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Classic Fuji edition

Previously on SHOGUN:
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Weird criteria but probably Toranaga if I can't choose Yabu or Fuji. I really liked Anjin-dono as well. There are a lot of great characters.
as the audience we have the benefit of knowing that mariko was actually in fact a whore. But he was treating her as one without literal proof to frame him as the asshole of the story.
>you will under no circumstances raceswap any characters
>you will under no circumstances raceswap any characters, japan
i think you should rewatch the episode, its clear you didnt read the previous post in this thread and you didnt pay attention to what blackthorne did with the crucifix

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What's the worst ending to any TV show?
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>I want to talk to both knowledgeable LOST and GoT fans.
you have been this entire time you fucking faggot, this website is called 4chan and this board is solely for TV, hope that isnt too confusing for you
yeah you're right, because what actually happens is even worse: they flat out have the characters explain all the major mysteries of the show, so that dumb shits like you feel satisfied.
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Still not answering my question, kek.
>the entire thread is now just some Lost stan screeching
It's been 15 years dude god damn.
>enters the thread saying that 1 schizo has a crusade against lost's ending
>>its actually him who is on the autistic crusade for the opposite reason
my fucking sides

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LeBald is a fraud who doesn’t have a clutch bone in his body
Haha imagine if he let a big stinky protein fart out and knocked the other guy unconscious wouldn't that be hilarious lol I'd sure hate to be that guy!
I bet the other one got mad jelly
and incredibly aroused
their budget is mostly spent on the two biggest names on the team so they can only pay for other guys on a minimum
Is that lance strolls sister?

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How come Disney is so bad at fight choreography?
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It's made of the s0ifaggot new version of cortosis
What show even is this?
Was she supposed to get stabbed there?

Street Fighter The Movie had better choreography than that shit.

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autist bread post your favorites bros
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>The transitioning G & Rodan to being good guys was handled far worse than anything in Mzero.
That was pure kino
>godzilla and rodan being so moved by mothra's bravery in fighting ghidorah alone that they join the battle
I've never liked those for some reason. Maybe I should rewatch them but Idk man, they have cool concepts but don't follow up on them, much like vs. Spacegodzilla
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His dead was paintful and brutal, and the only thing he wanted was to watch the sun.

>alex jones gets a cameo
uhhh based????
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this movie rules the book is decent I hecking love keanu reeves and the rotoscoping is super cool.
Alex Jones cameo'd in a few Linklater films.
this desu

I also read the book after the movie and the book was about the same thing (but less kino obviously). weird movie to bookfag about
it was a great adaptation, not sure i could judge one as better than the other
He was great in before sunrise

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I should have married that farmer girl.
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If O'neill were a real guy- what keeps him going? Adrenaline addiction? He's been through the worst shit imaginable. Anyone else in his shoes wouldve said "fuck that gate shit" very early.
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he gets to fuck shit up with his Jaffa home boy, Teal'C
Guilt for his son's death.

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Is coding really this cool in real life?
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PMs and BAs and Tech consultants wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the sheer incompetence and inefficiency of the codemonkey. Codemonkeys are incapable of adding value on their own, they turn into a massive resource sink if left to their own devices where nothing gets done. Codemonkeys are inherently incapable of functioning independently, which is why stuff like Agile is even around in the first place, to harvest what little value they are capable of.

It's like cows and herders, sure herders don't provide any actual product of their own, but how would one get milk from a herd of cows just standing around grazing?

It's funny whenever a codemonkey complains of narcissism. There's never been a workforce more narcissist than codemonkeys, they operate under the delusional that they are irreplaceable pillars of a company's operation and everyone must cater to their whims and fancies, when the value they provide is nowhere close to what they're compensated. They believe they should be in charge of everything, the moment you put a codemonkey anywhere away from it's screen you're courting disaster.

My simple advice to codemonkeys is to shut the fuck up, do the job they're paid for, stop thinking they're the center of the world, start behaving professionally, and understand that they are paid to follow orders to a T, not opine on bullshit way above their pay grade. It's just that simple.

Most codemonkey teams get cut in half during cuts btw, only somebody who's never worked in IT would claim cuts and layoffs affect everybody except codemonkeys(another product of their narcissicm). Infact even in situation where you're not in a recession or cash crunch, often times when a project runs it's course you need only a fraction of the codemonkeys to maintain it, the rest are either reshuffled or shelved or just plain laid off. Idk why codemonkeys seem to think they're immune to job cuts when all of 2022-23 proved completely otherwise.
that's right esgsisters!
because of cosmo

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He's so checked out.
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Capeshit is already dead. This has just been in production for so long.
He got his start in theater so that goes without saying
I wonder how it'll do at the box office, it just feels like the hype isn't there anymore. I see people saying this will get No Way Home numbers but I don't believe it will break a billion. I'm think $800 million at the most, Wolverine might give it a boost but it won't beat the previous Deadpool films.
Will grown up Dafne Keen X-23 be the same one from Logan though or will she just be some random variant
>If i remember correctly it's when he first meets Rogue and has to tell her to get down or something. I think doing an accent is just hard to do when yelling.

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What was the reaction on /tv/ when this first came out?
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being a failure is always wanting something, but never being able to get it for whatever reason, and then realizing at a certain point that you're beyond being able to achieve the thing that you to truly wanted.
it's a real depressing failure when the thing holding you back from achieving the thing you want is your own mental ineptitude.
That's kind of this movie. and that's what being a social failure is.
yes it is, it's very well made and i'm sure the message hits you.
For me it's the worst Kaufman movie, including the ones he just wrote. It doesn't say anything that Synecdoche, New York didn't say better. It felt almost like a parody of him, and I like his movies.
I didn't care about the twist and still thought it was bad. It felt superficial, young adult style. Also it was kinda motivational, and I have an aversion for that.
i've been feeling this every day for a few months now.
I'm a literal sperg, so it was always hard for me to socialize, but ever since i graduated college last year i feel so lost.
been thinking of suicide more and more frequently, i just feel like such a waste.
Honestly think this might be my last year.

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its OVER edition
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My boss found the WMAF folder on my work computer
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The character that's just like me
We had a good run
I feel it was intentionally left in the air. They may have begun a relationship but they may not have. They were both closer because they both faced incredible loss, and William Adams did marry a woman named Oyuki during his life in Japan, so again, it's up to interpretation.
I kneel, Yabu-sama
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>releases in three days
>zero hype

Stick a fork in Milla Jovovich's career, fellas. It's done.
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>literally the origin for the word Slave because of how often they were enslaved
>hurr akshually dey waznt slaves n shieet
We should push progressives to rename slaves to blacks, so its "more accurate"
Kill yourself troon nigger
>Slavs were never subject to chattel slavery like blacks were.
the nogs who cry about slavery were also never slaves
That's not true in the slightest you dumb cuck
nah I posted a sourceless greentext so I'm right

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lol r u my dad
he watches this movie every 3 to 4 months
your dad has baste taste
wehhhhhhhh nehhhhhhhhhhhh wehhhh wehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Have you guys seen this? I feel sick. I'm done eating Popeyes forever.
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we should ban fried chicken
>Intentionally eating 2,500 calories a day results in gaining weight
>Somehow this means fast food is bad
The fast ford corporations should've had this insufferable fake news peddler assassinated.
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Why are they like this?
QRD on fast food being bad for you? I haven't heard about this before
its not the food, its the seed oils they cook it in. one fast food meal a week isnt going to kill you, its empty calories but the oils they cook it in.

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