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HOH: Leah
POV: Angela, Leah (Jankie POV)
NOMS: T'Kor, Rubina

previously on /bb/: >>203612806

Good morning ladies
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oh lawdy a hogg thread
morning boss
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morning hogg
I fucking wish I had a gf like Leah, bros. Obviously it’d be cool if she just wanted to be friends too but can you imagine if she was your gf too?
we back, doesnt look much got done in that 30 minutes
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tkor and rubina are saying they arent going to approach leah? she needs to approach them if she wants to work with them
Tkor is going to manage to go below 1 at jokers like pootard last season at this rate, already only at 1.2
I’m curious how grod handles their edit desu she normally handles them and Chelsie with kid gloves but there’s basically no other content kek
>tkor: if im in the jury, im not voting for a liar to win
how is this season so far? i haven't been able to keep up this year due to some big personal life changes
please let her say this to will
Grod rapidly recalibrating the double eviction to be a jankie twist where both these idiots are out
feeds have been kinda boring. game IQ has been abysmal. but the house has been pretty fluid with power shifting every week.
If you’re a strategyfag or gamebotter probably the worst season ever
But in terms of sheer entertainment and mess one of the best in years
And I should note for the serious business people that this behavior induces shit we like, they have yet to have a unanimous vote and if they still don’t this week they’ve set the record for the season. Their idiotic gameplay has killed the kowtow to the hog behavior we all hate let alone voting with the house- week 1 is like the only exception desu
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leah finished with the happy birthday message. dont know if tkor got up during the 30 minute fish to do her decorating but her and rubina sleeping now
That fucking nigger cunt is finally on the block and going home
Eat shit Devinfag, eat shit twitter
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Good morning Hogg!
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I'm giving you the pass this one time because I hate T'Kor too. But watch the n-bombs. I'm trying to set a good example for my daughter.
You snitched on me for trying to sanction nbombs and I had to restart my modem, fuck you and your retard mutt daughter
Ding dong the wicked horsefaced nigger is going home!
Devin does not snitch. Devin calls house meetings. Must have been someone else.
Lmao @ the trio, the villains of the season, implying that the white hgs are the villains of the season because they're white
begging for a t'snore eviction this week! come through cam ur one of the good ones!!
cant wait for tsnore to tell kimo she supervised leah putting decorations up kek
her revisionism is insane
Only recapped I've been watching when I miss feeds calls her Rubino by accident and I'm pretty sure he also said Zubina a few weeks ago. Had a tinfoil hat suspicion he read the threads and this is just adding to it. Sorry about your Eagles fren.
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that's it bro you're out of the bombsquad
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Twitter civil war has started over this. I'm actually shocked by how many people there loathe T'Kor now. I'd say it's 85% hate now.
live that dream joe
reddit is 100% lol
all she had to do was not be vibe killing hypocritical bitch and she would have been taylor 2.0
It unironically gives me hope for humanity seeing people of all races come together to call her a retard outside of this thread
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T'kongo finally hit the block i know the woke nigger trannies of /bb/ are mad bahahaha
rubina is 35 years old
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you alright my dude?
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morning boss hogg
eating 14 hot dogs with big kimo
big mak attack
can i join the bomb squad devin??
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Mhmm she is the glue
If tkor actually cared about representing her community and "higher purpose", why doesn't she go do charity work? Build houses for underprivileged, volunteer at a soup kitchen, that type of shit.

There are thousands of things you could do that actually matter. But instead you want to be on a trash reality TV show.

It's for the money. You know it's for the money or you would have picked a different avenue. Stop bullshitting.
>T'kor says most of the HOH has been questions this year, and not comps, it was not fair, There was not enough games. T'kor says the marshmellow one was not fun. T'kor says this veto was so boring. T'kor says puzzles are boring and stupid
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I’m gonna miss her
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You're in Hayden
tkor all season has bragged about how nasty she'd be at every type of competition only to lose and make an excuse why that comp was done this house is actually filled with people mentally in middle school it's wild
I started this season expecting mak to be the most inept since she has the uni athlete + nepo job background and, outside of her being comically unaware in the game and a christfag, she is one of the more well rounded, normal people.
Kimo, mak, leah and cam are the last normal people left.
It's also funny how she thinks it's completely normal for platonic friends to cuddle
aw man ur the best dude! thanks so much!
reading over the t’kor and rubina seethe fest I missed last night, holy fuck how can they be so entitled and delusional? thank god one of them is leaving thursday, but I really hope it’s t’kor.
mak has what I call hot-girl-aspergers where because men always have ulterior motives with her probably from a young age she genuinely doesn't know what platonic male friendships are like.
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Kinda sad I missed last night's seethe session lmao, I've been waiting for it for weeks. I haven't seen any clips but the quotes are pretty funny.
I can’t wait for t’kor to say all that stupid shit at the jury roundtable in front of will
S A M E if anyone finds any please post for free (you)s. It sounds like button boy was being a terrorist so might not be that many good clips to be had
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tkor is finito
I found this on the last thread but I haven't seen much else so far

I cant wait until the Quinn jury house section where he finds a way to overreact to something genuinely shocking like tkor being next out
It’s time to admit that Angela is a good big brother player. She got both targets out on her hohs (even after having her second hoh stolen) flipped the target on Tucker and Quinn. She’s elite.
>NOOOOO that white bitch is trying to upstage our birthday celebration
>doesn't she realize we claimed him first
>it doesn't matter that we had a plan to unanimously evict him this week!
>we're the good people damnit!
She is a member of what are considered the elite by some. She knows what she is doing.
CBS plant
goddamn I must've been half asleep reading it totally missed this ty
>We should be doing it but we don't have time!
>everyone is bored out of their minds 16 hours a day in Jankie World
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Pardon my autism but what is that? Being white?
religious white or black person who gets disproportionate chances to be on tv
She's an emotional wreck but she'd be my favorite winner of this season by far. It would be crazy if she reaches those F2 chairs though and I'm not sure who would vote for her.
kek you know leah being in a tiara and pigtails is only making them angrier

also is leah spelling out "HBO" in tape? The show's on CBS silly
She's literally an angel. It's right there in the name.
it was 100% her plan to get leah to renom tkor. leah had no beef with her. angela orchestrated the whole thing and came out clean while leah is the villain
i just dont like her style of gameplay personally, like begging to be included in alliances so she can cry, play victim and act like she was forced into it to screw over anyone that tries to help her. it reminds me of real life evil gaslighting boomers. but i dont think she should be ejected or fired or anything like that, its ultimately her decision to play how she likes and have it represented on national television
HBD? happy birthday
Stop spamming, there's an image limit.
ahhhh that makes sense
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Moon sisters, are you ready for tonight?
Sometimes I forget Lisa was on this season. I still think we missed out not getting a psycho HOH reign from her.
Cam is saying the potties are smelling like jenkum
Mak spammer sucks ass
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thank you princess little leah
I'd eat ass on occasion
Leah going home next week party :)
i love big mak!
What if Leah doesn’t do the jankie song? What would her punishment be since she can’t be hoh next week anyway.
10 spanks on her bare bottom from big mak
shut it fatty shes snatching veto
thanks to anyone who contributed. going to need 15-20 more to add another ring
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they will just bitch her out in the DR and then bb will call her out over the speakers for the slightest things
shes going hard rn
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careful, you'll awaken the race mixing seether
production was pissy as hell last night
I love bbc and blacked
They were trying to help tkor avoid a melty
she was made for BBC
they showed enough of her seethe to make 95% of the fanbase dislike her
Still hotter than goblina
i'm curious how much of it will make the tv edit.
I wonder if Taylor still wants her to win
going to disney world with little leah
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gotta eat big to evict the nice people with higher purpose :)
Taylor doesn't seem like the type to watch feeds at like 2-3 AM
Raven was hot
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They’re locked outside since they’re dealing with a covid outbreak amongst staff. Also they’re fumigating the house from ants.
it is monkey pox
its all in good fun, no shade
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consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation with big mak
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Where is this ranking from? Is it show watchers voting or what
big mak and little leah are skinny dipping
Mak lost me when she kept kimo because he was a gay Hawaiian.
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big mak is in a great spot
as of now cam cant beat mak, angela or chelsie. he has some hard decisions to make
or tkor so he better get to work
mak rn
He can barely win a comp to save his life. The one he did win felt like one anyone had a shot at winning
sure but also nobody is overtly targeting him. he has to find a way to keep rubina and kimo or he is finito
what would t’kor do if it’s a final 2 of leah and angela
It's from the jokers popularity rankings
cat ladies becoming grand wizards this season
I expected him to be a Jag level comp beast at the start of the season. I was way off the fucking mark lmao
I hope they show this season to recruits in future years so they think they should use the veto all the time
this is going to be a one off season. its all because schizo tucker set the tone. it wont happen again
Something about that clip of Leah waking up in the middle of the night to work on Kimo’s decorations by herself while T’Kor and Rubina seethed was so fucking adorable
Rubina throwing T’kor under the bus kek let’s go
Zubina made a good point earlier. It's amazing to see 3 friends make jury together for the first time!
my god its only tuesday
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big mak will make sure t’kor heads to jury
What did she say exactly? I missed it but I know she’s talking to Angela. Seemed like Angela was doing most of the talking
leah farted and had to waive it off kek
She’s been doing that a lot lately
Sounds like Angela is letting Chelsie if she votes tkor out she can still get in with the rest of the house going forward and sounds like it's working. Telling her stuff like "Girl, I can feel it, it's your turn for HoH next" and her being like "YEAH YOURE RIGHT"
Cam says he needs to see that Kimo is thinking
Zubina** sorry I have buddy seethe on the brain
he will tell chelsie what leah and mak said and chelsie will be like... use your brain and stop thinking with your dick those girls are playing you boo
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I wanna play connect-the-dots
with my tongue
sounds like both cam and mak feel they need deaconess chelsie onboard
Leah now shit talking Chelsie with Cam and Cam is saying he doesn’t trust Chelsie.
What did Kimo think of it? Does he know it was Leah or did T'Snore take credit?
sounds like he's lost major trust in chealousy
Kek at faggots like joseph and quin praising to tkor on their exit interviews to pander to twitter/reddit buddies. Im glad she's dead last
>Sounds like Angela is letting Chelsie if she votes tkor out
god damn zubina is so loud
hide yo dogs hide yo kids
angela talking about taking oxy?
dumbass chelga blew up her game with cam kek
I’m not sure, didn’t see any of the morning feeds
Her thighs, boobs and ass got so nice after she gained weight in the house
I swear every time I turn on feeds I hear her screaming or laughing from halfway across the house
Cam said he doesn’t care if they have the votes. He said Chelsie needs to approve first.
it's over, t'kor is safe
How so
I didn’t hear him say that
If cam wants Chelsie to agree to vote out TKor all he has to do is start flirting with TKor.
when she bitched him out yesterday for caressing mak he said he tried to do it with tkor and it didnt work and they laughed
did production let them go back in to get their bags of clothes and stuff after the closed the blast door or did production back it up for them and put it out there?
sensual oily handjobs with big mak
mak and leah trying to do tina from bobs burgers twerking gif
Matt and Tucker are better looking
i dont understand this bringing stuff to an island game they play
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tkor just isnt taylor
what the fuck
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>it’s real
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fuckin bowie jane
chelsie is being so passive aggressive with mak
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yeah turbo cunt mode has been engaged
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that's like kind of a casual hate crime
I don't believe 95% of the stuff I read on BB twitter any more
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does the pool have a top skimmer? how are the ducks not getting sucked into it
big mak wants to fuck chris hemsworth
very typical australian behavior
what a slutty whore
nobody helping t’kor with her hair, yikes! problematic much?
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>When you're in the bathroom taking a big fat shit but you don't have toilet paper so you grab your sikh friend's religious headband and wipe your ass with it and then he wears it all day and it smells like shit

Oh naur
is cam capable of such a genius play? i need t'whore gone more than anyone rn im so sick of her
she's getting passed around as soon as she gets out the house, starting with cam
she’s not like that
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he's gonna bend her over
little leah collage is growing!
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hell yeah
finger curling with big mak
just a bit of a banter m8
She said on Cory’s stream recently that Cirie was the one who told Jared to clean up the cum that was all over the cushions by the fish tank
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Leah cut holes in her hat for her pigtails
how did that situation even come about? like jared and blue fucked by the fish tank. they left and then cirie was the first one in the landing zone and knew her son was blowing loads? and told him to go clean it up? i dont understand
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very cute
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Possibly that the whole house knew they were fucking in random spots and maybe Cirie yelled at him that he better make sure there aren’t any stains or anything anywhere or she’d beat his ass
I refuse to believe he walked up to his mom and told her he splooged all over the game room couch
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She probably just wiped her gooey snatch on it
So basically we are just waiting for a Cam and Chelsie one on one to see how she feels about T’Kor going? Everyone else seems locked in for it.

Oh and people need to talk to Kimo about it unless someone already did
stretching out with big mak
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Imagine those long legs wrapped around you.
>big mak in the light
>big ange in the dark
I know she's an athlete but I'm still impressed at the flexibility. Not easy to do that with long legs.
cam is gonna go to town on this
Is there something weird about tomorrow’s episode? Like it’s 90 minutes or starts at a weird time?
big mak is running this yard

meanwhile leah is eating ice cream and asking for sprinkles kek
2 hours later due to survivor premiere
the duality of my waifus
she is filling the bottom of her ice cream cone with sprinkles
power move
bulking for the endgame of the season
...and more sprinkles for the top
measuring torsos with big mak
Damn seems like production really is committed to doing the full week outside huh
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>i'll work out tomorrow
they needed to gimmick week to hide how boring the cast is without icko
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ive never known anyone who picks their nose with a q-tip
Damn this really is the dream for Leah. Everyone having to treat her like a princess because she’s HOH and she just gets to eat ice cream all day in the sun
she's like a fish in water in Jankie World.
what is this
hes right behind me isnt he?
If they have the votes to get her out without Chelsie (Mak Angela and Cam)Chelsie would be a fucking retard to not give it the green light
It is basically the last chance for her to get her out without casting a vote in it or nomming her.
has T'Kor even said a word to Leah or Angela since the renom?
tkor cant carry a tune. is she tone deaf?
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i miss naur posting
so much for her "great" social game
yeah thats a little too crazy even for poohunnit
seemed like Cam was wanting to talk game to Kimo but T'Kor swooped in
curly mak is back on the menu boys
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congrats to leah
chelsie has nice legs
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T'Kor offered to give Kimo a massage and doesn't know what the fuck she is doing. She just started bending his wrist backwards
at one point she just started punching his palms
Typical talkblocking Tkor
It’s part of why I hope they are allowed inside tomorrow because they need some time for private talk
what can this bitch do?
fight for inclusivity
I'd be fine with anyone winning out of this group right now besides Rubina or T'Kor. I just feel like both of them haven't played a great game. One could argue neither has Kimo but I just like the dude for some reason
I accidentally said little Leah and big mak when I was talking about big brother with my family…
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nothing is worse than accidentally calling felicia "dud" when talking to people in real life
Kimo at least has a big move on his resume with Cedric eviction. T'Kor's only move is getting her strongest ally voted out on her HOH because she was too scared to nom 3 people.
Kimo has it in him to be good but T'Kor's influrnce on him is ruining him.
Neither of those is really a weird nickname desu
Not like dud where you get awkward explanations kek
if he turns on her this week and makes a run to the end but loses to leah that could be fun
i know i've told this story here before but i talked about Mama Dud for like five minutes before my mom finally stopped me and asked who the fuck i was talking about
chelsie is counting the ducks
when i see 'felicia' it take me a quick minute to realize they're talking about mama dud.
>but I just like the dude for some reason

why? hes annoying as fuck
Luckily I don’t talk about big brother with anyone irl so I avoid the problem kek
I never met anyone who watches BB or Survivor, at least in the past 10 years. More people seem to be into Bravo shows, Housewives or Bachelor for "reality" tv.
i wonder if they will notice the super moon partial eclipse
I have my moon water ready but it has been rainy and overcast all day. I may have to postpone the ritual.

>In Southern California, the moon will rise at 6:52 p.m. The Earth’s biggest bite will appear at 7:44 p.m. and gradually dissipate over 31 minutes. By 9:48 p.m., the moon will be at its brightest.
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lets go!
It’ll be funny the first time they go outside after they’re let back in the house
There was a blood super moon a couple years ago. My cat looked up at the sky and started screaming for a bit when it started happening.
leah pretending to pour VIP drinks using a roll of paper towels
To be honest if you compare her to Taco Belle I would rather fuck Leah.

I feel like Kimo could have a redemption arc, Cam needs Kimo to be his bro to make an army versus Chelsie. Nice Final 4 is MJ, Cam, Kimo and Angela.

What are they even talking about on Taran and Friends? Anyway. weird just give me the scores naur.
LISTEN I'm racist but they make a cute couple
she's too cute
and is this their super exclusive vip area that's invite only but everyone is up there?
This is going to be turbokino.
Its amazing what animals know sometimes.
they let kimo and a +1 in cause its his bday
i am also racist but i've been shipping them for weeks
Wait there's a fucking bb general on 4chan? Is this just a goon thread?
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the life of the party tbore
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hang out for a while and enjoy your stay anon
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think she's mad leah and makensy are up there?
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no, we are all students of the game here and watch it for the plot
Um...... Are you in the KillQuinnStans gc by any means?
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What do you know of that moon?
it's the only thread worth a shit on all of 4chan and i 100% mean that
they were up there first.
My wife loves this show. I find the cringe entertaining. Everyone just seems to be trying too hard and hamming it up. It's kinda fun

why does that handrail look so shitty? did they not even repaint it from previous seasons
watch the feeds on plutotv and hang out with us sometime
they are filming content for the show
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>angela's fucking hands
leah just picked her ass
they don't do shit to the 'house' but repaint furniture and put in cheap vinyl everywhere
We're all girls here
She's into big bois, of course she would exhibit the same tendencies
limbo time
kek zubina just walks under the bar
The feeds are what makes it entertaining, the show is corny as fuck
jankie really making them work
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it's for memes and general gameplay discussion
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chelsie is so over it
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She’s always so fucking grumpy
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i have never seen these two speak
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Rubina isn't so bad when she's not talking
she is like a completely different person when she's away from tkor
it's just too bad the seethe sesh last night basically proved that's who she really is
pitching to big mak
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rubina isnt just falling on her sword. shes offering to be a pawn if she stays and agreeing tkor would target mak
chelsie just told tkor cam is going to vote to keep her.

>you have 2 votes for sure (her and cam)
has cam confirmed that? be great if he blindsided them thursday
feeling like tkor might be donezo this week. cam better grow a pair and vote how he wants and not listen to chelga
no, him and chelsie have not talked about the vote. he suggested to mak and leah he would vote out tkor
the really need to beat it into cam's skull that fucking tkor has been dropping his name for weeks and even put him up herself
Mak thinks that Cam is craving to be nurtured because he doesn't have a mom but Chelsie doesn't play like that
maybe rubina will stop questioning it now

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