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Enter DarkSarge edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• It's pink
• Bex is doing a hostile takeover of MDE
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen has lost 0 pounds and has taken up drinking again
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Fishtank is proud to announce its newest sponsor: Galaxy Gas!
• Josie's discord has been exposed for child grooming

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

https://pastebin.com/raw/xj8PNqG1 (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous >>203635905
Something feels off...
these threads have gone to a really dark place
Total Dark Taytriot Death
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really dark indeed
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Benjamin Taylor's Fishtank:

Hot girls
Cool pranks
Funny moments


-Sent from iPhone with Tapatalk
i feel a sinister energy.....
like a dark cloud lingers over /ftl/...
something really bad is going to be announced soon....
Dark Sarge just dropped a banger
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Pit shots
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Tayleigh's hamster story... Whatever happened there?
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>grooms your child into self-harming and transitioning
Josie was the real lubecooch this entire time
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>he couldn't even wait until bloodgames was over before crying to her about people harassing him, making her freak out
This is an overlooked part of Cockbuddy. What a little fucking bitch, he had to have known that this would really upset her and ruin her experience (good)
we're back to S1 posting?
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I say TJ why don't you fire up a stream for the gentleman.
Reminder that TJ is NOT a cheater and is in love with Taylor!
>TJ knew this girl for years before Taylor and mentioned her to Taylor when they first chatted on fishtank
>Taylor used to follow her
>TJ kept following Taylor for days after she moved
>TJ liked her reels even after she left for Florida
>The way Taylor’s tweet is worded implies that there were no sexual or romantic messages between TJ and the mixed girl
>Taylor has provided no evidence of any of her claims
>TJ only posted a three word response and didn’t throw her under the bus
>TJ didn’t delete the photo of them at the Adam Friedland standup show
>Dallas (who is still active on instagram) and Ethan still follow TJ
>TJ unfollowed a bunch of girls on instagram
>TJ made sure to turn down the wench in CK3 (he’s not a home wrecker)
>Ethan was watching TJ’s stream (possibly Taylor watching on his account)
>said his roommate (Carter) was not sexy and attractive
>TJ said he wished it worked out with Taylor
>TJ said he wouldn’t change meeting Taylor
>TJ said he appreciated Taylor being around
>TJ said he didn’t get black pussy
>TJ said his favorite part is s2 used to be something else (meeting Taylor) but that changed
>said he wouldn’t know how the (black) pussy was
>said there was not even emotional cheating
>said that his parents liked Taylor and that there wasn’t much for them to complain about
>said that the movie MRS doubtfire was not a healthy way to handle a breakup
>confirmed he doesn’t have a new girlfriend
>Said he liked to think that him and Taylor were the fishtank royal couple
>said he drank more because Taylor left
>said he wished he used Taylor’s chips to buy the wings he was eating
>TJ said Barry Lyndon shouldn’t have cheated
>said it was said his wife died on 2.5
>confirmed he didn’t say she was sexy and that he only said attractive after she grilled him
>said he hoped Taylor was alright after Keegan got caught in chat seething
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With all the bullshit in the news section you need to add some REAL news.
>Dark Taytriots have entered the arena
>It has come out that the Sarge made Tayleigh get naked in the bathroom cams on Season 2
No, it's one schizo samefagging himself. Ignore him
i wish she groomed me
Jordie having an absolute meltie in the previous thread
Is he going to lose his place on the site if he doesn’t stream for a third day or am I misunderstanding the rules for streaming on fishtank?
gotta get the stream aura going first
Imagine his whining during Tayleigh's streams before 2.5
>Babe, I just... I jsut don't want to share you with the people on the internet, okay? We have something special.
>Now put on this hijab. It will be SO funny, I swear.
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>>It has come out that the Sarge made Tayleigh get naked in the bathroom cams on Season 2

can you blame an old man?

i needed my fix ... missed that lil thang

heh heh
lmao pathetic
The only reason I follow these threads. I hope he’s been keeping busy like he said he was trying to if not.
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Go to the "Clips" page and click "Random Clip" and post it
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Sarge tank!

Sarge it up Sarge's soldiers in control
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>>It has come out that the Sarge made Tayleigh get naked in the bathroom cams on Season 2
your welcome ;) its DAMN true ...

u can look but dont touch.....
Sargetank could save Jet's ass
fun idea
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Watch out guys... He might snap
nice try jet not giving your shit site free traffic
you have to try a little harder than this
Locking fingers and kissing with Josie
>Is he going to lose
holy shit kek
No idea it might just be a rule for the literal who's that stream on the site.
don’t talk to me you dysgenic mutt
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LMFAO you dirty dog Sarge!!!
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i got jontent
It's a DARK cast
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I miss bitchtank
this looks like a turkey tom thumbnail
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Sarge you're a dirty old man haha
It's true he immediately dumped on her and later on she was moping about "being responsible for that" and how it was her fault while the tower cell was happening.
That makes more sense. I wonder what their thinking is with this nonsense of picking random paypigs.
Take me back...
sticking your fingers deep inside her perfect injussy and feeling the waterfall flowing down
Rough gangbang legalporno style (no blacks) with the 40boys
>Nontent time has more OC than Season 2.
It really was an awful season.
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>The DEPRAVED Rabbithole of Sergeant Pendleton
sarge you absolute scoundrel you
Why should play sarge in the biopic?
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vros... https://fishtank.live/clip/7482
Making Josie a drooling quivering mess
Josie deserves the best
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I still can't believe Sarge really made her expose herself like this. She must really love him...
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Bet tay never thought her dad would end up more popular that her.
it sucks that they could just hear all the tts from other rooms the whole time
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The Undertaker (American Baddass version)
That untalented hack fraud editor gets to do this it isn’t fair
Choose meth. Choose a cockbuddy. Choose a sarge. Choose a bussy. Choose a fucking fat femboy, choose streamdecks, Dodge pickups, Green Day vinyls and hardboiled eggs in a bag. Choose IV drips, undiagnosed schizophrenia, and permanent NEEThood. Choose dropping out of college. Choose a mime stream that reveals your fucked up teeth. Choose your fishtank. Choose black clothes and matching autism. Choose a shitting on your entire fanbase just because you got some methhead dick. Choose Kentucky and wondering who the fuck Richard is on a Tuesday evening. Choose sitting on Maria's couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing AB recaps, stuffing fucking pizza hut into your mouth. Choose overdosing at the end of it all, pissing your last 15K in Melinda's trailer, nothing more than an embarrassment to the eternally KWABed, bussy addicted chudlings you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your seething. Choose life and love… But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life and love. I chose somethin’ else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you’ve got structural items.
Using Josie as a human punching bag with 2 minute drills while on livestream
he could have her back if he just apologized...
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no way thats all the same guy right?
It must suck when she's trying to lurk and there are at least 20 pictures every thread of her Dad accompanied with a post about incest
Dark Sarge is a shapeshifting demon
>Who needs reasons when you’ve got structural items.
fucking kek
what for?
Taylor might forget Tj, but Tj will never forget Taylor. He is a different person now because of her.
Is that Danny koker the count kustoms dude lmaooo
We need sarge structural items.
A warning from a Dark Taytriot

We've seen your false allegations against Tayleigh and now you all must pay the price. I demand 100 apologies from you all or Cole Dennis will be executed in 24 hours.

The clock is ticking.
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jet dies today
Nothingburger, just a story. The headcanons about it were funny tho.
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It's the Undertaker, a wwe wrestler from Texas who Sarge tries to emulate
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>Choose meth. Choose a cockbuddy. Choose a sarge. Choose a bussy. Choose a fucking fat femboy, choose streamdecks, Dodge pickups, Green Day vinyls and hardboiled eggs in a bag. Choose IV drips, undiagnosed schizophrenia, and permanent NEEThood. Choose dropping out of college. Choose a mime stream that reveals your fucked up teeth. Choose your fishtank. Choose black clothes and matching autism. Choose a shitting on your entire fanbase just because you got some methhead dick. Choose Kentucky and wondering who the fuck Richard is on a Tuesday evening. Choose sitting on Maria's couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing AB recaps, stuffing fucking pizza hut into your mouth. Choose overdosing at the end of it all, pissing your last 15K in Melinda's trailer, nothing more than an embarrassment to the eternally KWABed, bussy addicted chudlings you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your seething. Choose life and love… But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life and love. I chose somethin’ else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you’ve got structural items.
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God I wish that was me
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she's taking big BBC at the local park
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Dark Peter Pals rising
Why did you post a picture of Jet getting fucked again?
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She could've been Tay Dennis. She could've had the most hyper-retarded asperger children in the world.
I'm still furious she sprayed pam all of his back. Why did she do that? That fucking sperg took this challenge too far. Im glad she's hated.
Everybody TJ meets becomes a part of him he will never forget them.

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Give that faggit the knife, Sister Tayleigh...

I mean shit see I can be wacky and evil too it's just like can you reply to my texts I really want to join the Dark Taytriots
nah she hates niggers
Why does Josie add actual pedophile groomers on steam when pretending she doesn't like them publicly?

Great parenting Javier and mom_xing, your daughter is a child molester and prostitute.
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Josie will die in prison
Can I get a qrd? What challenge was this and why did she spray pam on Cole?
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>I mean shit see I can be wacky and evil too it's just like can you reply to my texts I really want to join the Dark Taytriots
Fuck off Jimmy. Dark Tayleigh is busy.
Why doesn't Tayleigh respond to any of Jimmy's messages?
she will die of old age happily married to me
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I got the S̶a̶r̶g̶e̶ Frank clip
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heh heh
your a good friend jim
I'm cooling off of dark taytriots ngl
..vanta black tayriots are on the rise
She is good she's chilling in the fuckbunker with sarge
Jimmy hogs the luxury family vacation home all summer. He doesn't allow his sister to have the house with her friends. He insists on staying in the house when she plans her trips. He takes it over for the whole summer cause hes a selfish, privileged sperg.
This is funnier than I remember
tj is such a little coward faggot looking at the camera
if jimmy was there he would have put an end to this
frank went too fucking far and it all fucks with tayleighs head
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What would you do if this barged in your room?
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Come and try
Im not saying somebody should use ai to put sarges face on frank but they should.
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>frank went too fucking far
you dirty dog LOL xoxo
If Sarge is Taker, who is Kane?
Sarge broke a glass table when he saw this happen
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Tayleigh just uses him as a big retard for protection. She thinks he blunts a lot of her cringiness (he doesn't)
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I'm thinking of drinking today
What do you guys think I should do?
I choose to believe that this is really Isabel.
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Can i also get a kiss sister tay?

Hell no!

O ok
kill yourself
pray to jesus for help
go live
Tay is much cringier than Jimmy
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Scott, the big red machine
can we get a qrd on the hat
let’s see dat hog, playa. stop teasing
clayton mayo
>The big red retard
Do it you deserve it anon.
You now remember TJ dick pressing Sam
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Sister Tayleigh I am once again asking to be part of the Dark Taytriots
I can really help yall
Plus I have a very evil side
Call me back
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Jimmy fancies himself an actor now, right?
so true
it was the moment the secured him the win
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No, Jimmy. Stop asking.
The brothers of Tay's pussy destruction
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Jimmy was the most prolific rapist of S2 though
I've had dreams like this
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>Creature, why must you mog me in views? Do you really have to continue to humiliate me like this?
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The Brothers of Destruction
Wouldn't wanna mess with them...
>Jimmy raped Trish
>Jimmy raped Summer
>Jimmy raped Nifty
This is so sad
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Christ i bet jimmy smells like cum crayons a hint of shit.
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PLEASE Sister Tayleigh it's a perfect group for me
I have a lot of things I can help yall with
Shit I'm already hated by the same faggets
Just let me join
This is the faction I'm most fearful of
Kek cant wait for the next tay tweet.
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I'm not going to say it again, Jimmy. No. Stop asking.
hey you maggot dick faggot how about not posting tay's nudes that she explicatly said she doesnt want getting posted on 4chan by you dumb ass bant faggots
jet and production even said the bathroom cams were a bad idea so maybe yall should get the memo cause this shit can get legal real fucking quick
especially with her fucking family in there great idea retards yall got her fucked up on this shit that is genuinely morally reprehensible
quit impersonating jimmy you retard he doesnt even type like that bad actor
yeah posting this shit aint cool neither cause if certain other people weren't kicked off the show way too soon this shit never wouldve went down like this
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*lowers voice* ok :|
Now that galaxy gas is sold legally how long until one of the wiggers blows a gasket and dies
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They should've kissed here tbqhwy
Who is Sarge?
when did this thread become fishtank ERP?
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Most likely very soon
>yall should get the memo cause this shit can get legal real fucking quick
Lmao fuck you faggot
A 4 time WWE world champion
around a year ago
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Spurned cucks manifesting another btfo soon
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What are you going to do about it, Boy?
*dog whimper*
o.k. Sistah Tay
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clabi manifest
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lmao Jordan you are so mad COCKBUDDY LORE HAHAHAHAH
Hi Jimmy!
hey, buddy, only one of you guys can rp as jimmy maybe switch to tj or cole??
what would dark Trish look like
Keegan seething cockbuddy seething who is next.
nexpo made a video on this nigga
Based Jordie boy setting the record straight
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Hmmm i wonder
Thanks cockbuddy
The Dark Tay-Jimmy exchange in this thread was really good
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Mr Beast, Logan Paul & KSI linked up with the Rizzler to promote their new product “Lunchly”
Hi Sam!
if you’re faggot, yes
otherwise you just keep on scrolling by
Hi Pedophile
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>We are thrilled to announce an exciting new partnership between Fishtank.live and Galaxy Gas!
>For a limited time only, we’re bringing you exclusive discounts on TTS, SFX, and Fishtoys on the Fishtank website as well as the introduction of the "Galaxy Gas Delivery" Fishtoy available for a limited time during Fishtank Season 3.
Finally some Kino
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Dark Vance here. I have something to say.

Yeah I laughed out loud
Hi Jimmy
>Your kid will look like the rizzler if they eat this shit
What did they mean by this?
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Does this mean dark Vance is staying neutral in the war?
wtf i thought mr. beast was laying low
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why do you like being the little spoon?
hi cuck!
way too far
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stop, you're scaring me
The only cuck is the guy whoring his girlfriend out to Sam Hyde lmao
Suck a fat little fuck that he needs to wear adult sized tshirts that make it look like hes wearing a dress
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The Dark Taytriots will fail
We get it, you just learned about whippets. Stop posting this forced coal.
.....what the fuck
what do we call this era of the threads??
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Why are you greeting yourself anon!
Just for that we are inducing a nightmare for you tonight. Don't fall asleep or you will be brutally killed by Tayleigh in your dreams.
reddit moment
"the audience entertains itself" era
whippet wiggers have been a thing since season 1 faggot
Firing on all cylinders. Don't like it? Don't care. Fuck you.
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>whippit delivery for trevor. sponsored by galaxy gas™!
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Hi Jet! Hit a nerve again?
utter dogshit
i don’t like these former taytriots having too much fun. they don’t deserve it.
This is literally peak “I don’t have a problem” posting kek
dark peter : that's not fair
sarge renaissance
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The Sarge is in Charge!!!!!!
kek. brain damaged wigger.
They should do a week where they give the fish nothing but Lunchly and Lunchables everyday and have like team Lunchly and team Lunchables and at the end of the week measure their blood and hormone levels
>what flavor do you want Trevor? It comes in watermelon, grape, or banana.
The last throes.
Season 3 isn't happening.
salad days
The past couple weeks have been the funniest the threads have been in months. Fuck you for making me reply to you.
Dark jet: I shall make a merit based competition that will be delivered on time and well planned
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This is canon the fishtank was broke when Dark Vance said nah to Frank
“never been better” era
This! They should definitely do this.
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My son is a goodson
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>Tayleigh looks like The Rizzler
The Dark Gaytriots HATED this trvthnvke
The death of josie era
oorah sarge
never said it wasn't funny, i just assume the "dark Taytriot" and Sarge stuff will become more of a lesser known thing when the casuals start posting again
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See you in your dreams tonight, Fucker.
No she fucking doesn't faggot. Stfu.
Fuck Letty for that. Legitimately. Fuck her.
They need to hurry up and move in together so we can get some comfy Clabi gaming streams. Watching Claire awkwardly do Buzzfeed quizzes for an hour straight is fucking depressing.
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Jacob should visit Sarge next on his adventures.
The Grey Pussy shall be posted in retaliation, Letty will regret ever betraying our queen
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It’s true. It’s DAMN truuuu hai ha love you dad
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Mmmm now you've done it...
You've gone and made a big mistake...
Sleep tight...
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I don't see how you can disagree
hold up the whippet wiggers unironically got a whippet sponsorship I thought this was a meme
based keen
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Naw they can fit in or fuck off
Cryokeen seems like a chill ass dude to goon with
Hi Mike
i hope he does the quit watching fishtank bit once every week during season 3
where are you seeing that?
I dont give a fuck if you find it funny or not. Stick to baking. Less posting.
Is season 3 actually gonna start in 16 days?
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Sarge's soldiers marching anthem

Tayleigh is Sarge's whore
She got sarged and wanted more
Left right left
Mayo nearly beat her to death
Right left right
Everybody hates her now so she smokes meth
Mmmmmm wouldn't wanna mess with him
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my fault
kek do you think he blamed her and said it was her fault or something?
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Picrel: Cryo posting about anything at all
is that the Psycho Killa in the background?
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Dark Taytriots strike again!
god i wish i didnt stop looking at these threads for days kek
Kel something tells me tay is not coming back
it's gonna be 2027 and she'll be still talking about how she's making beanies lel
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is there anyway for me to cancel my beanie order? i seriously don't think it's coming
And how she owned cryo
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fucking kek
just don't pay
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just don't pay for it once she finishes it
why is trish pulling on tj’s pants
>Sam really wrote this about himself
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fuck you nigga i came up with zoltan's catchphrase, sargeposting is the most unfunny shit i've ever seen. well it was fine at first but now it's obviously just spurned taytriots seething nonstop. they've been role playing and posting the same shit for three days and niggas are patting each other on the back for making an it's always sunny reddit reply chain. i saw a nigga post an al bundy reaction gif...taytriots are still cringe even if they've turned on their queen and they deserve no glory, don't like it? don't fucking care.
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her and tj are besties, she even defended him from the lubecooch allegations
Didn't read. Don't care. Fuck you. The Sarge is in charge.
It's all chatgpt to be fair
Sargeposting is kino
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boy if you dont shut your damn mouth....
cute description desu
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Say the line Bart!
i loved these streams, they looked straight out of 2009
giga trvthnvke
That sounds like a you problem. Sargeposting is hilarious and I was never a taytriot. I like the catchphrase but Sargeposting is carrying these threads.

It's DAMN true...
Sargeposting has breathed new life into this cesspit
2009 epic skatergirl
Did you know that Tayleigh has consensual sex with her father? aka Sarge
each sentence here is the opposite of the truth
Open wide benji
Transleigh has a present for you
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>tayleigh's precious girlcock.....
benji is reserved for bbc
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>each sentence here is the opposite of the truth
do besties pull each others pants
Sarge is looking zesty in this one
Gettin' his freak on
trvke but it's likely the same 3 schizos who would have 80 PTIDs on /bant/
yeah, she was helping him pee faster
Tell me about the glasses. Why does he always wear them?
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Creature always has the most viewers when I check the site
the twerking will commence any moment now
I never watched her, has Tayleigh ever commented on her dad's supposed medical bills? Wasn't he like dying? What a liar
Obese creature was replaced by minion.
And she hasnt added any fishtoys still...
weed can really make some people borderline retarded
Josie believes herself a good person while purposefully taking advantage of people she owes her lifestyle to, and backstabbing the person responsible for her streaming career.

She has no morals. At best she will end up a single mom. At worse she will end up in a ditch in a rolled over car from drunk driving.
Who knows? I wouldn't put it past him
Nigger literally nobody cares. Go post this in her /bant/ thread. This will be your only reply from me.
nah she never addressed it when it got brought up on stream, even before jordangate, she probably thought jet/sam would be more likely to give her the prize money if she had a goal nobler than kentucky and meth
/ftl3/ on /tv/ is an outgrowth of /ftl2/ on /bant/ and I would not have it any other way
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Josie is no "le shota" enjoyer. She will rape kids to make herself feel more normal. Scum whore mother codependency. Weak father who isn't a man. Failure of a mother, failure of a father, failure of a daughter. Beaner ghetto trash.

Prove me wrong Josie. Have morals. Make the world a better place. You NEVER will piece of shit going to burn in hell, unironically.
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Season 3 can't come soon enough jfc
no it isn’t, you niggers have no life and are here now
That was fake news we all got played lol. She hasn’t really been in contact with her dad for a while since before the show.
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Reminder Josie runs a secret discord where minors are getting groomed for cutting and sex

All the twitterfags lurking are afraid to talk about this because of fishtank clout lol
To be fair she is a woman from the show and everyone else is "XgayXfishX" from ftl chat
Not even a "no you misunderstood, he was sick but he's fine now"? What a manipulative bitch
Josie loves her gore shota and cunny porn.
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This is the last straw.
Apologize NOW on he gets it
Josie probably googles "emo boys kissing"
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Fuck y’all
I’m on #TeamJon
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Makes the two of us then
I see more bant here than tv
LMAO nope. I t believe that’s why she was doing nasty shit and had no boundaries on the show because she knew only Melinda and Maria would be watching and none of her other family. Makes the most sense.
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>me lurking on /ftl/
Not funny, forced coal
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The store closed before i could buy any alcohol and I need to do some work anyway. I can always drink tommarow. Thanks guys!
nta but it makes sense because I remember someone superchatting asking her about what her dad thought of her on fishtank and she was very dodgy... she basically ended up just saying something like "yeah he supported me..."
are these americans raw dogging whippets? stupid niggers hahahaha
Sorry but it was colored folk. Needs to be whites only
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Do it you bitch! Cum in his fucking mouth with Ur big Dark Taytriot salty slimey load right in his fucking mouth Tay!!! Cum in his mouth Tay°!!!!! Do it for AMERICA!!!
just got done gooning to this unironically
Don’t be hanging near kids with that smile
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Am I supposed to believe that the reason Taylor is not streaming is she is fixing her lighting and sound so its not scuffed?
Yes. I wanna try it again. Sometimes it's fun but sometimes it's just nauseating and dizzying. Pretty sure ur supposed to mix it with oxygen. Rip the Youth
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What a pathetic cope. There’s jack shit going on.
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>Am I supposed to believe that the reason Taylor is not streaming is she is fixing her lighting and sound so its not scuffed?
I don't hang out near kids lol but in like 2-5 Years I'd like to father a child preferably Tayleigh, Summer, Letty or Bettys
She can't even fit half her face on cam lol
is season 3 gonna get a kratom sponsorship?
Do you play it up or are you truly this delusional?
That’s what she’s saying, yeah. Does her dishonesty surprise anyone atp?
Dude that would be amazing. I'd love to see a tank zonked out of their minds, completely dead. Just husks of a human shambling around the house. It would bring me back to S2
After the Gemma situation no.
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why did the thread slow down all of a sudden?
Everyone is watching chillywintrz, dracolad and funyung streaming
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Dark taytriot black magic jutsu
I'm cooking
holy shit fuckingLMAO she is never streaming again
you’re supposed to not care
That whole thing sucks, man. Taylor is an asshole for that one.
is little monkey boy streaming today?
Im tired and just lurking for the rest of the night as I drift off
Jacob content house better be good and that annoying broccoli hair mutt friend of his better not be invited. I’m not watching S3
Fucking weirdo I do think you’re playing it up tho
Hi keegan
Jesus Fucking Christ man
You are fucking evil.
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I'm playing it up obviously. I'm only 50% serious. I mean a FTL Fan fucked and impregnated Sylvia and I memed myself into being on the show through the Grace of Jet. Almost anythings possible in this crazy weird whacky reality we call life
Stop smoking weed
Realest shit you've said yet
am i a bad person for being here sometimes it feels like it
Yeah it does.Even if Taylor dipped she moved at the drop of the hat there was no need to throw an innocent under the bus. Atleast Taylor has normie fans other than the Canadian and mick so it was not as bad as it could have been.
I'm in love with a Creature (to the tune of "I'm in Love with a Stripper" by T-Pain)
Sarge took the damn Dodge... haha you're a real one man
we should get an over/under on whether he will or not on a given night
What do you know about life you fat autistic freak? You sit in your Mom's house all day wearing your Rick and Morty pajama pants smoking weed. Get a grip you fucking loser
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We hear you. Given the positive feedback we had with in-tank currency we are bringing it back, bigger than ever! Each fish will now have their own currency at the start of the show. These currencies will actually have a market where you can buy/sell/trade even do puts and options, box spreads, you name it! Day traders rejoice because this season is for you. Get in while you can as the "stock" prices will reflect actions taken in the tank in addition to how well they perform in challenges and not to mention their overall acceptance of the audience.
Just try to balance it out by doing some nice things/work/chores occasionally and don't rape or kill ppl irl and ur solid amigo
Cringiest post of the entire week
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tsmt, Jacob carries these threads and there is nothing to do but shitpost when hes not streaming.
They got me
bro she's disgusting. I bet her pussy smells like rank old socks and fish. She's horny
Everyone who has been on fishtank so far knew exactly what to expect, especially the season 2 fish, so no.
If the season 3 contestants are truly normies and get fucked with hard, maybe then things will be "too far" unless they are really pieces of shit.
>I bet her pussy smells like rank old socks and fish.
Just like meemaw (rip)
yeah no
I just meant it would be funny thing to do between us. Only here for Teej, sorry.
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I know life is fleeting. Life is fragile. Life is hard. Life is unfair. Life is horrible. Life is awful. Life is amazing. Life is a Miracle.

The universe is so big we are tiny cosmic mites less than ants we are so so small and we take ourselves so so seriously

What does this person think of me? What if I don't do this or that? Will I goto hell? Jail? Torture? Will I be raped?

Will I experience pleasure? Pain? Serenity?

Perhaps.. even.. Unconditional Love?

I've traveled. I've seen Life and Death. I've eaten things I've grown. Were all part of a cycle of destruction and creation. We are all on this planet together. Interlinked.
if you live near Florida hit her up
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creature streams without critter just aren't the same...
what are you even doing with your life man
You're morbidly obese, have limited education, and live off disability
Peak midwit
he's too retarded and far gone to be a midwit
The fucking state of this shit is anyone here watching this noise?
Since they can't stream movies and other shit this is all the "content" their minds can conjure up.
How come every decision they make is the wrong decision?
I don’t think her or keegan are smart enough to tame a normie crowd without her selling herself out. She would’ve never taken off without being on the show and now she’s mad at everyone for not dogpiling TJ? I don’t take her excuse about the obituary seriously, it’s all posturing and ego with her responses to everything.
Hi Mike
Whippet's and beer
You're not funny, you're fat
>she’s mad at everyone for not dogpiling TJ? I don’t take her excuse about the obituary seriously, it’s all posturing and ego with her responses to everything.
What has she even said recently?
O did they finally crackdown on it I didn't know i seen Greg watching 300 the other day.
They finally put up a disclaimer about following Stripe's terms of service. Seems to have been rolled out when they started granting random chatters access to the site.
They haven’t said a word about it since bitchtank ended what do you think?
Yeah the sooner TJ gets a new bangmaid the better then she can slip into obscurity.
She did an Instagram story and she was in Stephenville with presumably Sarge's dog in her truck. Sarge watched and sent her TTS, his username is sgt.pen on the site and the whole "three foot world" thing came from his code for her to know it's him.

Also she's has said he's not sick just got fucked over by the VA over something during the Alex Stein livestream in the tank. He probably just has physical issues from his time in the military. I don't doubt she was using it for sympathy but I also don't think she totally lied about it.
no nigga
idk why this shit keeps being asked
Because they aren’t artistically creative or talented. Have you heard their music? It’s horrific. 2.5 had Mike and Xavier behind the scenes writing and directing
and it showed. Even the random ass NPCs put more effort in than the wiggers
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The bonny Abi
Sarge wept
I think anon's talking about a comment Dunye made right before Taylor started streaming again, that she stopped because of the obituary thing, and was unfollowing ftl accounts to distance herself from ftl after that. Sounded like Dunye had been talking with her some.
Yes it is, don't listen to doomposters
every night it gets worse than i thought it could
>Mike and Xavier behind the scenes
I know about xavier but didn't know this about mike
how come we never got a behind the scenes thing with bloodgames?
>some work
Making clay figures lf sam hyde isnt work
Quite cocksian
baby girl showed them titties and ass on the bathroom cams. Hehe, sexy girl.
>Yes it is, don't listen to doomposters
>2 weeks to promote S3
I hated brian in season 2 but he killed it in 2.5.Sam should hire a manager to watch jet.
hey man
Nothing. She should be explaining herself after recent events or at least have that faggot editor say something. I don’t understand why she’s so shady about any drama that occurs with her, it only makes things worse.
Literally any move he makes to better his life will have more tangible benefits from external influences than any gay ass boring reel she posts.
Mike wrote for the show and was director. There were a few times he came out with the earpiece and directed the action/roleplaying. Xavier was writer, I’m pretty sure whoever he was is an MDE alumn. The NPCs I have no idea where the came from but I miss them every day.
more than enough time if those episodes come out soon. otherwise you’re right and I will rope.
We don't know a single thing about season 3 despite the fact that it's meant to start in 2 weeks
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>>some work
>Making clay figures lf sam hyde isnt work

Hey asshamml this thing took HOURS of HARD WORKKK
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Delayed to December confirmed
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>he thinks the episodes are coming out
Not even a abifag but god she looked so fucking sexy and attractive that stream.
Why didn't you retards tell me that THE grizzway was streaming?
who are you quoting? can’t a nigga believe? damn.
2.5 should have went right into a 6 month delay. I don’t know what the fuck they were thinking with Bitchtank other than being desperate for money.
tj stop gooning to abi and stream
TJ was better looking than Taylor he deserves better there i said it.
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We know it's brought to you by Galaxy Gas!
She has a literally perfectly symmetrical face, it’s uncanny how conventionally beautiful she is. Her personality is horrific though she’s like a 20 year old who just watched Drive for the first time
Somehow shadi is less annoying than that fat faggot that lost the cell in 10 hours
announcement tomorrow
i fuckin knew it mang
an announcement of a delay i'm sure
Sam has abandoned fishtank. He’s not hosting this season.
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10 hours more than you nigggggaaaaaaaaaahhhh
i think Cyro's clay stuff is kind of decent, solid enough outsider art
Facts after season 2 i felt empty after 2.5 i felt content had a great time and then they went overkill.
You think the wiggers wrote the goblin friendship arc AND pulled it off?
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About God damn time Jet. Also let me stream please. I'll play nice. I'll bump ur viewers up. I'll fix the show.
I really don't get it. Wasn't it your dream to be on fishtank? Why would you leave so soon? Shouldn't you have been kicking and screaming to stay?
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sexy and attractive even
My best friend was the kid in that movie but neither of us have seen it kek
Nigger get Cole back
announcement in 15 minutes
keep an eye on the site
No I've well aware of what they're able. It would have been nice to have more insight because the team was huge and we just had a few thank yous at the end of bloodgames.
page 10
Being 2,000 miles away from home (I live in a isolated rural area) and not getting any sleep or food then being thrust onto the show was quite extreme for me. Fun but extreme. I didn't expect to be shot by tayleigh. I didn't want her to continue to target me. She said if I didn't leave she would do something I wouldn't like. I took that threat seriously seeing how unstable Tayleigh was on the show. I guess I should risked my life and stayed. Oh well.
Sorry vro maybe tomorrow.
I’ll try to come up with the most demented fetish sex scenarios I can to post in these threads and they’ll never be as funny as
>semen sperm content
Reasonable people dont want to be on jet's larphouse. If anyone genuinely wants to be on this shitshow they need to reevaluate their lives and priorities. Like do you faggots ever talk about anything other than fishtank? Its not even that deep to warrant endless discussion
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It's all about the Delivery
Dashing even
Lmaooo this dude is afraid of a 100 lbs girl! Hahahahahah what a faggot
nigga announced an announcement
After my friend died while I was 2/3 through Season 1 that I was live editing for Twitter and YT I became Para socially attached to FTL and these threads. I assume there are similar stories.
ugly faggot
True but so was Oddbod
Cops shoot people cooming at them with knives that are 100 lbs too

I'm not dying for fishtank lol
He's Younger and Made of Stronger stuff than me that's for sure
nigger you werent in danger
Jet doesn’t seem like the type to say “thank you guys for writing this entire show for me”, does he? He doesn’t even seem like he has emotions
the josieseether is bad ideas

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