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TJ is carrying streaming on the site edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes have been cancelled
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen has lost 0 pounds and has taken up drinking again
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Fishtank is proud to announce its newest sponsor: Galaxy Gas!
• Josie's discord has been exposed for child grooming

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

https://pastebin.com/raw/xj8PNqG1 (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous >>203641436
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>If liking this makes me a Clairepedo, call me Roman Polanski.
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For me, it's Tayleigh.
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Anyone else want to see Sam fuck Claire?
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>puts a 19 year old amateur youtuber in charge of editing thousands of hours of raw footage
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even this nigga knows where to draw the line
Kek confirmed Greenshark has never been paid
do whippets feel good?
I think the people expecting the episodes to be flipped so quickly are worse.
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This is too far. Talk about tayleigh all you want but leave my family out of it.
bettycuck falseflag. clairebears have all their hashes. make sure to check with us and we can certify it as a true CCC or not.
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yeah man
they should bring lospollostv on as a guest on s3
don't worry he's getting laid any day now
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>That YouTuber gets into online relationship with past winner he tried to get
How does Jet keep getting away with it?
>Talk about tayleigh all you want but leave my family out of it.
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they're calling him jannyshark
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How do I join "production"?
these posts checked by real clairebears as FAKES
>bro this is bayonne!
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>Talk about tayleigh all you want but leave my family out of it.
where's the taylor date pic from tonight?
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I NEED to see Claire ride Sam
too busy snapchatting tj
This is so fucking funny
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fish shows gave me depression
Your voice is not sexy and it gives me the ick, this revelation has made me very angry
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YOU are in a FishTank.Live /FTL/ Thread on 4chan's /tv/ Television & Film Board

And (You) Are Now GAY
Scott can make you a star
Sarge wtf....
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Sam will fuck Claire again
anyone else think he looks homeless in that pic?
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Who will hold Josie accountable for her discord's rampant grooming of minors? Why is the fishtank community so afraid to speak out on this?
Shut the fuck up, Jordan.
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Ok so this girls name is Ariel Harris but for the show she used the stage name or whatever Betty? And she showed her titties? Just once? And she was only on for 3 days? Are there any more photos to this set? Does she have an official fan club anywhere? I checked the Twitter thing and it seems to be inactive? Have you seen her smoke? Is it just me or does she smoke like she's pretending to smoke?
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just stop replying, it's bettypedo hours just like last night and the night before
Are all Clairejeets pedophiles?
tax was on ig live the other day and i was the sole viewer that makes us basically best friends
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She smokes all the time, shes real nasty
do not reply to the person pretending to not know about b*tty
When are you going to blow your nigger pajeet brains out with a shotgun?
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Kill yourself pedophile
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They are the Official Sponser of Fishtank Season 3 so damn strait but seriously probly don't start that shit you could kill a lot of brain cells inhalents can be more dangerous than regular stims/depressants or alcohol
Andrew Tate and Scott Sullivan are eskimo brothers
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f is for grim and fucked
Many are saying this
Trips of truth
I would have watched but that wigger blocked me for literally no reason
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We all had her, Clairebears.
nah vro its abi
Streaming on ig to one viewer is so embarrassing especially when youre an "internet rapper" I could legit get more ig live viewers and I have 350 followers and zero friends
You guys should get married
Whoa those are some heavy digits but please you gotta help me. Especially if there's more photos to this set. I'm literally begging you. But really have you see her smoke? I haven't seen someone smoke like that since junior high
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I smell your fear, Josiepedo.

Josie's pedo cabal must be brought to an immediate end
can you share what happened or is it too personal
Did Tayleigh actually flash the camera because of her dad's tts?
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Jordan has to wake up for his KFC job and come home smelling like eleven herbs and spices.

His ass is owned by the Colonel and the Sarge.
he did the same for me lmao
I think you need to blow your brains out. >>>/bant/ there's a thread on her there. Now fuck off.
F for fantastic
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She's 23 what the hell man. That girl Summer looks younger than she does. And arguably prettier. Is there a ranking of all thebbabes of fishtank? I didn't know they had all these hot women.
Will Betty have fun at Sam's show tomorrow?
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>How do I join "production"?
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oh its TRUE
its DAMN true
he missed seeing the goods.
>peer pressures a minor into drinking alcohol on camera
classic vance behavior
is that really the only way... fuck that
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Return to normality
most assuredly
Real Clairebear who thinks she's a certified cutie patootie and if you don't see it there's something wrong with *you*.
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You just know tayleigh is a slut when she's drunk. That's why she was so afraid to drink
People would pay money to see that I bet you what

Imagine all the hair and sweat amd grunting and shouting and screaming

Yes daddy Sam yes fuck me harder

I am irredeemably coombrained
ngl cryo looks pretty good in drag
are they actually doing a galaxy gas fish toy
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Reminder that TJ is NOT a cheater and is in love with Taylor!
>TJ knew this girl for years before Taylor and mentioned her to Taylor when they first chatted on fishtank
>Taylor used to follow her
>TJ kept following Taylor for days after she moved
>TJ liked her reels even after she left for Florida
>The way Taylor’s tweet is worded implies that there were no sexual or romantic messages between TJ and the mixed girl
>Taylor has provided no evidence of any of her claims
>TJ only posted a three word response and didn’t throw her under the bus
>TJ didn’t delete the photo of them at the Adam Friedland standup show
>Dallas (who is still active on instagram) and Ethan still follow TJ
>TJ unfollowed a bunch of girls on instagram
>TJ made sure to turn down the wench in CK3 (he’s not a home wrecker)
>Ethan was watching TJ’s stream (possibly Taylor watching on his account)
>said his roommate (Carter) was not sexy and attractive
>TJ said he wished it worked out with Taylor
>said he wouldn’t change meeting Taylor
>said he appreciated Taylor being around
>said he didn’t get black pussy
>said his favorite part is s2 used to be something else (meeting Taylor) but that changed
>said he wouldn’t know how the (black) pussy was
>said there was not even emotional cheating
>said that his parents liked Taylor and that there wasn’t much for them to complain about
>said that the movie MRS doubtfire was not a healthy way to handle a breakup
>confirmed he doesn’t have a new girlfriend
>Said he liked to think that him and Taylor were the fishtank royal couple
>said he drank more because Taylor left
>said he wished he used Taylor’s chips to buy the wings he was eating
>said Barry Lyndon shouldn’t have cheated
>said it was sad his wife died on 2.5
>confirmed he didn’t say she was sexy and that he only said attractive after she grilled him
>said he hoped Taylor was alright after Keegan got caught seething
>said he hopes Taylor makes the right decision
I wouldn't say he looks "good" but he does surprisingly pass well
Why would you be afraid to drink?
we could manifest it
feels rude of him to even post this
Please stop posting this. Nobody even reads it and it just interrupts the thread
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this. she's a perfectly unkempt messy little cutie pie
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Nah. I jest. I mean probly being their new drug dealer wouldn't hurt but I think they mostly want people who really like fishtank, are hard workers, reasonably competent, work for free or cheap
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erm who dis?
it's working
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not buying it
claire from bitchtank
I just want them to mix it up. Do one on another cast member or fish
>this. she's a perfectly unkempt messy little cutie pie
No can do, Keegan
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Goosmus' dog of a wife
Post erotic Jet Neptunes
She wouldn't. "He's not that funny." And she's saving herself for marriage as a super Catholic.
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Cryo looks like this now?
I feel bad for their kids
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>Real Clairebear who thinks she's a certified cutie patootie and if you don't see it there's something wrong with *you*.
I’d pay some good money to see that.
>• Josie's discord has been exposed for child grooming

erm what the fuck?
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clairefags are fucked in the head man this is too much even for here
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they will definitely joke about it in some capacity
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She may be a 3/10 but she will do anything you ask her to do I tell you whut
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TJ's too awkward to cheat let alone get the courage to be the one making advances to someone else
Besides he always seemed happy around Taylor
Its time to start putting pressure on her and drop the TJ cheating allegations
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'fraid so
It's a mentally ill schizo spamming the thread and samefagging, he's literally the only person talking about her in these threads. Ignore everything in the news list
3/10 is very generous
why is that the file name lmfao
Hi Mike
Haley is perfect
Based chart

Power gap
Everyone else
Chat is this real?

The news is where I get the from news silly. what else would it be used for?
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I’m not saying this will work but it’s a damn good shot. Go to the season 3 house in Massachusetts (still near providence) and plead your case on why you wanna work with fishtank. I’d recommend showcasing skills or bits or whatever the fuck will make you valuable. The wiggers seem like they want as much help as they can get rn (no weirdos tho) so good luck
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>season 3 supposedly in 16 days
>we still don't know a single thing about it
should i be worried?
I think anon wants to know about Josie grooming minors, anon.
sexy and attractive list sir
don't worry about that
he said something about taylor before going off stream tonight but the volume was so low i couldnt catch it
i know u from bant
>retarded 22 year old zoomer pretends theyre not a zoomer
why do zoomers act like this?
i didn't read the name when i saw this earlier lmao
Wait until that poster finds out about steinful kek
Well she's White or looks white, that's 1 point

She has glasses seems nerdy so +1 for intelligence

I assume this female beast can survive the winter and has wide birth barking hips so that's another point

3/10 good wife material not the best
he said she was fat
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>not a single Jimmy post
The thread needs more Jimmy.
Jimmy mogs.
because she gets drunk very easily, like after a couple shots.
Q4L is 30
Season 3 officially delayed
on some real shit tho shoutout meph for the edit
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I will need pix before I can answer that question sorry
You're deranged and need help
my bad im sleep deprived and thought that was josie saying that.

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What is Jet's average work day like?
Why the fuck did Jimmy make this? He was definitely the first person to post it.
Oh awesome thank you very much
you're a bad and sleepy boy who needs a spanking
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rato mogs
Her last name is Harris now? Did she get married to a black brotha?
This show has given me and us so much and more

I am humbled. Also high.

How can we further contribute to the successful development and process of Season 3 guys?

Like we need more memes.. more hype.. more.. everything
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That's not Josie. It's a 28 year old man named Q4L who is (was since he disappeared after the leaks got out) Josie's biggest fan. He even created a flash rhythm game about her.
What I'm trying to say is the sickness in Josie's community runs deep. He was grooming a teenager in Josie's discord for months.. Josie knew about all of this btw.
Jesus 50 doller plushie on a bad day and she really is anyone's.
5 PM: wake up from whippet-induced state of unconsciousness
it's just like yeah no shout out meph for the edit actually on some real shit
Fat people are so disgusting even worse is a fat homosexual
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During s2. Apparently Mephisto made it
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Yes and yes
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The real question is why didn't YOU MAKE IT and post it FIRST

there are DOERS and DONTERS in life bucko

Which one are you gonna be?>>203644734
based sensitive bwc gooner
>Jacob forces a child to expose themselves on stream
>Josie lets minors get groomed on her discord
>Fishtank fans flat out saying Marky never exists
It's a pedo show
Why would I make any kind of drawing of a man fucking another man? I'm not gay.
Me and Benji the strongest Tjmaxxers.l

i figured tj fucked up in some capacity but he seems pretty adamant that he didn’t and at peace with it all
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>you are reading this.
Jimmy thinks he's an evil mastermind
mauro was right
You have unrealistic standards. That being said If I can't help it I won't settle for a less than 5/10 and I'm currently a 3/10 myself
Don't forget about Greg grooming minors on his discord and Jimmy raping the little girl with scissors
She’s thin and petite mixed white and hispanic. I like fucking around with 18 and 19 year olds because they actually listen to you since you’re older and not some dumb zoomer broccoli hair boy in their age group.
Big Meph ain't gay man.
Might wanna watch what you say about him...
what's your highest level of education and how much can you lift?
OH SHIT I had no idea he was the one who made that Josie game lmao. What a freak haha
Is it true Molesto and Jimmy fooled around when they linked up?
"Big Meph" can suck my fucking dick.
he is gay. he wishes he was in the slave cage instead of duanyay.
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>Shut the fuck up, Jordan.
Hi Mike
I would pay money to be in a room with jimmy molestro and Wesley.5 Mins and i would have these fags dismantled.
Wait till I pay her $200 and record the sex and put it on pornhub under the name “bayleigh”
Black guys with hook noses are so weird looking.
>gay face still seething
benleaks had a blacker voice than this
Cute beautiful marky, could’ve been Marky Hyde if she didn’t eat and had a clean ane
lol true
hearing these people speak was a sobering experience
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I can relate.
What does molesto sound like? When did he talk?
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>>gay face still seething
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Josie's birthday is tomorrow!!!!!!!
Cool post lewds
My highest level of education is GED and General Science Knowledge specifically Outer Space. I cannot lift. I weigh 265 lbs. I am male. 38. 8 inch uncut cock.
The dark taytriots marked me for at least 3 nightmares. Am I getting them all at once when I sleep or are they going to happen over the coming days?
He sounds like a 15 year old white nerd. But on a Twitter space someone has talking shit to him and he switched to a fake hood accent
Goosemus loves you, Jordan. He wants to take you, Tay, and Sebastian out for dinner.
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evening all, how we doin

also this p diddy stuff is obviously bad but i don't get the lube shaming. who decides how much lube is too much lube, exactly? let's say a case is 12 bottles, that means "over" 1,000 bottles is just 85 cases. not a lot.
what gives you the will to live, cryo?
You'll just have to find out.
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>Goosemus loves you, Jordan. He wants to take you, Tay, and Sebastian out for dinner.
that’s a fuck ton
Awesome bro how u doing? Get those fucking muzzies bombed
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Just woke up in cold sweats and had the worst fucking dream. What is going on?
>General Science Knowledge specifically Outer Space
Popsci factoids don't really count for anything, I'm sorry.
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Life Love Family Friends Hope Faith Destiny Reality God Orgasms Experiences Aliens Galaxies Earth History Culture Miracles Music Video Games TV Movies Gardening Food Fun

What keeps you going?
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Should I buy some Galaxy Gas?
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Another tayseether cursed. You love to see it.
Think twice before you post about her again, mother fucker.
>What keeps you going?
What’s your over/under odds she gets over $1,500 in donos
Well I know a lot of generalized knowledge about the Planets, the probes we've sent, the tests for life, Extra Solar Planets, Neutron Stars, Black Holes, The Ort Cloud, Stars more than the lay person
>mother fucker
She's a father fucker though
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No, she isn't.
Enjoy your nightmares, fuckface.

TJ revealed that he only talked twice to Keegan after s2 which kinda confirms he was always a Taylor simp and TJ was his self insert before getting with contact with Taylor.
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It's damn true. LOL!

Sent from my iPad
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Yawn...just wins
>TJ was his self insert
Many such cases
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>tfw like $16 for a pint in Australia
Are you able to grasp the concept of orbital mechanics or the physics behind gravitational waves, or is your IQ too low?
I would insert myself into TJ
>TJ was his self insert
My self insert is Scott, come on Keegan, get it together.
genuinely gross
josie just deactivated her twitter
So did Keegan gaslight Taylor into making her think that TJ cheated?
She will be too busy have esex with a certain editor to care kek
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I really want to know what TJ actually did because I doubt it’s worse than talking to Keegan for months
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that shit was a brilliant operation from the IDF. movie shit

>The pagers exploded on sidewalks and in grocery stores, at homes and inside cars, killing at least 11 people and wounding at least 3,000 others, officials said.

they sent a page to make sure hezbollah militants had the pagers in their hands before they sent the denotation signal so they'd lose a hand and be useless for battle kek
Yeah 4480m
is it veteran editor Thelma Schoonmaker?
Wow! Did one of the wiggers stand behind someone and do a pose!!!! WTF!!! so SICK!!!
He also added that he never told him to not to include himself in any of his stream edits. This sort proves that Keegan was deliberately not editing streams with TJ on them.
He was pulling on her ponytail and rubbing his cock on the back of her head
I mean why would you include her boyfriend if you're trying to get eyes on taylor?
>inb4 hi keegan
Taylor is a dumb whore
he's right. where are people getting that she lied about that shit from? everyone agreed the VA sucks ass during the show.
this was never really a point of contention for me. makes sense not to involve your boyfriend in your brand
>editor trying to get female streamer growth omits her boyfriend
Shocker, I can't imagine why
This is healthier than using your relationship for views imo
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wake me up when clabihouse starts
>it's real
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>wake me up when clabihouse starts
The person saying hi mike is deranged and is now doubling down
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>Wanted for: crimes against minors
>Creating a massive discord pedo infestation
Hi Mike
"I have unfortunately never fucked a child." -bad ideas
Taylor made the decision to stream with TJ few times and she was not worried to show affection on camera so it seems TJ being on her content seemed to be a problem to the editor mostly.

Also people noticed that he left the stream whenever TJ was on screen.
I still don't understand what he meant by that
did you screencap
None of those people have no idea about the VA they don’t know if it sucks or not lmfao
Hi Keegan
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i see it. you see it. we all see it. the best are on the case. they say there's never been a more thorough investigation happening. who is this jewish woman and what are her motives? she's clearly a threat to democracy a we know it
what's likely happening is that some BI-tier schizo is posting about it all day long and no one really wants to defend tay anymore.
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No one wants to comment on this all of sudden that’s funny all silent
Wasn’t Keegan the one who brought up that TJ was reading out loud?
yeah he’s a fucked up freak but that’s the right decision regardless of who made it. honestly i imagine dating a streamer is full of bullshit like this and not worth it in the long run
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i look like this and say this
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Technically they're both streamers
Yeah people in chat found it funny but Keegan was genuinely bothered by it.
Marky should have done irl streaming with Alice. Easy TTS money from sam Hyde questions and dirty secrets
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>they don't know i'm actually 8 raccoons in an elaborate disguise
Queen of ip2 and then eventually earn kcip
another long lost Sullivan MMA brother
I guess my IQ is not as high as yours if you can increase your iq through studying

I know that we don't know why buy matter creates mass somehow gravitons maybe.

I know the main 6 or 7 planets have regular orbits and the last few have wonky orbits likely due to a star or other mass passing by our spiraling solar system millions of years ago

I want to learn more. I try. Gravity waves I haven't looked much into but I've heard a lot about them being allegedly detected over the Years

I'm more interested in very exotic celestial things. Magnetars. The Great Attractor. Dark matter/dark energy. Secret technology that probably exists that can control plasma or make orbs or holograms or powers ufo technology
Unfortunately when it comes to ip2 e girls they eventually get a bf that keeps them locked up and away from simps and degenerates (come back goocheese)
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Jet and Sam just unfollowed Josie on instagram
Scott is a retard. I know girls cheat by Hooking up with other dudes in bathrooms all the time but to do it on camera is crazy especially with her husband watching.
>there's more proof ITT showing Josie is a pedo than there ever was of Simmon's
I'm going to make a video exposing Josies crimes. She's been getting away with a lot of bullshit lately.
she's so cute bros...
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Yea seriously Josie should be getting as much hate as Greg but because yall simp for mids it gets brushed to the side
>what's likely happening is that some BI-tier schizo is posting about it all day long and no one really wants to defend tay anymore.
the only thing remaining in this community are cryo level subhumans, BI-tier schizos or twitter orbiters. The schizos just go round robin on which fish they want to harass into fucking off permanently and it seems like its Josie's turn now.
Ironically Sam is into scat now. Major fumble L.
twitter orbiters are scared to shit on her for some reason. They act like it's still s1.
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Ahahahahhh oh no no ahhahahahhahah
>two steps ahead
>I'm always
>two steps ahead

Josiepedos BTFO
>work day
Lol. He doesnt work more than a couple hours max
Please do it. Take your time but upload it to YouTube and expose that bitch.
It wouldnt be so bad if they werent annoying discord groomers. Don't know why they can't stay in their thread.
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Yeah, I'm think Claire hawk tuahed on the president's thing.
Marky :) now that’s a real woman she puts the fishtank sluts to shame
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Im gonna sell the video to a big channel and just have them do the voice over so it gets better traction
Jet lost weight and seems pretty sober and competent for thr first half of fishtank bloodgames he worked hard getting the set together but sometime during bloodgames he just let shit slip
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it does, indeed, seem the mo' money we come across the mo' problems we see
need josie ass riding my bwc rn fuuck
This 100%. She’s a bad bad bad bad person
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She was a TIGHT little piece
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>Josie registering as a sex offender
she's got a good head shape so why is her face so unfortunate?
Josie is essentially part of some unwritten rule to not be shit talked about or any wrongdoings mentioned on twitter. It’s insane
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It's officially over
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She's been recruited. Josie is the next Ghislaine Maxwell
Well she’s of age now so dude needs to get his true love back.
Bet rooting for you king!
Fuck that bitch I can’t wait for her fall from grace.
She plays the I'm a innocent animal girl role extremely convincing. Best actor on fishtank desu

Other ppl are probly right to tho we seem to like humiliation ritualist each other now it might just be her tern over the coles
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JC from Fishtank
is this the Betty stalker from her discord, and now current Summer groomer?
greenshark is a fucked up freak and dallas or whoever taylor listens to needs to tell her to get away from him
I want to slam Josies injussy
>I love brain damage the tv show!

All contact sports involving damage to the head are barbaric, cause brain damage and aggression memory loss and should be phased out over time.
EDP445, Dr. Disrespect, Sheep_Xing.....
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who is tj punching in the head here lmao
What 3 words would you use to describe Taylor?
The Rizzler
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Cum On Face
Rapidly growing streamer
This is when he fought tayleigh. It was weird watching live he was just beating the fuck outa her lol
It’s OVER for Josie is her discord still active or did it close up shop?
She said she gave the Mayo Monster a black eye. Must've sucker punched at random.

Jordan is probably the only dude she could beat up.
I'm gonna bummy bust this fag then I'm going to anally destroy Damiel Bernardo.
shes a nice loyal girl and shes not evil on the inside
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marry mogs. i want to rip her belly hair out with my teeth
Toilet. Casino. Liar.
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>shes a nice loyal girl and shes not evil on the inside

Bang bang bang
Post 18-20 year old Mary
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Jet is so unfunny holy shit, jacob mogs
Dont be fucking with ma Young's
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How about a little younger
Dangerously based i see.
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Sylvia will be a mommy soon!
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Does Tayleigh fuck with Latinos?
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that's typical beaner/italian body hair, i've coughed up worse
her ex is latino but I would use that term very loosely. he's pretty much white. also her best friend Maria is mexican.
No, omitting her boyfriend makes her a whore, not a streamer
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I personally feel like he got mad that he never got to become TJ's friend
Mad naw im horny baby whas good?
hmmm. I wonder if she would consider a move to California and also giving up her meth addiction.
Also that was the first fishtank related anything i saved lol.
Only his peach can match your 8in schmeat Jimmy
At least he's a real talented editor not a glorified clipper like someone else
Jimmy? Naw son no thanks im a TJ sarge ollie kinda nigga ya feel me
yeah bro just slide in those dm's. literally just say you can get her some good weed or something I'm sure she'll suck your dick.

her current bf works at KFC and lives with his grandparents. she's ripe for an upgrade.
>episodes derailed cause steinful is fucking Josie
Shit isnt fair.
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pics or didn't happen
>Literally no proof to this
I just need to buy two chicken plushies from her though. I'm serious about the meth though. I will not date a meth addict.
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let the little nigga rizz!
Half ass almost anus
i knew it
he's got more going on than just being fat. if I had to guess he has some form of Cushing's Syndrome.
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Bex - Drive
I just beat demons souls. What’s everyones favorite souls game? Let’s see how bad your tastes are /ftl/
>mfw I dated more attractive women than this
>mfw I never wifed any of them up and am now middle aged.
Mistakes were made.
Buck Bumble
>middle aged
>watching sloptank
holy grim!
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>is an open pedophile
>now this
Uggsie is the worst
Imagine wasting your youth watching an internet streaming show and not sleeping with attractive women? I had my moment, now only pain remains.

Mischief Makers > SimCity 4 > Demon's Souls > Elden Ring > Dynasty Warriors 8 > Dark Souls > Bloodborne > Disco Elysium > Dork Souls 3 > Life is Strange > Dark Souls 2
nigga stfu
Greg shouldn't be getting hate, only love. Greenshark is a major Gregseether btw.
lol truth hurts gay fag.
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All those games are shit
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>tfw you realise that Bex has a life outside of MDE which makes it more likely she'll just quit the show one day and never return

It's Sioux over
im not the only complaining about their wasted life lmao
Why was she kicked off? Didn't she just stream a couple days ago?
you are a 30 year old woman
If you got a stream key, would you have a go at streaming on the site?
The twerking incident scared her off

It's true I'm Bex
not wasted anon only a few regrets. just like you'll regret wasting your youth watching a streaming show for losers.
Are u me wtf
Horrible taste holy shit, are you a woman?
Who the fuck are all these random names on the site?


And many more. What the fuck is wrong with Jet?
nah im chilin with no regrets, stop projecting your wasted youth onto me
What are you fuckers doing here? Didn't I tell you to get a skill?
it's better not to have fucked at all than to have fucked and lost
Ds3 is my jam mane
haha you sound like quite the accomplished world beater anon.

you'll never regret the sex.
How do you have this camera angle?
Good taste. I love Ds2, loathe Ds1, and was ambivalent to 3 until I replayed it and it might be my favorite now.
Are they sleeping yet?

Real nigga Hours commencing
I'd restream twinks from chaturbate onto it
I have got AIDS
stop having anal sex with men and that wont happen.
I'm a Poster I Post good
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filling up Abi, and not with food, if you know what i'm sayin
This bitch could be a top billed model if she wasn’t such a fucking weirdo
They had that camera mounted the whole time but it was only used twice as far as i know
Ftl is now just tay hate and we rocking with TJ now yeah you are welcome common W.
Not three words
Why in the past 2 weeks has she got soo hot she is soo cute!
Any patricians record the TJ stream earlier? This is the third one I’ve missed live.
Fishtank is like a year old and it feels like 20 years have passed why is this?
We all from bant niggaaa
she looks like a big brown honeybun I wanna squish
Uploading. What other streams did you miss?
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Wow turns out TJ Massive W who would have thought.
>I wonder if she would consider a move to California
Nobody would consider a move to California, Trish was doing everything in her power to escape that hellhole and failed.
Cause of Taylor but I have actual reason to hate him
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Trvke. You only live once. Don't waste your youth on slop.
Anyone else listen to DJ lucas love dat nigga
>Cause of Taylor

KYS ir something?
did he rape you?
No u
Ah man thanks a ton, just got back from a 48 hr shift a couple hours ago.
I’ve wasn’t able to see the initial greensimp drama stream but I don’t remember if anything notable happened for the other one I missed.
No I was not a child in his discord thankfully
O ok
I think you misunderstood. He was saying GreenShark has a stupid reason to hate Greg but he has a legitimate one.
Not tall enough
>Don't ask me for a birth video Anon, sign up to my only fans instead
how tall is she?
what do you do that has 48 hour shifts?
>I’ve wasn’t able to see the initial greensimp drama stream
there's a vod of that with chats too https://gofile.io/d/abqdbO
5’7 is tall for a woman. She literally has a 10/10 symmetrical face it’s insane
No can you be more specific please?
Idk she's not exactly stunning either only when you compare her to other fish tank girls
It’s very funny how much Greenshark seething amuses him.
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Yeah fuck Greenshark.
The only women more attractive than her are Josie and JC.
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Good one
Won’t argue with you on that. Was more curious what you consider the minimum for model height for is. I’m thinking 5’10 personally.
Wild world mane
Average height is 5'9.5
there's no way she's 5'7 she looks short, also even if she is that's still a lot shorter than most models

ishowspeed fuckign mogs
You rock, dude, going to enjoy watching these. Adding chat for that one is awesome. Thanks again.
>what do you do that has 48 hour shifts?
Massive TJ W
I always figured 5’7 was the average for the ladies.
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Gib me Abi bink puss now!
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>it’s pink
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Pink puss huh?
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Haha woops
Funny how nobody mentions the FUCKING mustache...
and her hairy tummy
Her head m isust must be crazy yo
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Ever wanted to own a piece of the tank?
Goddamn bruh…
would you rather bleach algerian puss or paki puss? I'm currently indecisive
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I cherish my woodchips very much

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