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HOH: [spoilers]Leah[/spoilers]
POV: [spoilers]Angela, Leah (Jankie POV)[/spoilers]
NOMS: [spoilers]Kimo, Rubina[/spoilers]

previously on /bb/: >>203585150
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let this one die, i fucked up the spoilers
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i'm sorry for being retarded and messing up the new thread, anons. please forgive me
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She’s psycho. Literally the woman Caleb
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Is there a problem Chelsie?
Didn't T'Kor say she was going to call out Angela at the veto ceremony? Or was that before Angela won veto? kek
It's super funny watching an otherwise solid player ruin her game over a goddamn 4th grade crush.
T'Kor is always dreaming about having a bad bitch girlboss moment but never acts on it
beast mode cowgirl Chelga
it'll probably actually help her though because i doubt she will ever actually turn on Cam but now the house thinks she hates his guts
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thanks for the thread op! don't worry about the spoilers, it happens :)
hopefully by the time they're done with veto it'll be time for a new thread anyway

i wonder what joseph would think if he saw that photo
Thought it was Mak and Cam kissing at first and my heart dropped
True but it's also pushing big mak away and she seems like a much more solid ally.
do you guys think it really looks like a flower?
would be kino if it pushes Mak to be more with Angela and Leah because they might possibly have Kimo after the veto.
depends on the flower. i've seen some crazy looking flowers in my day
sots bros….
leah re-enacting platoon
I did it the first time I tried myself kek no worries
It’s spoiler only in bracket not spoilers to be clear
have they still not done the veto ceremony?
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right, i realized my mistake immediately. i've made so many of the threads so i don't know what i was thinking
Nope. Maybe at this point they're waiting for the sun to completely set for the edit
>I consent
>I consent
>I don’t!
What were they saying about him? I know Angela was accusing him of sabotaging her in a comp in the second week or whatever
J-A-N-K-I-E Jankie Jankie you love me
J-A-N-K-I-E Jankie Jankie let's party
ice cream dancing, so much fun
Jankie Jankie number one
candy pizza never ends
Jankie Jankie our best friend
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how do people still don't know about ctrl+s
Imagine Angela yelling at T'Kor like she did Matt.

She would self evict.
making fun of him for saying he threw the wall
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Leah practicing telling T'Kor that she is the renom
Damn lil leah looking plump
And that's a good thing
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How long will it take for them to want to hang in the backyard again after they're let inside?
27 year old incel lol
Chelga Seething
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I just remembered that Cam essentially admitted that he had a wet dream about Leah and told her kek. He's changed his game quite a bit since the first couple weeks
sex with princess little leah in jankie world
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why doesnt cam love us?
she's only ever kissed one person
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Don't forget Bayleigh's little bundle of joy in the jury house!
probably like a day at most. Not seeing the sun even through a window fucks you up and it sounds like from everything I've heard over the years the indoor airflow is mostly circulating the same air. One of my forever /bb/ favs is when an outsider comes into the house any time after final 9/8 and describes how awful the house smells. Especially in a recruit-filled world where most of these people seem to be non-functional humans if they don't have a Sam/Leah/Mak/Dud to cook, clean, yell at others to clean, that house gets nasty fast.
it must be pretty musty in there because cbs has never deep cleaned that house/set and it's closed up/used for storage the rest of the year with no air
they must be waiting for it to be night time at this point
The funniest part of this delay is how they woke them up last week and immediately did veto before Quinncel could even defend himself kek
I wish the backyard was closed more often honestly. I love watching them get stir crazy and start schizoing out. It seemed like the backyard was closed way more last year.
yeah, Quinn kind of got fucked by production and the edit at times. i guess that's part of BB though
Yep but the thing is he genuinely deserved it for how much he fucked his own game up
Putting Joseph up is why he went home, simple as
imagine your mom being on big brother airing your family’s dirty laundry
I mean they were on Dr Phil before so clearly they are okay with it kek
if that was your mom, you'd already expect it. I know my mom would be doing the same. thankfully she's too old to go on reality tv
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She reminds me of my own schizo mother besides all the tv appearances, I think it's part of why I'm rooting for her
The veto delay is over lighting apparently
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it makes sense if they want it to be at night for the tv edit so it looks like it all takes place at the same time
makes sense late afternoon sun is pretty harsh
Wish I could find it but in one of the recent behind the scenes/bb house tours/whatever they filmed the ceiling and that shit has so much water damage and black mold
Production will have an even harder time catching T'kor on the cameras at night.
tkor and rubina making a song for kimo about how much they love him and are happy to know him.
>they think he is leaving this week
this is gay
I can’t fucking wait for this veto lmao
another kino part of this week is that Rubina might actually campaign against T'Kor. it's been brewing for like two weeks now but she's been a pussy about it
oh i am cackling
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>tkor: im a little bit scared
>rubina: i hope she takes what we said into consideration
>tkor: i hope so
if she does that 'don't evict queen tkor, evict me instead!' i will curse the rest of her days to never know love or peace
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jag toilets
>rubina: it doesnt make sense (to use the veto)
>tkor: if her only goal is to break us (trio) up, yeah
>rubina: yeah, thats fine (implying its ok for kimo to go)
this is going to be fantastic. leah and angela better not back out
why did a guy get ejected for scheming in bbuk1 that sounds like an ass show
I can practically hear the angry whispering spewing from T'Kor already
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>Mhmms intensify
most bb formats outside of NA you're not allowed to actively try to play the game and it's all audience votes. It's insane.
They’re game talking like this with Chelsie sleeping less than a foot away from them btw lmao
This is the only BBUK clip I've ever seen

new york is such a gift to television
says who?
oh the song is for Kimo's birthday tomorrow. it'll be nice that he won't be on the block for it
Leah mentioned it
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T'Kor already almost fell into the pool and knocked her hat off from practicing the song
>T’Kor says if Leah’s only goal is to break up their trio,
>it isn't smart for her jury-wise.
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tkors melty is going to be epic given she's certain kimo will stay up
its not even raining and hasnt been all day
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they all play the game
the game is just mostly limited to "bait others into saying dumb shit so they would lose fans support or get expelled"
I don't even think kimo would fall in line with their bitter voting shit anyway
she looks like a molerat
kek nm i read lightening for some reason
I would take one for the team and fuck Angela
If the chick's hat falls off into a pool then some bird like a seagull might land on it or drop a turd on it
kimo and rubina both aren't going to be bitter imo
the only bitter juror i see out of this group is tkor
fair enough it just rarely creates compelling a tv in my experience. Should maybe check it out after the world has gone more woke though had no idea about this lmao
last season IIRC some black contestant got in trouble for a ton of tweets shitting on everyone including other black people (IIRC she was from ghana shitting on nigerians or some equivalent hilarity)
was pretty funny
>maybe check it out after the world has gone
I would guess Brit TV is more PC than American.
I feel like I've heard Brazilian BB is actually pretty crazy even though they have fan votes
the bbc has raised the diversity quota so yes
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BB Nigeria was the one where they always have fights and it's in English, don't know where people watch
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getting very sexual with big mak
t minus 2 hours till tkor SEETHE
so leah has to do her jankie comp
and then angela's veto
and then whatever the possible jankie veto twist is?
fuck I forgot about the comp
I think it's just the comp+decisions but that'll add time till we're back
is leah even planning to use her veto? if not why would she have to do the comp
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chelga has spent the entire day in full whiny cunt mode still kek, just said when asked by tkunt cam had to initiate talk with her first - he tried earlier and he said no to be clear
she's going to lose cam this week gamewise with her cunty bullshit
unclear but I assume a stipulation by production for the episodes
I looked up where they live, Cam is in Maryland and Chelsie in Califronia. They wouldn't live any further away and she wanted to date post-show.
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>chelsie, tkor, and rubina all seething post veto
holy based
no one knows anything about the jankie veto unfortunately
she gave no indication to mak that she was planning to use it and even seemed like she didnt want angela to use hers so she will have to totally blindside mak if she tries to use hers too
oh I don't think she'll use it yeah, but I think they might force her to do the comp for episode content regardless
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Leah told Mak that they were using one and putting T'Kor up. Mak thought it was a good idea to actually vote out T'Kor this week
they dont normally have an extra comp for content and they have plenty of tkor and rubina shit talking angela and chelsie seething over cam and mak
just showed my mom chelsie and she legit thought she was 36 years old and lying about her age like bowie jane did
I imagine they planned this comp as content though
I'm also unsure whether this comp is to determine who is saved by the veto or whether she's able to use it at all. it's still unclear
seems like a bad move by leah to let angela use the veto on kimo. it only serves angela's game after she voted to evict kimo twice.
definitely not, kimo would go if otb and there's a chance he'll go to them instead of chelsie once the trio collapses
im saying leah using her veto to save kimo would be better for leahs game. angela is being selfish. when leah puts up tkor then she put up all 3 of the trio and he is not jumping into leahs arms
nah it's better because she can do the usual angela went rogue song and dance
tkor and rubina already buy it
the rope kimo in thing is more just luck desu
I feel like production is just making this jankie shit up as they go. I bet Leah's comp is one of those ball rolling machines that Cameron smoked Jared in last year
it will be obviously orchestrated when she renoms tkor instead of cam or chelsie. he knows they talked of an all girls thing with kimo being last guy and he knows chelsie and leah had a falling out. he is going to feel betrayed but only angela will be on the receiving end of good will
that's why I hate when they drop shit like this without explaining exactly what it is or letting them talk about it
they can make it whatever they want, they can have it give tkor immunity if they want
should be one of the silly carnival games in the yard none of them have been practicing on since thursday
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little leah
queen of jankie world
large macintosh
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i just hope tonight is somewhat entertaining. it could easily just be T'Kor sitting alone with Rubina and talking about what they need to do tomorrow. Then Chelsie vs Cam continues
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only if she nominates tkor
she is
I can't see tkor not seething when she's sure kimo is going
i feel like chelsie might relax when she isnt the renom.
I really think T'Kor is gonna show her true colors. Get the popcorn ready.
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kimo is coming down with the veto
she'll be up against rubina
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the hanging squeeze bottles are grossing me out
like a teat of mustard
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sounds completely unwatchable lol for as woke as BBUS can get at least the format technically enables more strategic gameplay
I thought cam was mama dud in the thumbnail kek
I know kek that's the point
she's sure she'll be up with kimo and kimo will go while in reality she's up with rubina
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what would be your most common meal in the BB house?
that's easy
cry to production so they bring me taco bell
i would love to go get leah some taco bell and watch her eat it! so cute!
frozen pizza
*webm of rachel eating cereal i thought i had but don't*
would just make my own tacos as i normally do its not too difficult
I forgot to mention this earlier but did anyone hear T'kor sneeze earlier on the feeds? What the FUCK was that? Bitch sounded like Steve Urkel.
Jankie knows exactly what Jankie is doing
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jankie runs this house
"hand-made" potato salad
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garlic bread
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kek which one, i have like 6
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good choice
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that one! swore i had it
thanks anon you're the best
>chelsie to cam: youre toying with the women to get what you want
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pizza, of course
chelcel is in love with cam
they're saying that T'Kor wasn't trying to win before but now she absolutely will try to win

Leah says "but she needs votes". it happened
Rubina and T'kor are on the block
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shes probably flipping the fuck out and talking shit =D
Do they give them family size bags of doritos that's my stress meal :)
finally Cam is standing up to Chelsie
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Angela and Mak said they will vote T'Kor out. Angela says she just likes Rubina's attitude more. I think T'Kor said something mean after the nomination because Angela said it wasn't fair for her to say something.
is mak crying?
Chelsie deserves love and devotion from Cam
Angela and Mak confirm they want Tkor out
Now we need the third vote
could be kimo desu
>Cam: the only way for me to fit in is always being the butt of the joke
Losing T'kor this week is actually lovely for the rest of the game

Great winners - Angie, Leah, Mak
Okay winner - Chelsie, Kimo
Meh winner - Cam, Rubina
just imagine how awkward the jury house will be with quinn and t'kor as the sole roommates
They're saying Cam is the only vote they need. Not sure why they don't think Chelsie can't flip
Now these are the spicy feeds we’ve been craving
my final three
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heres your final 3
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my bad, they were probably saying Kimo and not Cam. Cam will vote to keep T'Kor
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holy shit lmao
quinn's punished season continues
cam holding the blanket up like they can read lips
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they both like each other. t'kor was just pissed about some game moves but she'd get over it
chelsie and cam wont vote out tkor. congratulations leah you just got rubina out
He might not at the rate this is going kek
Tkor told Leah he should go up not her
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lol apparently t’kor told leah she lost a jury vote for betraying the women’s alliance
was that even a real thing???
it was just convenient for tkor and rubina bitches please

>Cam will vote to keep T'Kor
Not necessarily, if Leah tells him that T'kor was pushing for him to be the renom because he doesn't fit the "higher purpose"
cam doesn't give enough of a fuck about any "higher purpose" to say he'll definitely keep tkor
i knew chelsie would no longer seethe after she knows she safe
now tell chemo about this and how she'd have voted him out over zubina so he votes her out

/bb/ i love you guys
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oh no not one whole jury vote

he's growing out his facial hair
jesus christ chelsie
none of these people know how double evictions work
theyve been preparing for a double eviction the past 3 weeks
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little leah won
ok i officially love this season
mak would be an awful winner, even worse than jag
fuck yourself tkoon
95% sure the chud femcel chelsie wishes that big mak was rubbing her instead
beast mode chelsie
jag was a based winner go back
Chelsie is an insane person wtf. Did they find this cast in an asylum why are all of them unbalanced?
Dan Gheesling BB10 game
#1 ally goes home week 1 so you lower your target level and skate by week after week
Chelsie is the kind of chick to cut her man's dick off when she thinks he's cheating
you probably enjoyed tyler losing bb20
seriously i'm so sick of game bots just have fun with this slop wtf
chelsie poorly disguising her personal interests as game interests is too funny
Leah says she has boob acne
no I didn’t but tyler had shit jury management so that’s on him
Jag was based, and a hell of a better option than anyone else in at least the final 6.
except she didn't lower her target as she was essentially on the block every week
game bots are fun for me
Chelsie is the kind of chick who has a dream her man is cheating on her and thinks it's a sign from God
she's trying to frame this as all game LMAO holy pathetic
Quinn was the most annoying houseguest of all time.
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Leah says she's been pooping regularly but the first two weeks in the house she didn't poop at all. Angela says that she can't poop right now outside. I think Mak said it's been four days
yea shit jury management by being a white male
He was a good representative of a season I loved, and a cool guy, but I'm not sure even I would call him a "based winner" he was unanimously evicted lmao
for sure
I like jag and think he deserved to win BB25 but I'd consider him a bottom tier winner overall
quinn wasn't a gamebot he was a rhap superfan
reminder that chelsie said she cured a woman who couldn’t get pregnant by speaking in tongues at her stomach
that's unironically less insane than her speaking in tongues to cure a friend's infertility
Now that the trio won’t vote Leah to win Angela just has to get to the final 2 with her to win.
T'Kor is nowhere to be found. Maybe upstairs or in the DR. Mak is now talking to Rubina and Kimo and it's extremely awkward
if tkor is evicted and mak leah F2 they both have 1 vote

if angela leah F2 they both have 1 vote

if mak angela F2 mak has 2 votes
you don't have proof she didn't
kek your brain is so fried man give it a rest
nobody is gonna take t'kor seriously in the jury when she says dumb shit
Is tkunt in DR or off seething alone?
Mj is with rubina and kimo now
rubina is the most insufferable houseguest left
kek it's just them comforting Rubina and she's acting like a little kid. She thinks she's 100 percent going home
Those jury vote things aren't real, if fuckin' Alex Ow can flip on her cult then so can Kimo or Rubina. The dynamic in the jury house is completely different.
Rubina being a cunt to Angela
Tkor has her broken in
I said it in an earlier thread she might unironically campaign for them to keep Tkor with her cuck attitude this week
she's probably seething in the dr about how leah is a racist and misogynist for putting two strong poc women on the block.
Rubina saying that she will be a bitter juror like T'Kor now
Just because icko was an annoying dork who listens to RHAP it doesn't make him a gamebot lmao, Cory from last year is a good example of a gamebot
a country bumpkin.
"quintessentially rube names"

denoting feminine names and titles.
Mak telling Rubina that she only needs one more vote (Kimo) to keep her and wants to know how he feels. Rubina doesn't know
this fucking cunt rubina is telling mak not to rally votes to keep her
idk if im sucking his dick too hard, but i legit think he's a vanessa level player. he was the glue that solidified the izzy vote out, got bowie to target cam even though it was bad for bowies game, cut cory before cory could him, got matt to target cirie even though they had a season long relationship, and wouldve cut matt f4 but was confident he could beat him in the end which he did. i really think he would do well even without power desu
Total Zubina Hate
Wtf Mak is throwing her a bone and she's just like no, I'll die for Tkor
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is T'tard actually too dumb to realize she's a bigger mark than whobina?
oh leah chelsie
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Rubina being a Maddy to the very end
Rubina playing for T'Kor
T'Kor playing for Chelsie
Dairy firms up poop in white people.
>not even tuesday yet
yeah, this shit's flipping
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Chelsie giving Leah the "mhmmm" routine.
chelsie implying leah mak F3 lmao
chelsie is gonna vote leah out in the double
mak was trying to flip it to get out t’kor before leah even put her up kek
All they need is one of Cam Kimo or Chelsie
I think at least one flips but Chelsie won’t for her jury shit
>idk if im sucking his dick too hard
side note, Sikhs don't believe in circumcision
Chelsie will go after big mak due to jealousy
i thought she said she doesnt want to get evicted with zero votes?
like dick and rachel, fans will always asterisk his win because he was voted out before matt saved him

i still think he's better than people give him credit for
sounds like Chelsie is trying to convince Leah to keep T'Kor
Regardless of if it works I give Mak props for immediately getting to work on the flip right after the ceremony kek
one second she’s saying how dangerous she is then the next she’s trying to protect her
i always forget that tyler didn't win
>wasting your hoh on rubina when you had kimo half way out the door
>pwease evict meh insted of tkor *pouts and talks in baby voice*
It's for a greater purpose
someone should tell her Leah can't vote this week kek, not even a tie possibility
leah doesn't vote chelsie
T'Kor rubbed Leah the wrong way because she started pitching the all women alliance during their one on one and threw Kimo and Cam under the bus.
T'Kor Big Mak gonna be the worst Final 2 ever
little leah needs to tell cam that t’kor was throwing him under the bus
who gives a shit what rubina wants lol
To be fair I'd feel way more threatened by goblina winning HOH than Kimo. Dude sucks at comps.
Jag Matt was pretty brutal but I want to say Jordan Natalie
nigga go back to twitter already who are you
I think the goal is for her to actually campaign for herself not leave the flip work entirely to others
Like her pitching to Kimo could be important
T'kor is cooked
big mak is running this backyard
T'Kor must be in the DR
oh definitely i just think it's funny when noms think what they want means anything
She already told Chelsie kek
Walls closing in on the mmhmms
what is that she is holding?
Jag was awesome by himself but Fatt objectively brought out the worst in him. Their convos were painful during the last few weeks.
I agree. I will especially never understand people saying Matt deserved to win over him. He ran Matt's game, and before that Cirie ran Matt's game. Matt was a weak willed follower, who Jag convinced to vote out Cirie against his own interest.
Chelsie already shitting on Cam after he told him he's sick of always being the butt of every joke
what? maks dad played for the phillies?
kimo or mak said she was. i can only just imagine how much she's seething.
Minor league pitcher but he probably got to do spring training for them. Of course mak is maktarded so they are all going to think he was, idk, Tom Glavine
minor leagues, someone here said it was single a or double a level.
single a and never higher
normies think being in the farm system means they were on the team
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>we don't get to see it
haha ok so the baselball card was actually her dad and not someone with the same name.
oh you just know she'll still be seething kek
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Mak hunting Leah
they said mak looks like a 15 yo boy but a disney character
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had to wait all day for the damn ceremony and now we still don't get to see her seethe
Rubina is honestly pathetic wonder how tucker feels about her now lol
agreed, but most of the problematic and cringe shit primarily came from matt and bowie. meh i really wish felicia won f4 HoH and got to be in finale with jag
has leah said anything about her veto?
Get your moonwater ready moonsisters
joseph being a stoner makes him so much hotter to me, like hii daddy!
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How did your game change for, I'm going to say the better, when you joined the Mafia with Matt and I?
damn i wanna suck his nips, that blonde girl was lucky to get the bitch boy d
leah to mak: why do you think everything is about you?

thats rich
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a container that contains my love for big mak
>pizza and ice cream diet

Sounds like a dream come true and of course these spoiled brats are acting like they’re being water boarded. A little sunlight and pizza never hurt anyone lol
they are probably letting her vent and chill out in there before sending her back out into the yard
I don't see a universe where she'd get the votes but mama dud would have been the true based winner just because of how entertaining she was
chelsie now telling mak she is like a 12yo boy going thru puberty

what kind of comment is that?
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eating only that would get old desu
it's all week long apparently
she's jealous and wants to make mak feel less of a woman and hope that comment triggers her to feel insecure around cam and then stops flirting with him as a result
mak giving ash ketchum vibes
stargazing with big mak
they stupid let her loose
yep chelsie is being a cunt but she's spot on kek
You definitely are sucking him dry lmao
Jag was a fun character but he never knew what was happening in the game until jury phase and was actually voted out and it almost happened a second time the very next week except Cirie, Izzy and Dud flipped it on Red last minute. In the jury phase, he, Bowie and Matt won every single comp to final 2 and just picked everyone off with the strategy of most likely to win a comp which is rudimentary, he was a goner if anyone else managed to win anything. Also he saved by two twists (Path to Power and Invisible HoH allowing him to win two back to back HoHs)
Vanessa on the other hand was in a good spot prejury and then after flipping on the powerful showmance to save herself after a powershift, she strategically voted out certain players so as to not be a target by other players when they won power because there was always bigger fish and also managed to be one of three people in the history of the show to flip a backdoor vote to save herself after Becky won HoH. She even convinced a showmance to target their showmance during a veto comp when it was a dumb idea for them to do it.
chelsie is retarded
Rubina laughing like Pee Wee Herman does crack me up
pets again???
t’kor has self evicted
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I think an asteroid just hit California because Chelsie looked shocked and pointed into the sky and now we are on pets again
probably forgot to switch to fish
my bowels would be destroyed
kino quad
Hopefully racist houseguests like her should be instantly ejected like Luke.
Pets. Tkor self evicted
kek imagine
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soon sisters, soon
they're all complaining about not being able to poop except Little Leah :) she's been regular since week 3
based femcel trying to convince a person who can't vote to keep someone
Dairy is good for your gut health if you are white.
Imagine if tkor got on survivor with her greater purpose bs.
>letting her vent and chill out in there
aka getting footage for the crying montage during the recap episode
Meme was somehow too racist to play big brother but she was cool so it's ok
I wish
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captcha lag for anyone else?
Big Mak must be storing a pretty poop
i think it's more to persuade Leah to get the whole house on board to get Rubina out
still stupid, hoh doesn't have anymore power this week
not without any significant fiber
chelsie barely said a few words to chelsie since quinn went OTB now they are besties
t’kor has emerged
There's only 3 black people on the upcoming season. The lowest in the new era.
sounds like T'Kor is out of the DR now
>to leah
>ads on 1 & 2
>fish on 3 & 4
Button Boy is being a fucking asshole right now
Grod is over his shoulder
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>tkor called Leah a mayo monkey
>fish on 2 cams to keep us from seeing tkor seething

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will T'Kor try and use the woman/race card while on the block with Rubina
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They showed a flash of T'Kor AND Leah was about to expose one of the "triggering" things she said and they cut to fish at the same time
I'm not much younger than Zubina but she's the type of millennial that makes me hate the age group.
I got lost in Pittsburgh once. It sucked. This was in the days before GPS or smartphones.
when i went on hormones i lost my sense of direction.
I'm no longer asking nicely grod
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You lost your way before then if you started hormones
Teacorn is ranting about wypipo right now
Hormones are the answer in most cases
this shit's so gay
I hope he's doing ok, he replied to one of my reddit posts years ago (obviously namesearches himself)
Do you think they're laughing in the control room about going back and forth so often? like what train of thought are they in right now
My hormones made me lose my hair.
*very long sigh*
Should have taken your Finasteride with the HRT
>obviously namesearches himself)
the only person who namesearches my reddit account is mcrae and he replies with "oh yeah you were totally there you know more than me" type shit
What the hell is he up to nowadays? I haven't heard anything since the restraining order.
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sometimes i forget they're even in the regular backyard until i see the hot tub and pool. it feels like a different place entirely
that is her entire game of course she will
plotting to murder children of reality stars
buddies in the hot tub
Ian responded to a post on Reddit calling him a degenerate creep for asking Ashley for a blowjob and running around naked spanking himself

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