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Scott the Rapist edtion

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen has has gained 1 pound and has taken up drinking again
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Fishtank is proud to announce its newest sponsor: Galaxy Gas!
• Josie has been caught running an illegal child grooming discord server.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)
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eat tj
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bliccy is not bogged enough
Prev: >>203664757
Scott looks homeless
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I still can't believe this happened
why doesnt the OP have the confirmation of hawk tuah and the sarge being added on S3 on the news bit?
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>• Josie has been caught running an illegal child grooming discord server.
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it's time
can you make fat jacob
Tayleigh's pussy is disgusting
Patience. In 5 years her bog will blossom
true I love bogged women
It's called a wet pussy bro you virgins wouldnt understand
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scott is homeless
disrespectful, no
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she's beautiful just the way she is
We must stop this criminal
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It requires a mature palate to appreciate her flavor.
What's this guy's name again?
Anybody have the ENTER CHEESLOR pic?
i just want to see what he would like out of scientific curiosity
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This tank ain't big enough for the two of us, Sergeant.
if S3 is going to be S1 part 2, then is S4 going to be S2 part 2? and when are they going to get around to doing Nudetank?
what would sarge's bloodgames character have been?
another lovely taylo painting
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Anon, do you promise.....
Taylor is literally too boring to troll
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this could be like 1000 different women, normies are so subhuman
the rape knight ala rance
my dad has a pair of those gloves
she looks like a potato imo
S1 really needs a part 2 to salvage this mess.
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>now fucking steinful so the edited episodes never get finished

she's STILL sabotaging production months later
Tayleigh leaves a green, mucusly snail trail whatever her pussy touches.
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Well... if it's for heckin science
True, the Keegan postings here is more entertaining then her stream
jumped the shark with this one
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>Josie's biggest fans (some she knew since day 1) will dono her calling her a whore and liar on her birthday tomorrow
WE FUCKING WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fishtank girls are a lot dumber and uglier than normie women
dear god. i no longer believe in science.
Licking up Tayleigh's sickly, disgusting, yeast infected snail trail
These are just shitty ai slop not edited
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>Licking up Tayleigh's sickly, disgusting, yeast infected snail trail
>snail trail
God damn I'm gonna hurl
I wish someone had a clip of Tay telling Letty they make a good pair because Letty has nice tits and she has a nice ass
Let's just pretend it didn't happen
That's what makes them so beautiful to me
rare tay pic
Who is "we" exactly?
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Good, forces them to actually be unique
Hi cammy
what an angel
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I want to go back.
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Hello /ftl/ it's been a while since i started asking. I am on the lookout for more methleaks i know some of you were in the telegram and discords. Please leak anything on delaney i have yet to see including the elusive lesbian strap-on TYIA
I'll stop asking when i get my hands on said video
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>Jet confirmed they're bringing Tayleigh back for season 3
Beyond grim
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man what a difference two months makes
her ass is mid as fuck, literal fridge body
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Take me back
stop posting doctored pics
>even relationships are fixable?
Silence lmao
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oops wrong webm
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i wanna hold her and tell her how proud i am of the fact that she got her associate's degree every night
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I'd eat a piece of that cake if you know what I mean
fattener guy can you make fat trader
no fuking way thats her
i'd eat a hole of that ass if you know what i mean
I'm more surprised he still able to get away with it in the police state that is her chat
>Stop trying to make the hag relevant with a fake video that doesn't exist.

>You're making it up. She doesn't post selfies, let alone a lesbian strap on vid. There are two "porn" clips if u can even call them that. One 5 second clip of a dildo being crammed into her haggard bush, and one super grim toothy blow job vid.

>Even if u saw a screen grab (no one else has seen it) it was probably fake or stolen from a real amateur porn vid. She doesn't even post pics of herself. It was probably a catfish.

>it doesn't exist. She's not capable of producing a video like that. She's too old and self conscious. She doesn't post any selfies. There are like 2 other pics of her from 2024 and she's covering her face in both.
it's trish lol
shades trader is so based
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jet neptune dies today
Did the trish delish and Arbys memes lead to her overeating?
What happened?
Why did you post a picture of Jet getting fucked again?
Why do you have something against this milf
Peter Thiel made Ben and Jet fuck in front of him for s3 funding
>Jet capitulated and starting posting teasers because someone threatened to post *that* picture of him in a dress
Someone asked taylor that and she just read it and said nothing
she's too ugly to be a milf plus she doesn't have any children
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>Epstein - Gone
>Diddy - Gone
there is a pedo/sex trafficking power vacuum and it must be filled
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The beautiful delaney
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Does he have what it takes to win Fishtank?
>When does Keegan show up?
>wanna eat but I'm not hungry
>hungry but don't wanna eat anything
Why am I like this?
Was steinful in on it from the beginning?
>almost 40
>oldest hag featured on the tank
>recently overdosed
>stuck in party girl phase
>worried more about fading relevancy than building a family
>fucked up teeth
>frumpy body
>ass flat as a board
>fake based pick me opinions she got from sucking too much cock
>aggressively ran through
>self posts her homemade boomer porn for free
>astroturfs the threads, self posting pics from 7 years ago
>even when she does post a selfie, she covers her face like a troon.
>only memorable moment was getting wasted and writing a cringe paragraph about her old age on the dog house wall
>hired for being the oldest hag to apply
>production hoped she would be like nifty, but she turned out to be cringe nontent
>the first cringe orbiter, bragged about seeing jet live at the mondo megabits launch party, latched herself to Jimmy.
>was in a band, but had no part in the music making process. All she did was shittily play the drums while strung out on heroin and meth. She was hired cause she was blowing the guy who made all the music.
>never posts fresh selfies like the younger prettier fishtank girls.

And her newest poll
>guys am I based unique??? Or cringe lolcow??? please give me a detailed response explaining why in the comments
>its a private poll exclusive to her locked Twitter followers
>they still overwhelmingly vote her as a cringe lolcow.
What a narcissist. Why is this 37 year old so obsessed with relevancy? Absolutely pathetic boomer shit.
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how did he predict josie?
you need some BMC
This post was a taytriot seething btw
did kegels keep her community safe for everyone?
Because deep down you still miss him Taylo
woman behavior
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Dark Sarge be like
>I don't enjoy having sex with my daughter.
Him not showing up just proves he was nwis desu lol
man i wish i was in the thread when the marky tts went through
Stop trying to steal CK's title u disgusting hag.
why are you telling us just figure it out
Be honest did you get kicked from the gram or cord is that why you're mad
Steinful won and he will cuck all the josiepedos on their special day kek
The Sarge is in charge
NTA but no-one wants to be in the cord or gram with that busted hag
Here for the Blicc
>josie is getting pounded by steinful RIGHT NOW
how do you feel about this?
i don’t think she kicked any but she’s been ignoring bettycucks and they don’t know what to do lmao
ftl used to be cool but you all act like /vt/rannys now
Neither, i hate seeing her hag face astroturfed in these threads. Go away pysop nigger.
euro hours is when you want to rile up the josiepedos
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>it's real
its all jets fault
shes ugly
He is currently having Esex on discord right before he touches down in phoenix to do the real thing.
Cope i hate bbc Betty and the hag equally. I re post negative pastas about both.
wrong actually he flies in arizona for the weekend
Josie has zero clue what sex is.
You were warned.

You didn't listen.

The deadline has passed and less than 100 apologies were collected.
Now Cole has paid the price.

We are Dark Taytriots.
We are legion.
We don't forgive.
We don't forget.
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it's simone now
Jet caught copying ideas again
Does that sound familiar? the dr disrespect bit came from this tweet
Fuck 'em up guys, the anons obsessed with hating Tay have some real bad mental issues even for 4channers
Steinful will teach her and brag about it to her fans
whats /vt/?
stop posting pics of her fucking dad and pretending to be him assholes
Nothing was organic with the wiggers
They are beyond unoriginal
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that's fair
Blame Jet for turning Fishtank into FaZe Clan instead of an actual reality show.
Anyone else put everything in light mode because they hate seeing their own face?
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>8:23 am · 3 Oct 2016
>found the psychopath
taylor started tearing up
This guy has been calling Josie a pedophile and claiming she's fucking steinful for 18 hours a day this week
ill take the bait, about what?
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how is that psychopathic?
It's Bad Ideas.
allergies :)
He used to be at it 24/7
Taco Bell
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being fat
inside is yellow :)
Jon a movie
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>hawk tuah girl post has over 3k likes on ig already
good meme jet. it is a meme right?
Jordie your shift ain't over yet those KFC Famous Bowls aren't going to make themselves.
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>Jet caught copying ideas again
Even Xavier is copied, fucking frauds, that hat was such a distinctive and unique look in 2016.
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>show them the change up kid
puts the fries in the bag jordie
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>it is a meme right?
I might've had too many Lone Stars when I sent that one hehehe
theyre going to give claire the worst box blonde bleach dye and faggots will eat it up
pretty grim that people just don't call him niggerlips
she would look hot with shitty dyed blonde hair desu
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Tay finally got a new outfit
why does taylor wear a hat indoors
I think she does considering she was front row to watch this at the furry convention she went to
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Got you bro
Richyninenine is streaming and you fuckers didnt say anything?
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trish derish
No one has chatted in Taylors chat for 6 mins how is there 48 people here?
tall jon
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a black woman twerking isnt sex and watching sex doesnt mean you know sex anyways
I can tolerate Taylor being boring as shit on stream but literally all of her streaming locations/cam settings are bright as fuck. Dallas' house, her Michigan apartment, and now the warehouse she streams from all look like she dropped a flashbang on the ground before going live.

dumbass nigger greenshark do your job if you're going to be so into this.
To hide her chubby cheeks and double chin
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but how does a hat
do that?
it's her artist hat silly
Cole looks badass here
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Scottyrockers get in here, it's time
She's facing away from the camera 90% of the time so the hat is blocking her side/back profile
lol forget that she literally had just b club in her vr chat recents which is an e-sex centered room
This! Claire will be our trashy blonde princess
my brain thought that was a short woman on the right
who he was going to punch
havent you caught up? greenshark's been dropped
they're trying to sweep him under the rug lmao
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erm… he’s clearly wearing shoe lifts
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Why did he cut a hole out for easy access to his asshole? Does Sodama'am top in the relationship?
what psycho would spend $100 on him flirting with a girl
who's taking one for the team and buying the Love Letter to E-girl
shes always ugly anyway
How much is it?
>you're probably sitting there like let's watch the fat ginger try to do boxing
hes wearing platform vans lmao
Jesus, is he only accepting people from a list?
that turd hasn't gone anywhere, he's probably just laying low for this stream
Shes a nasty hag anon stop the cope. Frumpy body, flat ass, zero sex appeal. Shes like a super old smelly wine aunt.
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>her fucking dad
Back to the KFC Jordie HAHA. show em the change up girl!
Be honest /ftl/, does Tayleigh have a nice ass?
what makes you think that?
bigger than letty and josie
you beter stay away from my babygirl boy
>Scott doesn't understand fractions or basic arithmetic
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Look at this nontent and tell me Jon and Letty wouldnt be more interesting. Theyd probably get voted out for refusing to bathe desu
what's he saying?
thats what makes it funny
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IT (1990)
So generous of Scott to use the e-girl mirror trick so we can get a view of his hot flabby ginger freckled man ass
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the first night - confusion about the house layout, wildly incorrect first impressions of the fish, the site going down for hours, the inevitable pizzabox dox, counting rice...
She has a good arch but her ass has been murdered by mdma and meth
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CK confirmed for whatever this slop is
>changes from drive thru to spec board
mdma and meth makes your ass nicer though
where is the cast leak??
>black guy named cooney
come on now
The other cast looked way better.
I just don't see any reason to think she'd cut him off just because he was potentially shitting up TJs chat. It just seems more likely that she told him to not appear in her chat because people here were talking about bringing up his spaz out from the other night.
its survivor. CK is survivor coded desu
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imagine that bouncing on your cock
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>retarded guy named downey
come on now
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Right here
old and fake
new and legit
that would hurt, very boney
notice how no namefag has come out against the dark taytriots, we literally run ftl
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this is the other one that was posted
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tj mogs
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>two of them are the exact same image
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the dark taytriots shall hang mashallah, the vancecord has willed it
i guess but i feel like he would’ve reached out to tj to let him know if it really wasn’t him. he also deleted his job posting. just seems retarded to keep him around after everything
Scott sub goal to wear astolfo cosplay?
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i want to see Scott teach mudwrestling naked in a kiddie pool filled with mud
new thread
good god taylor's stream is sleep inducing
tell this bitch to do something interesting
learn a skill faggot
what is that?
oh, you're back
Tayleigh got a damn snail trail
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This is real one
TJ was gonna stream on twitch earlier too until he saw Taylor stream...
who are you quoting?
aint no way
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Bald has come out against us
Dark Taytriots, do your thing
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Leave Jon alone
did molesto threaten you again on here?
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>there is a pedo/sex trafficking power vacuum and it must be filled
he just needs to be taller than meg
>when I come home and dinner isn't ready
WTF i could feel the shockwave through the screen!
if Dick’s Sporting Goods was a guy
Don't do it bald
I have the hashes
>there is a pedo/sex trafficking power vacuum and it must be filled
i have the power of balding men and women everywhere on my side, your efforts will not prevail
no, it seems that storm is long past fortunately
What do you mean? she still follows him.
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can someone explain this?
Who are your favorite bald characters in fiction?
Insider here, Jimmy sent the gay guys to Jordan's Grandmother's trailer.
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he wants to fuck meg?
Sorry just seeing this now lmfao amazing thank you king
its self-explanatory
Jimmy bogarts the luxury family vacation home all summer. He refuses to leave, even when his sister makes plans to go with her friends for a nice private weekend. Jimmy insists on staying. He hovers over them. Jimmy is a selfish, privileged, creepy sperg. He still hasn't addressed these allegations.
meg was fucking hot
most of that isnt the puss
Taylor collaborated with Shark to publicly slander TJ, it's pretty obvious who her loyalty lies with so I don't think she'd drop him just because he was seething in chat at 4 in the morning
i was referring to the potential councilwoman
and then came the cookies. many such cases.
for me it's ellen ripley from alien 3 hands down. she would've been better if she was bald for the entire series thoughbeit
no she was ugly she just has a big ass
How do you know this?
>he doesn't know
the world is smaller than you think my friend, smaller than you think
hes going to get destroyed, he's never even in bend, spoiled kid
doubting the 40 boys, bold move
This is exactly it. He's embarrassed enough that even though he has mod privileges, he didn't wanna have to deal with the possibility of people shitting on him in chat. That's the coward's way out. He needs to confront his mistakes.
>He needs to confront his mistakes
realistically, what mistakes
Probably his 4am freakout session, very unbecoming for someone in a professional work relationship
fucking kek
Don't recognize that line, eh?
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Honestly him not being there just proves nwis was him imo
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>keegan the kuck snaps after months of editing TJaylor clips
>final straw was them moving in together
>starts feeding taylor false claims based loosely in facts (gemma stuff)
>tj probably doesnt even care and thinks it no big deal
>probably said she looked attractive to taylor because he's so nice he didnt want to say anything negative
>Hoglor takes this as ""proof"" he """"cheated""""
>leaves him for keegstar
>probably realized somewhere between then and now it was all bullshit but it was too late to get TJ back - gambles the leeched money she got from his S2 win away in casinos
>keegan seething because his masterplan was for nothing
>has a melty in TJs chat
>gets caught red handed and exposed, immediately deletes his editor job listing, TJseething conveniently stops at the same time, changed the name he was falseflagging as on the site
I fucked a girl that looks like this
>gambles the leeched money she got from his S2 win away in casinos
This didn’t happen. TJ confirmed this.
Absolutely, the Streisand effect is real, and these people are real dumb
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>hes going to get destroyed, he's never even in bend, spoiled kid
Someone hasn't heard of Ed Durr
>Buys a bunch of donuts
>Does nothing
>Beats the top Democrat in the NJ Senate
Any news today?
dont forget any mention of keegan gets you banned
Jet teased that he will tease Season 3 at some point
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richy ninenine was live for a little
>gets caught red handed and exposed, immediately deletes his editor job listing
Keegan has delated almost everything besides the Greenshark twitter/IG and his private IG. He played him.
Did Ed Durr constantly travel out of the state in the months before the election? because thats what Jon did, why the fuck did he go to Canada TWICE
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Hawk Tuah girl and Sgt. Pen confirmed for S3. Jet acknowledged S3 for the first time in weeks today. More teasers soon
it was more of a lashout session
Is his twitch account still there?
does anyone know where I could get good reps of those balencis Jet was flexing today?
honestly the keegan rabbit hole is the most interesting thing i've seen in this general in weeks
Seeing her and Sarge interact is gonna be wild. Hopefully there's a big closet like in S2
Im still looking for the season 2 logs if anyone has them. I can give a $5 of ltc if you have it and can upload it
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Crossdressing Ben pic leaked. Rumor has it there's a Jet one too
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Thanks. Tonight? I'm gonna be until Sunday so you guys are gonna have to carry the threads without me fyi

-a very good poster
oh shidd
>>starts feeding taylor false claims based loosely in facts (gemma stuff)
always felt this, If it was a complete stranger to fishtank fans it would be more believable, but claims he cheated with some girl that any tj stalker knows always seemed made up
the greenshark one is his loudbark one is gone or had a name change
who played who?
damn thats an ugly jew rat
that dirty dog, he just keeps getting away with it
the cuckold simp is dead
the fat whore is next
then the pedo fag
Beautiful it’s going to be and has already
still developing
>he played himself
It's just Brittany Venti, probably doesn't even have open dms. False alarm, Scottyrockers.
Busy until*
Have fun guys
>Peter Thiel humiliation ritual
They really are desperate for money.
This might be deep Scott lore but hes literally obsessed with Venti and Lauren Southern, its insane
you said that was coming like a week ago come on man
is jimmy or tj the pedo fag
do you have time for all that in between cleaning toilets?
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>I love big footed hammerhead shark mulatto girls
saying it again, taylorseethers are docile and taytriots mog
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You guys like need to chill the freak out. Choose love, not hate.
Based Scott
UGLY nigga @ richy just incase you ctrl F your name
>Someone buys the $100 "write a letter to an egirl" fishtoy
>Asks Youtube to write the letter because he can't see the fishtank chat
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>Hey, Brittany, mind giving a dickhead a hand over here?
>buying anything from this goofy ass nigga
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Holy shit this last frame of taylors stream really does make her face look fat
but enough about tj
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Good bit, Scott.
Luckily literally no one has bought anything from him
so what exactly triggered all of this for you? i haven't been keeping up as much lately
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Have a good weekend brother....
dont like boring losers, simple as
way more to work with with tayleigh
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He already sent this, he's sending more.
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scottsisters.. not like this
Very easy to imagine that message written with cut up magazine letters
>Comedy genius
Scott writes jokes for sam
rizzless young men, take notes.
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I'm starting to think that outside the seasons, everything regarding FishTank isn't funny.
Damn that's from today's stream? Don't even need the fat filter lmao
hawk tuah post already has 4k likes on insta kek im glad they're finally doing something at least
scott really wanted to do this kek
do you not feel disgust for who I listed
I do
people like to fuck around but she clearly looks worse since
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Part 2
I'll bet he sent himself the donation
is this a group thing?
Yeah, I didn't think it was that bad. I thought most of the photos were filters too.
Jon winning is enormous content potential and you're seething? I dont understand you people
pretty sure i saw this in the leaked wp2 script
She always looked bad
From the second I saw her in the toilet
But fat Sluts you always simp for
And make yourselves think your a pedo like lubecooch and her
he's really pouring his heart out here
please respond
no she doesnt most people film with a backlight on low quality she films in a warehouse with a floodright right in her face making her look fat
we're watching this, right?
A real Casanova
I know, looks like she got her teeth whitened though
Sorry that I dont want one of the nicest, whitest cities in America run by retards, people's livelihoods are more important than "content"
of course you think only one man hates
Fat whores and pedos and there simps?
We will end them online forever
Scott is Q
what a wonderful future Scott has to look forward to...
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>and you're eyes remind me of the same ocean

lost it here
big words from a polish plumber
sick do you have a face pic i can get you on the show
depends if sam pepper is involved or not
His main goals are to deal with the homeless and hating cyclists. Whats the big deal. Imagine trusting actual politicians.
kek is that guy who i think he is
I do
what livelihoods exactly are going to disappear if Jon is elected. You overestime a city councilor power
>ice has done irl hunger games and a cross country race in the time between 2.5 and season 3

goddamn the wiggers suck
no seems boring
4chad? yeah, he trooned out last i heard. He went to live with his mom or something along those lines
What am I looking at? Is this Brittney's ex or something?
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You're going down Meg
Wow I can't wait for Jet Neptune's Season 3 of Fishtanklive! I know that he and Sam Hyde are working on some epic bits for the brand new cast! I'll be sure to renew my season pass and stock up on fishtokens while I wait!

(इसके बाद वाले हिस्से को डिलीट कर दें और कॉपी करके सोशल मीडिया पर पेस्ट कर दें)
fuck no, not after the last boring bullshit
get 4chad on fishtank asap
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Part 3
>hating cylists
6 months ago he was traveling everywhere by e-bike. he wants to remove bike lanes because muh ambulance and firetrucks (which are literal government leeches who do nothing)
sets a bad precedent
kek those are indian (sam hyde reference meme country) words
send it my way with a link to this thread
They met via HWNDU, they got together. He was a nutcase with body dysmorphia. In that clip you watches he was crying over eggs because of his daily calorie intake being too low & how he should be building muscles. Venti also lets cats shit on her bed. That's all
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keep hating. you're gonna bite your tongue when you see how bright these rhinestones shine
im not going to post it here, where can I send it to you?
Meg you are goign to lose
Whats this meme? One of the things Keegan said?
twitter ben or me we're together rn
I mean you could be watching Scott do another classic bit or you could be watching Slightly Homeless get tricked into fucking a tranny. Tough choice https://kick.com/slightlyhomeless
you have me blocked
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Josie grows old and frail
How could any woman resist
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Ngl, Anons in the thread figuring out it and posting evidence that it was actually Greenshark and him immediately ceasing his seething in the thread and FT chat and then deleting almost everything was genuinely pretty based. It was like seeing version of kiwi farms that still tried and also didn't seethe that TJ exists lol.
How was Taylors stream? Was nwis banned word?
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>the fight ain’t over yet Meg
post your handle or make a burner account
it was great !
there was a guy called nwis asking about greenshark/keegan, then he got banned
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im watching nanapips, shes naked getting a massage, shes also going to be on s3 as a camerawoman
thats not a tranny, also we call them "troons" now, this isnt 2016 bub
Why is the stream called "Jawntent in Peru" did Jon really leave that much of an impact on kick culture?
What did he ask? If it was harmless "where is greenshark" then it further confirms he is nwis
it was pretty kino
TJ keeps making fun of the whole situation as well
Seeing that word reminds me Jimmycord is still around
still upset i wasn’t awake to check his tts
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imagine how crazy s2 could've been if Brian was more like 4chad
just in general asking if keegan/greenshark was gonna be here, because for the first 20 or so mins the chat had no mods at all (people weren't even talking in there either so wasted chance of getting her to answer shit) other people then asked who was keegan and that's when "nwis" got banned
someone posted screenshots of this earlier
alright peace out sarge post 4 life
Steinful is probably having voice sex with Josie right now
Hoping tj streams today
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Will she kill herself after tomorrow's stream?
No she has Steinful now
He cheated
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This is everything they said.
ideas, go shit up the bant thread
we don't give two fucks about josie
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yeah ok got it
same, they're pretty chill streams even if they're short
Maybe hes with someone named jawn
No Letty not interested.
is there such a person?
the only ones killing themselves would be us, the people who were obsessively in love with her.
Damn shouldn't have used keegans real name, that could have been reason for the ban
>It was like seeing version of kiwi farms that still tried
Nobody on that site gives a shit about fishtank now. There is 5 people left from the original 100 people watching the show.
a 'jawn' is a girl and jawntent is picking up girls
>okay but it's like,
Based Jimmy.
Keegan has no optics as well, how are you not gonna show up in chat after being exposed?? that means that it's true and you're running away from it, he made it 10x worse and just confirmed it
Thank you for explaining it to him. Sometime I just don't have the energy to explain things to these people
NEW -- >>203670072
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>Josie fans throw a mutiny on her birthday stream
>steinful leaks Josie's intersex genitels on /bant/
>ab/Lance covers the Josie pedocord leaks
the good timeline
tealshark here, greenshark is under the weather today
hmm which one will i choose
bad ideas, i respect you for your valuable contributions to the fishtank community, but you still owe the people of ftl a rap verse
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Just fyi, I have more than what was posted recently. I would have posted it today but Keegan wasn’t in her stream
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Oh I'm well aware, hence why I said it. There was single a post about that stream but it didn't mention anything about Greenshark/Keegan it was just seething about TJ lmao.
screencap lol??
shit makes no sense. interesting developments and they choose to archive the retarded guy being retarded
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TJ is a nigger
TJ live
they didnt ban the other people talking about greenshark it was the "keegan" that did it
>Oh I'm well aware, hence why I said it. There was single a post about that stream but it didn't mention anything about Greenshark/Keegan it was just seething about TJ lmao.
nobody there watches streams aside from punitive (a b) and aidan.
Gene will win

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