to a cafe and book another Airbnb? Seems pretty daunting to be unexpectedly homeless within minutes, but luckily the Internet exists

Anyway, here is a good read covering a topic very similar to your ethos https://ranprieur.com/essays/dropout.html.

It'd be nice to live on the west coast for cheaper, shorter flights to Asia, and access to a larger population of viable women to date. But it's unlikely I'll find another huge and cheap apartment in a prestigious neighbourhood like what I have now. Single rooms on Airbnb are going for $1000 in Richmond, BC. $100-300/mo is not worth the cucking that is sharing a bathroom and kitchen, and the headaches of others making noise at 3am because they need to call their twitch streamers.
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How are you guys coping with the fact that thailand will steal 35% of your retirement account?
>in CHAZ
I’m unironically a few blocks away from there lol
That area is nice but I’d need a car. I like rotting in downtown Seattle with infinite public transport options that I can use by WHIPPING out my ORCA card
>I get free food from my job but if I have to buy groceries it’s never more than $50 dollars a week so I’m doing well

I’m addicted to DICKS (drive in). 5 dollars for a deluxe
nobody came to my Airbnb that was back in Denver. Everything is fine here
>$100-300/mo is not worth the cucking that is sharing a bathroom and kitchen
I was reluctant about a shared kitchen but you can get an air fryer for $100 and a silicon microwave steamer container and I’m able to eat the same stuff I unusually eat and not have to leave your room. Thankfully I have my own bathroom

Thanks for the link
The boomers will jut their flabby turkey gullets out in childish defiance, “have a moan” on Thai visa, maybe some kind of impotent grumbling in front of immigration, and then they’ll acquiesce to the taxes because they need their 5 inch pasty peckers played. If the taxation reduces them to loitering outside 7/11 and having a “beer chang” on the picnic bench far down the road in jomtien for entertainment. They’ll do it and cope that they’re still “living the dream”
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mhm, you told me you were in CHAZ before. I'm the buk, les miserables, "my new style" thread enjoyer
>you can get an air fryer for $100 and a silicon microwave steamer container
Sounds pretty comfy not having to leave your room. I barely leave my apartment cus I wfh and have no desire to go anywhere except for walks, and to the gym.

Rock climbing and ultimate frisbee redditors? Costco hysteria shoppers? Smelly library dwellers? Overpriced cafe sugar water slurpers? It's not like there are a lot of places to go even if I wanted to. I've receded into this Okinawan maidcomputer utilities for vision impaired immigrants forum, among other places that I've built myself, and really only egress when I leave my city.

Why did you decide to leave Denver?
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Seafood pad kee mao at a 2-table eatery. The lady's son blended up some orange slushie for the family and there was extra, so they gave a cup to me as a gift. I slipped 20 baht under the plate anyway.

Phongsathon Mansion is a pretty nice place for $9.75/night. I've stayed in worse rooms in Malaysia for $14, 15 a night. Location sucks, it's a mile of walking along a narrow thru street to the nearest boulevard with sidewalks, eateries, a night market, etc.
>walks around the mall with a boner and a lustful expression
>wonders why all the teenies and rich moms are giving you weird looks
Hey you guys have some sort of meme hippo or something? My co-worker wanted me to buy some sort of official T-Shirt, where do I get it?
Lol moo deng?
My place is in Bang Sue. How can I tell if the massage parlors around give handjobs as well?
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That's too much money to coom.
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Ayutthaya is a great city, even if you're not a history buff. Streets as wide as Utah's, plus a river island with no cars and very few motorbikes on it, a taste of what Asia used to be like. Lots of white couples here, particularly at the night market which is heavily promoted to visitors. Selection was a lot better than the working-class night markets I've been visiting the past few weeks. 530 baht for a room here, for once everything is in perfect working order. This improvement is specifically due to the prevalence of tourism here. It's OK to be contrarian and hate being around tourists, but you've gotta be ready for your quality of life to take a hit when you go off the beaten path.
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Hydroponic lettuce salad with dressing for $1.31
Meat option $0.14 extra
Representing heartland America across Thailand
>20k+ baht an hour
What the fuck
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Well at least I know where to buy Europeans when I want one.
Do they have Montenegrins? I've been looking for one for a while
Bullshit, provre your numbers out and please stop using the term "cope" it make you come across as retarded.
lol 420 cope dude
today I saw a WMAF couple in their 30s on the train. They both didn't speak the other's language, and the guy was bobbing a stuffed animal, waving it like you would to a 6 month old babby. She seemed very unimpressed, and he was very unaware. Very bizarre
This shit makes me want to kill myself
Oh and go FUCK yourself
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>a go FUCK yourself disciple
OMG please sauce me up anon this is better than fucking porn holy shit
How do you have this much money and still need to get spoon fed answers on here? You're smart enough to use google...
I was going to go here, but decided on Sukhothai instead. I fell for the "ride a bike around empty ruins" meme, sounds nice. What am I in for? Hopefully not a stray dog attack.
>arrive to Ko Lanta to just chill on the beach and do nothing
>it's raining
>rain continues the entire time I'm there
Didn't you get to spend like two years in Pattaya cooming on your dead grandma's inheritance? You got more cooming in than like 99% of the population, and 99% more than you deserve. But it's never enough...
nigga you left out my tax bracket (under 20K)
Why do you care if you get wet when you're in a fuckin swimsuit
Hmm Pattaya is not beautiful, the beach is dirty and full of old White men in the city of prositutes (unless it's what you're looking for). I'd switch between islands in the south for the beach. Chiang mai for mountain vibe. Bangkok for clubing, rooftop bars and restaurants. As a Thai person, I wouldn't recommend all those sex tourism bs (of course unless you're looking for it) since it's just Western stereotype of the country and majority of those strip clubs/brothels owned by Westerners
10% literally getting robbed for no social services from the government.
Having moved from Ko Lanta to Phuket yesterday, the weather is even worse here. I have never experienced such a weather situation end of November and have travelled many times to Thailand in this season. As I can see on the radar, it is sunny in Pattaya and Ko Chang.
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Dead *mother. And yes you’re correct, How the fuck did you even know that was me off a very generic sentence that anyone could say anywhere on 4chan? Man…
Ayutthaya is canine thug life in the streets. Already had to fend off three aggressive packs in under 24 hours. Picked up an old paint can and the last trio suddenly lost interest in hounding me. Thais only keep things spotless and immaculate when they're paid to do so. Otherwise, they always choose the path of minimum effort, like dumping trash in their backyard or riding the wrong way down the street.
Because as we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now
>he thinks my IP (International Pecker) is traceable
I have been to Ko Lanta many times at this time of the year and it has always been sunny. Now it's nonstop rain wtf. The rain doesn't even show signs of stopping for as far as the forecast sees.
These elephants look kinda sad, chains padlocked around their ankle clanking as they walk listlessly back and forth along the avenue. Some of them make little crying noises. Interestingly, there are no white people riding them, only Asians.
Here in Ayutthaya it feels like Colorado, 87 F under a blazing sun with an arid breeze blowing continually.
Scooter rentals 300 baht for 24 hours here.
Are the stray dogs out in the daytime or only at night? I'm staying in Ayutthaya for a while in January so this is useful information.
Mega based.
>mentions cheap scooter rentals
>posts an elephant
Ok buddy that's nice but how much for the elephant
>Here in Ayutthaya it feels like Colorado, 87 F under a blazing sun with an arid breeze blowing continually.
Pattaya is pretty much the same. I thought today felt unusually nice.
Mostly at night...street traffic is very light and most shops are closed by 9:30 PM. Yet in quiet places, being barked at by one dog in daytime can rile up all the other dogs as well. Solitary dogs here are very timid and alert to any danger. I've heard multiple dogfights break out in the street outside my guesthouse. Doubtful they'd chase a bicycle, but you can put the rental lock and chain to good effect if they do.
>they think 300 baht (almost half a day's wage) per day is cheap for a scooter
Depends on how much riding you want to do in 24 hours.

My room is like a cave and only gets to 80 F with the A/C off. Almost cool enough to go for the 287 baht fan room...
If you want to walk from the Ayutthaya train station to the city proper, which is surrounded by water, you should be aware of the stairs and walkway on the south side of the bridge - they are not on Google Maps.
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This would come out to 500+ grams on the scale
Only one pit inside that huge mass
Under $4 at the night market
That is cheap durian.
Do you have scooter experience and an international driver's license? I want to learn how to scoot around in Thailand but I'm scare
What's your favorite island/beach
Hanoifag here. I got 1kg of durian last night too. I love that shit so much.
2 more weeks lads. supposed to get 2 feet of snow here over the weekend. cant wait to get out
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Dropping this for all my beach heads
Ayutthaya's charm hasn't really grown on me. A sneaky mutt laying in front of a guy's barbecue cart trotted silently after my bicycle and nipped me in the shoe without me noticing its approach, then pretended like nothing happened when I stopped to confront it. This was after dark on a wide and well-lit boulevard.

Some eight year old kid on a broken bicycle, with his older brother or cousin walking alongside, rolled up to me as I was dropping off my purchases on my bike around 8:30 PM and started saying "money money 70 baht money you". They were both stringbeans so it didn't feel threatening, apparently it was their idea of a prank.

The guesthouse receptionist, a decently attractive female around 30, engaged me in "friendly" conversation before asking if she could sell some old dollars she had for my Thai baht, because nobody would accept them anywhere. Already heard that one, no can do.

Snarky comments from locals isn't the end of the world, but it sure doesn't make you or your business feel appreciated. Jealous nightmarket hags calling me takla or glutton because I bought a bunch of stuff but didn't patronize their stalls.
I didn't see a single traffic cop all day in Ayutthaya. If you know how to use a throttle a brake and some handlebars, you're set.
>2 more weeks
In Vietnam you just carry a 500k vnd bill (about $20) to give Pikachu if he pulls you over. He's called Pikachu because of the yellow uniform and taser, and he likes bribes. I think Thailand is probably the same but I didn't drive there so you should confirm with somebody who knows better.
Pattaya has all the beach you need. Don't be a pussy.
Do you look like an obnoxious western degenerate with a trendy haircut, inappropriate clothing, and a bunch of tattoos? I don't think they like those people anywhere around here.
The beach at Pattaya mirrors the women there. Pretty on the outside, but lurking beneath the depths is literal diseased sewage.
Yea it’s really unfortunate but the girls seem to genuinely like French crop, tatted up British guys.

I can’t get over the fact that these guys look forward to eating an “English breakfast” everyday which literally looks like American peasant food. I stumbled into a potluck one morning when I was still drunk at some Anglo bar and it was literally sausage, mashed potatoes, and peas. I was stunned. British people are inferior bros
Keep grumbling and foot stomping in the peanut gallery while me an me mates get the pick of the litter of Thai cuties
You’re not getting anything you’re a sub 5 loser go eat some bangers and mash and “have a moan” you fucking loser
You'd expect a degree of hauteur from residents of this ancient capital city, but rather it's the trashy behavior from humans and dogs alike which stands out here. Easy to see how foreigners can get a bad impression of the Thai character if they only stay in these tourist hotspots.
>You'd expect a degree of hauteur
You talk like a fag and your shit is all retarded.
Based out of place/fucking stupid vocabulary auditor
Train travel in Thailand, 8 baht roundtrip for dinner in an outlying city.
hauteur = noun form of haughty
the King James Bible used to be considered 6th grade reading level. Now it exasperates zoomermutt high school graduates, kek
I have literally read the entire kings James Bible. The word and of itself is harmless, but you’re arbitrary usage of an archaic word where it doesn’t belong results in an e-ruler slap on the wrist
Spell correct is the Bain of my existence
*in and of itself
Typical ESL-tier 4chan poster
Climbing through a treetop to use the stairs was a little scratchy. People in Phachi were friendly, if surprised to see a foreigner. I like the slower cadences of speech in the countryside, the gentle manners of the people...but not the swarms of mosquitoes which hatched with this cool dry spell and seem to target me exclusively.
>walking outside, pass some bar/restaurant seating
>some guy probably in his 60s is walking toward his buddy who's seated and says...
>"I did 3 bar fines today"
>it's still the afternoon
Guys. Pattaya is a little dirty.
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Another shot of the rusty old stairs

I'd like some fireworks for the dogs in Ayutthaya, they are having a gang war right now under the bridge to the city with yelps and frantic barking and growling bites followed by mutual withdrawal and reapproach for the next round. It sounds like 1v1 for each round.

Yeah nope, I'm chickening out and staying home tonight
Brown Isaan goblin girls are unironically the good ones. I have zero interest in those stuck-up Koreaboos.
Insecurity Guard, you're not longer in Thailand, you left of your own volition despite having enough funds to stay. Perhaps you should stop your bleating from the nosebleeds, stop trying to copy edit the thread, take a bow and cease posting until you have actual content to add. Which you won't until you return to Thailand
I'm not him, schizo
You say that but the brown ones have more crass materialism.
Nobody's perfect. Least of all the Thai girls I coom in.
We can all tell it's you, no one else has such profuse seethe dripping out of every post
4chan is absolutely full of profuse seething from countless posters, and I personally am known to seethe profusely from time to time, but that's not what I was doing in that particular post. Go outside, nigga.
>walking around, afternoon time
>stop for a thai massage
>pretty sure I hear someone choke on a mouthful of dick in the bed right next to me
Cope, stop acting like a woman. Step into the man zone and stop caring what other men say or do
I don't care about what you're saying right now. Suck my dick.
>Suck my dick
You two can use my massage bed.
Only if this guy is getting a massage next to us. >>2737643
You care about what everyone says because you have a feminine spirit and it's obvious
IWNBAW inside or outside.
Is going from Bangkok to Cambodia border by train and then Angkor-Pnomh Peng-HCMC by bus a viable trip? I'll probably take a month in Cambodia.
why did you leave Thailand so early though? I must've missed the lore because the jannie was acting up.
My guess is that you went into a bar and were met with a stark picture of your future in the form of some other drunk degenerate fuck-up present there, and this time it was too hard-hitting. You seem to have enough introspection to realize what's going on, so I can't understand how anyone like that could be comfortable in Pattaya where there are so many walking mirrors around
Kabin Buri makes a good stop along the East Line if you want to experience rural Thailand. The hotel right outside the train station is great.
Poi Pet has a reputation for being full of hard-sell touts, good luck on finding a decently priced minibus to Siam Reap. I liked Aranyaprathet, stayed there almost two weeks. The border area is cruddy and full of secondhand clothing wholesalers.
*sigh* Fine, sure, you win. I'm turning in my badge and gun. I'm done chasing ghosts. Someone else will have to take the helm in the battle against Insecurity Dork
What about Koh Chang? (the bigger island)
There is bus service between Aranyaprathet and Chanthaburi province. From Chanthaburi you can go to Trat and Ko Chang.

It makes sense to go Bangkok - Pattaya - Chanthaburi/Trat - Sa Kaeo - Cambodia if you want to visit Ko Chang. The SRT East Line through Chachoengsao and Prachinburi passes through some country rarely visited by foreigners. Supposedly Khao Yai National Park has some great waterfalls, if you do want to take the interior route.
>go about with scruffy face, get charged local price
>go clean-shaven, get charged 10 baht extra at restaurants
This has happened multiple times now.
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Is USD or Riel better for negotiating in Poi Pet? Is the rest of Cambodia less scammy? Delhi was beyond ridiculous going there as a blond boy. I showed my tuk tuk driver that his asking price for a certain route was 20x what air conditioned Grab car was. I said I would do double and he wouldn't budge.
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Saraburi is a place where you can feel invisible as a foreigner. Well, except for the kid holding a live waterbug by its pincer who shouted "ey farang!" at me. Most people pay me no mind, their mannerisms seem more guarded than usual for Thailand.

This new market near the Lotus's megamart had great prices and choices. Getting to it on foot is a PITA, as it is on the far side of a canal. There are plenty of stalls all around the train station, but few sit-down eateries. The guesthouse right across from the train station is all right for 500 baht. My expectations matching the destination, of course. Heading out to do my laundry at 9 PM I passed a guy sleeping on a mattress near a trash dump on a back street. Good to maintain street smarts in these rougher Thai cities, don't let anything human or canine catch you by surprise.
Holy fuck the disillusioning is strong sometimes.
Only good post in this whole thread.
NTA but it's mostly a menthol thing, clears your head, wakes you up, nips use it on sore muscles too. I prefer the cheeky little green herbal sniff canisters but if you go this route don't make my rookie mistake of accidentally exhaling INTO it, it blew a bunch of strong minty debris into my eye.
Any opinions on the island itself though ?Would prefer to go to Krabi but hate flying and the kand route to Koh Chang you described sounds cool
nta but Koh Chang is super low key compared to any of the other major Thai islands. If you like few dining options and a general lack of a party atmosphere then it's a pretty comfy place
Sounds good, it looks like the beaches are small though, and its not safe for a noob to scooter around on, so youre at the mercy of taxi mafia
Pretty happy with these figures...
Seeing how monthly rentals here charge 9 or 10 baht per kWh for electricity, it's tough to see how a typical aircon-loving farang would be saving much money by staying put and renting monthly.

$51.75 is for the Laos e-visa, which for overland travelers can only be used at the three road bridges linking Laos to Chiang Rai, Mukdahan, and Nong Khai provinces. A Laos e-visa CANNOT be used to enter Laos by train, or to cross from Ubon Ratchathani province.

It may make more sense to stop by the Laotian consulate in Khon Kaen and apply for your visa in person, provided you have 40 USD cash on hand.
>709 fucking dollars
Grim. What app is that, slumbo?
Who went above and beyond to earn your $0.29 tip or handout?
Literally what I was thinking lmao holy shit he gave someone 10 baht.
Hidden expense: cooming: $3,638.69
It was worthwhile to hop off the overcrowded express train after 10 minutes' ride and stroll around Kaeng Khoi for a bit. Overcrowded because they are the only thru trains: all the local trains running along the Khorat cut-off route (between Bangkok and Khon Kaen / Udon Thani) either begin or end at Kaeng Khoi Junction.

Wat Kaeng Khoi is located on a bluff overlooking a roiling river. Rocky hills stand on the horizon. I'm eager to see some new country.

Hopefully they put the data to use
He carried my bag up to the fourth floor.
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Of course the train rocks along at 90 km/h thru the scenic stretches...
>Thai food is great bro
>just eat at the local spots bro they take themselves seriously
>quality with food is important to thais
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A girl gave me this today on the train
15 baht orange juice drink bottle for contrast
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People walking around with a body like a walrus.
Russians are so similar to Americans. They're often fat, the older women (and some younger) are fucking fat. They might be a bit more polite though. Though I guess that depends on what part of America since there are plenty of polite people there. Just not in the miserable shit holes I've lived in recently.

Though many Russian men walking around with their fat wives and children have guts themselves, they also have the habit of dressing in a way that is similar to Americans as well. I have seen a guy with a graphic t shirt about guns. That's pretty american. Isn't it? It said something like "the quickest way to a man's heart..." I can't remember the rest of the words, but it was with an AK-47.

Another white man is blocking the side walk with his fucking MASSIVE body. Seriously this guy must have been like 250-300 lbs. He was also wearing a cowboy hat.
>God damn american fatsos
>I wanted away from these people for awhile
I really though he was one of my countrymen until I got close enough to hear him speaking Russian.
Let us set aside our differences and waddle together with our rifles in hand.
Asians with their god damn cameras. I'm sure my face is plastered around YouTube or WeChat or whatever it is these people are posting to. I've made so many cameos. Not a single of them asked for my CONSENT. The money green bug people have practically been raping me with their cameras.

I love it when you call me handsum man
I wish I could pretend I didn't need ya
But every touch is ooh-la-la-la
It's true, la-la-la
Ooh, I should be runnin'
Ooh, you keep me coming for ya
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Socializing sucks. Let's just stretch out on the beach and smoke and drink alone.

Pattaya is fucked, but we are as well <3
Are you referring to stealth shots or vloggers?
Often the Asians are looking at themselves in their camera, not at you
>tip and handouts = $0.29
heckin' based...ass or grass, nobody rides for free
Call your family instead of blog posting your ramblings, thanks
I find it hard to believe they're looking at themselves while panning the camera and there's nothing interesting behind them. If they want their face in literally the entire shot/panorama/video then ok, but it doesn't look to me like they're always using their front camera.

You can often recognize Chinese as well by their tour groups even from afar because they typically have those leaders with the flag. Masses of people headed back to the ship towards the hive following the leader with the flag.
God damn do some of the women look nice though. The contrast is stark when seeing average Thai women on the street and then THESE women are suddenly around.
Should I get travel insurance if I'm just going to chill in Pattaya? $400 for 90 days seems like a decent enough deal, but not as good of a deal as seven or so study session with a Thai mommy.
Suck my dick.
This thread isn't you personal blog. Post your "jaded worldly traveller" musings on fat people elsewhere. If you really feel the need to post this stuff on the Internet, I recommend Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, or Reddit.
today I woke up with a bad feeling in my tummy, luckily this was quickly resolved after I took a shit since it seemed I had a used condom up in my ass. Must be related to last night when I was smoking some weed on my hotel room balcony and got a ladyboy to cuddle with in the night.
Anyways, after that dump, I went outside to do my daily incel walk from my hotel to the town center. On my way there, I was greeted by an old Thai lady running a small eatery. She seemed very friendly so I decided to bless her with my business of getting my breakfast there. This time I had booked my hotel a lot closer to town so it was only a 12-mile walk to her restaurant!
The food was like expected; a hearty red curry with a good portion of rice. When presented with the bill, I noticed she charged me 10 baht above what I had calculated. This must be because she saw me for a paypig farang in my clean-shaven face (I knew I shouldn't have shaved but otherwise the ladyboy said she wouldn't kiss me). I only paid 60 baht and stormed out of there while the lady was yelling at me to pay up. With my massive legs from walking 30 miles every day, she had no chance of gaining on me. That bitch, HA!
That did make me quite thirsty but I wasn't willing to succumb to the scamming of 7-Eleven with their 6 baht water bottles, so I drank from a free tap next to the road. I had seen some locals filling up buckets there so it must be safe, although they did give me some funny looks when I was drinking.
>I was greeted by an old Thai lady running a small eatery
pics or it didn't happen...
Who cares, shut up.
What size bag do you fags travel SEA with? Any key items to bring/reccomend? Last time i went i went with a literal jansport backpack but this time im bringin like a carryon 35 liter and I will be comin from Japan so im prolly gunna give away some warm clothes/jacket
Any good places to meet some cute euro backpacker goddesses ? Or euro hoes?
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Lam Narai in a pleasant small city in northern Lopburi province. Nice wide sidewalks, clean and well-kept. People are very friendly here. A comfortable room near the train station costs 300 baht. Went to the weed shop out on the highway, bought one gram of the top-shelf strain, and the dude gave me this enormous nugget which had to weigh closer to two grams. He charged me for one gram all the same and provided a bong to sample the product.
On the train I struck up a conversation with a cute girl from Chaiyaphum on a weekend excursion to Pa Sak Jolasid Dam with two older females. They switched seats to avoid the sun and she invited me to sit with her. 24 years old or so, she was wearing a traditional dress and otherwise behaving in a very proper manner. If she was disappointed I didn't ask her name or number, she didn't let it show. As I departed the train station she waved to me out the window.
>there’s concern that so many Indians visitors in one area might change the dynamic and the atmosphere in that area. If this is a concern for you, prepare yourself because 2025 will see a further – and significant – increase in the number of Indian men in the bars. Indian airlines are expanding rapidly, and many Thailand-based airlines are increasing the number of flights to India. Along with the geographical proximity of India to Thailand and a whole host of other reasons, expect the number of Indian visitors to Thailand to soar over the coming years. Don’t be surprised to see Indians vastly outnumber Caucasians in the bar areas within a few short years.
>if the number of jeets increases, all the bar girls will suddenly forget that they’re creepy rape lizards
This thing rules. It's the biggest thing you can put in overhead storage on a plane, and it has the little detachable mini pack. Kind of a meme but a good meme.
>its not safe for a noob to scooter around on
how is it worse than anywhere else?

>There a reason why bangkok thais/thai-chinese girls are far more superior.
>I have zero interest in those stuck-up Koreaboos.
Last time I was there I fucked a tall pale normie looking whore from an app. She insisted I hit it raw and even told me to cum inside her
Good for you and I hope you enjoyed it. I still consider brown Isaan goblins superior.
You’re a disgrace
To whom or to what?
white guys who settle for trash
It's not settling when it's my preference, my nigga.
First time in Thailand am I wasting my time and seeing the worst parts of the country by just staying in Bangkok & Pattaya.

Chiang Mai and Phuket are so fucking far...I am not sure it's worth it on a 3 day trip...
Should I try Kratom?
>am I wasting my time
>3 day trip
Why so short? I wouldn't even bother with Pattaya, there's no shortage of girls in bkk. You can take a day trip to Ayutthaya by train from bkk if you want another cultural place, but with 3 days I probably wouldn't even leave the city.
Yes, because it's cheap as shit and feels comfy, but don't set your expectations high.
I fucked up there. I have two weeks.

So 8 in Bangkok and 8 in Pattaya.

Krabi looks good to me and Ao Nang but fuck they are far and awkward to get too...
What will it do to this old boomer, is it sold like booze, I just go in and ask for it?

Will anyone laugh if I don't have a good body but hit the beaches anyway...
>$400 for 90 days seems like a decent enough deal
wtf, I usually pay half that for twice as long, search on
Yeah, she goes home with one jeet and there are five more waiting in his hotel room.
You forget that Indians have far less spending power than whites.
Keep on malding over the fact that Isaan women genuinely like white guys, and white guys are happy in their company.
I use a $15 duffel bag in addition to my Puma daypack. It was collapsible so I stowed it in the bottom of my large duffel. When the big bag ripped, I moved everything into the backup duffel. Surprisingly, everything fit just fine...8 boxers, 7 sock pairs, 10 shirts, 3 pants, 1 cargo shorts, 1 swim trunks, a bath towel, a puffy jacket, and a spare notebook for my diary. Being smaller it's much easier to carry than the big bag was. Who knows how long it's gonna last.
>any good places to meet
Beaches, bro. White tourists gravitate to beaches like iron to a magnet.
I'm also an old boomer. Usually it's just some nigga selling it in bottles on the side of the road. I can't remember if I saw this in Bangkok or not but very common anywhere south of there. It'll relax you, might make you a little uncoordinated so don't drive, but it isn't too bad. Might also upset your stomach if you have too much. So don't do it on an empty stomach but ideally don't do it on a full stomach either because it won't kick in as strongly. Either wait a little while after a meal or take it on top of a snack or something.
Mixing kratom and booze is not recommended, it'll make you feel like shit.
You can buy fresh leaves, but most people buy bottles of kratom tea.
Couple weeks ago I tried to buy it in Bangkok and the seller refused me with a curt "no have", even though I had just watched him hand over bottle after bottle to customers stopping by.
Effects vary greatly depending on the person and the source of the kratom. You won't know til you try it if it is strong or weak, stimulative or sedating, euphoric or dysphoric.
This guy again. Can confirm don't mix with booze like the anon under me said. I should have included that. Do feel free to mix with weed if that's your thing, but it's not usually mine.
In light of recent news taking substances I don't know from the side of the road won't be a thing I'd do. Thanks for the heads up though on my first time.

I think tea sounds easier, like in a drink form.

I don't think I like weed, Kratom sounds like a bit of an unknown otherwise I guess it's just booze
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This is what a room for $8.70/night looks like in Lam Narai. The bathroom is also enormous, with two separate rooms.

At this point it's highly doubtful that Vietnam offers better prices or better value than Thailand for anything apart from beer. Would a Vietnamese charge a white guy the local price and then offer him the best room in his hotel? Hell no. Vietnam's rail service is so limited that the entire country's timetable fits on a single page. 11 trains total. Whereas Thailand's train tracker shows 65 trains on the move at the moment. I'm really struggling to find a reason to get my visa and continue on to Vietnam instead of returning to Thailand after my sojourn in Laos.

BTW, Thais do not pronounce the "s" in Laos. The country is Lao, same as the people.
Damn, and I was embarrassed about not having a hotel with a pool on the roof
How do I even get to Ao Nang from fucking Bangkoks
fly to Krabi airport, grab to Ao Nang, assuming you aren't too poor for AirAsia flights
>In light of recent news
What news is that? Remember this is legal in Thailand. It's not like you're going to get fentanyl in it. Obviously you have to determine for yourself what's wise and safe for you, but I wouldn't be any more bothered by it than by buying fresh fruit from the roadside.
Bangkok -> Pattaya -> Phuket - Bangkok.

Sound good for a first time? Using buses...just book on 12asia? Is that site legit?
I am not to poor, for some reason I hate flying within a country especially when I just fucking flew to get there though. No good trains to the main areas in Thailand.

Thailand got work to do for me, fair bit more expensive, doubt I'll be finding anything a good as Da Nang
Just drop the last two, you only need Bangkok and pattaya. Pattaya is a black hole of hedonism. You’ll have to fight your way out, as the pecker players pursue your purse professionally; profiting palpably. Proceed precisely. Profligacy precedes personal penury
>BTW, Thais do not pronounce the "s" in Laos. The country is Lao, same as the people.

Thanks for the hot tip but to be fair nobody pronounces the "s" unless they are ignorant
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You don't need to reserve tickets for such popular destinations as Bangkok and Phuket.
Why travel to remote coastal vacation retreats if you're only gonna bitch about how remote they are? Just go to Hua Hin or Pattaya if an urban beachfront is more up your alley.
Is there anything else to do there though...I am not really looking at paying for sex.

On the bus? Turn up and go? As I will fly back to BKK from Phuket and I will want to turn up and go at the bus station to go to Pattaya.

Where do I stay in Phuket, still don't know why or what I am doing there, island hopping?

Genuinly Phuket sounds like gigantic tourist trap where you pay double for everything because Patong but actually Krabi's is better...
Pattaya beats Patong on everything? Crowds, ladyboys, prices, lack of Russians...
I haven't been to Pattaya because it sounds like a tacky shithole, but does it really not have Russians?
5 Days BK
6 days Phuket surrounds and exploring
4 days Pattaya

Do I have a GOAT first trip or what? Ao Nang was in heavy consideration for the 6 days and to run my trips out of that but decided against it.

How much do ciders cost?
Despite it's third world attributes Thailand is kinda expensive, some alcohol is anyway. It's going to take a Herculean effort to convince me this isn't a shit version of Vietnam with more prostitutes
It's not much like Vietnam at all but I prefer Vietnam for everything except ladyboys.
>4 days Pattaya
Why the fuck are you going to Pattaya if you aren't focused on cooming and already have a beach destination?

>Genuinly Phuket sounds like gigantic tourist trap where you pay double for everything because Patong but actually Krabi's is better...
Krabi is just as much of a tourist trap, and not much cheaper, but the main street is a bit nicer to walk than most of Phuket because it has decent sidewalks. The actual cool part around Krabi is the Railay beach area, you can stay there, but it's a little small. Boats between Railay and Ao Nang are 100 baht and take about 20 minutes.
Demographics wise, this is what stood out to me:
Phuket: Russians
Krabi: Indians
Railay: Euros

>Where do I stay in Phuket, still don't know why or what I am doing there, island hopping?
How old are you and what are you interested in? It seems like you're just picking the first places you hear about, but this is usually a cooming focused thread, so you're hearing about the wrong places for you. If you have ~15 days and aren't interested in cooming and want to see what Thailand has to offer, I would do 5 days BKK, 5 days Chaing Mai, 5 days beach area that matches your interests. Picking a random place in Phuket or Krabi is fine if you can ride a motorbike, but if not you should choose your spot better.
Shut the fuck up.
>Do I have a GOAT first trip or what?
This is a basic bitch itinerary, as soon as I arrive in BKK I'm taking a train to Lopburi for a week to live like a local in a town that smells like monkeys piss. I'll only eat street food and refuse to stay in accommodation that costs more than five dollars a night.
>Picking a random place in Phuket or Krabi is fine if you can ride a motorbike, but if not you should choose your spot better
I can't ride a motorbike. Which beach area do you recommend that isn't infested with normies?
>that isn't infested with normies?
It's Thailand, any beach area with businesses that speak English is packed with normie tourists. Where else have you traveled that you liked?
Based P poster positioning the peasants into the proper place of procuring enlightenment.
>Is there anything else to do there though...I am not really looking at paying for sex.
I wasn't either but I am getting DANGEROUSLY close to it and MUCH more.
Pattaya is absolutely crawling with Russians.
>I prefer Vietnam for everything except ladyboys.
This is the impression I'm assuming I'll have once I get there in a month.
Anybody else in pattaya? I think I got a contact for serious "edibles" but I don't entirely trust doing such hard things around and from purely locals. I don't get the impression that locals hate me, but my dick isn't as strong as probably anyone else's so if someone else can rail the maniacs I found I can get study aids.
You placed yourself precariously close to plentiful pecker placation and now you're postulating preposterously that it wasn't premeditated? Are you out of your posterior parietal cortex?
I think Ko Lanta is supposed to have less tourists than other places, you might be able to get around using grab
then go islandfagging. Pattaya is a black hole of hedonism who’s veneer is only tolerated by people who have insatiable for brown puss
The temples in Thailand are also kino. Thailand is cool. I just like Vietnam better.
Guess how they pronounce Thailand? They say Thai, you fag. I suppose now you're going to say you're going to Thai next year? The fucking morons on this board.
Just fucking succumb I’m so tired of fence sitting faggots who pretend to arbitrarily put pattaya on their itinerary and pretend like they don’t want to sneak off and get their 5 inch pecker played with.

Thailand has a plethora of pecker play possibilities so pick your poison and pay the price
If I were rich I'd get a harem of ladyboy sugar babies and live my whole life like a Diddy party with them.
>Just fucking succumb I’m so tired of fence sitting faggots who pretend to arbitrarily put pattaya on their itinerary and pretend like they don’t want to sneak off and get their 5 inch pecker played with.
Expand this to every solo male visiting Thailand.
Tbh I’d rather have a hot Thai ladyboy harem with passable qts than having a harem of American roasties. Dead ass
Some of us are perfectly capable of playing with our own peckers.

I'd rather walk 7 km under the noonday sun to hang out with macaques at the landfill.
fr ong
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It's so enjoyable to visit a Thai town where people's impressions of foreigners haven't been ruined by the shitty behavior of prior visitors. Without exception, everyone I have encountered here has been kind and gentle. Their reactions to my presence are always endearing. There are a few other foreigners here; I saw two boomers with their Thai friends at a shabu place last night.

The dogs here are more typical of rural Thailand, nothing like Ayutthaya. I suspect the tuktuk mafia there lets vicious dogs roam the streets to pressure tourists into using their services instead of walking. Young dogs sometimes get startled by a whiff of farang odor and start barking, but I calmly tell them to hush up and they quit. Only once did a trio of guard dogs menace me at their property entrance. They rushed out barking to block me from entering, I presented my fist to warn them back, then they quit once I passed the entrance.

Durn it all, my time in Thailand is wrapping up way too fast.
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Fuck out of here, NeverTraveller. Every Thai knows that foreigners call their capital Bangkok and their country Thailand. But pronouncing Laos like Louse gets a confused expression from every Thai I've talked to.
Ok, this has gone too far, your slum enjoying has turned into autism. You'll say you won't care, which just proves it's autism even more.
there are a lot of good dental clinics in bangkok and other cities with a lot of foreigners
I just had a root canal done in pattaya last month, it all went very smoothly
Do you mind sharing the name of the clinic? I have a few on my radar being highly regarded there
i had some work done in chiang mai but shopped around three places before finding professionalism at the right price. 4chan probably isn't the best place for proper recommendations. best is get boots on the ground. might only take an afternoon to find a great place.
Fair enough I'm casting a wide net to see if any names were immediately dropped here. Reading the last few threads it seemed a lot of expats posting. Bt I've narrowed it down to 2-3 places and I think I'll get multiple consultations to be sure. I'm enjoying the guy who went there to take pictures of piles of trash in back alleys.
>I'm enjoying the guy who went there to take pictures of piles of trash in back alleys.
Imagine the smell.
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>Fair enough
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How.much do you usually pack for a four month trip to SEA? My bag is 32 liters but feels denser than a vacuum sealed 8 ball from the darknet
I went to dentist @ beach in the central festival mall
Ewwww Trekkie
Same on the top floor. They cover your whole face with a cloth because they don’t want some gross farang pervert oogling them with his bug eyes
>How.much do you usually pack for a four month trip to SEA?
I travel most of the year and pack enough clothes for about 1 week. It's electronics, medicine, and specific toiletries and random shit that might be hard to find/replace that take up space, but aren't used everyday. I have a 45L main bag, a day bag, and a travel/rain jacket that are fully loaded out when I move locations.
Kek I can't believe people slug around these monster dweeb bags just to get their pencil plates with
At least dorkers travel light and meekly. Trekkies LUG all their GARBAGE through the country.
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Trekkies are very annoying in crowds, always blocking walkways and bumping people behind them with their backpack. The douchebags who wear two backpacks at the same time are even worse. Usually they smell badly because they're too lazy to do laundry, so they wear the same T-shirt for multiple days of sweaty exertion.
Based duffler The sleek traveler keeps his duffel bag close to his side and politely places it vertically between his legs on crowded transportation to accommodate others. The Thais notice this and swoon inwardly. His packing is minimalist. Taxis drivers mistake him for a local businessman on a quick sales trip
>”you come from Bangkok?”
They say with a warm smile as the duffles gently alights the mototaxi, graciously accepts his small, compact duffel bag from the taxi driver, and hands a generous tip in return. The taxi driver accept the tip with both hands and a deep bow.
>teerak, today I drive farang riap roy maak!
He chirps, as he comes home to his wife and children.
>I hope wan dey, all farang like him 555
I really hate that I'll never be able to visit Thailand for the first time again. I still like it but the magic is gone.
Bro careful you're overpaying pikachus, 200k in your wallet will do the trick.
And, unlike Thailand, Vietnamese cops don't wanna bother with foreigners except in some specific areas like Ha Giang and Mui Ne.
The positive thing about Vietnam is that even though people drive like idiots they do it slowly, just be wary of the lead ninjas on the road, .

On the other hand Thai cops love setting foreigner-targeted checkpoints in touristy areas to catch people without an IDP.
At least it's possible and relatively easy (outside of bangkok) to get a 2 year temporary thai license if you're staying there longer term.

Thai should learn a thing or two from the Vietnamese and stop being bullied by bleeding heart western faggots into caring for stray mutts.
Soi dogs should be turned into pâté.

Which kind of accommodation are you staying at, Agoda, Airbnb or serviced apartments ?

I do the digital nomad dork thing with 25L, doable if you layer and only bring one pair of shoes (on you).

Believe it or not people in the South have been adamant on not overcharging my white ass, Hanoi is a shithole however.
Thai are really retarded with their stray dog bullshit. One of the first things I do whenever I move to a new neighborhood is do a bit of soi dog recon and if they are shitty and aggressive ill just poison them with xylitol.

If dogs attack me or run up to me and bark aggressively, I will can and will use my higher intellect and tool using abilities to massacre them. I am the superior and more dangerous lifeform, and if the dogs won't recognize that and fuck off, they will be killed. It's that simple and it's how it should be working everywhere.

Except we have dog simps who tolerate and enable violent shitty behavior, much like how we have nigger simps in the USA who baby violent niggers and let them out of prison. It's the same personality and same type of virtue signaling.
>if I am nice to the dog they will be nice back
Without caring about who the animal will victimize.

I used to be a dog simp. Until I was attacked on my scooter by a pack some years ago and almost got seriously injured. I had to get rabies shots and it was a really shitty ordeal. Now I know what the creatures get up to when they aren't begging for handouts or looking for something to empty their nuts into. Street dogs are evil, especially in packs. They don't care about who they hurt, because their pack behavior is dominant above all other impulses.

Anybody who simps for street dogs is a guaranteed naive idiot.
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Whew lad imagine 2 years of exp and you go back and you’re like “nice.” As you languidly sip your “gin tonic” in pin up with 100 girls gyrating disinterestedly in front of you
Dude I’ve said this before. The failsafe anti-dog maneuver is as follows
>take your shirt off and roll it up as if you were gonna snap it at someone’s back like in the locker room
>start making a steady but loud hissing noise through closed teeth while swaying your body in a way that if you saw someone down the block you would consider crossing the street. Like jerky weird movements
>snap and whip the shirt at the dogs while simultaneously raising the volume of the hissing sound when you “strike”
>don’t wait for the dogs to attempt to come close, so that you’re doing it defensively. Randomly strike out at any dog of your choice and repeat

I walked through ayuttyaya for 2 hours and despite getting trailed and surrounded several times the dogs were always too scared to attack because of this
Most based Farang, bless ya.

I wish Thailand had an NGO dedicated to culling strays as they're such a huge problem, the opposite of ones like onions dog basically.
Can you rewrite in English, what do I do if a random stray dog comes up to me, some of us from non shithole countries are not use to this
I got surrounded by dogs in Taiwan they never attacked, they kept blocking me though, guess I need the rabies vaccination?
Rabies vaccine is not super helpful, it'll only buy you some time to get the shots.
fuck what am I gonna do if a dog attacks me. Should I just go crazy and kick it?
>Bro careful you're overpaying pikachus, 200k in your wallet will do the trick.
I haven't paid a Pikachu at all yet. Have you? I've lived here for about a year and a half and, just as you say, they never hassle me or any of my foreign friends.
>how easy is it to get a ladyboy to come over? Asking for a friend. You don't have to pay them do you?
this is more one of those things where you pay them to leave and never speak about what happened
God damn so much planning, are you autistic and this is your first trip abroad or something? Just yolo bud.

Domestic flights in Thailand remain affordable right before departure and miserable 'VIP' buses are always an option. Like anywhere else in the world taxis are all scammers and you should inquire about the price before buying something.

Only countries where the native population is as equally autistic (Think Japan, though roughing it is fun) require you to book every minute thing well in advance and do thorough research prior. It'd make sense if you're broke or only have a miserable week of PTO too.

>Hey Bro, when you going to Thailand...I am travelling with a 35 liter bag and wanting to meet some Euro goddesses as well, I've been watching the live cams and there is a lot going around. I am 35 though...
European vapid hoes will remain demanding western whores abroad, sorry if I'm breaking your bubble there, good luck being 35 at party hostels.

>>how easy is it to get a ladyboy to come over? Asking for a friend. You don't have to pay them do you?
If you're not super ugly looking chances are you'll actually be the one being chased.

Never been hassled by them either, unlike unlucky locals.
Do keep in mind that I'm staying in a big city though, lots of easier prey around and it might be quite different in the countryside right before tet when the little red envelopes need filling.

Additionally I'd recommend avoiding to DUI, the government seems really serious about their 0 tolerance rules there (at least from what my friends are telling me and social medias).

I love Vietnamese street folklore desu, I wonder if Thailand also has it's own ?
Riding the 439
>I'd recommend avoiding to DUI, the government seems really serious about their 0 tolerance rules there
Since when? Drinking and driving was always one of my favorite activities in Vietnam
Well, you better get used to dealing with dogs, anon. What you do depends on what the dog does.
>Since when? Drinking and driving was always one of my favorite activities in Vietnam
Since June, and it's actually being enforced. I've seen checkpoints for it https://theinvestor.vn/vietnam-persists-with-controversial-zero-tolerance-policy-against-drunk-driving-d10911.html
It's been making me drink less as well, I'd have no problem if it was 0.5g like Thailand.

How is Chiang Mai these days? Last time I went it was a sorry ghost town.
Chiang Mai is mostly an ordinary Thai city. Only a couple streets in the whole metropolis are known for tourist nightlife. Frankly I don't see much of a point in visiting it when there are so many other provincial cities you can check out.
Sorry that happened to you, anon
>Based duffler The sleek traveler keeps his duffel bag close to his side and politely places it vertically between his legs on crowded transportation to accommodate others. The Thais notice this and swoon inwardly. His packing is minimalist. Taxis drivers mistake him for a local businessman on a quick sales trip
>>”you come from Bangkok?”
>They say with a warm smile as the duffles gently alights the mototaxi, graciously accepts his small, compact duffel bag from the taxi driver, and hands a generous tip in return. The taxi driver accept the tip with both hands and a deep bow.
>>teerak, today I drive farang riap roy maak!
>He chirps, as he comes home to his wife and children.
>>I hope wan dey, all farang like him 555
In reality, you waddle from the arrival gate in your tank top and become drenched in sweat immediately upon exiting the building. Your duffle slaps against your meaty, pasty ankles as you hail a cab - nipples protruding - by raising your arms to reveal a maw of unkempt armpit hair. Your cheap bag spills open, a loose stack of cotton pants and shorts, XXL burlap underwear and Depends falls to the ground. You shit your pants and start crying, all the Thais howl in laughter.
Oh yeah I wouldn't drive a motorbike drunk. I'm still healing a broken collarbone from an accident I had while stone cold sober.
What city are you in btw? Hanoifag here.
if you mean 12go it's what I usually use to do bangkok <> pattaya by car
Saigonfag though I'm leaving to stay in Thailand for a month or two soon since my visa is expiring.

How's Hanoi to live in, do people try to rip you off outside of the center ? Did you make cool local friend ?
People here are super chill and friendly, definitely not tired of whites yet compared to Bangkok.
Thailand is still a much better locale to be a sex pest as most Vietnamese girls are more waifu material in my experience (probably even more so in the north?)

Noted, I think I'll rent a bike in CM to do the Mae Hong Son loop and then explore the north from there, thanks for the tip anon.

Wise decision, a friend lost all his teeth cycling home drunk, shit is still haunting me to this day.
I'm looking into spending 2 weeks in Thailand with my gf, was thinking a couple of days in Bangkok and Chang mai then a beach.

Which beach town is the least degenerate? Ideally with some artists/craftsmen.
If I pay extra will they remove the cloth?
Stay the fuck out of thailand bitch we dont even talk about licenses here
Hey what happened to the trvgeomaxx telegram. It was mostly a bunch of worthless soam, but...
Sad to see how few people ride the local trains in this beautiful part of Thailand. They must be some of the least profitable routes in the whole country. There are four local trains, so it is easy to take a day trip in either direction if you aren't a lazy piece of shit who stays in bed until 11 AM. Yesterday I went to Pa Sak Jolasid Dam, which has a huge lakefront park that is only busy on weekends when the special excursion train from Bangkok arrives.
>Which beach town is the least degenerate?
The only ones with major visible degen activities are Pattaya, and Patong in Phuket, most other towns just have a few quiet bars with waitresses that are available for takeout, and 95%+ of the other places will be normie restaurants and bars.
lol just throw rocks and shout
learn the way the indians do the dog and monkey shout
"CHA! tCHA!"
Picking up anything usually adjusts their attitude. The peasants all carry sticks when walking.

In my rural walk today I dealt with five aggressive packs. The one that bit me on my bicycle in Ayutthaya actually tore a hole in my shoe's canvas upper. If I was wearing sandals my foot would've been chomped for sure. Rabies shots and all that.
It's that easy?
I did YOLO before and I just end up wondering around, going on the day everything is shut, waking up late, drinking a lot and just generally wasting my time so I have become a planner. Thailand is weak in cultural sights though so it does leave the door open for less rigid planning.

I wouldn't stay at party hostel though, but I wouldn't mind finding the let your down hair whores from Germany. I'm not good looking but usually able to have sex in every country I go (except Canada)

Go on? I am serious...
Good post everyone should help him
>I wouldn't stay at party hostel though, but I wouldn't mind finding the let your down hair whores from Germany. I'm not good looking but usually able to have sex in every country I go (except Canada)
What's your secret ? Do you bang grannies and fat chicks?
>It's that easy?
I have zero interest or experience with them, but they have the sex drives of men but with very limited options of partners, they will ALWAYS match with you on tinder when I've accidently swiped them
These incel walks are getting longer
A nighthawk screeches every few seconds for long periods of time outside my room
The train trip to get here goes across the famous lake viaducts
Walking is aberrant farang behavior in Thailand
Help Anon Out
1)I'm stuck in Phuket for the next four days because a business meetup I was attending got postponed (fuck the russian who cannot even manage their calendar). What are some interesting and adventurous things to do here? Please, no island-hopping tours, no elephant sanctuaries, and no fucking Big Buddha.

Are there any "secret" beaches where I could snorkel? Or perhaps a good hiking spot? Tomorrow, I'm going to a Muay Thai match, hoping it will be at least a little bit exciting.

2) does anyone have recommendations for a beach or island to visit for an extended weekend within a 3-hour drive from Bangkok? I’ll be taking my 21-year-old Thai colleague (really hoping she is a girl without a penis as she is really cute and apparently has crush on me) and she was never outside of bkk so I’m not sure if Pattaya is a good idea in this case.
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I hope a Thai toilet spider bites you in the relevant member
If a Thai spider bit me I’d just become a supercharged Spider-Man coomer. Try again dweebus
If you have balls go to levels
Civilian Thai girls. go make shit happen you fuckin dork
>Sidegra: acquired
Where do I acquire this?
Any pharmacy.
You know any pharmacies in lower Sukhumvit (or just Bangkok) where I can get valium or other benzos?
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Hard climb onto the Isan Plateau on board the early morning train

Vegetation blocked off all but glimpses of the lowland plain during the ascent.

The best train climbs are on the North Line to Chiang Mai.
>sniffing tiger balm instead of jamming your nose up into some gogo girls tangy butthole

You will never truly be awaken, until you do the latter my friend…
No, but just ask. If they say no, try another. They're easy to get and cheap.
Dude I saw this morning was shooting fish off a bridge with a huge crossbow

Wish I just asked him for a picture but I'm a pussy
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Also I have some water in my own bottle that I got from the airport fountain. Is it safe to drink straight up? Just boiled it to make tea, that should be good right?
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This was the highlight of my first little walk around the neighborhood, a nice first impression for Thailand, these people are crazy in a cool way
>water in my own bottle that I got from the airport fountain. Is it safe to drink straight up?
I drank straight from that fountain and I was fine, I assume it wouldn't be there if it wasn't safe to drink
True, but it was in a quiet side area and there was rust coming out of the wall... whatever gonna drink irt
I don't wanna get diseases.
What am I going to do at night if I am incel to scared to go out alone?
>Didn't do anything yet because too retarded to cross the street.
Damn bro. You have Valtrex or whatever it's called where you live? Did you get it from a Thai hooker?
I got my first ever hemorrhoid and I leave for Bangkok next week. Hope it goes away..
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Weed prices are below $1/gram now
You also get more than you pay for
Smoke it while you got it
It could be pesticide laden
Can I get monjaro over the counter in Thailand?
so d... are easy to acquire in BKK pharmacies right? What if i take empty oxy box with myself on the plane - is it risky on airport? At most they will say to throw it again but its not illegal?
Then i show it in pharmacy and say i am in lot of pain and out of my medicine, please give me it. Then if i buy can i take it through airport back home or do i risk 50years in worst farang prison?
God love me oxy+grass mix so much
A week of living in Lam Narai has cost me 600 baht per day. That's $17.50 USD. Going forward I'm gonna use this as a baseline cost of living in provincial Thailand.

With only two weeks left in-country, tomorrow is time to continue north, revisiting my old spot in Khon Kaen and then checking out Udon Thani and Nong Khai.
I can live off that in Tokyo minus accommodation, Thailand is third world, but sure ain't cheap.
This thread sucks, no where near as good as Reddit or even the Jana stuff here
It's Slumdork Takeover season, get used to it bitch
yo what's that diarrhea smell in cities? is it really the sewers? smells exactly like when I have some kind of stomach illness and my diarrhea is really gross with undigested proteins
Thoughts esteemed people?

Back to my original is it worth going to Phuket on a 3 week trip...is it actually worth it...or just stay in Pattaya and Bangkok
I bet your daily train excursion alone would cost about $17.50, kek
it's (undigested) food waste dumped in the sewers. where do you think the broth you leave in your soup bowl ends up? even in Taiwan they pour broth into the street drains
that's fuuuuuuucked.

i guess the US has taken over thailand too. seriously, i don't get it. why do countries volunteer to become vassal states of the US? i guess they improve economically, but it's always at the expense of eeeeeverything else. i was in thailand last october and it was a shadow of its former self.... i'm in my 30s and I was going to retire there in a few years, but fuck that now.
it sounds like you're making a desarate attempt to ruin someone's time because you're jealous and you don't think people will know you're jealous.

we've already seen the white female get pissed every time they are forced into the realization that men aren't paying attention to them. you don't own white men, and they already are ignoring you in larger numbers than every before. you just gaslight yourself into thinking otherwise because you take any male attention as "all the males' attention".

women are fucked in the head and it's never been more obvious is the history of the world.
>seriously thinking there are women posting on /trv/
It’s angry men
then it's a woman trapped in a man's body. equally as feminine
yeah the whole place is kind of a scam now. if you're american, beware of americans because they're the first to rip you off, then european english speakers, then the thais. it's a weird pattern but true.
Unless it’s a moto taxi, do not follow any solicitation from a Thai man for any reason. No tuktuks, no ping pong shoes. Nothing.

If they’re not serving you at a restaurant or cashiering, or holding open a door for you, they are going to scam you.
where on redit do you recommend? i'm trying to get some up to date information on a weekly, or daily, basis
The shots are the vaccine what are you talking about. Unless you mean immunoglobulin

Who is our favorite sexpat content creator in Thailand?
>i was in thailand last october and it was a shadow of its former self
where did you go and how has it changed since you were there before?
You should be beaten for putting this lightskin military welfare VA scamming bitch in the lineup….

This fucking ugly ape loser couldn’t even keep Fah around by paying her a salary (fah used to work at the den).
I was there this October anon it’s no different than it’s ever been. Regulars I fucked in 2022 were still plying their trades
I dont know anything about him besides being a thai streamer
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Many times such solicitations come from local faggots. On half a dozen occasions guys have pulled up to me on a motorbike while I'm walking and propositioned me in Thai. One night I was walking on the park's exercise track and this dude pedals his bicycle onto the track, it had a lit-up green dick & balls attached to the bike frame in front of the seat. Just before he caught up to me I ducked through the gap in the fence across the tracks and onto the road.
I'm in Thailand and was unaware that buying travel insurance after I left might be a issue. Do you know any companies that will cover me post departure? The ones I've seen look like scammy start ups
Based fags harassing Slumdork
I’m talking about for fuckin non sexual services you tramp lmao. But interesting story
None of this shit ever happens to me in Thailand except for occasionally a tuk tuk will ask me where I'm going
>where did you go and how has it changed since you were there before?

i've went to pattaya and bangkok. In bangkok you used to be able to get girls all day long for 1000. now? it's between 3300 and 10000 and it's a short ride, and the attitudes are baaaaaad. i wouldn't fuck those girls for free with that attitude.

pattaya was much better but the prices are up big time. used to be able to get girls for 500-800 baht, now it's no less than 2700. walking street is out of business and it's never happening. they moved it somewhere over the water I guess. and by the way, i did not see EVEN ONE attractive girl when I was there. not. even. one. and they were all old. I saw two 24 year olds and the rest were 26-62, with many in their 40s and 50s. and again, you're paying more than ever before for that.... it's not worth half the cost of the plane ticket. there are also far less girls there, which makes the higher prices make sense because of supply and demand (which most americans are too retarded to understand)
Does this happen to you? >>2736889
>prices are up big time
Inflation is global, since there was inflation in the US it affects everyone
>i did not see EVEN ONE attractive girl when I was there. not. even. one
>there are also far less girls there, which makes the higher prices make sense because of supply and demand
Post covid many of the girls, especially the best looking, health conscious younger ones moved online like in many other places. There are many girls that have no issue with getting paid for sex, but prefer not to work in the public venues for several reasons. Tinder and especially TanTan were good for finding working girls that offer the good thai gfe experience when I was last there. Fiwfans is best value for money, but it's locals focused so don't expect English or the girl to fake an interest in foreigners.
You went post COVID, aren't prices back to normal
Also if you live in America options for pecker play are non existent
This winter breeze is comfy. 83° and 45% humidity in my Chatturat cabin at 4 PM.
Vientiane bound
i want to go to thailand but i don't want to deal with other people's plans i just kinda wanna take it one day at at time and do whatever

will people judge me for being a single white male traveler
>will people judge me
I don't see how that's any of your business desu.
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>Grab food driver asks me to verify my address and phone number and text her an OK
>respond with this pepe
>Inflation is global, since there was inflation in the US it affects everyone
it's not merely inflation you fucking faggot.

this is what pisses me off about normies. they FINALLY got the concept of inflation to stick with that redit propaganda campaign, but now they run into the very next barrier, which should be inflation vs inflation in you idiots' minds but no. if the prices "inflate" more in one area than another, and that money is easily exchanged for US dollar, then it's not inflation you fucking retard, it's a real price increase, especially since the US dollar in the world reserve currency. that is the exact meaning of that term. i fucking hate you for being so dumb, and btw >>2739948 this is another change that has happened to these places, 11-12 years ago there were nothing but winners traveling to these places. now that travel has been made so easy, you have every normie faggot (and the worst of the worst) and it's obviously changing the culture in places like this. their feminist mindset causes people to revolt in such a way that no human could behave normally after experiencing the stupid thoughts that come out of these people's mouths, and the most potent faggotry comes out of their mouth when they're talking to people in private, so you won't know all the damage they're causing.

>Tinder and especially TanTan

more normie faggotry here thinking to use dating apps. tinder does not work, and it's the same gay shit in the hellhole you came from where they won't message back, and the conversation doesn't hold. i heard one person vouch for tantan, but you're still a faggot and should be taken out in one of the dimly lit streets there. god i hope that makes a come back. or thrown off a building.
I want to spend this december and january outside of the hell hole I'm in. Which of these would be the best value for money and sunny this month and January including new years - Bali, Thai island, Da nang, kuta lombok. I dont want to spend more than 1000 usd for a month excluding flights.
>11-12 years ago there were nothing but winners traveling to these places
I'm walking around busy Thai hoods Slumdork style and it's pretty cool to see how they live but l also feel completely alienated, local Thais probably view me as some pale vermin posh tourist faggot. Can't really see why digital nomads would want to live here for extended periods just to save money, unless they live in nice places
in bangkok?
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Yes, nowhere off the beaten track yet, but just streets with no foreigners, I get stared at a lot. No shade to Thais, they probably just think it's weird to see someone walking around their area taking photos of basic scenery
>You went post COVID, aren't prices back to normal

no they're not. 2700 is the floor and the pickings are slim. and most of the women are old. you can be out all day long every day of the week and your peepee won't twinge at a single girl, mostly because they're all 26+ years old. and like i said before, it's COMMON to find 40-50 year olds out there and none of them are remotely fuckable. normies like >>2739958 going there are causing a glut of capital to flood the place and the prices have, in fact, risen 2.5x and this is already accounting for inflation; further, this flooding of demand while the supply goes down, due to falling birthrates, are causing the women to become entitled. furthermore, there are abortions taking place willy nilly all over thailand now, and women are trying to morph more and more into men, like an interim generational mutation, which is how the tranny nonsense happened in the US (and is dying now).

Well I haven't dabbled in tutoring yet but if I do I'll report back. I've read reports online that day 1500 baht is common and I'm getting matches on Thai friendly with attractive young women from Pattaya so I guess I should ask them what they want.Also it appears that even the Thai women are taking up the "teacher" moniker
Me and tight Thai teens communicate telepathically. This is why they’re now using studying euphemisms
I wanna ask if there is anything else that I need to prepare before going to thailand??? I am very particular with internet speed should I go buy a sim or just find a fast internet speed hotel??
Okay, so what's the alternative?
The prices you quoted seem relatively high to my experience last year. How old and ugly are you? I will be there in Dec and Jan and will report back prices
going to have to find other places on earth to go to. boomers are retiring and blowing their entire saving there, the worst of the worst millennials are there and the US & Europe's east asian manufacturing is relocating to SE asia, so the economy is as bad as it can get for what we want. you are just going to need to find new places on earth dude. period.

do not go to columbia. tons of faggots with apple iphones went there and because of the apple pay shit getting tied in with the credit agencies, IMF, airports, PoS and banks they're selling location data and purchase data (which are tightly related) and they saw all the americans going there in droves, informed the businesses via analytics data for sale, and they jacked the prices up as high as they can on a global scale. it wasn't even a gradual process. if you're a computer science guy, it's what's known as a first to front heuristic. start smashing people's iphones when you see them. also a lot of niggers started going to columbia, and they're the main carriers of STIs, so wherever they are, you should avoid; they'll leech of everything you've got going all day, every day.

im in my 30s, attractive, muscular, blue eyes, beautiful white skin.

i just got those prices fresh from my friend whose friend in there right now. and, i thought this was unbelievable, but a friend of mine went there a month after me and he said it was 4900 minimum; that was dec 2023, and from what i've heard; it has come down from that.
>you should avoid; they'll leech of everything you've got going all day, every day.
That's part of why I wanted to go to Thailand. A tropical paradise where I don't have to deal with them being annoying like domestic locations or Mexico.

And unlike the US, I can have a good time partying with fun tutors while I'm there. I'm hope I'm not asking for a lot out of Thailand trip, and if I can still have the good time I'm hoping for.
>if I can still have the good time I'm hoping for.
probably not dude. i was out, flush with cash and there wasn't anything i even wanted to spend money on except a gun and a bullet. lol jk, but i'm serious about the money part. i mean, when you're supposed to be like a kid in a candy store and you don't even want the candy............?
True H data coverage is superb, I stream an esoteric radio station from Colorado and it almost never cuts out. Other carriers in other countries drop out frequently to the extent it is unlistenable.
>all DAY long
>all the women are old
come on dude you gotta go out at midnight when the oldfags are already in bed
Da Nang since it is a major city, not a tourist resort
I think want tourist. want to be pampered but not the insane prices.
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I have just two questions.

1. I've heard that Thai people are pretty dumb. Not including doctors and pharmacists, who is the smartest Thai you know?

2. What would be your favorite Thai dish if you aren't allowed to pick anything from picrel?
There's a fish dish I don't remember the name of so that's not very helpful but it's pan fried with diced peppers and onions and shit in a sweet/savory dark sauce.
Also panang curry > green curry imo but that's debatable according to taste.
>thais are dumb.
Not at bumrungrad hospital
>dish not listed
Kana moo grop (kale with crispy pork)
Don't think I ever had that one but it sounds good.

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