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/tv/ - Television & Film

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Thread for classics and arthouse

Vanished AKA Deleted edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>203578732
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Queen of /film/
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Mother of /film/
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Anybody has seen Pennies from Heaven? Is it any good? Should I watch the miniseries or the movie?
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How ironic, I was about to make a Pennies from Heaven thread. Definitely check the 1981 movie out, they’re both written by Dennis Potter.
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Why was last thread deleted? lol
My guess, someone reported a nigga post (finally) and all their posts got deleted along with the thread.
Jannies be rayciss, always wanna put brothers down
Why does Lee have the vanity of a white woman? Is it because he's used to always being seen on camera?
he's just the cutest cinnamon roll :3
Good. No more ebonics editions please
i aint letting no wannabe popo janny pussy nigga tell me what to do AND THATS ON GANG
Okay I'm watching the movie
so Steve Martin hasn't always had white hair? interesting. I just assumed he came out of the womb with white hair
His hair turned white after he raped and murdered his daughter.
Wait till you see Leslie Nielsen in Forbidden Planet
Or Lee Marvin in Seven Men From Now
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I'm going to ask the question once again, Lars Von Trier fanboys, explain this shit RIGHT NOW
Aren't you satisfied with the explanations?
Is Nymphomaniac a good film, actually? Favorite Von Trier? Why do you guys describe him as edgelord?
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You get it. It’s got a great cast already but anything starring Jess Harper is a must-watch.

I thought the same exact thing kek. He’s had white hair for probably 40 years at this point
>Favorite Von Trier?
>Favorite Von Trier
riget s1 and s2
it's still edgelord-y, but it's shlock horror mixed with black comedy, so it works
Breaking the waves
I loved him as a teenager, thought he was an edgelord in my naive twenties and now I'm back to loving him. Couldn't choose between Dogville and The Idiots as favourites. I think what I like about him is he positions himself against the audience, not in an edgelord way but in such a way as they have to parse their own complicity and basest urges. He's rigorous and does not countenance sanctimony or cant; no wonder critics hate him.

In that vein, Europa is one of the only films that calls out the German nation as a whole for their implicit collusion in the holocaust, which I really admire.

Although when I think of Riget I feel I'm misrepresenting him, fuck that series is so much fun!
>that calls out the German nation as a whole for their implicit collusion in the holocaust
Which is a completely absurd -and actually racist notion- only defended by professional victims and grifters.
Good pick. Most depressive film ever?
Been in the backlog for years
I'll watch Europa, thanks
Why don’t you take matters into your own hands then?
I kinda thought that when I was young and bright-eyed, but having spent time in Germany - they just cannot get enough of authority and convoluted systems. the entire infrastructure of the holocaust wasn't just borne by a rarefied handful of ravening psychopaths like you were taught in elementary school. growing up is realising that, yes, entire nations and institutions can have blood on them. i'm open to counter-argument if you have time before preschool
aww hell yah, preach big negro.
whoaa.... my nigga...
Wouldn't go that far. Heavy depressive core for me:
>Idi I Smotri
>Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
>Un Homme Qui Dort
>I'm Thinking of Ending Things
>An Elephant Sitting Still
>Dear Zachary
>Manchester by the Sea
>The Last American Virgin
Element of Crime
I don’t use meme pleb buzzwords to describe things
I would counter-argue further, but your last comment shows me you just want to shitfling.
It shouldn't be a controversial point: blaming entire nations and millions of people over their leader's decisions (specially in an authoritarian regime) is at best absurd.
You can't blame people who don't have agency, and Germans don't have agency. In fact, I wouldn't even call them people, they're more like a sort of bio-robot that appears human but is actually just a machine which only functions through the orders it receives.
>you can't have any kind of feelings over those movies if I don't care for them
Least narcissistic /film/ poster
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Ya know whats depressive? Das rite, the FOTW!
Best von Trier is Antichrist.
Haven't seen Un Homme Qui Dort, An Elephant Sitting Still, Dear Zachary and The Last American Virgin (which google says is a comedy, so maybe you put as a meme)
The rest is really bleak shit, these films aren't good for the soul. Threads was made based on nuclear threat in the 80s and Come and See is like a Soviet-sponsored historical film, but something like Henry shouldn't even exist. What good does this filth offer the world?
lmaofags are a bunch of cowards pussies with their womanly posting
systemic racism
NTA, I already did
...honestly fair
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>In fact, I wouldn't even call them people, they're more like a sort of bio-robot that appears human but is actually just a machine which only functions through the orders it receives.

Isn't this just humanity as a whole? Salarymen in Japan, etc? Btw, watch pic rel, it's amazing
>these films aren't good for the soul.
>What good does this filth offer the world?

Not even edgelording, but I think these kinds of things are good for my soul. I derive pleasure from experiencing dark things (in a fictional way, of course).
that's really hot actually, I'm just imagining colonizing a German girl and she's just doing everything I saw because she is nothing more than a soulless android.
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>quads for John Ritter
Extremely based.
I'd add into the abyss, is quite bleak
It's actually the worst one.
Some of it.
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I prefer the /film/ cut of Problem Child 2
Not even biggest fan of arthouse or classic cinema but rest of /tv/ just too basic for me. No one there understands good plot and character development
what have you been watching recently then?
>explain this shit RIGHT NOW
It's a movie man
And here on /film/ a lot of retards get triggered over plot and character development existing
None of these are depressive, bleak, or dark
dubs and I open the floodgates on my watchlist and start adding things again
Which films are then?
And why can't one master suffice to deal with that?
To be fair, restoration labs removing dirt that was originally there is a serious and underdiscussed problem. You don't have to be a zoomer to demand an ethical restoration that respects the film's material and historical conditions.
It was the 2000s, films already looked like dogshit during the first week; just like now.
Fucked up, first reply was meant for >>203580782.
To me, and apparently to a lot of people, they are. Somehow I don't think you could actually justify their not being depressive or bleak except through basic contrarianism.
>it's better to scan a scan of the negatives than to scan the negatives!
I propose we should re-print the scanned film prints, and then scan that to achieve maximum results.
I'm still waiting for anon's writings on FOTW
A positive is not a scan of a negative.
keep waiting lmao
I guessed it
Filler of the week.
Are you happy now, faggot?
my nigga my nigga!
I plan on catching up this week, so give me another week
I’m here, still pondering on when the correct time is. I’m leaning towards “the first 24 hours should be dedicated viewing time, no responses yet”.
how are there still no subs for this?
Forgot about this, yeah that’s surprising
Because people found out it's just generic Chinese TV slop, and not the true WKW kino they were hoping for.
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8½ is gonna look so fucking good in 4K
Need a spiritual retreat with at least 3 days of bodily purification (water fasting, jelqing, etc.) before even attempting to write, then an hour minimum of meditation before actually writing the reply
Even then, it's a huge success in China. If this were some Korean or nip show there'd certainly be subs for it.
No, get fucked.
This. /film/ FOTW is a dedicated lifestyle.
Fantastic bunch. Paris, Texas is the best
the new no country scan looks better than whats out there but there is still much left to be desired. the other promo stills looked very unimpressive.
regards to the kinskiposter
>8½ is gonna look so fucking good in 4K
I'm sorry anon but this is not worth the amount they are charging
Another Criterion upscale.
this cover also looks like tumblr esque uncommissioned fan art
>new no country scan
Why the hell? Didn't this have digital postproduction?
Why would he pay for it THOUGH?
its an issue of contrast not sharpness
You think he just sneaks into the store and steals it? Just because this is 4chan?
What issue?
Criterion's issue.
Not whose issue, but what issue, Mr. ESL.
Contrast issue.
if you mean 8½ the film underwent a 4K restoration in 2019 to celebrate Fellini's centenary

>This restoration of 8 1/2 (Federico Fellini, 1983) was completed in 2019 by Istituto Luce - Cinecittà and Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia - Cineteca Nazionale at the Istituto Luce - Cinecittà laboratories from the original 35mm picture negative, which was made available by RTI-Mediaset and Infinity.
No such issue.
it's in line with their previous Coens' releases
Yeah, but that's the 80s one.
You got me.
Another Betamax upscale.
Criterion once again proving they do the best work in the biz. Bravo!
That's neither here nor there.
This. Based Criterion
What do they even do? Stealing restorations and wrapping them in tumblr covers?
The do lots of fine upscaling work.
They carefully curate a collection of the greatest films in the world. All you need to become well-versed in the art of cinema.
Criterion has the BEST curation, the BEST restorations, the BEST covers, the BEST community, and the BEST encoding.
Gonna be hilarious to see how bad they fuck up the 4K and then watch everyone go through the insane mental gymnastics over how “This is what was intended!!!! This is the best!!!!!”
Never had an issue with a Criterion release. Simple as.
rolling for more pink sky discussion
Paid shill?
Me neither (for obvious reasons lol).
I’m not even one of the massive Criterion haters here, but it’s an objective fact that they fuck shit up fairly regularly
Criterion will forever have my respect for releasing an accurate version of Mirror.
Are there actually releases better than Criterion's?
Apart from everyone else? Don't think so.
Only contrarians hate Criterion. Many choices can be questioned and that's fine, but the constant release and promotion of thousand of films they have done for decades is only deserving of great praise.
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Extremely based posts. Hope he sees these scans
The use of “only”, multiple times, is alarming
>multiple times
>Multiple: consisting of, including, or involving more than one
Looks like a fifth trip through first grade English for you, kiddo
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I don’t care if Criterion or Wong were responsible for this, it’s absolutely unacceptable.
Holy shit this is fucking based. Okay, I’m converted now, FUCK criterion
>ad dictionarium
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I decided it's time to catch up on some 2020s films. what am I in for?
Decide again.
A lot of very interesting films from all over the world. And be sure to not listen to /film/. Contemporary cinema triggers the retards here like few other things.
>It's important to note that referring to the dictionary is not in and of itself fallacious, nor is arguing over the definition of words.
>if you tell people they're right in wanting to watch more films then you're a paid shill
>implying I'm going to pay to watch a single one of these
lmao even
WKW is notorious for tampering with his films post-release
the same faulty restorations were released by labels in France and Germany but only Criterion gets flak
as bestas
That's /film/ for you
I can’t even bring myself to watch Bones and All yet. It just looks so bad lmao
Very good. I should watch the documentary some day.
another random director drop. this time Eugène Green
>The Bridge of Arts
>La Sapienza
>How Fernando Pessoa Saved Portugal
>The Son of Joseph
>The Living World
>The Portuguese Nun
>Toutes les nuits
>Atarrabi & Mikelats
>implying you're going to watch a single one of these
any /film/ reminiscent of the artworks of Paul Laurenzi?
the serpents egg
I will. I'm going to try and get through them all by the end of next year because I've seen so few films from this decade and it's almost halfway over
>and it's almost halfway over
Please delete
no. you must accept your own fleeting mortality if you wish to become a true kinographer
last night I dreamt an entire Bertolucci film, like three hours of coherent story, beautiful landscapes, love triangles and steadycam. Plot was mixture between Novecento and The Dreamers.

it was surreal waking up and realizing the whole movie doesnt exist.
not that anyone cares, but I went ahead and added this to the /film/ films mega
>/film/ films mega
>he doesn't know
Are any of these actually worth my time?
I still haven't gotten around to watching them all, but most of them are really short (like under 15 minutes) so they aren't a waste of too much time. a few of the ones I've seen were really fucking bad though
I literally have not watched a film from this decade. I'm concerned that I am at risk of being out of touch and would love to just spend a whole day watching a load of films from this decade but I just can't do it. I despise the modern world and each time I try to give the modern world a chance it just ends in me being really upset and bummed out
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Based as fuck, thank you
Jesus I feel bad for you imaging that
Of course not
>I'm concerned that I am at risk of being out of touch
Why the fuck is this a concern? I’m concerned I’m too in touch.
>Lesbian Barry Lyndon
Where the fuck do I sign?
>live action anime
Because I struggle to talk to people my own age about any shared interests. Although I am more concerned for you than I am for myself so I pray for you anon.
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this better be x rated.
>Because I struggle to talk to people my own age about any shared interests
Welcome to the club. I haven’t been able to talk to anyone my age about my interest in film, music, literature, any art honestly, since I was 16. Who gives a fuck?
If you force yourself to watch those shitty movies, what are you even going to say? You said it would bum you out, so would you be honest and tell them it’s shit and alienate yourself further? Or lie to them and make yourself feel worse?
Did you also add Funny Dancy man?
no because I didn't see it. link?
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damn, these are some really nice aesthetics
>completely btfos the western canon
>see shinjuku messy
>see white woman

No shit, westerns suck.
>shinjuku messy

WTF this shit aint on AVI
OP are you sure you attached the correct image for shinjuku messy?
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sexdawg, you really need to get better at searching for films
oh shit, that's what I get for thinking with the wrong head
is that it? I mean I can add it if you want
more countries should do this where they have their local directors/critics vote on a best of list for their country's films. you get much more interesting deep cuts that never made it to an international audience
I didn't make that; just found a website, edited the CSS (that's why it looks so janky) to make it actually readable (originally the text had no background and was washed out by the pictures below half the time, plus that font looks like shit when bolded.) If the HTML wasn't a convoluted auto-generated mess with 50 divs for every single fucking element, I would have made sure to have the text below the images instead of on top of them with a black background.
Yeah you are right. I guess I won't bother.
#80: Red Peony Gambler 6: Oryu's Yisit;
ahead of Kagemusha, Sonatine and Ran. Even Godzilla.

#158: RAPE! 13th hour;
ahead of The Makioka Sisters, A Scene at the Sea and Departures.

Love Hotel is in the top 100, that's literally just a softcore cuck JAV.

And then Japanese directors complain about how Japanese critics and audiences are super conformist.
>is that it?
We'd need to ask TB for confirmation.
I cant tell if you are complaining or not, but aside from placement which some I agree with others I dont, it is a really well rounded list. There is more to the pinku stuff than just sex and violence.
okay, i only asked because there is no white woman in the cast list of shinjuku messy
I haven't watched the first two so I can't say anything. But I watched Love Hotel and it was honestly kinda shit. IDK, maybe it resonated with people when it came out or was seen as transgressive or something. Also surprised that Nausicaa is the highest rated animated movie.

Nah, plenty of stuff on there that I never heard of that looks worth checking out.

>well rounded list
Have to agree, that's why I pointed out how surprised I am at how open to genre and wide appeal movies Japanese critics seem to be. But maybe that's a retroactive thing, the contemporary top picks from >>203599145 paint a very different picture.
no you got filtered
i didn't get this movie.
was it homage to some old espionage pulp literature?
was the story about American influence on art and globalization?
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wtf is this?
films made by anons?
>Satantango 2 trailer is a shitpost edit of the A24 sheep movie
>The real thing is 6 hours
what the fuck is on there?
Okay, I'll bite: what's so great about Love Hotel (1985?)
Watched the Joker. One of the pinnacles of 21st century cinema imo.
homme qui dort possibly just the bleakest dross ever seen

elephant sitting still bleak but not dross
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This is genuinely the greatest film I've ever seen, probably ever made.
>homme qui dort possibly just the bleakest dross ever seen

Imagine when you see Le feu follet, I guess you're gonna die
Got forced into watching Nostalgia by Tark, what am I in for?
Satantango 2 is a /film/ b&w edit of Lamb (2021) that stretches the film out to 6 hours and adds the sound of Satantango over it. There are also two /film/ edits of Problem Child 2 in there. the rest are films/shorts made by anons
incoherent spastic drivel

i wouldnt even watch it with subtitles
based. the anime is genuinely phenomenal.
sometimed i watch films finkin they willgive me some interestin insight or knowledge into life

but by the end, just becomes like that scene at end of american psycho where diss christian blake nibban whittlin on about how self examination is futile or some shidd
Bullshit, you didn't make it.
Or did he? One more to add to the mega then.
can you not read or are you just retarded?
Anon never said he made it.
>I've ever seen, probably ever made
heres fing about tarkovsky

he is a talker not a shower

he likes charactera to go on kinda silly inane drivelous monologues thta make no fuggin sense and espouse some of the most stupid christcuck philologies known to man. hes not an essayist or philosopher. and most peoples philosophies are stupid

i prefwr showers with character actions or images or sound

showing the complete dwgeneration and chaos and meaningless of thw world

not tarkovakies absolute babblous DRIVEL

look at kinski's aguirre in the sollispsysiphian nightmares enacted along the banks of thw amazon

remember those scenes at the end of nosferatu where the city in dissaray. animals everywhefe. people dying. peopme having parties at the same time. and thw wondrous music. depicting decline

that is powerful

not idiots speaking about drivel
>silly inane drivelous monologues thta make no fuggin sense
stopped there. filtered
that's really cool man. nobody gives a fuck. make your youtube essay and shill it like everyone else
I used to hate him until I saw Andrei Rublev, maybe I was a scumbag back when I saw his films
someone give me qrd on this anora film

gna do well at oscars. did well at cannes or some shidd

just saw trailer

looks like utter dross. is it really that good?
andrei rublev is one of his less drivelous films i fink. has some very good scenes. but then all the films do have visual very good qualities to them.
corr looks like i rattled the christ cucks in their cuck cages heh
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/film/'s Patron Saint
Dude, are you gimmicking with the writing style or just actually on drugs / alcohol?
As someone currently using drugs and writing completely fine I resent this post
just how i type

you will see it in many many other generals where i post
Thanks for making your posts easily identifiable so that your opinions may be more easily disregarded.
can you namefag so i can follow your insightful posts?
Russ Meyer
I guess if you were plateau'ing on DXM or something like that you would write slightly more fucked up than normal
my opinions about tarkovsky is allcorrect and you are yet to falsify them
dxm is cough medicine, not a drug
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That anon types like he texts someone one sentence at a time lmao
>xanax is anxiety medicine, not a drug
>opioids are pain medicine, not a drug
I text like this.
everyone hates you
Anyone have a streaming link or a torrent for Dead or Alive 2: Birds with english subtitles?
Welcome to /film/

I made the trailer, still here sadly
Do you get satisfaction imagining the other person’s phone vibrating/ringing constantly while you’re texting them or something?
Probably his best film
It's on Soulseek
dope thanks
>he does it for free
That's even worse, anon.
is this a first good entry into his stuff?
>was it homage to some old espionage pulp literature?
Do you seriously not know what this film is based upon?
>actually being convinced by imbeciles here against your own decisions

Here one such imbecile. Heaven forbid someone wanting to watch more films.
He's a notoriously distinct -and difficult director. No easy entry point, so might as well be that one.
>at 253
/film/ intellectuals
>>203601141 Well?
I'm gonna post it
Sorry, y'all made me do it

I'll post IT
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fuck off
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Metropolis, what are you people goofy or something?
Shittiest scan I've ever seen of it. VHS? What do you guys think about VHS rips / scans? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlBLcLdTYr4
That was me, that's a hot pic, thanks
You get what you can, not everything is some 100% prestine stuff
>Atarrabi & Mikelats
Not my problem.
Still not my problem.
GET FUCKED LOL. mmmm one /film/poster in your bussy, and another one fucking your throat. I don't know which one I want to be more. I think sexdawg and I will get turns at each. *penetrates your ass* Oh fuck. Oh, you're so fucking tight. This must be your first time. *pulls out and rubs my johnson all over your tongue to lubricate it* Hopefully this makes it a little bit easier. mmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm *presses my cheek against yours and whispers into your ear. As I ejaculate inside of you, I notice how delectable sexdawg's throbbing member looks as it slides in and out of your mouth.* You're mine, sexdawg. *I throw you to the floor and use you as a bed, then I begin riding sexdawg's massive cock.* Pretend I'm Melody, daddy! *The feeling is so orgasmic that sexdawg and I are able to simultaneously ejaculate on your pathetic face.*
it sounds like you were molested as a kid
Because fuck you.
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Bigfoot's gonna be your problem, BIGTIME
Anon, I don't know if he could handle a second round.
What're some good East Asian city kinos? Any genre is ok, crime/arthouse/romance is preferred, I just want the comfy urban atmosphere
I'd rather shove up yours. *meows playfully*
as tears go by
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Check out Chow Yun-Fat movies like hard boiled, even my ex girlfriend liked those.
Love em
Not my problem.
/film/ is full of zesty niggas
Holy shit, he got BTFO- Bigfooted The Fuck Out
this. a better tomorrow 1 and 3 kick ass
about to watch godfather for the first time, i like slow pacing but i heard the movie is also confusing, which makes me scared since i get confused by things sometimes
Yi-Yi obligatory answer
I can't imagine how anyone would find those movies confusing. The second one frequently jumps between time periods and is still very straightforward.

Come on
alright, thanks anon
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The harmful influence that Godfather 1-3 has done to American cinematography/lighting technique is immeasurable, I wish I could go back in time and stop these films from being made
I know it's bait but can't help it: harmful how?
I just saw it a couple days ago, but Dead or Alive (1999) fits this perfectly
*kisses you*
*kisses back* (now with tongue)
Get a room, and make sure to tag team the anon who bitched about broken links in it.
>nigga too shy to admit he wants to join the zesty fun
corr watched anudda 15 seconds of cries and whispers then went on youtube to look for wild strawebwrries then got distracted and never went back

finkin imma hafta try cries and whispers agen properly tomorrow
How do you know he wasn't the guy he requested you both to tag team? O_O
alao recorded kes, batman begins, goodfellas, crouching tiger hidden dragon again

probs gna hafta work through dem sharpish. just garn skip through some bita of goodfellas and batman begins. just wna remind myself of those films relly. propa gna hafta watch kes and crouching tiger

had man between (1953) on wid james mason on in background

dint feel the need to continue wid dat venture

i mean what is it... third man 2? heh

beggars belief innit
I can't read like that.
actually probably closer to spy who came in from cold with uhh richard burton though was made by third man dude
It's already a bigger effort to write like that rather than normally.
And the guy does this just for the privilege of being known as the anonymous who writes like a retard on the /film/ general.

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