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Sammy the DJ edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• It's pink
• Bex is doing a hostile takeover of MDE
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen has lost 0 pounds and has taken up drinking again
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Fishtank is proud to announce its newest sponsor: Galaxy Gas!

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

https://pastebin.com/raw/xj8PNqG1 (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203634044
The Beautiful Megan
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Does Benleaks enjoy anal?
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unfortunately the "leak" part of his name doesn't refer to precum, it's his choco factory
>tayleigh was posting in the last thread
Is water wet? You should try it, prostate orgasms are pure ecstasy.
DJ sam is wholesome chungus kino, he's just having fun with his friends, very cute
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Awfully chilly tonight...
i wanna fuck in the ass while you scream for jet to help you
o0o0o0 benji is brown inside and out?
>hitting the image limit on page 5
>are we back?

No it's just scorned Tayleigh simps going insane
Amazing how the ugliest girl to ever appear on Fishtank had the most devoted simps, and now the most psychos
At the current rate half the thread will be some photo of her or her father
Based hedonism arc for Sam when?
When MDE is dead and buried, this image will be the symbol of its downfall.
Bex.... the deceitful
Jon has never had to address the fucking Summer in the ass allegations. Sam lost, Jon won. Teflon Jon
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Jon teach me how do I get them to stop talking about Marky
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Summoning Cole...
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Which one are you picking?
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Which posts was hers?
Jimmy winning this was a mistake, he probably would have killed himself he lost...shame.
The one asking why Q hasn't been doxxed yet
Tay doing stand up on alex steins show tomorrow
>Baldbros where we at??
>So there's this dweeb....
>This guy, I shit you not, posts a webm of me kissing the camera EVERY thread
>*does a 10 minute Tardleigh impression a la Sam's retard bit*

Would it be kino?
Foul.. just foul, there's nothing to jack off. Yes quite foul.
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>Jimmy winning this was a mistake
Build them up, break them down.
none, video games are for niggers
>Hey Taytriots! I want to thank you all for selling out Madison Square Garden!
>20,000 taytriots cheer
>Unfortunately, I've been told my standup isn't funny
>thunderous BOOOOs shake the arena
>All I have to say to that is, dilate more tranny!
>crowd goes wild, jumping up and down chanting "CUT DEEPER! CUT DEEPER!"
>Titantron shows benfreaks writhing around on the ground and cutting himself
this one
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after her false allegations she's now free game, girl who cried rape. a cunning ploy by jon
How did Josie calm down Jimmy's tantrum down there?
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>secured the bag
Common production W
Gaytriots were the biggest faggots on /bant/
How does a group of simps manage to be more obnoxious than the Josiepedos?
>TayButt posters, I'm sure yall are gooning over these pants, sickos... *embarassed laugh*
>audience laughter and applause reaches maximum volume
>Speaking of FREAKS, yall ever known someone that cuts themselves?
>audience chants "YWNBAW! YWNBAW!"
>Cut deeper, benfreaks! to the mutt, fuck you NIGGER! Until next time--thank you Dallas TEXAS!! YEAAAAAHHH!!
>thunderous applause
hell yeah HELL YEAH
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>mfw jet stumbles out the basement and has a seizure on cam after inhaling too much nos
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>Jimmy actually believed this
You forget that everybody hates Q and only recently has he been seen as some martyr
I don't want dumbgay back in season 3 but I do want his laugh as a tts sound effect
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Where my young nigga benleaks at
don't know why jimmy and tayleigh talked so much shit and never brought this up to him
Nobody hated Q except for Wes and Benfreaks
Feels like I'm in a time machine that only goes to the worst places.
He's getting some rest after the exhaustive QnA he held with himself
that's fair
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Did you get it yet?
If she went brunette, stopped with the skank aesthetic and lasered off the tattooes she’d be a 10/10 unironically
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images you can hear
everyone likes Q apart from tay, jordan and twitter orbiters, what are talking about lol
No, I got blacklisted
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>illegal content
I guess they finally read stripe's terms of service
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tay unironically has part of Q's dox already, so that seems unlikely. by the way, it's funny how he kept bringing up that she should stream them meeting up and fighting. almost like it was hinting at something...
i imagine him typing really fast and his hair and face being the same shade of red out of anger
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Why does he look like a south park character
leaving the abi chats in was a stroke of genius
she laughed at these btw
>lasered off the tattooes
not possible
TJ still owes Jimmy sex
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>you aren't smart. you have no real knowledge
What went down with Teej?
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What a fucking loon kek
I look at keegan in an even worse light every time I read this
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The Tay standup era was weird
it's not good enough to really clear them completely, especially how many she has
I got bored and added chats to TJ's vod with greenshark
wish my clit was a dick
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>Season 3 has a Galaxy Gas delivery fishtoy
how would you react?
that's how you know they suck
Mariana's trench tier

>Tay's abortion
>Shinji Metal Ball (Gantz implication)
hell yeah ty anon
Obsessed. Get over it already.

This one >>203634316
Hey Catgate was funny
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>quit it!
oh I should have replied this
public keegout
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>how has nobody doxxed this fag yet? Dark taytriots hello??

Hi Mike
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>Mephisto, goon, do what you gotta do...
It probably was her.
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two gay lovers
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i prefer the original
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now try posting the other one
And that's a good thing!
>Molesto... Do your thing
it was open season on Jordan after that lmao
1488! NIGGER!
This is what turned me against her
How does she look more stressed and insane in the we're-all-friends 2.5 outdoor larp than she did in the we're-all-enemies hellhouse?
Is it just drugs?
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>Mark key TTS
>strike 2
>Summer detransitioned
>Alex, Peter,Brian,The tall guy
>winners wear blue(Josie and TJ both wore blue during the final)
>all winners sleep in B1
>B2 cursed
>Jimmy caused the Taylor TJ romance
>Oliver is friends with The wiggers
>Cole TJ alliance
>Cole was kicked
>Jimmy thought JC was an actual CCP spy
>Summer is a coal burner
>Nifty was an actor
>Taylor’s sister’s TTS
>Carrie is TJs moms name
>TJ eliminated three times
>Taylor in the basement
>TJ Scott Pilgrim connection
>Trish was going to wake up TJ to tell him about Taylor being at the bar but Jet stopped her
>Pizza doxxing
>Japanese fishtank tweet
>Bam margera
>Bliccy was an actor
>"The game starts here"
>Tayleigh jealous of taylor
>Attic sessions
>Nifty’s plan to return to the show
>Attic british hospital
>Taylor TTSes
>Oliver sleep deprivation
>Meg hiding summers doll
>sam called meg "the worst contestant ever"
>Brian is Jet's mancrush
>Tayleigh sent letters to Chris Chan
>Beaver Street niggas
>None of the fish did basement interviews during the 5 days that taylor was in the basement
>Jimmy and Chris lynch
>Jimmy threatening to kill Taylor with his signs
>TJ fake greentext story
>Cole was an extra on True Detective
>Tayleigh’s nudes
>Taylor was a mormon
>TJ thought summer had a crush on him
>JC would've won if she stayed
They make rubbing cream for them post laser it works
it's amazing how it just kept getting worse
>sup nigger how's the doxing going?
Woah, did we go too far? Like they signed up for this, but did they really sign up for this?
why not go after jimmy?
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Y'all just love to hate me
were you in these threads last month?
fishy pussy dyke
It was open season after the Twitter space, at that point in time people still liked Tay to some extent and they instead perceived Jordie as the one attacking Tay's audience.
doesn't she literally have q's address already
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That's BP Sam actually
She said she wasn't taking care of herself, she says her chat made her think that production was going to fuck with her, and she also said she got a stomach virus (probably from eating Pizza Hut).

that doesn't explain why she lost like all her weight.
That was actually funny
Are you the peg TJ poster?
aside from sargeposting and getting fucked with on her streams, nothing really bad happened to her
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So does production
I think she was implying that she knew something like this would happen, and this was less to go after Q and moreso to deal with something Jimmy and Tay spoke about before 2.5 kicked off. "Do yo thang" wasn't targeted towards Q.
Stop forcing this shitty zoomer meme
Yeah I thought it was funny, it's just weird to look back on.
The show is pretty interesting without the hell house when they have good contestants. Once the season is going good and Jet at his peak hubris and kicks said good contestants, he has to use hell house to wring out the bit of content in the nontent contestants
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Tell that to Jet
>has this whole Q bit planned
her chat was right
yes, they found his address and did nothing, he should be homeless on the streets yet he still has the same job and all his parents still have all their assets and jobs
>TJ fake greentext story
The anal beads story? I remember a TTS came through ripping on him for it and he thought his friend sent it. Anyone clip it?
His infatuation with little Russian boys creeps me out now that I know he's brownleaks
What was his thing? Jimmy was talking about how Molesto can dox people for her. It was 100% about doxing him and anyone that made fun of her.
t. muh keegan
Well what do you want to talk about anon? Is Sylvia's baby dead? idk
nettspend isnt russian
It was a faildox, Molesto didn't find anyone's address except for some random uninvolved innocent.
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Hnng so fucking erotic and you knew she knew exactly what she was doing
Better than talking about boring taylor or tj instagram stories
What do you think Teej was referring to when he asks for tips on hyper focusing and talks about working on something?
Fishtank getting view mogged right now.
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She meant Molesto should dox her haters. It's a reasonable request. And no, why would she have Qs address?
Yeah we should gossip about TJ and Taylor drama like highschoolers instead.
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It's just because the dark Taytriots are here, it will pass.
I agree with you that it was about doxing, I just don't think it was in reference to Q at all. Jimmy likely had all of his personal information within 48 hours of their first phonecall with one another. I imagine she knew about the Jordan space in advance and that it would set a lot of the former Taytriots off.
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Trish delish my favorite fish
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I was never faithful
And I was never one to trust
Borderline and schizo
And guaranteed to cause a fuss
I was never loyal
Except to my own pleasure zone
I'm forever black-eyed
A product of a broken home
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Why wasn't Tay invited to Jimmy's Kennedy mansion vacation?
so? jimmy was willing to have you all lose your jobs and livelihoods just because you didnt want to be cucked by "sister tay", he deserves to be killed
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It's a /bant/ show
>I imagine she knew about the Jordan space in advance and that it would set a lot of the former Taytriots off.
>thinking Tay has any kind foresight
I really don't think she thinks ahead at all.
At least it's funny to laugh at KWABleigh. Nobody except 3 freaks cares about the taylor keegan "drama". And you are one of them
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let's talk about Tacxin instead
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I was never faithful
And I was never one to trust
Borderline bipolar
Forever biting on your nuts
I was never grateful
That's why I spent my days alone
I'm forever black-eyed
A product of a broken home
Broken home
she only has his phone number, plus she needs le 4chan army to do it because if it came out of nowhere it would be obvious it was her posting the phone number
Classic molesto fail dox. He sucks at everything he does.
I thought you meant the guy that got doxxed should've been homeless and lost his job, not Jimmy. Sorry anon I've been drinking more than usual.
I hate how smug he is
>Tay/Q/Sarge thread
>Fatlor/Shart/TJ thread
Pick your poison
Tummy erotic (ノ゚0゚)ノ~
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>so? jimmy was willing to have you all lose your jobs and livelihoods just because you didnt want to be cucked by "sister tay", he deserves to be killed
truuuuuuu. brownleaks, you have to go back.
I'm thinking it's a Tayseethe kind of night. You can just feel the it in the air, you know?
i'm more of a ted-hitchcock guy
No, but really, look at this cocky teenage dweeb coming to destroy your fragile ego with a look.
Starts talking about needing an unwavering dedication to fulfill his plans at around 3:30 and goes on from there.
Two love triangles.
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>How I sleep knowing the Dark Taytriots and Molesto still haven't doxed me
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Thoughts on Chip and Tacxin's latest song entitled Jamie Foxx?
with regards to tayleigh asking mephisto to "do his thing", wasn't she talking about the people doxing her boyfriend and sending gay hookers to his house? i'm pretty sure she was aware of that by then. in that case, i'm not sure why people bring that up as some sort of moral failing on her part, anyone would want revenge for that sort of thing.
She gave us so much fansevice then dropped us at the first opportunity.
TJ Taylor discourse so prominent that you think i care about that bullshit either ( it's more creative than the same rehashed posts about Tayleigh and her orbit before bloodgames)
TJ just followed Keegan
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There is nothing wrong with Dark Tayleigh recieving aid from Mephisto and Jimmy.
Her haters deserve all of that. And worse.

The nightmares will continue until you all public apologize.
This was before that
You act like Jimmy and molesto are dox experts, when in reality they're a couple of retarded speds. Most of there dox shit is wrong or public knowledge.
richard isn't a teenager
Keegan just flew over my house!
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Damiel Ruins this song
>She meant Molesto should dox her haters. It's a reasonable request
So then what should we talk about nigger?
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Damiel has never ruined anything in his entire life
Why was TJ making family trees of famous royal families?
it's so fucked up that i'm sharing this thread with a bunch of "wikipedia" smart type guys
I'm not implying they're experts at all, they're really bad at it if anything. Most people don't even know about Whitepages. Their ineptitude still won't stop them from trying though.
If richard is Q then that would mean he's 19, that's a teenager
She didn't want to go. She doesn't like Jimmy. She just uses him the few times he's needed or when no one else better is around
He enjoys it
3 foot philtrum
The beat is too wild for me (or I'm not high enough). That aside, Chip did pretty great.
Who is januki?
how does anyone find this hot at all, her licking easybake microplastic slop off her long alien finger is the grossest thing i've ever seen
Why won't you let her fade into obscurity?
It's over, she won't stream no more. Let her be memory-holed and let's move on.
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>people still think Q is 19
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>Scott became Dark Scott and joined the Dark Taytriots
Where were you when you heard the news?
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hi molesto
He was 19 you sick fuck
we he not talking about wanting to write a book or something? that is the only thing I can think of that he would want lots of focus to accomplish.
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>expose her cockbuddys grinder account
>send gay guys to his house
>make tayleigh have a nervous breakdown on bloodgames and ruin the entire thing for her
>make tayleigh quit streaming

>flopdox a literal who editor
>spam the threads and act like it matters

LMAO. The TaylorSeetheCord isn't sending their best! It's settled. Tayleigh is a bigger draw than muh Keegan
i was getting raped
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Her own dad y’all
Checked and true! Dubs don't lie. Those two suck at everything they do.
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>1375 plays
She literally gave the order for jimmy's handler to dox anyone criticizing her. It was most definitely a moral failing
Molesto is currently triangulating our XY coordinates by inputing 4chan meme image hashes into his NSA super computer. Or something.
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>she had sex and called me a cuck
No he doesnt
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Yeah... I'm riding with the Sarge.
Yeah i just caught him saying he hopes to write something of substance at 7:20
Is he really 30? Was taylor right this whole time?
ex bettycord mod he now works for summercord and hes trying to meet up with summer
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Manifesting TJaylor comeback
You also forgot this.

Sam follows this account btw.
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Face it, Tayleigh is /ourgirl/ and she always will be
They also found Jordans YouTube filled with sissy hypno shit
why didn't any of you useless cunts record this interaction?
Fat Scottish Hitler guy. Grooms mentally ill fishtank girls on discord in an attempt to brainwash them into pissing on trampolines and sucking black dildos.
bant still crying because their heart got broken by an egirl
These threads are so fucking dead
It was date night for Taylor tonight. Its over.
Fuck off, Tay. Kill yourself, weak bitch.
probably just wants to be more productive. he's talked about writing and his other ambitions but he doesn't really have anything to show for it yet.
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streamertank is just a microcosm of how the wiggers fuck up a good idea
>we're going to let former fish stream on the site until season 3
>and we're going to give them a worse cut than twitch or youtube
>and we don't have any way to archive full streams so people have to rely on the shitty clipping feature
>and we're going to do a weekly rotation of multiplayer games that all the fish can play together
>oops i forgot *hits whippet*
>and we're not going to make separate chats (that we promised) so everyone is trying to figure out which of the 10 streams someone in chat is talking about
>and we're not going to be clear about the rules so people just start watching movies and porn on stream
>and we're going to let random orbiters that bought the season pass stream on the site now
>and they have to stream within 3 days or we take away their ability to stream so they just stream random bullshit to 4 viewers to stay on
>we no longer get more than 600 people on the site and 50 people in chat
>season 3 hype is now at an all time low
Laker slides on that track wew
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actually that's the fake Jordan that's in her chat. He also has a video of his little brother Waylon under wank material".
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She unironically thinks she's above them even though this is her in social situations
DLCK is the best member of roach mafia desu
People actually liked tayleigh? I thought that was just a meme like the dark taytriots.
>Amazing how the ugliest girl to ever appear on Fishtank had the most devoted simps
yeah it happened in s1 with josie too, gonna happen with the ugliest girl in s3 again
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>It was date night for Taylor tonight. Its over.
TJbros....it's ogre.....
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Dark Scott will be a most welcome ally to our ranks. His power knows no bounds.
hes horrible
Taylor dumping work on you doesn't count as a date Keegan
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Jimmy is weird
Wrong. Claire, letty, ck, abi, and Trixie are /ourgirls/. They're the princesses of /ftl/ tayleigh is a lolcow
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Keeganseethers could never
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this is the best song under the roach mafia name though making him the best member
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30 ON ME
Imagine Tayleigh on Fishtank. She would be hyperventilating and bailing on day 3 after Haley pushed her shit inwards on their first scrap.
Who the fuck is Keegan?
this is what Jordan sees when he's fucking Tay and she's laying there having flashbacks to when Sarge used to dick her down.
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Is it possible to learn this power?
theyre garbage
Its the truth look at the IG photo again. She looks nice and is sitting in the passenger seat of a car that is not hers at like 7pm. What else do call that besides a date?
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How did Cryo end up being less of a KWAB than Tayleigh?
the Dark Taytriots are serious though
i kneel. thank you tayseethers. always hated that bitch.
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>Scott and now Sam joining the Dark Taytriots
T-tayleigh hater bros....this is getting bad....
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Taylor's cuck and editor (he does it for free(he got tired after >>203636215 (he tried starting beef with Teej under a different name but got exposed right away)))
Sarge it up guys
I hate her stupid fucking sideburns. Isn't her mom supposed to be a hairdresser?
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was the last tts send really like five hours ago kek
stream on twitch retards
yeah no it's just like yeah on some real shit tho like yeah it's just like no shit yeah faggots like it's just no yeah like it's just like no homo faggots
sarge is fucking carrying you guys
>now Dark Scott

Dark Taytriots are getting some pretty powerful allies..... be careful y'all
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KWAB this was so fucking awkward. They were all having a fun convo and the mood completely died when she walked up and just lingered in the background
TTS times shows in EST regardless of where you are, 19 minutes is still grim thoughbeit.
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You will photo of keegan lol
Hoeflation is a serious issue. Guys will go for tayleigh because she's "mid" but she'll reject them because anyway because current year. Instead of simping for 5 or 6s you guys should be saving up for money for a 8 or 9 escort.
she's in the driver's seat
post it
holy shit
the wording was even funnier than that iirc
Hates us
Cares about us but doesn’t want to interact
Doesn’t know we exist
Reaaally hates us
Is one of us. She liked my X post calling someone a coal burner can’t remember who
i hope you fucking cuck faggots are happy that tayleigh is literally crying right now.
lets hope keegan is not drunk this time
it's an old photo, retard. she's morbidly obese now. girls post old photos of themselves all the time
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Busting a big fat load on this forehead and watching drip down to his chin
lmao escortcel
that's so stupid, they should at least add "EST" to the time on the site
I wish I lived in Europe right now the amount of hot Ukraine refugee pussy must be insane
i'm pretty sure she was actually haley's favorite fish. tayleigh disavowed her in chat though, so i'm sure she would have done the same on the show knowing that siding with her would put her at a disadvantage.
no she isn't that not even her car.. her car has black interior
>you guys should be saving up for money for a 8 or 9 escort.

No thanks i will wait for my yuka chan.
>The tranny from Mr. Beast's crew.
>Daniel Larson.
The ranks in Dank Gaytriots keep growing yall.
food looks like shit. there's no soul at that table
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>Doesn’t know we exist
objectively untrue
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You three (3) keeganseethers are starting to sound like that Schizo Ivanposter.

>Yes keegan we known it's you.
>No keegan you will never fuck taylor.
funny to let her drive a car that is not her considering she destroyed the undertray on her own car
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jet added like streams like 40 more literally whos to the site. will any of them be good or will they all just stream video games to sub 10 viewers?
should've been nicer
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What did this fag win an award for anyway what was his job at blizz?
Based mongermaxxer
The mid ck
Cope! Claire, letty, ck, abi and Trixie are all princesses of /ftl/
girls in europe are hot excluding ukrainian refugees
>just stream video games to sub 10 viewers
you already know
Appreciated us. Talked to us. And what did you faggots do? Freaked the fuck about because she engaged in heterosexual activity behind your back as if she owed you shit. Absolutely fucking schizos all of you
I've never done it cause I've had gfs I'm just saying as a last resort why sent money to e girls that won't fuck when you can meet qts irl ? Also if you film it it's technically not illegal anymore
Post pics or didn't happen.
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What do you think?
tayleigh is literally dating a simp, clueless incel
he basically did the same thing he’s doing for taylor but for heroes of. the storm and other shit like that. don’t think he’s won any awards for it.
Damn this place really sucks lmfao
I did security at a cruise ship they got kept on made me root for Russia they are most stuck up cunts I've ever met glad they get bombed.
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Kek this is so true
It's DAMN true
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abi hates us because we post her chats here
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>what do you think he’s celebrating?
I can fix her
I still can't believe a brony got a dui.
nobody has streamed anything besides movies and video games it's all the same slop
that's not it
because they dont care about sex
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i walk into balenci make em wipe me down
Episodes are cancelled, again
Yea but he's actually out of her league he just doesn't realize it because he's only 19 or whatever
Watch it anon. Ck is a princess known throughout all of fishtank for her beauty.
Sex with Josie
>keegan did a kamikaze attack to save tjaylor
Even Haley would get bored of her shit pretty fast, plus Tayleigh would make up some bullshit about her because "Haley looks at [her] funny" and get into a fight.
EST is the only timezone that matters.
It's an EST world, the rest of you are just living in it
episodes on friday
Abi likes me
They’re princesses but they don’t like us
maybe that's why she's not driving hers because it needs repairs
hopefully finishing the episodes but it's probably him ranking up in overwatch or some gay shit
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Why are there so many Fishtank zoomers on 4chan? Out of the S1 cast the only people to touch this site were Sylvia and Vance, it seems like almost every contestant knows about us now.
Corrupted hard drive
ik its funny how taytriots try and pretend hes not way better looking than them
would be kino, i'll sanction it
i mean like 1 or 2 of them might do something interesting. i have some hope at least.
Not an incel
Of course they do that's just a "imma nice guy" cope which never works btw
im the gay and i would fuck keegan
That's all Jet did too, he didn't really lead by a good example
Thats not it. Ive hated her since my panties my panties like most of the chat.
Josie let him hit
So she browses here?
>Of course they do that's just a "imma nice guy" cope which never works btw
no they want relationships they dont just want sex, paying for sex wont fix their loneliness
Can you guys just leave my family alone? Attack me all you want but leave my personal life out of it.
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>Brennan Jones announced his support for the Dark Taytriots
I'd hate to be someone who wronged Tayleigh right about now
Hi Keegan
We'll see I suppose. I've been quite charitable towards production but as of late.. its hard to remain hopeful.
My nigga finally got laid
Hope that smelly Josie foot stench wasn't too awful
They ALL do
Josie pegging
Hi Keegan
Meth withdrawals
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Tayleigh fucking hates Haley and even doubled down on it in on of her last couple of streams
Man i miss my city Man i miss duval
Escorts will go out to dinner with you too it's not just sex I think (maybe for some of them not all of them offer the gf experience)
True! Checked! Dubs of truth!
rather be named zoltar than fucking keegan honestly
Tj or Jacob go live
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Hey dickheads what's the move tonight let loose let's party
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No Tayleigh. The Sargeposting will continue.
Hi Keegan
he's an 85 IQ manlet with gay face
>And no, why would she have Qs address?
he ordered merch from her
episodes probably
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Reminder Josie runs a secret discord where minors are getting groomed for cutting and sex

All the twitterfags lurking are afraid to talk about this because of fishtank clout lol
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>TJ was a dark taytriot all along
love and life bros....
Zoltar turned out to be alright after he got out of his shell.
i'm thinking we send egirls some messages as a bit
If you get the Dark Taytriots to chill out I'll stop sargeposting
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Go back to your drugs, babygirl. I'll have a taste of the pendlepussy later. ;)

Sent from my iPhone
Actually, she used bantoids for free edits and memes and threw them aside once she got a bf and got uncomfortable with the extra attention.
People there WANTED her to get on with a good guy and move on with her life but the guy rubbing it in everybody's faces like it wouldn't alienate her fanbase was a dumb move, thus tipping the Brazilian into sending gay guys to Jordan's grandma's house.
Only one guy did something questionable and she used it as an excuse to double down and go scorched Earth with the few people that showed her support.
I didn't simp for her and even I feel mad about it.
But he's not black?
yeah in her twitch stream she said she kicked a bunch of people from her discord because they keep posting stuff here
Sounds like a good time to me
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>disavows one of her last supporters after losing all her fans so she can seem better than her
Tayleigh is genuinely a vile cunt. Snake bitch
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I am asking for peaceful vibes for the rest of this thread. Ya feel me?
Any kid named Keegan is dead on arrival
Marlon Dubois has announced his support for the dark taytriots
Doesn’t matter it’s not real that stuff is only fulfilling for 80 iq browns
>Out of the S1 cast the only people to touch this site were Sylvia and Vance
and Letty
honestly it would have been pretty funny if tayleigh was on bitchtank. considering that none of the girls liked her except the most annoying, unlikeable, mentally ill one, it would have made for some interesting drama. obviously she would have been the biggest lolcow on the show for her third consecutive appearance, but at least she would have been feisty instead of mopey and sad lol.
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he's lightskin
>gay face
This is just a cope way to call a guy good looking
I wonder what drugs tayleigh was on that made sarge kick her out
Must have been bad like meth or heroin
yo tacx clean your ashtray out man
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She's legitimately a terrible person
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keegan gooners rise up
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Josie knew about all of this and did nothing to stop it. Probably actively enocorge it tbqh. The pedocord rumors are all real. This guy was a 28 year old trying to have sex with a teenager on Josie's discord.
i'm seeing double
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>Haley is nice to Tay
>Tay hates this and starts talking shit
>Haley mogs her and beats the shit out of her until she quits
Yeah, it would have been good.
How is donating money to a girl that streams to 50+ others fulfilling? Oh wow she said thanks ANON1235!!! IM SO FULFILLED IN LIFE
birth control
Gay face is real, chud. It's backed by science.
Good point, it would have been all of them vs Tayleigh and Haley. Tay would be forced to ally with her. Damn now I wish that happened, maybe bitchtank would have been watchable
Idk they’re probably 80 iq
Wow. Josie is a POS.
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I'm on team Dark Sarge
what is this from lol
Laker Brady of the dark taytriots
i won't post abi's chats here anymore unless it's really lesbian
It’s not it’s just seethe when someone looks younger and better than you
uh no Jordie it's why the guy with gayface has a grindr account and is best friends with a femboy
hit the weights keeg
"they" say that despite never having had an escort because they're too shy and awkward to even do that
bro you got short legs
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LOL at the one josiepedo trying to insert his shit into the thread and samefagging when we are all vibing
I don’t care that pussy crazy bro.
Dark Sarge might make me reconsider my tayseething...

Wouldn't wanna mess with that....
worst link ever award
fake news
The “gay face” is just a non obese version of the “straight face”
Dark Sarge uses occult magic to charge his iPad
if the real sarge fucks his own daughter, i'm terrified of what dark sarge is capable of
If Dark Taytriots real...that implies the existence of Dark Brian Buddies...
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>the dark taytriots
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Dark Brian Buddies are nothing compared to the Dark Peter Pals
He fucks his son. HARD.
Where do they rank compared to the Dark Richard Smalls Soldiers?
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Great thread
The Sarge and Dark Taytriots run /ftl/
why are you coping so hard? the physiognamy doesn't lie. You're either Jordan or a gay guy that's getting butthurt, which is fine, I don't hate gays. But the fact remains there are physiognomic cues that indicate sexuality, and everyone who is honest with themselves can notice them, it's not hard.
cucks, all of them
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Insane how everything he said about Josie and her pedo fans were all true. Maybe he's not so insane after all.
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oh its true brother
its DAMN true
everything he said was true. Same with Q.
It doesn't really take a genius to realize that she and her fans suck
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Marlon Dubois looks like an estrogenized male. When does he announce he secretly started hrt like rainsfx?
Is Januki going to score is the next question?
Any good looking not extremely masculine looking guy is considered gay to obese subhuman 35 year olds like you
is this where he found the alien?
Don't reply to that schizo
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Dark Sarge fucked his daughter's boyfriend and didn't even give him a reach-around. He's BAD ASS.
Lmao those fishtank clout/updates/fan account will never post on real shit like this. You’d get blocked and dogpiled quick lol.
>no-no… not ma- mah Josie
He would send her to a show to compete for money for his "medical bills"
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Has Sarge ever fucked a fat tranny?
the army doesnt let me respond to that,

It would be difficult he has ties to WN groups and is on the no fly list because of it
Tay wasn't born bulimic
Our silent guardian. Our dark knight...
>dark alex is the worst of all
LOL cope harder cockbuddy
Dark Alex makes Dark Tall Guy look like Mr. Rodgers
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>when your incestuous boomer dad is more beloved on 4chan than you are despite directly pandering to them
Cockbuddy said Tayleigh's pussy was RANCID after he went down on that shit....
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>but if muh heckin josie wosie gets exposed for running a child grooming discord then she'll never show up!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, this isn't funny anymore.
Y'all motherfuckers need to tone it down.
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It's truly over for trailer tayleigh
Death to all josiepedo groomers and the SIZE QUEEN mastermind herself
Post a picture with a timestamp or fuck off.
Who cares I hit it from the back sideways she gobbles my fucking dick faggot
> early 20s zoomers
> child


Sent from my iPad
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>Okay, this isn't funny anymore.
>Y'all motherfuckers need to tone it down.
i will unironically end myself if its true
You’re 35 and a khhv
Or what?
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Josie is a pedo enabler who supports pedophiles
LOL fucking disgusting
We are tayseething right now. Go to >>>/bant/
LMAO she had everyone fooled with that medical bills bullshit. She didn’t even fucking talk to her dad anymore

- Sent from iPhone 4S with Tapatalk
but jordan is gay
>everyone fooled
No just the taytriot morons
We should have listened bros...
>And so we'll hate him...
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These threads aren't ready for the resurgence of the shadow group known as the Dark Peter Pals

A few goals of our group:
-Seperate ourselves from the "Brian Buddies" of old
-build up Peter’s confidence to make him feel comfortable enough to stream again
-Promote Petergooning (this will help with Peter’s self confidence)
-Organize plots against those who have done Peter wrong (I am working on a list)
-Act as a moral example for all other /ftl/ factions to follow

Join the Dark Peter Pals or Perish.
Josie needs to be strung and hung up to dry in downtown Phoenix
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What did Sarge mean when he TTS'd tayleigh to "SHOW EM THE CHANGEUP"?
Women like guys with “gay face” more than they like you
massive headcanon
What specifically about the existence of gayface makes you so upset?
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>So yeah anyways, like I was saying, don't mind me. I'm just working on sister Tayleigh's truck that she totally knows how to drive and isn't afraid of at all
jordan doesn't have gay face, he is gay
Oh shit is that the American Badass??? badass brother. hell yea.
can’t wait for s3
LOL. My new headcanon is Sarge made her expose herself on the bathroom cams
I am ready to join.
>massive Headcanon
No it’s just true, you’re a khhv, women love gay face
That's me, i'm the guy on the left
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Yo Isaac can I have my Claire back
this makes so much sense... no wonder everyone thought it was on purpose...
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>When Tay changes on the bathroom cam and "accidentally" shows it all every time
just be glad you didn't see the curveball...
still can't believe jimmy would do something like this
Hi Mike
got a massive shit brewing boys my stomach is churning and things are about to get grim
>drinks all the soup at the soup kitchen and then proceeds to beat the living shit out of his girl in front of everyone
he’s fucking your girl you spurned cuck
i am sorry to inform you of this my brother in christ, but i have a gf
you sure are mad though
God I hope you're Trish
I’m shitting rn, milkshakes fuck me up lol
Land whales and Troons don’t count im afraid
he's likely cheating on her with a guy right now they live in different states
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>God I hope you're Trish
spurned cuck cope
Where’s that one guy who wanted a tube attached to kalei’s asshole so he can get high off her shit fumes
This is now Canon
>Taylor didn't read the >tj didnt win unless copypasta because of Twitch TOS
why does gayface make you so upset, i'm curious and you didn't answer before
I love the fact that Jordan is still seething in these threads. It's funny as hell.
probably playing yugioh right now
but enough about jaxton98
uhhh youre a 35 year old khhv actually bro
Shut up, bitch. I own you.
I wonder if he tells her what people or posting or if he shields her from it. I'm guessing it's the former because he couldn't even wait until bloodgames was over before crying to her about people harassing him, making her freak out
Because it’s such an obvious cope for being ugly, fat and old and losing your precious e gf
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>has gay face
>is gay
>gets mad about having a gay face and gay face being real
That was fucking hilarious...
Molesto sends his regards
Wait, I've seen this guy before. He was on some shooter meme on twitter.
we’ve seen how tayleigh’s former fans look stop the cope
I never liked your uggo gf you seething retard
>couldn't even wait until bloodgames was over before crying to her about people harassing him, making her freak out
lmao true
too soon bro...
Literally the only nigga left running damage control for her–and in here of all places.
did u find the easter egg
Then you wouldn’t give a fuck about Jordan
Cum in josie bum
you're a lolcow bud I don't know what to tell you
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>eating corn
>the only green thing at the table is keegan’s gay shirt that doesn’t match anyone else’s

greenshark’s family is so much cooler than him and he’s already a cool dude
Dubs of truth! Why is Jimmy working on his car naked? Kind of freaky.
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Being a lolcow can be very profitable Anon

Jk I'm broken please send moneys
The josie thing? Yeah I saw it lol

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