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Nana edition

The most interesting drama she's done is Glitch, even though she isnt sexxo in it like she is in other dramas.
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enjoying Gyeongsang Creature for Han Sohee. On ep. 7
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She is toxic
Does it have romance? No romance no watch.
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obsessed with this girl ever since i watched the frog. Want to watch more of her stuff. She is a good actress as well ( atleast to me )
Someone recommended me Mouse, I didn’t like it. Didn’t even finish the first episode. Cinematography is nonexistent and acting is boring. Signal’s premise is weird. Couldn’t he just lend an umbrella? Night has come was boring too. Except the scene where that fat guy eats before his death to cope, and dies by overeating and choking on chips. Started watching Beyond Evil, it’s also garbage. Main character keeps asking that dude if he killed everyone.
Kdrama is not for you. Just watch anime
I like D.P(first season), Extracurricular, Strangers from Hell, Bad and Crazy, One Ordinary Day and lots of other thrillers
Eternally sad that i will never get season 2 of Today's Webtoon
is there anything else like it?
You are watching high rated dramas, that's your problem. The high rating comes from women voting on MDL
>Someone recommended me Mouse
Mouse poster is always lurking around, the show sucks everyone knows it but he still keeps recommending it lmao. Unlucky you got baited bro, it gets WAY WORSE as the eps go on, eventually it's revealed that one of the guys had a brain surgery and the doctor that is in prison put a piece of another persons brain in the guys head and that's why he's having flashbacks of memories of someone else.
watch Queen of Ambition
I usually use Avistaz sorting to find dramas. But I’ve noticed that Move to Heaven was number one on MDL which isn’t that great. Same thing with drama called Taxi Driver which is just slave morality which fulfillment tv show
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No offence, butvdoes this appeal to anyone that isn't a literal fag or a hambeast?
Kdrama is not for you. You want westernized asian drama / drama without black people
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better than whatever slop you watch I'm sure
I like thrillers, they are really violent. Acting is more alive compared to western shows that whisper at each other with plain faces. And cinematography is different, not just dark blue and orange.
mouse isn't very good and the lead can't act, you were right to drop it.
>the mark of true quality
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I binged Gyeongsang creature. Tacky monster plot but the mind candy that is So Hee kept me glued and watching. I skipped half the show, basically fast forwarding to Sohee scenes.

yum. the show wouldnt have worked without her. Half the show is in Japanese, which i found pleasant.
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their kiss was a little bit lame. i skipped it. i didnt feel any intensity. another reason why i'm such a fan of Nevertheless. Song Kang can fairly match Han Sohee's onscreen presence, their drama chemistry was lightning in a bottle.

Gyeongsang Creature was mainly pulled by the boogeyman drama plot to move it along. lots of hugging which got lame. The ML isnt a bad looking man but any means, but, SoHee is destined for superstardom. I hope she does more dramas with Song Kang.
That scene where she is in a gym full of sweaty men, and one dude calls out to her, and starts yelling YOU SO SEXY YOU SO SEXY was so funny.
Rape scene was kino too. Overall it was alright, except the plot twist doesn't make sense at all.
You can't even hate the main villain, it's like he just wanted to play with his life
you just wrote generic bait. maybe try watching the shows. i know most of you watch 30 minutes of a kdrama before getting bored.
>SoHee is destined for superstardom
she'd have to learn to act first.
we are still waiting for a confirmation of blood free season 2 being green lit.
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Beyond Evil is the only good one, but only the first half, drop it after. Also watch Pyramid Game and Hell is other people
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His shows are much better than romcomslop
>Hell is other people
Watched it
Y'all need to put some respek on Mouse, I come in here and see all this slander
Mouse is dogshit, stop recommending it to unsuspecting people sister.
stop watching thrillerslop
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Stop watching romcoms noona, you are not a woman
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maybe if Mouse had considered being less shit people would be nicer to it.
you can stop watching k-slop altogether and just watch c-drama kinos
my k-wife watches them
It's shit, that's all that needs to be said.
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I see what you did there anon.
built for BWC
I liked movies with Takeshi Kaneshiro
officer blackbelt is pretty good. Shouldve been a mini series instead

>c-drama kinos
>thinking anyone wants derivative trash
>women in office skirtsuits is a form of porn in Asia
Mouse is kino though
this. imagine watching thriller k dramas
ONLY if romance is the main focus
What are the best kthrillers with heavy romance angles?
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I'm almost through kdrama, cdrama, and tdrama. What is the next category of drama to make your way through?
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>got recommended pic related several times
>waste 20 hours of my life and finally drop it on episode 20

It was already mediocre and I dropped it the moment I not cringe through the fighting sequences.

Ordinary le good guys could take on multiple hired assassins each. And the MC guy took out several assassins out by one sweep of a fan(without touching them, lol).

Before the fight, nothing supernatural, no powers or whatever was implied. Just a historical drama/romance with political elements.
Period cdramas are shit tier. Stick to the ones in modern settings.
Thanks for the mini review, I'll add it to my avoid list.
Cain and Abel
Money Flower
Fashion King
the whole of korea is derivative of china
> Before the fight, nothing supernatural, no powers or whatever was implied
It's a standard chinese wuxia setting. Some shows just lean more into the fantastical elements than others. Also The Double is intentionally theatrical, don't expect realism.
didn't anyone recommend lovely runner?
nobody knows about jdrama...
this dude keeps recommending cdrama but cant even make a single good rec i can watch on netflix. slop poster
>standard setting
you mean where they fly around with swords and shoot fireballs?
Why do they do that? It looks so silly.
>Period cdramas are shit tier
I liked really My Journey To You. It had supernatural shit, but It existed in the fantasy setting that they introduced.
But why this nonsense where is completely not needed and unfit for the tone of the series. The fighting was pretty irrelevant to the story too.
garbage like love next door and no gain no love
so what is there a list rated by what the average audience likes instead of just woman. Most kdrama lists are broken because woman vote for their shitty romance shows
No romance no watch
>watching romance slop
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Official The Roundup movies rating

until cdrama poster actually posts a cdrama i can watch on netflix and is good (as agreed upon by others), i dub the cdrama poster as the india of east asian dramas (1.4 billion people and zero kinos made for tv or music).
All C-dramas are good. You just have bad taste. That's why you still watch k-slop
thats how indians see their country, too. still havent posted ONE good cdrama on netflix
> But why this nonsense where is completely not needed and unfit for the tone of the series.
You are criticising a chinese show for being chinese in style and tone. Every country has their tropes.
The average audience is women, more than 80% in fact. Just accept the shows aren't made primarily for you.
pooping on designated streets is a common trope in india but you dont see the rest of the world agreeing with it.

still waiting for that ckino rec on netflix
Is this the Asian woman thread? Rate them, lads.
women dont rate romance...if anything they HATE melodramas
they rate slop with any twink sissyboy in it
Won Kar Wai movies are good.
any show that has koreans in it regardless of genre counts as drama?
this. men are the pure romance enjoyers, women hate that shit, they just want to get dicked down by k-chad
that's why lovely runner is the best romantic drama
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>lovely runner

for example this garbage here
it's high rated because of a metrosexual faggot as ML not because it's romance
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Any kdocumentaries about idols?
ill check em out later
>all the cars in the devil judge are cadillacs
that's a little much
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i love her

First listed sponsor in the credits too, probably paid good money for that PPL
How prevalent are cripple girls in kdrama?
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surprisingly common
Imagine sexxing a crippled shin hye sun
>History drama has a tea room with modern tea brand logo's painted on the walls

Welcome to Kdrama product placement.
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Han So Hee is my kdrama bubble gum.
Nice. I'll have to try to catch one of those sometime
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Gyeongseong Creature is essentially Mr. Sunshine with a sci-fi monster plot.
Kim tae Ri sees nicer than Han so hee though
Insane body
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this phenotype
blood free was pretty boring unnie
I wish there were more comedies like gaus electronics
she was the only reason to watch Mr Sunshine
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She used to be cute before losing weight
Yeah shame I was wanting to watch something with the mum from Moving.
no that's kim tae ri
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she was so good in moving, all the parents are great actors.
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Does Nana have any new projects?
what's the saddest melodrama?
my mister
also mother
she's best in films, Always is a great one as are Illang: The Wolf Brigade, Love Lies, and The Beauty Inside
Thirty Nine
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pic rel from early mid to the finale.
I've seen lots of kdrama smooching, and Nevertheless has the most natural smooching I've seen. There's no crazy build, just bold desire and going for it.
Just started watching Big Mouth.
Seems like it's gonna be kino.
Yoona is the best thing about that show.
beautiful pink purple & turquoise evening sky
why isn't this bodytype more common?
i'd rank 3 above 4, not by much though. they're all basically the same movie but still a lot of fun. you know what you're going to get and they give it to you!
im gonna rewatch Nevertheless to see it i was actually nuts back then or if it really is k-kino
10th time?
will be my second time for a full rewatch
why not try to find another waifu so you have twice as many shows to rewatch
who can hold a legit candle to Han So Hee?
you will think it's kino because you're nuts and have no self awareness. your review of gyeongseong creature was "I skipped every scene that han so-hee wasn't in"
yea, i did. most of it was pretty boring. i dont need all that talking to know whats going on.
as far as self awareness goes, i'm pretty aware. it's usually the critic who throws out accusations like this who is lacking awareness, in my experience.
she's not a good actress, I can see why people call you a schizo and filter your posts now.
that is your opinion. again, those who lack awareness simply follow herd thinking based on reviews rather than watching and deciding themselves.
>as far as self awareness goes, i'm pretty aware.
no you aren't, that's what being bi-polar does to you, you think you're sane and seeing everything clearly, when everyone else is calling you nuts.

you literally reviewd a show you skipped half the scenes because you're a just a coombrain looking at so-hee. you did not watch the show, or pay attention to anythng that was happening.
that's what you think. once again, check yourself first before passing judgment on others. but you won't, and that's because your ability to self reflect is very small.
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settings button in bottom right.
stop feeding the schizo
>ntl is off his meds again
see you next threads chefs
>i'm always right about everything, all opinions should mirror mine about kdramas or it's wrong.

see ya, slop poster. i bet you're that cdrama nerd that keeps clogging up the thread. if i find a Won Kor Wai movie netflix i will watch it and give an honest review. until then, see yourself out.
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Don't this thread die. You are the only people I talk to.
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I know that feel, but schizos killed it months ago, we're dead.
as one anon said, it's not a big deal if KDG archives early; somebody will make a new general.
Romance in the house is finish.Time to find another show.
What's a good site to stream kdramas, my site is down =[
>everyone else is the schizo. all of my posts are on-point, my tastes impeccable. different opinions that go against the grain and against general gossip must mean that person is wrong
check yourself.
where you using myasiancc? that sites been down for 2 days and i also cannot find a good alternative.
primeflix is ok but most of the servers give errors.
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this site is not working
idk man. i am using firefox and it is just a blank white page. i turned off ublock origin and refreshed only to get the same blank white page
use chrome
leave then
youre such a drama queen
Unnies we dropped Cinderella at 2am
yeah honestly complainers are worse always bitching about something
ITS SO GOOD. better than i remember. i will rewatch Nevertheless and not skip a single moment.

Nevertheless is peak kdrama kino.
Damn. I was about to watch it.
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what's with closeted gay men and the fallacy of begging the question?
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Thai dramas look good but the language is so disgusting
Why do so many kdrama characters have rooftop apartments?
Never watched a thai drama, but a rec?
There's a brother sister incest one but the name escapes me.
Sorry for your retardation
devil judge is just okay, on episode 5 now
im sorry you have no taste buds
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Stupid whore did nothing for ajhussi and he killed himself

they are the cheapest to rent over there
They're called suicide specials
(seo) yejibros is this true?
Landlords should rebrand them as studio penthouses and charge more rent
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>find a cdrama i would watch an episode of, trailer is interesting
>unable to watch it anywhere in the US
>already a better cdrama poster than that other anon
Yes unfortunately that one still doesn't have international distribution. Only scuffed AI subs I think sadly
love next door is so boring wtf. its only watchable because of jung somin
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>smoked cbd
>tried rewatching Nevertheless, realize there are lots of slow parts.
>try some other shows, none catch my attention
>and then, this
>found it
rewatching Doona
just watch a cdrama
i literally am. this is just something i watch on the weekends when the episodes come out
Wait since when does Wong Kino Wai do tv shows?
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peak Suzy
Watching Love With Flaws for Oh Yeonseo
discovered this actress while fapping to kpop videos lmao

she's so hot. i wanna suck her tits
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i can't believe she's 29
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Who are the hot k-actors?
The ML from Hometown Cha-cha-cha
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>hungry, exhausted, naked watching Doona
>was at the gym earlier
>bait bully poster is posting primo Han So Hee webms
>too tired other than to save webms
>wanna hit another bowl of cbd
>almost want another hotty kgf to flip my world on it's head again
she does the bird with broken wings FL role so well. Song Kang is stellar as the ML, mysterious attractive guy. but anons were definitely right, Nevertheless is super slow to begin. i have to be in the right mood for it.
gaus continuing to blow up
wonder what the trigger for it was?
I hope love next door doesn't have a bad ending
avistaz unnies with the consistent bad taste
She has uncanny valley face and not that pretty irl
Where do you find korean girls or asian girls with her type of looks and personality? Silly fun girl with model looks
your local korean church
Korea Town
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Doesn't matter, she would be rich Chad only
boba shop
Haven't seen this one. Picked up.
on the topic of netflix crap is juvenile justice good?
Just finished it myself. Really refreshing to see a Rom-com be mainly comedy over the romance. These days there's too many that are like 80% romance/drama and 20% comedy. This was perfectly balanced and the most enjoyable in it's genre since Strong girl Bong-soon. I enjoyed every character and now have a serious crush on both the FL and SFL. 9/10 show for me.
No it's the typical K-drama that has a banger pilot then drops of a cliff
Peak whore with peak STD's
damn, thanks
fucking ignoramus anys
Wish they made shorter series and instead of doing a good pilot and then slowly running it into the ground.
I've meant his movies like Fallen Angels or Chungking Express. It's not Mainland China, it's made in Hong Kong. I don't know much about Chinese media. There is only this Chinese album which I like
I eat a tall korean girl's ass once a week. She looks just like this. She stuffs her face into the pillow and squeaks while I feast on her tiny, adorable anus. By the time I have had my fill, nectar is pouring from her little pussy and she's ready to go.

She tells me she hates me after I fuck her and nut inside, but she always texts me back. I suspect I'm the only guy who makes her come.
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But I prefer the manly selection and I watch them on netflix
Stfu you cringey faggot
feel free to post more of her, she looks so soft
Started watching Through the Darkness, so far like it. Much better than Beyond Evil
Just how tall is she?! No hope for 5'9 manlets like me :(
Avistaz has it, with Chinese internal subs. People requested English subs. Maybe someone will fulfill it
When are we going to discuss BL here
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What's the /kdg/ consensus on Lee Bo-young?
You start.
what are the kdg approved ones
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leave the thread you faggits
Unless there is a fansub there won't be any english subtitles until it's finally licensed to another streaming site. If you want someone to blame for the delay then blame the director, it's his production company that owns the rights.
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Best mommy
Do they...? Also is that show good?
Do they... what?
What show? This is a webm.
Do they have sex/kiss? And where is that webm from unnie?
No you perv
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Yes they do. Yes it is.
Drama name is in the filename unnie
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Is the drama worth it for the agegap romance unnie or nah?
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Yeah, it's a good drama.
I thought the third one was a bit rushed, it seemed to be hurried out to capitalize on the success of the series.
But I do agree with you, they're all good, four just felt to me like a return to the first with a kino villain.

It's really the exact type of light movies that h*llywood can't make anymore.
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Unnies, any k-inos like pic related?
waiting for season 2
that pic is supercute. why isn't this actress posted more often than less cute actresses?
she was fine
but synopsis sounds like izombie shit
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Checked first episode...dont waste your time unies
New cdrama KINO in two days with my cwife

>history drama
Fuck i thought it was going to be zombie kino....
She's bogged as fuck now
latest trailer looks fun tho

What's the real kissasian site? the one i used died
This woman is the most underrated FL in all kdrama for some reason.
Interesting choice. She almost always plays minor support roles. No one else is going to pick your cwaifu that's for sure.
We love her in Something About 1%
The dramas from the latter half of 2024 saved this year.
idk why but I like he scenes, rewatching it again and again even in slops like battle throw the heaven
would you recommend me one about a shut in incel who beats his ghosts and gets a gf in the end?
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Where do you get hd pics of your waifu?

Twitter, google etc have most of them compressed and low resolution.

Are there any other websites you guys recommend
8-20mb photos

Never seen anyone in here talk about "the bequeathed"
anyone seen it, it's on netflix
>FL is 47yo
5'8. so her in heels would mog us
it could still be a good show...............
sure but most us/eu viewers are teens and they are looking for kdramas with jokes and romance i suppose
watch/rewatch Doona

that fool
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Ultimate self insert
any zombie shows to recommend?

i've seen all of us are dead, both busans, alive, happiness, kingdom
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Sweet home
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>NtL schizo is now becoming Doona schizo
Doona schizo will become c-drama shill
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Gonna rewatch Doona for the 10th time :D
wow, is that go minsi. I love her so will now watch your show
>any zombie shows
Alchemy of Souls has zombies
i meant korean not chinese
Watch Stranger, I think you'll probably like it
Doona is delicious, i had forgotten how good she rocks the Hime hairstyle.
and her body, oh my gosh. lean, long, and her small and pretty face with those bronze eyes.
>thinks koreans dont use weibo
can you read hangul? probably not.
so whats the difference?
if youre too scarred then just use google search for tistory.com or blog.naver.com
i really like Suzy's way of talking in Doona, too. just a mega hotty fucking with the ML and the ML under compulsion to serve her.
Can't believe Suzy is only 29. How old was she in Dream High?
Suzy and Han Sohee are matched rivals. Sohee looks so fine in Gyeongseong Creature, but DAM, Doona is "please come into my life and fuck it all up" tier.
I understand why people don't like Nevertheless, it's suuuper slow to start with the secondary actors taking up much of the drama time. Yet I'll still standby my moniker, Song Kang and Ahn So Hee are the quintessential depiction of college aged lovers. Yes the butterfly tattoo is lulzy, and to be honest he didn't need it but it is part of the script.

Doona though, gaaah daym. I think I'd pick Doona over Nabi in my kdrama fantasy.
I like the ML more in Doona too after rewatching it. He is the rock steady guy, he isn't a model but the attraction to him is unironically is reliable personality. I can see how that would be attractive for women.
bronze grey eyes with dark limbal rings, just like mine. hers is probably a shade lighter than mine.
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tfw listening to this song on repeat:

tfw rewatching Doona is unironically triggering my urge to siiiimp, even through all my heavy self medication with CBD.
Bangs are terrible. She would look better without them.
most of the time i'll agree that Hime haircuts don't work. but Suzy owns it in Doona
why are my balls warm. Suzy are you in this thread, reading my simping for you.
You are suffering from orchitis.
or epididymitis
ty, alchemy of souls seems too much like a teenage YA type so ima pass on that
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They also got rid of based jung so min between seasons so that's one reason not to watch it.
newjeans is based
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Doona Doona LEE SU NA
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Mask Girl is still in production innit?
There's a 2nd season?
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Dunno. I don't watch these things lol
I'm not american and cadillacs are so uncommon here that I forget the brand is still around sometimes so i pictured a show filled with pic related
Those old caddies are pure sovl
tfw almost time to smoke my meds and watch Doona again
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should i buy this to drive my imaginary kgf around in
newjeans is so kino. its because theyre produced by a bunch of art school grads, compared to other kpop groups that are mostly produced by businessmen. shame theyre gonna go away.
tfw bluetooth doesnt work anymore in my accord and cant blast Newjeans as i drive home
You'll probably end up crashing and sending her through the windshield
>bullying my fantasy
Buy a kia or hyundai
lol no.
>All C-dramas are good.

Chang. be more subtle.
time for a new general!

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