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Trish Delish edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• It's pink
• Bex is doing a hostile takeover of MDE
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei has been banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen has has lost 5 pounds and has taken up drinking again
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203604433
Is Trish still alive? She hasn't been in any ftl news in years
its never been more over
Trish is so cute bros
Trish wearing those tight bootcut jeans with that fat booty got me fucking DIAMONDS
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Does shadi have any nudes? I love that fat bitch like you wouldnt even understand
Shes dead
Have they? I don't see any mention in the thread
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fnaf claire
Letty said Trish is retired from streaming on her Friday stream with Xavier.
marriage with creature
4chan is dead, same shills are shilling every board, no wonder they took away the IP counter
>top left
Jesus fucking christ, what white boi would last more than 10 seconds in that?
its been dead for many years bud
google evilomens nudes
hisocarl is a cringe negging nigger
hope he gets in a violent car accident
surprisingly comfy tbqh
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the beloved
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>love that fat bitch like you wouldnt even understand
The inevitable fate of all fish, so it goes
yuh Darn Tootin Leaf
don't get me confused with a snow mexican
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Ah, so Trish has a boyfriend
yeah, me
I have no idea what this is and I don't want to, but fuck you guys for shitting the board up with it.
no idea how this still happens
Did she really? sad, trish was one of the more interesting fish. Season 1 streamers have it much better than future season ones so lets see how it pans out for season 3
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Im sorry
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>Trish wearing those tight bootcut jeans with that fat booty got me fucking DIAMONDS
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>Its pink
>/ftl/ hater is a newfag
Isn’t josie dating someone?
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Trish delish will be the next impregnated fish
What compels dozens of people to post about z-list ecelebs all day and night forever?
Literally no proof to fucking any of this josiecels making up canon in their head because they want to be cucked.
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>trish was one of the more interesting fish
pleasure time with abi's dirty brown poopy hole
I'm just quirky like that
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how is it any worse than posting about A-list actors?
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im mentally ill
literal who
It's so insane some random anon can post something with literally no proof and you idiots will believe it. What am I even talking about? You're probably the same anon. /ftl/ is mental illness general.
yeah me
I look and sound exactly like this
The inevitable fate of all fish, so it goes
>doesn't understand people here like spreading false rumors to mess with the people involved
how new?
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based me too
even the guys?
god i wanna stick my finger in her cummy pink slit so bad
Getting people to believe random bullshit is half the game, faggot
she's dating a black guy at her local park
Why does /ftl/ actually believe none of their waifus have had sex ever
>at her local park
surely you meant behind the müllcontainer right?
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Especially the guys
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Isn’t TJ dating someone?
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Do you guys want to hear about the time when a 28 year old groomed a teenager in Josie's official discord and how it was quickly buried. Not trolling btw.
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Ivy Wolk would love sargeposting
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yeah, me
Cant watch them because the faggot who uploaded them made it private and i cant even make an acc
It's called courting, faggot, and yes we all know about it.
yeah me
do the bettypedos themselves also want to be BLACKED?
This is something you think about a lot isn't it
Q4L did nothing wrong (besides abandoning us for the cord)
obviously they self insert as her
Remember when Haley was making fun of Shadi saying she’ll never get a man and shadi lied and said she actually has a rich older boyfriend that was pretty sad to watch
no they just want to watch
i self insert as abi's dildo
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Josie knew about this.

Josiepedos are real.
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Josie fans groom minors on Josie's secret discord
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Trad desu
she probably doesnt have one
elephant legs. the same circumference the whole way down.
Just how I like em
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>they blocked the twerk webm
So Sam attended New York fashion week and guess who else was there? Dasha. This Peter Thiel schizo might actually be right

I thought you were bullshitting in the other thread. Wow lol
grim and fucked up.
b a s e d
Sam is networking and widening his base to grift from, good shit
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>claire spends every day of her early 20s alone in her boyfriend's apartment taking buzzfeed quizzes and playing wizard101 and town of salem
>no education
>no employment
is it actually over
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how do i become a peter thiel psy op?
i have absolutely nothing going in my life besides porn addiction and haven't worked a real job in like 10 years.
Mmm gimme sum dat bacon pwease im vewy hungry oink oink *squeal*
Have you tried signing up for fishtank shows?
>Having to recast a second time due to delays
Its there welf insert. They love blacklisted b*tty
Replaced by minion
Shut up
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rate today's clairetent
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Abi doesn’t use sex toys or even her fingers. Just squeezes her thighs together
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get a job bitch/10
who the fuck is mariomovie? Is it a female?
Women shouldn't have to work. Especially a princess like Claire. Cope more.
this was peak of 2.5
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he also was at an elena velez show which is a thiel funded fashion designer and bliccy got flown out to romania by the tates
MDE is supporting her career wholly and are going to justify it by rugpulling her and showing the internet how big of a whore she is, Josie knows that right? As a form of blackmail. Over a certain person. But that's spoilers if I talk about it too much... "SUPER PIZZA GEMATRIA" is a spoiler :^)
Hey production, do you think Josie knows yet that 90%+ of these threads have always been production? At least it gets easy when fictional characters like Q4L are an actual chat bot and Jet rizzes her occastionally with messages and making video games. Sheeeiiit I paid for them. :^)
Here you go clairebear faggots. Don't say I never helped you.
>Women shouldn't have to work
>Cope more
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Become an instagram male model and he might pump and dump your body.
What could she possibly offer to warrant this? Im starting to believe the psyop.
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i forgot was it bliccy that has hiv+/aids or was that kaley?
that was kalei
i think all the clairestreams are fun, she needs to figure out the capture card or she's going to get bored
is that the cute country chick?
shit dawg i hope she didnt touch anything claire ate or drank from
imagine getting hiv even before having your first sexual experience
Upload it on go file. Who was twerking
you're thinking of tay
me : (
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I wonder what chuck thinks about all this
Pedo enabler

When you see this face think "pedo enabler"
Cut your nuts off and larp as a fake catholic for clout.
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i forgot uggsie
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I'd like to know his thoughts on it too
Sam was The Raped all along.
why would he care?
How fat is Claire going to get? You're only young with high metabolism for so long.
Why do bliccys toe nails fall out? Remember the disgusting bloody uggs in her first mde appearance? Was the psych hospital bracelet fake?
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So it goes...
Someone ask his opinions. He was on the cover of the Peter thiel zine. What are his thoughts?
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/ftl/ sisters, what did we think of the latest chainsaw man chapter?
Why does Josie add actual pedophile groomers on steam when pretending she doesn't like them publicly?

Great parenting Javier and mom_xing, your daughter is a child molester and prostitute.
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it was good
Trish ain’t coming back
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thank you for your service
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2/10. If she doesn't want to show her face on stream, she should at least monetize her pretty privilege with a web cam fishtoy, but setting that up might be too challenging for her. Fr tho, I wish she'd get back to calling people and trolling / busting balls, which is one of her strengths.
Why would he have a problem with it?
lads, now that protomen act 3 is finally confirmed, how we feeling?
Dr Phil, kefka, and secondhand are all devastated (top 3 Trish simps)
Thank you, saar.
Jimmy won bloodgames
what the FUCK is a protomen?
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the rat wouldve been a real treat on a main season
let her be a spy
her and Q are looksmatched
She’ll become anorexic like her mom to prevent that. Become bitchy and sexually frigid
built for Q
imagine their kids
>now that protomen act 3 is finally confirmed
Submerging Claire in liquid nitrogen and shattering her into a bajillion pieces
crazy I just listened to hold back the night for the first time since around when the single was released a few days ago.
Josie is not sentient and thus not responsible for her actions
perfect Aryan children
that might hurt her tummy
3d laser scanning abis naked body and building a 1:1 sex doll
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what did they mean by this?
she looks cute there
is this a lubecooch post?
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Who is mariomovie on ft website?
She's an 'influencer' it's not uncommon for these people to be put on the payroll
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walmart off-brand cryokeen
This is how Josie looks when she’s grooming minors on discord to self harm
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lurk more newfag
any news on the keegan fuckup?
cryokeen is walmart off-brand cryokeen
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now that raul is going to be a contestant for s3, does that mean /ftl/ becomes protomen general?
Hes making reels for Tayleigh now in hell
Greg... whatever happened to that guy?
keegan deleted his youtube jobs page and taylor is taking a break from streaming to fix her setup
I want to give Josie sloppy kisses while holding hands
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He got a new job
Who is mariomovie on ft website?
No thanks the rat doesn't have enough love or support. What she gonna do? Offer to suck off jet some more? She had her chance at making an impact and she squandered it.
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>3d laser scanning abis naked body and building a 1:1 sex doll
Claire is the princess of /ftl/ our combined love will meld her back together.
i know you fags are greg simps, but i feel like if you're a person who streams to and makes content for children, even if you're not streaming to children right then, you shouldn't be doing pervy shit like this. you wouldn't let a prostitute or porn star babysit your children.
>you wouldn't let a prostitute or porn star babysit your children
not a fan of milk money I see
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>Uhh Taylor you might want to take a break to fix your streaming setup
>Yeah it will be good for your career to take a break and fix your lighting
>Trust me its not worth streaming right now with your scuffed setup
ETA on season 3, guys?
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That would be hilarious
Why is it the "asexual" guy that's constantly doing sexual things on camera?
kick greg off permanently.
have jacob co-direct s3.
get more staff to track all of the moving parts.
have previous season contestants be judges or NPCs after halfway point of s3.

you can thank me later.
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Claire's stream today was sad and boring, working a job and being sober must suck
You forget that the two creators of the show have a history of making/watching child porn (also raping children)
Us she? She doesn't have a huge following and her engagement isn't consistent. Ive seen d tier onlyfans whores with higher follower counts and engagement. The tates were the most google name a year ago. Seems like a weird collab.
>when you don't know the meaning of asexual
>you wouldn't let a prostitute or porn star babysit your children
how bigoted of you its 2024 sex workers are regular people just like the rest of us
Come on, it's a real question, bro.
are you available for remote hire?
don’t worry about that
back to square one
those freemason mormon niggers can't keep getting away with it
He'll wake from his drunken stupor soon, and he'll continue his pathetic psyop to try and convince us it wasn't him.
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she has a plastic bimbo friend and tranny friend shes with there, neither are very popular though
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How did that lost hominid get a qt clown gf? Was it true love? Does that really exist bros
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She's not very popular on social media but who knows what kind of influence she has in real life. I think we're only scratching the surface on this Peter Thiel stuff
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Remember when she was bragging to the other girls that she was basically production cause she helped with labor work on bloodgames? Than jet walked in the room and was like "uhhh whats your name again?" Pathetic.
kys mario
That's Scott Sullivan MMA
i don’t know please stop yelling
female fishtank orbiter
why is scott angry?
did his girl got back flipped on again?
He's attractive and goofy, two things women like.
>but he's a fuckin stutterin gooner
women don't care as long as you're attractive and goofy.
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You can stop self posting now. You lost your nuts, so you're not even capable of it.
Thanks now I know
If I was mariomovie I would shove a fist up my pussy rn on stream cuz this is boring
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A challenger appears
hes not attractive though
Thats very obviously a man.
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never said otherwise
you just fell for a peter thiel psyop
They could cut off his balls but they couldn't stop thr earth shattering prostate orgasmsp42kt
to women he is, no amount of coping here will change that. also im not doing the whole:
>nu uh
>ya huh
>nu uh
infinite feedback loop faggotry. seethe
>to women he is
but hes not, he was an incel until a reality tv show forced a girl onto him
i accept your concession
You lost Keegan, enjoy your rapidly growing hog.
Thats a 6ft man! Far from a cute feminine boy. Hes closer to a fat eunuch, like varys in game of thrones. Pariah wishes he was that dainty, he can't fit those broad shoulders in brandy melville baby tees.
I think she wasn't really in the mood to stream but felt pressured to stay on the site. She should raise Jet's shit test and not take the 3-day threat seriously, but even if he did remove her privileges and left Jacob as the only entertaining streamer, that'd be to everybody's benefit because she's not making money or growing an audience on there and the off-season content is diminishing the Fishtank Live brand.
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keegan status?
His prostate is shot from his lack of nuts. He was tricked into giving them to Jewish science, but dont forget he's a le hecking life long catholic!
Well she should stream on twitch or kick desu
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Oh yeah, it's kino time.
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My plans for streaming:
Some science documentaries
Video game level design
Weed use but almost no drinking I gotta cut back
No bad mouthing other fish unless they start shit with me. I understand chat will be TTSing me nasty things I will resist. I am the fish they are the torturers that is how it should be. The fans vs the fish. Not fan vs fan. Or fish vs fan.
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Keegan won
>oddbod in his room

Yeah.. Kino.. so cool and original
Still cute
you haven't been added to the site yet
also you probably want to stay away from the vidja gaems, that shit is played out for content
stream yourself making your little art pieces
How're you wasting time until season 3?
yes, it's over, but she won
I'm aware I haven't been added atm. My bandwidth is pretty bad so singleplayer gaming is gonna be half of what I'm doing. Gonna have my face taken up a good chunk of the screen tho. But yeah seriously Jet/Staff if ur here I'd be honored to be on ur site where I don't have to worry about physical altercations just psychological damage kek
Self posting again? Stop and enjoy your vacation at the sex trafficker mansion! Im sure that pairs well with your strong Christian values.
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listening to protomen act 3
I bet this twink cockmoggs everyone in the talmudic network. Three inch advantage at least
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I'll do some of that to. My work station is very messy rn. Need to angle camera properly. This is what I've been working on lately commissions for necklaces
No hes basically a boy that never went through puberty, he has a micropenis
You can do some pandering and do react content on old fishtank episodes, MDE skits, etc.
King Of The Hill, sleeping, gaming, petting my cat, posting in these threads, simpsons, star trek
my point still stands
the girls are fighting
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jet neptune dies today
A mexican faggot, a agp groomer & a man who got fucked in the ass by another man still have ongoing drama
>posting a picture of Jet getting fucked
Why don't you spend the extra time to make 1 decent thing instead of 10 shitty ones?
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you said the same thing yesterday
gay guy always makes it about him
This dude got “losing my religion” playing on repeat because of a wigger internet show LMAO
fishtank fatigue isn’t real. anyone who blames bitchtank and blood games or thinks that season 1 and should have been more spaced out are blaming the wrong thing.

if the show was any good and production was competent there would be no fatigue
Hes over 6ft tall. He cut his nuts off as a grown man, not before puberty. He's built like a running back look at his fucking shoulders on the run way. Its 2024 they let any dog walk on the run way! The actual state of fashion.
If that's what people want sure it's a decent idea. I think I have like a 50/50 chance. I imagine the chat would be in revolt against me for a few days while it adjusts to my presence. On the other hand ppl using cryo hate TTS could help fund S3

That's kind of what I'm showing you here. The prototyping process. One moment u guys want me to show the process of making clay art the next it's garbage lol
this is what I'm wondering
This nigga always in fishtank servers and dming all the girls. Absolute freak
Nothing will happen, Taylor needs his free labor... She has no work ethic she wont edit them herself lol
real and true
Its a useless flap of skin from cutting his nuts off and shotting up ozempic all day everyday.
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jet getting intimately acquainted with big purple
there's no fatigue because everybody just left
art is supposed to evoke something and this just makes me feel pity. a grown ass man is making these feeling like he's actually doing something
he’s so lucky this didn’t go public
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Broooo you ain’t lying. Trish stream-he was always there. Abi twitch stream yesterday-he was there already subbing for 2 months lmao. I’m pretty sure at this point he only watches fishtank to creep on females. Nasty nigga
He pretend to eat a whole bottle of advil on S2. He brought it up numerous times.
have you considered going to community college for ceramics classes? it would be a positive place to put your time and it might help socialize you.
No it was before puberty
wdym? tj directly acknowledged it and i’m sure taylor is aware of it to some extent. pretty safe bet that her chat will be filled with questions next stream
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abi got her fish status back
Yeah shits crazy.
This, he actually asked Jet for an advil on camera.
I've made over 200 pieces of clay over the last 2 years. Sold about 10% gave away another 10%. I should probably take more lessons but I kinda like winging it. You make a fair point, however I'm on disability atm and not super motivated to drop everything and become an electrician or whatever
half of the people in site chat do this
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Cameron, you’re a homosexual
if you're an artist guy memorize this
You should kill youself your a waste of my tax dollars.
i like how mauro actually thought he wanted to be his friend here
there's a clip of TeejGOD acknowledging this and laughing at greensimp
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Good idea!!!
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I'll pay you $10 for this
how tf is a 24yo struggling with religion what a pussy
Kek your wrong, but I really don't care to continue the conversation about this bulky fat faggots nuts.
>i don’t want to talk about that anymore
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Save it for the TTS u homo, money isn't real and we aren't real anyway shlomo
Yeah the last 20 minutes of TJs last stream was him laughing in disbelief. If I was Taylor I would ditch greensimp because he is an actual brand risk at this point.
get a job, you obese parasite
Try $100. That thing is virtually priceless. I'll sell it to you for $100 plus shipping. Hat Not included.

His teeth and lips aren't done yet anyway
for the record I am not trolling, but if you are going to engage with art you should be disciplined about it. you are already living the poor artist life, try to make the most out of it.
oh i know, believe me, i just meant more like people trying to get an answer on twitter or posting the drama on reddit or something
What you say has no merit, you've been consumed by your own ego.
Hey Obese Parasites are at least half the fishtank audience/paying customers, have some respect fellow incel chud!
no originality
>wanting TJ to fall for the bait
the funniest thing is that he's probably unaware that the best way to deal with this is not caring at all, and he's doing it anyways
yeah regardless of tj if she’s really trying to get away from fishtank the editor you got from it shouldn’t be an exception. i remember people shitting on jet for telling the fish to stay away from fans who reach out but it’s almost always the right move
If that was true he wouldn't have grown to be over 6ft. He used to bitch about removing his facial hair. He might be trying to lie about it these days cause hes embarrassed that he made that choice as an adult.
>Im a the Simpsons
What did he mean by this?
Good points. However I am strongly considering pivoting to other things in 2025
No one likes you, your a fucking waste of space. No will would miss you if you died, people just laugh at you. Your delusional if you don't think that is true.
castrati were known to actually grow pretty tall.
I bet it already blacklisted in chat lol
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my favorite cleh
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What was this all about?
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People like the Ferry boats

Here's your Originality
Hell yeah brother. 2025 suicide manifest that rebirth
hes not over 6 feet, hes like 5'10-11
like what? why wait until 2025?
Delusional cope. Stop self posting.
have you played hylics
damn he mustve reuploaded these
very trve
I just hope taylor isn’t bothering him about it
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>No one likes you, your a fucking waste of space. No will would miss you if you died, people just laugh at you. Your delusional if you don't think that is true.

You sound really in a bad place rn. I will pray for you. I hope you do not talk to your children or loved ones like this.
did they leave on no-speaking terms? the cheating allegations were pretty weak to begin with
lost cause
Will Nick's daughter be on fishtank season 20?
>Guys hes actually 5'11 not 6ft!
Who the fuck cares can you stop talking about this irrelevant faggot?
I have not. The art logo looks familiar tho.
not at all
You either need to start taking this seriously or just do something else with your time
>which fishtank girl is the most rapeable
physician heal thy self - Luke 4:23
pretty sure they were talking while she moved. she only blocked and deleted everything tj related after the tweets
If you’re a male fish and fans reach out I don’t really see a problem in seeing what’s up. For female fish any fans that reach out to “mod” for your stream or discord just want some crumb of pussy trying to play the long game over the internet lol.
just because you're stoned when you create something...that doesn't make it art
I pray for your death. Grow the fuck up
"Something different happened in castrati. They lacked testosterone, so their growth was slower early on. But the lack of testosterone also meant that the growth plates in their legs did not fuse shut. As a result, they kept growing and growing and growing. Many stood six-foot-three or taller as adults"
beats me, I just assume if she is, she’s coldly texting him about it like he has no say on the matter
just because you dont like it... doesnt make it not art
yeah that’s fair. most of the guys have enough common sense to figure it out
why does cryokeen make so many buttplugs?
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Well I got a lot of nice interaction and a few sales at my booth at Art in The Park at the begging of Sept 2024 so I think I could improve things and get more sales
He knows the mde market.
Nicky Gunz daughter is staying far as fuck away from Sam that’s for sure. Hes not stupid and knows Sammy boy likes ‘em 13-16, I’m sure nick and his wife have even talked about this before lol.
Peter Thiel is the alt right Diddy
honestly man, just learn to make vases and other vessels.
he doesnt have a daughter
ask him about big purple
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Same vibe. KWAB
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Don't believe I have said those EXACT WORDS

this fanbase says shit like that all the time, yall love to hate

It can be fun or bad art but it's still art

This is unhealthy mindset.
Taylor NFT status?
Taylor crochet status?
Taylor virginity status?
not going through puberty makes you taller.
your weird clay shit reminds me of the models from the games
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This but with music. A lot of songs sound good until you sober up from the weed high and never plan on listening to it again
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no one cares
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Nobody knows they're standing next to Cryochad
Jewish historic revisionism. "Guys you actually get bigger and stronger when u cut your nuts off!" That's the dangerous line of thought that got you into this mess. Stop self posting.
Yeah. People do love bowls and shit. People are boring lmao. My things are smaller to take up less space. I try working on smaller "vessels" bowl like things but adding details can make the clay less structurally sound. I'm still learnin
You seem to care enough to have images ready to defend her with.
FUCK MONEY. Favorite Virgil quote when I was in 9th grade lol
On season 3 they should have a week where they only give the fish lunchables to eat the whole time
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jet why would you delete this it was kino
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fuck me jimmy
>nut in me jimmy
fuck me jimmy
>nut in me jimmy
fuck me jimmy
>nut in me jimmy
I wanna fuck this big bitch so bad I would introduce her to stuff she’s never even heard of, start turning her to coombrain
Jazz Jennings is 5'2 stop coping pariah. You can stop self posting now.
This but unironically
yeah i would laugh at that probably
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literally me
Damage control 101 lol
imagine both looking like barbara chandler and her son who raped her.
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does anyone have bloodgames archive and would be so gracious to upload please
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Few more boring ass faceless claire streams and I think I might finally be over her, something changed in me today
The feral scream. This moment was pure, unadulterated kino.
there is no bloodgames archive
>I would introduce her to stuff she’s never even heard of
a diet?
I only have the director's cam from the last day I got from flowstreams before it went down
Imagine cooming on Claires greasy oily face
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i spit pepsi all over my dick, you asshole.
>defend her with
I just want you to stop talking about this boring bitch
>tries to act cute on twitter like bliccy and letty
They should just shut down S3 and go back to Jet reading $25 supershats and sam giving advice while eating slop spitting in it and shooting snots on the floor
same but thanks anyways I assumed flowstreams would archive the whole season and didn't bother downloading the kick restreams
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>fuck me nigga
>same but thanks anyways I assumed flowstreams would archive the whole season and didn't bother downloading the kick restreams
lol yeah, I'm in the same boat brother
can someone on the site just stream mgsv or dark souls or something
this is grim
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sick stuff man
Nah I don't wanna simp for her and have a parasocial relationship that sucks
LOL sadly I think this would be so hard for her to get into
jazz jennings took estrogen. estrogen is what makes you stop growing. cutting your balls off means you don’t go through puberty. you can’t make test and by affect estrogen because of that. at least pretend to know what your talking about.
well yea you should never do that
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You go ahead and ditch Claire. I'll do the lingering.
The sperm might help the healing of her face from acne who knows
jimmy fucks and gets fucked by 70 year old men
what does jet hope to accomplish with this tweet?
you guys just dont understand twitter
Are you unironically watching these boring nobodies just because they're on the site?
>that image
kek, those guys are such fags
>Are you unironically watching these boring nobodies just because they're on the site?
We are doing research to take down Peter Thiel and BAP's Talmudic Network.
Are you trying to say pariah cut his nuts off before puberty, without going on estrogen? I dont think the doctors do that. It has to be considered gender affirming. If pariah cut his nuts off like jazz did before puberty, then he also would have been on estrogen, like jazz. He's admitted to taking it in the past. You're being delusional.
Myself and others really loved the Sam and Jet Fallout 3 streams. I think they think they are above that now or at least Sam Does. Sams obsessed with money
>>203625259 >>203625265 >>203625277 >>203625286 >>203625290 >>203625292 >>203625306 >>203625315 >>203625324 >>203625327 >>203625333 >>203625335 >>203625337 >>203625343 >>203625344 >>203625352 >>203625368 >>203625369 >>203625370 >>203625376 >>203625381 >>203625385 >>203625388 >>203625390 >>203625404 >>203625420 >>203625423 >>203625435 >>203625444 >>203625447 >>203625448 >>203625468 >>203625478 >>203625479 >>203625493 >>203625515 >>203625518 >>203625524 >>203625526 >>203625533 >>203625540 >>203625550 >>203625551 >>203625558 >>203625560 >>203625565 >>203625577 >>203625580 >>203625586 >>203625595 >>203625596 >>203625608 >>203625616 >>203625621 >>203625629 >>203625632 >>203625637 >>203625642 >>203625659 >>203625677 >>203625686 >>203625687 >>203625688 >>203625691 >>203625692 >>203625701 >>203625711 >>203625722 >>203625724 >>203625729 >>203625730 >>203625738 >>203625746 >>203625756 >>203625765 >>203625768 >>203625770 >>203625771 >>203625776 >>203625783 >>203625786 >>203625787 >>203625789 >>203625795 >>203625802 >>203625806 >>203625818 >>203625820 >>203625824 >>203625833 >>203625840 >>203625842 >>203625856 >>203625858 >>203625860 >>203625874 >>203625877 >>203625885 >>203625891 >>203625898 >>203625899 >>203625902 >>203625904 >>203625906 >>203625916 >>203625934 >>203625936 >>203625939 >>203625951 >>203625956 >>203625964 >>203625965 >>203625967 >>203625979 >>203625982 >>203625983 >>203625985 >>203625993 >>203625995 >>203625997 >>203626004 >>203626005 >>203626018 >>203626019 >>203626022 >>203626025 >>203626032 >>203626033 >>203626040 >>203626060 >>203626062 >>203626074 >>203626077 >>203626079 >>203626088 >>203626096 >>203626101 >>203626103 >>203626107 >>203626113 >>203626130 >>203626133 >>203626134 >>203626154 >>203626194 >>203626203 >>203626209 >>203626215 >>203626234 >>203626236
endless posting of mid hoes
Fuck season 3, I'm so fucking ready for clabihouse
who isnt mid?
>Myself and others really loved the Sam and Jet Fallout 3 streams
you and the "others" should kill yourselves
>it's real
All me btw
Ok Mr. Optimism, what type of content would you like MDE to focus on the most?
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What is said at 2:06?
>_____ fifteen ____
>I did?
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sissy simmons
i don’t know who the fuck pariah is or what hrt that guy is on. puberty is what seals growth plates and cutting off your nuts would make you taller. the other guy you were talking to dropped off
clabi house > clabi roadtrip > jacob's content house > season 3
These threads are making you bitter, anon. Might be time to stop posting here before you fall deeper into hatred.
Not even being mean. When something leads you to anger, it's better to cut it out of your life before hatred consumes you.
Does anyone have the clip from bloodgames where Jon and Blacksmith are performing target practice?
Blacksmith hits the target, a ring is heard and Jon downplays by pretending to be not hearing and saying "Did you hit it. I didn't hear it. Do it again".
Blacksmith does it again. Jon says the same thing.
It plays like a "3 stooges" skit.
The Beautiful SZ
>whereas you did in fishtank history tonight
I watch jaybbgirl and pretend its taylor
I want to see Scott do wasp nest removal white only wearing a jockstrap
Two drunken fuckups experimenting with their sexuality would be kino
I love Taylor
>hey dickheads stop stinging me
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>I want to see Scott do wasp nest removal white only wearing a jockstrap
this bwoke jons heart
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theyre forcefully recruiting the orbiters kek. What is the endgame here
does oddbod have a job
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An evil Jewish ogre destroyed their love
What's the lore on this guy?
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cool idea but i feel like people will do shit way worse than kalei’s stream
wait what's happening?
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>On a scale of 1-10 you're at like a 9.5
>This is me at a 3
Jimmyseethers won't ever admit he MADE THE SHOW GOOD
>For far too long you've begged for content, well now you get to make the content you've so long desired, paypig.
>stream or die
>make your choice
Turning on the webcams for paypigs at random and putting them on the website would be a really funny idea
Every 4 hours there is a lottery and random people are given access to stream on the site.
lmfao underrated jimmy moment
thank you for the cig!
Nifty made the show good, he just piggybacked off her content queen kino
someone's gonna cum tribute jet. mark my words
job interview
How do I set up a stream? If I get picked, I am just going to stream old movies and binaural beats videos.
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sounds like a good way to get markyposted on.
Tayleigh Pendleton is a fucking skater girl WHORE, she was the girl spreading her legs in school for everyone
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she was way too lame to be a skater she just wears black clothes
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>shadi is still there
I think I only come back to these threads for sarge posting now
>stream or die
>make your choice
Honestly Jimmy can obviously be extremely cringe and annoying, but he makes content naturally, the jimmycodes thing in s2 is the peak of fishtank for me
your "art" fucking sucks anybody who bought these did so out of pitty because you are a 40 year old man playing with play-doh
the problem with s2 is that it peaked on the first half and then felt dragged out and forced as fuck
that's fair
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>average mondo bagholder
if i get stream access i'm just going to stream scat porn
choose wisely mr neptune
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Jimmy should still be euthanized
Savage but needed to be said. The gaslighting for this fat man child is sickening and will only make him worse
people are still filtered by jimbo
the jester pleading to the king for his life while a priest weeps in the background
>watch scot try to air box small bees flying around him
>his plump pink body
>little Irish potato jiggling in his jock strap with each swing
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jimmy should be kept in his parent's attic and only be brought out for christmas dinners
I see Molesto has sent his retards
is this a peter thiel psyop?
Jimmy is over. His bit has ran its course. He is no different than Shadi at this point.
world's worst idea award.
is that... cole?
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Seethe or Sneed
Make your choice
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new sponsor, new ideas
What do you mean? I LOVE 9/11 quirky schizo baby babble.
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get him on the site
abi, ben, chip, the quartering and alex stein did not stream on the site a single time
you mean BEST
markyposters, now is your chance
abi streamed once before the ogre cut her cords, thank god thequartering was too fat to stream
>site has been reduced to unironic mondotroons streaming nothing
Someone should really do this. Use the creature jet combo photo
Why does laker look like he's trying to hold in a shit?
thequartering is genuinely probably too scared of what the chat will say to him to stream on the site.
someone did it between s1 and 2 and posted it to twitter and got zero likes and engagement
Jet can't even bother to pop up on his own site.
what does he do besides being morbidly obese, collecting funko pops, & and making culture war videos?
did he win?
Unfortunately he hogs the family vacation home so his sister can never go there alone with her friends. He has to be at his families luxury vacation home whenever she trys to go alone. He's a selfish privilege manchild that went to retard school.
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I saw him sucking off drdisrespect after he admitted to the allegations, so sucking off pedos seems to be an additional passtime.
probably how he got on the site to begin with
This! All true
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Mar, my beloved.
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chip already has an account
that was years ago bro
What if he was Spot Sullivan MMA and he was a cute little puppy dog?
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I guess I'm going to have to update my playlist to add all these new orbiter streams now
[SPOILER]Just kidding! I won't![/spoiler]
they took it off, almost every one got taken off and its just random chatters now
Hiromoot sold us out
i just realized molesto never got a spot on the site
Because they're friendless virgins
>currently defending P. Diddy
lol, lmao
Jet and Sam really know how to pick em
He was last seen trying to suck up to Xavier a few days ago
I hope they add every single orbiter except for him
He has a lot of hashes to work through after letty exposed his true name live on stream
thats just how black pe
oples lips are

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