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Princess cig edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes have been cancelled
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen has lost 0 pounds and has taken up drinking again
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Fishtank is proud to announce its newest sponsor: Galaxy Gas!
• Josie's discord has been exposed for child grooming

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203644129
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Should I ask Letty out? Or find a normal girl? We've been talking lately
bot thread
>We've been talking lately
Tell us more.
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This is one of the few threads on /tv/ that isn't a bot.
>Princess cig edition
They've been hellbent on trying to get Letty to smoke for over a year.
I'm not going to leak DMs or private stuff that would be a bitch move.
get the fuck off my board you disgusting trannies
It's not leaking to tell us in general how you got to talking to her and what you're talking about. No one's going to believe you anyways.
A bitch move would be to come on an anonymous image board and lie, or even worse claim to have information that you wont reveal.
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Keegan post the screenshot of your account. Its the only way to prevent Taylors next stream turning into shitshow.
We're watching holoGTA
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Remember when Claire was acting distant when Pearl was there but then the camera man said she was his favorite and she immediately came to life?
Make of this what you will
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>Its the only way to prevent Taylors next stream turning into shitshow.
Taylor isn't Tayleigh, her mods will ban any bant faggotry before so fucking fast it wont even render on her stream UI's chat.
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>*sniffs* Ever wanted to own a piece of the tank?
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The raped
The raped
Do not redeem the big purple sar
I dmed her a few times and she didn't respond. I sent a pic of myself and she responded with her discord. I added her and we video called a few times.
Fuck (you) too
you guys are hopeless
>tell me tell me
>ahh thats bullshit
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This retard doesn't realize that Letty is setting him up for some sissy-hypno humiliation ritual for laughs.
who are you quoting?
go bait somewhere else
Should I ask Josie out? Or find a normal girl? We've been talking lately
Fuck (you)
and >>203647959 too
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nobody interested in your erotic fanfic hahaa this nigga seething
Alright Peter Thiel psyop gang where we at? Who else getting paid to shitpost here pretending to be AI?
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imagine the grip
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imagine the grip
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Daily reminder Peter Thiel wants you to consume trash culture like fishtank because he thinks you have a right to be a slave.
>We agree with Mr. Jefferson, that all men have natural and inalienable rights. To violate or disregard such rights, is to oppose the designs and plans of Providence, and cannot "come to good." The order and subordination observable in the physical, animal and human world, show that some are formed for higher, others for lower stations—the few to command, the many to obey. We conclude that about nineteen out of every twenty individuals have "a natural and inalienable right" to be taken care of and protected; to have guardians, trustees, husbands, or masters; in other words, they have a natural and inalienable right to be slaves. The one in twenty are as clearly born or educated, or some way fitted for command and liberty. Not to make them rulers or masters, is as great a violation of natural right, as not to make slaves of the mass. A very little individuality is useful and necessary to society,—much of it begets discord, chaos and anarchy.
almost one million people watching ishowspeed

fishtank could never
>a million niggers who would never pay a cent for free content
altruism and making donations are white traits.
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i wonder how sam and jet feel when they see some nigger who does nothing but walk aggressively and ooga booga pull in 1 million stream viewers.
Don't compare my GOAT to those frauds.
I'm okay guys. I'm just tired

> you bloody Bastard

Holyshit he's a black man being worshiped like a God like an Elvis or new Michael Jackson
holy mogged
shit tank "streamers" get 60 viewers loool
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imagine the grip
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I'm Peter Thiel's bitch...
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The Raped
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what claire withdrawals do to a bitch
Why does every Fishtank contestant ever look like they stink? I mean, everytime I see one you can just tell their hygeine is terrible
They're all indian
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God wants you to know that they're all dirty subhumans
Neither television nor film. Fuck off, Hyde.
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claire is beautiful
I want to kiss and hold hands with Josie
kike jew nose sloped forehead and strangley large skull. tranny maybe.
I hope so >:)
>episodes are never coming out because steinful is having sex with josie
Too late she’s already taken by steinful
Steinful hit it first
stay away from my future ex wife
>• Josie's discord has been exposed for child grooming
Q4L 30something creep that got exiled for wanting to bang abd pushing self harm on a 18yo retard
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>child grooming
>what the fuck am I weading
Is there an official fishtank babe ranking? I had no idea fiahtank was filled with all these babes. Now I will watch your show.
@froggilie is the girl he tried to "groom"
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she knew and did nothing to stop it
He is currently hitting it through esex on discord vc…
Matching pfps soon.
shes more attention starved bencucks so she responds to any dm
josie is a pedo enabler
Can someone ask through super chat if Josie is really fucking steinful. I’m a broke fag at the moment
>le epic Brian Shields spam for $200
Who is that?
Josie is known for skipping unpleasant superchats so needs to be a TTS
Also ask about minors being groomed on her discord. I think that's more important.
Her reply to that tts will be "what the hell bruh!" and she just moves on
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She was literally friends with the groomer. She knew about it. Twitterfags will ignore this.
But that will lead to others asking and the way her fans are, they will ask on the subject matter.
>brainwashed paypigs
>question Josie
She needs good influences at this time. Her aunt sounds nice but if they are too poor to afford much groceries she’s probably an alcoholic or something. Not what Abi needs to be around right now while trying to choose her next steps.
steinfuls name or some shit
yes, Josie is friends with groomers (and is into some fucked up gore shota shit)
This is common knowledge.
What makes you think that anyone cares? Have you seen the Sam marky shit? do you think people care? Twitter people know, and no one gives a flying shit. It is not important. We just want the entertainment. If you're dumb enough to try and talk to these people then you're a retard that deserved what it gets.
No it wont, Josiecels rarely care about some gay drama
True, but would be funny either way.
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Self-harming and grooming teenagers on Josie's discord
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So were you in love with this girl or what
That's pretty pathetic
So how was Tayleighs stream last night?

You there sarge?
what is with faggots and cutting
is it like a drug addiction
fucked up brains and faggotry go hand in hand
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staff and hosts too, it's the smell of their rotting souls
this dude is the biggest creep in the community by far
>RV pajeets not accounted for
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>winner gets a streaming career
>we don't even know how to stream successfully
fishtank never made sense
glad it died during season 2
My soul is destroyed because of Fishtank only the beautiful and pure Dasha Nekrasova can save me now
I wonder how many of Josie’s fans are real fans of her and how many will stick around after they find out she’s in a full fledged relationship with Steinful. Not many I don’t think.
what kind of fan are you
>plays fortnite once
Is Josie pregnant?
Not a fan, more a casually watch if hear she’s doing something not insanely boring.
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She's already been plapped by pic rel
> Steinful
They been playing everyday and in voice chat for hours.
Where is the proof of this
Josie fans were Jetsie shippers on s1
I have steinful added on discord, but we aren’t super close or anything and saw his activity matched hers.
I saw Josie at a grocery store in Phoenix yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Should I ask Tayleigh out? Or find a normal girl? We've been talking lately
Source: trust me bro
I doubt they’d be playing Fortnite for hours every day
I was watching Josie's stream the other day and I notice something weird. She just stopped in the middle of whatever she was doing to say my full name and told me the exact time/date of my death.
Has literally anyone asked either steinful or josie? Or is this retarded headcanon
She does that to me like 6 times per stream it's fine
I’m saying that her activity matched his exactly, I even checked Spotify and they were listening to the same music.
They even get off at the same time steinful goes offline.
I could be wrong but that’s my guess.
Sir, this is a /ftl/ thread
Fortnite trackers and activity matches.
So steinful got fired not working on anything and is just playing games with Josie all day?
Post the screenshots or it didn't happen faggot
He says he isn’t fired but yeah basically.
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>I even checked Spotify and they were listening to the same music.
Do you realize that you're mentally ill and completely fucking insane or has this been your life for so long that it seems normal to you?
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>holy shit
Checked her ign from an old stream she’s literally been playing duos this whole week LMAO
>josiecel death
How do you even ask such a question?
>Hey Josie. I saw a random post on 4chan that said you were fucking the s2 editor that you've never met IRL. Is that true?
Her brother is into fortnite, could be him
I’ve seen her discord activity she plays it on her pc, weird her brother would be playing duos same time this stuff came to light no?
who cares
Not really, he does bong rips and plays fortnite all day
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I gotta stop posting here. It's fun to shitpost and all. but some of you guys are just so far gone. I barely have an interest in fishtank anymore. Idk why i'm still here.
let them have their privacy. they're probably keeping it a secret specifically to avoid any parasocial fans bothering them about it.
This thread is currently penis poop tbqh
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>Josiepedos turn on Josie in the week of her birthday stream
I'm rock fucking hard right now
nah it's just Luke and UMZ being schizos
Fishtank babe ranking. Come on let's go. Who are the top ten fishtank babes of all time?

Why didn't y'all tell me this show was filled with all these babes? Do yall literally not understand how to do this?
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Cole already made the definitive list.
S3 my guy, it's just around the corner, we've gotta hold the line with these freaks for a little while more King, don't give up
I hope you aren't clinging onto the idea it starts on oct 4th, that wouldn't be healthy.
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>Josie will get a dozen death threats from her closest fans on her 23rd birthday
>this causes her to have a mental breakdown and makes her spiral in a alcohol-fueled stupor
Josiehaters.... We've been praying for this day since s1. We fucking won!
How many women have shown their tits on this show?
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i just found out a few days ago this nigga has a glass eye
many such cases
i miss season 1
i miss betty
i tried. i am too powerful. i cannot fucking die.
>I barely have an interest in fishtank anymore.
lmao if you think fishtank is somehow going to get more interesting. Its a played out concept.
Yeah but she's still around right? Like we even know she just had some big dentist appointment right? And she was only in fishtank for 3 days right? Isn't that short? I've never seen it. Except for like one scene with her. I can't believe no one told me this show was filled with all these baes. That's ridiculous. If a show is filled with babes I expect to be told. Because I cannot get over her. She is so fucking amazing. We have got to convince her to do Onlyfans. And zero nudes if she wants. But this has gotta happen. This is ridiculous.
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>let them have their privacy. they're probably keeping it a secret specifically to avoid any parasocial fans bothering them about it.
this fucking retard here lol holy shit im dying, he seriously thinks the schizos will just let it rest after watching what they did to Tayleigh and Taylor.
It was bound to be exposed sooner or later.
Fuck Josie. Her fans abused countless people before. It's only fair she gets this treatment.
Steinful changed his pfp to a hermaphrodite. Happy now, niggers?
tayleigh rubbed her vaginal discharge in our faces and mocked her fans. Taylor did my boy TJ dirty and framed him just for an excuse to leave. Josie's chill, no reason to go schizo mode on her.
they already broke up :(
to be fair, tayleigh and taylor were perceived to have committed some sort of transgression, which made people feel justified in going after them. nobody here really has any reason to be mad at josie so it's harder for any schizo campaigns to get off the ground.
Erm I love Josie :)
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dont care get back to work
an exposé video would do the trick but they are also docile
damn more Josie for me
hes such a fat rapeman
Can this nigger work on the job he was hired to do instead?
>S2 episodes have been cancelled
what the fuck?
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Blame Jet for hiring a teenager to do a job that would require a team of professionals to accomplish.
LOL Steinful stole Josie off you simps. Mad?
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>1 mentally ill gay schizophrenic thinks people will turn on josie because of his faggot ass forced larp
lmao even
its been more than a year and he is still so obsessed while she most likely doesn't even remember who he is at all.
talking about pathetic, imagine being the biggest fucking loser in the /ftl/ sphere of all places.
Hi Mike
hahaha I still have to watch this whole thing. Apparently he kept making jokes about it throughout?
Hello butterscotch
Pent up producer hired another pent up teen do work on his show…
Is this the method to success?
Onlyfans isn't cool any more

Girls should only do it ironically and do something non nude to make fun of whores that do take it seriously.
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Okay, Dark Taytriots. Your dream manifestation seems to have worked on me. But with mixed results
>have a dream I'm at a huge cursed house party thrown by Jimmy
>the fishtank girls are disappearing one by one
>an evil group in these threads are claiming responsiblility
>genuinely scared
>ella, Trish, and letty all end up dead
>next thing I know I'm teleported to a room
>taylor and another hot blonde are licking my balls and sucking my dick
>I cum, wake up with cum in my boxers
>fall back asleep, one of the Dark taytriots posts a picture of my 4.5 inch penis cumming
>they are laughing about it but I don't care because it felt really good

Your results were mixed at best. Try harder tonight I guess.
you are psychotic
This sounds really hot and I'm jealous
We aren't necessarily evil, just Dark.

This was just a show of our power. A warning shot, if you will.
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i had scott sulivan mma and jet fucking neptune to be randomly in my dream today.
i fucking hate myself
Well and that's fine.

So is the arm cutting thing really her? I'm freaking out. Like I assume she's not just really into branding or scarification or whatever right? Is she? Because otherwise what other reaction would I have? Do you know if she still does it? Does she ever talk about it? I absolutely cannot get over this woman I'm freaking out. It's been like my first 24 hours so far. So who knows but still. She is really something.
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I wish I could have fishtank wet dreams.
Cool hair, Richard Conswaygo
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sounds like the work of the Dark Peter Pals
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Notice how Tayleigh was conspicuously absent?
She was behind it all. Watching. Observing. Tread lightly.
To think Josie would end up the same as Tay, oh well just in time for S3.
he cute
bro really said: 9:03
She doesn't still do it, she has a lot of outdoors hobbies and gets injured a lot from them lately.

The worst scars on her arm are from a house fire, people show pics of that one as the example of her cutting but it's not the truth.
that depends, do you have $50?
Talking about what?
>She doesn't still do it
Do you know how long it's been?

I just cannot get over her. I'm absolutely freaking out. My first 24 hours with her. What an extremely very special day. I guess I'm drunk but still.
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erm i love wosie
>erm... am I being detained? erm what the fifth
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You now remember when Ben tied TJ up and brutally raped him on Christmas day
she's a jew and loves bbc. go to/bant/ bettyjeet
she's gone
she od'd via burning too much coal lol
>Dark Taytriots forgot to make me have a nightmare
Is it already over for them?
>nothing done about this spam
Kill yourself you evil Jew scum
Ole Black Lung Betty
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lupka update:
shes quitting the trip
These threads have really devolved in the past three days or so. Tried to revive it with S1 posting to no avail. Cursed production, cursed fanbase.
Hey I'm just responding. I didn't start anything. I mean she was only on for 3 days last year right? But she's still an example of how this show is apparently filled with all these babes. Like Summer? Holy shit. I can't believe no one told me this show was filled with all these babes. And I've had to put up with these fucking threads this whole fucking time.
Did she get raped?

Even the most soulless fame whore couldn't handle banging fagboy Sam Pepper for long.
she couldnt find good cigarette so shes leaving
didn’t trish also rub ketchup or something on tj and that’s why he looks like that? i feel like i’m misremembering atp.
coping bettynigger, stop samefagging
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pepper update:
he caught aids (very serious)
>Tried to revive it with S1 posting to no avail.
>posting something that's universally liked
do you know where we are?? if you're not hating on something or have a cynical / senile point of view you're getting nothing
Yes she did, it was part of his baby Jesus costume in the Nativity play
I mean that's not me but I don't believe anyone's samefagging about Betty. First and foremost she wouldn't need it. She is so fucking completely amazing. Again I'm drunk but still. That woman is absolutely something else.
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lovetank ?
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When does Shinji get his revenge for the gorden beetu?
>patrick booing
Your gimmick is like, super hilarious and stuff. Like, the way you talk like a retard is just too funny, dude. Please never stop posting about being drunk and horny and drunk, the thread needs your wits and comedy or whatever
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when crash returns him the money he stole from him so he can afford to buy fire arms
they sell galaxy gas in smoke shops wtf
oh i see because he was just born. ty.
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oim not feeling too good chaht
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Why did he do it?
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Hey again I'm just responding. I'm not starting anything. It was an accusation that apparently concerns me. Yeah I'm drunk and its my first 24 hours with Betty. Life happens.
Nitrous oxide isn't a big deal

Benzos are far worse
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treacherous worm
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jet is just trying to be as cool as this
Lupka is sovl
season 3 status goodson?
The confederacy lost
Hitler lost
Mussolini lost
Trump lost
J6ers lost
Ron Paul lost
Making yourself retarded is a big deal but potheads don’t notice the difference because they’ve already made themselves retarded.
Grab some before it's made illegal
I agree with all of this
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>Wake up.
>Open fishtank.live to check if Claire is streaming.
>CTRL+F Claire.
>Go back to sleep.
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>Wake up.
>Open fishtank.live to check if Scott is streaming.
>CTRL+F Scott.
>Go back to sleep.
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I was always a clairevoyant don't call me a clairebear
Why you would willingly go to India is a mystery. Those people are trying to get out in hordes of millions for a reason
That means you didn't post something bad enough about Tayleigh
Is this Betty? Have you seen her smoke? It's hilarious.
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I'm going live on X and gonna do some morning drinking @cryo2052
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More like evolved
The filth and retarded scammers are "content" for them
They told me it was bad and that I was going to have one, they actually got me for 3 different posts. I think the dark Taytriots are washed up.
lose weight, fat fuck
lol this nigga doesn't know how to download an image
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Sex with Claire
>"I'm gonna stop drinking so much!"
>wakes up, starts drinking
Pathetic as ever
This is miss Letty
No I just wanted to emphasize it. I'm way more concerned actually about being able to recognize if it's Betty.
Sex with Claire
Sargeposting hasn't been funny for almost a week now, you guys really know how to kill a joke.
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Thiel wants you to be a slave to slop. Shitty drugs, shitty video games, pay pigging girls with onlyfans like platforms (fishtank). He wants you neutered financially, politically, and sexually
Oh awesome thank you. Who as I recall got in some fight with Betty
losing weight is rly hard
and i havent been to sleep yet ive been up all night and i thought u guys want me to stream
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Sex with Claire!
Yeah but his psyops are still better than Jeff Bezos or Larry Fink
That’s already the case
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Which paypig stream are you the most excited for?
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Respect for Claire and being a good influence on her and other fishtank girls.
Bro the anons in these threads are horrible they're not your friends

Drink if you want to drink but damn bro do it alone like a man
nobody wants to even hear of you, fucking retard. go to sleep and dont drink. 10 hours
It's not. Read about fasting methods and move away from your computer more often; don't think that a morning walk is enough while you sit your ass through the rest of the day in the basement, jacking it off to Sam Hyde.
Read a book outside, pick up gardening or some other kind of craft you can do outdoors. Read about meditation and breathing rhythms if you want to develop some self-control.
I really want to punch you in the face every time I see a pic of yours, but I know you can make it if you put more effort; what you're doing helps, but you need to do more.
(im so funny got the whole thread lmaoing)
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Sex with Scott!
Platforming his painting sessions is the only way Jet can save the site.
Cryo have you seriously attempted either intermittent fasting or keto?
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That's damn true, Jordie.
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Daaamn bro XD do it again maybe you can make a joke about FATlor or Jimmy don't steal my hashes!! epic keks you guys are so funny
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It’s literally not hard at all you just need to exercise and eat less, it’s not fucking rocket science
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sex with claire
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Sent from my iPad
>look I'm posting a picture of tayleigh looking ugly I'm not cockbuddy!
you are talking to/about an autistic 38yo manchild. dont waste your time being nice to him, hes beyond salvation
>Sent from my iPad
>Look at me I'm gonna call out the arbitrary photo you used instead of engaging with what you actually said
You're not funny, jokes over. Come up with something new.
diddy gave IV shots to his victims when they were exhausted from rape.

tayleigh had to get IV shots on bloodgames

the conclusion is yours...
>Josie had account fish status removed
Why are you so desperate for the joke to be over? it's not the greatest but it's far better than most forced garbage in the off seasons.
Whoa wait Wut
Is this all the dark taytriots could muster?
wtf did you just say
>Hates the interactions in a general.
>Still comes back for more.
This fucking nigga...
Go to Twatter and talk to the orbiters. Maybe dicksucking Sam and Jet is what you want.
Desperate is an exaggeration, but it's a joke that's been played to death. It was hilarious about a week ago when it started. At this point the threads are just the same four pictures and the same one joke on permanent repeat, things get overplayed and lose their comedic value.
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sex with calire
I can tell you really needed a (You), buddy. Take it easy.
>thinks the shelf life of /ftl/ memes are a week
say hi to your twitter followers for me
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I'm really tired and not many ppl joined on X so just gonna do Kick streaking video game probly deus ex hr when I get home from store
did charls think polaris dawn was pretty cool?
What is she doing? Besides turning me on.
Abi did nothing to me during S2 but she keeps growing on me. I can't stop thinking about her.
>ywn have an elven princess to share your days with, talking about cars and driving through the countryside – keeping her entertained and happy so she doesn't relapse into alcoholism.
Send help, please.
Maybe you should excercise, put down the garbage you usually consume, and then apply for jobs?
You are mentally ill, and not in any sort of good way.
I am not beyond salvation how old r u
>literally going to cry if you don't laugh at sargeposting
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Not eating makes me rly angry and bitter

Help me God
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Adultery with Scott
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really no point in arguing when the objective trvth is that these threads haven't been funny since bitchtank, sarge posting is just nu gaytriot seethers posting their sex fantasies but "self inserting" as her dad, dark Taytriots might be an ironic thing but it's clearly nu seethers wanting 2 be fans again, all lame, early scottposting was the last time i lol'd irl here
More more more that's all life wants from me ill keep trying but I'm sick of this pull up self up from ur bootstraps and working harder isngonna solve every fuckingnproblem shit comming from you niggers no one's perfect should we really push and bully ppl go the edge of suicide or get fit? Fuck
lol, lmao even
Look at him cowering in fear as Claire takes advantage of him.
Scott was Raped.
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We are riding Sargeposting all the way to at LEAST season 3. Don't like it? I don't give a fuck boy
You're morbidly obese, you can start losing weight if you just try for once in your life
you forgot to say it was sent from your ipad
Lol shut the fuck up faggot, here's your (You)
The one who started crying over some dumb meme is you.
Don't throw a hissy fit if you're not gonna make new stuff to laugh at.
Nice headcannon, they're just jokes lil boy, it's not that deep. Also the threads weren't funny during bitchtank either (unless scott showed up)
Take Abi crush energy and use it to make more friends anon. One of them eventually might might have an aspie qt friend they trust to introduce you to.
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it was sent from your ipad
how does i losed weight?
If that's what you think is happening then I think you're arguing with some other imaginary person.
Besides I've made a ton of /ftl/ content, my edits are in every thread, probably saved on your hard drive.
Why is Jimmy so smug here?
Cut deeper
>Besides I've made a ton of /ftl/ content, my edits are in every thread, probably saved on your hard drive.
prove it faggot
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This nigga wants recognizition for his shitty memes AHAAAAAA
They prolly like
what about muh thyroid and my genetics and muh giant 100 lb big chungus?
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/ftl/ has never been funny. You only keep coming here because it's the fastest thread on the board and you got addicted to the constant replying, (You) harvesting and that fear of missing out you get once you realize three or four editions came and went while you took a nap.
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Did Dr. Fred do the right thing when he disowned this guy?
I don't need to prove it, already have the satisfaction of people responding to each other with pictures I made.
>if you want new content then make it!!!
>I do
Deeply insecure, kek
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Sarge posting peaked a few days ago with the "She fucked her Dad" posting
Actually I enjoy these threads better when they're slower during EU neet hours.
You can control thyroid function you moron
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Sex with
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>I don't need to prove it, already have the satisfaction of people responding to each other with pictures I made.
>>if you want new content then make it!!!
>>I do
>Deeply insecure, kek
You're so weirdpilled.
>if you don't like sarge roleplay you are a shipper fag
why cant both fucking suck??
Dark Taytriots are something else.
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>Estrogenized male
They were good during Seasons 1 and 2 when you could recap with others about what had happened in the show. Now they are spammed by the arielpedo or the josiecel posting pics and baiting for replies
how? with my psychic powers? or by seeing a (((doctor))) every month?
this was bbc b*tty's favorite part of s1
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Well yeah duh
In FTL I can pretend I matter
That I'm a Star
men just cant be pretty anymore??, not everyone needs 2 wanna be and have a roided out body like rich piana
there's not a single josie post in this thread, the only people obsessed are the ones who hate her.
Cope more b*tty fag.
what was he doing anyway?
>swing rag across your ass
>then swing it across your chest and face
do black people really? is that why they're so brown, because they play with their own dookies?
Why are you so mad anon, maybe you should try making something.
lifestyle and dietary changes, you idiot
a physician would tell you the same thing
twitterbrained thinking the purpose of this website is to "create content".
I do 3 day water fasts and it's not really a big deal as long as you don't do too much physical activity. Man up you little bitch.
>Why is Jimmy so smug here?
He spent the whole season trying to audition for production and tried to force himself into being funny hence the silly face
He was in character, you got worked
Wow keeping coming up with more things I never said faggot lmao
what is madoken's stream?
Worried about you anon, you seem to be taking this really personally.
Anyone denying this is a bitch.
>rich family
>sam goes through 100k+ sport cars like socks
>permanently cut contact with your father/son for decades over 3k$
americans are fucked in the brain
By eating better and lifestyle changes
>niggerleaks crying about not being the center of attention
Every time
anyone agreeing with benleaks baitposts is retarded.
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scot sulivan mma
I didn't say it was bad or negative, im just stating the facts. He looks like he makes boymode puppy posts in /tttt/
imagine typing this shit out kek
cope, cuckold
Haha! Psyopped you fools!

Did you think my post was genuine? Suckers!!!
I've been a little bitch my whole life. I'm genetically inferer. A pussy. A raging alcoholic. A failure. Unable to hold down a job. I'm lucky I'm not on fent or meth and have a home.
You are the same person still mad, pretty pathetic anon
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shakomako update
delusional, quote all of my posts
Why would I waste my time doing that when I can just call you a faggot here
taylo if she thin
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You are a lost cause
true, make some content for me instead twitterboy
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alcoholic vs pedo who's side are you on?
i still can't believe mr. fast nig got over 1 mill viewers last night. how the fuck is he so popular? surely being propped up by some powerful kikes that control the algorithm.
faceblind retard thats literally a jew/latinx
rare benfreaks truthnuke
>dude I am writing constant incest fetish fantasies IRONICALLY
Keep seething, not my problem
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Cuddling with Claire in bed on a rainy day while she watches disney and spills coffe on her 5th laptop
Cope! If thats true than stop baking breads. You're one if the only people continuing these boards by constantly posting new threads. Let it die till S3. Give it a small break so the regulars won't be burnt out for s3.
like I said, beyond salvation. fucking crybaby
is that dpsg (dr. pepper shirt guy)?
quote a single post where i seethed (you can't and you won't)
idk what this is but im with the guy on the right
no you fucking idiot that's taylo if she thin you moron
You know, if you were on meth you'd lose weight a lot more easily. It's great for shitposting marathons too.
you got me, i concede
>A pussy.
>A raging alcoholic.
>A failure.
>Unable to hold down a job.
You only have yourself to blame here for these shortcomings.
its called being funny and entertaining, he also appeals internationally because most of it is entertaining/funny in a physical way that doesnt require needing to understand english
sargeposting is pristine
t.early scotty rocker
Claire is the princess of /ftl/
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Can't wait until until season 3 when benfreaks goes back to posting anonymously and retards stop replying to his attention-seeking. He only namefags when the threads are relatively slow
Got to be some viewbotting surely, Mr beast, ksi and other big names don't pull those numbers.
but how is he funny and entertaining? all he does is walk aggressively and chimp out every now and then, no different than any other niggy.
>he jump da car
how is this niggy more popular than jackass?
this is the guy on the left
what did she mean by this https://fishtank.live/clip/102845
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sorry chaht im not feeling too well might have to cancel the india trip i fink
idk its just funny, you cant explain humor
trvke idk why idiots here even entertain his shit. they probably think he's involved with production
And poncho is the prince
why is he showing his penis
Peter Thiel was right
What is that supposed to mean? A lot of the spurned cucks started scottyposting awhile back. If you said you were a jimmycel or something else, that would make more sense.
Peter Thiel must be exposed and defeated
Shadi is such a dumb motherfucker, man. I’m glad she’s becoming irrelevant again.
Honestly I'm willing to give him a pass if he can supply more bliccys and dashas
No they didn't. You're deranged
Oh sweet ftl fans doing twitters spaces on the site thanks jet!
idk but he has a wife lmao
peter theil touched me on the hot smoldering summer of 93
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he showed it again
>posting this in a Peter thiel funded thread
Its too late anon. Are u excited for Peter thiel presents: extreme peace sponsored by galaxy gas staring sam hyde?
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You guys are so mean. We're supposed to protect the weak. Not annihilate them. You guys really want a world of strong white Uber mench with no Diversity of thought or feeling? Sounds like a fantasy. I think as a weak person we should protect the weak.

As for meth it's to strong for me I get violent or fap for 36 hours
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This is a really good screenshot
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um jet sweetie why are all ur fans drunk 30 yr old degenerates and y are they showing peen on stream
Steinful is fucking Josie and I wonder how many of those niggers will rope kek
Most are drunk under 30 pls be inclusive ty
i think she has actual brain damage or something. you can't be that retarded without some kinda misswiring in your brain
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>Peter Thiel Gave us this image and a video where sam seemed genuinely happy and like he was having fun
warming up 2 peter ngl
this only happened in your cuck fetish obsessed mind thoighie
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jet neptune dies today
Black, Woman
It’s true. Kill yourselves, this is all you have left.
also Fat
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Fucking claire pronebone and stuffing her face into a pillow (she likes that)
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Hi Sam
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yeah.. i don't think so dickhead
She just strikes me as a typical low IQ sheboon. Brain hasn’t matured since middle school.
Jet neptune goes back to reading superchats after s3 and fishtank is never heard of again
they should have a morale meter on the site
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>Fucking claire pronebone and stuffing her face into a pillow (she likes that)
>Cryo was so bad that it blackpilled Jet on bringing on fans
Based but Cryo fucking sucked, I hope another fan never gets on the show again.
its not heard of already only on this thread
I actually like scottyposting, thats the gayest part about this. I just know better about the faggots that typically post them.
i think i'm going to have to side with the groomer on this one, everyone else is acting very melanated
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she’s not a pronebone type, incel
Idk what any of them did/are but he looks like a chad and the other guy looks like a subhuman skinnyfat med
Sam is a blackmailed Theil slave.
she's not a phenotype? what does that even mean?
who is a pronebone type?
Going on the show and being entertaining on the show are two different nothing, nobody cares if people just get on, they care if they're entertaining. You got mogged by kwableigh, of all people.
They should get an actual retarded guy as a contestant for season 3 and never acknowledge it and tell him to pretend he's not retarded
vgh the beauty of fishtank... culture hath been advanced
9 hours
cryo was more entertaining than tayleigh
fishtank is just big brother for incels
You're making up boogeymen to get mad at kwab
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yeah pretty much
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is a full reset even possible at this point
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True but that doesn't mean he was entertaining, the only thing of note he did besides cry was give Tayleigh shit for stripping for the bathroom cams multiple times.
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all my favorite people
is he telling sam that if he doesn't have a fun dj set that he's gonna post about marky???
Fishtank All-Stars 2 is just going to be all the nobody streamers stuck in a cell
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7 hours


The difference between me and Tayleigh is that I've been on YouTube since 2007 had over 3000 videos and 4k Subs and was a micro e celeb before going on fishtank, got on fishtank, and continue to be less annoying that Tayleigh and more popular and active with the community than her after fishtank
>a video where sam seemed genuinely happy and like he was having fun
He was queening out with a fellow gay man at NYFW. Thats like going to the superbowl for gay men.
All of these people will TTS about lil maejok week 1
a piece of dogshit boiling in the sun is more entertaining than tayleigh
didn't read
but the difference between you and tayliegh is that you are fucking fat
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Ok guys I gotta shoot a important video now cya later I hope
i think fauxnetic is the real pedo
Burn with fire. Stop posting these worms.
Can Sam just come out as Bi already
I doubt it would hurt his reputation at this point it might help him. Ice p is openly bi/gay and the audience love him
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>3000 videos and 4k Subs
bro just self owned himself thinking he's owning someone else
He would be a lot happier if he opened up and was honest with his feelings and desires.
My point is Tayleigh was unknown before fishtank and fishtank is all she has going for her rn.
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Should Fishtank have ended S1?
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>ftl chatters fighting in discord
Absolute state of fishtank
him acting like whatever that was in that video makes him come off as 10x more likeable than when he's being senile groyper advice guy, he was obviously being himself and who he wants 2 be in that video
but bobbyhillgroyper will unfollow him on Twitter and not give him ideas anymore bro
They should have made s2 into s1 with bigger budget
but then Sam wouldn't be able to buy a $300k sports car
Can someone tell Sam it's gay to not be gay as a gay man in 2024
They already had a bigger budget but they also turned s2 into some weird satanic humiliation ritual with bad vibes trough the whole season.
link to video?
Cursed production
new >>203655088
they did but the cast sucked
they should have learned from S1 and made S2 S1 but better, instead of focusing on stupid pointless bullshit like le epic neptunian fan gaslight, DUDE its actually in 1970! and how fitty the bitties are.
going further they should have learned yet AGAIN from S2 failure and just took all the time they needed to make S3 proper.
instead they do they exact opposite and rush further more pointless bullshit that tanks everything down.
from the outside it looks like jet is deliberately trying to kill fishtank with every single one of his decisions.
It does feel like they've overextended themselves
on worthless nonsense when they should be focused on making the best show possible for s3. The more we see the more it seems like they haven't learned much.
Again, I agree! I didn't say it to be negative. I think sam would be a lot happier if he was open about his bisexual tendencies. He had great chemistry with that guy and id love to see more vids like it.

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