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Joffrey doggett edition
Prev: >>203561449
first for valyrian rules andals suck
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TAOOBA, with haste.
Targ loyalist thread
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TTD thread
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....semoc eH
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>hes her-ACK
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valyrians > andals > first grugs
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The hbo world map is more visually appealing than the George version
Attempts at gaining negative attention are not rewarded with (you)’s.
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dragon food
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Best king coming through
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Yet his heart lives on in all who are true!
He said, posting a House founded by a bastard who MAYBE had some Valyrian blood, who married the last Durandon an Andalized First Men house, down to taking their words and sigil. Baratheons are more Durandon than anything else, still having his black hair and iron will.
>literal half brother of the conqueror
>MAYBE has valyrian blood
u havin a laff?
and the cuck will
Orys Baratheon was a proud Valyrian male, and Argella Durrandon was a descendant of andal chads that stomped the first men into the dirt. No other house represents Westeros so finely
>in all who are true!
Yes, Vhagar.
his heart lives on as dragon shit
The claim of half-brotherhood was never confirmed, merely insisted upon by the T*rgaryens.

Durran Godsgrief was from the Age of Heroes, which is pre Andal. The house, like most of the Great Houses was founded in the times of the First Men, converting to the faith of the seven and Andal customs when the Andals arrived.
he is outright stated to be a half brother in Fire and Blood. There isn't even a "some believe..." part of it, it's just stated as fact
>leaving behind the religion that gives you magical animal control and precog dreams for a basic organized pagan pantheon
What the fuck were the First Men thinking?
Fire and Blood is written by unreliable narrators. It is an account of Targaryen history, of course it follows Targ claims. Orys was at best half Valyrian, his black hair and eyes prove that.
does beyond the wall connect to Sothoryos or the Grey Waste?
Well we know the warrior himself manifested to smite the demonic dragons. The seven may have magic of their own.
Medieval stasis is based
>Well we know the warrior himself manifested to smite the demonic dragons. The seven may have magic of their own.
Said a crazed priest, and no, they fucking don't.
Yeah but not as much as bronze age stasis
>He lacks faith in the seven who are one

Lel. Jej. Warrior smooshed your evil lizards.
Your "Warrior" is a peasant mob with scabies and no literacy.
why did the vast majority of first men abandon the gods who got their ass wrecked? hmm I wonder
It wasn't a battle of the gods, the Andals had superior technology and beat the shit out of the First Men and the Children of the Forest.
First Men could have adopted the customs and technology of the Andals while keeping their far superior magical religion
everything is a battle of the gods. if your gods are real and true then you would win. it's that simple
>first men are 5'5 swarthy hobbit like creatures while Andals are all 6ft+ with Fair hair and eyes
What did George mean by this?
>First Men could have adopted the customs and technology of the Andals while keeping their far superior magical religion
They did, they're called Northerners.
Absolutely fookin disgoosting.
I doubt the Andals mogged the Daynes or the Hightowers or the Lannisters or the Umber in height, yet they still won.
Maegor the fool
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Thanks to rapid advances in biotechnology, George's Brain has been successfully transplanted into a jar. He's fully conscious and virtually immortal, but can only communicate via text on his old IBM computer directly linked to his brain jar. He begs for the sweet release of death, but the globalist overlords of our socialist woke dystopia refuse to grant his wish until he finishes the main series to appease and distract the mindless masses that demand more CONSOOM. He does it. Pretty fast, in fact. In a couple years the series is finished. But people demand more. What should the ASOIAF sequel be about?

>500 years after the end of ASOIAF, Westeros, now in its Renaissance industrialized phase, sets in a bold journey to explore and colonize the uncharted western continent. Hell ensues.
>300 years after the end of ASOIAF, Westeros is ruled by the CotF, by way of Bran's decrepit corpse sat on the iron throne. We follow the resistance in a desperate attempt to disrupt the demonic tree hivemind and free humanity from its sadistic grasp.
>right after the end of ASOIAF, the Others have overtaken Westeros. We follow the westerosi refugees in Essos, the culture shock and social-political repercussions. Also, will the Others try to cross the narrow sea?
Say what you will about them, but the true First Men, Northerners, knew better than to ride out your entire army onto a open field against fucking dragons like the dumb ass Andals of the Reach and Westerlands did.
I like Targaryens because they are unique with their beautiful Valyrian features, their silver hair and purple eyes and they can tame dragons. Why should I care about the rest? Their features are very simple, just like humans are, plain and boring. Targaryen hate is forced.
Yeah but they're the exception, and only because they could weather out the Andal invasion thanks to the Neck being a perfect defensive spot.
And only the bronze king of House Royce was beaten into submission as far as we know. Other kings may have warred against them but they all submitted to the Andals without being replaced, and gave up on their customs all too easily, including their magical religion.
I don't know, I find it all pretty weird and too easy for the Andals, like we're missing something.
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young alicent yields herself to pleasure as she receives my turgid sputtering member in her earnest quivering womb
A booty binder from Asshai has summoned all hottest ass from the history of the Seven Kingdoms. They must engage in a 22 episode long lesbian orgy of ass eating and pusy slapping.
>they are unique with their beautiful Valyrian features
Except for the Velaryons. And the Dayne. And the Hightower. And maybe the Celtigar. And the Lysene and the Volantene.
I wouldn't say they completely won, or else they would have displaced every ruling house like they did in the Vale. Lannisters, Gardeners and Durrandons remained Kings, though they culturally assimilated. We know Andals married their daughters off to First Men they couldn't conquer.

Although there's still a fucking Weirwood in Casterly Rock, what's up with that?
I hate Targaryens because they are tacky and try hard with their beautiful Valyrian features, their silver hair and purple eyes and they can tame dragons. Why shouldnt I care about the rest? Their features are very simple, just like humans are, plain and boring. Targaryen love is childish.
Manifesting it for you anon.
there had to have been at least one valyrian that died trying to fuck a dragon, right
>Although there's still a fucking Weirwood in Casterly Rock, what's up with that?
They didn't burn the castle Weirwoods, most castles have a Weirwood.
>Yeah but they're the exception, and only because they could weather out the Andal invasion thanks to the Neck being a perfect defensive spot.
The invasions all came at their South East coast. Theon Stark counter-raided Andalos and captured a ton of hostages. He left their heads on pikes all along the coast.
>Their features are very simple, just like humans are, plain and boring
No one else has the "gold" hair of the Lannisters. And they all have bright emerald eyes, and Tywin's are even flecked with fucking gold.
Bolton's have eyes like chips of ice. Starks have grey eyes.
Plus the Daynes and Hightowers have Valyrian features.
Well, they won the cultural/religion war even if they didn't conquer every kingdom, that's what I meant.
That is plausible.

Though there's nothing to support it, the idea of the Lannisters being secret Old God worshippers for centuries after the Andals came. Maybe they stopped around the time of the matrilineal marriage with Joffrey Lydden.
Lann the Clever was allegedly First Men so he probably was to clever to fully give up the Old Gods.
It's not an Old Gods worshipper thing. There are passages about how they kept trying to get a Weirwood to take in the King's Landing Godswood unsuccessfully so instead they have a great Oak, and similar for the Eyrie. It's simply standard to try and have a Godswood, if not you're a pleb that can't even accommodate a little tree garden.
>In the most common version, Lann, having stripped naked and coated himself in butter, squeezed through a secret cleft in the stone. Once inside he confused the sleeping Casterlys by whispering threats, howling like a demon, stealing treasures from one brother and placing them in the bedchamber of another, and rigging traps. Thus, he set the Casterlys at odds with one another and convinced them their seat was haunted.
>In another version of the tale, Lann used the cleft to fill the Rock with mice, rats, and other vermin to drive the Casterlys out. In yet another he smuggled inside a pride of lions which devoured Lord Casterly and his sons. Lann then claimed the lord's wife and daughters for himself.
>In the most notorious tale, Lann had his way with Casterly maidens while they slept, and nine months later the women gave birth to golden-haired children while insisting they had never slept with a man.

I wish we got to see more of this side of the Lannisters.
I unironically agree. That Jade Sea makes for such kino geography. Imagine the conflicts that must have occurred throughout history over control of the Jade Gates and the other strait near Asshai.
It also actually makes Qarth and its position at the "Jade Gates" as important as it's made out to be in the books. With the canon map, going by Qarth is not necessary to get to Yi Ti, you can just go around Great Moraq which really isn't that big.
That pilot they made, Bloodmoon, was going to include Lann the Clever
The Lann stories always sounded to me like they were teasing that he was a midget.
I'm convinced Lann the Clever was a dwarf. Not only does him being a dwarf perfectly fit with his trickster archetype (as well as his ability to sneak into the Rock through small hidden passages), but it adds a level of cosmic irony to Tywin's hatred of Tyrion.
It was two twin dwarves who stacked on top of each other to look like a normal height man. This explains why the lannisters always seem to have twins
What was the name of the other dwarf? Nister?
That's a fun theory, though I don't think it's necessary that Lann ever appeared to be of normal stature. Him being a dwarf is something that, by the time the main story takes place, would probably be unknown to everyone. The Lannisters at some point would have likely tried to bury that part of the story, as being descended from a tricky dwarf commoner isn't exactly prestigious. And sure, a lot of people at the time would have known, and passed that knowledge down, but over thousands of years stories tend to get muddled, especially when the "official" story is different.
many southern castles still have godswoods and weirwoods, including some that still have Heart Trees. they just use them as gardens
I always thought it was odd that the Andals basically killed every wild weirwood south of the Neck but left the godswoods alone. You'd think the godswoods weirwoods would be the ones they'd want to chop down more than anything else.
Are the Valeryons supposed to be black? Even my girlfriend mentioned they looked out of place.
What do you think
I suppose it might be a little ironic but I don't think he'd ever be respected enough to have remained in control of Casterly Rock is that was the case. Lannisters tend to be strong but lean, you'd be surprised how some people can squeeze into places. There's also a very real chance Lann was genuinely magical, since magic was much stronger in the Age of Heroes.
They're not black in the books.
But theoretically, there is nothing in the lore that forbids black Valyrians. The Velaryons were never dragonlords. It might be possible that some lower-level Valyrian families were not actually ethnically Valyrian, in a kind of similar way to how eventually "Roman" no longer referred solely to people who were ethnically Roman, but rather to Roman citizens in general.
I think it makes a certain amount of sense from an assimilation point of view. they absorbed loads of first man houses. Keeping the godswoods around shows a certain amount of benevolence and makes the transition easier, perhaps.

I think it's less weird than the First Men stomping the Children of the Forest and then for some reason agreeing to take on their gods
>But theoretically, there is nothing in the lore that forbids black Valyrians
Except logic
Does anyone remember that lannister lady who married a Greyjoy and then he got killed by his brother and she got her face disfigured?
>ignores the rest of the post which explains the logic behind it
The whole point about the Valyrians at Dragonstone is that they're the last of their kind. It would be narratively stupid for them to be "Valyrian citizens" like the people in Qohor or Norvos, Velaryons are 100% Valyrian in the books.
In the show, they could have added that a Velaryon married a Summer Islander princess at some point if they really wanted them to be black, which would have cheapened their High Valyrian LARPing and ancestry, but it would make some sense. But nope, they play it straight, just like the random black background extra or the maester or that other Kingsguard. The Velaryons in the show are supposed to be 100% like Daenerys and Rhaegar and people suspect Rhaenyra's sons are Strong's bastards only because of the dark hair kek
Alright then, how about this
House of the Dragon is an in-universe Mummer's show and they got Summer Islanders to play the Velaryons so that the retarded peasants would know the Strong boys are actually bastards.
>I think it's less weird than the First Men stomping the Children of the Forest and then for some reason agreeing to take on their gods
There was more to it, the Children of the Forest were doing massive blood rituals with humans and fighting back, destroying the arm of Dorne and all, and humans were slaughtering in return and possibly learning their ways to counter them. At some point they agreed to a truce and tried to live more or less together.
>people suspect Rhaenyra's sons are Strong's bastards only because of the dark hair kek
Just imagine if Vaemond went ranting how these Strong lads are not true Velaryons cause they are as white as freshly fallen snow on the Wall.
He kinda did, just indirectly. Its pretty clear what he means when he points to Luke and viciously declares "THAT is no Velaryon."
>literal enormous slaver empire
>it is impossible that a lesser valyrian house known for seafaring fucked some summer islander slaves/concubines and then their incest children died of greyscAIDS so they had to legitimize their black kids or else have their line die out
Except the show tries to explicitly tell us that they are "pure" Valyrian. And all these mental gymnastics to justify it boil down to "they could be mixed" and not "Valyrian is magically cosmopolitan"
Valyria being multiethnic doesn't require magic.
Again, look at Rome. The term "Roman" eventually became a term used to refer to Roman citizens in general, not just ones who were from the city of Rome. The Greeks continued to call themselves Romans for the better part of a millennia, long after the actual city of Rome and ethnic Romans had ceased to be part of the Empire.
>DEM CHILDREN... ARE CRACKAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It would have been fun. It's pretty obvious that's what the actor was going for, even more so when you hear him say it in the commentaries. But nope, they're 100% Valyrians, trust me.
>Valyria being multiethnic doesn't require magic.
No, but the VALYRIANS being multiethnic does. You're conflating presence within an empire with an ethnic group.
And I'm saying that the term "Valyrian" itself is not based only on ethnicity. The Velaryons having "pure Valyrian blood" is like the Byzantine Emperor calling himself Emperor of the Romans despite Rome not being Byzantine.
>And I'm saying that the term "Valyrian" itself is not based only on ethnicity
Because it shares its name with a former nationality. But I am using it as an ethnicity, as is everyone else.
>The Velaryons having "pure Valyrian blood" is like the Byzantine Emperor calling himself Emperor of the Romans despite Rome not being Byzantine
No, it isn't. Lys is almost pure Valyrian. If the Velaryons were mutt niggers, then no one would be calling them pure unless the writers were trying to say that Valyria, the horrific slave empire, was some sort of rainbow utopia.
literally any house proclaiming their purity is full of shit (northern houses have mixed with andals too), including the velaryons, but they clearly have the valyrian silver hair and that's the signifier that matters, in addition to a sense of distance from andal/first man/rhoynish westeros

fucking cowards not giving the celtigars silver hair too
That was kino. Her nephew got revenge in the same way
Was Rome a rainbow utopia?
You're also forgetting that modern ideas of race and ethnicity are, well, modern. ASOIAF also takes place in a different world. There is no reason why the Velaryons can't be of "pure Valyrian blood" while also having dark skin. Their ancestors were Valyrian citizens, and they clearly have at least some admixture with the original ethnic Valyrians (hence the hair), and in their minds those factors make them Valyrian.
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Remember when a crakehall ruled the iron islands for a year?
>Was Rome a rainbow utopia?
Obviously not. And the rulling caste was still 50% Roman even in the peripheral regions of the Empire.
Crakehalls are based
Yes, and the Velaryons were NOT part of the ruling caste of Valyria. They were NOT dragonlords. They had no dragons until Corlys married Rhaenys.
any dunk news?
>Yes, and the Velaryons were NOT part of the ruling caste of Valyria
They literally owned land. Valyria was huge. The forty Dragonlord Families didn't control everything.
all the crakehall women are sluts.
Owning land =/= being the ruling caste
That's the thing about a caste system, there are always more than two castes.
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For me it's Aegon the Uncrowned.
It is already an established fact in the lore that the Velaryons were from a lower tier in Valyrian society than the Targaryens (who themselves were not even particularly powerful as far as dragonlord families went).
Being below the absolute top caste doesn't mean you're in a low caste.
I never said they were in a low caste. Just that they are lower than the Targaryens and other dragonlord families. They don't need to be low class to be ethnically different from the ruling class, just lowER.
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for me its otto
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They finished filming on the 14th of September and it will air “early 2025”. The only leak I have come across for it is that Tanselle’s uncle has possibly changed to an aunt instead. Which makes sense that they want to add another female character.
Lyonel Baratheon looks older than he should be
I don't remember Tanselle having an uncle. She was with some old lady, wasn't she?
She was with a troupe of Dornish puppeteers, which included an old lady and her uncle. They have likely just combined the two characters.
more like Dornish Pupperqueers haha, fuck Dornish people
What is up with the oily black stone found in all the cursed places?
Probably squishers. Maybe Fused Black Stone which has been cursed/corrupted.
>Dornish Pupperqueers
shut up aerion your mother and grandmother are dornish
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I'm here for shota dominance.
Walder having zero fucks is the only thing I like about him.
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I love her bros
>he's here
Usurper slut can't even keep her kids in line.


He’s never not here.
i'm going to bed aemma
He looks like he should play Baelor
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Good night sweet prince.
>muh summer isles
This continues to be nothing but cope as the showrunners openly admitted that it’s just DEI.
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If he can pull off the moxie in the armor, I'm fine with that.
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Boaric Dondarrion
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He's super goofy in The Gentlemen. I think he's got the right energy for the character. I think He can pull off the chad element as well, though I think Lyonel is supposed to be a big fucker.
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Boaric Dondarrion (fixed)
He was a Stark
She was a Frey
What more can I say?
He wanted her
They're basically like mini Baratheons. Big, like to fight, eat, fuck.
i dun wan et
wow, ok that looks more interesting. It's still just yurope with added mediterranean sea, but it looks much better
She'd never tell
But secretly she wanted him as well
For me, it's Mossovy
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Ser Pounce!
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for me its Balerion the black tomcat, who hungers for vengeance against the Lannisters for what was done to Princess Rhaenys.
>Someone edits and posts 4K UHD HIGH-RES versions of the promo shoot to Twitter
>He only does Alicent and Rhaenyra
Gettafuck out of Starfall, you flowernigger.
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No flowers here.
Eveyone in the reach is a flowernigger and a huge ponce.
What the fuck is that black dragon on green at KL?
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I think it's just Viserys. I'm not sure why he's using it.
Anon, why does Alicent look 14 and why does she have syphilis?
Tyroshi whores for all!
Because she's slender and graceful despite her age.
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There is one version that says Lann the Clever was some Andal pre-Andal invasion. When it comes to House like Lannister, Stark, a lot of the Reach houses then there origins seem like exaggerated or are just straightup bullshit. Take these two:
According to legend, he gained the strength of twenty men by drinking only bull's blood. Some tales state Bors drank so much blood he grew a pair of shiny black horns.[1]
According to legend, Harlon and his twin brother Herndon of the Horn built their castle atop Horn Hill and took to wife the beautiful woods witch who dwelled there, sharing her favors for a hundred years. The brothers did not age so long as they had intercourse with her whenever the moon was full.[1]
I am shocked how male and white that cast is.
your discordtroon tranny friend with an anime avatar is not a girlfriend.
There is an anon here with a real girlfriend.
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every time i see this gondola i think of
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>this is the American Tolkien
>the galadriel of 'American LOTR' shits in the grass
Anything Am*rican is known to be garbage and ASOIAF is no exception. Martin is poor man's Tolkien, and America is poor man's Europe.
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>we could've had Emilia Clarke do this
Still beats dragons.
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Areo Hotah spin off trilogy when
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Cute and canon!
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This is so bad
You banned from posting images again?
>statues made of oily black stone
artifacts left behind by the squishers
>buildings made of oily black stone
former cities of the Great Empire of the Dawn cursed by the Great Other
>lets doggett into his kingsguard
>orders all the poor fellows who tried to surrender to the wall
Jaehaerys was a scumbag
Daemon and Viserys are 100% heterosexual
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nobody figured this out yet, but it’s actually a reference to black stone from warhammer 40k, it can be used to either amplify or protect from magic
I wonder why they cut the bisexual Daemon scenes and the scenes where he comforts his daughters. His strained relationship with them will likely play into Rhaena taking Nettles arc. I have a theory Rhaena and Sheepstealer will be killed by Vhagar (they need to get rid of Sheepstealer, they can’t have him around at the end of the dance) and that will cause Daemon to basically commit suicide to take him down. They could also make Rhaenyra paranoid that Daemon and Rhaena are plotting to usurp her because of the dragonsneeds so daemon makes her fly off into the sunset with sheepstealer. But I doubt they will paint Rhaenyra in a negative light like that.
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What's your prediction for S3?
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Helaena seems to already have forgiven Daemon in season 2, he’s too important in the grand scheme of things to her I guess. Don’t think Alicent and Aegon will see each other again until the end of the dance and she will be the one to poison him. Alicent will probably blame herself for Jaehaera’s death and Daeron will burn Bitterbridge because of it. Have a feeling Sunfyre is still alive though, would they really waste such a beautiful design just to kill him off?
>bold Jon the secret Stark cut
>Hugh and Ulf being huge raping bastards cut in favour of them being good misunderstood boys who just wanted to stand up for the smallfolk
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Frogot my pic haha.
Ulf might still be rapey yet.
No Alicent will have a line: if Aegon wasn't coward and stayed Jaehaera would still be alive
Is there real magic in this world, or is it all just lost and forgotten physics and tech?
What is real magic to you? Authors like George and Tolkien leave it open for the reader to decide—‘what is magic to one is not going to be magic to another’—the same way the elves don’t believe in (elf) magic, or how ignorant persons unaware of esoteric craftsman techniques all refer to such as “wizardry” and “sorcery”. If you can make a poultice or hallucinatory shit, you’re a “witch”.
Do you think gregor had a window in his armor to stick his dick out so he wouldn't have to remove his armor whenever he wanted to rape someone?
Okay let's say I somehow teleport ASOIAF world and somehow keep my knowledge of the events that happened in the book. And I teleport to the winterfell and I went talk to Ned somehow and made a deal basically saying
>tell jon snow the truth
>you shall not execute the first escape from the wall and instead listen to him
>you shall tell the truth to your wife about jon snow
>sansa shall not marry the king son. and instead be married of to someone she wish to marry
>Arya shall be treated the same as a male stark and be taught in the way of combat and skills she wishes to learn
>she shall not be wed and upon reaching the age of 18, she shall be asked to wed me if she wished to.
to prove that im "magical" being I would confess to him that jon snow mother is Lynna stark, robert children are bastard, littlefinger and his sister wife murdered jon arryn. The three eyed raven is in fact Brynden "Bloodraven" Rivers lusting for Bran. This happens literally before the event of the first episode, let's say 2 days. I will make him swear a oath to keep the deal.

Will he be willing to do it? Also I get a house with a couple of servants that basically cleans shit and make me 2 meals a day.
...where the bad side of taking the deal for Ned? Literally nothing. You basically saved his daughter from being married to a bastard, somehow forced him tell the truth to both jon snow and his wife. bitch would think you were a messenger from the old gods.
What always gets to me is when people are making posts for the most "Targaryen/Valyrian looking" and almost always none of the Valeryons are included. Maybe Baela and that's it but she still looks out of place.
Why didn't they try finding actors with high cheekbones? It plays well into the ethereal fantasy race

Everything about them is an after thought and I feel so bad for the actors.
>and instead be married of to someone she wish to marry
Sansa will want to marry Joffrey. You may as well just say to Ned marry Sansa to X - her wishes basically do not matter anyway. The other problem is Ned does not have time to get her betrothed before Robert comes (if you say 2 days before the first episode) so, unless Ned tells Robert straight away about the incest (which he may well do and there is an argument for doing so), he may have to explain to Robert of why no Sansa-Joffrey pact.
>Arya shall be treated the same as a male stark and be taught in the way of combat and skills she wishes to learn
This seems like a hard sell. Catelyn is not going to like it one bit. For all that Ned indulged Arya he is not going to be on board with Arya actually going out of her way to get into combat like what you seem to be suggesting with that. For what is made about the North, the likes of Mormont women are the exception not some universal rule.
>littlefinger and his sister wife murdered jon arryn.
Would Ned necessarily believe you?
>The three eyed raven is in fact Brynden "Bloodraven" Rivers lusting for Bran.
As above, does he even believe this? How do you even prove this? You just risk coming across as a fucking lunatic.
>And I teleport to the winterfell and I went talk to Ned somehow and made a deal basically saying
This is very much the killjoy answer part but, I don't see how you even get to Ned, have him hear you out long enough and have him make any sort of deal with him. It reads like fanfiction. If you go muh magic well...
>Will he be willing to do it?
For how things go you basically do have magic powers that make people do and believe whatever you say so in short: yes.
Bloodraven or Bran warg into either you to Hodor you, some guard who 'is protecting Lord Stark' to kill you, or some horse to kick you in the head.
>For how things go you basically do have magic powers that make people do and believe whatever you say so in short: yes.
I'm trying to imagine how he would react in character. Surely me knowing about the fact that Jon arryn will die before raven reach him must be important and the fact I know who jon snow mother is
>skinchange into a deer
>become a pussy like a deer
It do be like that
You still have to get near him, you can't necessarily easily just walk up to him and start a casual conversation as Winterfell is massive and both it and Ned are guarded. Even if you find yourself magically transported directly in front of him it may well be that he or someone with him freaks out and cuts you down there and then. I don't think we can say how Ned would even respond to you quickly blurting out you know who Jon's mother is, you may just panic him into silencing you permanently.
>Forcing Ned to tell jon snow the truth about his mother
He would be so against this, and basically keep you as a prisoner.
>you shall not execute the first escape from the wall and instead listen to him
I don't know why this is important? to get message across that white walkers are real? Okay, say he does this, how would it aid you.
>you shall tell the truth to your wife about jon snow
again, this would only be helpful if you were the one telling her the truth. Bypass the deal and tell her that yourself.
>sansa shall not marry the king son. and instead be married of to someone she wish to marry
She wanted to Marry joffrey because he was the prince, but this require ned to tell her that joffrey is a incest baby.
>>Arya shall be treated the same as a male stark and be taught in the way of combat and skills she wishes to learn
Catelyn wouldn't want that.
>>she shall not be wed and upon reaching the age of 18, she shall be asked to wed me if she wished to.
Why the fuck would Ned give you a Arya, unless this is just so she doesn't get married to someone else.
>Will he be willing to do it? Also I get a house with a couple of servants that basically cleans shit and make me 2 meals a day.
The thing is that you giving Ned way too much information to deal with. He too much of a pussy to take or reject the deal. Worst case is him just keep you as a prisoner while the events of the books happen.
Stannis will sit the throne at the end and the dynasty will continue through edric/gendry, history will remember him as azor ahai, but in truth it will be bran warged into his body from beyond the wall, stannis’ soul completely shattering after burning shireen as a sacrifice to allow bran to take control
Hugh and Ulf being rapists perfectly sets up good black boy Addam and uggo Velaryon tho
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Current mood? Horny
>>tell jon snow the truth
That just seems cruel to Jon. For all intents purpose Jon is still a bastard (either de jure or de facto). He is not going to become a prince or king. You are giving Jon dreams of a life he could have had.
>>you shall not execute the first escape from the wall and instead listen to him
If you have knowledge about the White Walkers / Others then Ned does not need to listen to that guy as he cannot tell him anything of particular value that you yourself cannot provide. The guy also still broke his oath, so Ned has a legal duty to execute him.
>>you shall tell the truth to your wife about jon snow
If Ned was going to do that he would have done it long ago.
>>sansa shall not marry the king son. and instead be married of to someone she wish to marry
Who Sansa wants to matter is irrelevant. Who she will want to marry is Joffrey.
>>Arya shall be treated the same as a male stark and be taught in the way of combat and skills she wishes to learn
>Cat will be outraged. I also do not see Ned being supportive as such full-blown training it not considerable normal (do not overblow Northerners having female warriors); such level of training seems to be setting her up for being in harms way; and Ned expects Arya to ultimately be a noblewoman married with kids which sure her training does not rule that out but, it marks her as odd and risks making her more wild. You brining up Lyanna may end up making Ned think that Arya is on her way to being Lyanna 2.0, and he in response may curtail what indulgences he already gives her out of fear for Arya's own future.
>>she shall not be wed and upon reaching the age of 18, she shall be asked to wed me if she wished to.
You are a fucking nobody, there is no value or social capability in Ned marrying her to you. Why would Arya even want to marry you?
>to prove that im "magical" being[...]
As another anon said, getting to Ned and then having him even listen to you is far easier said then done.
>You are a fucking nobody, there is no value or social capability in Ned marrying her to you. Why would Arya even want to marry you?
I'm not trying to marry her, but to make sure he doesn't send her off to marry a bannerman
>"he knows about L+R=J"
>*rush you with ICE and cut off your head*
>n-n-nothing personal.
>hide the body
>the story continues as the book
>ned just remembering this as heads get cut off
I have a thread, you have a needle
We'll join our trousers
I wish I could cease to exist sometimes. Sometimes I go back to bed after waking up because I have nothing to live for. My friends get pregnant and have babies, while I can't rent an apartment.
Lol Arya isn't going to escape her fate as some dudes wife unless she sails away to Essos and abandons her family completely
I assume you meant >>203591024
well, the plan is wait until shes older, so she capable of doing stuff like escaping on her.
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The Manga did it better
Ned will try to setup Arya with a good and respected noble that he thinks is of appropriate standing and who will treat Arya well but, he is going to send her off to marry a bannerman. The expectation and duty of Arya is to marry for the good of House Stark. You are tying to impose contemporary Western sensibilities upon Ned who is not going to buy into them. And as for running away, where does Arya go and how does she support herself?
This is what I assume fan fics are like. Wishful thinking and not grasping the dynamics of the setting.
idk, her choice. Just giving her and sansa the opportunity to grow up.
As said you are applying contemporary Western sensibilities that are not in line with the world Ned, Sansa and Arya inhabit. You mentioned her reaching 18, keep in mind that adulthood in Westeros is not 18 it is 16. The reality is Arya does not have much of a choice in who she marries in the same way Arya's own parents did not. Arya getting to choose whoever she wants to marry if most cases is selfish. That is the whole Lyanna debacle of, if we go with the show, her willingly running away with Rhaegar despite being betrothed to Robert. Or if we go by the books the political fallout of Prince Duncan and Prince Jaehaerys marrying their chosen brides. If you want to prepare and save Westeros from the existential White Walkers, or even just some massive civil war, then getting caught up about Arya's happiness is silly. If anything you should be proposing marriage options to Ned for Arya that will secure the North and wider Seven Kingdoms.
idk why you want to save Ned. Fuck him. Use the information you have to cause chaos. straight up pure fucking chaos.
>idk, her choice. Just giving her and sansa the opportunity to grow up.
>well, the plan is wait until shes older, so she capable of doing stuff like escaping on her.
Which is it? Allow Arya to grow up or allowing Arya to run away? They are different. If it is about age then Arya then nine or eleven year old Arya is not going to be married anytime soon anyway, and as far as Westeros is concerned she will be grown up by the age of sixteen.
Fuck off, Petyr.
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Viserys' personal CoA after marrying Alicent. With Aemma it's a Blue Dragon
He is such a nerd I love him
Is it weird for me to want the family just to have happy ending? Ned staying alive + saving robert, Catelyn finding out Jon isn't Ned bastard. Robert being alive, sansa not being fuck tortured by joffrey, arya getting to choose her life and bran being able to walk and climb like a retard, etc.
>Drogon watches his mother get murdered in front of him
>instead of killing the person who did it, he magically becomes le epic and wholesome #medialiterate chungus and realizes that the real villain of HBO's Game of Thrones (based on George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series) was the mad pursuit of power at all costs and so destroys the Iron Throne because it represents the thing that cost Daenerys her life
bravo D&D
I would eat Maegor’s ass so fast
Holy fucking shit it’s incredible how fast
maybe hes retard?
>phew revenge completed
>sorry bro, i know u and mom had thing going, but its over.
>anyway bye.
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>Helaena kills herself
I think they will add some shitty reason, like she's overwhelmed by her prophecies or all the deaths lol
>Rhaenicent kiss
If it happens, it happens in the final season.
>Daeron burns Bitterbridge
I wouldn't be surprised if they skip it and have him fight and die at Tumbleton or give him more battles because things are looking grim dragon-wise for TG
>Jaehaera x 2
>Helaena forgives Daemon
I don't think she cares about him.
>Aegon claims another dragon
A bit torn on this, but they might want to keep him super pathetic and give that final fight to Daeron instead
>Aemond at Harrenhal
Torn on this too, but I don't think they want to repeat the entire Daemon thing and they need to make Aemond evil.
>Rhaenyra's fireproof
No way, they've been doing the true dragonrider death shit too often, they just want to soften the blow and will make her die bravely
>Syrax kills Vhagar
how will the book end? like the show?
Dany will take the throne in the book.
same as the show, but with more information. so expect shit
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From brans actor
Arya will marry Jon Snow. Pairing officially endorsed by GRRM.
>...but it was Jon Snow she thought of most. She wished somehow they could come to the Wall before Winterfell, so Jon might muss up her hair and call her "little sister." She'd tell him, "I missed you," and he'd say it too at the very same moment, the way they always used to say things together. She would have liked that. She would have liked that better than anything.
>"If you kill a man, and never mean t', he's just as dead," Ygritte said stubbornly. Jon had never met anyone so stubborn, except maybe for his little sister Arya. Is she still my sister? he wondered. Was she ever?
why the fuck didn't they cast this chick as baela/rhaena???
Because (((HBO))) hates anything good.
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If you could go back in time and comment on his blog before he became really famous what would you say
>uoooh burns erotic ;_;
Why is Charlise Theron such a freak?
>george shilling for his self insert cuck character
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They want her as Daenaera and the most ridiculous part is they want her to be the daughter of Jace and Baela even though it's not book accurate. She would be better as Baela. The actress is 21 years old, close to Harry's age. They would make a cute couple and I bet they'd have chemistry. The actress who plays Baela now is almost 30 and a lesbian, it probably explains why they have no chemistry at all.
she's a dark skinned 30 year old lesbian playing a light skinned 20 year old straight princess this was quite possibly the worst casting in the show.

the avatar chick would at least be believable as daemon's daughter. you cannot stretch your mind to believe that baela is daemon's 1/4th black daughter. you just can't
Jace is 16 years old on the show (Harry said it in his interview) so Baela on the show is not 20 but 15 years old. They got a dark skinned actress who is almost 30 to play a 15 year old mixed raced 1/4 black girl. Ridiculous.
It's funny how they decided to make the Velaryons black but didn't even bother to cast attractive actors.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoHSLwOmNS8 <- HIT PLAY NIGGA




-Preston Jacobs, 2015


- Brought to you by The Dornish Brotherhood Without Banners©

I don't think I've ever seen attractive blackswaps.
daring synthesis
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>Most of the blacks had quick deaths while a good number of greens died slowly and painfully.
>he's not here
So did Aegon II had a slow & painful death (he was in constant pain due to his injuries) or quick death (poison worked pretty quickly)
Slow and painful the books said that he was praying to die soon because of the pain that his injuries gave him
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This dude was so well written in the show. Went out like a fucking G too.
Luke was swallowed and digested alive, Joffrey bled out while being ripped apart, mysaria was whipped to death, barimos celtigar was castrated and tortured to death, rhaenyra was alive for the first bite, Gerardys was tortured to death, Luther largent was lynched
Blood was tortured to death too. Also all the strongs were psychologically tortured before death by watching their loved ones die
Isn't Sheepstealer the last remaining adult Dragon? Rumoured to disappear off into the Vale and become an object of reverence for the 'Burned Men' tribe in the desolate parts of the Vale?
With how HOTD has turned out what do you expect Dunk to be like?
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Make way for the rightful rulers of Highgarden.
The Dream shit will be insufferable but other than that it should be soul
The casting >>203582480 does not seem terrible.
Definitely less comfy and more grimdark. Also this >>203597430, they're going to double down on it because there will be multiple dreamers and Bloodraven.
Do we know what there plan with the show is? What S1 is going to be about? How many seasons? What's the endgame? Is there any idea yet if they are going to expand HOTD out to include the First Blackfyre Rebellion?
Never read it. Won't watch it. Cringe from the very little that I've read, The Hobbit wannabe non-story that will never matter.
why dont the horses fight too?
They do. They are having psychic battles.
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You wakeup as a Gardener during the Conquest. What do you do?
>Fake serious illness
>>Oh poor me I am to sick and weak! I guess more glory for you father, brothers and cousins as I will have to stay in Highgarden.
>When Aegon rocks up bend the knee
>Dunk and Egg both set out on their quests because Bloodraven appeared to them in a dream
>the Blackfyres and everyone who supported them will be as comically evil as Gregor Clegane or Ramsay Snow
>Tanselle-Too-Tall will be an insufferable girlboss
>Rohanne Webber will be portrayed as being 100% in the right
Oh, you're sick? Don't worry, your loyal Tyrell steward will be there to take care of you,,.
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His speciality is maiming little girls.
Could he have teleported behind Arya and sliced off her goblin face before the shaked the night's king?
friendly reminder that the (((tyrells))) who are (((andals))) whispered into the gardener king to take his sons grandsons nephews uncles brothers grandnephews and great-uncles to go to battle to show the valyrians the true power of the Gardener Dynasty
He is of the night because he is the true night king
and who is the sun king?
Some dead man
>First Blackfyre Rebellion before Blood & Fire is out
Let's hope history doesn't repeat itself
They're Andals THOUGH
The house of Lann died out when Jeffy Lydden married their last descendant and the Andalized Lannister house rose
Based Andals.
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>House Arryn's symbol is a falcon
>Have a peacock(?) decorate the Eyrie
A while back an anon was asking if anyone knew where they were anon production stills / high quality images. If you are here and for anyone else interested
That's not what I was talking about, the Lannisters were blond First Men chads before the Andals showed up and couldn't be mogged.
That Joffrey Lydden dude just married into the family btw, and the Lannisters had already been Andalized for 2-3 generations.
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Anons, are there any fan-made short films based on ASoIaF? I don't think I've ever encountered any
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You brother Rhaegar, whatever happened there...
hey same thread still up lol
This is the only one I know about

Just searching quickly on YouTube also came up with these - though not having watched them I have no idea what they are like
These threads have got to the point where they either get gone through in 6 hours or nearing close to 24 hours.
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thank you anon, I really appreciate it!
of all the characters that lived past season 4, he was probably one of the best.
His olny D&D enforced retard moment was straight-up admitting to killing Jon and not accounting for the consequences.
was thinking this had to double check then
Ewan looks amazing as Aemond but that doesn't make him a good actor. I can't even judge his acting he doesn't have a lot of screentime nor does he do...much
Also all the ex-superwholock girls get assmad when you say that Matt Smith's shouldn't be nominated because his ass barely did shit during S2 despite having the 3rd most amount of screentime
Idk why people get so offended and bring up his other projects. We're talking about the sinking ship known as HOTD not The Crown idc if he's a good actor there.
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Joffrey Lydden (bvll) blew out the pussy of Gerold III's daughter (so unimportant her name is lost to history, unlike the bwc Joff), and their tall blonde children took on the Andal-ized name of Lannister
There's a reason king Joffrey the Good is named after him
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This swarthy dago is now your dragon prince.

F off hbo
Why would it be grimdark? Shouldn't it be a very comfy show?
Paddy and Tom are both far better at their roles
Wrong, previous descendants of Lann the Clever were known as Lannisters, it was the name Lann gave to his house.
Again, Joffrey didn't change anything because the Lannisters had already given up First Men ways by then. And he married into it.
Ewan is not a good actor, his fans on tiktok and twitter are acting like a cult and they have the same toxic attitude kpop fans have. Ewan is also very old for Aemond's role, he looks older than his on-screen mother, Olivia.
I think he's did really well but his character is over the top edgelord which you have a problem with.
I like the character (book version), it's just Ewan's performance that I dislike. I wish they would cast someone else and younger too.
You're proving my point by saying you prefer the book version. The book version isn't an inhuman anime edgelord. That's what the show character is. Ewan is doing exactly what he's supposed to, that doesn't mean it will be something that everyone will like.
i would like to formally ask /got/ who they think has a more correct view of ASOIAF, preston jacobs, or david lightbringer? preston uses grrms past work to predict and deduct future story beats for asoiaf, while david has positted some interesting ideas about the long night and the breaking of the moon, where david loses me is his insistence that virtually every page of asoiaf is an allegory of nissa nissa and azor ahai
I think they're both retards
I've never watched a single youtuber and I find it crazy that so many of you fags give them any importance
whats wrong with watching videos about the things you like?
I've never watched a Preston Jacobs video and never will, David Lightbringer is the only one greasepilling the public on the (((squisher))) menace
The only series YouTuber(s) that I like at all is
and they are basically shitposters in audio form.
They're made by youtubers (faggots)
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the twitter cult is based
youre cringe
Isn't Preston all in on the sci fi narrative? I think George likes to tease the idea that it is the case, but I absolutely do not think that is the reality of this world. I can't even recall what Preston's theory regarding Fused Black Stone/Oily Black Stone is
you should watch his video on time traveling bran, its probably his most compelling theory
It was straight up a factual quote from Aegon's grandson, Jaehaerys, and it's meant to be an open secret
>Aegon I's grandson Jaehaerys I Targaryen considered it an open secret that Orys was Aerion's bastard son, a dragonseed of House Targaryen.
It's a reference to Ptolemy maybe being Alexander's bastard half-brother except in this case, it's made to be true because GRRM likes to make the rumors in history into truth
Andals in Dorne got mogged and mostly bred out by superior Rhoynar water wizards and warriors
Not interested in his pedophile videos, thanks
i did not expect the discussion quality to be this abysmal in this general, im suprised you guys even have the intellect use keyboards
>>300 years after the end of ASOIAF, Westeros is ruled by the CotF, by way of Bran's decrepit corpse sat on the iron throne. We follow the resistance in a desperate attempt to disrupt the demonic tree hivemind and free humanity from its sadistic grasp.
This would be the most GRRM-like story but it's also just God-Emperor of Dune so he'd go for this:
>500 years after the end of ASOIAF, Westeros, now in its Renaissance industrialized phase, sets in a bold journey to explore and colonize the uncharted western continent. Hell ensues.
And just have God-Emperor Bran ruling like in the myths still like the God-on-Earth in A World of Ice and Fire:
>According to the tales told by the priestly scribes of Yin, he was the only begotten son of the Maiden-Made-of-Light and the Lion of Night, and traveled about his domains in a palanquin carved from a single pearl and carried by a hundred queens, his wives. He ruled for ten thousand years, in which the empire flourished, until at last he ascended to the stars to join his forebears. He was succeeded by his eldest son, the Pearl Emperor.
I think he's ok, nothing special, but I've only seen him as baby monk before and he didn't leave much of an impression on me then. I find him funny as Aemond, he chews the scenery like there's no tomorrow, but I think that's more because of the character being written like an edgelord.
You can leave rather than keep bitching about it.
i thought /tv/ was about tv
why is everyone talking about youtube and books
>/tv/ actually being about television and film
Lurk more.
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I like Targaryens because they are unique with their beautiful Valyrian features, their silver hair and purple eyes and they can tame dragons. Why should I care about the rest? Their features are very simple, just like humans are, plain and boring. Targaryen hate is forced.
Daynes look like this too as do some Velaryons.

All the people of Lys look like this too including the whores. Pretty sure the elite of Volantis look like this too.

Also being a tall handsome black-haired Baratheon with a giga-chad body is way more impressive. Without dragons, a peak Baratheon man beats a peak Targaryen man
>she's here
Arryn blood corrupting Rhaenyra's Valyrian genes.

Blackwood blood did the most damage though. Daenerys and Jon are more Blackwood than they are Targaryen. Daenerys is more Blackwood than she is Targaryen
Jon, Aegon(if he's real) and Daenerys have significant Dornish blood. All Targaryens do after Daeron II and Maekar I took Dornish wives
Why is this a bad thing? GRRM tries to write grit and realism into his stories. Daenerys is a human not some angel that can't shit. Also Daenerys is not his Galadriel
The Aemond/Ewan phoneposter. She's always here and one of the few women who post here.
Similar to the show but better executed.
Jaime will kill Cersei though by strangling her.
No Jaime killing Euron. No Bronn being Lord of the Reach.

King Bran, Queen in the North/Lady of Winterfell Sansa, Hand Tyrion, Christopher Columbus Arya, Exiled Jon (whether to the Wall or becoming a second King Beyond the Wall) and Dead Daenerys after burning King's Landing are set in stone though

Gendry or Edric becoming Lord of Storm's End

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