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Valley edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• It's pink
• Bex is doing a hostile takeover of MDE
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei has been banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen has lost 0 pounds and has taken up drinking again
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

https://pastebin.com/raw/xj8PNqG1 (embed)

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203627346
help my girlfriend got accepted to be on season 3

what do i do??
Tell her a bunch of weird gags and classic recreations to do
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october 4th, 2025
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how is it even possible to hate on this cutie?
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is that Cole??
He may have quit Fishtank but he sure won't quit eating!
tell us how her butthole tastes so we know in advance
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Sam used to be cool
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Sam needs to keep his wiggers in line. Maybe stop letting them get coked out of their minds on live
Dump her the day before the show to avoid further embarrassment
creature cell stream on acid
That's not your girlfriend anymore.
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hes cooler rn
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That's a man
He was considerably sharper and more quick witted back then as well. I think the roids melted his brain a bit.
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Dasha is getting old
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Richard is a SIZE KING.
everyone gets old
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This is how Uggsie looks when she’s grooming minors on discord to self harm
What a POS
Josie being half native is frustrating because there's no camgirl with an even remotely similar phenotype.
she looks so belarusian here
just use your imagination porn is bad
Not me
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Take me back...
Josie put her thumb up my ass in a non consensual manner :(
Not me I'm built different
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>there's no big nosed spic cam girls
I don't believe you
ngl that shot at the fashion designer party with the shades on is the coolest he's ever looked
Now that we know letty is the latest psyop, who is next?

My money is on Ben, it could be Claire but she's too lazy.
just use your imagination
>Now that we know letty is the latest psyop
Who the fuck are these niggas on the site playing pokemon and shit, I don't wanna watch this

>letty is the latest psyop
What do you mean?
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jet neptune dies today
I'm the latest psyop
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the beautiful bliccy
letty is a peter thiel psyop
He did look really cool
I'm fucking SAYING. It's impossible to find a lookalike to beat off to.
she was in a sauna here right?
She still looks better than most female contestants, especially Tay.
>the latest psyop
Nobody knows what you're talking about
no yeah it's just like yeah all i enjoy in life gets censored by parasites on some real shit
>thinking Josie looks native and not like a chubby Mexican boy
Well that's your problem right there
I don't know who that is or what this means. Are you implying she's working for this Peter fag or just acting like him?
yeah we all know that
Total Jimmy death
I love her. I want to be able to make all her dreams come true.
cheeses and fish meat plate await beautiful Bliccy in my village
Letty has been tweet recognized by dasha and is in a grooming rotation. Hard to know just yet what her main task will be. She may be the next one sent to Romania.
Doubt she is too much of a feminist
everyone looks significantly better than tay
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Sylvia will have the first Fishtank baby soon!

Which Fishtank contestant will be the next to be a mother or father?
You don’t want that anon. I found a pornstar that looked like an ex and it led me down a long winding path to perdition until I forced an end to it.
Lawsuit Letty WILL get her Thiel bux one way or another. It's just a matter of time and MDE extortion.
So this is the latest schizo babel got it.
Letty is next but she won't tell us who the father is
Trapped in some kind of cellar by romania village tour anon by the looks of it.
Cute swinger milf mom of three physiognomy
so am I
teaching culture traditional dances and songs to Bliccy
It feels disrespectful to jerk off to someone who hasn't willingly sexualised themselves. I'm not saying I haven't done it, but I feel vaguely bad afterwards.

At least someone understands.
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Erm Josie is a beautiful brown sugar navajo goddess.
no but it's just like seriously on some real shit tho people saying i'm privileged and shit but like you'd be fucked up too if your mother forced you to do your homework at the lakehouse and put you in time out and shit like yeah just because i was being a little silly and shit on some real shit tho fucking faggots
shes not any more of a feminist than the others
She’s gonna get jiggled
but shit man i just wanted to do some classic recreations and make people laugh *voice gets deeper* but that just couldn't happen now could it
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he was just a boy
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so so true
you just want to eat her like the sweetest chocolate
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Does Jet expect all the contestants to be so retarded that NONE of them do any research into the show they are about to be on for weeks? If even one of them gets through the whole thing is blown.
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kissing josie, dating josie, marrying josie, spending josies streaming money, getting josie addicted to percs, isolating josie from her family, stealing all of josies streaming money and spending it on mondomegabits, hitting josie when she doesn't do everything perfectly, sending josie on a cross country hoe tour to fuck her incel fans, letting the wiggers fuck josie again for mondomegabits, making josie fuck niggers for cheap when no one cares about her anymore, divorcing josie once the well is dry, dropping off josie on the side of route 66 in the middle of nowhere with no money or phone.
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has anyone posted a recording of the claire stream today?
>cc: moneyclan, benwbush, jetneptune

nobody would look those up lmao
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How does Jimmy talk so good?
Better that than fantank
tayleigh is bought and paid for by peter thiel

it all makes sense. that's why she hasn't shipped any orders.
Oh kay.

(No homo)
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Production leaked both casting calls here on purpose. Most of the s3 cast will be /ftl/ anons pretending to be normies. Screencap this
he never misses, always right on point
kys pedo
no someone said they were recording tho
trader is based
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>only got 30 years
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>Everytime someone gets kicked off the show
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I did https://gofile.io/d/uJHaWK
You're welcome clairebear faggots
also it's funny hawk is in the url
that would be funny if that was the case and you guys are just exposing yourselves as being too pussy or you sucking so bad they’d never let you on
>Most of the s3 cast will be /ftl/ anons pretending to be normies
i didn't even get an email back...
Probably, yeah. Sick shit.
Reminder that TJ is NOT a cheater and is in love with Taylor!
>TJ knew this girl for years before Taylor and mentioned her to Taylor when they first chatted on fishtank
>Taylor used to follow her
>TJ kept following Taylor for days after she moved
>TJ liked her reels even after she left for Florida
>The way Taylor’s tweet is worded implies that there were no sexual or romantic messages between TJ and the mixed girl
>Taylor has provided no evidence of any of her claims
>TJ only posted a three word response and didn’t throw her under the bus
>TJ didn’t delete the photo of them at the Adam Friedland standup show
>Dallas (who is still active on instagram) and Ethan still follow TJ
>TJ unfollowed a bunch of girls on instagram
>TJ made sure to turn down the wench in CK3 (he’s not a home wrecker)
>Ethan was watching TJ’s stream (possibly Taylor watching on his account)
>said his roommate (Carter) was not sexy and attractive
>TJ said he wished it worked out with Taylor
>TJ said he wouldn’t change meeting Taylor
>TJ said he appreciated Taylor being around
>TJ said he didn’t get black pussy
>TJ said his favorite part is s2 used to be something else (meeting Taylor) but that changed
>said he wouldn’t know how the (black) pussy was
>said there was not even emotional cheating
>said that his parents liked Taylor and that there wasn’t much for them to complain about
>said that the movie MRS doubtfire was not a healthy way to handle a breakup
>confirmed he doesn’t have a new girlfriend
>Said he liked to think that him and Taylor were the fishtank royal couple
>said he drank more because Taylor left
>said he wished he used Taylor’s chips to buy the wings he was eating
>TJ said Barry Lyndon shouldn’t have cheated
>said it was said his wife died on 2.5
>confirmed he didn’t say she was sexy and that he only said attractive after she grilled him
>said he hoped Taylor was alright after Keegan got caught in chat seething
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..stop this hurts
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Is Scott bringing back his classic rape bit?
Reddit Letter Media
I have never read a single one of these posts
casting agency, fake show name, front company
not hard
grown ass man with a rainbow keyboard
Go back.
Scoot needs to be sucker punched by random nogs next time he's in the streets.
>tree of logic
lmfaoooooooooo,, good bit
Tayleigh Pendleton is a fucking whore, she probably spread her legs for every chad at her high school. Valedictorian kek.
Same, I immediately scroll past it every time
thank you :)
No Peter Thiel only uses likable people with charisma for his psyops sorry. Hiring her for his psyops would be like Gucci hiring limbless mongoloids to do their runway shows.
He's going to send them dick picks and try to rape them if they don't respond, as a bit.
the guy on the bottom always gets me
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how much will Jet charge for someone to choose the stillborn's name? it's in the contract after all
Someone please suggest some trans ones
>Tay first
Also Justaminx confirmed in S3?
Hes doing this as a "bit" so he won't be called out for creepily drunk messaging the fishtank girls. "What? I didn't text her like a creepy weirdo, I was doing a bit for my stream!" He didn't like it when JC called him out for creepy late night messages.
A porky softball nerd who still listens to Greenday and emo shit isn't even a blip on Chad's radar anon
hi leeeeeeetty
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does natalie mars respond to messages? get her gaming on fishtank
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What are you giving Josie for her birthday?
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Jet needs to go on the Talk Tuah podcast to promote Season 3
whos nina?
>this is a 40 year old married man
hey man, she was a looker back in high school, esp in those softball pants. She had plenty of chads I'm guessing. Hell she even was with a future aerospace engineer.... before he got the DUI.
I will always listen to this
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Nothing wrong with gween day
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smallpox blankets
TJ should stream him rating the fishtank girls on tiermaker kek
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Anything's possible
Yeah idk man
He's reframing the narrative after being exposed.
congratulations on making it to the exes of fishtank mini season in 2 years. Im still endorsing Jezza
>Hell she even was with a future aerospace engineer
he looked like a deformed alien, thats not a chad
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actually kind of a good idea
i'd just watch to see where he puts josie, letty, taylor and abi but still
Is Fishtank lindy
how could anyone compete with jezza?
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you can go to their listing yourself and see how easy it would be to connect the dots. anyone with half a brain and google would discover immediately what the show is. they tried to hide the name by calling it "last man standing" but they left ben and jet's email in the open and listed the show as being a big brother type show in the boston area
probably half their applications are fans
letty and bliccy come to my home village we have potato and corn fields as far as the eye can see very amazing
no only letty is
Who is that guy? He looks handsome and cool.
He looks like he has lots of girlfriends to have sex with and a college degree and a good paying job. He doesn't look like an alcoholic or a quitter or a depressed loser.
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>you can go to their listing yourself
cant find it
The lowd of the lands demands waw milk for the nations pepol. We heawby confiscate youw land for his glowy the majesty
the sam at fashion week is the sam i wanna see in current day
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I will now buy your fishtoy.
some quitter that has faded away
Tayleigh's father fucks trannies. Based and repilled 1488
why was Jon the only one fitted up. The props were funny
Far more money than I can afford to spend.
that's trader from bloodgames without the mask
damn porker Tay was hot
>we didn't know about this picture in season 2 to have it printed out and sent to her when they printed the memes out
Names Cole. Detective Cole. We're investigating a case about Teen Taiwanese Pussy™
>fishtoy to choose who you write to
>TTS/fishtoy to provide line(s) of the letter
Pretty sure this is it
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>why was Jon the only one fitted up
it's insane that's an actual picture lmao
did Cole get his online internet college meme degree yet? he's been enrolled for like 7 years already
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Can we talk about her pockets? Letty seemingly could hold an indefinite amount of items in those fucking pants, it was wild.
I like Jon because he is funny
he doesn’t care about you. leave it alone.
Yeah, I wonder how the interaction went.
I like Jon because he called Tay a cunt and made her seethe for DAYS
miss her familia
Cute - Josie
Sexy - Creature
Beautiful - Summer
Hot - Letty
Hawt - Trish
Pretty - Abi
He also changed a lot between seasons kept things fresh
are the rumours of her taking over MDE true??
they had sexual relations
I like Jon for that reason as well
They should've swapped the dynamic, S1 cast should've done blood games D&D RP and S2 cast should've gone in S1
This! Checked! Dubs of truth.
>we will have 10 more shadi's after s3
Please no
I like laughing at Jon because he's retarded. He's an asshole so I don't feel guilty about a special needs person being the butt of jokes.
I hope no one uses this highly exploitable image for nefarious edits.
letty can pull them all off
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Edit anon here, I've thought about it a few times but eh
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hi cole
Sex - Bex
I wonder what his next thing is gonna be, he always keeps us on our toes
Ok that was pwetty base
A lot of the laughing is definitely at him but he is genuinely funny and there's a few times where I've laughed with him, also yes he's a huge asshole so it's hilarious when he gets fucked with
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Follow this closely to a T. Don't trust anybody else's opinion.
im hoping for more of a guru vibe the culty kind
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Ever been so upset you'd cut a ladder in half to send a message?
should grow out his hair like TJ for that
Letty is ugly as fuck. Nice tits though.
That would be so sick
You now remember Tai climbing up without the ladder and almost breaking his neck when going down
Jimmy thinks 30 years is nothing because he is 30 but it felt like only 12
brat - claire xcx
He hired that unlikable self loathing eunich that anons were talking about earlier. She might have a chance. He seems to enjoy cringe.
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What's a king without a castle?
get a job
nah nigga
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>Letty is ugly as fuck
shes not
Is it really that strange for a 23 year old to have never written a check? Last time I asked my zoomer coworkers about checks they had never ever done one or even really knew how they worked.
Holy fuck imagine seeing her there in real life and pushing her into the lake
Tastes like skin smells like shit
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there are no heroes left in fish
buy an ad
We have permission to Markypost btw. Nobody cares
Yup she rubs her cunt to this fucked up shit.
>cherrypicked angle during a photoshoot
Her face is fucked up bro. I've seen all the proof I need.
fishtank fans dont go outside
I haven't written a check since like 2013, I've had to get a cashier's check a few times but you literally just need the recipient and amount and that's it.

>t. zillenial
I'm 25 and have never written a check
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I will never forget the Summer of Content
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>apply for show that is obviously Fishtank in disguise
>arrive for day one with a brain full of weird bits and Mark E. posts
>tfw it's an entirely different show and you got yourself onto a normie Big Brother clone for the next six weeks
This iw the masonic lodge that's closest to sam's mde headquarters building btw.
I used that pornstar lookalike site and uploaded a face photo of my friend’s wife to see if I could a close match. Didn’t really find a match.
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If she'd ever had a chad, she wouldn't have ended up with that pencil-neck Mexican with the huge greasy forehead. She was fat, played softball, and was poor.
Rubbing Josie's pussy for her while she bullies kids into suicide on discord for laughs
Anyone have the vid of Jon and Rampage chatting
is this supposed to be ironic
>Dallas grand plan
man I guess I made it didn't I?
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Taylor's saggy tits sagging onto the keyboard making her Dark Souls character fall off a ledge
You know I'm right.
you don't learn to suck a fat cock like Tayleigh can without experience
I wanna give this face the beats with my fists. Mm mm mm Josie beat down :)
>Wears Van slip ons to an outdoor Texas event

what was he thinking
>coded tts sent by tays dad
Wonder what the messages behind those codes were
I see the url and it automatically plays in my head
>Most of the s3 cast will be /ftl/ anons
Holy kino. Is there still time to get into the 4chan torture house and become the #1 autist
He should abandon Tate for being anti-White and promoting Islam.
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>you don't learn to suck a fat cock like Tayleigh can without experience
youre very wrong
honestly not a bad idea
Tayleigh has no gag reflex. Hate her all you want but she's the throat goat.
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The Beautiful CK acknowledges the CK respecters...
Joel about to eat a piece of raw lobster he's been carrying around for half an hour
Riveting stuff, glad I'm still subscribed to these people
truth, she's the throat queen. She'd suck every cock in Texas.
I was thinking more along the lines of he gets really into exotic animals and walks around with a parrot on his shoulder but that seems cool too Mr. Serious
when her teeth finally fall out she'll have reached her final evolution
I was just considering the implications of what you said. Where could she have possibly learned?
Start looking for a new girlfriend. You should have never let her apply.
jon is more anti white than tate
He was a wilderness firefighter, you really think you know the outdoors better than him?
>she's reneging on showing us tits
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>Tayleigh has no gag reflex. Hate her all you want but she's the throat goat.
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>She sucked her own dad yall
That's not Sarge.
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...her father?
shes a skank yall
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Damn S3 is dead before it even started huh?
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>Hate her all you want but she's the throat goat.
She sure is
Hi Mike
It's not gonna start
So she was the slut that blows nerds?
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I think I need more images for my Sarge folder, what's his name anyway? I need to do research.
Taylor you slow cunt
The Beautiful CK owes us nothing, we owe her love and kindness for gracing us with her presence.
>I think I need more images for my Sarge folder, what's his name anyway?
Mark William Calaway

Time for an ice cold beer! Nothing refreshes like a crisp and tasty ice cold beer after a tiring day. Go on, you earned this one!
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I'm just doin my own thang! Moggin these bitches! Thanks yall for the roses! Haley discord yall! WOOOO!
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aka the way she desperately wants to be treated
we both did our auditions separately but we wanted to be on together and we had a bunch of shit planned
I read this in her voice
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If you take the last letter of Ben's name, and you take the last letter of Bex's name, and you switch one with the other, you get Bex and Ben
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What a kino lad
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>Classic bomb rescue. Suicide bomb rescue.
Have you ever seen Bex and Ben in the same room? Ben is a persona Bex takes on to agree with her points behind the scene, further bluepilling the wiggers.
I don't care too much for Claire but she was funny as fuck as Haley during the impression challenge
Sexual Harassment Tank
made for midgets with wood
Ben doesn't have bugs bunny teeth
Yeah, of course that happened. If she doesn't back out, you should just find a new girlfriend.
imagine the schnoz on their offspring
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I miss bitchtank
She should probably get fat again to hide those nasty chud lines
ben has a normal nose
least funny part of smocaine 3
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I don't know if that would help
The last thing Letty's clitty sees before getting HPV
There's metal in the wood.
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Clayton Mayo gang rise up
It was a special kind of kino
this guy gets it
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Cute - Betty
Sexy - Betty
Beautiful - Betty
Hot - Betty
Hawt - Betty
Pretty - Betty
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Liquid Cole can't melt metal wood.
Why is she so evil bros? Is it those Mexican cartel genes combined with native American scalping savagery?
Will they ever explain the Liquid Cole pic
She is the Rizzler in female form
That's not real, there's just no way
I'm laughing so hard
Cute - Mike
Sexy - Mike
Beautiful - Mike
Hot - Mike
Hawt - Mike
Pretty - Mike
I would have sex with Betty. I'd probably put a baby in her if she wanted.
are you black? do you think she'll do more bbc content in the future?
You're fucked bro. if you love this girl do NOT let her on.
>Sams going to Connecticut on his comedy tour
>bbc b*tty bought a ticket the same day the tickets came out

b*tty finally has a chance to explain everything to sam! shes definitely gonna convince sam to let her on S3 as production! Sam will understand EVERYTHING when he hears her side of things. She was trying to SAVE letty and jet by airing out there private interactions. Sam will surely understand! Shes gonna be best friends with sam just like letty and everyone will call her the princess of /ftl/ like letty and Claire! Blacklisted? Not for long!
A million cuts all over her and lemon juice
She'll be the biggest retard on earth if she doesn't live stream it.
This dumb whore shot herself in the foot last year with that bb gun she's holding up to her chin .
Hi Mike
You forgot Gorgeous - Rat
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my bad
Whatever it is, I'm into it. Perfect evil little freak.
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TayTay's taytays.
Checked! Dubs don't lie
Taylors favored - Mike
Has Taylor ever said what happened to her brother? If people want to know he had a warrant out for his arrest for possession/trafficking of 14-28g of meth. Anons didn't lie when they use to say her family life isn't great.
she's so fucking hot man
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she only goes for the brothas now
The only way she can redeem herself is with an epic markypost livestream.
Qrd on Taylor/Mike? What happened there and when? I'm not checking the archive
Fuck off
okay now i kinda get why keegan did what he did
Thank you for making Mike Great Again anon. We love the Gobber!
It's kind they're not doing archives for bitchtank. That night with her alone singing and ranting in the lab was more disturbing than any of Jimmy's cringe sctick
It's probably gonna be too awkward to film Sam will pretend like he doesn't know her but if jet's there maybe he can get his dick sucked
I love you Alessandra. Thank you for being my flame. I will burn as bright as the sun so you can live in the light.
fuck man, NOOOOO. my Betty chud wife takes fucking fat BBC? why is everything ruined, first it was Elsa Jean now her too?
Nothing. TJ side Mike was a really good dude in a stream a little bit back after 2.5. TJcels saw Taylor tackle Mike while boxing and started seething. So now one guy says “hi mike” every time he sees someone he doesn’t like
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Fuck Daughter
Hi Mike
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bloodgames taylo was a legit 10/10
if the homeless black guy from s1 goes, he'll definitely get his dick sucked but he should be careful since the bbc queen has herpes
Hi Keegan
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TayTay IS a 10/10
Nothing happened mike just followed her private IG iirc
Even the most rabid haters must admit that Fishtank has featured some fantastic bosoms
Hi Mike
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Y'all just love to hate her because you can't have her
He also says “hi keegan” when called out even tho no one has ever explained who keegan was. It’s pure autism.
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walled, unfortunately
But we need the clip of abi verifying autismfishy is a troon.
She rub her boob on da gobwin and totally wuin TJ mood
please stop posting low effort shops, Taylor is not overweight!!!
fishtankseethers in shambles
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>you can't have her
Thank you God for everything
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Say something nice about S3's sponsor
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> You wanna guess the color of my underwear
You wanna know what I got going on down there
Is it pretty in pink or all see-through?
Is it showing off my brand new lower back tattoo?
You wanna put 'em in your mouth, pull 'em all down south
You wanna turn this shit out, that's what I'm talking about
Pu-pu-put 'em in your mouth, pull 'em all down south
You wanna turn this shit out, that's what I'm talking about (yeah)
Post the fantastic bosoms please. Best tits of ftl let's GO
I know man, I was so mad when cockbuddy bred her. She was my chud wife man. FUCK
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>he thinks these are shops
You people are so pathetic, man. You pretend to hate women but immediately roll over like a fucking dog when they give you any attention over the internet. Kill yourselves.
Kinda weird lol. Thanks anons
thats not peter thiel
MDE fanbase are troons and incels unironically. Have you read these threads lately?
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hey what up
Meg, B*tty, and Shadi were bullied off these generals
Hi Mike/Hi Keegan
Peter thiel funded it. Its a Peter thiel project just like mde
tj live
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This is an incel website, feel free to leave if you dont like it
my favorite part of fishtank is when the tall cumtown fan says "that's fair"
Letting your gf join Jet Neptune's casting couch is a big mistake
>Winston lost Josie to "streamer bootcamp"
>Tommy lost letty to taxcin
>Zach gave Betty numerous black eyes
>Scott caused a divorce with Haley
>Isaac kicked Claire out of her house
>Abi's shrekican broke her PC
>TOILET Taylor's casino sugar Daddys temporarily lost her to lubecooch

>Vance sending her Ayylmao girlfriend of several years back to her planet.
>Big Mayo probably hit Tayleigh in the face over arguing about how he wanted Letty to win and she thought he was literally cheating on her.
>Delaney's ex cutting all ties with her because she appeared on a right-wing chud show. On top of it, Otto making her bail through TTS just to dump her a bit later.
>Ella(who?) joining the show because of a toxic relationship or some bullshit
>Cole getting his heart broken by JC.
>Peter/CK fiasco.
>Jimmy fumbling the ball and getting aggresive towards the women who rejected him, plus the serial hugraping.
>Summer betting raped.
>The failed Q/Tay Love Island subplot.
Nothing but heartbreaks, thanks to Jrt Neptune.
Sylvia is the only one who got a good ending: she got pregnant with Frank's child and found a cuck to raise him with.
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This! Its true.
Who is Brian Shields and why are people saying he's a pedophile?
Kill yourselves. You sat like a fucking dog for Tay, Meg, Taylor, even fucking Shadi. Now you're doing it for Bliccy because she made some fucking twitter post about 4chan. Just fucking do it, you'll never be loved.
ted-hitchcock and kehmicle are live
We love Mike! We give him trinkets and shit
The hag was kicked by Charleston white. We've been over this.
Genuinely have no idea who those people are besides Bliccy, I stopped watching after 2.5
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i got accepted to be on s3 and i'm gonna fuck anon's girlfriend
Every time hi Mike is posted his power grows
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made me look
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This counts as fucking (if you ask jimmy)
Nobody supported shamu you delusional bastard
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Not true whatsoever, I only care for Sissy Simmons
List all ftl tits in order of biggest to smallest, lets get a tier list going
Hi Mike
Alex Stein and Alex Jones in 30 minutes

we always liked bliccy
Hi Mike! Take my energy
Cole is live on IG
They'll just make you spar with Scott while Sam rapes her in the basement
Qrd on Mike's power levels?
why doesnt he stream it on fishtank.live?
also counts as cheating if you ask taylor
He was able to singlehandedly take on Vance, Tai, Jon and Jimmy and they weren’t able to budge him. He lifted a whole boulder during a goblin attack. GOMAD strength.
Dallas just unfollowed TJ
why does ftl try and force gomad, no one actually promotes or does that anymore its a shit sam hyde meme
I'm gonna start doing whippets because Jet Neptune told me to. I want to be cool. I want to be cool like Jet Neptune, director of Fishtank.live.
Calm down anon. alot of the weird simp posts are trolling to get a rise out of people like u. Its all in fun.
another anon this said a while back, but you can count how many times it would've been appropriate for her to let go
Mike is such a fucking chad, not just for this but for not accepting her advances and staying true to TJ as a friend.
Mike looks like he does GOMAD because he's a fat fuck
Do you guys wanna know the secret of Hi Mike posting?
Keep seething! WE LOVE MIKE
Hi Mike
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Abi is a neet princess
that it hasn't been funny for weeks?
>I'm just giving them attention so they notice me ironically!
no one does gomad, you dont know what gomad does, no one does because its not a real thing
Hi Jet
False, she did however clean house on people who followed her from fishtank about a week ago and set her insta to private.
We know the secret, he makes incels seethe
Guys check the stream TJ and Taylor got married this morning and they just revealed they're having twins
How's [redacted]?
My bf's car looks like that and it's weird to me because he's a hyper neatfreak in every other space he occupies
Why is every girls car like this
ok you say this but look at what its doing to some ppl in this thread
That's fair
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the real chudgang
>Why are you emotional?
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All it’s doing is making Mike relevant to the show again when he hasn’t been involved since it ended. The exact opposite of what the original poster intended.
why you gotta bring up ciara into this?
It would be fun to see how much she can take. I think she would definitely be a trooper and take some punches for a while
Hi Mike
Nobody is seething aside from 2 cuck posters from before. Are you an aspie who reads everything literally? We're trolling, faggot
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>it's tape
Now you have to say something only Mike would know, with no context, so I'll know it's you.
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Do you feel it?
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>Nobody is seething
Cope more, Mike won
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>feeding Taylarge 6 big macs and a tub of ice cream and supergluing her brown asshole shut
these dark taytriot webms are imbued with a dark evil magic. for any anons unaware, i would NOT fuck with this shit if i were you
season 3 has an actual galaxy gas sponsorship im not kidding
Taylor got knocked up by Mike, convinced TJ it was his, miscarried and used that as an excuse to leave him and be with whom she truly loves, Keegan
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I had a dream I was at a birthday party for tayleigh and she started talking shit to me for posting mean about her. I was never even a taytriot, what the fuck
fuck he's hot
I need to smoke weed first so I can get into a trance while she does it
My best friend's car used to be like this before he got a gf
It's absolutely sovlless now...
Where was this pic taken? S3 house?
The hi mike started from seething, Mike Mafia has coopted it
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>feeding Taylarge 6 big macs and a tub of ice cream and supergluing her brown asshole shut
Amazing goblinoid/orcish physique. Bugbearian even.
Rent free lmao
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Dark Taytriot magic. We aren't joking-- all of you will receive retribution for your crimes.
i'm gonna fucking cum on it
mike's apartment/house
that's his mom's house (where he lives)
looks like she's making haleytank after spilling coffee on the clairetank servers
Yeah copying taylor
The judgemental INTJ stare is what seals this for me. Best meme to come from ftl since bloodgames ended. Way better than the scottyrocking/ scott posting.
We know. We manifested this. Many more anons will have similar nightmares.
>Jojo posing

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This but it’s Josie and I need to practice my 2 minute drills :)
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>season 3 day 15
>no one has come up from the basement in nearly 24 hours
>jet slowly opens the door and drags himself upstairs
>Hey Doug you guys got anymore Galaxy Gas up here? We're out.
>jet leaves without saying anything
this means that tayleigh saw your mean posts and they had some kind of significant effect on her
Where does he live?
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scottyrocking + trader + sargeposting is the perfect trifecta imo
>means that tayleigh saw your mean posts and they had some kind of significant effect on her
S3 is a galaxy gas sponsored Peter thiel produced psyop
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This guy gets it. MOAR!!
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why does charls despise teachers so much? was he a problem child with "behavioral issues" growing up?
Jet looking like Tony Monwigger here
You'll also have brain damage like Jet Neptune
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i'll admit it, lost
also why does he look more wop than balkan
There was a gofile. Go back a few threads.
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He, Nick, and Erick went to a Catholic school which was already bad enough but yeah Charls saw himself as too good for the system. "I'm smart I just don't do homework" type nigga.
I’m not really a fan of teachers either, that started in 9th grade for me.
>sam has a recored video of this on his phone
He looks like he would bite other kids
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Let a nigga bite he was an arTEEST in the making
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>I had a dream I was at a birthday party for tayleigh and she started talking shit to me for posting mean about her.
You too? Spooky
Has tayleigh ever acknowledged the Natalie Mars sarge pic?
What's it like to look in a mirror, ftl?
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mmmm imagine that's her eating her period goop
oh it's true
It's DAMN true
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Tay dreams are real and unsettling. She gets in there if you think about her too much, like a demon. It's good that she's fading away.
>tayfags suffering even in their dreams
>meanwhile josieGODS
creature liked a tweet saying her friends should do a bukkake challenge lol
Florida swamp fartslave Taylo......100,000,000 Instagram reel views for ripping ass into the walkie talkie app she talks to greenshark on
A guy I did a security guard course with had a Camry full of trash, he even had the audacity to offer us rides in it

I brought trash bags to a meet up we had and forced him to clean it up
Her birthday party was spent alone though. Kwab
jet niftune
Can I get some dreams where I’m using Josie as a punching bag? My fists need punch
Jet Neptune of Fishtank.live is so cool. I want to be just like him. He has all the cool clothes and goes to all the coolest parties. I want to do whippets so I can be just like Jet Neptune. I need whippets.
Need some hot slippery trader dreams, where I'm gaping his brown asshole
I was never even a tayfag. It was unsettling to say the least. It was in some shitty Texan wooden house and there were like 4 other people. She went around and thanked everyone else and then went in on me
Fuck that, do a drink nut challenge. First to finish the glass wins
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not entirely alone
Not that I know of but I haven't been paying attention to Tay since she tried to ruin 2.5
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oo ur a dirty daddy sarge! xo!
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Asked to us this is about seeing ourselves as CryoKeen
>why are you emotional?
What a family of fucking freaks
she uses ubuntu sarge

she's never had to do a fresh arch install, she doesn't know actual linux
how do you know that
More, please
us normal people dont know what any of this means
who got the queen bliccy attic clip ?
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What the hell? The Sarge could do much better than that hag (talking about both of them)
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announcement later today
>t.can't compile the kernel with python
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>fat forearms nice
Sam hyde got peter thiel to take down flowstreams
the worst thing tay has ever done bar far is taking away our enjoyment of seeing her reaction to sargeposting fucking cunt.
True. If only it had started a couple weeks sooner
cause i tweeted it
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We've moved past the bliccy nudes like we've moved past the Letty nudes. Now we just appreciate her for who she is.
what the fuck lol i did too
Does Taylor have a HUGE career?
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Basically this.

Nude posting is bant-adjacent.
why did taylor’s uploading schedule change it used to be pretty consistent at around 11 am est every day
Looks like she's stretching the finger of a rubber glove
What was your dream about? There are dark forces at work here...
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stop it sister tayleigh
Ask Mike and Keegan
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unironically keegan
>Shotgun wound pussy
Those are her own words
.t midwit that is so far up his own ass that he doesn't know that there is meme distros in almost every language including retarded ones like scratch.
She's going to have that cigarette burn on her hand for the rest of her life to remind her how she debased herself for Frank. Fucking grim
>too good for the system
not really difficult
it's lowest common denominator retard shit
Greenshark has been staying up too late to seethe about TJ
it was a sneak insult towards letty
New bake for your kino holes
But it will be a reminder of heckin fishtank and her edaddies
the funniest possibility is that keegan got fired and thats what caused the 4am melty and inconsistent schedule
Post letty shotgun wound pussy to end thread
least erotic thing i've ever seen
Lettys is nice
i would make creature cum before myself...
gee i wonder
I don’t know about anyone else but I can’t get over that. It’s so ridiculous lmao
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love.....is a long road..
it’s fucking unreal
I was in a cornfield and there was a big blowup castle nearby, she said "Follow me you faggot", I followed her to the bouncy castle and there were a group of naked people dancing in a circle, and she said "Look at what you caused, all your fault faggot", then one of the naked people came at me with a knife and i woke up. What happened in your dream?
Sam hyde and jd Vance have been groomed by Peter thiel for these positions there whole life. Everything is finally falling into place. Fun fact! They're both gay men that were told to enter an interracial marriage to further the agenda.
I wanna know what the fallout was from that, if any. There’s no way taylors cool with that or at least getting caught doing it.
Simpin' ain't easy. He reminds me of my ex gfs beta orbiters that always tried to convince her I was an asshole or whatever
He didn't his follower count on ig didnt change and he was in he chat yesterday and was still her mod.
Honestly I don't think she likes that he did that but she wants clout and money so she isn't going to stop working with him too. Free labor is hard to find.
I have all the nudes just like I have nudes of most of the female fish I could find and I am ready to use them if I find myself in a self-defense situation on this website. I like her but my survival comes first.
why do all her appendages look cartoonishly goofy like that girl Popeye was trying to fuck
that shit is the worst man

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