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Hightower edition
previous >>203577107

Reposting a good image gallery another anon posted in the previous thread https://farfarawaysite.com/section/got/gallery.htm
oh no im well aware of shitholes like fishtank
gods I fucking hate dornish "people"
targ thread
targ general
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....semoc eH
How much Dornish blood do you have to have to be considered Dornish? All the Targaryens and Baratheons you see in the series are of Dornish descent
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WILD cuddles with Laenor Velaryon
How much Targaryen blood do you need to be a dragonrider? Would Robert's half-Targaryen father have any chance of being able to successfully claim a dragon if there were still around?
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Just got reminded of how shit Casterly Rock was portrayed in the show.
More than Quentyn Martell had
he would have had it if Rhaegal hadn't ganked him
Steffon Baratheon had as much Targaryen DNA as Jon Snow has which means Robert's father could have been able to ride a dragon.
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Highgarden was also disappointing - Horn Hill looked more impressive. Speaking of Horn Hill, I do not get why they went with a summer palace like design rather than some militaristic fortress you would expect for the Tarlys. If anything aesthetically the show's Highgarden and Horn Hill should be switched.
The asterisk next to Steffon is we could reasonably think that Baratheon/Durrandon blood is itself just magically that strong as to nullify that potential.
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>How much Targaryen blood do you need to be a dragonrider?
IIRC, Dany is only like 5% Targaryen. So probably not much. I think it would be funny if you don't actually need Targaryen blood at all, it was just a lie spread by the Targaryens and since they were the last dragonlords everybody believed them.
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How the fuck did he not spot Vhagar from the air? What kind of magic stealth powers does this dragon have that it's constantly able to sneak up on people?
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I don't remember seeing Storm's End that clearly. That's totally wrong, it's supposed to be a squat looking castle with the rounded/domed towers.
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>*beats Daemon Blacksissy in a tournament*
>*beats Daemon Blacksissy in the battlefield*
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At least they got the Freudian nightmare tower right
Have some art.
Same artist. Ted Nasmith.
uh... cloudcover?
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>I was retarded
>battle over the God's Eye
>Aemond/Vhagar try their stealth move for the 3rd time
>Daemon/Caraxes teleport behind him
>heh...nothing personnel, nephew
it's beautiful
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It is not accurate but, at least it is not as pathetically bad as Casterly Rock was shown as. Show Eyrie is also not accurate: it is supposed to be slender white towers. Same guy that did >>203604880 >>203604150 is one of the few artists to actually portray it properly.
as are you
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Okay anons. Tell me your theories about the actual truth surrounding the Mythological aspects in Martin's world and what religions are telling the truth or not. Surely, with magic being so worldly and important for the functioning of life, there are divine beings pulling certain strings -- at least answering to calls or pleas -- and pushing their wills forward.

But who the fuck is closer to this "underworld", the other side of ASoIaF's extreme realism
The castles in general got really bad at the very end of the show. I still think it's funny that Horn Hill is a million times more impressive than Highgarden. No wonder Tyrion is happy to give the castle to Bronn, it's fucking worthless. Looks like it could the home of the Beesburys or something
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a long night spent in the narrow embrace of young alicents shuddering flower
Poor Gates of the Moon never getting any love and always forgotten about.
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How do you go from this
To this?
What one castle or city not already shown do you want to see?
Reminder that the Starks are much older and nobler than the Targs, never mind truly ancient houses like Dayne and Hightower. Valyrians are upjumped sheep fuckers.
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Winterfell and Fartgarden
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Yup. It was retarded.
>he's here
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Since castles and cities are being posted.
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>Speaking of Horn Hill, I do not get why they went with a summer palace like design rather than some militaristic fortress you would expect for the Tarlys.
Tbf if you look at irl militaristic people, they could be surprisingly artistic and flowery when it came to their architecture. Frederick the Great built Sanssouci, a really pretty and somewhat flamboyant summer palace. And the Romans loved their pretty villas in the picturesque countryside.
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I agree with this anon at least for Reachmen, even if they're marchers. I think a Stormlander marcher castle would be more martial and austere looking but Reachmen are meant to be more flowery
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>House Lannister has standard uniforms and equipment for its entire army
>all uniforms are squeaky clean, implying plenty of spares or some kind of organized laundry service
Shit no wonder these guys kept winning. They're at least 500 years ahead of everyone else in what's supposed to be a feudal society.
>Valyrians are upjumped sheep fuckers.
Ask the fishfag about their true origins
I think the point is that's THE TARLY residence in what is a medieval world. It is not some summer palace like Sanssouci in a completely different era, or like Romans going to their villas in the countryside. Horn Hill should very much has a defensive function, especially if we go by the source material where it is situated in the Dornish Marches - a region that is considered militarised even by the standards of the Westerosi.
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The Eyrie was very bad, both with the multiple portrayals and how inaccurate they were. Though it is difficult to capture the immensity of it being a castle on top of a literal mountain. Part of the problem is they always want to have their shot of a character seeing it in the distance. They needed the shot of them arriving at Stone and someone saying "THIS is the Eyrie?" only for everyone else to look up.
The stupidest part of the "house uniform" thing was that it would have undoubtedly been cheaper to use existing medieval props and just make tabards and the like to distinguish houses.
Agreed. I think they could also have shown the Gates of the Moon. Present what is not an insignificant castle in itself but, which gets completely mogged by the grandeur that is the Eyrie. You can then have a scene of someone making their way up to the Eyrie or having reached it / inside it, and as they are looking down you see the once large looking Gates of the Moon look tiny.
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Having seen Harrenhal in both GOT and HOTD what do we think of the portrayal?
GoT made it seem a complete ruin, HotD better captured that it was simply too large to staff while not being in THAT terrible of a state. It was mostly the huge towers that were melted, this webm makes it seem like it was the whole castle.
>making their way up to the Eyrie
We were robbed of a Mya Stone waifu.
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For me it is sci-fi Eyrie.
Storm's End is a nuclear containment structure and the Baratheon CoA is a deer crossing road sign.
If this is actual concept art, then every "ASOIAF is actually post-apocalyptic scifi" dude just jizzed themselves
this is not Book of the New Sun, anon. George even on his best day could not be as cool as Wolfe
What happened to the male gaze? Why is hotd so modest compared to got? Why aren't the female protagonists doing any nudes? Why only ass and cocks from male actors?
Because it's current year
Looks like it is not official https://www.deviantart.com/lensar/art/Eyrie-Game-of-Thrones-393664602
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>Why only ass and cocks from male actors?
Not even the one I wanted to see.
Alicent was almost naked in her sex scene with Cole.
You'll see Mysaria naked again in her death scene. She was nude on the first season too.
>my king, another dragon has hit Hightower
Made me chuckle.
Obvious TWOW is a bloated impossible to finish mess, I get why GRRM is stuck. But he seriously can't pump out a few more D&E stories so the new show doesn't immediately run out of material? How hard is it to write a straightforward adventure story?
HOTD has more female than male fans so they focus on the female gaze instead.
Cool idea anon but, have you considered GRRM instead focuses on his real passion that is Wild Cards?
The show did such an atrocious job of handling the Vale in general. You can't even blame it on a lack of source material, because Dance came out around the same time as GOT S1/2 so D&D knew well in advance that eventually establishing this setting and its politics would be important for Sansa's character arc. They just didn't give a shit.
this is HBO wide, tons of cock and jizz on HBO now, no tits or female ass
A trebuchet on a ship would fuck that place up
the Vale is a nothingburger in the books too. All they will amount to in the end is an extra army to bail out the Starks and Tullies.
Why this gimmick
>Bronze Yohn Royce
>No bronze, lazy approach of doing runestones
Seriously what do they eat? These are all shitholes but apparently have all the power in westeros
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Stupid castle concept. HA! You can't get us up here no matter how big your army is!! HAHAHAHAHAAaaaaaaa
>seige and cut off their supply
1. In the old days, HBO's bread and butter was the fact that you could see hardcore sex on screen. Now that's not really a thing. If you want to see women naked or people fucking, you take out your phone. Putting boobs on screen just doesn't bring the ratings like it used to.
2. GOT got a lot of negative criticism for the way it used sex for pure titillation (that ridiculous scene in S1 where Littlefinger is giving exposition while two whores fuck in front of him) or shock value (Sansa being raped in S6), so this might be a kneejerk reaction going in the opposite direction.
3. The lead actress playing Rhaenyra identifies as non-binary. That entire sphere of modern culture is a minefield, it's possible that HBO is scared of getting backlash for objectifying/demeaning a non-binary person.
They're not going to be nothing when their 20,000 knights help retake the North and the Riverlands.
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>The practice is an ancient one, believed to be ten thousand years old. It was begun by the First Men of the Dawn Age, who only followed strength and bravery. It was considered a blessing for a warlord or hero to bestow his seed upon a bride on her wedding night, and if a child came of such a coupling, the husband would have the honor of raising the hero's offspring. This tradition remained after the coming of the Andals from Andalos, where Andals had not practiced the first night.
Read the next sentence retard.
i want her to embrace my tongue with her toes
That's not even an HBO thing, it's females infiltrating the writers room in media at large and making everything shitty. They don't even know how to write FOR women and instead circlejerk over how empowering it is that they made you look at more penises while females cant get naked.
People brings this point up but, that is basically true of all castles. The Eyrie is supposed to be a dick measuring summer palace more than anything - and if need be a last fall back line if the actual castle the Gates of the Moon and the mini-castles Stone-Snow-Sky fall.
I refuse.
Robb Stark was a nothingburger. All he amounted to in the end was an obstacle to slow down the Lannisters. I guess the books and show wasted time spending so much time on him. They should have just briefly mentioned him early on then killed him offscreen in a later ep. Dorne is also a nothingburger, all they will amount to is an extra army to maybe help out Aegon. The show killing Doran in a ridiculous throwaway scene while cutting Arianne and Quentyn entirely was definitely an improvement over the books. Who needs interesting plots when you can have "bad poosay"? Jon Connington was a nothingburger. He's a dead man anyway because of the greyscale. And we know he's not going to succeed. Nothing really matters. Might as well just skip the whole story and get to the part where Bran becomes king without ever bothering to set it up.
Dorne at least has a ruling dynasty. Where the fuck are the Arryns? Non-existent.
>That's not even an HBO thing, it's females infiltrating the writers room in media at large and making everything shitty
I disagree. These shows are still mostly being written by men, and the showrunner for HOTD is a man. He has the power to shoot down ideas he thinks are stupid, and he was supposedly handpicked by GRRM himself to do the show. If HOTD has a weird double standard about happily showing male nudity while shying away from female nudity, it's either because of pressure from HBO execs or it's because Ryan Condal is a spineless bitch who can't keep his own writers in line.
Wow by December 2028 is realistic goal yes?
As the other reply says, the Eyrie is not unique in that it can be starved out. With castles is there is often a question of can the attackers afford a long drawn-out siege? In many cases they may not, or at least think they will, be able to: fear a relief force will come, forces need elsewhere etc. Stannis was able to hold Storm's End for a year after Robert fucked off with all the supplies. Blackfish, and we have no reason to doubt him, said he could hold Riverrun for 2 years. The Eyrie does not need a large garrison and it has a granary the same size as the massive Winterfell. So it cut-off from supplies it reasonably can endure for a long-time. The thing with the Eyrie is it has that endurance combined with the issue that simply attacking it is a nightmare as you effectively have to go through four castles before you even Reach the Eyrie itself - and that says nothing about any land invasion of the Vale that will have to go through the Bloody Gate.
>because Ryan Condal is a spineless bitch who can't keep his own writers in line
that's it
Only if George designates another writer to finish the books for him. He's an obese 75-year old who only just got over a case of covid. I'll be shocked if he makes it 79.
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> designates another writer to finish
Who could fill his shoes or at least follow his notes?
See. The problem with shows these days are that writers can't write something and stick by it, no actors or other writers meddling on how a scene should be like WOULDN'T IT BE FUCKING COOL IF RHAENYS CRASHED THE FLOOR KILLED PLENTY OF PEOPLE HAD THE CHANCE TO KILL THE ENEMIES THAT ARE GOING AFTER HER GRANDDAUGHTERS AND DIDN'T BECAUSE IT'S NOT HER WAR or 'actually rhaenyra should kiss mysaria after her confession of being raped by her father because it's empowering to women"
GRRM himself has said he does not want anyone else to finish the series but, words are wind and his estate will probably say fuck that and get someone to do it.
I don't think any current fantasy writer could fill his shoes. But a semi-decent writer like Sanderson could probably follow his notes and deliver a story that's decent enough. At minimum better than the absolute dumpster fire that is GOT S6-S8.
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>mfw they cite the reason Rhaenys didn’t kill the greens is cause alicent id s mother and not the taboo of kin slaying.
>mfw a dragon crashing a coronation would have been one of the most talked about in the history, but the maesters never mention it.
>mfw they cite the reason Rhaenys didn’t kill the greens is cause alicent id s mother and not the taboo of kin slaying.
Meanwhile she killed god knows how many mothers when she busted through a stone floor, raining stone debris on countless innocent people, crushing many others, and sending plenty to their deaths in the dragonpit below.

I would almost call it a clever commentary on how the high lords don't view the smallfolk as people if there wasn't that insufferable clip of Sarah Hess saying "we thought it would be cool if Rhaenys burst in on a dragon".
sweetie smallfolk don't matter
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They could have fixed that Rhaenys scene in S2 by making the people cheer when Meleys head arrived in KL but instead ryan says some bullshit about the people loving meleys or whatever the fuck it was he said.
Alas that scene is just like the explosion of the Sept of Baelor or Daenerys burning the food from the Reach: It doesn't make any sense but the writers thought it was super cool
bros why arent we allowed pure kino
It's really frustrating how these writers were able to understand GRRM's writing about how feudal society oppressed women, but somehow missed the part about how feudal society oppressed the poor in general. We get more screentime bemoaning the plight of Alicent Hightower (who is one of the most powerful and privileged people in the known world) than we do for the innocent peasants that get burned alive in various Targaryen shenanigans.
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>They could have fixed that Rhaenys scene in S2 by making the people cheer when Meleys head arrived in KL but instead ryan says some bullshit about the people loving meleys or whatever the fuck it was he said.
The worst part is that it *could* have been the perfect setup for the eventual Storming of the Dragonpit. The people of KL are scared of dragons and hate them because a dragon fucking murdered like a hundred random innocents just so Rhaenys could flex on the Greens. There are a bunch of dragons chained up in the city. Rhaenyra just took the city and (as far as the common people believe) killed their beloved Queen Halaena. You have all the ingredients for a huge event, carefully set up long in advance. The kind of shit that made people love the Red Wedding.

Instead it's going to be fucking random. "Well the people of King's Landing kind of forgot that they loved dragons"
How do you get up either? Casterly Rock is taller than the wall even.
I dont get it. No way are you having your office at the top of the hightower and people have to walk all the way up to come see you.
>without you i'm a silhouette
Winch-drawn elevators are a thing in the setting it see Castle Black and the Eyrie. So, besides just stairs, maybe that. In the case of Casterly Rock only part of it is probably inhabited by the Lannisters themselves. As for entering the Rock it is not as if you start from the ground
>The Lion's Mouth, the main entry to Casterly Rock, is an enormous natural cavern reaching two hundred feet high located on the south face of the Rock. It is accessible via a great stone stairway with steps wide enough for twenty riders. There are sea gates at the base of the west face, large enough for galleys and cogs to sail into the caverns under the stone, where the Lannisters have their own protected docks, as well as wharves, and shipyards.
>No way are you having your office at the top of the hightower and people have to walk all the way up to come see you.
Based Lord Leyton Hightower does.
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>As for entering the Rock it is not as if you start from the ground
Yeh i know that but it still looks awkward as fuck.
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On the topic of the male gaze, are there any 21st century novels or book series that engage in the male gaze? I like to think about hot women when I read. Doesn't even have to be anything like ASOIAF or fantasy. Any recommendations?
You don't belong in a place like this
>are there any 21st century novels or book series that engage in the male gaze?
only manga, and even that's starting to get censored hard to cater to westerners. idk how the fuck our current culture is simultaneously extremely degenerate and prudish, but this is how it is.
It's ironic how basically every single novel, movie, and show written by and/or for women is full of female gaze stuff, yet male gaze is so demonized
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For me? It's House Mertyns, their home castle of Mistwood sounds comfy. What are anons favorite minor houses
woodfags get the rope
Damn. Am I just doomed to reading AO3 fics for the rest of my life?
going by every region:
>North: House Umber
>Riverlands: House Blackwood
>Vale: House Royce
>Iron Islands: House Farwynd
>Westerlands: House Crakehall
>Reach: House Hightower
>Dorne: House Dayne
>Stormlands: House Tarth
>Crownlands: House Velaryon
yeah sorry, only women buy books nowadays and the market thinks male gaze is heckin problematic, chud.
Speak plainly.
Have you considered not being a coomer?
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TAOOBA, with haste.
Good list except BlackedSHITS, swap them for literally anything else.
Royce is the #2 in their region, not exactly minor. And the Velaryons are #1 in their region.
do the Manderlys count as a minor house? If so, them. If not, the Reeds or the Farwynds
Corbays are bigger
>canon fatties
>North: Bolton
>Riverlands: Qoherys
>Vale: Upcliff
>Dragonstone: Scales
>Iron Islands: Drumm
>Westerlands: Banefort
>Reach: Webber
>Stormlands: Toyne
>Dorne: Uller
Depends on how you apply the term. There are lords, and there are lords, as it were. The Manderlys are both 'de jure' non-minor houses, and 'de facto' non-minor houses. Unless you want to classify minor as literally any house in service below the Lord Paramount, which I personally wouldn't.
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>>Riverlands: House Blackwood
Be fucked, Brackenshitter
I don't think they are.
Hightowers also aren't minor.
Yeah I noticed after I posted that I didn't see that one. They are one of the "number 2" houses in a region which are actually more powerful than the Lord Paramount if you aren't counting the rest of the region owing fealty to the LP.
>Brackens out of nowhere
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What did he mean by this?
You know exactly what he meant by that anon.
Canonically gay. It's just that simple.
He cute.
I like Egg's hat
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Even if they fuck up Storming of the Dragonpit (they will), it will still be based because lizards get btfo anyway.
Can the CK2 anon post what mods he uses?

Bracked more like Blackened
he should kill himself actually
I hope that by minor you mean smaller houses unlike Blackwoods, Mallister, Royce, Tarth and so on
>North: Mormont
>Vale: Templeton
>Riverlands: Either Vypren or Paege
>Westerlands: Lannisport Lannisters or Vikary
>Crownlands: Farring
>Stormlands: Selmy
>Reach: Beesbury or Osgrey
>Dorne: Not one.
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the storming of the dragonpit was the greatest tragedy since the doom of valyria
>(((they)))'re here
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Hopefully the next MB update will be coming in a couple weeks
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Cute and canon!
Are there any good ASOIAF fanfics? I haven't found anything good yet. Closest thing so far is Purple Days, but I dropped that one because it became boring as fuck 1/4 of the way in
the (((maesters)))
the (((septons)))
the (((andals)))
>Are there any good ASOIAF fanfics?
Depends on what you like.
This one is by far my favorite
I would say no but I also haven't read any.
>he’s here
Fact: Andals are the most powerful race in the world
>Depends on what you like.
I like political intrigue.
I also like the fairly generic heroic fantasy stories of a hero from humble origins rising up to save the world from a great evil.
I'm not too crazy about romance, but I'll read a romancefic if it's well written.
No porn please. I want a story, not jerk off material
I've read some good fics in other fandoms
asoiaf fics are basically like this
>showfags/daenerysfags where dany is queen with jon snow as her prince albert and everything is fine they have a daughter named rhaella who is the heir and two sons named eddard and robb
>jonfags with his harem including val sansa arya myrcella arianne asha shireen margaery that is just porn
>jonsafags who write the same fic as danyfags but replace dany with sansa and jon is actually the king
>brienne self inserts with jaime relinquishing the white cloak and casterly rock to be her husband and have lots of children including one named tyrion and another named duncan
>the aegon vi and stannis duo unfinished fic
>rhaelicentfags who are probably the writers where queen ranny is lovers with her stepmother while everyone hates each other
>daemyrafags who have viserys marry daemon to rhaenyra (despite ranny being named heir to keep daemon away from the throne) and everything is perfect ranny has 10 children and is skinny daemon is content with being consort and he loves ranny with all his heart
>oc self inserts with exquisite names being married to aemond who's a misunderstood little guy who joins the blacks out of love for his wife (who is either genderbent luke named aemma, generic sister to vissy and daemon or cregan stark' sister)
Asoiaf fanfics are mostly romance and smut based.
Scary accurate…
>can't even conquer more than a kingdom of 5'6'' First Manlets wielding basic bronze and wearing furs
LMAO, even the Ironborn did better
This one is kino
It's a total AU where Ned lives and takes the black (which means neither the Red Wedding or the War of Five Kings happen), Jon never becomes the Night Watch Commander since he's now under Ned's shadow, Sansa marries Joffery and is in an abusive relationship with him where she fears Joffery will abandon her and their children for Margarery. On top all of this, you still have Melisandre, Littlefinger, Varys, and Euron scheming in the background + the threat of the walkers -- whom no one knows about now due to the butterfly effect of Jon never becoming a hero
>I like political intrigue.
Well that's going to be hard, but alas. There is two fanfics that I read that are more political focused.
>Reign of the Dragon Queen: Started before Fire & Blood, and HOTD were released. AU where Rhaenyra became Queen uncontested.
The early part of the fanfic is focused more on Rhaenyra and the Blacks, but the Greens appear more as the history goes on. It's pretty good, the characters aren't two dimensional, even the Greens have development and act more human (although I think Rhaenyra is more softened than her canon counterpart). After chapters 40-50 a Dance happens so there is its own share of action and it's one sided for either the Blacks or the Greens.
>The Reds and the Blues: AU where Viserys married Laena Velaryon instead of Alicent Hightower.
This one is pretty good too, it starts on Viserys marriage to Laena and goes through with the Stepstones War, Rhaenyra's marriage to Jason Lannister, their children and so it goes. It has 83 chapters, but I sadly found out that the author dropped it...but nonetheless it is still a good fanfic unlike most HOTD's
Are Ironborn Andals or First men or are they all squishers wearing Glamour?
Ironborn are most likely a First Men splinter that developed their own culture separate from the FM after finding and settling the Iron Islands, and found the Seastone Chair supposedly left by whoever or whatever inhabited the islands before.
That's the official version. My own theory is that that they are descendants of First Men, enslaved by the Fish People/Deep Ones/Squishers that inhabited the islands before them from which their entire Lovecraft knock-off religion comes from.
The idea that they used to be connected to the Westerlands (right around where the Banefort is) made way too much sense to me. It lines right up with Pyke, too.
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Frantic over the recent disappearance of his eldest two trueborn children, Ned invites the Leech Lord to investigate the disappearances.
The Ironborn have a weird mix of origin stories that seem to tell both sides of a conflict between the "people who crossed the sea" and the First Man people that inhabited the region.
Maybe they were part of the landmass but that doesn't matter much. I'm more interested in the references to fish people and how the Ironborn believe they descend from underwater people and their custom of raiding human lands for women to breed with
>he's here
>he’s here
>shes’s here
>they’re here
>we’re all here
Well who was first? Let's go over the possible events
>Traditional First Men Weirwood Worshippers inhabit lands
>Stories of the Drowned Gods servants taking over the land
>Stories of a Great King from across the Sunset Sea killing a giant Demon-Tree named Ygg and making a ship from its bones (which might be Nagas Ribs, the remains of a giant overturned-ship longhall except the ship was the Weirwood ship we are directly told of)
Did the Squishers come before the people that crossed the sea, or after? I'm tempted to say the people from across the sea and the squishers were one and the same, but then why would they need a ship?
>>the aegon vi and stannis duo unfinished fic
Link please

>who joins the blacks out of love
The most annoying shit, especially when it's not even about OC characters. Also no one blames Rhaenyra in particular for anything and if they do, they're wrong.
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>https://archiveofourown.org/works/50307409/chapters/127089976 Aegon wins the war and marries Baela after Rhaenyra's death.

>https://archiveofourown.org/works/58632895 Larys does what Otto should've done and grooms Aegon to be a decent king.

>https://archiveofourown.org/works/57943366/chapters/147502531 Helaena abuses her dragondreams to victory

Stannis the sorcerer fights against the dying of the light.


Jon squires under Stannis (no romance)

Here are the ones I can wholeheartedly suggest you read
>GRRM's writing about how feudal society oppressed women
They didn't even get that right, Alicent in the show should have much more power, you know, like in the books. She is Queen Dowager to a deadbeat son and basically ruled in her husband's stead for years. She wouldn't be the constant doe-eyed muh Rhaenrya and evil menz won't let me politic because she's already been doing it for a long time already. I hated it when Criston called her "former queen" or whatever. Stupid ass writing.
They could have showed how Helaena had been forced incredibly young into the role of mother and wife to her own brother and became unable to function as an actual person and queen, but no, more bugs and stupid prophecies. Not even saying they could have simply expanded on her book role and showed why she was so popular.
Same with Rhaenyra. Why is she the realm's delight in the show? Who knows, what would you have me do.
Baela escaping her maidenly pursuits? Nah, she's there to mother Jace or whatever. Rhaenys was utterly destroyed and so was Laena.
And anyway, GRRM didn't get it particularly right either, but at least he had some good ideas.
>Aegonsissy recs
No thanks.
>Stannis the sorcerer fights against the dying of the light.
>Jon squires under Stannis (no romance)
These one sounds really good. I'll check them out.
I'm reading, sounds good.
Thanks. Wait, is this that one fic that generated all the Aegon/Shireen fanarts?
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>if it matters, you complete me
Me on the left
>Well who was first?
Supposedly the Seastone Chair and whoever built it.
Thinking of what you (I think) mentioned about Pyke being joined to the Banefort made me think of one thing: The Arm of Dorne. Just like that was nuked into the seas by the Children of the Forest, so could have whatever was to the west of the Cape of Eagles and the Banefort.
So either the CotF lived "there" - that is, to the west of the Ironmen Bay - or some other people lived there that clashed with the Children. As for who these people were, I don't believe it was just normal people from Americos. Ironborn believe to come from under the sea and there are too many stories about fish people to be just humans, it would be underwhelming if they were.
Now, what I believe is that this fish people race clashed with the Children, like the story of the Grey King vs Ygg the Demon-Tree suggests, and the Children just sank them into the sea like with the Arm of Dorne.
Wether the Grey King was a Deep One or a squisher or a First Man is unclear so it's hard to set an order for those events. But Nagga was probably just a sea dragon controlled by Ygg, who sounds like a greenseer in a giant weirwood to me.

tranny faggot
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After three days of curry, I can finally alternate between roleplaying as Tywin onna shitter or Daenerys inna grass. It's not a good feel...
I liked the one that crossed over with Harry Potter, unironically
I forget it's name sadly. It's motto was something like
>Winter is Coming but Magic is Might
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>((((THEY)))) could be here, he thought
.>With a dragon you can go anywhere you want
Jon Snow's ending will be living with the wildings and fucking Val's blonde wildling princess pussy
Are you the anon that used to post about his constipation?
If so, it's a shame hearing your problems at the restroom haven't improved.
>do a Jon run in CK2, joining Stannis and taking Val as my wife
>less than a year in she cucks me with some wildling and gets pregnant with his child while I'm fighting the Others
Hated Val ever since
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What do the Rs in George R. R. Martin stand for?
Nah. Jon x Sansa > Jon x Val
George Rape. Rhaenyra. Martin
Rorge Rartin
Someone else. I have no problems in general, just the curry this time that did me head in.
George Raging Retard Martin
Why does GRRM write Sansa to have big tits at 13?

>A score or more of Walder Frey's sons and grandsons began to bang their cups again, shouting, "To bed! To bed! To bed with them!" Roslin had gone white. Catelyn wondered whether it was the prospect of losing her maidenhead that frightened the girl, or the bedding itself. With so many siblings, she was not like to be a stranger to the custom, but it was different when you were the one being bedded. On Catelyn's own wedding night, Jory Cassell had torn her gown in his haste to get her out of it, and drunken Desmond Grell kept apologizing for every bawdy joke, only to make another. When Lord Dustin had beheld her naked, he'd told Ned that her breasts were enough to make him wish he'd never been weaned. Poor man, she thought. He had ridden south with Ned, never to return. Catelyn wondered how many of the men here tonight would be dead before the year was done. Too many, I fear.
Also how big are Catelyn Stark's tits to produce that much horniness from a man?

We thinking a big 30 D cup or would Catelyn be able to make it to the 30 DD zone?
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The bedding ceremony is some cuckold shit, not even memeing. I don't know how any man could let nobles grope and strip their fucking wife on their wedding night. I'd be livid.
You don’t have a great understanding of band or cup sizes anon, but that’s pretty normal. Even most women don’t even know their real cup size. 30D or 30DD breasts are not big. If I had to put a cup size to nude Catelyn in the comic anon posted here she would be a 32H or around there somewhere.
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No u
This. Having the anticipation while you undress them taken away and given to a whole bunch of drunken retards groping and ogling would suck.
Keep posting and make him madder.

>jon stuck in a timeloop

>jon squires for stannis

>the only good rhaegar wins

>jaime takes the black

>robert's rebellion

>stannis and aegon team up

>king stannis after the rebellion

>robb is resurrected instead of catelyn

>robert survives the boar

>jon time travels
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You need Jesus.
Jace is my god
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He prefers "Prince".
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>play ck2 as Robb Stark
>restart a bunch to try different scenarios
>no matter what I do Hoster wants to marry Edmure with Dacey Mormont
Based but why? Is there a reason for this? Happens ever tiem
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A toast, to a STRONG Prince…
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Costuming really upped their game for the kids.
Love the double breasted leather coat this season, it’s so menacing. It’s tied for my favourite men’s costume from the show along with the storms end oilskin overcoat.
where is the best porn
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Reminds me of Jaime's.
>no bronn taking highgarden
Yeah the books point in a different direction, tyrion promises bronn double of whatever cersei can give him, so if cersei promises him a castle, tyrion would have to give him two, twin castles even.
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Exactly what I thought, that was probably my favourite men’s costume from GOT. Jaime’s seems to be thicker and more protective though, whereas Aemond wears his leather gambeson underneath. You can see it peeking out the top in pic related.
George is actually one of those fucks who against all odds live to 100 + years
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Your brother Aemond, whatever happened there...
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Yeah, with the fall... May the Seven rest his soul..
Anon's use of this song is an enduring mystery
I miss Jace and the anons who used to post about him.
It's not Jace's fault that themNyra is the main character, faggot. Every time he rightfully objects to her, the general audience like you with next to 0 critical thinking skills and no understanding of narrative cues, thinks he's wrong despite him being completely right.
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I was surprised when I looked it up and heard it, I was expecting something solemn and full of painful mutual yearning.
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That sword is bigger than I thought. It would be better if he used it instead of just holding it.
He should have cut his mother's head and usurp the throne.
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>the general audience like you with next to 0 critical thinking skills
Basically picrel.
>"These people are MONGRELS!"
>audience gasps
This feels like a long time ago.
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Not long enough
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>How does it feel knowing I drove away your disgusting tranny ilk
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Sweetness, this party can get real lit if you want it to.
Everything feels so long ago here.
>instead of betraying Rhaenyra for pure power and "Aegon did it, why can't I?" Ulf and Hugh Hammer will switch sides because Jace was mean to them
I don’t think that anon actually is a woman anon they were taking the piss.
women are everywhere
Yes but that anon has said multiple times that he’s “not gay”.
It's really catchy though.
>ships helena with green men despite them making her life worst it’s their self insert
Mental illness
I kek'd at the "even the slavers" bit
I bet you gave the Nigerian prince money
The majority of the femanons we had when the season was airing are unironically gone, he was the one to scare them away.
Anyone who says they're a girl and doesn't show tits IS NOT WOMAN ITS A TRANNY
The "cute and canon" Viserys x Daemon anon is a fujoshi woman and she still posts here. There's also the Aemond phoneposter who is also a woman and she's also here. There's still one anon who likes Helaena and Jaehaera and she posts here sometimes, I think she's also a woman because she always brings twitter drama here. The femanons who used to post about Aemond x Helaena are gone. The femanons who used to post about Jace x Baela are also gone. Many Aegon x Helaena shippers are also not here anymore except for one femanon who posts once in a while about them. The shippers were definitely women.
Well you don’t have to worry about it because they are gone regardless of what they were.
>The shippers were definitely women.
There was one male Aemond x Helaena shipper who likes Helaena and self inserts as Aemond. He posted Luma ai vids a lot.
I know about that Helaemond anon who self-inserts as Aemond,p and hates everyone else who is shipped with Helaena, there were a few exceptions like him but most of the shippers were women.
they're all dudes
He’s the one that used to rile up all the Helaegon shippers constantly by saying Aemond was going to cuck Aegon and sire Maelor. Maybe Gurms blogpost about Maelor not being in the show finally broke him…
The real question here is if the Luke/Rhaenyra mommyson pedo is a woman or not.
You wish. Most of the shippers who were posting here during the season were women, it was easy to tell based on their writing and some of them admitted it too. I remember there was a lesbian who liked Aegon and she said that Aegon turned her bisexual and because of him she also likes men.
Yes I remember. Funny times.
It’s a man 100%. No woman would talk about wanting to “cuck” Jace and Jaceposters by shipping Luke and Rhaenyra together. I’ve never seen a woman say “cuck” outside of quoting a man.
I wouldn't be surprised because many women, especially those who hate men, write fanfics about cuckolding, it's one of their kinks.
He said he's a guy who hates fags so he ships Luke with Rhaenyra to piss them off. I don't really believe it because it seems that he's really into that ship and not because he wants to annoy others.
ok cuck
Yeah I don’t believe he was doing it to piss off the jaceposters either, but I don’t doubt that he hates them for whatever reason. He said something like he “didn’t think he was being obnoxious about it” (posting “SS” content) which would imply he enjoys it and wants to share it but is now worried he was in fact being obnoxious about it.
Wouldn’t that be more from a lesbian perspective though? That the woman is cucking a guy by having sex with his wife sort of thing?
there is something about season 8 arya that makes her fuckable, I don't know what
The middle of the week after the episode aired was the comfiest of posting.
Good old days without triggered fags who were acting like jannies or "filter anons".
Cabin fever but the gen is the cabin.
I started reading the Jaime joins the Night's Watch one and it's already pure kino. Unironically better than the piece of shit that was Dance.
>post-season 8 AU, surprisingly well-done smutty Theon x Sansa, for the bold and adventurous; takes a while to get to the sex, though
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Severely woman-brained dudes, mayhaps.
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Comic? Link?
>Daeron, little cancer patient, had a belly that wobbled when he walked and a gunt
>Daemon though... Daemon had rock hard washboard abs and an adonis belt
>Daeron had a freakishly huge head pinned to a anemic straw-like neck that wobbled in tandem with his belly, and his scalp was ill-covered in prematurely gray and thining hair, his eyes were half lidded at all times, weak, and full of water
>Daemon had a mane of silken hair and eyes that could see for ten thousand miles!
Because she's an unmarried heir to a title, meaning that his dynasty will directly obtain land through the marriage, and she's in the court of someone of a different dynasty, meaning that they don't have to marry matrilineal. The game's coding figures that makes her the most eligible bachelorette in the realm.
I am guessing he means this

It is from a comic adaptation of A Game of Thrones. There is also a sequel for A Clash of Kings. You can find them easily enough if you are interested.
I haven't played CK2 for a long time but, from what I remember from the mod don't they disinherit female characters set to inherit if they do not marry materially? I remember there being something that if you normal marriage Arianne Martell then she gets disinherited as to not inherit Sunspear.
Not to out myself as a cup size autist or anything, but those are definitely Ds, maybe Es. Certainly not Hs.
When I read the main books, I always saw Cersei as being the bustiest in AGoT, and Sansa being on the way to surpassing Catelyn by the time of AFFC.
Remember the anon who used to spam pictures of soiboy Daemon? Where is that anon now?
George sent goons to break his legs and fingers.
Yeah the mod has a bunch of checks to prevent dynasties from dying out and losing their titles, like disinheriting normally married female heirs, breaking normal betrothals and marrying them matrilineally to someone else at random and an event that makes characters adopt the traditional dynasty of a realm if they inherit it from them.
The AI is unchanged though, so they don't take any of that into account, they still just try to marry whoever the code tells them is the best bride.
>I miss Jace and the anons who used to post about him.
I drove them all away because the mentally ill freaks can't handle being told to kill themselves, how does this make you feel, faggot
That was Ser Criston. He has stopped posting.
D’s on their own are not one universal cup size, a D cup looks completely different depending on the band size. 12D has the volume of cup size as a 10DD, 14C, 16B and 18A. So 30D is tiny because it’s a small band size.
Yes. The author was a rich fuck who commissioned more fanarts for his fanfic than writing it. Plenty of FAegon fanarts posted here are from that specific fanfiction
This is anons estimate of a 30D cup size.
Vs a 32G.
Ronald ruel
Book Catelyn doesn't strike me as having a small band size.
That’s what anon said he thinks she is, I’m just showing him what it actually looks like. Most slim women are a 32-34, 30 is very slim. She’d be a 32-34 most likely.
This is a 34D and it’s still nowhere near the size of her boobs in the comic.
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Which ASOIAF characters would sacrifice their most beloved to gain immense power?

What moments would they do it at?

I think Tyrion might be willing to sacrifice Jaime at a certain point.
It’s all aliens, anon.

The magic/seasons/prophecy is all being orchestrated by *something*.
How is this show more popular than Amazon's RoP even weeks after its finale while RoP is still airing? What the fuck Bezos?
Autism containment general
Ain’t no one watchin that shit

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