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Sheriff Ben edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes have been cancelled
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen has lost 0 pounds and has taken up drinking again
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Fishtank is proud to announce its newest sponsor: Galaxy Gas!
• Josie's discord has been exposed for child grooming

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203647513
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Keegan status?
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Since we're apparently getting it every season, how would you make the cell more interesting/challenging?
it's not that deep nigga. sorry people funnier than you are getting more attention than you or whatever
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Seething he will NEVER be this happy and thankful for the life he's got.
Slaving away making reels hoping Taylor will date him.
If you fall asleep you're out.
is that DC
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They should get this guy to be the personal trainer for season 3
Join us Summer of 2025 at Peter Thiel's Lake Austin palatial estate! We will be kicking off the festivities with a private homosexual orgy for all Fishtank investors. The theme is Bum Voyage! The party will serve as the official kick off for our new Fishtank venture, Sarge's Barge!

Sgt. Pen will be captaining a custom party barge for a 2 week long mini season
the shitbucket should be kept in the center of the room at all times unless it's in use, which it then has to be carried by the fish in question to the closet. the smell should be the center of the room, and there should be constant risk of it being spilled either during carry or during a fish spergout.
everyone involved is pathetic
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imagine the tightness
link to the video of sam being zesty bubbly happy and gay?
eating fucked up cornslop for dinner
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Just steal stuff from Big Brother's Pressure Cooker challenges
they could get santacruzmedicinals since hes friends with jacob
tight my ass shes a WHORE
was gonna say this
Does Josie have a boyfriend I hear rumors
tightness is genetic
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Frazzleddrip x creature lovetank ?
yeah me
it's cool that fishtank has already reached zombie simpsons status and it's not even been three seasons
> I hear rumors
all of those rumors come from a single shit reeking RV(he hasn't emptied his septic tank in decades and it overflown)
>zombie simpsons status
what is this
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back off, bwo.... she's mine.
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>put them in a glass box inside a room as opposed to being locked in just the room
>handheld cameras on them at all times
>don't give them stupid pointless mini challenges to do in the meantime
>every time someone leaves it gets harder
>fart spray
>loud music
>production shouldn't give up on the challenge like they always do
I just wanna say I appreciate the anon saving Tj's fishtank vods.
guy is dedicated
the cell is objectively this but better, wow big brother is pathetic
Fill it with teargas and pepper spray so it's over nice and quick.
it's what modern simpsons is called since it's been going on for so long and won't die despite being complete trash
Anyone have link to the latest?
Has spent hundreds of hours only to never get paid by Taylor and will never take her virginity
all versions of the cell are easy, and tj could easily win them all if he wasn’t poop shy
Xavier sucks now
Sam hyde and jd Vance have been groomed by Peter thiel for there entire lives to be in there current positions. All the pieces are finally falling into place. Both are gay men that were told to have straight interracial marriages to further peters agenda.
at 10:57
Why what happened ?
Corn meatballs mold >:)
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Actually that sounds good, jet start stealing this.
Tell me when he inevitably replaces her with minion.
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how is this possible if only 10 people post here
I saved it 101 times
host of whatever this is is incredibly annoying
no hes really funny
yeah he's gay
Reusing the same jokes over and over, came across like a whiny petty bitch on the advice hotline stream, doesn't do the voice anymore, comedically mogged by letty of all people
Not funny, trying too hard, not witty enough to keep up, also gay
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jet neptune dies today
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CryoKeen Won
i'm starting to believe that you're lying about this
i don't get it its just regular sam hyde
i was promised a dancing zesty sam hyde
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Some kino for your kino holes sir?
i want to see abi uncomfortable and then relief
all wrong
thanks for all your hard work
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Maybe I never died you see
Maybe the Duke never died
I'll admit I only watched about a minute of it, but he was the reason I closed the tab.
What are some dropped storylines your still mad about?

For me its Cole panty hunting and Shinji's metal ball ritual
The only thing he won was a ruptured anus and brain damage.

Tayleigh took his ANE and he was a TIGHT LITTLE PIECE
>Advice them to go to sleep at 10pm (don't tell the reason)
>Wake them up at 4am and start the challenge
>No furniture
>No food
>No water
>No sleeping
>No bathroom breaks
>No cigarettes
>No caffeine
>They can win red bulls, ciggies, snacks, water and bathroom tokens from mini challenges
yeah i don't know why people are acting like he's a different guy. he just has a gay handbag
>S2 episodes have been cancelled
Looks pretty normal to me.
Sam is chill when he doesn't have to put up with dickriders going at his face with DUDE, REMEMBER THAT BIT YOU DID, WHERE YOU MADE THAT FACE AND SAID THIS AND THAT? SO FUNNY DUD, FOR REAL HAHA.
He hates his fanbase and puts up the macho facade to keep them at bay.
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*unf* uwu ah I like that assault me harder Tayleigh and Sarge! Sir Yes Sir!
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Evil Kevin may have been the most enigmatic character of season two point five
Yeah it’s Steinful, they spend hours on discord calls listening to music and playing Fortnite. Unironically why the episodes aren’t coming out.
its another troll in the OP to get people to stop watching fishtank, weird cluster B freaks make the threads
Epstein challenge winner
get an ostrich in there
The entirety of S2 post cole and summer
Id rather make out with Josie than edit episodes if I was him so I can’t judge
this guy gets it
thread slow af benleaks post something chop chop
lame answer
Delaney cucking her zoomer bf with Jimbo
Jon vs. Xavier vs. The Duke. Seemed like everyone just checked out of the main plotline after he left.
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preferably your bussy
it was so painfully obvious how out of ideas and desperate to find anything entertaining you were after the fuckup jet
duck duck goose but with tasers
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Steinful is too busy with his new gf Josie. He’s even going to America, Arizona first before he’s back in Rhode Island.
i don't know why they allowed a bunch of literal whos on the website. who even watches this shit?
guys its so over like actually for real this time :(
that was never a real plotline just headcanon from the threads
Why is my IG feed nothing but hopecore. I open IG to be distracted not be depressed...
Sheriff Bend ahegao
I liked watching TJ and Tayleigh bonding over boxing practice. Then Jet had to tell them it was boring and they stopped it.
There is a possibility where the Swamp Olympics became a fair competition between the three where there was no scheming, no chip stealing, no NPC use and they all three walked out in high spirits after TJ knocked Tayleigh's teeth out on their final boxing match.
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It's time to save Sam from himself
>There is a possibility where the Swamp Olympics became a fair competition between the three where there was no scheming, no chip stealing, no NPC use and they all three walked out in high spirits after TJ knocked Tayleigh's teeth out on their final boxing match
sounds boring as fuck
Damn he really did it huh.
>no scheming, no chip stealing, no NPC use
that would suck
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Do you feel it? You will
Tayleigh stealing TJs chips made the whole thing interesting
>you will never go to fuck josie

Feels bad.
He was actually pretty funny desu. He had good chemistry with sam and the Dasha interview was funny.
just follow taylor lol
u might be gay
This! Dubs of truth.
If Josie wanted to suck my dick I wouldn’t work either desu
who cares if hes gay his videos are good
hell's soup kitchen
Haley gang buck breaking Claire
no no no
u are gay
the tj vs shinji ending was fine, but yeah the idea of tj having to beat up a woman for the money after his "hero" arc or whatever is pretty funny
Did Tayleigh lie about her father's medical bills?
I miss Jokerposting
>cant enjoy anything if a gay person is involved
you are an insecure closeted faggot
That’s the whole show. Go watch big brother or something you deem “organized” then pussy.
>cant enjoy anything if a gay person is involved
i am enjoying calling you a faggot
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Sgt Pen went through hell on that hospital bed and came out the other side a better man. Show him some respect
another trend stemming from the cucks on here
>t. doesnt understand what made s1 successful and what killed s2's viewers
those hour long group therapy sessions were such a cool idea right? lol
marriage with creature giving her the life she deserves and desires
got em
dude she's a groomer
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>They made the fish do group therapy!!
>It was a whole hour!!!
Jet is procrastinating

Anything but tell the audience and Sam season 3 needs to be delayed AGAIN
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>the show is bad on purpose
the therapy sessions is literally the generic reality slop format youre arguing for in these very threads, youre so fucking stupid
>it's le bad and le boring on... le purpose!
The first cringe orbiter to get on the tank. She clung to Jimmy the second she arrived cause it seemed like he was the perceived favorite at the time. Shes a significantly older juliana and shadi. She was bragging about attending the cringe mondo megabits launch party on her 2nd day. They only hired her cause she was the oddest hag to apply. They thought she would be like nifty, but she turned out to be a cringe hag obsessed with mde.
She was also apprently friends with Nicks wife, which gave her a foot in the door.
Alex, Peter, and Brian representing the dark Peter clan
Claire's stream had 180+ downloads
Even if I am that doesn't change that his vids are entertaining. I just followed his YouTube channel.
U do realize sam is a deeply closeted gay man? You are commenting in a gay thread. Its a gay show. Get with it.
ok gaywad
Her husband will inevitably replace her with minion. Minion deserves all of creature happiness and desires. Creature is obese.
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fact: it's okay to be bisexual. it's okay to be pan. it's okay to love yourself.
soon to be former groomer, future stay at home mother
Doubt. Thats like when juliana claimed she was basically production for doing minor manual labor. The orbiters lie for clout and to seem closer to mde than they actually are.
he's bisexual and isn't deeply closeted
*for women only and not expressed beyond kissing other women
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are these number accurate? i swear it's just me, sodama'am, and like 8 cryokeens posting here
Just goes to show the numbers she'd be doing on twitch or kick and not behind jet's faggot ass paywall
His ideal women is a flat chested Asian girl. The only girls he likes look like boys. Its deep homosexual cope. He's extremely closeted.
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what if a girl is topless and has a clothed girl cuddling/resting on her chest? is that okay?
he's openly bisexual but a closeted pansexual
I think delaney had been at Nicks house though for drinks, he was probably just a fan of her band.
Juliana saying she knew Jet and their only interaction prior to bitchtank being in a twitter space was pretty funny though.
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So glad that Haley bullied the rat.
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no hes bisexual he likes marky, letty and minion
Hey can you faggot Dark Taytriots get your dream rituals or whatever the fuck you're doing adjusted so they actually target the right people. I've had bad dreams about Tay 2 nights in a row and I'm not even a Tayseether
You're here with us u closet queen. Its a gay show. You're commenting in its gay thread. The threads are baked by our trip fag femboi. Look in the mirror anon. You're gay too.
there's a lot of lurkers
i still have no clue what he meant by this. there's zero positive interpretation in his favor here
you took the time to post this, deranged lol
speaking of, anyone got the link?
Proof? Sounds like hag cope.
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>what if a girl is topless and has a clothed girl cuddling/resting on her chest?
This chick is the craziest jumpscare ever. Literally looks like a horror mask from a Mexican flea market.
She delivered his message to Andrew Tate

It's all so clear now
I definitely wasnt referencing anything with that post
>he doesn't know
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30 ON ME
Steinful x Josie posting was real after all…
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>flat chested, 5'11 androgynous minion
>insisted on fucking Marky in her ass
Face it anon he is closet gay. These are the actions of a man thats ashamed with his true sexuality. Face it anon. Its a gay show. That makes u gay too.
does josie have a tongue piecing?
thats bisexuality
Hes right queen you'll be a lot happier when u open up and admit it.
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yeah idk why though
She’s gonna suck his cock isn’t she?
it wasn’t boring you’re just a complete faggot.
Cuck fantasies
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Please Jet
Please let me stream
depends, is his cock over 8 inches?
Jet is a retard for not getting cryo on the site, he'd get hateviews and TTS.
sex with the trader from bloodgames while he overthinks it and does the INTJ stare the whole time
He's a liability.
Jet is getting fucked in this picture.
Jet has been getting fucked his entire life
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TJ cheated
by Johnny
There's already been CP and gay man camshows.
>josie fucking steinful posting was real
Every stream he does makes her look worse in retrospect. Never seen someone innocently and unintentionally dismantle all the lies like this.
Hag cope! nick doesn't follow her on any of her social media. Jet basically verified the only reason she was hired was for being the oldest hag to apply. He wanted to fill the house with annoying old women like her and nifty.
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I wish nothing but misfortune and economic ruin for this dumb bitch for fucking up the perfect life with TJ
have fun watching abi enjoy the life you threw away dumb fat bitch lole
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>sex with the trader from bloodgames while he overthinks it and does the INTJ stare the whole time
Eye of TJ stare
nice erotic jet, faggot
I swear I won't get blackout and spill precious well known FTL secrets. I won't show porn. I just wanna stream games and shit. I'll barely talk. I'll fucking disable my mic if he wants.

It's not my fault what happened when I flew in. I won't obsess over it. I'll just game and shit
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Shut up tubby go eat your crumbl cookies
he had to do SOMETHING wrong though, right? why would she even tweet about it? why not just let him down easy and say you're on good terms?
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what happened champ?
The only way I would watch a Cry-o stream is if he were beaten to death by five homeless people for money.
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>TJ: Taylo would be nice, I do love Halo. Hmm...do I love Halo? Probably not. But I do have a deep appreciation for Halo in my heart... what's left of Halo in my heart... maybe who knows?
Women are emotional and make rash decisions and all he did wrong was probably something stupid like tell her he refuses to buy her whatever she wants or thinks something she likes is stupid.
Women do this routinely, they're just unfortunate enough for the two parties in the relationship to have a public platform.
holy shit i thought i was the only one that heard this
No he didnt, he doesnt have the capacity to do that, hes a loser mental retard, taylor just said that to get away from the ugly freak
Hate and death particles = mold = spiders
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I love fishtank. I'm one of the top 10 fans. I only lash out at people who fuck with me first. Tayleigh fucked with me and shot me. I'll be a good boy I promise. I want me t cut off a pinky finger or something to show commitment? Jet I'll be a good boy I promise
What are the following ftl luminaries' myers briggs type:
Sam Hyde
He probably did something, no doubt but it’s unclear and from the few details we’ve got his end - most definitely overblown.
>why not just let him down easy and say you're on good terms?
Beats me, man. Such a shame for her too and I feel sorry with that freak editor in her ear.
No she dumped him because hes an ugly loser, there was no event that set her off she just made something up that was vaguely believable for the bluepilled fishtankers as an excuse to break up with him
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you're fucking fat and overtly obsessed
Someone post chinese taylor
I don't want Jimmy back but I do think it's a missed opportunity we never got him locked in a room with Sam yapping about how much he loves steampunk.
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shouldn't have mentioned a lawsuit
it's over for you
He says that but I think he would take her back too. If she came crawling back, he just isn't going to chase after her like I think she wanted him too.
Keegan was feeding her ideas of TJ cheating on her.
You being in top 10 fishtank fans is pretty indicative of the fanbase and is not a good sign
Reminder that Pelech wrote this, Sam loves slop.
announcement today
Sam had some pretty clear disdain for steampunk in his bioshock infinite review
what a lucky bastard, that steinful
I hope when it’s all said and done, you find satisfaction in life, cryo. I really do.
He probably did do something "wrong" in her mind. If we had to context, I'd guess not nearly as bad she made it out to be though and they have got past it.
sounds believable but i doubt it. also if she's willing to end a relationship and move back home over that she is genuinely insane.
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Who is pregnant now? Spill it out already.
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>humiliating Keegan with Chief keef in the background
TJ had CRAZY Aura on the stream last night
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>keegan the kuck snaps after months of editing TJaylor clips
>final straw was them moving in together
>starts feeding taylor false claims based loosely in facts (gemma stuff)
>tj probably doesnt even care and thinks it no big deal
>probably said she looked attractive to taylor because he's so nice he didnt want to say anything negative
>Hoglor takes this as ""proof"" he """"cheated""""
>leaves him for keegstar
>probably realized somewhere between then and now it was all bullshit but it was too late to get TJ back - gambles the leeched money she got from his S2 win away in casinos
>keegan seething because his masterplan was for nothing
>has a melty in TJs chat
>gets caught red handed and exposed, immediately deletes his editor job listing, TJseething conveniently stops at the same time, changed the name he was falseflagging as on the site
He's also shown disdain for trannies.
no one cares about your 20 viewer streamer buddy
>patrick booing
Steinful is gonna fuck Josie and post it in the fishtank discord when he’s in Phoenix this weekend
and sexy men
I believe this.
ben does he know who you are? like with the ritual and everything
All of these could be believable except the gambling Tj’s s2 winnings. He already said he still has most of it.
I'm better than 60% of fishtank fans. I'm functional. Loyal. Creative. Risk Taker. Hard worker. Spiritual. Alien pilled. Red and black pilled.

1/3 of fishtank have mentioned lawsuits (letty, Mauro) and most don't follow through also I'm on disability I'm not sueing anyone I freaked out okay I admit that I'm ready to take the leap to streaming and I swear on my life I will not sabotage anything if he let's me stream
yeah idc about him fucking josie because shes ugly and manly but this confirms he has a bwc which means hes lucky
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>Lash out
You mean quit? Top fan wouldn't just leave after a few hours. You are mentally ill and a liability. You'd either end up showing something illegal or quitting in a few hours again anyway. Go make another 3000 youtube videos for your zero viewers you stupid fat fuck. Fishtank wants nothing to do with you.
so much built up seethe lmao. keegan rocks simply for breaking you simps
Don’t ignore the downloads, cuck. Not everyone is waiting for him to randomly stream at 3am.
how is this humiliating keegan?
If ur Jet or thr Crew I'd respect ur response but if ur just a fan go fu k urself nigger
so is this streaming thing only lasting until season 3 starts? i don't imagine it will be active during a season
Tubby better hurry before Abi tries to swoop in
>I'm better than 60% of fishtank fans. I'm functional. Loyal. Creative. Risk Taker. Hard worker. Spiritual. Alien pilled. Red and black pilled
You're obese, slow-witted, & deranged. You need professional help or a bullet
it's so weird that he throws around accusations of him being a liar and a bad person in between talking about his knowledge of history
>idk why though
it's called she Loves sucking big white cock
Bruh keegan himself is the worst case of simping ive seen in a while
Is Benleaks the Taylorseether?
How is it not? Did you watch it?
You think Delaney is a fan of Sam Hyde's work? Let alone Jet's ?
throwing jabs at keegan after his melty in TJs chat in >>203656925
it's unlikely you would get a shot after burning bridges, but watching TTS shred you would be kino
>It's not my fault what happened when I flew in.
Do you ever take accountability for your actions? Or do u just blame everything else? Its not me!!!! Its too hard to go to a gym to loose weight. Its too hard to quit alcohol. Its not my fault!!!! I was born this way! There was nothing I could do about it! You are a delusional fat pathetic worm.
if this ends up being confirmed as true and not yet another cuck fantasy i will unironically end myself
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>Good god man, you used to make edits of me charming this woman
>I take so much space In his head I can jog in there
>What a weird world we live in, you never know whose gonna gonna show up

I love this man
>Did you watch it?
No, why are you posting things assuming we're all on the same page
He was trying really hard to get under TJs skin and make him have a melty on stream but it backfired horribly lol
I suggest it's probably because he doesn't actually know a lot about TJ and the only real interests/claims-to-fame TJ has demonstrated in the Fishtank sphere is his appreciation for history. He doesn't have much else to attack him on.
tj obviously had porn in his phone of girls that he talked to
part of the porn was probably from that gemma chick
its not un-obvious why the raisin for them breaking down was
remember when Ben interviewed himself the other night
its brown
who did he break that shit is hilarious
So you’re just genuinely looking for an explanation as to how he humiliated Keegan?
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idc cryocream
but why, penises are gross
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I had a self life assessment recently and realized I'm 60-80% happy with my life
>I've had sex
>I've done drugs
>I've traveled out of the country
>I have a loving family
>I have seen and experienced amazing things
>I made svencoop levels that may last millenia
Sometimes I mope but I'm 38 and lived a lot so far. I hope to live another 60 years at least but, some people don't live past 1. I'm doing OK ty love u
white cock is cool thobeit
I miss the guy who posted himself in the bathtub
Yes, specifically in that clip because its an audioless clip of tj doing nothing
no bro didnt you read the chat? TJ was lashing out, he knows he's been exposed!
no one cares bruv
Drunk cryo can't stop drinking and can't loose weight. Just sits around and complains. "Its not my fault! I was born this way! There is literally nothing I can do to fix it!" Take accountability, getting your life in order is hard after u did your self into a deep ditch. Its not supposed to be easy. Thats life you dumb drunk. Now sober up and loose some fycking weight. Log off, fishtank ain't healthy for u.
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never post SEL again, do not taint a good anime
I meant the other one but this guy is pretty cool too
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This guy fucks
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Never fails to make me lol
When can we expect it? I want to be in the threads or watching live.
is he the guy from the pred thought he was getting a lamborghini and then got confronted video
I can't wait to see his Taylorseething here when she eventually rejects him.
who do you think is making the fat taylor posts?
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>You're obese, slow-witted, & deranged.
Keegan will manifest TJabi
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Jacobbros stay winning
Well that audio-less clip was from like 5 days ago but he just made fun of him throughout and laughed at the circumstances surrounding keegan seething in his chat all while listening to chief keef and kanye. Nothing complicated not really sure why you care if you’re not going to check it out yourself.
just got the cast list from datamining the site. will leak it here tonight if there's no announcement today
>I'm better than 60% of fishtank fans. I'm functional. Loyal. Creative. Risk Taker. Hard worker.
If any of that is true you would stop fucking drinking, loose weight, and work a normal job. But you're none of those things u described. Just a worthless drunk leech.
I hope keegan goes mental and get let down let publicly just like TJ.
cope, (You) do
where was this posted?
Katos pussy is getting wet all the sudden
yeah neither of those things are happening
just post it nigga
literally who
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Is the announcement about the Galaxy Gas sponsorship?
I love Jacob, don’t get me wrong, but I can’t stand seeing him in public. It’s uncanny. He should constantly be in that crack den he calls a bedroom.
Yeah... no
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hes in my city rn
what does this steinful fella look like
Yeah they're doing a ben armpit flavor to tie into season 3.
>loving family
You have two elderly parents. Once they're gone you'll have nothing. I dont even kno if you'll have a place to live when that happens. You didn't create a family. Your family ends with you alone complaining about how hard life is without putting in hard effort.
why isn't this lil nig streamin
Kato fucked up
I don’t think there’s any photos of him out
he's the kid in the beanie on the right in that picture of mde groyper nation
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im going off his tiktok though not that twitter post
I was open to him having done something at the time, but now that a month has passed, it's pretty clear that he was the one hurt and bummed about the breakup, not so much her, and it was most definitely her breaking things off out of insecurity before he could actually do anything meriting it, helped along by Greenshart being in her ear.
>Kato fumbled the bag
He’s in your neighborhood right now!
i dont know that picture
The real reason Taylor broke up with TJ was because he found the Lubecooch shit
If one posts a picture, the closest thing I could compare him to is Damiel without body fat. He also constantly wears a white beanie in every pic of him.
no you didnt
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Where did he find it? In her hard drive? I knew she was trying to frame him.
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To the left of this image
insider here
this is actually vance and he didn't datamine it, he just stole it from our private production discord
hes gone rogue after we told him to stop harrassing the season 2 fish and freeloaders
it's the picture of sam, nick, charls, and all the new guys doing a badass avengers assemble walk. i'm sure someone in the thread has it
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Going live on X

Nobody can "leak" the season 3 cast because there is no cast and there is no season 3
that’s actually him btw inb4 someone says otherwise because he’s normal looking
looks like Ben
why is ben wearing that
>Taylor was the real lubecooch all along
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wtf is ben wearing? gay ass nigga
Ben is serving cunt
they drew straws on who was the slutty cumdump for the night, he drew the short one
He's a princess.
unironically santacruzmedicinals lives in my neighborhood
It was from an old insta post of his it’s deleted now though for obvious reasons I am assuming.
yo if cryo shows up tell him he's a fat faggot lol fuck that guy
>hes gone rogue after we told him to stop harrassing the season 2 fish and freeloaders
Are u talking about Scott? He can't help himself. He needs to drunk text the fishtank girls for his bit.
production slack group has been alerted that the ben crossdressing pics have leaked but are skeptical about any cast leaks
Whatchu know bout mclarens nigga
did rockystreams kill himself?
Scott is just being a weird pervert, Vance is actively trying to dox and ruin their lives.
it can't be that old, he only started shaving his head recently
Any GOOD fish streaming right now? I'm listening to classic morbid angel so don't make me turn it off just to be disappointed by oddbod and autismfishy
kek that’s ridiculous
tf that nigga ben doin!!
From steinfuls Instagram not Ben’s
Cryo is streaming
Its a gay show. The host is gay, most of production is gay, the gags are gay, they hire gay contestants like Jimmy, this thread is gay. Our threads are backed by a gay boi.
Peter shot up his grocery job before turning the gun on himself
was this bloodgames? did anyone even wear that for a costume? does ben just own that?
>nobody talking about the exploit that lets you see the season 3 cast if you have streaming privileges on the site
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Season 3 exploit is crazy wtf
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He totally was. Before last night, one plausible point in Greenshark's favor was that he wasn't intentionally leaving out TJ in Taylor's reels, because "maybe TJ asked not to be in them." TJ denied that last night, so now we know that it was totally intentional on Greenshark's part, which looks worse when he was also dipping out in the streams whenever TJ showed up.

Taylor's not Summer-level crazy, but she's probably a headcase as some people unfortunately turn out to be when they've got a drunkie mom and their dad dies before they're an adult. She up and moved to Michigan to be with a guy she knew for a week, it's not a stretch to think she's impulsive.
we're busy talking about this sudden picture of ben dressed like he cruising for cock
Dubs don't lie. Give us more details. Doesn't sound like Vance. What's his motive for harassing the S2 fish?
>MSRP: $300,000
Is there really that much money to be made with Roblox?
but actually why did he wear that
Announcement today
Screenshot it then faggot
Jimmy hogs the luxury family vacation home all summer. He doesn't allow his sister to have the house with her friends. He insists on staying in the house when she plans her trips. He takes it over for the whole summer cause hes a selfish, privileged sperg
Betty just got her onlyfans verified
I’m in a server with greenshark should I just leak what he said or no
If it doesn't implicate you, go for it
it's a bisexual show, even sam has crossdressed before
It’s not his
post link
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The Shartcord...
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i feel like it's more likely that taylor, the new female streamer, asked to leave tj out of them. she either didn't want new fans seeing she has a boyfriend or didn't want her relationship advertised to the public, both of which are valid
do it regardless nobody cares about you we just wanna laugh at that simp
Holy shit
we already know you're a faggot jet
>keegan is at the bottom of the dog pile lol
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>uhhhhh S3 has been put on hold indefinitely. Sorry guys.
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>Sams going to Connecticut on his comedy tour
>bbc b*tty bought a ticket the same day the tickets dropped.

b*tty finally has a chance to explain everything to sam! shes definitely gonna convince sam to let her on S3 as production! Sam will understand EVERYTHING when he hears her side of things. She was trying to SAVE letty and jet by airing out there private interactions. Sam will surely understand! Shes gonna be best friends with sam just like letty and everyone will call her the princess of /ftl/ like letty and Claire! Blacklisted? Not for long!
Hi Mike
share your stream key
post the rest queer
it was a bit

also don't leak the cast you fuckers
fuck you Ben, I'll fight you over this.
is she gonna collab with zeusyaf?
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holy shit
>betty found a second ID or bill with her address
0 chance but hopefully something happened?
It's not unreasonable to think Sam and Betty could make a good couple. I think they would both make each other happy and they would be well matched intellectually.

I support this and wish them both the best.
post the girls
we need to know what we're simping for
Hi Jason!
Manifesting Ben in drag season 3
There's like 5 "leaks" happening and the only real one is Ben wearing girl's clothes
He's from Minnesota so I'm rooting for him
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Classic Goran
Is this real ben or some rando with a trip
I don't think so, she wasn't afraid of bringing TJ onstream, but given TJ unfollowed a lot of women while dating her, it's not hard to guess that she was legit oversensitive, jealous, and insecure. If someone's just clout grinding, I don't think they'd care about things like that so much. (Plus, she's pretty dumb. "Never attribute to malice...," etc.)
bettyleaks pls
We don't know, he just fucked. There's genuinely something wrong with him, he sits in the server and streams himself watching the summer basement breakdown recording on repeat. He's fucked
Have you ever done anything with another guy and if not do you want to
Not jason but kind of look like him
that's the most important one
Betty is NOT doing onlyfans OK?
betty_fae doesn’t work anymore whats her account name?
Post the bitches also JET STRIKE 7
lmao this, production trying to desperately distract from ben dressed like a sissy cruisin for cocky
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I'll post the rest if there's no announcement tonight.
looks entertaining, chicken andy if he didnt do drugs
Sam doesn't like coal burners. He dont want that sloppy seconds. He also typically likes smart creative girls like konzept and letty. Bbc b*tty is an obvious retard and a victim of a severe brain injury. In smaller words shes far from his type. Also sam is closet gay and likes feminine men or women that look like men.
Just post them all now fag
I simp for Jessica
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Hellouuuu Jessica
Post them, it will force them to do literally anything. They haven't said a word about season 3 in a while and it comes out in like three weeks
Why are chicken Andy fans obsessed with pretending their hero isn’t hideous
interesting but what about ben in a dress
better have screenshots before Jet takes them down
too old for fishtank
i bet he's so mad that hype is being built 4 the show with this "cast leak" screaming and crying i heard
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what the fuck man
>they're going to have to recast again

When do you think the next start date will be? December again?
Guys relax! He was just having a little fun at a Peter thiel summer party. Not a big deal.
god forbid ben have fun
This is the first thread people have been talking about season 3 instead of pretending to be Tay's incestuous father
Benleaks W
yeah man...
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steinful is part of the groyper army
At this point they might as well. It gives them more time to sell the S2 house, buff put a quality cast, and get money from season pass renews. Also they skip election bullshit.
because it's the first time any hype is being built around it other than the reveal date
>boss nigga tj
This nigga fucking Josie it isn’t fair
>Also they skip election bullshit.
not ready for some sam kino rw groyper bits??
Right? These threads need to chill. Daddy Peter is delivering the kino.
If it's not an inside job it'll hopefully force them to say literally anything at all about season 3
We got ourselves a plapper
when people ask why i dont date whiteboys ill show them this picture
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Can't even remember what strike we're at anymore.
I'm so hyped to see a 40 year old roid ogre to put on a dress to somehow epicly pwn Kamala Harris
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post them all you dumb FAGGOT
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don't be a fag just post them
If Sam got a strike every time he hired somebody incompetent he'd soon be in the double digits.
>huff it anon, galaxy gas wants to know if they should make Vance pit flavor, or ben pit flavor.
anon post the S3 cast i can run the faces through a facial recognition database search because I work with a federal agency lol
>Sam having fun
>Ben having fun
looks like Peter's a good influence on them
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I would also like to know why Ben was wearing a mesh and leather top
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Who did he mean by this?
Because he looks hot as fuck in it?
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>looks like Peter's a good influence on them
True! Love to see these queens laughing and thriving.
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its fake
I'll track down their social media so we can get them to quit before S3. brb
kinda sus how they don't know ur username but still banned u???
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Will this pic ever stop being relevant?
how do they keep repeating the same mistakes
I guess the question is why is he trying to attract gay men then.
>he doesn't know about the Peter thiel parties

Lurk more faggot. Sam and Ben are just having a little fun.
why do chuds get so triggered at male sexuality
We're IP banning anyone who leaks the cast. Fixing this now
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>strike three jet
cole and tj making cookies together was cute, good team
jet pov
Time to leak the rest of the cast.
Girls love a fruity king
hi jet
probably a production LARP to build hype for s3 cause they know viewership is way down
if it's real, i think it was someone from production just teasing 4 luls
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This is a Blood Games screenshot nice try
Justin Emerson
Jessica Delaney
Why wouldn't they just build hype normally by announcing the cast??
Awakens something deep inside of them that they try to keep asleep
>just having a little fun
Doesn't excuse gay behavior.
fake or not it doesnt work as hype for s3 either way
another brilliant goran neptune production
Sign out and load the site, it shows the Bloodgames layout in the background.
cause they love to be le secret 4chan club ARG show
It's not fake. They really are this incompetent.
>didn't leak any of the simp bait
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Well done Jr.. well done
idk Justin looks kinda hot
yeah, just another show of incompetence. sad
>Why wouldn't they just build hype normally
They're dumb
>someone from production
so you?
this is why we told you to get all of them you dumb FAGGOT
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yea we don't give a fug jet you stupit pizza shet
>hot country chick
move over Tayleigh you're fucking done bitch
Calm down Mike
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Baiii pedophiles
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>username not in any screenshot
>suddenly got banned
Mephisto pulled his hash and sent it to jet
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hey man... get the fuck out of /ftl/
Is it true...she fucked her dad?
They're too broke and lazy to film a trailer. Every penny has to go towards the season. They broke.
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anyone clipping the ftl iceberg stream?
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>Yeeeah so basically a bunch of crazy internet detectives that we gave access to our site found a page that we made available to them and now the cast is leaked
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jason is a looksmax fag
>its real
>staff icon pfp
>name is 3 letters
if access is restricted to streaming users there needs to be some form of authentication. They can see what user is hitting the API requesting contestant info then just see which of those is requesting season 3 cast info. very simple.
i made half of the iceberg list so if he's wrong I'm gonna freak
never realize that letty mom played the accordion
I hope the contestants this time really are normies and get thrust into the Fishtank sphere. I want to see them interact with Jon or cretins like Cryokeen.
Oddbod is already confused by the Reset Theory, he thinks it's the same thing as the full reset.
They’re all wannabe actors/comedians
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>I think I just got banned lmao
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>Sneed también conocido como Dokkaebi también conocido como kevin botposting
¿Cuándo te vas a dar cuenta de que eres un maricón satánico masónico astroturando un hilo para una prostituta beaner?

Realmente espero que Josie se suicide para que todos pierdan el tiempo. Mejor aún, necesita decirle a Luke que visite las oficinas del MDE cuando se revela que ella es una puta drogadicta. Entonces ella también podrá suicidarse.

A nadie le importas Josie. Tus padres no te criaron. MDE te está utilizando como fanática y simple esponja. Simplemente suicidate y hazles perder el tiempo ejecutando estos rituales satánicos porque Sammy quiere otro auto deportivo.

Si MDE alguna vez se hubiera preocupado por Josie, no habrían fomentado la prostitución en línea. Simplemente mátate para que Jet/Johnny/Sam puedan obtener su Ciara 2.0 Notch. Tengo que decir que "hizo que una segunda persona se suicidara usando su confianza para arruinar su vida".
I love the epic 4chan ARG show just kidding
Hashes are being pulled right now

yeah no on some real shit though like why leak the cast? great idea fucking faggots just like utah
so it's wes?
he deleted it kek
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Jet make the call
I refuse to believe the wiggers actually uploaded a pic of the contestants to the site this early before the season. They will do it the day of because they are lazy wiggers
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Damn you're right
I think Wes has purple icon
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So either Wes, Ben, or Jet
cyro is based you faggot
Honestly? I hope no one is watching that orbiter slop
what a joke
they had them early for s1 and bloodgames
>t. cryokeen
how was OddBod in chat literally all day and still doesn't know SHIT, he literally got the whole cult plotline wrong
give him a break benji, oddbod is retarded
strike 3
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Yep already got her socials
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this European guy is just as retarded
what’d he say?
He looked really cool with a mustache
>molesto finally got the call from production
Its on. Molesto will prove himself valuable to the wiggers. Nothing will stop his expert dox capabilities.
Erm I love Cole
HOOOOOLY FUCK i cant believe sams BWC braphog is on the show. nice work team
what was deleted?
epic ARG guys! the creativity never ceases Fishtank!
why did the thread suddenly die
he said the golden beetle and lie detector were a part of the cult storyline even though they happened way way after the plotline was cancelled
Wes is not as stupid as he might appear to be
they take the profile photos when they apply.
A whole new cast plus cole would be kino.
pic that showed the "leaker" has a staff account and a 3 letter username, so either jet, ben or wes
>not knowing woman moment
OddBod and this European guy make me feel like a superior being, jesus man
season 3 is not gonna be coming out any time soon i fear
production left
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you guys should play bejeweled 3 it's very relaxing
Sounding more and more like a Thielian psyop to me.

I won't be making any further comment until jimmycord has had time to run the hashes.
I'm legitimately seething
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Cole gets MOGGED by his season 3 counterpart
the site he's responsible for runs like dog shit. he's pretty bad at his job.
me too. these two are genuinely retarded and oddbod doesn't even have any excuse for this. was he not watching the show for 16 hours a day?
if you're watching oddbod or any of the streams on the site currently you should cut deeper next time
They're better off just telling us Fishtank is ending after S3 to prevent anymore leaks and delays for S4.
daddy Vance, step aside
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Who in S3 is going to bring the STAR POWER?
Dubs of truth. Make it happen Peter Thiel! Call cole!
somehow she would be cuter if she was actually trans
I haven't opened the site in a very long time. I probably shouldn't be here
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this guy for sure
Sitting here hard as a rock thinking about Josies weird naked body.
I wouldn't rule out an appearance from star power himself. Especially during some downtime.
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Thank you for this Steinful
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>Sitting here hard as a rock thinking about Josies weird naked body.
>She would be cuter if she was actually trans
Jimmy is wild for keeping this kino up
i could fix him
Giga Chads and Stacey's are going to mog so hard.
>Liquid Cole was like... the villain right?
never send these niggers ANYTHING from here ever again
No wonder production prefers to watch these threads over the site chat
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these guys are legitimately retarded
I'm sorry I was the one spamming the icebergs yesterday
Josie is no "le shota" enjoyer. She will rape kids to make herself feel more normal. Scum whore mother codependency. Weak father who isn't a man. Failure of a mother, failure of a father, failure of a daughter. Beaner ghetto trash.

Prove me wrong Josie. Have morals. Make the world a better place. You NEVER will piece of shit going to burn in hell, unironically.
i had 2 turn it off after that
just tell us how many people are in the cast ffs
who said that
haha yeah guys, fishtank is actually trash but i ironically watch it and pretend to not watch it. fishtank fans are such losers, you feel me?
>150 lbs (self reported)
>pic looks 5 years old and only from cleavage up
she might be the fattest girl yet.
i say this
Classic Incel Jimmy. Did you know he takes over the luxury family vacation home every summer? He refuses to leave, even when his sister makes plans to visit the house with her friends. Jimmy insists on staying, refusing to give the girls a nice private weekend. Jimmy is a selfish, privileged sperg.
Cockbuddy said Tayleigh's pussy smelled like rank ass fish and old socks, dude went down on that nasty shit.
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isnt the point of an iceberg review having insider or at least in-depth knowledge of every single entry?
>what is the artist guys meme?
>idk lets just skip it
i haven't watched since s2 I just browse the threads cause they're funny. i'm still a loser, but the show sucks.
what kind of fucking 4 person dorm is that?
How can oddbod call himself a fan? I thought he no liked the show. Does he not retain information?
I could've saved Nina.
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oddbod you're a fake ass fan bro, just a chat rat fag bro
new >>203658786
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It was Wes
I wouldn't trust the info about the contestants. The wiggers are known for falsifying personal info.
he doesnt post here. if you can watch fishtank and dont follow the threads you are mentally ill
Still can
I've known a lot like her, they're all gone
Nothing about her is “gone”
>Jimmy insists on staying
There's a 99% percent chance he does this because he hopes that his sister's friends will turn up anyway and he'll have an excuse to hang around them and seduce them with his weird gags and 'silly' personality.

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