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Thread for classics and arthouse

Mentally ill edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>203588371
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I just want to make sure sexdawg420xxx reads this.
How do you respond without sounding mad?

good threadberg diss
>70 year-old
>still salty over some random commenting
>still using mom jokes
You forgot to say: Queen of /film/
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Nahhhh nigga got his ass :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:
She's not the queen. She's the braphog of /film/.
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I did. It was hot, had to go in the other room to cum, couldn’t wait for the escort I had to wait an hour to book. Anyway I may not have the real melody but I got the next best thing ;)
Sirs recommend horror movies for autumn viewing
Does anyone have a download link to the Anna Nicole opera
Gonna go see A Woman Under the Influence tonight.
>Gonna pay to go see a shitty movie I can watch for free
I love the big screen.
>And here on /film/ a lot of retards get triggered over plot and character development existing
Some anon in another thread said Vanessa Paradis fugged a kid in a movie
you guys have any idea what that anon was on about?
What is up my Gayngsta wrapping niggers
How are you all?
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The King's chamber maid of /film/
BTW I was going through the archive and thank you to the anon who posted the scan of the magazine article about Cat People. Good stuff.
Does /film/ rate Woody Allen? I don't remember him ever being brought up in any of these threads.
Based, post your thoughts later, it's also playing in my city next saturday.
Never saw him mentioned, never saw a film of his myself.
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Got baited thinking it was gonna be a cute circus flick - got crushed inmediately.
Essential TikTokino?
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We have officially passed the first 24 hours, where we all observe a quiet moment of observation and personal reflection after viewing the film.
Discussion can now commence.
Love him. He's a master, one of the greatest Americans ever (definitely in the top 30).
Still pretty underrated because of the personal issues and for most of his (enormous) filmography being comedic.
you guys have such shitty opinions
I still need to watch it. Can you meditate on it for one more day?
Sorry you're filtered.
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This guy has to have something special
I’m sorry, discussion is now open.
The Vanishing
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E arribato zan pano!!!
Yes. Watch Love and Death (1975)
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Rossellini has to be the worst Italian Neorealist. All of his movies are just Allied propaganda. It's not subtle in the slightest, it's just the same sob story every time about evil Fascists and kind Americans/resistance fighters. De Sica, Visconti, Fellini, etc. are so much better it's unreal.
ok /pol/yp
Casque d'or (1952) or Carosse d'or (1952), which is better?
Have seen neither, so The Gold Rush
I saw it on TCM in English language so whichever one that is I guess.
I don't give a shit if Nazis are portrayed as bad, but there is a difference between propaganda and art. And Rossellini just doesn't escape propaganda territory. He has these realistic situations, and then he throws a comic book villain into it, and the entire story is clearly just calculated to make you hate that villain. It does not have genuine artistic aims, which is unfortunate, because he was a good director, although nowhere near the level of the others mentioned.
Very useful posts, congrats
Forgot to quote the other very useful post >>203617178
Cottafavi, Freda and Mattarazzo btfo those neo-realist faggots.
>there is a difference between propaganda and art
There isn't.
Triumph of the Will is a masterpiece yet a propaganda film. All of Soviet Montage school as well.
Triumph of the Will isn't propaganda. Riefenstahl was speaking honestly when she says she was just making cinema verite. No one who isn't a Nazi is going to watch Triumph of the Will and become a Nazi as a result. There's no villain she portrays as cartoonishly evil, there's no professional actors. With Soviet film it's a different case altogether, because the intensity of the ideology is used as a creative reserve, meanwhile there's no great creative use of Allied values in Rossellini, it's just melodramas where Allies are good guys and Fascists are bad guys.
Does anyone know what this person is referring to? The translation may be off.
Just got back from A Woman Under the Influence. Really great movie. The close-ups with people constantly moving in and out of focus make it feel very intimate and stressful. Gena Rowlands and Peter Falk were amazing the way they could build up the drama in these excruciating long scenes, Rowlands going from this free spirit to completely caving in, Falk's character trying to be reasonable until he flies into a rage. I liked that they didn't sand off the rough edges and give easy answers to people's problems, Nick and Mabel do love each other but that doesn't make it any better.
Who cares? Probably some local schizophrenia. Guy seems like one of them le epic contrarians from his ratings. There are comments under this review, you can translate them for more info maybe.
>Who cares?
Obviously I do, which is why I asked.
>what is a figure of speech
>What is a redundant reply
a) insult, offend; b) argue heatedly with; altercate with.
>Twenty years ago, Skorecki wrote in Libération: "Scorsese, you know? Rarely has a filmmaker been so little attuned to cinema. Who is this body that only films for show? It’s as if it's not his job, he tries so hard not to learn it." Thirty years ago, Lourcelles defined Scorsese in his Dictionnaire des films by his “constant and decadent sluggishness,” and his inability “to disengage from the sordidness he depicts to adopt in its place a distance, or any point of view.”
Bruno is definitely one of the few interesting people to read on letterboxd, his tirade against the modern cinephilia and current trends on contemporary cinema made for festivals, including what he calls apichatpongism, is pretty accurate tb h
he's also the biggest Cimino fan in the world lmao
>Twenty years ago, Skorecki wrote in Libération: "Scorsese, you know? Rarely has a filmmaker been so little attuned to cinema. Who is this body that only films for show? It’s as if it's not his job, he tries so hard not to learn it." Thirty years ago, Lourcelles defined Scorsese in his Dictionnaire des films by his “constant and decadent sluggishness,” and his inability “to disengage from the sordidness he depicts to adopt in its place a distance, or any point of view.”
Thank you. When I looked up Scorsese and Skorecki I couldn't find anything.
>he's also the biggest Cimino fan in the world lmao
Opinion discarded then.
I think I prefer Ozu to Mizoguchi but Ugetsu is a masterpiece. I watched this film years ago and enjoyed it. There's nothing like sitting back and enjoying an old Japanese film
Same pretty devastating
>the director should have done that thing instead of what he did
Midwit arguments at best. It's like it doesn't cross their heads that Scorsese WANTS to have the "show" front and center, and not create a distance or a moralizing point of view. Typical liberals.
Any good B&W kinos released this year?
Check this, Sight and Sound polls from each decade (before 2002) beyond the top 10 you see on Wikipedia
>story development
>discovered actual 5 star masterpiece
>under 100 votes on imdb
>not gonna tell you here because I dont want trannys to discover it and put it under a woke lens

the dilemma I am in. should cinema be gatekept or free for everybody?
he is right. but scorsese is perfect for the capeshit crowd of teens and zoomers. older I get it is aftually coppola who was the master. scorsese makes some real good rollercoaster rides but then so is the latest batman movies.
Both answers have valid arguments. Of course, everyone interested in cinema online benefits from living in a golden age of piracy, the biggest possible statement for freedom.
But each person has to make their own decision, as you are doing right now.
>current trends
it has been 80 years now of far left woke shit
To Have an Have Not, Lifeboat, Laura, Gaslight, the list goes on
I tried watching "It Happened One Night", but I couldn't stand Colbert's character.
Do you guys know of any romance movies where the female protagonist isn't a total bitch?
check 'Til Madness Do Us Part
>80 years
Try 130. Cinema is reddit woke shit
>b-but it's le heckin art!! muh kinorinos!!
Oceans are the Real Continents
Home media is the work of the devil.
potentially Grand Tour and Bogancloch
they used to hide it better
>older I get it is aftually coppola who was the master.
I can't comment. The only Coppola I've seen was Dracula and that was absolute shit.
>The only Coppola I've seen was Dracula
Impressive. Are you 12?
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if im honest i preferred opening night

sounds a bit facile of an objection but as someone who has extensively studied neuroscience and psychology i just didnt find the depiction of gene rowlands characters mental illness as realistic and i just cant get over that hurdle. stops me committing to the emotional energy of the film
best 1890s photoplays?
has anyone watched it?
lol I have this queued up on my avi list, I haven’t downloaded it because I haven’t found any actual evidence there is a white woman in this at all.
>The Astronomer's Dream
>The Haunted Castle
>Poor Pierot
>The Boxing Cats
these are probably the best ones I've seen, though it is hard to rate these old shorts. they are all essentially just experimenting around with new technology
is this the longest version of this film that currently exists? I see it's listed as 70 minutes, but I can only find this 30 minute version
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>dear diary: part 1 (of 45) of my master plan to drive anon insane is taking root.
there isn't, that screencap is from a different movie
The length varies depending on what framerate it's played at, as it was shot with hand-cranked cameras, and a single standard framerate didn't exist yet for theatrical projection. Apparently 17 minutes of the film survive to this day, but I'm not sure what framerate they used to measure that. I'd guess 24fps.
im bored out of my fucking mind lads, so broken and tired
please recommend something enchanting. i really need help
The Sorcerers 1967
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where will the world of film take us next?
Bruno quoting Skorecki quoting Lourcelles, love to see this posted here. I remember going to his blog a lot a decade and a half ago, guy is a major figure in brazilian cinephilia.
>available on youtube
thanks anon
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This is where cinema peaked.
Gatekept absolutely, but you can trust us here. What was the film?
AI is the future, anything you you can imagine
>but you can trust us here
lmagine the level of stupid a nigga must be to trust people on /film/
which 10 1920s films should I watch from this list?
>3 Bad Men
>Au Secours!
>Battling Buster
>By the Law
>The City Without Jews
>Cœur fidèle
>Combat de boxe
>A Cottage on Dartmoor
>The End of St. Petersburg
>Faces of Children
>The Fall of the House of Usher
>Finis Terræ
>The King of Kings
>Kino Eye
>The Last Command
>The Mystery of the Eiffel Tower
>The Pilgrim
>Return to Reason
>Street Angel
>The Ten Commandments
>Tokyo March
>Warning Shadows
>The Wedding March
>cinema should be gatekept absolutely, but not from me *teehee*
if /film/ actually had any sway outside these threads, then Han Ye would have subs already, The Serpent's Egg would be regarded as Bergman's best, and CNW and JNW would be heralded as the greatest film movements. no one outside of these threads pay any attention to us
From US, my nigga.
>, guy is a major figure in brazilian cinephilia.
so a fraud
Thankfully one of the weakest, dullest and ugliest of Bergman's films is only memetically (over)praised here.
I agree about the greatness of the CNW and JNW. But even if the Nouvelle Vague or New Hollywood are more famous, they're still pretty respected movements elsewhere.
Han Ye will soon get subtitled through AI.
>3 Bad Men
>By the Law
>Cœur fidèle
>A Cottage on Dartmoor
>The King of Kings
>The Mystery of the Eiffel Tower
>The Wedding March
these ones
I don't get the reference. Are you mad at brazilians too?
>Han Ye will soon get subtitled through AI.
From your lips to the ears of the kino gods
I think I speak for the entire general when I say you should really use a trip so we can find your insightful posts much easier
Ow bout you trip on deez nutz nygguh!

Jajana fultured jajaja
/film/ FOTW The Crucified Lovers-
This was a good drama, I enjoyed watching the story unfold as the hole they dug themselves in got deeper and deeper. Music was effective, performances were great. Glad I watched, it was a comfy watch as another anon put it
I’m ashamed to admit the only other Mizoguchi film I’ve seen is Ugetsu, which was great and I liked better than this film. I wanted to fuck Kazuo in An Actors Revenge and Kyoko in Mothra, and have a three way with them in this movie.
Rare serious post on /film/, regards. Only Mizoguchi I've seen was Street of Shame, didn't get much out of it. It seems I got into a jap mood today, gonna watch Woman in the Dunes, first jap new wave I'll see other than Tokyo Drifter.
Maybe you should stick to r/criterion until you level up
You must be a pleb to think something of this sort, he was a dishonest filmmaker who appealed to the lowest common denominator.
What do you mean? Reveal your agenda.
I'm very much not a fan of Mizoguchi, but you should certainly check his other big acclaimed films (Sansho Dayu, Life Of Oharu) to analyze the heavy melodramatics he engages with, and perhaps understand the reasons why he got so much internal and then worldwide respect.
I myself tend to get intrigued into watching more films from- specially canonical- directors I end up not liking. not so much to change my opinion, but to see where other people are coming from.
You haven’t seen the basics and this is an advanced level forum
He's triggered you didn't like a director he likes, the usual business
>this is an advanced level forum
So I just skimmed through his Letterboxd profile. And this retard spends most of the time complaining about these trends or quoting old farts who wrote for the Cahiers in the 60s. He has absolutely nothing substantial to say. Also he seems to dislike Trump and Putin. But he doesn’t say shit about bourgeois liberals.
bring back /advanced/
I didn't even dislike Street of Shame, just felt it was meh.

>the basics
How could you even have finished the basics at 27 while studying and having a full time job? You guys know that there's probably like 2000 films that are "the basics", right? Of course, you will always lack knowledge about some area of kino, that's why kinowatching is always a work in progress.
Nigga I saw all the basics at 21
What are the basics for you? Were you NEETmaxxing?
I saw 70% of the established canon in college when I lived in the dorms and had no gf
>established canon
What the fuck is this shit
Nigga it’s fucking simple, BFI, tspdt, stuff like that. Mane stop wastin my time mane
Yeah I know about those, should you just combine all of the existing lists and that's the canon or what
>Woman in the Dunes, first jap new wave I'll see other than Tokyo Drifter
I absolutely love JNW so I’m a bit envious and hope you enjoy. There’s a ton of great shit out there.
What is the established canon (for you)? For me, it's at least 2000 films minimum, including obscure movements like Yugoslav Black Wave, Fekete széria and Novísimo cine chileno
>How could you even have finished the basics at 27 while studying and having a full time job?
I did, way before 17. it’s called actually being a fan of cinema.
Oh yeah, I got great expectations. The good thing about kino (and life, I guess), is that you always find something new to discover.
"Stop wasting my time", says the nigga gimmicker from the /film/ general of the Television & Film board of 4chan.
You had a full time job before 17? Bitch, please.
I did before 9, it's obvious to anyone who's at least somewhat into cinema that you should've watched 2300 films from the canon by the age of 10
lol I meant 27 it was a typo, but fuck it with zoomers nowadays who have tablets beginning at age 2, who knows
>But he doesn’t say shit about bourgeois liberals.
Funnily enough, I was just reading his profile and he does indeed say things about these e.g. in his critic of Parasite. Do you speak Portuguese? By the way, I agree he has nothing of much substance to say, it seems as if his long winded rants are just a front to justify his arbitrary taste. But they're nonetheless quite amusing to read for the sheer autismo put into them.
Even more embarrassing, you don't really like cinema all that much, don't you? My nephew is only 3 and he's already watched the entirety of T&TNW (Trinidad and Tobago New Wave)
>finished the basics at 27
You’re not a true fan of cinema until you realize that a basic understanding of life and existence doesn’t occur until mid 30s and everything you’ve seen up to then has been completely over your head.
At this point you should literally start over and revisit every single piece of art you’ve ever seen with this new mature point of view and frame of reference.
>you don't really like cinema all that much, don't you?
Honestly I’ve always argued that when you hate the vast majority of an art form, can you really call yourself a fan of it? I find 90% (probably more) of movies, music, literature to be total fucking garbage.
That goes without saying. When you turn like 35 rewatching the 5999 canon films is pretty much obligatory
Most of life itself, measured and ranked, is fucking garbage. Art is just a natural consequence of our condition.
>can you really call yourself a fan of it?
As long as you've seen the basics yes, even if you hated 100% of it
At which point you realize that you’ve seen 5999 completely different films, and need to go back watch them all again, this time with the subtitles and sound turned off.
Incredible feeling.
Garbage or not, I enjoy, -to some level-, like 40% of what I watch, read and listen to, but today's level of trash is sometimes too much even for a slop enjoyer like me, for example, Netflix as a platform is complete dogwater, unenjoyable pieces of shit everywhere. Watching Squid Games was the breaking point for me, where I realized that my suspicions of most people's state of mental retardation were not mere assumptions but rather realities. And no, I won't accept the "but taste is subjective!" argument; there is charming trash and there is trash-trash, and the masses consume and revere only the worst that even slop has to offer.
Even if you hate 100% of it, you can still call yourself a fan….
I’ll be thinking about this new level of retardation for awhile
Probably true, unironically, but there is also so much beauty. I like chaos.
I disagree with “so much”.
Rare, fleeting, temporary, useless.
The masses consume whatever they’re told to. Business realized long ago it doesn’t have to be remotely “good”.
Don't you seek refuge in your passions? I'm such a loner, yet sometimes I cry alone while eating KFC at a park, because the trees are so beautiful.
/film/ is not about enjoying stuff, it's about slogging through the established canon
True, and grim.
>Street Angel
>The Wedding March
Quite the opposite, i'd say he's one of yhet few brazilian critics who ISN'T a fraud or a complete embarrasment. FOCO was a great thing.
How could you not get much of street of shame, the ending is one of the most brutal soul crushing in the history of cinema.
How so? He's the greatest american filmmaker since the Walsh/Ford generation, but of course you dumb burgers don't appreciate him.
He's definitely a disciple of the macmahonists. And he has criticized the left many times.
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I don't even remember much of Street of Shame other than it was about prostitutes yet they didn't even seem sexualized, so that's that. Liked the street setting and the marketplace business that the movie had, though. And the train scene at the end was cool, too.
Similar hairline, not fat, and it was a fucking park in the city, not a forest lol
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Watch Sisters of Gion, from the 1930s, it's even more brutal. Mizoguchi was a motherfucker.
Nice answer faggot.
>but of course you dumb burgers don't appreciate him.
I'm not a burger, but I guess that, were I to be a specially brainwashed one, The Deer Hunter would probably be one of my favourite movies.
Why are some /film/ threads good and some just abysmally terrible like this one? Do you just decide to act like complete morons all of a sudden some days?
One of the better ones the past few days, the fuck are you talking about?
Actually, this is kinda true. A phenomenon I've noticed in Letterboxd's pick four series is that american actors and directors seem to favor american movies much more than movies from any other part of the world or other, more unknown, filmic traditions. It's as if burgerland denizens were unaware of cinema from other parts of the world or overrated their own tradition into space with how much they seem to appreciate rather mid directors, actors and films, most notably, Hitchcock.
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>Why are some /film/ threads good
/film/tards seem to be getting their jimmies quite rustled by based lmao posters
He tweeted this after being btfo by someone using lmao.
>most notably, Hitchcock.
Don't google your favorite yuropean or guatemalan underground art film directors' influences, it will probably upset you
Why are you forever triggered by them? Any post you don't like is ahhhhh you're an american
Great argument, retard.
I've come to realize the only director I like is John Ford.
No just make your own canon that’s what patricians do
If it is to be only one, it's a great choice.
I've come to realize the only director I like is TB Johnson.
David Lean is my ultimate director but John Ford is a respectable choice. Haven't seen a lot of his stuff but everything I watched I enjoyed and consider some of his films to be among my favorites
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Looked at my local arthouse cinemas (like 10 of them) and the only things that interested me were Cuckoo and Kinds of Kindness.

Nothing on this and next month.

Most of his movies are just Hollywood slop.
how are they slop
>the only things that interested me were Cuckoo and Kinds of Kindness.
Both are shit, especially Kinds of Kindness. Possibly that Greek hack's worst film besides My Best Friend.
How many Ford films have you watched?
Kinds of Kindness is a fine film, if inferior to The Favourite and Poor Things. Still, always nice to watch an anthology by a single director. Lanthimos continues to be an interesting filmmaker even after getting bigger budgets, which not often happens.
Don't really care about them, I was just describing what I saw

I'm not even anti american, I just think many americans are ignorant af, and more ignorant than people of other countries.
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They're in a generic Hollywood style, but done at the top of their game. Doesn't change the fact that they're still just Hollywood slop.

Too many.
The Lobster is worse

It's alright, it's just the second act that kinda sucks.
Dumontfag2 stopped posting
Oh you're of those who thinks it's a reactionary/fascist film, even worse.
You're replying to two different people and i like americans overall.
At least you have local arthouse cinemas.
Do you guys consider yourselves cinephiles or film buffs?
How is Ford's style "generic"? Define the style's characteristics.
I've noticed that several of the main regulars here post almost exclusively to criticize or attack others. Rarely a genuine praise or an initial post sharing an interest, only reactionary replies.
A worse behavior for the quality of the general than nigga posters.
>generic Hollywood style
What the fuck does this even mean
>They're in a generic Hollywood style
Attackers are ocassionaly annoying, but a lot of the time interesting. Niggaposters were just lame. Cool that they seem to have took a forced vacation.
This website is CIA ragebait bots for the most part, good morning son. You're not actually replying to real people most of the time
>Too many
I bet
I don't like to label myself as anything. I just like the arts and specially cinema.
Doesn't take long to notice that. It obeys the law of generals like all others do.

And this too. You're on the internet, you're a guinea pig.
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Reminder that after nigga/film/ comes trans/film/
We're already here :)
Fun conspiracy, what is a CIA ragebait bot, and what is its purpose?
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pls gib qt trap gf (male)
Purpose: unknown
Reason I think they are actually a thing: there's just no way actual human beings can think behaving like that is cool past the age of 16-17
This but unironically
Whachu tokin bout NIGGA
No we’re in /niggas/ until Ian 2025 then we can pick the next era
I don't know specifically about CIA ragebait bots, but I do believe there is some truth to the dead internet theory
Actually not CIA, scratch that. Bots are implemented by Hiro himself to keep the site active. It really sucks to realise that most of the so called people here are not actual people
Jan* as in January, the month of the Roman calendar
Based, I say the same thing.
I look like you
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>kenji mizocoochie
I ain’t watching that shit nigga
>overrated their own tradition
Its this. They’re embarrassed and ashamed at the “artistic” output from their own country, so they try their best to ridiculously pump it up. I say this as an American independent filmmaker myself. You’ve got to be delusional to the point of brain damage if you think American filmmaking comes close to the heights achieved in the rest of the world.
>Oh you're of those who thinks it's a reactionary/fascist film, even worse.
Wrong again. Although it must be said that the film is utterly pathetic from a political standpoint. No matter how you look at it, Deer Hunter is a cheap and dishonest piece of filmmaking. By the way, John Woo absolutely mogs Cimino in his remake of it, by extrapolating the melodrama and the action to comic proportions. At least one cannot watch Bullet in the Head and think it was meant to be taken seriously. At least not in the serious-realist way Cimino expects us to take his movie. Woo's version of it reduces the plot to a quasi-Hitchcockian study of the characters, its comicality conferring a depth Cimino could only have dreamt to achieve.
They’re influenced by Tarkovsky, Bergman, Bresson, Dreyer, Godard. I’m not upset in the slightest.
Phile, cause it makes me sound like a pervert.
No, I can actually prove it. /film/ is supposedly a general for people who are into cinema and are at least somewhat familiar with the history of it and all the nuances which enables them to appreciate various classic films regardless of their age. Now, people like that would never in their right mind refer to Ford films as 'Hollywood buzzword'. You saw a post by that 'anon' and thought
>wow he's not really smart isn't he? Probably sub-80 iq or something, etc etc
In reality it was a scripted generic reply contaning at least one word from the trendy newfag 4chan lingo about a random director mentioned not too long ago (it could've been literally any other renowned director, not just Ford) to gather replies and keep the website active. See my post get deleted now
>A worse behavior for the quality of the general than nigga posters.
absolutely not
>I say this as an American independent filmmaker myself.
Prove it. Otherwise you're just another self-hating cuck larping.
Heaven’s Gate is a masterpiece, don’t kid yourself.
Not a bad choice, his filmography is massive though
Of course. Probably samefagging too.
What is the best Heaven's Gate cut?
>t. TB "Gallofag" Johnson
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I’m not as dumbfuck retarded as our boy TB, there’s no way in hell I would want that kind of “/film/ praise and kindness”
I said it to make the point, now this will be my last post on the subject
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fuck yes
>The date given for this "death" is generally around 2016 or 2017.
4chan went to complete shit and became barely usable around that time
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The 2012 Criterion release. Bottom picrel is what the theatrical release looked like, just absolutely drenched in sepia.
it all goes back to election shilling (from both sides), and the big tech companies cracking down on anyone who slightly thought "wrong"
please tell me (s)he has a penis
Hell no.
Why do they do this
bottom unironically looks better
Soulless vs Soul
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well, how would (You) write an alien encounter scene?
Nigga wut is this Saturday mornin cartoon shit sheeeeeeeereeeeeeesh
>b-but muh Criterion ruins every restoration
Clearly not
wow just lookin at credits this film has unbelievable cast
schrader the extraterrestrial coomer
>changed it from the original
They ruined it.
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Just watched The Castle of Sand (1974,) absolutely fantastic movie.
Cimino oversaw the whole thing, the criterion version was approved by him.
I’ve written one, it’s slightly comical but ends on a very violent and disturbing note
I don’t give a flying fuck who approved it
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>dude it was overseen by the director!
>nooooooo the director can't decide how he wants his film to look if I don't approve it. mommy where are you, fuck criterion the jews aaaaahhhh
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For me Wong Kar Wai and most Taiwan directors are intellectual counterfeit. Take a working class job, come home with a beer, and a couple of slices of pizza, and there will be nothing better than a good Kung Fu or Godzilla movie.
Relax, Friedkin. They break it all down here:
i would bury my face so deep in his balls and ass
I don’t give a flying fuck what’s broken down
It takes extra energy to argue against the 'all of Rossellini movies are Allied propaganda' take because the premise is utterly retarded. I assume you have not watched The Flowers of Saint Francis, Stromboli, Europa 51', Viaggio in Italia and so many others that simply make your take false.
Now let me say the following supposing you intended to say that his so called War trilogy (Open city, Paisan, Germany year 0) is Allied propaganda. The fascists and collaborationists are indeed shown as degenerates, evil people, but the Anglo-Americans are not shown as a force of Good everytime; only in individual cases. And there are collaborationist characters that find redemption (like Karl-Heinz in Germany Year Zero)
Eyoeyoeuo mane the /niggas/ posters be trippin all ova dis hizzy like Lebaneze pagerz and u know wot big nigga it all gose bak 2 duh jooz
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just enjoy both, pseud
>le heckin epic Herzog quote!!
Get some new material already.
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Quite literally flawless.
Based and same

I'm straight btw
I posted that the other day and notice how the good Wong release + Heaven’s Gate restoration were both released in 2012. Criterion hadn’t shit the bed at that point yet.
Yo I’m not gonna lie, I ain’t gay or nuffin, but I really wanna fuck this dude in the ass
Quite literally flawless.
Zesty post.
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>Quite literally flawless.
New inside joke just dropped
lol did he really?
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Reminder Lee is the real genius behind Tsai's work

>As Tsai was taking a shot of me turning my head, he found my action too slow. After three takes, he asked if I could act more naturally. After the fourth take, Tsai lost his temper. ‘But being slow is my natural,’ I argued. Perhaps my slowness has influenced Tsai’s aesthetics gradually.

>After the fourth take, Tsai lost his temper.
He only needed one.
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Pseud filtered by the master of mood.
I like Lynch, I’m just taking the piss in typical /film/ fashion.
Jacques Rivette has the best Joan kino, right ?
Somehow that makes me respect you even less. Dishonest posting.
Not really, but it's a pretty good one. Probably the most deluded Jeanne, his and Bonnaire's.
checked and lmao
>shitposting ironically just to follow the general's pattern
/film/'s awfulness sometimes still surprises me
Lynchfags, everyone.
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Cry me a fucking river.
>le hecking angry friedkin!!
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Too late. You've already exposed your faggotry.
>Wong Kar-Wai
He's always been aesthetically shit.
Bresson obviously, with Preminger as second.
>He's always been aesthetically shit.
He's the greatest aestheticist alive besides Lynch.
like Malick, he just makes perfume commercials
Quite literally.

that perfume merchant Malick
Yes, yes, it's not shitty enough, we needed the eternal schizo to start going raging about Malick again
To The Wonder and Song to Song are sitting on my PC waiting to be watched but I don't know if I should even waste my time after the shitshow that was Knight of Cups
Perfume postcards, the worst kind
can i log this?
Why did you dislike it??
You’re damaging your hard drive just having that filth sitting on there, delete it NOW


don't think so
When I post a film I like, I’ll reply to myself just to shit on it first, this way nobody else can take away what’s mine
I thought everyone did this?
then i won't watch
/film/ in a nutshell
If you failed to appreciate Knight of Cups, then for sure don't bother, it's not for you.
How can you fail to appreciate something that isn’t worth appreciating?
Do we really need this song and dance every time?
The director indeed should not have any say in this.
Exactly, they only direct it. Only /film/ intellectuals should decide what goes in or out in remasterings and restorations.
The only one who should decide is the film itself, by the way it looked when it first came out. You do know what the word "restoration" means, don't you?
Agreed, we need to have more discussions with the films and let them speak for themselves
Yes, the way every not director-approved restoration does.
Just as much as I hope you know what director means. He (or a DP) is the one who knows what he wants the film to look. I don't assume bad faith on their parts.
I wouldn't necessarily call it bad faith, but we've gone through shit like >>203632414 a bit too often sadly.

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