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Total Betty Love edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• It's pink
• Bex is doing a hostile takeover of MDE
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei has been banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen has has lost 5 pounds and has taken up drinking again
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203601254
Thank you for keeping the news section intact.
Betty is female Cryo
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Kill yourself pedophile
Cryo ranked Betty as one of his top 4 sexiest fishtankers.
They should date. I hope Betty gives him aids.
whenever the new thread is a shitty picture i just skip it see you guys on the next one thanks for the break
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he lives in a real nice part of the country. it's isolated and you need a ferry to get in and out. it could be nice.
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All fucking Bettypedos must fucking hang
Matthew Carey is a pedophile, Caleb Sovic is a sex trafficker, & Januki is a rapist
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All Bettychads deserve happiness
this thread was made first so let's finish it first so we can maintain order in this chaotic world
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For me, it's these girls.
kys claire
kys bettypedo
War between evil Poncho and good Poncho
Franks gf bailed him out of jail
still funny that that bitch Taylor though she would just say
>he cheated or something
and everyone would believe it and blame TJ but she didn't get away with it.
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Can't sleep
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Summer just ended :(
Winter soon >:D
why are the cute ones always so crazy?
Hoarderman fucks Jimmy that's why he hasn't reported the abuse.
Smells like piss in here
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Amazing to see the dip in the mood on the main fishtank site since they started hosting streamers
They should have put Bloodgames on a loop to keep the subscribers entertained.
A random moment from there is better than any of these grim streamers
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That smile.
That damned smile.
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the amazing benjamin taylor from fishtank.live
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take me back
I live in the city, everything always smells like piss always.
she's so fucking hot
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Did someone order kino?
Dave is very relatable
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Betty is over hated and it's boring atp
kys pedos
Men Of India Stand With Betty And Summer
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ScottSullivanMMA from fishtank.live!
The Dark Taytriots have your back, India.
post scott sullivan mma truth bombs
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Abi said in her stream today that she hates 4chan and anyone who posts here :(
What the fuck is a dark taytriot?
Bitty thread no thank ye
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Oh ya? well the vent in ceiling is all fucked up! take that bitch!
Bettyfags are more despised than blacked Betty atp desu
Who is this beautiful boney tranny?
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I'm tired of pretending like The Cell wasn't the best content they've put out in years.
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>Tai Na-goy-en
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Firewater make me not feel sad...
Bettyfags are also over hated and it's boring atp
adenosine triphosphate?
Woooo! Letty!
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He won......
What happened to her. What did you do to her?
none of these people have done a days worth of manual labor in their lives.
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"I know she fat"
Why haven't they brought him back?
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Letty has
why would she say that to claire
Why did they opt against archiving Bloodgames?
Seems like an enormous loss to save just a little money.
Bloodgames Xavier was great. I liked him on Bitchtank but it kind of hurt the character overall.
who has the feef vomit clip? season 2 legitimately gave me a vomit fetish and the feef clip made me diamonds
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What was he thinking
Because clips exist and Xavier is releasing a Xavier cut, no need for an archive
they need to let xavier do shit like this for him to work
i hope he's in the works for a new character to debut in season 3
he should just come up with a million characters for every situation like the master of disguise or something
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Xavier? Probably something like "Sam was right these people are fucking retarded"
Josie news?
shes a kike jew whore.
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jet neptune dies today
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jet. are you proud of this?
that this is your work?
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>so tj tell me about the best years of your life
>what did you spend your days doing?
Big Teej:
Has anything happened with Oddbod outside the Jacob seething?
She's 23
thread made by literal faggots. no thanks.
just watch out for them, they have connections with Mephisto/his goons, were responsible for Jordan being reported as the Trump shooter and are into blood magic, don't get mixed up with them
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In S1 Betty showing her boobs to the camera provoked such a reaction that Sam took her upstairs and admonished her.
Now Fishtank is streaming cock and balls and asshole
Sam has always been kind of a fag.
Sam said the same thing to Airsoftfatty during S1
Is it true that steinful and Josie are dating, saw that on bant and wanted to ask here, since it came from these threads.
Is there any proof?
smells like piss in here
anything that didn’t made it in the directors cut, is gone from existence
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you're all worse than capeshit niggers
Looking back, Bloodgames was much better than Hunger Games. The only good bits in Hunger Games were the bus ride and when Letty got Killed by the Koreans.
Is this a safe space for black men?
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I only come into these threads to shitpost. Characters I recognize by name are Sam/Jet/Josie, and I guess that fat guy who they only call the fat guy? Airsoft something?. Everyone else is a literal who to me. I don't care.
How are there that many people liking Scott's posts?
Where are you faggots?? Why is everyone so quiet?
>he doesn't know
The fishtank AI chatbot is down. You really think the majority of posts in these threads are organic? lol
It's been extra slow these last 2 days
You may not like it but Fishtank NEEDS lolcows to be entertaining. If season 1 didn't have AirsoftFatty we wouldnt even be posting in this thread right now.
how drunk are you right now benleaks?
homie found some funny pills in his mom's purse tonight

Let's not make anymore threads after this. Things have gotten too cringe and weirdpilled.
i watched s1, s2, 2.5 and occasionally checked in on the post 2.5 stuff and i feel like ive completely lost any connection to the community. i dont even know who is who or what is going on ITT's anymore.
what the fuck is this I haven't watched since season 2
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evening all, how we doin
Artist guys what exactly are we memorizing here
it's the new content that all the regular /ftl/ posters love.
this is a freedom llama, i think >>203615409
>i feel like ive completely lost any connection to the community. i dont even know who is who or what is going on ITT's anymore.

I think that all the normal posters have left
It's just a bunch of bitter psychos who stalk each other, complain about simps and don't even bake threads
Hopefully things will change when S3 starts
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umm i'm still here and i'm super normal and cool. i'll ALWAYS be here
get a job.
Things are grim and fucked now. Time to find a new community.
I follow the community regularly and sometimes even I dont know what the fuck is going on
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joel update
- Trying trump full gear in sf all the time 20subs by socdo
-Take to the golden gate bridge 20subs by socdo
- Dip in the ocean at aquatic park 20subs by
- Go to gaybar wearing shirt and diaper 20subs by
Joel need to complete 5 challenges,
so he can move to the next city!
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i not only have MANY side hustles online, i'm also a uni student. i'm so busy being awesome these are the only hours i can afford to give you
These threads aren’t fun anymore. It’s the absolute worst of the fanbase and kiwifarms freaks. Mods why are these threads still here? This shit is dead. There is no show. Why are there 2 fucking threads up?
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let's take a quick homemade pickle brine swig and work this out, bro
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sam pepper is the light at the end of the tunnel, hopefully we can convert this to a sam pepper general like it should be
Most of us are in the dark taytriot discord making plans for the recruitment party
Bloodgames was the best season of the show period. It had actual funny people behind the scenes (Xavier, Goblin, Soda Man, etc) and not just a few wiggers in a basement.
The Cell was better.
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>Bloodgames was much better than Hunger Games.
This is because 2.5 was scripted with preplanned content for each day while Hunger Games was 100% contest and one that was hobbled by the extreme heat just sapping everyone's energy. When Ice and Fousey were goofing off and screwing with idiots like Shoovy it was hilarious as fuck.
The Cell was an audition for bloodgames. You count it as a whole.
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how is it an audition for an event show that preceded it?
honestly, blood games totally mogs hunger games. sure, hunger games has that intense, gritty survival vibe, but blood games takes it to another level. it's got foam swords, magic spells, and fireballs. way more imaginative and fun. you've got vampires and epic fantasy elements mixed in with clever roleplaying that requires a bit of brainpower to really appreciate. the fail RP safe words add a hilarious touch that shows it's all in good fun. icetards just won't get it. they're stuck on the surface while blood games is playing 4D chess with fantasy. plus, after all the excitement, everyone chills with pizza and laughs about the wildest moments. it's a full experience.
Wasn’t the cell with cryokeen and oddbod? It was to see who would get in the show. Wiggertank was not “the cell”
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Why is that one guy still saying “hi Mike” in every thread? Wasn’t Mike a majority reason why blood games was so good? Why is he being seethed at endlessly by one anon?
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>why blood games was so good
what planet are u living on
People in these threads unironically think people from the show post here even though no one from the show ever has (besides maybe Shadi?)
1>Bloodgames>2>Bitchtank is the accepted rating anon
Is anyone else genuinely worried 3 will be the end for Fish tank? Like there’s no way they made money from any of this shit and I feel like everyones checked out
i hope it is
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lupka update:
she cant find cigarette
I honestly don’t even think season 3 is happening anymore, at least not for months
thank fuck
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Off topic bullshit
Since when is a gay porn stream allowed on /tv/?
im only hear for jets manbaby meltdown when sam inevitably fires him for burning his money
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i'm worried the reason i've felt so good but kind lethargic lately is a hint of fent in my stims that's not detectable with these free test kits
Last I checked they never sold the house and Sam has abandoned them artistically. It seems all the people that worked on 2.5 left to do their own projects so we’re back with the wiggers and wiggers only. Jet has also said they’re turning off tts for the first two weeks or something along those lines (boiling the frog) on top of it being a lore wipe.
If he's real about turning off TTS then I'll probably just get bored and forget to come back when it's on
the cell was Dave, Letty, Oddbod, and Claire. Zoltar was there as well, along with Nifty.
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I think he meant heavily censoring it and turning it off at night. Aka boring as fuck.
Jacob posted here. Bliccy made a Twitter post earlier implying she reads the threads from time to time.
Wow it’s gonna suck so bad that I can’t hear the based pol words starting the first second of the show this is worse than 1984 this is gonna be the holocaust of content
Seething TJcell doing the 4chan “everyone I don’t like is [insert name]” because Taylor flirted with Mike. I’m pretty sure he’s completely irrelevant to fishtank at this point because he’s a game developer of some kind. Don’t look too deep into it.
Yeah I don't see why I'd watch this over BB or any other show in that case
I meant actual heavy hitters from the show. Jet and Fatty and Mike (or whoever it is now) aren’t fucking posting here arguing with TJmaxxers lmao it’s delusional
I wonder if Jet will drop some Sam dirt if he gets fired
>2 weeks of nothing happening
A few of you are sounding like 1488 Tayleigh right now
Greenshark is the only confirmed TJseether
I didn’t know the frog being boiled knew how to pass a captcha
They are doing the exact same thing they did in s1. In s2 they let trough "1488 sieg heil faggot hitler nigger" tts is the fact that they were already fans.
funny how he came out on top lol
they get diddled when they're young and this disrupts their development
I have no idea who greenshark is, I’m talking about people who were involved or directly part of the show in a large capacity have never posted here
Hi Mike
>random whore hates a greek pole vaulting board
oh noooooooooooo, how will we recover?!
why is she crying bros
Seems like very few who know of him likes his posts
You hecking got me anon, it’s even funnier the 10,000th time!
She has to jingle keys and act like a toddler for fat virgins for the rest of her life
hitting the Galaxy Gas giggling like a mfer every time I post it
>herpes wart on her tongue
In season 1 it wasn’t heavily censored, they just couldnt plot snitch or say lettys name. Do you forget all the mauro TTS going through calling him gay?
You’re the only person who finds it funny so that’s good for you I guess. Hopefully you don’t become a quadripelegic
So is Creature just a 30 year old guy trapped in an alt girls body? What the FUCK is going on with her room?
oof. She needs to find a husband fast
>caring about the opinions of some ugly coalburner
She read all the shrekican comments kek dumb coal burner whore
Jet comes here sometimes to cope when he's blasted off nitrous
Dumb the whole car smells like foot now
This has never happened, no one from the show posts here. Unfunny faggots have been doing it since season 1
DUMB BITCH*** ooopsie
I didn't say he puts on his name or trip dumb nigger faggot
Neither did I, I’m saying it’s literally never happened and it’s just unfunny faggots saying “hi [insert name]” they were doing it in season 1
17 Days>>203616027
I didn't say he announced himself either you DNF
Why do wypipo boil dey frawgs but don’t warsh they chicken?
nobody but twitter fags and parasocial incels like this show, the novelty has worn off and everyone sane has moved on. then there's people like me who just want to seethe at jet for all the wasted potential.
Why would people involved with the show come here? Like you really think the creator of fishtank is gonna come and shoot the shit here with fucking freaks from kiwifarms? Get a grip faggot
You're an extreme DNF I'm done with this conversation
I have no idea what a dnf is, is this zoomertroon speak?
how did we get here?

The raped
The calibur of people who watch this show is bad enough. Those who obsess over it are literal incels, freaks, troons, and social rejects. Just read these threads lately.
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Cryo Keen cryo keen cyro k3en crying keen
Cryo cryo keen keen keen cryo keen cryo keen

Good morning love are you ready to go see the hills with me?
TTS wasnt even on for the first week.
I’m not cryokeen you fucking faggot, he is one of the people I’m talking about
Weird gags
4th wall breaks
Comedy bits

What is best? What is worst?
Bruh Sam dirt is already all over the internet lol. I’ve read most of it the bad and the really bad and would still hang out with him.
>would still hang out with him?
Why, guy is a massive faggot
Fuck it didnt work these threads are still up
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TTS was turned off immediately because it was auto approved and doxed Letty immediately plus 3-5 TTS would play at the same time because there was no queuing system.
Satanic Ritual probably. Everyone that involves themselves with fishtank gets their lives ruined in one way or another
That was due to technical difficulties and Letty being doxed. By the time it was on Simmons was outed
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Bitty are you fitted?
Bitty are you fitted?
Are you fitted bitty?
Bitty are you fitted?
Bitty are you fitted?
Are you fitted bitty
Bitty are you fitted?
Bitty are you fitted?
Are you fitted bitty
You've been hit by
You've been struck by
A dumbass whippit gang
Lawsuit Letty sends her regards
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He's calling you a dumb nigger faggot (DNF)
That's only because her shit talking claire got leaked here, normally she lurks here and posts sometimes
Sam would probably call you a faggot behind your back and act insulted that one of his fans think he's their actual friend. He's a douchey narcissistic Jew. Fuck Sam. Fuck him right in the big purp.
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>id still hang out with a guy who begged a tranny to let him jerk off at their feet
nigga u gay
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I ejaculated 4 times in 4 hours

Am i some kind of.. super God?
good work with the romanian bliccyposting today, chaps that was quite enjoyable
you are a super human failure, cryo
10 hours
Anyone else see Jet call that guy a junky on twitter? Isn’t he a pillhead whippet abuser?
It's possible to do drugs and not be a junkie
Jet is 100% a junky
It's not a joke, I really want her to visit my village it's actually beautiful
It's a Junkie Show
Do you even live close to the Tate mansion?
My life would be so much better if I was a Peter Thiel psyop.
I dont know if mauro or jimmy are enjoying it more
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>I flee to Russia far away from jets jurisdiction

Episodes status?
>episodes status?
Who cares?
Where is their mansion?
So Letty is STILL in New England? What has she been doing this whole time? And who's paying for it?
Episodes status are raped
"Outskirts of Bucharest" whatever that means
I guess I'll have to walk thousands of miles to bring her my village's best cows...
I am sure she would really appreciate that

Maybe bring some cheese with you too
I will show her the paintings of my village.
>who's paying for it
men. who else.
you do see the pictures she posts, right?
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>You will never rub belly oil on 8 months pregnant fishtank girl in loving tenderness as the father of her children.
Who will be the next fishtank girl to get pregnant and not abort their child?
I don't know if she enjoys paintings but I know she enjoys cheese
Cheese will expire on the trip, cows and paintings will not. The cow milk can be cheese.
why can't they just let it happen naturally? also WHY ISNT THAT MEEEE
Now this is becoming overcomplicated
Where is summer when you need her
>Fucks Josie every night instead of working on fishtank episodes
Women ruin everything
I didn't need to see this today.I spent about 3 hours watching a Japanese girl vlog and now i want to kill myself.
why do you come here every day and still act like you hate the show
most of us don't hate the show we're just para-socially attached and well 16 days until Season 3, is that gonna happen?
We are all bdp or shizo
What show? You mean the gay nontent autistic kick.com?

>They blocked the gay twerk webm
I like the show and what it could be, I just hate Jet deeply.
Is she cute
The hate IS the show.
It seems that you ftl on /tv/ is dying, this thread has lasted 12 hours.
We like it that way, nothing really happened in the extended fishtankverse today anyway.
People don't like to post in Betty threads
Betty thread is still an ftl thread newfag
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I like the feeling of having an imaginary friend group of a growing number of guys and girls that all know about each other each with their own struggles and challenges. The people are real but my connection to them is fake, but yet they all become aware of the things that are said about them here as if we are a part of their subconscious mind bubbling into awareness. I hate the show, but I like this.
If we didn't post in a thread because someone we dislike was in the image we'd post maybe every 4th or 5th thread max

Get over it
Add these women related to kalei? They look kind of like her

Or is it just a Kentucky phenotype ?
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Forgot pic
Yeah it was this video that set me off she will never make me onigiri :-(

Just go to Asia if you're tall(ish) skinny and white you're gonna get laid
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>I didn't need to see this today
Maybe you did? The way these threads push me over the edge into longing for more out of life is why I like them. It’s only a start but the way these threads and fish steams play with my mind have motivated me to cut my long TJ hair and go to the gym almost every single day since early August. Overall I’m feeling more positive and in control of my life like good things will continue to accelerate the more I give and receive the good things in life more freely with everyone I can. Love and life is a beautiful phrase that came out of these threads. As dark as they can be I believe the good will win.
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The lovely JC
Just a common phenotype of the Scots Irish who founded the towns of the Appalachians
They're not cousins or related at all?
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I miss her already
I don’t think so. Maybe 6th cousins or something.
It's not about the sex.

Yeah love and life must prevail.
Fuck my nigger life
Its weird to me that the normie kpop dancer who quit early on s2 is streaming on the site
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She's among her people
I wish she stayed longer I don't know what they were thinking going so hard on them that first week
The grand prize should be 50K but they need to give away at least 1000 dollars a day to keep the contestants engaged. Or maybe there should be a 5K challenge every week up to the finale? They need to expand the prize pool if they want to keep good contestants and motivate people. Might also lead to a higher quality of freeloader too.
In s1 the 500 dollar miniprizes which you can only get if you dont quit were a good idea and kept contestants motivated.
>test kit
just fucking say meth dude your not fooling anybody. and yes there is fent in meth now, or its not meth at all and just some msg re rock with chinese rc stims
They didn't stick to that though, quitters still got to keep their cash. I don't disagree with that, maybe make them give up half the cash and return it to the prize pool if they quit?
mentally ill trannies

get the fuck off my board
Quitters lose all and cash goes to prize pool
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>Yeah love and life must prevail
It always will if you choose it. That’s what doomers don’t want you to know. Choosing to be in the flow of giving and receiving positive things generously always leads to a better outcome. Just look at Jon. He’s fucking retarded but always trying to be in a flow of trying and doing new things with new people. his failures become positive opportunities. This is the great lesson of ftl and fishtank that even jet ineptitude can’t fuck up
What a load of bullshit you don't know what you're talking about
megan bitchell for season 3

Wasnt Mauro the only actual contestant who quit? Imo freeloaders should come and go as they please and keep their winnings since they are just filler people.
Holy fucking fishtank.
Yeah using Jon as your example tells me you’re full of shit
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fuck off, coomer
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Have it your way anon. Spiral in doomer mentality for another year. Maybe then you’ll be at rock bottom and forced to make a change to save your life. Or you could make a change of direction now and not waste another year digging yourself into a deeper hole.
namaste, faggot
maybe go blogpost like this on kiwifarms and save them too
What doomer mentality? I’m not a loser like you that uses fishtank to enact change in my life, let alone using fucking Jon as my example kek
I would fill Rata with so much cum it would defy physics
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Ftl is the center of the battle of hate and love. You’re getting dragged kicking and screaming into not hating yourself and there’s nothing you can do about it.
>They blocked the gay twerk webm
I thought "emily" and sam love that sort of faggot shit and love to be associated with it publicly
Art Music Culture Love and Life The Fight™
I’m doing ok but I won’t fight something like that. Why is Jon your example though? He’s a scumbag.
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Because that’s the pic I saw first on my phone. You can have all sorts of very shitty faults and still take advantage of the flow of love and life. It’s the choice between making your works smaller or larger.
Well said, man. I take it all back.
Was this Jet's humiliation ritual?
Get a skill.
tell me a single good reason to have male contestants
Did you watch Bitchtank?
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Greg is the white Sinbad
viewers too depraved
They did this and fucked up fishtank nearly beyond repair. Bitchtank was a huge mistake.
Ok so who is this woman, whats going on and do I need to watch your show now? Are these threads finally paying off? Was that so hard?
>Season 2 but all the guys get replaced with the Bitchtank cast
it's over 4 fishtank
fishtank but all the males are femboys
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>t. Jet Neptune two months ago
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Creature got a skill! She hates it, but I’m sure it’s better than doing retail or waitressing. She wants to do something in broadcasting production or old school radio DJing. Please hit her up if you have any leads in Florida.
>broadcasting production or old school radio DJing.
this is dead
your first good idea, Jet. follow through for once.
Gay, if all the females were tomboys however..
at least it wasn't a failure because it has its own cult like audience, but the people from that season have actively ruined the fishtank sphere , bitchtank came with a goodside but ultimate downside
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He's already working on the cast.
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Just in that general direction anon. Believe in creature.
Anybody going to Sam's standup?
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>if all the females were tomboys however..

I like the way you think anon
Don't what? I can't get over her seriously. And this is the only picture I've seen. This woman is important.
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Yeah lets have 10 tayleighs in the tank
Dog grooming is not a bad job, she just needs to be in business for herself and not working for someone else and she'd bet getting $50+ an hour easily. You really need to be based in a wealthy area to really make it big time.

I don't know if creature is the type of person to want to take on the paperwork and responsibility of having her own business, she might not be.
Screen printing my mark E shirt right now and I already finished my big purp poster.
See you boys there
the worse downside is that it diluted the fishtank brand by coming too quickly after season 2.5 while not being good at all. bloodgames was already pushing it but bitchtank tired out even the diehard fans, while the casual fans are now less inclined to check out season 3 because of the deluge of bad, low effort content. it never should have gone any further than the cell.
A sane and reasonable response in /ftl/? What in the world..
there's a difference between tomboys and dykes.
>because of the deluge of bad, low effort content
this was always the case for fishtank from season 1 tho
we're really splitting hairs here
she's fucking steinfu or something.
I enjoyed the mini seasons more than the main ones. Maybe because they dropped the pretense that it's supposed to be good
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>I don't know if creature is the type of person to want to take on the paperwork and responsibility of having her own business
>literally no proof to this
josiecel headcanon is insane. LMFAO
its literally a /tv/ ftl meme
>bitchtank tired out even the diehard fans,
because they managed 2 make the same mistake they made during season 2 of kicking/eliminating the most popular contestant, but unlike season 2 they didn't have an interesting plotline 2 fall back on (actors/attic) that makes the show interesting , and the fans weren't sent home happy anyways because The haleygang story didn't get an actual proper ending , they just threw her a bone because she was the 2nd most popular through gaslighting
you can't prove otherwise
stay mad, stay pressed
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>15 hour /ftl/ thread
it's over
>bitchtank was bad because claire didn't win
you fags beyond help.
Quality doesn’t matter, each season has less viewers. The simple fact is season 2 was too soon after season 1.
Is there a replacement for Craigslist yet? I want to suck a random guy's dick dude. And I don't want to pay for some website's membership or anything.
Cole quit
/bant/ is waiting for you
retvrn to tradition
Season 2 was on track to be even better than season 1 before they revealed they were all nu-mde plants, Jet.
You fucked up and it wasn't because it was too soon after S1.
>imploding the first week
>some of the contestants are aware of what happens and tries to "be in" on the jokes and bits
>others actively try to derail them
Among other bullshit
you need to go back nigger
jesus settle down already sam, you have a kid for god's sake.
Season 2 had less people watching from the start.
The site was also basically unusable for the first few days.
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the fan reveal wasn't remotely as bad as you guys are making it out 2 be.
Yeah it absolutely was, Ben. It feels like you only watched S2 live and S1 through clips by the way you act.
The drop off in viewership says otherwise.
It wasn’t! I didn’t care about some fakeout bullshit anyway.
>Am I fitting in yet
I could tell from the start. Both season 1 and 2.
We've been over this for a year now, it didn't matter if they were fans on season 1 because even if they were they didn't know what they were getting in to, it's that simple.
what's next in line for jet neptunes illustrious career?
viewership on day 1
views on day 15 (weeks past le evil season ruining fan reveal)
bitty im fitted (chopped and screwed)
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Can we do a spin off Tank? Fishtank PNW? Fishtank LA? Fishtank Southern Bukkake Edition?
>website not working
>sam in the house and probably told twitter people to tune in
cherry picking doesn't cut it when describing what you're doing.
looks like random downtown in season 1 instead of the 13k+ like usual
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only bukkake fishtoy can save the tank
jet get on it
unconditional love and marriage with Creature giving her the life she desires and deserves
All the cool kids left these threads months ago. All that remain are a bunch of unfunny Kiwi freaks and Benleaks KEK
there was one where they bumped it up to around 32k lol
I'm still cool
barely anyone wants two seasons in under 12 months. fucking no one wants 3 seasons in under 18 months.
>sam again
shes in Canada, can you stfu
They gotta churn out those 10 seasons for the investors somehow
Group therapy was great
this is too real. but claire is finally live again so it's fine
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Claire is taking Buzzfeed quizzes. Get in there!
Didn't say it wasn't. As far as the webm goes that was during the time vance handed out scripts to the fish so they could "act" during his daytime shift.
I thought it was funny as hell because everyone was claiming they were actors and it just proved none of them could act to save their life. Missed by a lot, sadly.
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jet feels like he needs to show sam he's constantly busy and working on something.
its literally just work for works sake.
someone record clairestream pls
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the beautiful ck, stasis until S3 edition.
It's boring as fuck
get a job bitch
Violent consensual sex with Betty
This was from when they had that crazy long lubecooch group therapy session that sucked. It was the same day though.
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I'm on it.
hisocarl is a cringe negging nigger
tsar bomba truth nuke
tbf these faggots kept persisting something be done about tj with no definitive proof
very perverse group of seethers imo
at least they've mostly moved onto keegan and taylor now
The women seem to get this immediately, they can tell he's a fatherless pussy that can be taken advantage of right away.
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They still seethe to this very day
14 haley adams apple
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I worded that poorly, I meant the webm you posted was chats reaction to the group therapy.
Betty needs to be fucked doggy standing while her little bitties are being squeezed while she moans.
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excellent thank you
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very true
they should've kept tts on for this group, because this was like the third group where they just blamed tj 4 everything while he couldn't defend himself and only Trish could
>the outfit from the bbc video
Many are saying this
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This one in particular was infuriating to watch
Screenshots of the fishes desktops is the most insightful thing about their streams
new >>203623006

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