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rockman_11 edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• It's pink
• Bex is doing a hostile takeover of MDE
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei has been banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen has lost 0 pounds and has taken up drinking again
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203623006
piter thiel psyoped my bunghole
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>its brown
Great job
i was raped sorry
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You forgot the subject field.
It's Tayday.
That's okay I still love you
like no cap is sam hyde a pedophile?
will rockman_11 stream today
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>Do you promise? To bring me 4 Big Macs, 2 large cokes and 3 order of fries when you get back?
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Greg is the white Sinbad
Kato is such an ugly weirdo
What are Sam's skills besides sodomy, using After Effects, and disappointing his father?
accomplished voice actor Skitzy_VA
She would be very pretty if she took care of herself.
Grooming minors and blowing trannies
she wants him so bad
>Scott in a matching pup hood and jock strap
>his plump pink body
>being lead through folsom state fair on a leash
>hes embarrassed muttering "its just a bit dickhead" to all who pass by.
Sinbad if he was a pedophile
Boxxy is live on Fishtank
marriage with creature and giving her the life she desires and deserves
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>When Tay gives cockbuddy this look
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learning a skill
my skill is masturbation
I am sad
I wish to be glad
Make me a real boy
She's permanently ruined for the rest of her life. She's unsalvageable
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i stopped watching after vampire wars
its just too big of a time sink
How many bodies do you think Cryo has buried around the forest he goes to for walks?
Her husband will replace her with minion cause minion is the one who deserves all of creatures dreams and desires. Its only natural.
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>vampire wars
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Why don't you have a little drink by the lake?
>Sodamam is holding the leash
>hey dickhead rub my belly
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my perfect brown wide shouldered wife
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feeshtank could’ve made an edit that was good but instead focuses on the chat logs of literal whos
What's next for Tayday fellas?
Does anyone have a compilation photo of all the bliccy village posts? They were really funny desu.
chill cryo
creature cell stream on acid
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It's a scotty rocking kind of day
They were mainly in 2 threads from yesterday, I'm not sure how many threads ago that would be? 5 or 6 maybe?
Peter Won
How is Dumbgay so bad at twitter
I hate this picture because bliccy looks like a bimbofied version of MTG.
Shell be on acid? Looks like minion will have to replace her have way through. Acid can mess with obese peoples breathing so its dangerous for creature.
That's how she looks without filters and the shit fishtank cameras, anon.
Probably spin the wheel, idk.
Those are always banger streams.
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damn just imagine how many bits he had ran on her.
scotty can't stop winning
why do you like being the little spoon?
do you prefer being the big spoon or the little spoon?
Reminder that TJ is NOT a cheater and is in love with Taylor!
>TJ knew this girl for years before Taylor and mentioned her to Taylor when they first chatted on fishtank
>Taylor used to follow her
>TJ kept following Taylor for days after she moved
>TJ liked her reels even after she left for Florida
>The way Taylor’s tweet is worded implies that there were no sexual or romantic messages between TJ and the mixed girl
>Taylor has provided no evidence of any of her claims
>TJ only posted a three word response and didn’t throw her under the bus
>TJ didn’t delete the photo of them at the Adam Friedland standup show
>Dallas (who is still active on instagram) and Ethan still follow TJ
>TJ unfollowed a bunch of girls on instagram
>TJ made sure to turn down the wench in CK3 (he’s not a home wrecker)
>Ethan was watching TJ’s stream (possibly Taylor watching on his account)
>said his roommate (Carter) was not sexy and attractive
>TJ said he wished it worked out with Taylor
>TJ said he wouldn’t change meeting Taylor
>TJ said he appreciated Taylor being around
>TJ said he didn’t get black pussy
>TJ said his favorite part is s2 used to be something else (meeting Taylor) but that changed
>said he wouldn’t know how the (black) pussy was
>said there was not even emotional cheating
>said that his parents liked Taylor and that there wasn’t much for them to complain about
>said that the movie MRS doubtfire was not a healthy way to handle a breakup
>confirmed he doesn’t have a new girlfriend
>Said he liked to think that him and Taylor were the fishtank royal couple
>said he drank more because Taylor left
>said he wished he used Taylor’s chips to buy the wings he was eating
>TJ said Barry Lyndon shouldn’t have cheated
>said it was said his wife died on 2.5
>confirmed he didn’t say she was sexy and that he only said attractive after she grilled him
>said he hoped Taylor was alright after Keegan got caught in chat seething
mtg is bimbofied
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Who the fuck wants to see Taylor make square bets on favorites? Why is she flexing -220 bet to even begin with? At least show how money you bet on it. People are blindly follow her shit picks and lose money LUL
guy that makes these
trying to get sponsored by a gambling company
Hot liquid diareah cumshot on Taylor's prostate
>sports betting
she's retarded, TJ dodged a bullet.
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i forgot about his weird self-interview
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I'd she hitting any of her 4 leg parlays?
Dis is buwwwshit
Pwoduct not delivered pwoduct not payed for
She’s a roided up CrossFit Neanderthal. Growing a brow ridge from HGH and androgens. Looks more like a WWE muscle mommy
Hi Mike
If you're gonna fat up the fave u gotta fat up the forearm. Lazy.
peter thieled
I like to sport bet but I actually wanna watch the games I bet on too. It make the entire experience more fun.
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>Fishtank season 3 will be live soon!
>forgot subject field
Duke Nukem Forever Tier Delays and Reshoots
>Spends 4 days with Dr Beats
>Calls him Dr Beetle

what did he mean by this
the reason its taking so long is because peter thiel is directing the roll out in a very specific way
no the only picks she has won was heavy favorites
Jon is a handsome autist
Women cannot sportsbet well. It's a fundamental difference in their genetic makeup, they just can't do it.
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>Sadly we must delay Fishtank season 3 until January 17th, 2025
>Peter theil presents: extreme peace! >starring out of touch sell outs sam and charls
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Jon is a bug
Can we talk about how TJ won and Taylor is like totally a fat whore? Like soo gross! Ew!
please find it in your heart to forgive me i have made many threads in the past without error
that's fair
after tales of wape which should be after xavier s2.5 episodes which should be after steinful s2 episodes which should be after zipp hits the market
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EEE is coming for you, Jet
Alessandra... what would you want after I've given you everything...?

Guys that TJ and Taylor wedding stream was crazy! Jet and Ben were both crying, Sam gave an amazing speech. Shinji flew back from Japan and did a rocking karaoke performance. Jimmy showed up with one of the wackiest gifts of all time! What a fantastic day devoted to love and life.
Wait, where am I...
your punishment is eating Tayleigh's pussy
Josie is a pedophile, she's protecting her people.
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i read this in that one tts voice
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>your punishment is eating Tayleigh's pussy
That's supposed to be a punishment? LOL!
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That's a man
I need to manifest this vision during my power nap
I will say I admire his purity, if anything.
inb4 lubecooch
Who said this? No one said this
this is all happening before october 4th!
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anons and kiwifags unable to understand why women would fall for this expose their inceldom
Did pussy cure TJs rocking
When people hurry to instantly reply to any Tj post with this bullshit, it tells me all I need to know.
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Kato showed more ass last night than Creature
He’s bisexual and likes ages 13 and up there’s abunch of stuff about it on the internet if you go down the rabbit hole enough.
No way
Lol that faggot started watching shitty youtube videos for babies because josie said she liked them. He has been too far gone for over a year now. He should be put down
you’re an actual pedophile thoughbeit
consistently referring to others by a slightly wrong name is one of the laws in the laws of establishing alpha dominance
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Are there any other screenshots? The oldest zoomers are about 26 or 27 now which isn't weird for a 28 year old.
Cryokeen trooned out?
>no date attached
Its not happening the 4th. They really did lose the entire cast, and only deleted that post looking for people because it was discovered here
Are fat people human?
Duanyay is bad at everything technology, he’s a boomer in a young guy body
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>Its not happening the 4th
no fucking shit it isn't
it has said that since bitchtank ended. the closer we get to the premiere date without a trailer though, the more likely it looks that it's gonna get delayed.
why are you doing "no u" on an anonymous website
>leaving their house
>experiencing relationships
>socializing in public
they're more human than you unironically
why did jimmy say the episodes were coming out today?
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he did it
whats your excuse?
Taylor looking for reasons to leave TJ*
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love this retard
don’t talk to me you slobbering fuck
im ugly and short
they're diabetic and grotesque looking thoughbeit
are you fat too?
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bliccy is live
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There is literally no need to watch vile degenerate nihilist trash, it isn't interesting or enlightening or entertaining or anything else that makes art worthwhile. It is filth made by sick people.
Just look at that image and tell me it was worth being made. Why is Sam Hyde incapable of making anything beautiful? How did Pewds of all people manage to become a better "artist" than Sam (who had a 500k education dumped into him) scribbling anime shit for a month?
i dare you to prove him wrong
apes do all three of those so no
it could be worse, you could have gotten sent to the "brian and taylor make out in front of TJ and sam laughs while smoking a cigar" reality. cole stays in that one though, so there's that at least.
go live on the tank
>are you fat
>grotesque looking thoughbeit
post your face, prove the guy seething about random people he doesn't know being happy on 4chan isn't a dysgenic freak
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sorry for scotty rockin'
Anything sam hyde related aside, you don’t know anything about what you’re talking about. You come off like a twitter larper that follows BAP.
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>good art is when you can draw generic anime slop
goosmus settled for this. If he lost WEIGHT he could have got something better.
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Cyro got his feelings hurt I see
I'm going to unload the sloppiest of AI slop and you'll have to deal with it.
>post your face, prove the guy seething about random people he doesn't know being happy on 4chan isn't a dysgenic freak
you seem to be seething over the fact that fat "people" aren't human
BAP actually understands art though
Facts of life right here.
Tayleigh... WHERE IS MY FUCKING BEANIE YOU FUCKING BITCH. You were too busy in Kentucky getting dicked down in those tight brown pants... FUCK.
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>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Sam Hyde'e ugly slop imagery
We're comparing to Sam here, which is a very, VERY low bar considering the education he got.
Good art is when you watch someone force themself to puke and smoke cigarettes and get raped and eat broken glass off of a dirty floor
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>post your face
Post your belly first :)
josiepedos try not to groom someone challenge
difficulty impossible
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>Tayleigh... WHERE IS MY FUCKING TRUCK YOU FUCKING BITCH. You were too busy in Kentucky getting dicked down in those tight brown pants... FUCK
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why is that funny to you?
hehe hell yea Sarge. Taught your daughter right there.
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No doubt, he’s brilliant I think but 95% of his fans are uneducated to the same degree he is and could never comprehend what he’s saying on the same level. Just read his 2 books and move on.
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The worst part is that sounds far better and artistic in your post than it was in reality.
U know maybe the bulimia was a good thing.
The Rizzler
Fake bitch
what a nerd she should dress as data from stargate ha ha
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interesting how you guys decided to define that as “art”
S3 challenge ideas for artist guys?
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this video is the greatest thing MDE ever produced
peak of performance art
puke shit piss puke cigarettes shit puke
who can get jimmy to cum the fastest
>Jimmy showed up with one of the wackiest gifts of all time
what would it be??
she was getting chunkeh
i see the resemblance to the rizzler now
>fish have to wear diapers
>fill diapers ranch style beans until they're completely full
>Sam has to lay down on the ground and the fish have to dance around him while chugging a gallon of milk
>first fish to finish the milk and have the least amount of beans in their diapers wins
>bonus points for whoever can get the most beans on Sam's face
Who the fuck is jacob?!
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Josie is a mentally disabled prostitute being used by ancient societies to dive for power. They will literally threaten me in real life for saying Josie should kill herself, while fucking and taking advantage of her. Fucking her gets their dick wet while me telling her to kill herself harms their control over me.

Hate me as much as you want, it's all CIA funded anyways. Fishtank has cost under 3m overall and they stand to gain much more than that if Josie decides to sit on my dick for life. They will kill her, her kids, etc. If I step out of line.
Probably why they harassed and threatened my life IRL. I surely must marry Josie so the social network they set up lets them control her.
What's $3,000,000 for control of $50,000,000,000?
Masonic fucks. I'll play Minecraft with Sam/Ben/Jet doesn't matter if my bank account is in scientific notation. It was never about the money. Neither you nor Josie understand that.
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Vance Pit Worship
>Who the fuck is jacob
c'mon now
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true jimmy lore masters know why this is an impossible challenge
who can puke the farthest
Does anyone still have the sign up link asking for a friend
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Trying this again since no reply since last posted.
Does anyone have the clip from bloodgames where Jon and Blacksmith are performing target practice?
Blacksmith hits the target, a ring is heard and Jon downplays by pretending to be not have heard it and saying "Did you hit it. I didn't hear it. Do it again".
Blacksmith does it again. Jon says the same thing.
It plays like a "3 stooges" skit.
DIAPERS! sammy gotta have diapers
he can always cum from watching trish and cole kiss in the goon cave again
no yeah it's like alright, I get it, I'm ugly... but do we really have to make my ugliness the butt of the joke every single time? faggots.
Guess the microtransactions Joyride will have
Paint each other to blend in with the enviroment
but its like they didnt let me and brotha goon come do bits
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I never made the connection. This show is spooky sometimes.
i hope taylor keeps dirty bulking. She'll make a really sexy brap hog.
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>i hope taylor keeps dirty bulking. She'll make a really sexy brap hog.
too bad you cant search clips by day and time
No that's what Sam thinks he's doing.
Have the fish paint/draw a nude of Airsoft. Bring in an actual professor from the local community college to judge. Sam has to participate in this.
first one to suck a turd out of a trannies ass
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Rape escape v2: but with fatty covered in baby oil and the male fish

Hidden bathroom cam shadow point challenge

Beg for fishtoys challenge extreme
Actually it was pronounced doctaw beetaw
jet did this in s2 tho
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When is Scott gonna do the "send nudes challenge" again but this time only he's allowed to participate?
crap lick haircut boxing
God the things I'd do to her in that outfit
is this it?
nigger jousting
Memorizing this one.......
risky search
count the rice
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>Post your face
best gimmick since the show ended desu. Why does he have such a gooner phenotype?
the random turkish bar settings really ties it all together
Guys look he posted it again!
what an angel
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letty is the only fishtank person to have ever sent nudes
i hope bex taking over and bluepilling mde with her lesbian agendas doesn't take away from my kino puke
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qrd on this guy?
he's the secretive market trader he goons at night
whoever smashes the most goblets in 1 hr wins!!
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Trying not to date mentally ill women anymore
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bad ass nazis
Qrd on taylor? Any big news? I want to cast a wide net for info and any growing situations. Could be huge.
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greasy unkempt hair, doesn't even have a real haircut, pitch black eyes, weirdly long midface despite having a relatively short face, INTJ stare, unkempt facial hair growing in an odd pattern
>Could be huge
like Taylor lelelelele
That's the one, man. Thanks for this. Jon is lovable autist.
he's actually a gooner
The Based Anti Woke Gentlemen
Who is this guy? One of the sharks from s2?
gotta love seeing Jet's fat belly and man tits showing thru that white tee
Like you freaks look any better kek, this thread is basically an incel and troon collective parasocially living through other people
he's the market trader from 2.5
he was in charge of the bathroom cams
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Leaked S3 plot?
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> I call this bust 'n' crust. It's a 16-centimeter in diameter gaping asshole and a 24-centimeter in diameter asshole. Also, sedatives and a kidnapped child. I am going to fuck all of this at the same time because I am a homosexual
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For me its the WWE belt
Hi Mike
Jon is a lovable autist and the Blacksmith was the best NPC by far.
what the hell are you talking about
Hi Duanye
i would never replace creature with minion
>this thread is basically an incel and troon collective parasocially living through other people
this applies to the trader, he is this
Sorry faggots. If Josie ever spoke to me the first thing would be talking about how you are occult psychopaths. I won't lie about my opinions. You've soured me on the idea of life. No point in trying for anything if you're going to hire people to manipulate me or threaten to murder me.

You've proven there is no point in life. If I liked Josie or not, it doesn't matter. Josie your bait isn't relevant to the situation. You will hack my accounts, break into my house, harass me, hire people to entrap me, or kill me if none of it works. All of it has already happened multiple times except the murder.

There is no point in the genuine interaction with people I've met or known. You've proven it yourself. I will drink and play video games until the freemasons murder me. You proved life is fake and you will manipulate anyone to do anything.

If the masons wanted Josie to be an informant for me they would brainwash her into loving me and drop her on my doorstep. They have always had my dox and me pretending to be secure is LARPing anyways.

At this point it's too late. You've proven life is fake. I will do nothing. You will get zero help from me to further humanity. Zero medical hardware development. Zero romance. Zero friends. Zero kids. I will drink and play video games just as you have instructed me to do!

Thank you psychopaths for proving life truly has no meaning! Can you complete your previous murder threats already?
We'll never know because I'm the only one that posted his actual face (brownleaks is brown)
Hey Jet
because youre a low value male who doesnt deserve good things
>The Hi Mike guy is back again

Which one of the scorned production members are you?
now he's punished jacob after content house flopped
can someone help kato with her hair? her head is shaped like an upside down bowling pin. she needs to cover it up, not accentuate it. can we make-a-wish a trip to the hair dresser?
Hi Mike
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Hey Jet, click on this
I'm mike
you posted neck not face
Hi Mike
I'm Mike
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Hey ranjeet
Jacob turn on the stream these guys are boring as fuck
Hello Michael
I’m Spartacus
Guys I don't think Mike fucked Taylo >:) I think he wants everyone to think he did !
Hi Mike
Hi Ivan
why is charls' noggin so fucking huge. Puts Sam's HRT megamind to shame.
tell me something only mike would know
I know you are lurking these threads you ugly faggot
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Peter Thiel paid me to post this
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Is this why he keeps getting spammed here? TJcells think he fucked Taylor? KEK
Is Mike an artist guy?
he looks so good here! Hi Mike!
I post face too boo
keegan, give it up
Mike, Ivan, and Keegan won
>mauro advilposted
Only retards think they fucked desu. Its funny to joke about though.
stop falseflagging faggot i saw your post last night
What's wrong with his eyes?
yeah what happened with that? Wasn't is supposed to start on the 15th?
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Idk who that is, I genuinely just think it’s funny that you people make schizo theories about people who aren't even relevant. Does this nigga even work for fishtank anymore?

Americans dress like absolute shit

it's like they are stunted mentally at 15 and cannot conceive of more sophisticated attire than nigger hood outfits (it seems americans love niggers)
im still not sure if its the real RV jeet or AI bot made to mimic him
i'm pretty sure it was the thing with kalei and her friends that lasted a couple of hours. he set up a bunch of fishtoys for it
keegan is being coy now, cute
Hi Mike
Who the FUCK is Keegan?
Hi mike
nobody ever says hi to me :(
suck my fat dick bitch boy
probably gonna be a couple days before you get a jacob stream. he's 'locked in' rn.
Jacob stop playing with your foreskin and start streaming you ugly freak
think of the coolest guy ever. now think of an even cooler guy. keegan is cooler than both of those guys combined.
Hi anon ! >:)
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hello :)
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oh daddy, do you promise?
>Now try and meme the Peter Thiel links out of existence
Sam needs to shave her head and jiggle her belly
Hi Bliccy
Why does he cause so much seethe here? I thought we loved the goblin
Peter Won
Reminder that Sodama'am is the one spamming all that shit about Mike here because he's still mad about the pointing incident
santacruzpaleo is cool, he lives in my neighborhood
Taylors simp editor
The goblin was a fun money grab bit. Mike is a faggot. See the difference, bitch boy?
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i love da gawblin
Tj and greensimp don't like him for obvious reasons
i don't think anybody has actually seethed over him lmao
Hi Mike
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Real Mike appreciators have been posting him since he mogged Sodama'am in the cell, I don't know what the TJ Taylor stuff is about
She'd be so hot with bangs
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I think its just people trolling, we love da gobwin

The Hi Mike meme is being pushed by a seething person
What? Tj follows him still lol
This is a definite doom
post keegan's damage control that oughta shut that bitch up for a hot minute !
no the content house was something he was supposed to do with some of his tiktoker friends. Apparently they got a big investment for it
Hi Keegan
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Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
yikes... taylor isn't handling the breakup well at all
fingerin me puss
oh good. i thought it was half-baked and flopped. i hope jon shows up like he mentioned
what's BL's take on greensimp sperging out in Teej's chat? i missed it
If I can save anyone any more time or money to be wasted on this retarded whore then so be it. She fucking deserves to be forgotten, desolate, and broke. I hope she drinks herself to an early grave like the retard she is
How does tj feel about da gobwin?
why does tj keep winning?
god wills it
he doesnt, hes been on a losing streak starting with getting dumped by taylor
Alessandra, I will be your Chinese tech billionaire husband. I swear on my life, I'll be everything that you want.
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“A hero can be anyone, even someone doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a little boy’s shoulders to let him know the world hadn’t ended.”
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I miss this lil green nigga like you wouldn’t believe
said he's a good man a couple streams back
huge cock
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this nigga streaming from his childhood bedroom
I miss him in the wolf suit messing with Jon.
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>Bitchtank ends
>all of these retards start streaming
>the only that doesn't is Julaian
Fuck my life.
Tj said Mike was a genuinely good guy. Idk where the he fucked Taylor thing started. Everyone seems like they liked the goblin, I think this place just trolls a lot
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Jet, I will support you both financially and emotionally through your journey. You deserve to live an authentic and happy life. HMU
Site looking pretty grim not going to lie.
ETA on the Destiny + Mauro + Channing + Tayleigh + Marky + Don Jolly + Soph + Turkey Tom + Summer + Cole + Joel + Andrew Ruse + Kurush + those women from moms + the people from williamsburg street fashion videos + the attendees of the Paradigm Shift ted talk + the attendees of the inconvenient anime con panel + that guy who drinks lambusca wine overlooking rome + Sam's hapa bastard children + Simmons + Nifty + Zoltar + Bliccy + Joe Bernstein + Anthony Fantano + adult swim execs + tim heidecker collab video essay and lawsuit against Sam?
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Macey is Taylor’s final form if she continues to listen to green simp
Taylor is a retard but it would be funny if she started ripping off jeets.

>who's the scammer now, dot nigger?
- bigolmtwndew
BI was right about everything. Apologize
fishfags popping on stream for three seconds to avoid being removed due to not streaming for 3 days
what was he pointing at?
have you seen greg's room
>apparently they got a huge investment
Peter thiel strikes again.
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>BI was right about everything. Apologize
wrong about S2 and some music choices
otherwise, not a bad dude
who is this chad?
Letty’s and Creature’s piss bowl kek. He threw it off the tower and it splashed all over Chris
lol yes it is very depressing
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i hate da gobwin
People deserving of a production job on season 3:
That's BL I was talking about BI
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what made greenshark crack and turn on my nigga teej? was it the realization he got the best ending in s2 and subsequent thriving arc in 2.5? third party getting in his head? conspiring with taylor for unknown reasons?
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Why didn't he drink it?
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree AB is the best recapper?
tj says he loves mike
>the people from williamsburg street fashion videos
You forgot about the random wiggers and boomers from that car show in Massachusetts

Everybody turning on TJ when he was in wolf form going full RP trying to get him to stop should be punished along with the people ganging up on Cole on S2.
im serious i need to catch up
the funniest part was when he was calling him a liar and a bad person tj was like "what information are you being fed man?"
I'm glad Peter Thiel runs psyops they're more interesting than the shit Disney and Netflix kikes come up with and forget about Jeff Bezos psyops those are so cringe don't get me started.
I never doubted Mikes character, it was Taylors that was causing doubts. Mike is a real nigga.
I also forgot obvious ones like Hasan and Ethan
failure of a post and i accept full responsibility for my mistake and will strive to improve in the future
TJ was fucking the girl he had a crush on and spent countless hours editing together boring ass footage of for FREE
Hi Mike
Everyone loves that green nigger
>what made greenshark crack and turn on my nigga teej?
He wanted to be Tj and get taylors love
Mike's bed being stomped bit was pretty funny ngl
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Tj confirmed cuckold ?
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It was just that cell clip where Taylor tackles da gobwin boobs first. Pretty clear there was flirting on Taylor’s end, but if tj is cool with him gobwin must have contained himself
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The more I look back the funnier the gob bit was. This dude overpowered Jon, Vance, Tai and Jimmy at once.
Taylor is just fickle.
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Mike Mafia tap the fuck in.....
They’re all still cool with him from what I see on twitter, especially Jimmy. Taylor unfollowed him though so he probably didn’t reciprocate
Bye pedophiles
>Hi Mike poster did the exact opposite of what he wanted and manifested Goblinposting back in these threads

Kek anyone have the pic of him with the buster sword?
>Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
>i swear to god, i’m gonna kill someone today - xavier
>kill jimmy - jon
>well yeah, you know I think he might do it himself - xavier

Jon and Xavier have the best interactions
https://youtu.be/gt8mV1kc6eM >timestamp (7:00)
Hi Mike
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when taylor posted about breaking up he deleted that elliot smith edit he put together INSTANTLY
Thanks Mike! For the memories desu!
Chud gang is just incapable of having fun
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Strawberry fields status?
actual green faggot
Happy to see someone else shares this sentiment. They’re always trying to bring him down for no good reason.
>1 minute in and jimmy is talking in a baby voice to taylor
not watching that.
Mudman won
can't wait for the commentary edits because half of them will just be xavier and jon
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I still remember watching live when he TTS’d asking TJ what song to put in the third part. He needs to be locked up and examined.
what the fuck is wrong with her
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the greatest pro wrestling tag team promo that never was
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Me when I see my nigga Mike mentioned
that night was a lot of fun, still don't know if bic was in on the bit when he was yelling at maejok saying he could fire him
He was a self inserter that literally inserted himself into the periphery of his favs life and wanted to replace him because he realized he deserved the girlfriend more. Keegan won and can kick TJ while he's down all he wants
Xavier getting man-handled by a dyke. Is this canyon?
>unprovokingly attacks trish on S2
>unprovokingly attacks xavier on bloodgames
>both probably the least offensive people on the show
what the fuck is her problem seriously
keegan kings don't lose
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>Mike and Maejok + production = in on tbe bit
>Bic = not in on it. Pretty sure he whipped his cock out and told Maejok to suck it when he thought they were actually yelling at Mike kek
Look Mike, we’re being honest about liking you now but don’t push it.
Hi Mike
>not much is known about Greenshark...
I wonder if we posted Hi Sam if he’d show up and talk about Marky. HI SAM!
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keegan has never had sex
you need to shitpost about how awful 90's tuner cars are to summon the beast
Is it not weird that Keegan will be 29 soon and Taylor is only 22 though? I hope taylor has people to tell not to be romantic with him
Not really.
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>Is it not weird that Keegan will be 29 soon and Taylor is only 22 though?
see how letty made it funny?
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>Trish least offensive
Nahh bitch she hit her first fake ass blasian bitch, RAT
you’re mad you’re insecureee
go home weak ass bitch
yeah bitch that was a haymaker
she has "it" in spades, whereas all the other female fish do not
they wish they did
nothing about keegan is weird he's awesome
she's just trying to check his pockets for change
but none of these people are entertaining or can think of entertaining activities for the fish
He had a death grip on the bag
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snack delivery
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>Is it not weird that Keegan will be 29 soon and Taylor is only 22 though?
I don't say this often but kys
this is something straight out of trailer park boys
Tai Nguyen is against 29-22 year old relationships
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>And Jet you big bald son of a bitch kiss my ass
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jet neptune dies today
she left because he was a virgin at 25 and she wasn’t willing to carry his gay ass
Johnny obviously didn't beat his son enough times
>She was only 22 you sick fuck
I don't know who Keegan is, but you should kill yourself.
Can someone draw the rest of this image on the left? Like the shoutout meph one
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What a crazy dyke
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hey dickheads scott is live
Doesn't this nigger work for blizzard? Why is he wasting time editing toilet taylo clips? He should find another black kween.
reshooting wp2 with claire
still lost his virginity, most of us wont
That’s probably on like page 10 on the weirdness charts. Like the speculation page or something that no one reads.
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the josietards are rebelling
this isn't all the messages but i can't be bothered to get all of them
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Why does Claire like the Karma is my Boyfriend song and know all the lyrics?

NuMDE everybody!
Claire is the key to all of this. She's a funnier character than we've had before. If we can get her working.
why doesnt the image load when I expand it?
he only worked there for about a year i believe. he’s been unemployed at his parents since 2022.
>it's real
Qrd on Brian shields? Are they talking about stainfool?
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they're trying to silence me
does this work?
>couple of days ago everyone was pro TJ
>now everyone is pro Keegan
did I miss smn?
Don’t let a literal virgin simp like keegels hold sway over you, anon. You can easily defeat him too.
that's fair
what the fuck are josie streams even about
it 90% shitposting for (you)s and 10% actual tjseething
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>now everyone is pro Keegan
she fucks guys and gets fucked by guys
no one it pro keegan its just jokes
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who is brian shields and whats a vode?
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Jimmy is clearly the Jar Jar Binks of Fishtank
Not Stein. Probably just orbiter vs orbiter
What if Keegan called himself Keegay so it was like TJ? Would Taylor finally give him sex?
God I wish that were me
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Well you're in luck, chudgang is going to show up in S3. Why do you think tay just stopped streaming all of a sudden and went media dark? You honestly think /bant/fags won? She's working with production now setting up the S3 house.
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Wait you guys are virgins? Haven’t even plapped a super size hog?
Acts like a retarded autistic toddler for pedophiles even though she's really just a SIZE QUEEN alcoholic wigger
>Wait you guys are virgins?
obviously, this is 4chan, its an incel website
>Haven’t even plapped a super size hog?
rather stay a virgin than do that
Their graphic, painful public execution on day one is the hard reset Jet was talking about.
these images should be printed and cherished in a private scrapbook in the attic, not posted on instagram for fishtank fans to see.
She's more of a Spigger actually
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>who is that guy?
>i've been here five years longer than you, i can call sam right now
>yo bro you're fired
>i use notion
>i'll get FIVE NIGGAS to replace you right now
>i want to rape him (maejok) until i cum
He is a virgin. That is Frank's child.
why was Jimmy celebrating in the end
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cute girl being goofy doing goofy things
because sister tay was getting revenge
I think it's a matter of time until Taylor publicly burns this bridge as well. She'll probably accuse him of being clingy and creepy and post some evidence and then delete it a few days later.
Anyone can get laid
You just gotta BELIEVE
(Also prostitutes exist)
thats a normal gap
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she can do whatever she wants actually
this was so good
delete this
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Ive been saying he looks like hes getting fucked, so tired of the "frowning" psyop
Awesome, but who is fucking him? Feels like it's missing an image.
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He's an autistic retard that can't read social situations and thought it was fun
Look at Tai's face in contrast lol
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Pick none
Bic being an embarrassing faggot again, what's new
>the josietards are rebelling
The fuck are they babbling about? nobody watches Josie we just want to know when the murder-suicide wave begins when she gets a boyfriend.
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Surrounding yourself with children's toys is not cute. It's a sign of mental retardation
>who is fucking him?
Johnny. Johnny Neptune.
this nigga thought it was an actual vampire
Are Mike and him good friends? Why did Bic go that crazy?
Can anyone fluent in whippet wigger translate that bottom text for me thanks
no he was celebrating because he thought she was getting an epic win on xavier for bringing up the Q shit, it wasnt because he thought it was "fun" or him being retarded and too into the rp (lmao)
Why would anyone assume they're good friends?
Post best and worst moments from 2.5
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he's cheering and laughing and Sister Tayleigh runs off crying and having a panic attack a minute later
how is that not him misreading the situation?
because he thought her tackkling him was a win and was therefore cheering

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